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目的回顾性总结川崎病(KD)并发严重冠状动脉病变患儿的影像学诊断、冠状动脉旁路移植术结果及随访情况。方法复旦大学附属儿科医院2006年8月至2008年3月收治5例(男3例,女2例)KD并发严重冠状动脉病变患儿,年龄12个月至10岁4个月。所有患儿均在KD急性期予IVIG治疗,其中3例予2次。病程第15~21天均行超声心动图(ECHO)检查发现冠状动脉病变;之后常规随访ECG和ECHO,并口服阿司匹林和双嘧达莫或氯吡格雷。1例患儿行64排螺旋CT(MSCT)检查,2例行99Tcm-MIBI心肌灌注显像检查。在病程6~65个月行选择性冠状动脉造影检查,并行冠状动脉旁路移植术及冠状动脉成形术。结果 1/5例在病程中有心绞痛发作,3/5例有心功能不全,1/5例无症状。1/5例有心肌梗死发生并在恢复过程有ECG记录;2/5例ECG有ST-T改变;2/5例ECG未见异常。ECHO除均显示多发性冠状动脉瘤(CAA)外,3/5例还显示左心房和左心室增大,左室射血分数(LVEF)和短轴缩短率的降低,2/5例左室壁运动不协调,与99Tcm-MIBI检查结果一致。冠状动脉造影均可见多发性CAA且至少一处为中等或巨大CAA,并伴有血栓形成和远端闭塞。MSCT与冠状动脉造影检查结果一致。年龄最小的1例患儿(手术时22个月)在冠状动脉移植术中死亡,其余4例术后即刻效果满意。在8~24个月的随访中,1例LVEF较低,随访1年未达到正常;1例术后18个月复发KD,治疗顺利,复查ECHO和MSCT未见冠状动脉进一步损害。4例患儿目前仍在随访中。结论 KD并发冠状动脉病变应定期随访ECG、ECHO,必要时进行99Tcm-MIBI和MSCT检查;如考虑手术需行冠状动脉造影仔细评估冠状动脉病变部位和程度。有心肌缺血表现需及时行冠状动脉旁路移植术和冠状动脉成形术,手术的近期效果显著,远期疗效有待长期随访结果。 相似文献
Wataru Tamaki Etsuko Tsuda Hiroyuki Nakajima Junjiro Kobayashi Junko Shiono 《Pediatrics international》2014,56(2):273-276
We describe the case of a 4‐year‐old boy whose clinical course after Kawasaki disease resulted in coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) due to acute myocardial infarction (AMI) causing cardiogenic shock. He had developed an ischemic cardiomyopathy due to severe localized stenosis of the left main coronary artery (LCA) and went into cardiogenic shock due to AMI on the day before a scheduled operation. He underwent successful emergency CABG within 4 h of MI. Postoperatively his neurological status was intact. This is the first report of a successful emergency CABG in a small child with cardiogenic shock due to LCA occlusion. CABG should be undertaken in small patients when appropriate indications exist, if bodyweight is >10 kg. 相似文献
目的 探讨川崎病(KD)导致的巨大冠状动脉瘤(GCAA)的中远期变化特点,为此类儿童进入青少年期后心血管意外事件的防治提供依据.方法 采用冠状动脉造影(CAG)、超声心动图及心电图检查对12例急性期合并GCAA的KD患儿[男10例,女2例;发病年龄1~10(4.05±2.50)岁]进行2~10年追踪观察,分析该组患儿冠状动脉损害的变化特点.结果 本组患儿除2例急性期超声心动图诊断为单发右冠状动脉巨大瘤外,其余10例均为双侧多发冠状动脉瘤.随访CAG发现8例出现右冠状动脉节段性狭窄,其中右冠状动脉闭塞并桥样新生血管形成3例,多节段局域性狭窄4例,右冠状动脉全程编织样损害(血栓性闭塞并簇状新生血管)1例.本组9例冠状动脉瘤经治疗后仍有不同程度的存在,其中4例左前降支瘤远端血流充盈明显减慢.仅1例患儿(1/12) CAG见双侧冠状动脉瘤回缩至轻度扩张,未见狭窄及其他改变.本组12例患儿随访2 ~ 10年,均无自觉症状,活动未受限.静息心电图1例发现病理Q波,其余11例结果正常.静息心电图正常的11例患儿行药物负荷心电图检查仅1例出现多导联S-T段下移及T波低平;与同期CAG比较,超声心动图检出12例患儿冠状动脉近段形态改变,5例发现可疑室壁运动异常,但对观察冠状动脉中、远段狭窄欠敏感;对4例冠状动脉闭塞并新生血管形成的病例,超声观察均未能提示.结论 KD引起的GCAA损害可在急性期后长期存在.表现为GCAA持续存在、回缩、冠状动脉闭塞、局部狭窄及血管再形成等.本病缺乏临床表现,常规心电图及超声心动图对KD后遗症期冠状动脉形态及功能损害检查欠敏感,CAG对本病的追踪观察有重要价值. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of coronary artery abnormality (CAA) and other clinical features in patients with incomplete Kawasaki disease (iKD) using the data from the 17th Japanese nationwide survey of KD. METHODS: iKD was defined as the presence of four or fewer of the principal symptoms of the Japanese diagnostic guidelines, regardless of whether the patient had CAA. A total of 15,857 cases were analyzed. RESULTS: Among 15,857 cases, 83.9% of patients had five to six principal symptoms (complete KD: cKD), and 16.1% had iKD. The prevalence of CAA in cKD was 14.2%, and 18.4% in iKD. The prevalence of CAA in patients with four principal symptoms was 18.1%, which was higher than in cKD cases (14.2%). Although the reliability of the data has some limitations, the prevalence of CAA among patients with one to three symptoms was 19.3%. Among all CAA patients, 14% had four symptoms, and 6% had only one to three symptoms. CONCLUSION: Incomplete KD should not be equated with mild KD. Patients with four principal symptoms were comparable to cKD with respect to CAA occurrence. In patients with one to three symptoms also, especially in those under 1 year and older than 4 years of age, other significant symptoms and laboratory findings of the guidelines are very important in making a correct and early diagnosis of iKD so as to prevent CAA. 相似文献
Dr. Toshihiro Ino Masazumi Iwahara Hitomi Boku Katsumi Akimoto Naoto Shimura Kei Nishimoto Keijiro Yabuta Kazutaka Yamamoto Atsushi Tanaka Yasuyuki Hosoda 《Pediatric cardiology》1987,8(3):195-197
Summary A case of Kawasaki disease with precordial pain in a 6-year-old boy is described. Coronary arteriography revealed large aneurysms with subtotal obstruction of the left anterior descending artery and long-segment narrowings of the right coronary artery. The left ventriculogram revealed an old myocardial infarction of the inferoposterior wall of the left ventricle. The patient was given aortocoronary bypasses using both a left internal mammary artery and a fresh saphenous vein graft to the left anterior descending artery. Serial angiographic study, performed 6 weeks after the operation, revealed these grafts were both patent. Using the two techniques together may have the potential benefit of the saphenous vein bypass graft functioning as a temporary measure to ensure survival with the hope that the internal mammary artery supply will continue to grow. 相似文献
547例川崎病临床分析及伴冠脉病变高危因素探讨 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
目的 总结川崎病(Kawasaki disease,KD)的临床特征,探讨KD临床表现与预后的关系,了解KD并发冠状动脉病变(coronary artery lesion,CAL)的危险因素.方法 同顾性分析1990年1月至2006年10月间547例住院KD患儿的临床资料,比较典型与不典型KD的临床特征,并探讨KD并发冠状动脉病变的高危因素.结果 547例中典型KD 434例,不典型KD 113例,不典型KD CAL发生牢较高(P<0.05);除肛周脱屑外,其他临床症状发生少,出现晚(P<0.05).547例KD中并发CAL 103例(18.82%),相关因素分析显示发病年龄、性别、血沉、血小板、C-反应蛋白与CAL发生率有密切关系.结论 不典型KD的CAL发生率较高,肛周脱屑较其他临床症状出现早,可以作为早期诊断线索之一;3岁以下的男孩及血沉、血小板、C-反应蛋白明显升高是CAL的高危因素. 相似文献
Strict management of a pregnant patient with giant coronary artery aneurysm due to Kawasaki disease 下载免费PDF全文
Kosuke Taniguchi Hiroshi Ono Anna Sato Satoko Kinomoto Naomi Tagawa Nagayoshi Umehara Hitoshi Kato Haruhiko Sago 《Pediatrics international》2015,57(5):990-992
Coronary artery aneurysms (CAA) may occur in Kawasaki disease (KD). Patients with giant CAA (diameter >8 mm), in particular, have higher risk of myocardial infarction. Previous reports have demonstrated the necessity of anticoagulation therapy in such cases. The management of patients with KD complicated by giant CAA later in life, however, remains controversial. Here, we describe the strict management in the case of a 28‐year‐old pregnant Japanese woman with KD with giant CAA (diameter, 11 mm). Instead of warfarin, the patient was given low‐dose aspirin and i.v. unfractionated heparin during pregnancy to prevent thrombosis in the giant CAA. At 38 weeks of gestation, she had spontaneous delivery of a healthy baby. No thrombotic or bleeding complications were observed. The strict anticoagulation therapy resulted in successful pregnancy and delivery without any adverse events. 相似文献
�����ģ��ޡ��֣���Ǭ�� 《中国实用儿科杂志》2016,31(11):843-846
??Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics of patients with CAL complicated by KD??and to improve the understanding of this disease. Methods Clinical data of 19 cases diagnosed as KD complicated by CAL from September 2008 to August 2015 in the Pediatric Department of First Hospital of China Medical University were retrospectively analyzed. Results KD children complicated with CAL was more in male than in female??male??female was 3.75??1??children with coronary aneurysm were more in male than in female??male??female was 8??1??it was more often in less than 1-year old children??accounting for 36.8%. The incidence rate of coronary artery lesions in this group was 16.4%??CAD was in 10 cases??CAA in 5 cases??GCAA in 4 cases??the incidence rate being 8.6%??4.3% and 3.5%??respectively??in terms of CAL time 73.7% was 2-3 weeks after the disease?? according to the number of branches involved??both coronary artery involved accounted for 68.4%??and according to the location involved??right coronary artery involvement accounted for 41.5%??left main coronary artery involvement accounted for 39.0%??the left anterior descending coronary artery involvement accounted for 17.1%??and left circumflex artery involvement accounted for 2.4%. The clinical grade of severity in CAL children were???? grade in 5 cases??accounting for 26.3%???? grade in 8 cases??accounting for 42.1%???? grade in 6 cases??accounting for 31.6%. During follow-up??71.4% patients had coronary artery aneurysm or dilatation significantly retracted??the average time of retraction being ??1.5±0.7??years??of which 1 case was completely dissipated. Conclusion The incidence rate of the KD patients with CAL is 16.4%??in which CAD has the highest incidence rate while GCAA the lowest. CAL mostly occurs at 2-3 weeks after the disease. Any branch can be damaged??with the right coronary artery to be most likely involved. As to coronary artery disease severity??grade ?? is of the highest proportion. Most coronary artery aneurysm or dilatation has remarkable retraction within 1-2 years. 相似文献
目的报告1例川崎病(Kawasaki disease,KD)合并多发体循环动脉病变并复习文献,以提高对该病的认识和临床诊疗水平。方法根据患儿的症状、体征、心脏超声及体动脉B超等检查结果进行诊断,并结合文献资料进行分析。结果女孩,5个月,诊断川崎病合并双侧冠状动脉瘤,符合静脉注射丙种球蛋白(intra-venous immunoglobulin,IVIG)无反应性川崎病诊断标准,体循环动脉B超提示存在多发体动脉病变。结论川崎病合并多发体循环动脉病变较罕见,应提高认识,及时诊断并长期随诊监测病情变化。 相似文献
Yuichi Nomura Kiminori Masuda Masao Yoshinaga Koji Sameshima Koichiro Miyata 《Pediatrics international》2002,44(4):353-357
BACKGROUND: A fever lasting for at least 5 days is an essential characteristic of the original diagnostic criteria of Kawasaki disease (KD). However, it is not difficult for an experienced physician to confirm the diagnosis of KD before the fifth day of fever. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of intravenous gamma globulin therapy (IVGG) in KD initiated before the fifth day of illness. METHODS: A total of 125 patients treated with IVGGwere divided into group A (IVGG was initiated before the fifth day of illness, n= 46) and group B (IVGG was initiated at the fifth day or after, n= 79). Patients' characteristics,laboratory findings, treatments and outcomes were compared between the groups. RESULTS: White blood cell count value, C-reactive protein and Harada's score showed no difference between the groups. A significantly higher average value of alanine aminotransferase(ALT) was observed in group A. Although the treatments were identical in both groups, the average duration of fever from the initial day of IVGG in group A was significantly longer than in group B. The incidence of aneurysm in group A was significantly higher than that in group B. Stepwise regression analysis using aneurysm as a dependent variable revealed that group A and ALT were significant. CONCLUSIONS: Patients diagnosed with KD before the fifth day of illness showed a poor response to IVGG. This observation might be related to high ALT values. Further examination concerning the modification of treatment in such patients is necessary. 相似文献
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty for Kawasaki disease: A case report and literature review 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Dr. Toshihiro Ino Kei Nishimoto Katsumi Akimoto Insam Park Shinjiro Shimazaki Keijiro Yabuta Hiroshi Yamaguchi 《Pediatric cardiology》1991,12(1):33-35
Summary A 31-month-old boy developed right coronary artery stenosis after Kawasaki disease for which he underwent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). The narrowing of the right coronary artery was successfully dilated by angioplasty without apparent complication. This case suggests that PTCA may have a potential advantage as a temporary method to postpone the aortocoronary bypass surgery in a child with coronary artery stenosis due to Kawasaki disease. However, strict patient selection is recommended for coronary angioplasty. 相似文献
A case of Kawasaki disease with coronary artery aneurysms documenting Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
N Konishi K Baba J Abe T Maruko K Waki N Takeda M Tanaka 《Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992)》1997,86(6):661-664
A case of a 5-year-old boy who fulfilled all the criteria for Kawasaki disease (KD) was described. He had associated bilateral coronary artery aneurysms. Our study revealed the isolation of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in stool cultures, and the elevation and seroconversion of the agglutination antibody titres, and hence he was diagnosed as Y. pseudotuberculosis infection-positive. We also demonstrated the positive mitogenic activity of the culture supernatant of the isolated bacterium from the patient and detected Y. pseudotuberculosis-derived mitogen by PCR. This case therefore suggests that Y. pseudotuberculosis might be closely related to the cause of KD. 相似文献
目的探讨川崎病(KD)并发冠状动脉损害(CAL)的相关危险因素。方法回顾性分析110 例KD患儿的临床资料,根据超声心动图检查结果分为冠脉损害组(CAL组)40例,无冠脉损害组(NCAL组)70例,进行统计分析。结果 110例KD患儿的中位发病年龄为1.58(0.92~3.00)岁,其中男67例、女43例。CAL组和NCAL组间年龄分布、不典型KD、静脉用丙种球蛋白(IVIG)前发热持续时间6天比例差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。CAL组患儿C反应蛋白(CRP)、白细胞(WBC)、白介素-6(IL-6)、N 端脑钠肽前体(NT-proBNP)水平均明显高于NCAL组,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。IVIG使用前发热持续时间、WBC、IL-6、NT-proBNP预测KD患儿并发CAL的受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)下面积(AUC)分别为0.97、0.69、0.76和0.87;最佳临界值分别为6.5天、19.85×10~9/L、92.19 pg/mL和1 122.5 pg/mL,预测KD并发CAL的灵敏度分别为84.6%、46.2%、100%和100%,特异度分别为91.4%、91.4%、57.1%和71.4%。结论年龄3岁,IVIG前发热持续时间6.5天,不典型KD,以及WBC、IL-6和NT-proBNP明显升高,是KD发生CAL的危险因素。 相似文献
Kawasaki disease was first described 30 years ago. The authors report 5 children with Kawasaki disease who presented within
18-month-period and describe their clinical presentation and management. 相似文献
川崎病冠状动脉病变的远期预后观察 总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28
目的观察川崎病(KD)伴冠状动脉病变(CAD)的远期恢复情况.方法对262例确诊KD住院患儿,于急期或亚急期行心电图及超声心动图检查,并于病程不同时期(6个月至10年)进行复查.结果急期和亚急期行心电图检查262例异常74例.随访中低电压全部恢复,3例重度冠状动脉瘤患儿心肌缺血持续存在.超声心动图检查发现CAD50例,随访6个月至10年,33例恢复,6例未愈,11例失访.无CAD的KD患儿随访结果正常.结论CAD的KD患儿约60%在10年内痊愈,阿斯匹林需持续用至痊愈. 相似文献