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The relative hydrophobicity of human serum alpha1-antitrypsin (AAT) and alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) in comparison to various reference proteins was determined by hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC). Apolar character of glycoproteins was generated using three different cosmotropic salts, ammonium sulfate, sodium sulfate, sodium citrate and isocratic, or reversed linear gradient elution techniques. Human serum AAT and AGP showed different apolar properties on Fractogel EMD phenyl and propyl columns modulated either by the type and concentration of cosmotropic salts, or by the pH of the mobile phase. According to its higher carbohydrate content AGP proved to be more polar than AAT. Human serum AAT and AGP were pre-separated by Cibacron Blue F3G-A dye ligand affinity chromatography and based on their different hydrophobicity were fractionated and purified by HIC.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of 1-acid glycoprotein on tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) production and lymphocyte response to phytohemagglutinin in cultured peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes from 6 healthy donors. We observed 2 opposite responses to 1-acid glycoprotein: first, stimulation of TNF- and IL-10 production and inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation, and second, suppression of cytokine production and stimulation of lymphocyte proliferation. In cell cultures isolated from 4 of 6 donors, the TNF-/IL-10 ratio remained unchanged after addition of native 1-acid glycoprotein, but some fractions isolated by chromatography on concanavalin A-Sepharose changed this parameter. These changes were most pronounced after treatment with fraction C enriched with molecules with incomplete (biantennary) carbohydrate chains. The mechanisms of 1-acid glycoprotein-induced effects on peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes are discussed.  相似文献   

We report that alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AAG), a naturally occurring human plasma protein and acute phase reactant of uncertain biological function, inhibits human neutrophil aggregation and superoxide anion generation induced by a variety of stimuli including zymosan treated serum, formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine and phorbol myristate acetate. Inhibition was transient, directly proportional to the glycoprotein concentration and inversely proportional to the concentration of the stimulus added. Desialyzation, resulting in the removal of a substantial portion of the molecule's negative charge, did not alter the effectiveness of AAG. Removal of the penultimate galactose residues from desialyzed AAG resulted in a slight but significant reversal of inhibition, suggesting that the heteropolysaccharide units of AAG may be important for inhibition of cellular function. We therefore suggest that the acute phase glycoprotein AAG may be a significant modulator of neutrophil as well as platelet and lymphocyte function during inflammation.  相似文献   

When radial immunodiffusion (RID) and electroimmunodiffusion (EID) were used for the determination of rat alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (alpha 1-AGP) a significant discrepancy in the results was encountered depending on the degree of sialylation. When alpha 1-AGP was desialylated, the amounts estimated by EID were much lower than those actually present as assayed by the RID method. The relationship between the percentage of desialylation of alpha 1-AGP and the percentage of its underestimation by EID relative to RID was determined and a calibration curve was plotted to evaluate the degree of desialylation of rat alpha 1-AGP. When compared to other procedures (rat membrane inhibition assay and isoelectrofocusing), the proposed method was easier to perform and allowed the specific evaluation of the degree of undersialylation of the glycoprotein.  相似文献   

In mice, the mean serum concentration of the acute-phase reactant alpha1-acid glycoprotein increased 34–48% over 14 days following experimental induction of pneumonitis by intranasal inoculation of influenza A virus. Inoculation of undiluted (hemagglutination titer 640) and 10–1 dilution of virus was followed by development of maximum concentrations of alpha1-acid glycoprotein in serum at seven days, of 334g/ml, compared to a concentration in control mice inoculated with irradiated inactivated virus of 225g/ml (P=0.002). Infection with 10–2 virus yielded a peak serum alpha1-acid glycoprotein of 301g/ml at four days, 34% higher than in control mice at four days (P=0.04). There were no differences in alpha1-acid glycoprotein concentrations among virus-infected mice. Influenza A virus pneumonitis was confirmed histologically, by virus isolation, and by serologic testing, but no inoculum-dependent differences were observed. On day 7, there was a direct relationship demonstrated between the severity of pneumonitis evaluated histologically and the serum alpha1-acid glycoprotein concentration (r=0.50;P<0.02). Influenza A pneumonia in mice is associated with increased concentrations of alpha1-acid glycoprotein in serum; the increase may be directly related to the severity of the pulmonary inflammation.  相似文献   

The tissue distribution of intravenously administered 125 I-alpha 1-acid glycoprotein and 125I-albumin was studied in rats with inflammatory granuloma or transplanted sarcoma. The marked concentration of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein in extra-vascular spaces of the granuloma or sarcoma tissue was observed, most of which remained in a trichloroacetic-acid-precipitable form throughout the experiments. Albeit less marked, albumin also preferentially accumulated in both pathological tissues and presented essentially the same distribution pattern as alpha 1-acid glycoprotein in intact organs except kidney in both morbid states. The results suggest that serum alpha 1-acid glycoprotein might play an important role in inflammatory or cell proliferative processes in situ. The studies on trichloroacetic acid fractionation also indicate indicat a selective involvement of the kidney in the catabolic processes of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein as compared to that of albumin.  相似文献   

Serum asialoglycoprotein (desialylated glycoproteins) concentrations have been reported to be elevated in patients with hepatic disease as compared with that of normal subjects. We recently developed a solid-phase sandwich assay for asialo alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AsAGP) as a representative of the serum asialoglycoproteins and evaluated the utility of this AsAGP as a diagnostic marker for liver cirrhosis (LC) and/or hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In this study, we developed a rapid, one-step immunochromatographic strip capable of specifically detecting AsAGP in serum specimens. We have produced a monoclonal antibody (mAb) to AGP, and based on ELISA and Western blot analysis, we have selected four hybridoma clones which generated mAbs to recognize AsAGP. In the immunochromatographic strip test, one mAb was used for conjugation with colloidal gold microparticles. Ricinus communis agglutinin (RCA) was immobilized onto a nitrocellulose membrane strip to form a result line in the path of chromatographic migration. Likewise, a control line was created above the result line by the immobilization of anti-mouse IgG. A serum specimen was then applied to the sample pad. The AsAGP in the sample specifically bound to the microparticles via mAb (As16.89) and co-migrated upward until the AsAGP was sandwiched with the immobilized lectin (RCA), revealing a visible result line. The colloidal gold microparticles without bound AsAGP continued to migrate, forming a visible control line. Thus, an AsAGP-positive specimen (>1.5 microg/mL) yielded a result line and a control line, whereas an AsAGP-negative specimen (<1.5 microg/mL) produced only a single control line. The entire test procedure was completed in less than 5 min. In order to examine the reliability of the testing procedures, we carried out the immunochromatographic strip test with 102 serum samples and compared the results of these tests with those obtained by ELISA. The two methods showed excellent correlation, with 83-100% above/below the cut-off value (1.5 microg/mL). Therefore, we concluded that the results of the immunochromatographic test are in excellent accordance with those of the sandwich ELISA.  相似文献   

To elucidate whether acute-phase protein responses occur in dogs infected with Ehrlichia canis, C-reactive protein (CRP) and alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (AAG) levels were serially measured in the plasma of five dogs experimentally inoculated with E. canis and 10 sham-inoculated or noninoculated control dogs. The CRP concentration was measured by a canine-specific capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and the AAG concentration was measured by a canine-specific radial immunodiffusion method. In all E. canis-inoculated dogs, a 3.3- to 6.5-fold increase in the plasma CRP concentration and a 1.9- to 8.6-fold increase in the plasma AAG concentration over the preinoculation level occurred at days 4 to 6 postexposure. Despite the persistence of E. canis and high antibody titers, both CRP and AAG concentrations gradually declined to preexposure levels by day 34 postexposure. E. canis-infected dogs had mild and transient clinical signs which resolved without treatment by day 14 postexposure. The CRP and AAG concentrations in control inoculated or nontreated dogs remained within the normal range throughout the experimental period. Of 12 dogs naturally infected with E. canis, 75% had greater than 50 micrograms of CRP per ml and 83% had greater than 500 micrograms of AAG per ml. All of these 12 dogs had chronic and severe clinical signs of canine ehrlichiosis. Thus, elevations in the levels of acute-phase proteins occur in both acute and chronic canine ehrlichiosis. Determination of CRP and AAG concentrations may help in assessing the severity of inflammatory damage in dogs with E. canis infections.  相似文献   

Immunodiffusion studies show that serum concentration of α1-acid glycoprotein remains virtually the same during all trimesters of pregnancy. A positive correlation (r=0.87) between the term of pregnancy and the concentration of the α1-acid glycoprotein fraction with bi-, tri- and tetra-antenna side chains is established using crossed affine immunoelectrophoresis in the presence of concanavalin A. Translated fromByulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 122, No. 10, pp. 471–474, October, 1996  相似文献   

In this study, the structure of the α1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), or orosomucoid (ORM), gene was investigated in a Ghanaian mother and her child, who shared an unusual variant, ORM1 S2(C), found by isoelectric focusing. Three remarkable changes of nucleotide sequence were observed: (1) The two ORM1 alleles, ORM1 * S and ORM1 * S2(C), had the AGP2 gene-specific sequence at one and three regions, respectively, in exon 5 to intron 5. The variant allele originating from ORM1 * S was characterized by a G-to-A transition, resulting in an amino acid change from valine to methionine, which is also detected in ORM1 F2, a form that is common in Europeans. (2) The AGP2 gene of the child, inherited from the father, was duplicated, as revealed by long-range polymerase chain reaction. (3) Three new mutations were observed in two exons of the AGP2 genes of the mother and child. All of these novel genomic rearrangements, which were not observed in Japanese subjects, may have arisen through point mutation, gene conversion, and unequal crossover events. It is likely that the rearrangement of the AGP gene has often occurred in Africans. Received: June 15, 2001 / Accepted: July 10, 2001  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (MABS) were raised against human alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) and their reaction with the polymorphic forms of this plasma protein were evaluated. Spleen cells of BALB/c mice, immunized with native or desialylated human AGP, were fused with NSO mouse myeloma cells. The hybridoma products were screened with a direct ELISA test, in which the immunoplates were coated with a mixture of native and desialylated AGP. In this test, 14 anti-AGP antibody producing clones were retained. Coating the wells with either native or desialylated AGP showed that eleven clones reacted with both types of AGP ('Type I' MABS), while three MABS reacted specifically with the desialylated form ('Type II' MABS). Precoating the immunoplates with polyclonal anti-human AGP followed by incubation with native or desialylated AGP before the addition of hybridoma supernatant (indirect ELISA), confirmed the specificities observed in the direct ELISA. The molecular heterogeneity of both native AGP and desialylated AGP, based on Concanavalin A reactivity and isoelectric point, was not reflected by any specificity in the antibody reactions. Thus 'Type I' MABS reacted with all molecular forms present in native and desialylated AGP while 'Type II' MABS reacted with all molecular forms present in desialylated AGP.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on albino noninbred mice and rats to study the effect of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (alpha 1-AG) on burn healing. Injection of alpha 1-AG in the first 24 hours after the burn causes rapid epithelialization and increases contracture of the burn wounds. At the same time it increases the deformity of the red cells, reduces their hemolysis due to a mechanical effect, and reduces spontaneous aggregation of blood platelets. No authentic effect of alpha 1-AG on the aggregation of red cells was revealed. It is suggested that alpha 1-AG is a natural defence factor of the organism which prevents the development of microvascular thrombosis and limits in this way the size of the inflammatory and necrotic processes.  相似文献   

The relation between interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels and changes in serum concentrations and glycosylation (concanavalin A affinity) of two human acute-phase glycoproteins, alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) and alpha 1-protease inhibitor (PI), was studied in sequential serum samples of burn patients. The level of IL-6 was already increased at the first day following injury, and after a dip at day 2 or 3 rapidly reached a second maximal value at day 4 or 5. The serum concentrations of AGP and PI reached their maximal values after day 5 and remained at a high level throughout the total period studied (7 weeks). The concanavalin A reactivities of both acute-phase glycoproteins were found to be elevated only during the first 2-2.5 weeks. Maximal values were observed on day 2 and from day 7 to 16, following closely the rise and fall of the IL-6 serum level. After day 16, the concanavalin A affinity rapidly declined long before a decrease was observed in the serum concentrations of AGP and PI. Our previous in vitro studies have indicated an involvement of IL-6 in the induction of both secretion and increased concanavalin A affinity. This study indicates that IL-6 could play a causal role in the induction of both phenomena in vivo.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We measured alpha1-acid-glycoprotein (AGP) in patients with autoimmune thyroid disease to study a possible relationship between microheterogeneity of the naturally occurring glycoforms of AGP and autoimmune thyroid disease. DESIGN, PATIENTS, MEASUREMENTS: In a group of 12 fasting thyrotoxic patients (11 females, mean age: 43 years) with newly diagnosed Graves' disease (subgroup 1), we measured serum concentrations of total AGP and its 3 glycoforms (micromol/l, crossed affinity immunoelectrophoresis with con A in the first dimension gel) as well as total thyroxine, total triiodothyronine, thyrotropine, thyroid peroxidase antibodies (anti-TPO), antibodies against the TSH receptor (TRAb, TRAK), at baseline and after 12 months of antithyroid drug therapy (ATD). For comparison, 4 subgroups of thyroid patients (patients with Graves' disease and thyroid associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) (subgroup 2, n = 10), radioiodine treated Graves' patients (subgroup 3, n = 7), Graves' patients without TAO (subgroup 4, n = 13), patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (subgroup 5, n = 8)) and 25 normal controls (17 females, mean age: 38 years) were studied. RESULTS: In subgroups of TRAb positive Graves patients' serum levels of glycoform 1, 2 or 3 increased significantly (p < 0.005) after 12 months of ATD as compared to both baseline of that person or normal controls. No significant changes were found in the TRAb negative Hashimoto subgroup. CONCLUSION: Patients with autoimmune Graves' disease changed their relationship to AGP, and thus a role of AGP and its 3 glycoforms is suggested in the pathogenesis of Graves' disease.  相似文献   

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