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目的 研究以案例为基础的学习(CBL)联合基于团队的学习(TBL)教学法同步培养口腔正畸专业研究生临床和科研能力的教学效果.方法 选取中山大学光华口腔医学院口腔正畸专业2018级与2019级研究生共24人为研究对象,按随机数字表法分为两组,实验组采用CBL联合TBL教学法;对照组采用以讲授为基础的学习(LBL)传统教学...  相似文献   

正畸研究生专业理论教学改革的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
口腔正畸学是口腔医学的一个重要分支学科,它所包含的理论知识非常丰富,且与(牙合)学、修复学、牙周病学、正颌外科学等其它口腔专业学科以及美学、遗传学、生物学、材料学、生物力学等学科存在着广泛的联系.国内、外通常把口腔正畸学作为毕业后教育,即在本科生教育期间只就口腔正畸的基本概念、基本原理及一些简单矫治方法加以介绍;而正畸学所蕴含的丰富的理论知识,与其它基础科学的交互渗透,各流派的矫治原理、矫治方法,都是口腔正畸学的研究生所应学习的专业知识.  相似文献   

我国口腔正畸研究生临床素质培养的思考   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在口腔科学的各个临床学科当中,口腔正畸学的教育具有其相对独立性和特殊性.在本科学习阶段,口腔正畸学的授课学时短、教授内容少、且较少涉及具体治疗技术的理论和应用、实验室见习只是一些简单活动矫治器的制作而不安排临床见习或实习,因此,本科生毕业以后正畸临床诊治能力的培养和提高主要依靠毕业后的再教育,包括进修、参加培训班、攻读研究生(硕士生和博士生)等方式,其中,通过研究生教育进行正畸临床和基础研究方面能力的培养占有越来越重的比例.  相似文献   

Seminar 学习模式在研究生教学中的应用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
长期以来,研究生口腔颌面外科理论课的学习都是教师讲,学生听的传统学习模式,而教师讲授的内容又多以教科书为主.这种学生被动参与的模式,常常会造成理论教学与临床实践的断层.于是常常出现学生对教科书里疾病的临床表现和诊断治疗倒背入流,而面对真实的病例却不知所措.  相似文献   

香港大学牙科学院始建于1982年,是一所集教学、科研、医疗、保健于一身的机构。作为国际上公认的东南亚地区口腔颌面系统疾病的研究中心之一,港大牙科学院培养了大量的优秀人才。  相似文献   

南京医科大学口腔医学院以国家级精品在线开放课程和虚拟仿真实验教学项目为依托,结合学校自主研发的E-learning网络教学平台等在线资源,采用在线教学结合翻转课堂的新型教学模式构建口腔正畸学在线课程体系, 将过程性评价和终结性评价贯穿其中,同时融入专业文献在线汇报和知识重点梳理总结,增加了虚拟交互在线实践训练内容。利用...  相似文献   

研究生教育的一个重要目的是培养研究生独立从事科学研究的能力,即独立思考问题、主动探求答案的能力和独立自主、创新思维的科研能力。Seminar教学即"讨论式"教学,是欧美大学课堂教学的一种重要形式。我们尝试将Seminar形式用于口腔正畸专业研究生教学,  相似文献   

我国牙周病患者数量众多, 医患失衡严重, 尤其牙周专科医师和牙周病学师资队伍数量严重不足。加强牙周病学专业型研究生培养, 能有效解决这一问题。本文总结了北京大学口腔医学院·口腔医院在30余年牙周病学研究生教学工作中的经验, 从制订教学目标, 到教学资源配置, 加强临床教学的质量控制制度等建设, 形成了当前的北大模式, 以确保牙周病学专业型研究生经过培养后达到预期水平。国内口腔医学界牙周病学专业型研究生临床教学的机遇和挑战并存, 期望通过对此教学体系的不断探索和完善, 促进我国牙周病学专业型研究生临床教学的规范、有序发展。  相似文献   

正畸支抗的新手段:种植体支抗系统的发展和应用   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
正畸治疗是对牙齿或颌骨施力,并使之达到预期位置的过程,这一力量的反作用力必须由一稳定的装置来承担,即所谓“正畸支抗”的概念。Proffit定义正畸支抗为“对不希望发生的牙齿移动的抵抗”或“对牙齿或口外结构所提供的作用力的抵抗”。正畸支抗的设计和控制对于矫正成功是至关重要的因素之一,通常由口内的牙(组牙)或口外的  相似文献   

Richmond等[1]于1992年提出PAR教学质量提供参考指数,它是用于治疗结果评价标准化、一致化而设计的指数,记录了错畸形的所有特征,用于客观评价错畸形严重程度和正畸治疗成功程度。错畸形患者治疗后PAR分值的高低可以从牙颌方面反映治疗效果,分值越低表明治疗后越接近正常的牙颌关系。在PAR指数的临床应用中,主要以治疗前后PAR分值的减少量作为标准,对治疗效果进行客观评价,PAR分值的减少量越多,治疗效果越好。治疗前后PAR分值差异(简称总分差)和PAR分值减少百分率可反映治疗成功的程度,数值越高,矫治效果越好,改善程度越大。由于正畸临床上拔除4个第一前磨牙的安氏Ⅱ类错畸形矫治病例在临床上较为常见,并且有一定的矫治难度,本研究将PAR指数用于正畸研究生对此类病例治疗效果的评估,为正畸研究生教学质量和临床治疗质量的评估提供参考。  相似文献   

Introduction:  Problem based learning (PBL) has gained wide acceptance in undergraduate education, but less so in postgraduate education. Qualitative research methodologies can help us gain insight and understanding of the students' experience in undertaking such programmes.
Aim:  To evaluate the experiences of postgraduate students undertaking a PBL based postgraduate programme.
Methods:  Focus groups and semi-structured interviews were used to investigate students' experiences. The qualitative data were coded, the codes were grouped into categories and a coding framework developed. From this a construct is proposed to give insight into students' experiences. The validity of this construct was examined by reviewing the literature.
Results:  Students entered the programme with high expectations, but soon found they had challenges to overcome. They came to realise that they were on a journey, rather than undertaking a sequence of separate individual learning events. PBL led to significant tensions both within the individuals and the group, caused by the conflict between appreciating PBL as a 'good thing' and yet finding that `it just doesn't seem to work'. The fear of failure in a high stakes setting only exacerbated these tensions. The literature review revealed an inconsistent approach to the use of PBL and its evaluation in a postgraduate/continuing medical education setting. However it did provide evidence of similar findings in qualitative studies, supporting the construct developed.
Conclusion:  We have proposed a construct to help in understanding the PBL experience for students undergoing a 'high stakes' orthodontic postgraduate programme with a core of PBL.  相似文献   

种植体支抗三维有限元模型的建立   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
目的:建立人磨牙缺失区下颌骨正交各向异性种植体支抗三维有限元模型,为精确分析支抗种植体系统的生物力学特性奠定基础。方法:以人磨牙缺失区下颌骨为标本,取其缺牙区颌骨断面形态输入计算机,通过ANSYS5.5(Swanson Analysis Systems,Inc.Houston,USA)有限元分析软件将面轮廓作样条曲线拟合处理,形成逼真、光滑的颌骨断面轮廓图,然后采用断面拉伸技术重建牙齿缺失区下颌骨的三维模型,再将已做成的的种植体三维模型与下颌骨模型拟合并对其进行单元网络智能划分后建模。结果:建立起有效的种植体支抗三维有限元生物力学分析模型。结论:模型的几何相似性,生物力学相似性及临床适应性均佳,可以模拟支抗种植体在正畸载荷状态下骨界面应力分布状况。  相似文献   

目的探讨易于部署的形成性评价作业文档归集系统的研发方法,并评估口腔正畸学教师对其接受程度。 方法基于在线问卷系统,利用Python语言开发问卷数据转换程序,优化形成性评价中作业电子文档的归集流程。对佛山科学技术学院附属口腔医院正畸学教研室教师开展培训,分别记录使用电子邮件系统、在线问卷系统和本归集系统收集10份作业文档的操作时间与点击次数,使用方差分析进行相互比较。同时发放问卷对接受培训教师既往使用在线问卷的情况进行调查,利用单因素及多因素回归调查各方法操作时间的影响因素。 结果本研究自2019年5月至2019年7月由佛山科学技术学院附属口腔医院正畸学教研室教师中按照便利抽样方式招募20位高校教师,其中男11人、女9人,年龄(37.8 ± 7.3)岁,均为口腔医学专业。全部教师参与培训并认真填写了问卷。在统一进行培训后,教师通过电子邮件[用时(10.40 ± 2.43)min,点击次数151.0 ± 70.6]、在线电子问卷[用时(5.91 ± 0.13)min,点击次数37.7 ± 10.5]与本系统[用时(3.99 ± 0.34)min,点击次数11.0 ± 1.7]进行10份作业文档的归集工作,单因素方差分析提示不同归集方法的平均时间差异具有统计学意义(F = 106.7,P<0.001),不同方法间点击次数差异也具有统计学意义(F = 64.9,P<0.001)。多重线性回归结果提示,既往收集电子文档的频次是本系统使用时间的独立预测因素(回归系数-0.34,P = 0.04)。 结论利用本系统收集电子作业文档操作更为简捷,效率也明显高于传统手段,近期进行过电子文档收集工作的教师更容易掌握本系统的使用。整体而言,接受培训的教师愿意将其应用于今后的教学工作中,改善口腔正畸学教学中形成性评价的工作流程。  相似文献   

The rôle of PBL as an innovative approach in medical education has been well documented. There has been an emerging trend of incorporating PBL into the dental curriculum. The potential advantages of PBL as a mode of learning encompass the enhancement of an integrated approach in solving dental-treatment-related problems, the development of critical thinking and problem solving skills and the encouragement of independent life-long learning. PBL was introduced into the dental curriculum as a pilot project in the Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore in summer 1996. An example of a case-based study was illustrated and the learning objectives of the study were highlighted. Initial feedback from students indicated a positive attitude to this mode of learning in terms of cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills. Strategies to enhance learning in the PBL environment include time allocation for self-study, availability of resource materials and use of appropriate assessment methods. Problems that remain to be resolved include the choice of appropriate outcome assessment measures to evaluate the effectiveness of PBL as a mode of learning in undergraduate dental education.  相似文献   

Abstract – The aim of the present investigation was to study whether an intense period of individual oral hygiene education would result in proper dental health behavior and to compare the effects of such education on 30 individuals undergoing subsequent orthodontic treatment and 30 controls without such treatment. The investigation consisted of two experimental periods: one period of oral hygiene education during which information on proper plaque control was given fortnightly for 6 weeks and one follow-up period of 30 months corresponding to the orthodontic treatment phase. The results suggest that it is possible to achieve and maintain a high standard of dental health behavior following an intense period of individual oral hygiene education. A certain deterioration of the gingival status was observed after 3 months in the orthodontically treated children. This was interpreted as being due to the influence of subgingivally located orthodontic bands. After 30 months a high level of oral hygiene and gingival status as well as a low caries activity were still apparent with only minor and insignificant differences between the children subject to orthodontic treatment and the controls.  相似文献   

Aim:  The purpose of this study was to develop an online undergraduate orthodontic e-course and assess its success as a learning resource from the students' perspective.
Methodology:  The orthodontic e-course was composed of six main components; modules, photo gallery, clinical consultations, glossary, reading lists and resources. Four undergraduate orthodontic lectures were converted into a web-based format using text, photographs, PowerPoint presentations and animations. The sample was comprised of sixty-four third year undergraduate dental students at Birmingham Dental School, UK. Their average age was 20.7 years (age range: from 20–25 years). A questionnaire was developed to assess; course design, course delivery, course outcome and the potential use of the e-course as a teaching method.
Results:  There were no significant difference between genders ( P  < 0.05). Overall, student responded very positive to positive for course design, course delivery and course outcome. The orthodontic e-course was still seen by most subjects (86%) as an adjunct and not a replacement of the traditional teaching methods. 34.4% of subjects felt that it should be as an optional supplement and 51.6% felt that it should be integrated with the undergraduate orthodontic curriculum. The significance of the program as a learning resource was reported to be the best aspect of the program.
Conclusion:  Delivery of web-based material in the undergraduate orthodontic curriculum was seen by students as a significant learning resource which supplements traditional learning methods.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore the profile of dental nursing students in the National Dental Nurse Training Programme of Ireland and their adjustment to a technology‐assisted learning environment. Evaluation by students of the course and their reactions to the course were analysed. Dental nurses must possess the skills and knowledge to proficiently function in the modern day dental surgery. The implementation of a dental nurse programme that is heavily reliant on technology has started to create a group of dental nurses equipped with basic skills to access and retrieve information over a lifetime. However, the transition to a technology‐assisted learning environment including online learning activities requires adaptation and expertise by educators and students alike. Careful evaluation and stakeholder feedback is imperative in the creation and maintaining of a quality programme. In conclusion, the students in this study responded well to the transition to a technology‐based learning environment. Furthermore, the findings of this study suggest that the use of an online environment is an effective and stimulating learning environment for the students of a dental nurse programme; however, familiarity skills and knowledge of information technology is a prerequisite for success.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to explore residents' perceptions of their educational and clinical treatment experiences including the number of clinical cases undertaken, patient completion rates, techniques utilised and the scientific component of Turkish graduate orthodontic programmes. Residents recorded in the list of Turkish Orthodontic Society were sent an e‐mail to participate in a survey containing 46 multiple‐choice questions and ten one‐line answers. An e‐mail with a personalised online link was sent to a total of 227 residents throughout the Turkey. Data were categorised, and basic statistics including chi‐square comparative analyses were performed. A total of 136 (response rate of 59.91%) residents completed the survey. The majority of residents (58.08%) were either ‘very satisfied’ or ‘satisfied’ with their programme. Respondents said they have just the right amount of formal didactic teaching sessions or dedicated and protected academic time. Most residents (69.11%) indicated their programme offers training in numerous philosophies; whilst 97.79% said they have sufficient clinically based training and 42.64% said they have sufficient research‐based training. Overall, residents in the Turkey are satisfied with their orthodontic programme. They receive comprehensive training with the opportunity to start and complete a significant number of their patients. The survey findings suggest that orthodontic programmes in Turkey are deficient in providing care to underserviced populations and disabled patients. Programmes could improve the opportunity for residents to treat patients requiring interdisciplinary treatment.  相似文献   

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