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A prevalidation study on in vitro tests for acute skin irritation was conducted during 1999 and 2000. The overall objective of validation in this area, of which this prevalidation study is an initial stage, is to identify tests capable of discriminating irritants (I) from non-irritants (NI), as defined according to European Union (EU) risk phrases ("R38"; no classification) and the harmonised OECD criteria ("Irritant"; no label). This prevalidation study specifically addressed aspects of: protocol refinement (phase I), protocol transfer (phase II), and protocol performance (phase III), in accordance with the prevalidation scheme defined by the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM). The tests evaluated were: EpiDerm (phases I, II and III), EPISKIN (phases I, II and III), PREDISKIN (phases I and II, and additional protocol refinement), the non-perfused pig ear method (phases I and II, and additional protocol refinement), and the mouse skin integrity function test (SIFT; phases I and II). Modified, standardised test protocols and well-defined prediction models were available for each of the tests at the end of phase I. The results of phase I (intralaboratory reproducibility) were sufficiently promising for all of the tests to progress to phase II. Protocol transfer between the Lead Laboratory and Laboratory 2 was undertaken for all five tests during phase II, and additional refinements were made to the test protocols. For EpiDerm, EPISKIN and the SIFT, the intralaboratory and interlaboratory reproducibilities were acceptable; however, better standardisation of certain aspects of the test protocols was needed prior to commencing phase III. Neither PREDISKIN nor the pig ear test performed sufficiently well in phase II to progress to phase III. The PREDISKIN protocol was overly sensitive, resulting in the prediction of all the NI chemicals as I. The variability in the pig ear test results was too great, indicating that the test would show limited predictive ability. In additional studies (a repeat of phase I), further modification of the PREDISKIN protocol and a change in the prediction model considerably improved the ability of the test to distinguish I from NI chemicals. However, attempts to improve the intralaboratory reproducibility of the pig ear test were unsuccessful. In phase III an initial assessment of the reproducibility and predictive ability, in three independent laboratories per test, was undertaken for the EpiDerm and EPISKIN tests (the SIFT was a late inclusion in the prevalidation study, and is being evaluated in a separate phase III study). A set of 20 coded chemicals (10 I, 10 NI) were tested with the final, refined, test protocols. The intralaboratory reproducibility was acceptable for both EpiDerm and EPISKIN. The interlaboratory reproducibility was considered to be acceptable for EPISKIN; however, for EpiDerm, analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated that there was a statistically significant laboratory effect on the overall variability, suggesting that the interlaboratory transferability of the test needs to be improved. The EpiDerm test had an overall accuracy of 58%, with an over-prediction rate of 37% and an under-prediction rate of 47%. The EPISKIN test had an overall accuracy of 58%, showing an under-prediction rate of 23% and an over-prediction rate of 60%. It is concluded that, as yet, none of the tests evaluated in this prevalidation study are ready for inclusion in a formal validation study on in vitro tests for acute skin irritation. Overall protocol performance of the SIFT is currently being evaluated in a phase III study. Further studies are also in progress to improve the test protocols and prediction models for EpiDerm and EPISKIN.  相似文献   

The Episkin® model took part in the prevalidation study on in vitro tests for acute skin irritation of chemicals, which was carried out during 1999 and 2000. This prevalidation study was co-ordinated and supported by the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM). During Phase 1 and Phase 2 of this study, reproducibility and transferability of the method were verified. Unfortunately, the performance of the method in terms of predictive ability was considered insufficient, due to a low specificity. In order to improve the performance of the Episkin® method, the existing protocol was refined. This refinement consisted in reducing the exposure time of epidermis with chemicals. Sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the new method were 70, 80 and 75%, respectively, thus meeting the acceptance criteria as defined by the Management Team. The Episkin® method is now ready to enter a validation study of in vitro tests for acute skin irritation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine if the EpiDerm? reconstructed human skin model (MatTek Corp.) could be an acceptable alternative to the ISO 10993-required rabbit skin irritation test for assessing medical device biocompatibility. Eleven medical device polymers were tested. Four extracts were prepared per polymer, two each with saline and sesame oil; half were spiked with two R-38 irritants, lactic acid for saline extracts and heptanoic acid for the sesame oil extracts. Tissue viability was assessed by MTT reduction and the proinflammatory response was assessed by IL-1α release. LOAELs of 2% for lactic acid in saline and 0.7% for heptanoic acid in sesame oil were determined. A cell viability reduction of >50% was indicative of skin irritation. Cells exposed to saline extracts spiked with 3.25% lactic acid had significantly reduced mean cell viabilities (12.6–17.2%). Cells exposed to sesame oil extracts spiked with 1.25% heptanoic acid also exhibited reduced mean cell viabilities (25.5%–41.7%). All spiked cells released substantial amounts of IL-1α (253.5–387.4 pg/ml) signifying a proinflammatory response. These results indicate that the EpiDerm? model may be a suitable in vitro replacement for the assessment of the irritation potential of medical device extracts.  相似文献   

The influences of different mechanisms of penetration enhancers (such as menthol, azone, ethanol and nonivarnide) regarding the percutaneous absorption and skin irritation of ketoprofen formulations through rat skin were investigated by in vitro and in vivo study. The skin irritation degree at the end of the experiment (10 h) was deterinined by pathologic biopsy and colorimetry methods. In vitro, the menthol showed the most potent enhancing effect. Furthermore, the enhancement effect of a combination of menthol and nonivamide was higher than that of their individual use alone. In vivo the formulation containing 0.05% nonivantide, 5% menthol and 20% ethanol showed a higher penetration rate and an acceptable degree of skin irritation compared to a commercial product (Formax plus gel containing 3% ketoprofen), indicating that it could be used in the clinical situation.  相似文献   

One of the in vitro models involved in an ECVAM-sponsored prevalidation study for acute skin irritation is the skin integrity function test (SIFT), which utilises full-thickness mouse skin. We have evaluated nine different skin types in order to identify the most useful model for assessing skin barrier function using transepidermal water loss (TEWL), electrical resistance (ER) and tritiated water flux (TWF) and sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) as a standard skin irritant. Tissues were: human skin (epidermis and whole), reconstituted human epidermis (RHE), pig (dermatomed and whole), rabbit (whole), rat (epidermis and whole) and mouse (whole). Barrier function was measured following sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) exposure and expressed as a damage ratio. Human epidermis gave good responses at high doses of SLS only. RHE had abnormally high permeability to water and therefore had little or no response to SLS. Pig skin gave low TEWL ratios and rabbit skin was a poor responder to SLS. Mouse whole skin performed best in this study, giving consistent high damage ratios to TEWL, ER and TWF following SLS treatment. Rat whole skin also performed well but was generally less responsive. We conclude that mouse skin is the best and most practical in vitro model for the SIFT approach for skin irritation prediction.  相似文献   

In recent years, in-vitro skin models for chemical hazard identification have been developed. Most of them consist only of human keratinocytes, neglecting the contribution of other skin constituents. Cultures containing the dermal and epidermal component provide an attractive system to investigate, in a more realistic model, toxicological responses, which represents a distinct advantage over keratinocytes-based models that do not mimic faithfully the in vivo environment.This study aimed to validate dermo-epidermal organotypic cultures (ORGs) as a platform to perform irritation and corrosion tests. Skin models were constructed by seeding keratinocytes on fibroblast-containing fibrin gels. After 21 days, the ORGs were evaluated histologically, and the irritant and corrosion potential was determined by means of viability measurements (MTT assay) and cytokine release, according to 431 and 439 OECD tests guidelines.Skin models showed similar histological characteristics to native skin and were able to classify different substances with high accuracy, showing their applicability to skin irritation and corrosion tests. Although cytokines release seems to be chemical-dependent, a tendency was observed, leading to the improvement of the prediction capacity. Nevertheless, further studies should be done to reduce variability in order to increase prediction capacity.  相似文献   

We have developed a new in vitro skin irritation test based on an open source reconstructed epidermis (OS-REp) with openly accessible protocols for tissue production and test performance. Due to structural, mechanistic and procedural similarity, a blinded catch-up validation study for skin irritation according to OECD Performance Standards (PS) was conducted in three laboratories to promote regulatory acceptance, with OS-REp models produced at a single production site only. While overall sensitivity and predictive capacity met the PS requirements, overall specificity was only 57%. A thorough analysis of the test results led to the assumption that some of the false-positive classifications could have been evoked by volatile skin-irritating chemicals tested in the same culture plate as the non-irritants falsely predicted as irritants. With GC/MS and biological approaches the cross-contamination effect was confirmed and the experimental set-up adapted accordingly. Retesting of the affected chemicals with the improved experimental set-up and otherwise identical protocol resulted in correct classifications as non-irritants. Taking these re-test results into account, 93% overall sensitivity, 70% specificity and 82% accuracy was achieved, which is in accordance with the OECD PS. A sufficient reliability of the method was indicated by a within-laboratory-reproducibility of 85–95% and a between-laboratory-reproducibility of 90%.  相似文献   

To replace the Draize skin irritation assay (OECD guideline 404) several test methods based on reconstructed human epidermis (RHE) have been developed and were adopted in the OECD test guideline 439. However, all validated test methods in the guideline are linked to RHE provided by only three companies. Thus, the availability of these test models is dependent on the commercial interest of the producer. To overcome this limitation and thus to increase the accessibility of in vitro skin irritation testing, an open source reconstructed epidermis (OS-REp) was introduced. To demonstrate the capacity of the OS-REp in regulatory risk assessment, a catch-up validation study was performed. The participating laboratories used in-house generated OS-REp to assess the set of 20 reference substances according to the performance standards amending the OECD test guideline 439. Testing was performed under blinded conditions. The within-laboratory reproducibility of 87% and the inter-laboratory reproducibility of 85% prove a high reliability of irritancy testing using the OS-REp protocol. In addition, the prediction capacity was with an accuracy of 80% comparable to previous published RHE based test protocols. Taken together the results indicate that the OS-REp test method can be used as a standalone alternative skin irritation test replacing the OECD test guideline 404.  相似文献   

Since 1997 the National Center for Documentation and Evaluation of Alternative Methods to Animal Experiments, ZEBET, in Berlin, has been coordinating a validation study aimed at prevalidation and validation of three in vitro embryotoxicity tests, funded by the European Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) at the Joint Research Center (JRC, Ispra, Italy). The tests use the cultivation of postimplantation rat whole embryos (WEC test), cultures of primary limb bud cells of rat embryos (micromass or, MM, test), and cultures of a pluripotent mouse embryonic stem cell line (embryonic stem cell test or EST). Each of the tests was performed in four laboratories under blind conditions. In the preliminary phase of the validation study 6 out of 20 test chemicals comprising different embryotoxic potential (non, weakly, and strongly embryotoxic) were tested. The results were used to define biostatistically based prediction models (PMs) to identify the embryotoxic potential of test chemicals for the WEC test and the MM test. The PMs developed with the results of the preliminary phase of the validation study (training set) will be evaluated with the results of the remaining 14 test chemicals (definitive phase) by the end of the study. In addition, the existing, improved PM (iPM) for the EST, which had been defined previously, was evaluated using the results of the preliminary phase of this study. Applying the iPM of the EST to the results of this study, in 79% of the experiments, chemicals were classified correctly according to the embryotoxic potential defined by in vivo testing. For the MM and the WEC test, the PMs developed during the preliminary phase of this validation study provided 81% (MM test) and 72% (WEC test) correct classifications. Because the PM of the WEC test took into account only parameters of growth and development, but not cytotoxicity data, a second PM (PM2) was developed for the WEC test by incorporating cytotoxicity data of the differentiated mouse fibroblast cell line 3T3, which was derived from the EST. This approach, which has previously never been used, resulted in an increase to 84% correct classifications in the WEC test.  相似文献   

A validation of the in vitro skin corrosion method using the EpiDerm skin model was performed using 12 recommended chemicals. All chemicals were correctly classified by OECD test guideline 431. In order to predict corrosion and/or irritation potential, additional compound exposure times and IL-1alpha measurements were included in a tiered testing approach. Four exposure times were performed followed by MTT (viability) and IL-1alpha measurement. This allowed classification of corrosive chemicals (OECD guideline 431) and those likely to be severe irritants. If the chemical was found to be corrosive or a severe irritant, no further experimental work was performed, otherwise a second experiment was performed using three further exposure times (same endpoints). The second experiment provided information on whether the chemical was likely to be a moderate/mild irritant. If the chemical was negative following both experiments, it was predicted as non-corrosive/non-irritating. A total of 12 chemicals were tested in the irritation or combined assay (five non-irritants, seven irritants). Specificity (% non-irritants concurring with EU classification) was 60% (MTT) and 100% (MTT+IL-1alpha). Sensitivity (% irritants concurring with EU classification) was 86% (MTT) and 86% (MTT+IL-1alpha). Accuracy (% chemicals correctly identified) was 75% (MTT) and 92% (MTT+IL-1alpha).  相似文献   

In the ECVAM validation studies two common skin protocols have been developed, the skin corrosion and skin irritation protocol. Both protocols include next to general and functional conditions that the skin model must meet, also the correct prediction of the activity of certain reference chemicals. For the skin corrosion protocol, the OECD TG 431 defined 12 reference chemicals that should be correctly predicted by the epidermal skin model. For skin irritation 20 test substances should meet the defined criteria. In this study we aimed to subject our Leiden human epidermal (LHE) model to both common protocols according to the ECVAM guidelines. The LHE model generated in this study has been fully characterized and shows very high similarities with the native skin. After minor technical changes in both protocols, corrosion classifications were obtained in concordance with those reported for the validated human skin models EpiSkin and EpiDerm. The results obtained with the common skin irritation protocol were very similar to that of earlier studies with the SkinEthic, EpiSkin and EpiDerm models. This means that the protocols and prediction models developed during the validation studies with a specific skin model can be used with other similar skin models. This study demonstrates that reconstructed human skin equivalents have been proven to be efficient and reliable alternatives to animal testing.  相似文献   

Zinc sulphate capsules and syrup were prepared as conventional dosage forms and in vivo experiments were performed for both on the conventional dosage forms as well as on microcapsules. Blood samples were taken from healthy volunteers at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 hours and AUC3 and AUC5 were calculated by trapezoidal rule. Relative bioavailability of zinc was calculated and the 5th hour relative bioavailability difference was found to be significant. The results show that zinc sulphate in microcapsule form was able to prolong the action.  相似文献   

Using SIRC (rabbit corneal cell line) cells, we developed an alternative eye irritation test: the short time exposure (STE) test. This STE test is a cytotoxicity test using physiological saline or mineral oil as the test solvent. Evaluation exposure time is short (5 min), which is similar to actual exposure situations, and uses the cell viability (CV) at a constant concentration as the endpoint for irritation potential. First, in order to confirm the usefulness of this STE test in assessing eye irritation potential of chemicals, 51 raw materials were tested and the correlation between CV in the STE test and the eye irritation score in the Draize test was examined. For the undiluted raw materials tested in the Draize test, the 5% test concentration in the STE test gave irritation classes that correlated well with the irritation classes from the Draize test (accuracy: 89.6%). For those materials tested as a 10% solution in the Draize test, STE irritation classes with 0.05% test concentration corresponded well with the Draize irritation classes (accuracy: 80.0%). Next, using the cell viabilities at these two concentrations, the STE prediction model (PM) was developed. A score of 1 or 2 was given for the results from each tested concentration in the STE test and Draize test. The scores from each test were then summed to yield a 3-level (Rank 1: minimally irritant, Rank 2: moderate irritant, Rank 3: severe irritant) eye irritation potential classification. Rank classification in the STE test showed a good correlation mostly to that in the Draize test (irritation class correspondence rate: 70.2%, but after exclusion of data of alcoholic materials, the rate was 91.7%). In most cytotoxicity test, the cytotoxicity of acids and amines is generally underestimated due the use of medium as the solvent. This is the result of the buffering capacity of the media. On the other hand, the STE test could predict the eye irritation potential by evaluating the chemical with a 5% test concentration. Eleven water insoluble materials such as toluene, octanol, and hexanol could be evaluated by using mineral oil as test solvent in the STE test. The STE test demonstrated itself to be simple, promising, have great potential, be of value, and to be an easily standardized alternative eye irritation test.  相似文献   

Following the global trend of reducing animal testing, various reconstructed human epidermis (RHE) models for skin irritation test (SIT) have been developed, verified, validated and included in OECD TG 439. We developed a new RHE called EPiTRI and a SIT method using EPiTRI (EPiTRI-SIT model) following the OECD guidelines. EPiTRI possesses morphological, biochemical and physiological properties similar to human epidermis with well-differentiated multilayered viable cells with barrier function. The EPiTRI-SIT model was tested for 20 reference chemicals in Performance Standard of OECD TG 439 (GD 220), showing good predictive capacity with 100% sensitivity, 70% specificity and 85% accuracy. EPiTRI had sensitivity in detecting di-n-propyl disulphate, as an irritant chemical (UN GHS Category 2), whereas most validated reference methods detected it as a non-irritant. An international validation study of EPiTRI-SIT was conducted in four laboratories to confirm the within- and between-laboratory reproducibility, as well as predictive capacity. The phase I/II within-laboratory and between-laboratory reproducibility was 100%/95% and 95%, respectively. The overall sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of EPiTRI-SIT was 96%, 70% and 83%, respectively, which fulfilled the OECD criteria. Thus, EPiTRI, meets the criteria of Performance Standards of OECD TG 439 (GD 220) and is suitable for screening irritating chemicals in vitro.  相似文献   

When developing new cosmetics, it is extremely important to consider the safety of consumers. Absence of potential irritancy is generally assessed using an OECD TG439 compliant Reconstructed Human Epidermis (RHE) systems and MTT assays, resulting in an irritant/not irritant classification. To gain insight into the irritancy of molecules/finished cosmetic products and to predict the outcome of irritation tests performed on subjects whatever their nature, we developed a test that uses skin explants and histological analysis. Results showed that this irritation test is sensitive enough to accurately and repeatably detect known irritants. If the diverse origin of the skin explants used led to variability in the histological alterations scored, the overall grading of irritancy is highly reproducible. Finally, when testing 120 non-alcoholic cosmetics of various galenic forms, comparison of data between the ex vivo irritation tests and of a 24-/48-h human patch test revealed a single false negative, very close to the limit, and a 10% false positive rate. It was not possible to calculate the sensitivity of the ex vivo irritation test; however, its specificity was 89.9% and its accuracy was 89.1%. Similar results, with a slightly higher false positive rate, were found when testing 49 alcoholic cosmetics. These values exceed the minimum requirements of OECD TG439.  相似文献   

In the present study, reconstructed human epidermis (RHE) was used as an in vitro model to discriminate 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (DNCB), nickel sulfate (NiSO(4)), oxazolone (OXA), 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB) and 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS) as skin sensitizers from benzalkonium chloride (BC), benzoic acid (BA) and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) as skin irritants. Our criteria were (a) the differential IL-1alpha and IL-8 synthesis and release (b) cytotoxicity assessment by MTT assay. When the RHE are topically treated with the sensitizers, very low levels of extra- and intracellular IL-1alpha are observed although they induce significant cytotoxicity. In contrast, they exhibit a sharp maximum of IL-8 release. In the presence of the tested irritants, we observe the inverse cytokine release profile, although they induce dose-dependent cytotoxicity profiles similar to those observed with the sensitizers. Finally, IL-1alpha mRNA upregulation is observed after topical application of both sensitizers and irritants, but only the latter significantly increase extracellular IL-1alpha. In conclusion, our results suggest that the associated determination of IL-8, with IL-1alpha, and MTT conversion are at least necessary to discriminate and classify, in a single assay, irritant and sensitizing agents and represent a potential in vitro alternative to two classical in vivo assays.  相似文献   

目的考察稳定性二氧化氯喷雾剂局部经皮给药的安全性。方法将健康家兔背部两侧对称脱毛3 cm×3 cm后,每次给予二氧化氯喷雾剂0.5 ml,对其完整皮肤和破损皮肤分别进行单次给药及多次给药的皮肤刺激性试验。结果该喷雾剂对于家兔完整皮肤和破损皮肤单次给药及多次给药后于1、24、48、72 h观察均无红肿或斑块出现。结论本试验条件下二氧化氯喷雾剂局部经皮给药无明显不良反应,表明安全性良好。为二氧化氯喷雾剂用于临床经皮给药提供可靠的试验依据和安全保障,为临床经皮给药提供一种新的二氧化氯新剂型。  相似文献   

A structure-activity relationship (SAR) model has been developed to discriminate skin irritant from nonirritant esters. The model is based on the physicochemical properties of 42 esters that were tested in humans for skin irritation. Nineteen physicochemical parameters that represent transport, electronic, and steric properties were calculated for each chemical. Best subsets regression analysis indicated candidate models for further analysis. Regression analyses identified significant models (p < 0.05) that had variables that were also significant (p < 0.05). These candidate models were evaluated using linear discriminant analysis to determine if the irritant esters could be discriminated from nonirritant esters. The stability of the model was evident from the consistency of parameters among ten submodels generated using multiple random sampling of the database. The sensitivity of the ten models, evaluated by "leave-one-out" cross-validation, ranged from 0. 846 to 0.923, with a mean of 0.885 +/- 0.025 (95% CI). The specificity ranged from 0.615 to 0.923, with a mean of 0.738 +/- 0.06 (CI). Compared with nonirritant esters, irritant esters had lower density, lower water solubility, lower sum of partial positive charges, higher Hansen hydrogen bonding parameter, and higher Hansen dispersion parameter. The results indicate that physicochemical features of esters contribute to their ability to cause skin irritation in humans, and that chemical partitioning into the epidermis and intermolecular reactions are likely important components of the response. This model is applicable for prediction of human irritation of esters yet untested.  相似文献   

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