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Anterior coracoscapular ligament and suprascapular nerve entrapment   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A reduction in the height of the suprascapular foramen may predispose to entrapment of the suprascapular nerve. In this study, 16 of 27 cadavers (60%) demonstrated a heretofore unreported ligament located on the anterior aspect of the suprascapular foramen. In 11 of the 27 cadavers (41%), the ligament was observed bilaterally. The ligament decreased the foraminal height from the normative value of 5.6 +/- 0.4 to 2.3 +/- 0.4 mm (mean +/- SEM). Because this ligament, for which we propose the term anterior coracoscapular ligament (ACSL), substantially narrows the suprascapular foramen, it should be considered as a possible etiologic factor in suprascapular nerve entrapment.  相似文献   

目的:探讨肩胛上神经卡压综合征电生理诊断方法。方法:对10例肩胛上神经卡压综合征的病人应用肌电图(EMG)观察自发电位,检测肩胛上神经支配肌冈上肌、冈下肌;腋神经支配肌三角肌;肩胛背神经支配肌提肩胛肌的复合肌肉动作电位(CMAP),观察指标为潜伏期、波幅的变化。结果:10例病人冈上肌均见自发电位,募集反应减弱,CMAP潜伏期延长,波幅降低,且波形离散。结论:电生理是诊断和鉴别诊断肩胛上神经卡压综合征的重要辅助手段。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肩胛上神经卡压症的解剖学机制,为临床诊断和治疗提供解剖学依据。 方法 22具(男13具,女9具)44侧成尸标本,解剖观测肩胛上切迹,冈盂切迹的形态特点以及肩胛上神经走行、分支及分布的解剖学特点,所测数据统计学处理。 结果 肩胛上切迹类型:U型占40.91%(18侧),浅U型占22.73%(10侧),大弧型占27.27%(12侧),方形占9.01%(4侧)四种。肩胛上切迹的厚度为(1.55±0.36)mm。肩胛上神经主干与冈上肌支所成角为(86.04±1.28)°。冈下肌支的入肌点,有22.73%在该肌的起点处,77.27%在中或外1/3处。冈盂切迹的厚度在(6.82±1.21)mm 。肩胛上神经自肩胛上孔穿出点至肩胛冈基底部的高度为(11.13±0.21)mm;至冈盂切迹的水平距离为(14.03±0.64)mm 。肩胛上神经转折角为(49.65±1.63)°。 结论 肩胛上切迹的类型、肩胛上切迹和冈盂切迹的厚度,肩胛上神经转折角的大小、神经主干与冈上肌支的角度以及冈下肌支的入肌点等均是肩胛上神经卡压的危险因素。  相似文献   

小针刀治疗肩胛上神经嵌压症的应用解剖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的为小针刀减压治疗肩胛上神经嵌压症提供形态学基础.方法在34侧常规固定的成人尸体标本上解剖出冈上孔、冈下孔和肩胛上神经及血管,观察冈上孔、冈下孔及其与肩胛上神经、血管的走行位置关系,测量有关数据.结果冈上孔位于锁骨锥状结节的后端深面,由肩胛切迹和横架于其上方的肩胛上横韧带围成,距体表(4.75±0.79)cm.冈下孔位于肩胛冈中外1/3交界处下方2cm处的深面,由冈盂切迹和连于肩峰根部及肩胛骨背面的肩胛下横韧带围成,距体表(3.93±0.95)cm.肩胛上神经起自臂丛上干,行向后外下,穿冈上孔人冈下窝,再向后穿冈下孔入冈下窝,沿途发支至冈上肌、冈下肌和肩关节.肩胛上血管经肩胛上横韧带的外上方入冈上窝与神经伴行.结论本文提出同时扩大或开放两孔进行治疗的新思路,提供的有关数据和定位方法,可提高小针刀治疗肩胛上神经嵌压症的准确性和安全性.  相似文献   

目的观测肩胛上横韧带,肩胛上动脉、肩胛上神经及其冈上肌支,为针刀治疗肩胛上神经卡压提供解剖学依据。方法解剖观测肩胛上横韧带的长度、宽度和厚度;观察肩胛上动脉和肩胛上神经以及它们的冈上肌支与肩胛上横韧带的位置关系,测量它们在肩胛切迹处的直径;以韧带内侧附着处下点的骨面为基点,确定体表穿刺点和穿刺深度。结果肩胛上横韧带下缘长(0.901±0.234)cm,韧带中间窄厚,内、外侧附着点宽薄;肩胛上神经走行于肩胛切迹内,肩胛上横韧带的下方;肩胛上动脉有16.67%走行于切迹内神经的外侧,83.33%走行在切迹外韧带外上方;肩胛上神经的冈上肌支经肩胛切迹内上角走行入冈上肌;体表穿刺定位角为(24.102±3.681)°。穿刺定位距离计算的回归方程是:Y=2.560+0.615X,穿刺深度为(4.342±0.629)cm。结论针刀切断韧带的方向应从韧带内侧部下缘切向内上,可避免损伤韧带下方的肩胛上神经和韧带外上的肩胛上动脉,且可更有效地解除对肩胛上神经及其冈上肌支的卡压;直线回归方程使穿刺的体表定位因人而异,更为准确。  相似文献   



The entrapment of the suprascapular nerve (SSN) is commonly considered at the level of the suprascapular notch and more rarely in the spinoglenoid notch. Recent per-operative findings showed a compression of the SSN along its course in the supraspinatus fossa. The removal of a fascia for releasing the nerve between the suprascapular notch and spinoglenoid notch led us to purchase an anatomical study.  相似文献   

目的:探讨肩胛上神经损伤的解剖学原因。方法:观察人肩胛切迹的形态,肩胛上神经和肌肉的关系,同时测量肩胛上神经在肩胛下孔处的转折角、肩胛上、下孔的横径、肩胛上、下横韧带的长度。结果:肩胛切迹U型58.82%,弧形17.65%,V型19.12%,半封闭型2.94%,全封闭型1.47%;肩胛上神经经过肩胛上孔进入冈上窝,之后经冈盂切迹进入冈下窝,此处有1个51.18°±6.93°的转折角,即肩胛上神经转折角;肩胛上孔由肩胛切迹和肩胛上横韧带围成,肩胛上孔横径(7.81±3.29)mm,韧带长(12.23±4.89)mm;肩胛下孔是由冈盂切迹和外侧的肩胛下横韧带(冈盂韧带)围成,其横径(8.79±3.96)mm,韧带长(21.26±5.45)mm。同时肩胛上神经主干主要在肌肉和肩胛骨面之间。结论:肩胛上神经自身走行的路径是其损伤的基础,肩关节反复活动对神经的牵拉是损伤的直接原因。  相似文献   

The anatomy of the suprascapular nerve is important to surgeons when focal nerve lesions necessitate surgical repair. Recent experience with a patient who had a complete suprascapular nerve lesion in the retroclavicular region (combined with axillary and musculocutaneous nerve lesions) is presented to illustrate that successful direct nerve repair is possible despite resection of a neuroma. Specifically, we found that neurolysis and mobilization of the suprascapular nerve and release of the superior transverse scapular ligament provided the necessary nerve length to achieve direct nerve repair after the neuroma was removed. A combined supraclavicular and infraclavicular approach to the suprascapular nerve provided excellent visualization, especially in the retroclavicular region. Postoperatively, the patient recovered complete shoulder abduction and external rotation with the direct repair, an outcome uncommonly achieved with interpositional grafting. Based on our operative experience, we set out to quantify the length that the suprascapular nerve could be mobilized with neurolysis. Mobilization of the nerve and release of the superior transverse scapular ligament generated an average of 1.6 cm and 0.7 cm of extra nerve length respectively, totaling 2.3 cm of additional usable nerve length overall. The ability to expose the suprascapular nerve in the retroclavicular/infraclavicular region and to mobilize the suprascapular nerve for possible direct repair has not been previously emphasized and is clinically important. This surgical approach and technique permits direct nerve repair after resection of a focal neuroma in the retroclavicular or infraclavicular region, thus avoiding interpositional grafting, and improving outcomes.  相似文献   

Suprascapular nerve entrapment caused by the superior transverse scapular ligament (STSL) causes pain, and limitation of motion in the shoulder. To relieve these symptoms, suprascapular nerve decompression is performed through the resection of STSL. To describe and classify the topographic anatomy of the suprascapular notch, 103 cadaveric shoulders were dissected. The mean length and width of STSLs were 11.2 and 3.4 mm, respectively. The bony bridges replacing STSL in four shoulders were 8.2 mm long and 3.5 mm wide on average. The suprascapular nerve always ran through the notch under the STSL. All shoulders had a single suprascapular artery, while multiple suprascapular veins appeared in 21.3%. The arrangement of the suprascapular vessels was classified into three types: in Type I (59.4%), all suprascapular vessels ran over the STSL; in Type II (29.7%), the vessels ran over and under the STSL simultaneously; in Type III (10.9%), all vessels ran under the STSL. In 48.9% of cadavers, these types were bilaterally matched. The omohyoid muscle originated distantly from the STSL in 38.0%, was adjacent to it in 44.0%, and was partially over the STSL in 18.0%. The number of suprascapular vessels running under the STSL was positively correlated with the size of the STSL and the middle diameter of the suprascapular notch. Age was inversely correlated with the length of STSL. The STSL was wider in males than in females. This study provides details of the structural variations in the region of the suprascapular notch.  相似文献   

目的探讨肩胛上神经致肩部疼痛的治疗效果。方法回顾性分析18例肩部疼痛病人的临床资料。13例患者在冈上窝中部有深部压痛,在肩胛骨背面一定的区域内有痛觉改变,疑为肩胛上神经有皮肤分支于此。全部病例均用强的松龙加局部麻药注射至冈上窝肩胛上切迹处的方法治疗。结果治疗1周后痊愈15例。1周、2周和2年后复发各1例,经再次封闭痊愈。结论强的松龙加局部麻药封闭治疗疑似肩胛上神经皮支致肩痛患者的疗效肯定。  相似文献   

肩胛上神经卡压综合征的基础和诊断治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨肩胛上神经卡压征的诊断依据和治疗方法,提高对该病的诊治水平。方法:对收治的12例肩胛上神经卡压的临床症状、体征、影像学资料及诊疗方法进行回顾性分析。结果:保守治疗6例中4例有效,有效率66.67%。手术治疗8例,随访2-3年,症状完全消失,肌力较术前恢复至Ⅳ-Ⅴ级,未发现有复发者,但肌肉萎缩无明显改善。结论:本征早期用保守疗法可使部分患者治愈,如治疗2个月无效或出现明显肌肉萎缩者,应积极手术治疗。  相似文献   

Shoulder pain is a common symptom, resulting not only from bone and shoulder joint diseases, but also from neurogenic lesions. Entrapment neuropathy of the suprascapular nerve also causes shoulder symptoms. Conduction of the suprascapular nerve was studied in 12 healthy control subjects and 25 patients suffering from shoulder pain and/or dysfunction. Surface stimulation was performed at Erb's point, and compound muscle action potentials(M waves) were recorded from the supraspinatus and the infraspinatus muscles with concentric needle electrodes. To determine the optimal site for recording M waves from the infraspinatus muscle, simultaneous multi-channel recordings of M waves using pairs of surface electrodes were obtained from different sites over the infraspinatus muscle. In two patients, latency of the M waves to the infraspinatus muscle was prolonged, whereas that to the supraspinatus muscle was normal. These findings indicate entrapment neuropathy at the spinoglenoid notch. In three patients, the latency to the infraspinatus and supraspinatus muscles was prolonged. These findings are compatible with entrapment neuropathy at the suprascapular notch. The latency to the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles was prolonged in patients with brachial plexus injury and in those with suprascapular nerve injury. In patients with myopathy, those with neuralgic amyotrophy and those with cervical radiculopathy, the latency was normal. Thus, conduction studies of the suprascapular nerve using multiple-channel recordings are useful, especially for the diagnosis of entrapment neuropathy of the suprascapular nerve.  相似文献   

本文在40侧成人下肢标本上观察了隐神经及其髌下支穿Hunter’s管前壁的形式及位置,并以腹股沟韬带中点至股骨内上髁最突出点的连线为标准,测量了缝匠肌前缘距该线以及隐神经穿出点距连线远端的距离。为探讨隐神经卡压症的病因、症状及选用的治方方法提供了应用解剖学基础。  相似文献   

The suprascapular nerve branches provide efferent innervation to the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles as well as sensory innervation to the shoulder joint. This study was carried out to verify the spinal root origins and innervations of the suprascapular nerve. Fifty samples of the suprascapular nerve taken from 37 adult Korean cadavers were used in this study. The suprascapular nerve was found to comprise the ventral rami of the C5 and C6 in 76.0% of the fifty samples; C4, C5, and C6 nerves in 18.0%; and C5 nerve in only 6.0%. The C5 nerve was consistently shown to be the largest in mean diameter and was found to be a major contributor of nerve fibers leading to the suprascapular nerve. This study shows that the main spinal component of the suprascapular nerve is C5 nerve. In most cases, the rate of the involvement of the C4 and C6 nerves (18.0 and 94.0%, respectively) with the suprascapular nerve was less than that of C5 nerve. C4 and C5 nerves were shown to contribute nerve fibers to the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles and to both shoulder joints, whereas C6 nerve displayed variable patterns of innervation.  相似文献   

Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome is a frequent cause of intermittent claudication in young patients. We present a case of a bilateral functional entrapment, where static imaging did not demonstrate the occlusion until the patient's feet were placed in forced plantar flexion. A high index of clinical suspicion and dynamic tests with provocative manoeuvres are needed to diagnose this condition.  相似文献   

Summary The surgical anatomy of interest in the pronator teres syndrome was studied to shed light on the ramifying pattern of the median nerve, the number of its muscular branches and their branching levels and to pinpoint the location of the fibrous bands which may cause median nerve entrapment. The fibrous arch of the pronator teres muscle (pronator arch) was found to lie 3 cm to 7.5 cm below Hueter's line, that of the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle (superficialis arch), which is distal to the pronator arch, was found to lie 6.5 cm below Hueter's line in its most proximal position. Symptom patterns in terms of muscle weakness caused by median nerve entrapment at different levels were also evaluated.
Compression du nerf médian. Syndrome du rond pronateur. Anatomie chirurgicale et corrélation aux tableaux cliniques
Résumé L'anatomie chirurgicale relative au syndrome du rond pronateur a été étudiée pour éclairer les modalités de ramification du n. médian, le nombre de ses branches musculaires et leur niveau d'origine, et pour préciser la situation des arcades fibreuses qui peuvent comprimer le n. médian. L'arcade fibreuse du m. rond pronateur a été trouvé'e à 3 à 7,5 cm au-dessous de la ligne de Hueter, celle du m. fléchisseur superficiel des doigts, qui est distale par rapport à celle du m. rond pronateur, a été retrouvée à 6,5 cm au-dessous de la ligne de Hueter dans sa position la plus proximale. Les tableaux cliniques de déficit musculaire causés par la compression du n. médian à divers niveaux sont également analysés.

The posterior trunk of the mandibular nerve (V3) comprises of three main branches. Various anatomic structures may entrap and potentially compress the mandibular nerve branches. A usual position of mandibular nerve (MN) compression is the infratemporal fossa (ITF) which is one of the most difficult regions of the skull base to access surgically. The anatomical positions of compression are: the incomplete or complete ossified pterygospinous (LPs) or pterygoalar (LPa) ligament, the large lamina of the lateral plate of the pterygoid process and the medial fibres of the lower belly of the lateral pterygoid (LPt). A contraction of the LPt, due to the connection between nerve and anatomic structures (soft and hard tissues), might lead to MN compression. Any variations of the course of the MN branches can be of practical significance to surgeons and neurologists who are dealing with this region, because of possibly significant complications. The entrapment of the MN motor branches can lead to paresis or weakness in the innervated muscle. Compression of the sensory branches can provoke neuralgia or paraesthesia. Lingual nerve (LN) compression causes numbness, hypoesthesia or even anaesthesia of the mucous of the tongue, anaesthesia and loss of taste in the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, anaesthesia of the lingual gums, as well as pain related to speech articulation disorders. Dentists should be very suspicious of possible signs of neurovascular compression in the region of the ITF.  相似文献   

Compression of the femoral nerve in the iliac fossa has been reported as a consequence of several pathologies, but never as a result of muscular compression. Aberrant slips of iliacus, however, have occasionally been reported to cover or split the femoral nerve. This study aimed to assess such variations as potential factors in femoral nerve compression. A large and homogeneous sample of 121 embalmed cadavers (242 specimens) was studied. Statistical comparisons were made using the chi-squared test. Muscular slips from iliacus and psoas, piercing or covering the femoral nerve, were found in 19 specimens (7.9%). No significant differences by sex or side were found. The more frequent variation was piercing of the femoral nerve by a muscular slip (17 specimens, 7.0%). The nerve then entered the thigh as one or more branches. The less frequent variation found was a muscular slip or sheet covering the femoral nerve as it lay on iliacus (2 specimens, 0.8%). Each disposition may be a potential risk for nerve entrapment.  相似文献   

文题释义:Bristow-Latarjet术:是带有联合腱的喙突骨块,穿过被横断的肩胛下肌腱后,固定于肩盂前缘,是治疗复发性肩关节前脱位的有效方法。神经损伤是该术式常见并发症。肩胛上神经:在肩胛盂上方穿过肩胛上横韧带与肩胛切迹组成的纤维骨性通道即肩胛上孔,进入冈上窝。肩胛上神经的冈上窝段紧贴着冈上肌深面向外下走行,穿过肩胛下孔(由冈盂切迹和连于肩峰根部及肩胛骨背面的肩胛下韧带构成)并绕着冈盂切迹向内下而到冈下窝,发出分支支配冈下肌。背景:Bristow-Latarjet术是治疗复发性肩关节前脱位的可靠方法。然而据报道,其中1.6%的患者伴有神经损伤。因此全关节镜Latarjet术式越来越受欢迎,由于外科医生不能触诊神经,神经的定位和保护变得困难。目的:研究肩胛上神经在肩胛颈后上方的CT定位,提高对Bristow-Latarjet术临床操作安全范围的认知。方法:选用经甲醛常规固定的成年尸体上肢标本12侧,男8侧,女4侧,实验方案符合东莞市中医院对研究的相关伦理要求。解剖并使用显影线标记12侧标本肩胛上神经的主干和分支,CT水平位上测量肩胛上孔、冈盂切迹、最外侧神经分支入肌点3个位置在肩关节内旋45°和外旋45°体位时到肩胛盂前后缘连线的距离、成角以及与肩胛盂的高度比,所得数据进行统计学处理。结果与结论:①Pearson 相关性分析:盂的高度分别与冈盂切迹、入肌点到关节面的距离呈正相关;②内旋45°与外旋45°两个体位比较:肩胛上孔处的距离和成角度数差异无显著性(P均> 0.05);冈盂切迹处的距离和成角差异有显著性意义(P均< 0.01),高度比差异无显著性意义(P > 0.05);入肌点处的距离、成角和高度比差异均有显著性意义(P均< 0.01),表明与内旋位相比,外旋位具有更大的角度和距离的安全范围;③内外旋45°位时,冈盂切迹处与入肌点处的角度、距离、高度比差异均有显著性意义(P均< 0.01),表明相比冈盂切迹,入肌点与关节面的角度更小、距离更短,相对盂的高度比更大;④提示关节镜下Bristow-Laterjet术打内固定骨道时建议外旋位操作,以减少神经损伤的发生概率。ORCID: 0000-0002-6828-042X(袁胜超)中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:人工关节;骨植入物;脊柱;骨折;内固定;数字化骨科;组织工程  相似文献   

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