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Balanced steady-state free precession (SSFP) techniques provide excellent contrast between myocardium and blood at a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Hence, SSFP imaging has become the method of choice for assessing cardiac function at 1.5T. The expected improvement in SNR at higher field strength prompted us to implement SSFP at 3.0T. In this work, an optimized sequence protocol for cardiac SSFP imaging at 3.0T is derived, taking into account several partly adverse effects at higher field, such as increased field inhomogeneities, longer T(1), and power deposition limitations. SSFP contrast is established by optimizing the maximum amplitude of the radiofrequency (RF) field strength for shortest TR, as well as by localized linear or second-order shimming and local optimization of the resonance frequency. Given the increased SNR, sensitivity encoding (SENSE) can be employed to shorten breath-hold times. Short-axis, long-axis, and four-chamber cine views obtained in healthy adult subjects are presented, and three different types of artifacts are discussed along with potential methods for reducing them.  相似文献   

Echo planar imaging at 4 Tesla with minimum acoustic noise   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
PURPOSE: To minimize the acoustic sound pressure levels of single-shot echo planar imaging (EPI) acquisitions on high magnetic field MRI scanners. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The resonance frequencies of gradient coil vibrations, which depend on the coil length and the elastic properties of the materials in the coil assembly, were measured using piezoelectric transducers. The frequency of the EPI-readout train was adjusted to avoid the frequency ranges of mechanical resonances. RESULTS: Our MRI system exhibited two sharp mechanical resonances (at 720 and 1220 Hz) that can increase vibrational amplitudes up to six-fold. A small adjustment of the EPI-readout frequency made it possible to reduce the sound pressure level of EPI-based perfusion and functional MRI scans by 12 dB. CONCLUSION: Normal vibrational modes of MRI gradient coils can dramatically increase the sound pressure levels during echo planar imaging (EPI) scans. To minimize acoustic noise, the frequency of EPI-readout trains and the resonance frequencies of gradient coil vibrations need to be different.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To quantify changes in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), specific absorption rate (SAR), RF power deposition, and imaging time in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging with and without the application of parallel imaging at 1.5 T and 3.0 T. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Phantom and volunteer data were acquired at 1.5 T and 3.0 T with and without parallel imaging. RESULTS: Doubling field strength increased phantom SNR by a factor of 1.83. In volunteer data, SNR and CNR values increased by factors of 1.86 and 1.35, respectively. Parallel imaging (reduction factor = 2) decreased phantom SNR by a factor of 1.84 and 2.07 when compared to the full acquisition at 1.5 T and 3.0 T, respectively. In volunteers, SNR and CNR decreased by factors of 2.65 and 2.05 at 1.5 T and 1.99 and 1.75 at 3.0 T, respectively. Doubling the field strength produces a nine-fold increase in SAR (0.0751 to 0.674 W/kg). Parallel imaging reduced the total RF power deposition by a factor of two at both field strengths. CONCLUSIONS: Parallel imaging decreases total scan time at the expense of SNR and CNR. These losses are compensated at higher field strengths. Parallel imaging is effective at reducing total power deposition by reducing total scan time.  相似文献   

Whole-brain echo-planar spectroscopic imaging (EPSI) often substantially lengthens MRI/MRSI (magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging) protocols. To halve acquisition time, application of a blipped phase-encoding (PE) gradient during the EPSI readout (RO) was previously suggested by PE of the even RO echoes in k-space at an interstitial location along k(PE), separated from the odd RO echoes, effectively reducing the number of PEs by a factor of 2. However, the approach is very susceptible to phase inconsistencies between even and odd RO echoes in the presence of B(0) inhomogeneities and gradient imbalance, leading to ghosting in the PE direction. In this work, the blipped PE gradient is placed in between pairs of even/odd RO gradient lobes to avoid these problems. This approach is demonstrated in a phantom and in normal human brain in vivo at 4T. While the proposed method allows substantial reduction in metabolite ghosting, it may be limited by the presence of a relatively large spurious signal at the Nyquist frequency.  相似文献   

目的 7T心血管MR(CMR)检查由于空间和时间分辨力的提高而得以被关注,但该方法在技术上具有挑战性。我们评估了7TMRI心腔定量测量的可行性。方法获取9例  相似文献   

Parallel imaging techniques using arrays of mutually decoupled coils have become standard on almost all clinical imaging systems. Such techniques also have great potential for high-field magnetic resonance (MR) microscopy, where measurement times are usually long and susceptibility artifacts can be severe. However, it is technically very challenging to design efficient high-frequency phased arrays for small-diameter, vertical-bore magnets, especially since standard decoupling methods, such as impedance mismatched preamplifiers, cannot be easily integrated. A four-coil phased array was constructed for microimaging at 600 MHz, and sensitivity encoding (SENSE) and generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisitions (GRAPPA) reconstructions of spin-echo and echo-planar images of the mouse brain were performed to reduce imaging time and susceptibility artifacts, respectively.  相似文献   

A method for measuring brain gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) levels is presented that combines 2D J-resolved magnetic resonance spectroscopy (J-MRS) techniques with chemical-shift imaging (2D-JMRSI) at 4 Tesla (T). The results of phantom and in vivo experiments agree well in demonstrating that the (2)CH(2) GABA resonance situated at 2.97 ppm can be resolved from the neighboring creatine (Cr) resonance at 3.03 ppm and quantified. Single-voxel, J-resolved standard and metabolite-nulled in vivo experiments on six healthy subjects reveal a broad component from the underlying macromolecules (MM) that resonates at and around 3.00 ppm, which is estimated to contribute approximately 15% to the J-resolved GABA resonance in this large voxel at a repetition time (TR) of 4.5 s. With our 2D-JMSRI at 1.25 s TR, the macromolecule resonance contribution to our GABA measurements is approximated to be 12%. Six healthy human subjects underwent scanning at 4T with this sequence, yielding a global brain GABA concentration of 0.76 +/- 0.20 mM after correction for 12% macromolecule contribution.  相似文献   

Complete coverage of the in vivo proton metabolite spectrum, including downfield resonances, requires a spectral bandwidth of approximately 9 ppm. Spectral bandwidth of in vivo echo-planar spectroscopic imaging (EPSI) is primarily limited by gradient strength of the oscillating readout gradient, gradient slew rate, and limits on peripheral nerve stimulation for human subjects. Furthermore, conventional EPSI reconstruction, which utilizes even and odd readout echoes separately, makes use of only half the spectral bandwidth. In order to regain full spectral bandwidth in EPSI, it has previously been suggested to apply an interlaced Fourier transform (iFT), which uses even and odd echoes simultaneously. However, this method has not been thoroughly analyzed regarding its usefulness for in vivo 3D EPSI. In this Note, limitations of the iFT method are discussed and an alternative, cyclic spectral unwrapping, is proposed, which is based on prior knowledge of typical in vivo spectral patterns.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We sought to assess the feasibility of cardiac cine imaging and evaluate image quality at 3 T using a body-array coil with 32 coil elements. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eight healthy volunteers (3 men; median age 29 years) were examined on a 3-T magnetic resonance scanner (Magnetom Trio, Siemens Medical Solutions) using a 32-element phased-array coil (prototype from In vivo Corp.). Gradient-recalled-echo (GRE) cine (GRAPPAx3), GRE cine with tagging lines, steady-state-free-precession (SSFP) cine (GRAPPAx3 and x4), and SSFP cine(TSENSEx4 andx6) images were acquired in short-axis and 4-chamber view. Reference images with identical scan parameters were acquired using the total-imaging-matrix (Tim) coil system with a total of 12 coil elements. Images were assessed by 2 observers in a consensus reading with regard to image quality, noise and presence of artifacts. Furthermore, signal-to-noise values were determined in phantom measurements. RESULTS: In phantom measurements signal-to-noise values were increased by 115-155% for the various cine sequences using the 32-element coil. Scoring of image quality yielded statistically significant increased image quality with the SSFP-GRAPPAx4, SSFP-TSENSEx4, and SSFP-TSENSEx6 sequence using the 32-element coil (P < 0.05). Similarly, scoring of image noise yielded a statistically significant lower noise rating with the SSFP-GRAPPAx4, GRE-GRAPPAx3, SSFP-TSENSEx4, and SSFP-TSENSEx6 sequence using the 32-element coil (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: This study shows that cardiac cine imaging at 3 T using a 32-element body-array coil is feasible in healthy volunteers. Using a large number of coil elements with a favorable sensitivity profile supports faster image acquisition, with high diagnostic image quality even for high parallel imaging factors.  相似文献   

Fast CT-PRESS-based spiral chemical shift imaging at 3 Tesla.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new sequence is presented that combines constant-time point-resolved spectroscopy (CT-PRESS) with fast spiral chemical shift imaging. It allows the acquisition of multivoxel spectra without line splitting with a minimum total measurement time of less than 5 min for a field of view of 24 cm and a nominal 1.5x1.5-cm2 in-plane resolution. Measurements were performed with 17 CS encoding steps in t1 (Deltat1=12.8 ms) and an average echo time of 151 ms, which was determined by simulating the CT-PRESS experiment for the spin systems of glutamate (Glu) and myo-inositol (mI). Signals from N-acetyl-aspartate, total creatine, choline-containing compounds (Cho), Glu, and mI were detected in a healthy volunteer with no or only minor baseline distortions within 14 min on a 3 T MR scanner.  相似文献   

In this multicenter study, 2D spatial mapping of J-coupled resonances at 3T and 4T was performed using short-TE (15 ms) proton echo-planar spectroscopic imaging (PEPSI). Water-suppressed (WS) data were acquired in 8.5 min with 1-cm(3) spatial resolution from a supraventricular axial slice. Optimized outer volume suppression (OVS) enabled mapping in close proximity to peripheral scalp regions. Constrained spectral fitting in reference to a non-WS (NWS) scan was performed with LCModel using correction for relaxation attenuation and partial-volume effects. The concentrations of total choline (tCho), creatine + phosphocreatine (Cr+PCr), glutamate (Glu), glutamate + glutamine (Glu+Gln), myo-inositol (Ins), NAA, NAA+NAAG, and two macromolecular resonances at 0.9 and 2.0 ppm were mapped with mean Cramer-Rao lower bounds (CRLBs) between 6% and 18% and approximately 150-cm(3) sensitive volumes. Aspartate, GABA, glutamine (Gln), glutathione (GSH), phosphoethanolamine (PE), and macromolecules (MMs) at 1.2 ppm were also mapped, although with larger mean CRLBs between 30% and 44%. The CRLBs at 4T were 19% lower on average as compared to 3T, consistent with a higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and increased spectral resolution. Metabolite concentrations were in the ranges reported in previous studies. Glu concentration was significantly higher in gray matter (GM) compared to white matter (WM), as anticipated. The short acquisition time makes this methodology suitable for clinical studies.  相似文献   



To compare ultra-high field, high-resolution bilateral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the hips at 7 Tesla (T) with 3 T MRI in patients with avascular necrosis (AVN) of the femoral head by subjective image evaluations, contrast measurements, and evaluation of the appearance of imaging abnormalities.

Materials and Methods

Thirteen subjects with avascular necrosis treated using advanced core decompression underwent MRI at both 7 T and 3 T. Sequence parameters as well as resolution were kept identical for both field strengths. All MR images (MEDIC, DESS, PD/T2w TSE, T1w TSE, and STIR) were evaluated by two radiologists with regard to subjective image quality, soft tissue contrasts, B1 homogeneity (four-point scale, higher values indicating better image quality) and depiction of imaging abnormalities of the femoral heads (three-point scale, higher values indicating the superiority of 7 T). Contrast ratios of soft tissues were calculated and compared with subjective data.


7-T imaging of the femoral joints, as well as 3-T imaging, achieved “good” to “very good” quality in all sequences. 7 T showed significantly higher soft tissue contrasts for T2w and MEDIC compared with 3 T (cartilage/fluid: 2.9 vs 2.2 and 3.6 vs 2.6), better detailed resolution for cartilage defects (PDw, T2w, T1w, MEDIC, DESS?>?2.5) and better visibility of joint effusions (MEDIC 2.6; PDw/T2w 2.4; DESS 2.2). Image homogeneity compared with 3 T (3.9–4.0 for all sequences) was degraded, especially in TSE sequences at 7 T through signal variations (7 T: 2.1–2.9); to a lesser extent also GRE sequences (7 T: 2.9–3.5). Imaging findings related to untreated or treated AVN were better delineated at 3 T (≤1.8), while joint effusions (2.2–2.6) and cartilage defects (2.5–3.0) were better visualized at 7 T. STIR performed much more poorly at 7 T, generating large contrast variations (1.5).


7-T hip MRI showed comparable results in hip joint imaging compared with 3 T with slight advantages in contrast detail (cartilage defects) and fluid detection at 7 T when accepting image degradation medially.  相似文献   



To investigate the feasibility of 7T MR imaging of the kidneys utilising a custom-built 8-channel transmit/receive radiofrequency body coil.


In vivo unenhanced MR was performed in 8 healthy volunteers on a 7T whole-body MR system. After B0 shimming the following sequences were obtained: 1) 2D and 3D spoiled gradient-echo sequences (FLASH, VIBE), 2) T1-weighted 2D in and opposed phase 3) True-FISP imaging and 4) a T2-weighted turbo spin echo (TSE) sequence. Visual evaluation of the overall image quality was performed by two radiologists.


Renal MRI at 7T was feasible in all eight subjects. Best image quality was found using T1-weighted gradient echo MRI, providing high anatomical details and excellent conspicuity of the non-enhanced vasculature. With successful shimming, B1 signal voids could be effectively reduced and/or shifted out of the region of interest in most sequence types. However, T2-weighted TSE imaging remained challenging and strongly impaired because of signal heterogeneities in three volunteers.


The results demonstrate the feasibility and diagnostic potential of dedicated 7T renal imaging. Further optimisation of imaging sequences and dedicated RF coil concepts are expected to improve the acquisition quality and ultimately provide high clinical diagnostic value.  相似文献   

Chemical shift imaging (CSI) was performed on cadaveric atherosclerotic fibrous plaques, periaortic adipose tissue, and cholesterol standards using a 7.0 Tesla horizontal bore prototype imaging spectrometer. Proton spectroscopy of intact tissue and deuterated chloroform extracted samples was done at the equivalent field strength of 7.0 Tesla on a vertical bore spectrometer, including studies of temperature dependence and T2 relaxation measurements. Spectra obtained using CSI on the imaging magnet were comparable with those from the conventional vertical spectrometer. Fibrous plaques and adipose tissue had unique spectral features, differing in the ratios of their water and various fat components. Chloroform extractions revealed a typical cholesteric ester spectrum for the fibrous plaque in contrast to the triglyceride spectrum of the adipose tissue. These two tissues also had different T2 relaxation measurements of their major fat resonances, with fibrous plaques having a short T2 compared to adipose tissue (15.9 milliseconds vs. 46.2 milliseconds). Temperature dependence studies showed that spectral signal intensity of the fat resonance of the fibrous plaque increased while linewidth decreased with increasing temperature from 24 degrees C to 37 degrees C. Atherosclerotic lesions may be studied at 7.0 Tesla, and NMR parameters defined in the present study may be used for further studies at other magnetic field strengths.  相似文献   

目的探讨利用8通道传送/接收射频体部线圈获得7TMR肾脏影像的可行性。方法 8名健康志愿者采用7T全身MR系统行非增强MR检查。B0匀场后,采用以下序列:  相似文献   

Parallel imaging of knee cartilage at 3 Tesla   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PURPOSE: To evaluate the feasibility and reproducibility of quantitative cartilage imaging with parallel imaging at 3T and to determine the impact of the acceleration factor (AF) on morphological and relaxation measurements. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An eight-channel phased-array knee coil was employed for conventional and parallel imaging on a 3T scanner. The imaging protocol consisted of a T2-weighted fast spin echo (FSE), a 3D-spoiled gradient echo (SPGR), a custom 3D-SPGR T1rho, and a 3D-SPGR T2 sequence. Parallel imaging was performed with an array spatial sensitivity technique (ASSET). The left knees of six healthy volunteers were scanned with both conventional and parallel imaging (AF = 2). RESULTS: Morphological parameters and relaxation maps from parallel imaging methods (AF = 2) showed comparable results with conventional method. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of the two methods for cartilage volume, mean cartilage thickness, T1rho, and T2 were 0.999, 0.977, 0.964, and 0.969, respectively, while demonstrating excellent reproducibility. No significant measurement differences were found when AF reached 3 despite the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). CONCLUSION: The study demonstrated that parallel imaging can be applied to current knee cartilage quantification at AF = 2 without degrading measurement accuracy with good reproducibility while effectively reducing scan time. Shorter imaging times can be achieved with higher AF at the cost of SNR.  相似文献   

Patients with epilepsy often have a structural cause for their seizures and may benefit from surgical resection. As recommended in the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to screen for structural abnormalities in these patients and there is increasing evidence that 3T MRI has better sensitivity and specificity than 1.5T. This article reviews the imaging findings of many of the common diseases that can cause epilepsy.  相似文献   

Multislice, two-dimensional phosphorus 31 spectroscopic imaging (SI) of human brain was performed in 15 normal volunteers on a 3-Tesla magnetic resonance system. Images of free magnesium concentrations and pH as well as phosphoesters, inorganic phosphate, phosphocreatine, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP), were calculated from the SI data. By using the equations of Golding and Golding (Magn. Reson. Med. 1995;33: 467-474), average [Mg2+] for all brain regions studied was 0.42+/-0.05 mM, whereas average brain pH was found to be 7.07+/-0.03, with no significant regional variations. Phosphorus metabolite concentrations (relative to ATP, assumed to be 3.0 mM/kg wet weight)were 5.39+/-1.88, 1.30+/-0.39, 5.97+/-3.17, and 4.33+/-1.45 mM/kg wet weight for phosphomonoesters, inorganic phosphate, phosphodiesters, and phosphocreatine (PCr), respectively. These values are in good general agreement with those reported previously. Typical signal-to-noise ratios of 15:1 were obtained for PCr in spectra from nominal 31.5 cc voxel sizes with a 34-min scan time. Limits on spatial resolution and the likely error of the magnesium and pH values are discussed.  相似文献   

Perfusion-based MRI measures cerebral blood flow (CBF) at the capillary level and can be used for functional studies based on the tight spatial coupling between brain activity and blood flow. Obtaining functional CBF maps with high spatial resolution is a major challenge because the CBF signal is intrinsically low and the SNR is critical. In the present work, CBF-based functional imaging was performed at a considerably smaller voxel size than previously reported in humans. High-resolution CBF maps were obtained with voxel sizes as small as 0.9 x 0.9 x 1.5 mm(3) in the human brain. High sensitivity was made possible by signal-to-noise gains at the high magnetic field of 7 T and by using a novel RF combination coil design. In addition, a reduction of the field-of-view was critical to achieve 0.9-mm in-plane resolution with gradient-echo echo-planar imaging in a single shot. Functional CBF data were compared with functional BOLD data to reveal that, for CBF, large contrast- to-noise gains were obtained at high spatial resolution, indicating that the functional CBF response was more localized. High-resolution functional CBF imaging is significant for neuroscience research because it provides better localization and more specific information than BOLD for monitoring brain function.  相似文献   

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