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Haemodynamic problems of ocular circulation are discussed with regard to blood pressure measurment in the eye, giving information about the blood circulation of the internal carotid artery. Investigations on the choroidal and retinal circulations show that, between these two tissue layers, the movement of extravascular fluid predominates from the choroidal capillaries to the retinal capillaries. A model of the pressure relationships in both of these vascular systems is constructed to substantiate this hypothesis.  相似文献   

In the eye all membranes are more or less under tension, as elsewhere in the body. Hence the hydrostatic pressure in the choroid is less than in the retina. The available pressure difference within the bloodvessels would be less for the retina than for the choroid, if the arteries to the retina did not have a much larger bore than those to the choroid. Hence the bloodstream for the retina is slower and fluorescein appears later in the retina than in the choroid. There is a flow of tissue fluid from the choroid to the retina. It is absorbed by the retinal vessels. The larger the flow, the larger are the retinal veins, till retinal oedema occurs. Then the tissue pressure within the retina rises sharply and the capillaries become strangulated. But a few capillaries remain open and are blown up to arterio-venular shunts. Micro-aneurysmata arise as abortive vessel sprouts. It is plausible that lightcoagulation sticks the lamellae of Bruch's membrane together, to the extent that the development of oedema is arrested.  相似文献   

Surgery on the eye of patients on long term anticoagulation therapy is possible. To avoid bleeding suprarenin solution 1:1000, coagulation of conjunctival and scleral blood vessels, incision into the cornea when removing cataracts and iridectomy under the operating microscope are recommended. Local anaesthesia is advisable, has however the risk of a retrobulbar hematoma. Thromboplastin time (Quick) under 15% of the norm should be avoided, and only raised in cooperation with the responsible internist.  相似文献   

Two groups of patients with diabetic retinopathy were tested by refraction. Patients with advanced retinopathy and those with early diabetic retinopathy had about the same propor-tion of refractive errors as the normal population. The only important difference was seen in middle- and high myopic eyes, which occurred less frequently when diabetic retinopathy was present. Illustrated from 4 cases of high myopia the inhibitory influence of diabetic retinopathy on the formation of shortsightedness is shown. Possible causes for this are discussed.  相似文献   

A new type of eye speculum is described. It has the following advantages: it does not hamper the surgeon in his work, it has no projecting parts on which sutures may get caught, and it enables spreading of the eyelids to be controlled.  相似文献   

3 cases in which HEMA-contact lens, and 2 cases in which HEMA-dressing lens caused corneal damage were analyzed with regard to symptomatology, etiology and sequence of events. Hyperemia of the limbus is the main symptom. Avoidable causes are exaggerated tightness, overwearing, storing up of proteins, rough surface, and incompatibility of soft-lens solutions. Irreversible and largely resistant to therapy is, damage resulting from the synthetic itself.  相似文献   

As the measurements of the peripheral refraction of the living human eye published till now point out a confusing abundance of variants but no clear results, the peripheral refraction of fictitious model eyes is computed to find out which components influence the refraction and how they do it. Then for some special selected representative eyes the peripheral refraction and the astigmatism are computed and the results analyzed. The result consists in three typical refractioncurves which can be reduced to simple rules. This paper intends to stimulate future experiments on exactly defined conditions.  相似文献   

White eyes with cellular infiltration of the vitreous body are common with inflammations of the posterior eye segment. In mild course of the disease the local signs in the regions of inflammation are discrete; under these circumstances recurrences and remissions of the inflammation may be difficult to be differentiated. Several types of such an inflammation are described.  相似文献   

The "congenital cystic eye" is a rare ocular malformation due to an arrest of normal development with complete or partial failure in the invagination of the primary optic vesicle between the third and fifth week of embryonic life. A coincidence of maternal varicella infection and congenital cystic eye is described and the possibility of a causal relationship is discussed.  相似文献   

Following a fundamental sentence of the German Supreme Court eye damage affecting both eyes - actual or preexisting - has to be judged under the aspect of coordinating function. So the usual practice of isolated judgement of each eye can only be performed in unilateral damage associated with complete function of the other eye.  相似文献   

The Hruby-lens may be used as a contact lens with the plano surface in contact with the cornea and the concavity facing the microscope. The observer surveys a large field of the fundus. By decentering the lens, adjacent and peripheral areas of the fundus are drawn into the observer's field. This increases further the total area of fundus that can be observed.  相似文献   

A high percentage of plastic keratoprosthesis is rejected again or intraocular infections occur because there is a cleft-like open junction between anterior chamber and lacrimal film. Only the ketratoprosthesis by Strampelli (1970) settles firmly in the cornea without the above risks, because the autogenous transplanted bone unites well with the grafted labial mucosa. 5 years of investigation have confirmed that glass ceramic Ceravital unites firmly with bones (Blencke et al. 1973, Strunz et al. 1977c, Bunte et al. 1977). For the osteo-keramo-keratoprosthesis Ceravital is used the same location as Dentin for the osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis. The new surgical method has the advantage that 1. toothless patients can be operated, 2. the anterior chamber cannot flatten because the ceramic disk has the same shape as the corneal surface, and 3. broader optical cylinders can be used, by which a widening of the visual field is achieved.  相似文献   

The authors report on local and general changes in dysgenesis mesodermalis iridis et corneae Rieger on the basis of own observations and literature survey. This genetically caused inhibitory deformation is outlined with regard to the differential diagnosis of other anomalies in the angle part of iris. The conservative and surgical therapeutic experiences of other authors are contrasted with our own.  相似文献   

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