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赣榆县1996~1998年居民死因调查分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由江苏省卫生厅牵头 ,在县卫生局领导下 ,赣榆县开展了 1996~ 1998年居民死因回顾性调查 ,现将调查结果分析如下。资料与方法1 死因资料 来源于赣榆县 1996~ 1998年居民死因回顾性调查 ,调查卡片录入SYMS软件并经反复审核获得准确数据后由软件生成死因报表。2 人口资料 按容量概率法随机抽取全县 1/10自然村 ,以派出所户口登记、计划免疫接种记录等为依据 ,统计全县 1998年底人口年龄、性别构成 ,标化率按1982年全国第三次人口普查所得标准年龄构成调整。3 死因均按ICD 9编码归类。4 用简略寿命表法计算期望寿命 ,PYLL统计…  相似文献   

赣榆县1996—1998年居民死因调查分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1996~1998年赣榆县开展了居民死因回顾性调查。现将调查结果分析如下。1 材料与方法  死因资料:来源于赣榆县1996~1998年居民死因回顾性调查,调查卡片录入SYMS软件并经反复审核获得清洁数据后由软件生成死因报表。人口资料:按容量概率法随机抽取全县1/10自然村,以派出所户口登记、计划免疫接种记录等为依据统计全县1998年底人口年龄、性别构成,标化率按1982年全国第三次人口普查所得标准年龄构成调整。死因均按ICD9编码归类。用简略寿命表法计算期望寿命,PYLL统计方法计算寿命损失年,使用年龄1~69岁。累积死亡率使用年龄为…  相似文献   

用SAS程序编制简略寿命表及去死因寿命表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文献 [1]介绍了蒋庆琅用 FORTRANIV语言实现简略寿命表编制的程序 ,但由于该程序语言不够普及 ,使用起来有许多不便。文献 [2 ]介绍了用 EXCEL 编制简略寿命表的方法 ,采用交互式操作 ,步聚较多 ,容易出错。文献 [3]也介绍了用 SAS软件编制简略寿命表的程序 ,但未能提供编制去死因寿命表及实现寿命表指标分析作图的程序。为此 ,本文用文献 [4]的一个实例介绍用 SAS软件实现简略寿命表及去死因寿命表的编制 ,并实现其作图的编程方法。1 编程思想及说明 在表 1和表 2程序中 ,0 1行是选择打印宽度为 12 8,以便打印出完整的表格。 0 2…  相似文献   

近年来,塘沽地区居民生活水平迅速提高,生活方式、居民疾病谱及死因谱也发生了明显改变.本研究中我们采用编制简略寿命表及去死因简略寿命表的方法计算居民的期望寿命,分析其主要影响因素和死因,为评价健康水平、卫生决策和疾病防控提供数据支持及科学依据.  相似文献   

人口资料死因分析 ,是反映居民健康水平的客观指标 ,又是评价卫生工作效果的一个重要依据。现将我市 1 997年疾病监测点死因分析如下 :1 材料与方法1 1 人口资料由市公安局户籍股提供。1 2 死因资料来自属下六个镇疾病监测点的镇派出所死亡证明和卫生院防疫人员的调查核对。1 3 统计方法1 3 1 各年龄组平均人口数及总人口平均数按上年末和本年末百岁表计算。1 3 2 居民全死因按卫生部统一规定的居民病伤死因ICD -9分类归纳整理。1 3 3 寿命表由中国预防医学科学院疾病监测软件计算获得。1 3 4 性别显著性差异比较按Poi…  相似文献   

本文应用由人口学家Manton,K.G 1976年提出的致死疾病衰老模型(Lethal-defectWearout Model)风险寿命表法对西安市碑林区1987~1988年居民死因进行多死因统计分析,并与传统的Chiang's单死因风险寿命表分析进行了比较。结果表明,在人口趋向老龄化,慢性退行性疾病日趋普遍的情况下,仍沿用单死因统计方法已显得不够合理,而多死因统计分析方法的应用则更具必要性。  相似文献   

目的了解克拉玛依市居民死亡水平及期望寿命,发现主要卫生问题,为制定有效预防措施提供依据。方法死因按国际疾病分类(ICD-10)和编码,使用《死亡医学登记系统》DeathReg软件进行分析,SPSS13.0统计软件编制简略寿命表。结果 2009年克拉玛依市居民总死亡率为351.64/10万,标化死亡率为318.11/10万,期望寿命为82.38岁,死因顺位前5位依次为循环系统疾病、恶性肿瘤、呼吸系统疾病、损伤中毒和消化系统疾病。结论慢性病和伤害是克拉玛依市居民的主要死因,加强社区慢病管理和妇幼卫生保健工作,开展危险因素干预是控制和降低疾病的有效措施。  相似文献   

目的解决医院血库传统手工方法进行交叉配血申请单相关信息的登记、报告单填写、资料统计和信息查询,工作量大、报告单不够整洁规范、查询统计不便等问题。方法用Access2003建立数据库及所需数据库表。在VB6.0中建立项目,设计所需窗体和报表,开发制作交叉配血软件。结果使用情况表明,软件在Windows XP、Windows2000下运行情况良好,实现了相关信息的登记、报表打印、信息查询统计等功能。结论软件具有体积小、占用系统资源少、运行速度快、使用简便、功能较多等特点,提高了工作效率和工作质量。  相似文献   

目的解决基于R语言输出Excel报表的精细化处理,提高日常统计工作效率。方法通过介绍openxlsx软件包的功能,并以编写复合表头“三线表”函数为例,展示其在Excel报表操作中的应用。结果R语言中openxlsx软件包可精细化处理Excel报表格式,能够解决报表输出后需手动调整表格样式等问题。结论使用openxlsx软件包编写报表程序,可有效提高重复性统计工作的效率。  相似文献   

卫生部1998年5月下旬在湖南长沙召开的《全国生命统计软件培训班》,向全国推广使用由湖北省卫生厅统计信息中心胡国善高级统计师1997年9月编写的《居民病伤死因年报超级信息管理系统,SYMS》,该软件是卫生部指定的生命统计软件包,要求各省市从1998年起统一使用该软件生成的数据库上报年报,该软件包可以统计分析:①各年龄组死亡率;②分段年龄组死亡率;③世界、中国、本地标化人口死亡率;④全人口死因构成;⑤任意年龄组死因构成;③全死因期望寿命;③去死因期望寿命;③17大类死因顺位;③单种疾病死因顺位。还可以合并多个不同监…  相似文献   

目的研究护士团队沟通满意感对科室护理质量的影响。方法收集2006年1月-2008年1月,2008年2月至2010年2月两所医院11个科室护理质量检查表各275份,应用SPSS13.0软件Kruskal-Wallis H test法(成组设计多个样本比较秩和检验)、卡方检验进行统计学分析处理。结果两阶段的护士一般情况没有显著性差异,而两阶段护理质量的各个方面存在显著性差异。结论护士团队沟通满意感的获得能促进护理工作质量的提高。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This report describes the methodology used in the preparation of the 1999-2001 decennial life tables for the United States. METHODS: Data used to prepare these life tables include population data by age on the census date April 1, 2000; deaths occurring in the 3-year period 1999-2001 classified by age at death; births for each of the years 1997-2001; and Medicare data for ages 66-100 years from the years 1999-2001. Methods that were kept the same as those of previous decennial tables include data sources used in constructing tables, the preliminary adjustment for misreported ages, the smoothing techniques for vital statistics and census data, and the calculations of death rates in different age groups. Two significant changes were made to the methodology used to estimate mortality for the populations aged 66 years and over. First, Medicare data were used to supplement vital statistics (number of deaths) and census data (population estimates) starting at age 66 years instead of age 85 years as was done in the estimation of previous U.S. decennial life tables. Second, smoothing and extrapolation of death rates for ages 66-109 was performed using a mathematical model given by Heligman and Pollard, instead of a Whittaker-Henderson Type B formula or modified Gompertz method.  相似文献   

本文利用四川省宣汉县四次人口普查资料,用蒋氏法编制出男女性简略寿命表,并对寿命表中主要指标进行动态分析,以了解该县四十年来居民健康状况的变化。  相似文献   

高校招生体检资料历来受学校卫生专业人员的重视,因为它从一个侧面反映了我国中学毕业生的健康状况。高考体检标准统一,技术要求严格,因此其结果有较高的参考价值,并且资料的收集也比较方便。但目前各地对高考体检结果的统计方法还不统一,表格各异,这就给资料的结累、分析、对比造成一定困难。因此,本文就普通高校招生体检的统计方法提一些探讨性意见,抛砖引玉,引起大家  相似文献   

Teaching sensitivity analysis can be hampered by the large computational burden required by successive recalculation of outcomes. We designed a package of programs for an Apple II Plus microcomputer that allows rapid recalculation of two "model" decision problems currently available in the literature (hernia surgery and pharyngitis). The package presents the baseline values of the models and the expected utilities for each decision. The user can alter one or more key model values and recalculate the utilities easily and repeatedly. The threshold points for a number of variables are automatically computed. The package is interactive and prompts the user for all required input. No knowledge of computer programming is required to use the package. Students who were familiar with the basic elements of decision analysis were introduced to the modeled problems by didactic tutorials and independent reading. They were then given a set of sensitivity analyses to perform using the computerized models as a tool. Students were able to complete the sensitivity analysis assignments without difficulty and discussion of model assumptions was stimulated. The package enhances the teaching of sensitivity analysis by reducing its computational burden and promoting understanding of its nature and value.  相似文献   

医院动态统计数据的静态转储   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 把医院信息系统运行过程中所产生的动态数据转储为静态信息。方法 基于“××××”课题工作站产生的动态数据 ,设计出符合统计需求的静态数据表 ,确定采集数据的方案并通过Oracle数据库的PL/SQL语言实施数据采集。结果 在医院信息系统数据库中生成了静态日结、月结数据表。结论 医院动态统计数据的静态转储是统计信息服务的基础工作。  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood estimation of models for binary longitudinal data is typically inconsistent if the dependence structure is misspecified. Unfortunately, diagnostics specifically designed for detecting such misspecifications are scant. We develop residuals and diagnostic tests based on comparing observed and expected frequencies of response patterns over time in the presence of arbitrary time‐varying and time‐invariant covariates. To overcome the sparseness problem, we use lower‐order marginal tables, such as two‐way tables for pairs of time‐points, aggregated over covariate patterns. Our proposed pairwise concordance residuals are valuable for exploratory diagnostics and for constructing both generic tests for misspecified dependence structure as well as targeted adjacent pair concordance tests for excess serial dependence. The proposed methods are straightforward to implement and work well for general situations, regardless of the number of time‐points and the number and types of covariates.  相似文献   

We recently completed a study which demonstrated that the costs of health technology assessment (HTA) by randomised controlled trial (RCT) can be reduced by substituting routine datasets for data designed and collected specifically for a trial. This cost reduction, however, had the effect of reducing the quality of the research output. In the present study we attempted to tease out the values attached to the 'better' information provided by designed data RCTs using a mock grants committee. Two valuation techniques, implied values and willingness to pay, were used. Ex ante valuations were determined by comparing alternative research proposals - a more costly version using designed data and a cheaper version using routine data. Ex post valuations were determined by comparing results of both versions. The exercise was performed on four exemplar studies. Overall, the committee expressed a general lack of trust towards routine data both ex ante and ex post and placed high values on the better information from the designed data studies - particularly information on preferences. This suggests that currently available routine datasets are not perceived to be able to provide efficient alternatives to designed data for RCTs.  相似文献   

Exact sample sizes and critical numbers of cases for the rejection of a known event probability (10-2 to 10-6) in favour of an increased probability (1⋅5- to 50-fold) at levels {α; β} = {0⋅05; 0⋅10} and {α; β} = {0⋅10; 0⋅05} are presented. The numbers are thoroughly validated using the characteristics of the confidence interval for the unknown true event probability. Equivalence is shown to be obtainable for the tolerated maximal value of the relative risk and the upper limit of the confidence interval for the true event probability. Also demonstrated is the use of the tables for planned actions to reduce given empirical risks. In addition, use of the tables is shown for judging results from given data sets.  相似文献   

结构变动度在医保住院患者医疗费用结构分析中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析医保住院住院患者医疗费用结构的变动幅度和趋势,找出影响结构变动的主要费用项目。方法采用结构变动度、结构变动值和结构变动贡献率等指标,分析5年中医保住院住院患者医疗费用结构的变动情况。结果 5年来医保住院患者的医疗费用结构在总体上保持一个比较快的变动速度。其中治疗费、手术费、床位费和检查费是和引起住院医疗费用支出结构变动的主要费用项目,四者的累积贡献率为56.63%。检查费在费用支出结构中所占的比重有增加的趋势,而床位费有减少的趋势。结论本文仅对住院医疗费用结构中的费用支出结构进行研究分析。采用结构变动度分析某时期的费用结构变动情况,可以综合表达费用在不同年度和不同项目的构成变化,反映出住院医疗费用结构变化的总体特征。  相似文献   

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