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Distinct multiple antigenic determinants of the attachment protein of Mycoplasma pneumoniae have been identified by limited proteolytic cleavage, using specific monoclonal antibodies. Western blots prepared from the gels containing the cleaved fragments were probed with antiserum against M. pneumoniae or monoclonal antibodies. Five distinct bands with intact antigenic determinants were detected by the antiserum, of which two bands were each reactable with two monoclonal antibodies. A sequential binding assay suggested that these monoclonal antibodies recognized different antigenic sites of each band. These results demonstrate the existence of multiple antigenic sites on the attachment protein and describe procedures that should prove useful for identifying those antigenic sites critical to the specific attachment of M. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

In previous studies with hyperimmune rabbit sera and monoclonal antibodies against the P1 protein of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, we obtained evidence of a shared antigenic determinant with a single protein of Mycoplasma genitalium. Because of biologic and morphologic similarities between these two human Mycoplasma species, attempts were made to characterize this cross-reacting protein of M. genitalium (designated MgPa). The protein was surface exposed and had an estimated molecular size of 140 kilodaltons. Electron microscopy with monoclonal antibodies produced against either MgPa or P1 demonstrated that MgPa is located over the surface of the terminal structure of M. genitalium which is covered by a nap layer. These immunologic and morphologic findings suggest that the MgPa protein of M. genitalium could be the counterpart of the P1 protein of M. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

A lambda gt11 library of Mycoplasma genitalium genomic DNA was generated, and clones were identified using a pool of monoclonal antibodies directed against different epitopes of the 140 kDa adhesin protein. Because the 140 kDa protein of M. genitalium and the 170 kDa P1 adhesin of M. pneumoniae share biological properties such as a tip-associated location, cytadherence function and immunologic crossreactivity, we performed Southern blot analysis using these cloned partial 140 kDa gene fragments and 14 subclones that span the P1 structural gene of M. pneumoniae. Homologous regions of the two genes were identified.  相似文献   

Antibodies specific to the attachment protein of Mycoplasma pneumoniae were demonstrated in sera and respiratory secretions of human patients. The results indicate that the attachment protein is a major immunogen.  相似文献   

Attachment values of Mycoplasma pneumoniae to glass are normally very low when tested in buffer containing bovine serum albumin (10 mg/ml). However, the addition of one of the metabolizable sugars glucose, fructose, or mannose increased attachment more than 10-fold. The effect was dose dependent with a distinct optimum at about 0.25 mg/ml. Higher concentrations reduced this effect. Not only the sugars themselves but also the products of their catabolism, pyruvate and phosphoenolpyruvate, enhanced attachment. Pyruvate was effective in the same range of concentrations as the sugars, whereas phosphoenolpyruvate enhanced attachment at a significantly lower concentration (0.001 mg/ml). Higher levels of these substances also resulted in a decrease of attachment. The glucose-induced increase could be partially inhibited by glucose analogs, especially by 3-O-methyl-glucopyranoside, and by various inhibitors or glycolysis. Furthermore, attachment was strongly reduced by the uncoupling agents carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone and 2,4-dinitrophenol, as well as by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, an inhibitor of the membrane-bound Mg2+-adenosine triphosphatase, whereas the ionophore valinomycin increased attachment by about 30%. These findings provide strong evidence for coupling between the attachment process of M. pneumoniae to glass and the utilization of metabolic energy.  相似文献   

Attachment of Mycoplasma pneumoniae to human WiDr cell culture monolayers was examined by using radiolabeled M. pneumoniae. The amount of attachment was proportional to the density of the WiDr cells and to the concentration of M. pneumoniae in the assay. Saturation of the monolayers was achieved with 40 micrograms of virulent strain M129 per assay, whereas binding of avirulent strain B176 was 70% less than that of strain M129. A competitive attachment inhibition assay was used to measure specific binding component activity. Attachment was inhibited when WiDr cells were pretreated with unlabeled virulent strain M129, whereas avirulent noncytadsorbing strain B176 did not inhibit attachment as well as the virulent strain. A protein-rich extract prepared from virulent, cytadsorbing strains of M. pneumoniae also inhibited attachment. The amount of inhibition was dependent on the amount of extract used, and units for binding component activity in the extract were calculated from the competitive attachment inhibition assays. The competitive attachment inhibition assay was also used to investigate the nature of the receptor site on the WiDr cells. Attachment was inhibited when the radiolabeled M. pneumoniae suspensions were pretreated with human sialoglycoproteins, such as orosomucoid and ceruloplasmin, and bovine gangliosides. These findings support the present concept that the mammalian receptor site for M. pneumoniae is a sialic acid-containing glycoprotein.  相似文献   

Hamster trachea organ cultures were exposed to isolated membranes of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, PI 1428. Attachment, monitored by the uptake of tritiated membranes, was relatively insensitive to neuraminidase pretreatment, unlike the attachment of viable cells. Membrane attachment was optimal when explants were incubated with 50 to 100 micrograms of membrane protein per ml in minimal essential medium broth while gently being rotated (1 rpm) in a roller apparatus for 90 to 120 min at 37 degrees C. Saturation of the receptor sites with viable cells failed to inhibit subsequent membrane attachment. Induction of squamous metaplasia by extended cultivation of tracheal explants in a vitamin A-free medium reduced the content of ciliated cells without significantly affecting total cell viability, but did not alter the attachment of M. pneumoniae membranes. Collectively, the data indicate that the mechanism of attachment of M. pneumoniae membranes to respiratory epithelium is distinct from the receptor site-mediated attachment of M. pneumoniae cells.  相似文献   

A mechanism of pathogenicity of Mycoplasma pneumoniae is its ability to attach to the surface of mammalian cells. It has previously been demonstrated by others that M. pneumoniae adheres with a specialized terminal structure, the "tip," to ciliated epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. In this report we show by electron microscopy that M. pneumoniae adsorbs with membrane sites other than the tip to guinea pig erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The antigenic cross-reactivity between Treponema pallidum and several pathogenic members of the family Spirochaetaceae was examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting techniques. Blots of T. pallidum antigens were incubated with antiserum from rabbits infected or immunized with T. pallidum, Treponema paraluiscuniculi, Treponema hyodysenteriae (strains B204 and T22), Borrelia hermsii serotype 7, or Leptopsira interrogans serogroup Canicola. T. pallidum contained 22 antigenic molecules ranging from 85,000 to 12,000 daltons which were recognized by serum from rabbits infected with T. pallidum. Serum from rabbits infected with T. paraluiscuniculi cross-reacted with 21 of these molecules and faintly reacted with a band at 15,000 daltons which was not recognized by anti-T. pallidum serum. Antisera directed against strains B204 and T22 of T. hyodysenteriae cross-reacted with 11 and 10 antigens of T. pallidum, respectively. B. hermsii and L. interrogans serogroup Canicola antisera detected 11 and 10 treponemal antigens, respectively. Many of the T. pallidum antigens detected by antisera against T. hyodysenteriae, B. hermsii, or L. interrogans serogroup Canicola have been previously identified as containing moieties also found on the nonpathogenic Treponema phagedenis, biotype Reiter, and may therefore represent group antigens common to members of the family Spirochaetaceae.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma genitalium and Mycoplasma pneumoniae are morphologically and serologically related pathogens that colonize the human host. Their successful parasitism appears to be dependent on the product, an adhesin protein, of a gene that is carried by each of these mycoplasmas. Here we describe the cloning and determine the sequence of the structural gene for the putative adhesin of M. genitalium and compare its sequence to the counterpart P1 gene of M. pneumoniae. Regions of homology that were consistent with the observed serological cross-reactivity between these adhesins were detected at both DNA and protein levels. However, the degree of homology between these two genes and their products was much higher than anticipated. Interestingly, the A + T content of the M. genitalium adhesin gene was calculated as 60.1%, which is substantially higher tham that of the P1 gene (46.5%). Comparisons of codon usage between the two organisms revealed that M. genitalium preferentially used A- and T-rich codons. A total of 65% of positions 3 and 56% of positions 1 in M. genitalium codons were either A or T, whereas M. pneumoniae utilized A or T for positions 3 and 1 at a frequency of 40 and 47%, respectively. The biased choice of the A- and T-rich codons in M. genitalium could also account for the preferential use of A- and T-rich codons in conservative amino acid substitutions found in the M. genitalium adhesin. These facts suggest that M. genitalium might have evolved independently of other human mycoplasma species, including M. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

Outer membrane proteins of Campylobacter jejuni and other campylobacter species were analyzed for their antigenic potentials by immunoblotting. Polypeptides were resolved by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, transferred electrophoretically, and reacted with rabbit antisera to C. jejuni. Each Campylobacter species analyzed demonstrated a unique outer membrane protein antigenic profile; interspecies antigen sharing was observed to be compatible with the degree of DNA relatedness between the species. The most highly conserved outer membrane protein antigen was the flagellum (molecular weight, 62,000). An aflagellate mutant was found to be untypable with the heat-labile system, in contrast to its parental isolate. The immunogenic potentials of C. jejuni proteins were examined by immunoblot analysis of sera from infected humans. Sera of convalescent patients, reacted with their homologous C. jejuni isolates, recognized a variety of campylobacter proteins. The most consistent immunogen in human infection was the flagellar protein. Patient sera assayed by the immunoblot technique were easily distinguished from control sera, which did not recognize specific campylobacter antigens. These findings suggest that the campylobacter flagellar protein is an essential determinant of the heat-labile antigen typing scheme and is the dominant immunogen recognized during C. jejuni infections in humans.  相似文献   

Wild-type Mycoplasma pneumoniae possessed a protein with a very high molecular weight under nonreducing conditions (greater than 340,000; designated HMW5); this protein was absent from a noncytadhering phase variant lacking HMW1, 2, 3, and 4. When examined by two-dimensional nonreducing-reducing gel electrophoresis, HMW5 dissociated to yield a single polypeptide spot of molecular weight 190,000 that comigrated with cytadherence phase-variable protein HMW2. Extraction of wild-type mycoplasmas with Triton X-100 revealed the exclusive partitioning of HMW5 with the detergent-insoluble cytoskeletonlike triton shell.  相似文献   

Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to Mycoplasma pneumoniae protein P1 were nonreactive with whole-cell or soluble preparations of M. genitalium and M. gallisepticum. However, radioimmunoprecipitation performed with hyperimmune rabbit sera raised against each mycoplasma species indicated antigenic cross-reactivity between M. pneumoniae and M. genitalium.  相似文献   

PCR fingerprinting was used to characterize clinical isolates of Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Among 24 strains tested, two types were distinguished. Nineteen strains belonged to type 1, whereas only 5 strains belonged to type 2. The majority of strains isolated since 1991 in Belgium belong to type 1. No variations in fingerprinting patterns were observed within each group, confirming the highly conserved nature of the M. pneumoniae genome.  相似文献   

A murine monoclonal antibody, OC2F5, reacts with a Mycoplasma pneumoniae antigen with an approximate Mr of 43,000. This antigen is trypsin and proteinase K sensitive and partitions in the detergent phase of a Triton X-114 solution. The monoclonal antibody cross-reacts with an antigen from both Mycoplasma genitalium and Acholeplasma laidlawii with a similar molecular weight. This cross-reactivity should be considered in the development of M. pneumoniae antigen detection systems based on the use of antibodies directed to this protein antigen.  相似文献   

A 46-kilodalton (kDa) polypeptide was immunoprecipitated from radiolabeled extracts of human cell lines infected with Mycoplasma hyorhinis by murine monoclonal antibodies PF/2A and ML77. Both of these antibodies also reacted in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with M. hyorhinis cells and with human and nonhuman cell lines infected with M. hyorhinis but failed to react with A7573 cells infected with any of 10 other species of the order Mycoplasmatales. PF/2A also reacted in the ELISA with certain human cell lines that were demonstrated to be free of mycoplasma infection. From extracts of these lines, a polypeptide antigen that appeared as a 24-kDa doublet on polyacrylamide gels was immunoprecipitated by PF/2A. When the PF/2A-reactive human cell lines were infected by M. hyorhinis, both the 46- and 24-kDa antigens were immunoprecipitated by PF/2A. ML77 did not react in the ELISA with any noninfected human cells tested and failed to immunoprecipitate a 24-kDa component from any human cells. In Western blotting analyses of extracts of M. hyorhinis cells, both PF/2A and ML77 stained a 46-kDa band. PF/2A also stained 24-kDa bands in Western blotting analyses of reactive human cells and M. hyorhinis cells, although a 24-kDa component was not precipitated from extracts of M. hyorhinis cells by PF/2A.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bovine serum albumin (BSA) is one of the most widely studied proteins; its structure is well known and its antigenic characteristics have been described in several papers. The aim of this research was the identification of the BSA antigenic determinants. METHODS: This study was performed using limited proteolysis and an immunoblotting technique, in which a commercial murine antibody and sera from children sensitized to BSA were used. RESULTS: Findings suggest amino acids (aa) 524-598 as an epitopic area for human species. The most critical sequence seems to be aa 524-542, even if it must be included in a longer fragment to be recognized by antibodies. Murine IgG antibodies also recognize fragments contained in the first half (NH(2)-terminal portion) of BSA. CONCLUSIONS: The results presented in this study indicate that the epitopic sites of an antigenic protein can be different when different species are considered, so that data obtained with antibodies from animal species cannot be directly extrapolated to the behavior of human IgEs.  相似文献   

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