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M Yin-Murphy K H Lim Y M Ho 《The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health》1976,(1):1-5
The 1975 epidemic of acute conjunctivitis was caused by the return of S.E.C. 1970 virus (CA24). The clinical manifestations of cases seen in the recent epidemic were similar to those seen during the 1970 epidemic caused by S.E.C. 1970 virus (CA24) and the 1971 epidemic caused by S.E.C. 1971 virus (entero-virus type 70). In our opinion, both the S.E.C. 1970 VIRUS (CA24) and S.E.C. 1971 virus (enterovirus type 70) are equally important causes of epidemics of acute conjunctivitis more commonly known as the "Acute Haemorrhagic Conjunctivitis". Although these two enteroviruses affect mainly the eye, apart from conjunctival secretions, they could be transmitted in respiratory droplets and faeces. The authors would prefer to retain the term "Picornavirus Epidemic Conjunctivitis" to denote infection by S.E.C. 1970 virus (CA24) and S.E.C. 1971 virus (enterovirus type 70). 相似文献
M A Bahrin N D Joshi M Yin-Murphy 《The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health》1976,7(3):355-358
The paper reports on a coxsackievirus type A24 epidemic of acute conjunctivitis in Brunei. The role of the Singapore Epidemic Conjunctivitis 1970 (coxsackievirus type A24) virus in the new disease syndrome variously known as the "Epidemic Haemorrhagic Conjunctivitis", "Picornavirus Epidemic Conjunctivitis" and "Acute Haemorrhagic Conjunctivitis" is again established. 相似文献
E de O Santos O Macedo M de L Gomes C M Nakauth 《Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de S?o Paulo》1989,31(3):183-187
An epidemic of acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis in Belém, Pará, Brazil, was investigated. From 83 patients, 73 samples of virus was isolated in cultures of HEP-2 cells from conjunctival swab and throat swab. The virus isolates were identified in Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, as an antigenic variant of coxsackievirus A24. Neutralization Test was done on 56 paired serum samples, using entero virus type 70 (EV70) and virus isolates. Serological conversions for virus isolates were found in 57% (32 patients). 相似文献
During a period of six months from September, 1985 to March, 1986, there were twenty seven cases of pyogenic meningitis due to Neisseria meningitidis Group A. Maximum number of cases could be diagnosed by antigen detection by latex agglutination test. The organism was sensitive to all commonly used antibiotics. The patients affected were mostly young adults. The mortality rate was eleven per cent. 相似文献
目的 描述一起军营急性呼吸道感染暴发的临床特征和病原学诊断.方法 采用统一的流行病学个案调查表现场调查225例患者,描述疾病特征.30份咽拭子标本行病原学检测,中和试验检测52份急性期、恢复期患者的血清中和抗体.隔离患者和密切接触者,对空气、物品、地面进行全面消毒.结果 225例患者分布整个营区,有明显的宿舍聚集现象,聚集率为44.9%.225例患者中,全部有发热;161例有咳嗽,占71.6%;111例有咽痛,占49.3%;102例有头痛,占45.3%;31例有胸闷,占13.8%;4例有呼吸困难,占1.8%.咽拭子标本经PCR检测腺病毒基因阳性20份(66.7%),经HepG2、Hela、RD和Vero细胞培养,16份(53.3%)出现细胞病变;24例患者经IgM抗体筛查明确为腺病毒感染,双份血清中和试验证实28份腺病毒抗体有4倍以上升高.隔离患者、全面消毒后10 d,无新发病例.结论 此次暴发流行系腺病毒引起,及时、合理的预防措施能快速控制疾病的流行. 相似文献
B S Niklasson M J Dobersen C J Peters W H Ennis E M?ller 《Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases》1985,17(1):15-18
During the fall of 1979, 22/250 Swedish UN soldiers serving in Egypt were hospitalized with fever and gastroenteritis associated with aseptic meningitis. One of the 22 developed insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) 10 weeks following the infection. The majority of the 22 patients showed significant titer rise for coxsackievirus B by plaque reduction neutralization test. The serology results indicate that coxsackievirus B4 most likely caused the outbreak. All 22 were also tested for islet cell cytoplasmic antibodies and islet cell surface antibodies and found negative. The individual developing diabetes mellitus had the HLA-DR phenotype 3,4, which is associated with IDDM. 相似文献
N. Nayak Sanjeev K. Gupta G. V. S. Murthy G. Satpathy S. Mohanty 《Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH》1996,1(5):667-671
Nine hundred and sixteen people from 143 randomly selected households were included in this community-based investigation of an outbreak of acute viral conjunctivitis in urban slum communities of Delhi in 1994. During the 2-weeks recall period, 456 (49.8%) had conjunctivitis and 229 (25%) were symptomatic at the time of this investigation. Overall, females had a higher attack rate than males (P<0.05). The attack rate increased with age (P<0.001). A total of 61.6% of the conjunctival swabs were antigen positive as evidenced by indirect immunofluorescence assay. Viruses could be isolated from 30.3% of the samples processed. Out of these, 70% were identified as Coxsackie A 24 and 30% as EV 70. 相似文献
目的对检测急性出血性结膜炎(AHC)病原CoxA24v的实时荧光定量RT-PCR方法进行特异性、敏感性、稳定性等方面的评估。方法利用实时荧光定量RT-PCR检测肠道病毒CoxA24v和其他几种肠道病毒,验证方法的特异性;根据TCID50进行倍比稀释,验证该方法的敏感性;将样品进行倍比稀释,做重复试验,验证方法的准确性。利用实时荧光定量RT-PCR对疑似AHC患者眼拭子进行检测。结果该方法对CoxA24v病毒的检测具有高度的特异性,对柯萨奇病毒A16、肠道病毒71等其他肠道病毒均无交叉反应。检测的灵敏度达0.1TCID50。用该方法对6个不同浓度的CoxA24 v进行5次检测,获得的结果重复性好。采用该方法检测疑似AHC患者标本,阳性者均测序,证明是Cox-A24v,未出现假阳性。结论实时荧光定量RT-PCR法是一种快速、敏感、特异、准确的方法,适用于急性出血性结膜炎的早期诊断和鉴别诊断。 相似文献
Liang X Zhang Y Xu W Wen N Zuo S Lee LA Yu J 《The Journal of infectious diseases》2006,194(5):545-551
BACKGROUND: In May-July 2004, type 1 vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV) was isolated from 2 case patients with polio and a contact of a third case patient in Guizhou Province. METHODS: We conducted a field investigation of the outbreak, characterized outbreak isolates, and retrospectively reviewed national polio surveillance data for other VDPVs. RESULTS: Case patients were unimmunized children, 0.9-3.2 years old, living in 2 villages 40 km apart. Immunization coverage in the affected villages was very low. Isolates differed from the Sabin 1 type by 9-11 VP1 nucleotides (1.0%-1.2%); which indicated, on the basis of known rates of mutation of Sabin strains, that they had been circulating for <1 year. A province-wide immunization response targeting all children <5 years old was initiated in August, and the strain has not been isolated since. During 1997-2004, 10 VDPV strains (5 of type 2, 3 of type 1, and 2 of type 3) were isolated from >50,000 children with acute flaccid paralysis and their contacts; 8 (80%) were found in southern provinces, and 9 (90%) spontaneously disappeared. CONCLUSION: This is the first polio outbreak in China in over a decade and the first due to VDPV. The short duration of circulation demonstrates the rapidity with which attenuated Sabin strains can revert to a wild phenotype. One to two VDPVs have been identified each year, primarily in densely populated subtropical regions of southern China. This outbreak highlights the need to consider risks of paralysis from vaccine-derived strains in development of national poliomyelitis immunization policy. 相似文献
Expression of perforin in infiltrating cells in murine hearts with acute myocarditis caused by coxsackievirus B3. 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
BACKGROUND. Cell-mediated autoimmunity has been strongly implicated in the pathogenesis of viral myocarditis. METHODS AND RESULTS. Using a murine model of acute myocarditis caused by coxsackievirus B3, we analyzed the phenotypes and morphology of the infiltrating cells in the hearts by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. We also examined the expression of a cytolytic factor, perforin, in the infiltrating cells by immunoperoxidase and in situ hybridization. We found that the dominant population of the infiltrating cells were asialo GM1 positive, were negative for T-cell markers, and had electron-dense cytoplasmic granules, which is consistent with a morphology of large granular lymphocytes. Perforin was found in the cytoplasmic granules of the infiltrating cells expressing perforin messenger RNA. These findings provide for the first time the direct evidence that the first wave of cell infiltration in hearts mainly consists of killer cells and strongly suggests that perforin plays, in part, an important role in myocardial cell damage involved in acute viral myocarditis. T-helper cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes made up the second wave of cell infiltration. CONCLUSIONS. As we previously reported, the expression of major histocompatibility complex class I antigen on cardiac myocytes induced by the infiltrating cells, such as killer cells, may facilitate the interaction between cardiac myocytes and cytotoxic T lymphocytes, and may lead to further myocardial cell damage in a later phase. 相似文献
An outbreak of infections, particularly of the urinary tract, caused by coliform bacilli resistant to trimethoprim, and originating in a geriatric unit, is described. The investigation of the outbreak and the analysis of factors predisposing to asymptomatic carriage of trimethoprim-resistant coliform bacilli enabled successful control measures to be initiated. The significance of geriatric units as sources of hospital infection is discussed. The importance of cooperation between geriatricians, infection control nurses and microbiologists is emphasized. 相似文献
医护人员肺炎衣原体呼吸道感染的暴发流行 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的研究肺炎衣原体(CP)呼吸道感染暴发流行的临床特征及胸部影像学表现。方法15例暴发流行的CP呼吸道感染住院患者(1例为原发病例,14例为医护人员)痰和咽拭子标本,应用聚合酶链反应(PCR)检测CP的DNA,使用微量免疫荧光技术(MIF)检测CP的IgG和IgM抗体,同时对胸部X线和CT表现进行分析。结果本组暴发流行的CP感染患者均有发热,头痛,全身肌肉酸痛,干咳,声音嘶哑,咽痛等症状。咳嗽剧烈时伴有胸痛,其中痰中带血3例(3/15,20%),肺部呼吸音减低或细湿哕音5例(5/15,33%)。PCR检测CP阳性13例(13/15,87%),出现明显肺部影像学表现10例(10/15,67%)。主要影像学表现是:一侧和(或)两侧肺部单发或多发腺泡结节状阴影9例,斑片状阴影2例,片状阴影合并局限性肺气肿1例,无肺门及纵隔淋巴结增大、胸腔积液。结论医护人员CP呼吸道感染的暴发流行具有群体发病,发热、头痛、干咳、咽痛和单发或多发腺泡结节状阴影相同的特征。早期CT检查更能真实地反应病变大小,多少和分布范围。诊断时应与严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)进行鉴别。 相似文献
We investigated a norovirus outbreak (genotype GII.2) affecting 9 members of a soccer team. Illness was associated with touching a reusable grocery bag or consuming its packaged food contents (risk difference, 0.636; P?.01). By polymerase chain reaction, GII norovirus was recovered from the bag, which had been stored in a bathroom used before the outbreak by a person with norovirus-like illness. Airborne contamination of fomites can lead to subsequent point-source outbreaks. When feasible, we recommend dedicated bathrooms for sick persons and informing cleaning staff (professional or otherwise) about the need for adequate environmental sanitation of surfaces and fomites to prevent spread. 相似文献
目的以血清学方法证实2004年江苏省苏北地区中小学生腺病毒3型急性呼吸道感染的暴发流行.方法应用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测患者急性期IgM抗体、恢复期IgG抗体;应用中和试验方法检测患者急性期、恢复期血清和未患病学生对照血清的中和抗体,并应用SPSS11.0软件对试验数据进行统计分析.结果患者急性期IgM抗体阳性率为3.7%,恢复期IgG抗体阳性率为44.4%,恢复期中和抗体阳性率为59.5%;未患病学生分别为0%、8.3%和33.3%,卡方检验P值分别为0.510、0.018、0.226;9例患者配对双份血清中有6例患者恢复期血清中和抗体保护作用均较急性期血清明显增长;ELISA方法检测IgG与中和试验检测中和抗体的一致率为61.4%,Kappa检验P=0.070.结论血清学方法进一步证实苏北地区急性呼吸道感染暴发流行的病原体为腺病毒3型. 相似文献