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Patients with end-stage renal disease require renal replacement therapy with either dialysis or kidney transplantation. Survival and quality of life (QoL) after transplantation are superior to chronic dialysis. Early living donor kidney transplantation is best for patient and graft survival. Preemptive living-related kidney transplantation therefore is the best medical treatment option for these patients. Patients with end-stage renal disease suffer from multiple physical and psychological complaints. The prevalence of depressive disorders is 20-25% in this population. Studies on QoL in children after kidney transplantation show a reduced physical QoL, but an overall good psychological QoL. Alarming results of numerous studies are the high non-adherence rates in adolescents. Especially exercise interventions during dialysis and after kidney transplantation show promising results. Whether QoL of patients will improve with new approaches to immunosuppressive therapy remains to be evaluated in future studies.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Rahmen einer Beobachtungs-Kohortenstudie wurden 138 Patienten vor und nach Nierentransplantation und 118 Patienten vor und nach Lebertransplantation zu ihrer Lebensqualität befragt. Erhebungsinstrumente waren das Nottingham Health Profile (NHP), eine Activities of Daily Life (ADL) Skala, die Subskala, Somatisierung der Symptom Check List (SCL-90-R), die Center of Epidemiology and Statistics Depression Scale (CES-D) zur Selbsteinschätzung sowie der Spitzer-und der Karnofsky-Index zur Fremdbewertung. Abgesehen von einer Beschwerdezunahme in einigen Bereichen während der postoperativen Frühphase zeigten sich in beiden Gruppen signifikante und anhaltende Verbesserungen der Lebensqualität schon drei Monate nach der Transplantation. Patienten nach Nierentransplantation wiesen z. T. Werte unterhalb des Beschwerdeniveaus einer Bevölkerungsstichprobe auf. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass eine systematische Erfassung der subjektiven Wahrnehmung des Patienten auch in extremen Behandlungssituationen möglich ist und einer differenzierten Bewertung medizinischer Massnahmen dienen kann. Sie liefert damit einen Beitrag zur Entwicklung der modernen Evaluationsforschung im Sinne einer auf empirischer Evidenz beruhenden medizinischen Praxis.
Changes in quality of life after organ transplantation
Summary 138 patients with end-stage kidney disease and 118 patients with end-stage liver disease were included in an observational cohort study regarding their quality of life. Instruments used were the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP), a scale for Activities of Daily Life (ADL), a Symptom Check List (SCL-90-R), and the Center of Epidemiology and Statistics Depression Scale (CES-D), all for self rating, as well as the indices of Spitzer and Karnofsky for foreign rating of life quality. Apart from the early postoperative period in both groups there was significant and persistant improvement in quality of life already three months after transplantation. In some dimensions, patients after kidney transplantation presented even lower trouble scores than a population sample. In addition, semistructured interviews showed clearly the need for psychotherapeutic support to guarantee the success for specific cases. The present investigation demonstrates, that systematic registration of the patients perception of illness and treatment is possible even in extreme situations and leads to a differentiated evaluation of medical procedures. Thereby the study also contributes to the development of modern evaluation research according to the spirit of evidence based medicine.

La qualité de vie avant et après la transplantation des organes
Résumé 138 malades souffrant d'insuffisance renale et 118 patients souffrant d'une maladie terminale du foie furent inclus dans une étude d'observation des cohortes ciblant l'analyse de leur qualité de vie. Les questionnaires utilisés étaient pour l'autoévaluation le «Nottingham Health Profile» (NHP), une gamme des «Activities of Daily Life« (ADL), une liste des symptômes (SCL-90-R) et le «Center of Epidemiology and Statistics Depression Scale» (CES-D). Egalement étaient appliqués les indices de Spitzer et Karnofsky pour une évaluation étrangère. Hors mis la première phase postopératoire, les malades des deux groupes présentaient des améliorations significatives et persistantes de la qualité de vie déjà trois mois après la transplantation. Pour la majorité des dimensions analysées, les transplantés de rein enregistraient un niveau de plaints moins important qu'un échantillon de la population. En plus, des interviews semistructurés ont démontrés le besoin d'un soutien psychothérapeutique pour quelques individus afin d'assurer le succès de l'intervention. L'étude démontre que l'enregistrement systématique de l'autoperception du malade vis à vis de sa maladie et le traitement offert est possible mème sous des conditions difficiles et particulières. Il s'agit d'un élément constitutif de l'évaluation différenciée des procédures médicales. Pour cela l'étude contribue au développement de la recherche médicale dans le sens d'une médecine basée sur l'évidence scientifique.

Aim of this study was to analyze the effects of single diseases and multimorbidity on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in the elderly. Based on data from telephone interwiews with the getABI cohort, empirical analyses were conducted. To evaluate HRQoL, 2,120 participants (76.29 ± 4.48 years old, 46.3% male) completed the EQ-5D and the SF-8 questionnaire. There is an inverse relationship between HRQoL and multimorbidity in the elderly. In comparison to psychological dimensions, physical domains decrease more clearly with rising morbidity. Analyzing the influence of single diseases, particularly cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases diagnosed in the last two years, the long-term existence of peripheral arterial disease and dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system result in severe loss of HRQoL in older persons. Information on HRQoL can help health care providers obtain a comprehensive picture of their older and often multimorbid patients’ state and perception of health. An optimized health care process should not only focus on the individual diagnoses, but also on the extent of multimorbidity and associated HRQoL effects.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to describe health related quality of life (HRQL) of the German adult population and provide current representative normative data for the version 2 of the SF-36 (SF-36V2) in the German population. In the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1) the SF-36V2 was used to measure health-related quality of life. Men report in all areas better HRQOL compared to women, a lower social status is associated with lower HRQOL-values. Having one or more chronic diseases is associated with lower values in all dimensions of health-related quality of life. Compared to 10 years ago, the General health seems to be much better in women aged 40 to 49 years and older and in men aged 50 to 59 years and older. Version 2 of the SF-36 has proved to be a robust instrument of health-related quality of life that is able to plausible map differences regarding socio-demographic and health characteristics. An English full-text version of this article is available at SpringerLink as supplemental.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit 1641 Beschäftigten zweier metallverarbeitender Betriebe wurde eine Studie zu Möglichkeiten und Grenzen betrieblicher Gesundheitsförderung durchgeführt, die auch Ernährungsgewohnheiten und gesundheitsbezogene Lebensstile einschloss. Nur ein kleiner Teil der Befragten ass täglich gesunde Nahrungsmittel, viele mieden aber den täglichen Verzehr ungesunder Nahrung. Der grösste Teil der Stichprobe wird durch eine Kombination gesunder und ungesunder Elemente des Essverhaltens gekennzeichnet. Die Gruppe der überwiegend gesunden Esser wird eher von Frauen als von Männern, eher von älteren als von jüngeren Menschen, eher von Verheirateten als von Alleinlebenden und eher von Angestellten als von Arbeitern gebildet. Die Schulbildung und die Kinderzahl wirkten sich nicht auf das Essverhalten aus. Gesunde Esser konsumierten weniger Alkohol und Nikotin, trieben mehr Sport und nahmen eher Kurse zur Gesundheitsförderung in Anspruch als überwiegend ungesunde Esser.
Eating habits of emplyees in the metal industry: Determinants and patterns
Summary We conducted a survey on chances and barriers of occupational health promotion and health behaviour including diet in two South German metal companies. Only a small percentage of the 1641 participants consumed healthy food each day, but many avoided eating unhealthy food. Most employees are characterized by a combination of healthy and unhealthy elements. The group of healthy eaters consists of more women than men, more older than younger people and more non-manual than manual workers. The level of education and number of children have not been associated with eating habits. Healthy eaters consumed less alcohol and tobacco and were more engaged in sports and in health promotion programmes than unhealthy eaters.

Habitudes alimentaires des employés de la métallurgie: Facteurs déterminants et modèles
Résumé Une enquête portant sur les attitudes envers la prévention de la santé en milieu professionnel et les modes de vie protecteurs de la santé a été réalisée sur une population de 1641 employés de deux entreprises métallurgiques. Seule une petite partie des sujets se nourissait quotidiennement d'aliments sains, une grande partie d'entre eux évitant toutefois de manger des aliments malsains. Pour la majorité des sujets on peut qualifier le comportement alimentaire de combinaison d'éléments nutritionnels sains et malsains. Le groupe des sujets ayant un comportement alimentaire essentiellement sain se recrute plutôt chez les femmes que chez les hommes, plutôt chez les personnes âgées que parmi les jeunes, plutôt chez les gens mariés que chez les personnes seules et enfin plutôt chez les employés que parmi les ouvriers. Le type de formation scolaire et le nombre d'enfants n'ont pas eu d'influence sur le comportement alimentaire. Ce sont surtout les sujets se nourissant de manière saine qui consomment de l'alcool de manière modérée, ne fument plutôt pas ou plus, font le plus de sport et suivent plutôt des cours sur les programmes de santé que les sujets ayant un comportement alimentaire plutôt malsain.

Die Erfassung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualit?t ist in der Medizin zunehmend akzeptiert. Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualit?t kann verstanden werden als Selbstbericht von sozialen, psychischen, k?rperlichen und alltagsnahen Aspekten von Wohlbefinden und Funktionsf?higkeit. Zur Erfassung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualit?t existieren viele Messinstrumente, die sowohl psychometrisch geprüft als auch international verfügbar und normiert sind. Eines dieser Messinstrumente ist der ursprünglich amerikanische SF-36 Health Survey, der mit 36 Fragen acht Dimensionen der subjektiven Gesundheit und zwei Summenscores erfasst (eine Kurzform mit 12 Items ist vorhanden). Das Verfahren ist inzwischen in mehreren Sprachen vorliegend und psychometrisch geprüft und in zehn L?ndern normiert, auch in Deutschland. Die übersetzung und Prüfung des SF-36 in der deutschen Sprache wurde entsprechend der Vorgaben der internationalen IQOLA-Gruppe durchgeführt, wobei exzellente psychometrische Eigenschaften hinsichtlich der Reliabilit?t, Validit?t und Sensitivit?t fest gestellt wurden. Derzeit wird an einem gesundheits?konomischen Verfahren aus dem SF-36, dem SF-6D, sowie an computerisierten Anwendungen, computeradaptiertem Testen und Prüfung der jeweiligen Relevanz der Items auch im Vergleich zu anderen gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualit?tsmessinstrumenten gearbeitet. Der SF-36 ist eines der Verfahren, das weltweit am h?ufigsten zur Erfassung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualit?t eingesetzt wird, wenn auch bem?ngelt wird, dass beim SF-36 eine sehr verhaltensorientierte Konzeptualisierung von Lebensqualit?t vorliegt. In den folgenden Jahren wird sich zeigen, welche Bedeutung dem SF-36 auch im Vergleich mit anderen Instrumenten und in verschiedenen Verwendungszwecken zukommt.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a change in the health and disease spectrum among children and adolescents, with an increase in mental health problems and a shift from acute to chronic illness. In this phase, the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) has increased in importance as a dimension of subjective health. The aim of this study is to describe the HRQoL of children and adolescents measured with the internationally standardized screening instrument KIDSCREEN-10. In the follow-up of the KiGGS study in 2009-2012 (KiGGS Wave 1), 2,567 parents of children aged 7–10 years and 4,878 adolescents aged 11 years or older completed the KIDSCREEN-10 questionnaire. In all, 94% of parents of 7- to 10-year-old girls and boys estimate the HRQoL of their children to be “very good” or “good.” Of the 11- to 17-year-old adolescents, 96?% report their HRQoL as “very good” or “good.” Somatic diseases and pain as well as mental health problems and a low social status are included in the HRQoL in only a limited way. Potential differences in HRQoL by social status were not confirmed in multivariate models. The HRQoL of the examined children and adolescents is predominantly very good or good. Interventions to improve the HRQoL of children and adolescents with diseases and psychopathological problems are necessary, regardless of their social status.  相似文献   



An efficient and hard working employee is one of many requirements an employer depends on to remain competitive in today??s economy. Yet growing mechanisation facilitates the daily routine continuously. Increased sedentary work and media consumption pander to today??s inactivity and the many risk factors it is connected to. It is essential to respect the protection and promotion of each employee??s health and well-being. Hence, occupational health management, i.e. workplace health promotion, occupational rehabilitation and occupational safety, may come into play as it controls and integrates all processes at work.


Employees of a medium-sized company (n = 221) were examined to determine their individual physical and psychological condition. The relation between physical demands on the job, health-related quality of life and level of physical activity is the focus of this study. The quality of life questionnaire, a questionnaire regarding sports activity, a questionnaire concerning physical demands on the job and the IPN test were used for gathering the data.


Overall, physically active persons show significantly better data in the physical, social, psychological and contextual test range. Further, physically active employees are more satisfied with their state of health and contribute to the business success to a greater extent.


It appears fundamental that companies should also be instrumental in raising employees?? awareness of physical activity as a balance to everyday life and its effects on health and well-being. A commitment to more physical activity and exercise offers an opportunity to influence the quality of life strongly.  相似文献   



This study investigates (1) to what extent the control belief of patients with coronary heart disease or diabetes mellitus influences their quality of life and (2) whether the various strategies of coping with these diseases mediate the correlation between control beliefs and subjective quality of life.


A total of 155 patients with coronary heart disease, 85 patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and 184 patients with type 2 diabetes, answered the KKG (Control Beliefs in Relation to Illness and Health Questionnaire), FEKB (Coping Strategies Concerning Illness Questionnaire), and parts of the WHO Quality of Life Questionnaire.


Chronically ill patients who believe control to be internal rather than external and score lower on the rumination scale report a significantly higher quality of life. Moreover, search for social support is an additional determinant of subjective quality of life.


The implications for secondary prevention among chronically ill persons are discussed.  相似文献   

The SF-8, a relatively new instrument for measuring health-related quality of life, was used in the German National Telephone Health Survey 2003. The SF-8 provides results which are comparable to those of the SF-36, the instrument most commonly used internationally. The German National Telephone Health Survey provides nationally representative data for the residential population in Germany aged 18 and older. In addition to the measurement of health-related quality of life, comprehensive information on chronic illnesses and complaints, health care needs, utilisation of health care, risk factors, risk behaviour and social status is also collected, making differentiated analyses possible. According to the data collected, men rate their quality of life in all dimensions higher than women. With increasing age, quality of life for both men and women decreases in the physical dimensions, while increasing in the mental health dimensions. Apart from chronic disease and pain having a negative impact on health-related quality of life, social differences are also observable, in that worse health-related quality of life is reported by respondents with lower socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

Within a comprehensive comparison of telephone and postal survey methods the SF-8 was applied to assess adult's health-related quality of life. The 1690 subjects were randomly assigned to a telephone survey and a postal survey. Comparisons across the different modes of administration addressed the response rates, central tendency, deviation, ceiling and floor effects observed in the SF-8 scores as well as the inter-item correlation. The importance of age and gender as moderating factors was investigated. Results indicate no or small statistically significant differences in the responses to the SF-8 depending on the actual mode of administration and the health aspect questioned. It was concluded that further investigations should focus on the exact nature of these deviations and try to generate correction factors.  相似文献   

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic behavioural disorder diagnosed in 4.8 % of German children and adolescents. Although many studies indicate primarily a neurobiological etiology, the disorder cannot be diagnosed on the basis of specific markers. The principal aspect of diagnosis is the experienced clinician who must also take the differentiation of other behavioural disorders into account. In addition to inheritance, other known risk factors are nicotine exposition in pregnancy, adverse psychosocial conditions and birth complications. Protective factors are cognitive abilities, positive social contacts, and early treatment. The necessary structures in community support are developing; however, substantial enhancement is needed. Studies on quality of life indicate that ADHD should not be reduced to core symptoms since affected children are impaired in almost all areas of daily life.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Erfassung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualit?t ist in der Medizin zunehmend akzeptiert. Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualit?t kann verstanden werden als Selbstbericht von sozialen, psychischen, k?rperlichen und alltagsnahen Aspekten von Wohlbefinden und Funktionsf?higkeit. Zur Erfassung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualit?t existieren viele Messinstrumente, die sowohl psychometrisch geprüft als auch international verfügbar und normiert sind. Eines dieser Messinstrumente ist der ursprünglich amerikanische SF-36 Health Survey, der mit 36 Fragen acht Dimensionen der subjektiven Gesundheit und zwei Summenscores erfasst (eine Kurzform mit 12 Items ist vorhanden). Das Verfahren ist inzwischen in mehreren Sprachen vorliegend und psychometrisch geprüft und in zehn L?ndern normiert, auch in Deutschland. Die übersetzung und Prüfung des SF-36 in der deutschen Sprache wurde entsprechend der Vorgaben der internationalen IQOLA-Gruppe durchgeführt, wobei exzellente psychometrische Eigenschaften hinsichtlich der Reliabilit?t, Validit?t und Sensitivit?t fest gestellt wurden. Derzeit wird an einem gesundheits?konomischen Verfahren aus dem SF-36, dem SF-6D, sowie an computerisierten Anwendungen, computeradaptiertem Testen und Prüfung der jeweiligen Relevanz der Items auch im Vergleich zu anderen gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualit?tsmessinstrumenten gearbeitet. Der SF-36 ist eines der Verfahren, das weltweit am h?ufigsten zur Erfassung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualit?t eingesetzt wird, wenn auch bem?ngelt wird, dass beim SF-36 eine sehr verhaltensorientierte Konzeptualisierung von Lebensqualit?t vorliegt. In den folgenden Jahren wird sich zeigen, welche Bedeutung dem SF-36 auch im Vergleich mit anderen Instrumenten und in verschiedenen Verwendungszwecken zukommt.  相似文献   



Aspects of mental health are often assessed in population surveys. However, especially answers to sensitive questions can be biased. For this reason, a validation of the used instruments with regard to potential bias is of high relevance.


This paper addresses the potential existence of gender bias in a commonly used questionnaire assessing depressive symptoms. It is hypothesized that gender differences in depressiveness to the disadvantage of women can be traced back to some extent to the survey mode as well as to the depressiveness instrument itself.

Materials and Methods

In order to examine this hypothesis, data from the pretest and the main survey of the German lidA-study is used. Within the survey the simplified Beck-Depression-Inventory (BDI-V) is applied for the measurement of depressive symptoms. Two survey modes were used in the pretest to measure depressiveness. Using mean comparisons and factor analyses, stratified for gender, possible gender bias is examined.

Results and Discussion

The results show evidence of gender bias with regard to the survey mode. Factor analyses show that symptoms for depressiveness have a different relevance and are structured differently for men and women. This should be taken in account when assessing depressiveness.



A balanced breakfast is an important element of a healthy diet and in childhood and adolescence it is associated with better health status and improved school performance. This analysis examined potential differences in breakfast behavior among primary and secondary school pupils in Germany according to age, sex, family form, socioeconomic status (SES) and migration background.


The analysis was based on data from the first follow-up of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS Wave 1, 2009–2012). The proportion of pupils aged 6–17 years (n = 7547) who reported having breakfast at home every weekday was analyzed. Family form distinguished between nuclear, single-parent and step-families. The SES was based on data on parental education, occupation and income. Migration background refers to country of birth and nationality of both parents and child.


Approximately two thirds of the girls (65.7%) and boys (70.3%) have breakfast at home every weekday. With increasing age the respective proportions gradually decrease. Children in nuclear families have daily breakfast at home more often than children in step-families and single-parent families. A higher SES corresponds to a higher percentage of children having breakfast at home every weekday. Children with a two-sided migration background have breakfast every weekday at home less often than children without a migration background.


The results may help to conceptualize activities that promote healthy nutrition in families and schools. When interpreting the presented results it has to be taken into account that out-of-home breakfast was not assessed and the data do not allow conclusions about the nutritional quality of the breakfast.

Zusammenfassung Die Homosexualität ist weder erbbedingt noch hat sie ihre Ursachen in der biologischen Konstitution des Individuums. Sie ist die Wirkung einer Neurose, die aus den Einflüssen der Kindheit, der psychischen Entwicklung der ersten Jahre entstammt. Bei der Analyse der psychischen Situation des Homosexuellen findet die Tiefenpsychologie stets Charakterstörungen, unter welchen die sexuelle Haltung nur ein spezielles Symptom der gestörten Sozialbeziehungen darstellt. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Charakterstörungen steht die Ängstlichkeit, die ihren speziellen Ausdruck in der Angst vor dem anderen Geschlecht findet; wobei als Ausdruck dieser Angst Abwehr, Abneigung, Haß und Indifferenz oft im Vordergrund stehen. Psychotherapie kann in vielen Fällen helfen, diese Störungen zu überwinden.
Résumé L'homosexualité n'est pas héréditaire ni fondée dans la biologie de l'individu; elle est l'effet d'une névrose qui résulte des influences de l'enfance, du développement psychique de l'enfant dans ses premières années. La psychologie des profondeurs analyse la situation psychologique de l'homosexuel et trouve toujours des caractères névrotiques, dont l'attitude sexuelle est seulement un symptôme pour les relations sociales irritées, concentrées autour d'une angoisse générale qui s'exprime entre autres dans une angoisse devant l'autre sexe, souvent masquée comme nausée, dégoût et indifférence. La psychothérapie a de bonnes chances.

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