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为了全面了解市售熟肉制品的卫生状况,特别是为了掌握亚硝酸盐在熟肉制品中的使用状况,2003年9月~10月我们对梁山县市场熟肉制品进行了监督检测。  相似文献   

目的 了解市场销售的食品中重点关注的化学污染物含量水平,掌握当地食品安全现况,为食品监管提供科学依据.方法 采集郑州市市场上19个大类中109个细类共计1 456份食品样品,分别进行农药、生物毒素、食品添加剂、有害元素和非食用物质等不同项目的监测分析.结果 2014年郑州市食品化学污染物监测合格率为88.94%.1 456份样品中有7个大类14个细类161份样品超标,超标样品均为1项指标超标.超标项目按超标率由高到低分别为含铝添加剂、护色剂亚硝酸盐、元素铅、总砷、总汞和农药克百威.4份水发产品类样品中检出有非食用物质甲醛.结论 郑州市售食品中化学污染物状况总体良好,但部分食品存在安全隐患,应加大相关监管力度,切实有效保障人民群众的饮食健康.  相似文献   

亚硝酸盐作为一种食品添加剂,它能使肉制品保持良好的色泽.目前已广泛应用于肉制品的加工中,是国家允许使用的食品添加剂.但是亚硝酸盐使用过量会有致癌作用和使食用者食物中毒[1].为了加强肉制品的卫生监督管理,控制亚硝酸盐食物中毒的发生,我们对5种肉制品中亚硝酸盐残留量做了检测,结果报告如下.  相似文献   

目的 了解邹城市市售熟肉制品卫生状况,保障消费者身体健康.方法 根据GB/T4789.17-2003《食品卫生微生物学检验》肉与肉制品检验,检测熟肉制品的微生物指标;根据GB/T5009.33-2003《食品卫生检验方法》理化部分,盐酸萘乙二胺法测定,测定熟肉制品中的亚硝酸盐含量.结果 检测七种熟肉制品214份,各项指标均合格的129份,合格率60.28%,国有企业产品84份,各项指标均合格的64份,合格率76.19%;个体作坊产品130份,各项指标均合格的55份,合格率42.31%.两者差异有高度显著性(x2=23.73 P<0.01).结论 熟肉制品为直接入口食品,卫生监督部门应加大监管力度,改善熟肉制品的卫生状况,确保人民食用安全放心的熟肉制品.  相似文献   

熟肉制品味道鲜美,容易消化,营养素易于吸收,饱腹作用强。由于其特殊的风味深受人们的喜爱,已成为市民菜篮子的重要组成部分。但食前往往不经加热,因此,常易引起食品中毒。为了解驻马店市熟肉制品的卫生质量,我们对2006—2008年执法人员采集的301份熟肉制品进行了微生物学检验。现将检测结果报告如下:  相似文献   

郑州市售蔬菜中稀土元素含量检测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 检测郑州市售蔬菜中稀土元素含量,研究蔬菜作物中钆、钇、钐、钕、钬、铈、铒、铕、铥、铽、镝、镥、镧、镨、镱等稀土元素的本底值,为食品安全风险评估提供数据支撑.方法 采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定菜花、卷心菜、番茄、茄子、青椒、蒜薹、白菜、香菜、青菜、油麦菜、茼蒿、韭菜、胡萝卜、洋葱和黄瓜等15种蔬菜中稀土元素的含量.结果 郑州市售蔬菜作物中稀土元素总量除茼蒿、青菜、油麦菜、韭菜、胡萝卜外均在植物性食品中稀土限量指标(GB 2762-2005)范围内.结论 郑州市售蔬菜中稀土元素含量的总体污染较低,但茼蒿、青菜、油麦菜、韭菜、胡萝卜中稀土元素总量超出限量指标,尤其是钆、铈、镧的含量较高,值得关注.  相似文献   

目的探讨尿液标本亚硝酸盐检测的影响因素及结果分析。方法尿液标本1500份,根据放置时间不同,分为0.5,4,8,24h四次进行尿液分析;同时,对其中部分标本进行细菌培养。结果随时间的延长,尿液标本中的亚硝酸盐阳性率显著增加;而且检出率与多种因素有关;亚硝酸盐检测不能作为泌尿系检测的特异性指标,但结合白细胞(WBC)、红细胞(RBC)、蛋白质(PRO)同时检验对泌尿系统感染有一定的参考意义。结论对于尿液分析时标本要及时检测,亚硝酸盐结果要综合分析,做出正确的判断。  相似文献   

目的了解盘锦市市区出售熟肉制品的卫生状况,为进一步改善熟肉制品卫生质量提供科学依据。方法按国家规定监测频次每月采集市辖宾馆、酒楼销售的烧烤类和酱卤类熟肉制品,检测其细菌总数、大肠菌群和致病菌,并对检测结果进行统计分析。结果2000~2006年共检测样本1507份,总合格率为80.62%(1215/1507),其中细菌总数合格率为91.17%,大肠菌群合格率为85.40%,未检出致病菌。各年度总合格率均在77%~87%之间。烧烤类合格率(84.17%)比酱卤类合格率(76.65%)高。结论盘锦市市区宾馆、酒楼销售的熟肉制品合格率较高,卫生质量较稳定。但为防止食源性疾病的发生,仍是监督监测工作的重点。  相似文献   

Meat and meat products safety is, nowadays, a priority quality requirement with chemical hazards having a great impact. Amongst the residues and contaminants, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can be of particular concern, namely in those products having direct smoking during processing. In order to investigate the contamination levels in traditional dry fermented sausages manufactured in Alentejo (South of Portugal), 66 samples were collected from regional producers. PAH8 represented less than 0.5% of the total contamination profile, with benzo[a]anthracene and chrysene being the most concentrated compounds (maximum contents of 7.53 and 8.9 μg kg−1), irrespective of the product type analysed. Benzo[a]pyrene content varied between 0.21 and 1.00 μg kg−1, with only one sample showing this maximum content. Blood sausages were potentially more risky, since total PAH8 contents were generally higher and because its presence in inner parts were significantly superior than that found in casings, comparatively to meat counterparts, which expressed superior benzo[a]pyrene toxic equivalents.  相似文献   

This study showed the results of a monitoring program aimed at detecting the fraudulent use of horse meat in samples collected in the framework of official controls during the years 2013–2017 after the so‐called horse meat scandal that caused a decreasing consumer confidence in the food industry, particularly in meat products. A total of 125 samples diversely distributed in the 5 years of monitoring were analyzed by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). The method was validated according to Commission Decision 657/2002/EC with regard to the following parameters: linearity, specificity, decision limit (CCα), detection capability (CCβ), recovery, and precision (repeatability and within‐laboratory reproducibility). Even if the results of this study revealed no positive sample, the need for constant assurance of food safety and consumers' health protection requires the implementation of preventive as well as corrective actions in the management of risks linked to the food chain in a more global context.  相似文献   

加工方法及加工后的存放对蔬菜中亚硝酸盐含量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:研究不同加工方法及加工后的存放对蔬菜中亚硝酸盐含量的影响。方法:我们选择淮南市舜耕菜市场蔬菜作为调查点,将青菜、芹菜在生、熟、腌三种不同烹调加工方法和熟菜在室温(14℃)和冰箱(4℃)中存放条件下的样品用碘酸萘乙胺比色法测定亚硝酸盐含量。结果:青菜在三种不同加工方法下,亚硝酸盐含量随着存放时间均出现先下降后上升的现象,达48h明显高于开始的亚硝酸盐含量。芹菜中亚硝酸盐含量则随时间继续下降,直到48h仍有下降趋势。室温(14℃)与冰箱(4℃)保存,熟菜中亚硝酸盐含量差异均无显著意义。结论:蔬菜中亚硝酸盐的变化可能与蔬菜中维生素C的含量及微生物的生长繁殖有关。  相似文献   

目的建立了离子色谱法测定熟肉制品中溴酸根、亚硝酸根、硝酸根含量的方法。方法样品经超声波提取后,经阳离子交换树脂柱净化、超滤器离心后,以Ion Pac AS19阴离子柱进行分离,采用ASRS 300 4-mm阴离子抑制器,电导检测器检测,标准曲线法定量。结果 3种离子在0.1~5.0 mg·L-1的范围内线性关系良好,相关系数皆大于0.999;溴酸根、亚硝酸根、硝酸根的检出浓度分别为0.5、0.2、0.2 mg·kg-1,定量浓度分别为1.5、0.6、0.6 mg·kg-1,回收率分别为83.2%~88.7%、82.0%~88.1%、78.6%~81.0%。结论本方法净化效果好,灵敏度高,适用于基质复杂的熟肉制品中3种阴离子的测定。  相似文献   

Sixteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in representative traditional sausages produced in “Trás-os-Montes” and “Alentejo”, were determined. Light PAHs represented similar overall contents in both regions and showed close decreasing order patterns (ACY, PHE, FLR and NAP), irrespective of the product type considered. Amongst the carcinogenic/mutagenic PAHs analyzed (PAH8), both regions also had greater contents associated to BaA and CHR, with slightly higher values for the former compound in “Alentejo” and, oppositely, for the later in “Trás-os-Montes”. However, their quantitative comparison showed that the general mean total PAH content found in “Trás-os-Montes” was almost 3-fold higher than in similar products from “Alentejo” and this factor was about 8-fold superior when the PAH8 and PAH4 indicators were compared, expressing benzo[a]pyrene toxic equivalencies (BaPE), 15 times (total mean toxicity), 34 times (PAH8) and 9 times (PAH4) higher. In general terms, the mean BaP content of all analyzed samples from “Alentejo” was 0.41 μg kg−1. Differently that value in “Trás-os-Montes” reached 3.57 μg kg−1, expressing concerning average contents of 5.35, 5.87 and 4.51 μg kg−1 in Chouriço de Carne, Moura and Salpicão sausages, respectively.  相似文献   

To understand the impact of variation in digestion parameters on the release of heterocyclic amines naturally formed during cooking, we developed and characterized a model system to assess the effect of amylase, pepsin, and pancreatin on digestion of well-done chicken. The amounts of MeIQx, DiMeIQx, IFP, and PhIP in the liquid portion of the digestate were compared to levels in the undigested meat to determine the percentage released (accessible fraction). Incubating the meat with amylase and pepsin did not change the accessibility of HAs when compared to incubation with water alone. In contrast, increasing amounts of pancreatin increased the accessibility up to 6.4-fold. Comparing the amounts of the HAs in the liquid to the solid fraction showed that there was more MeIQx, DiMeIQx, and IFP in the liquid fraction. In contrast, PhIP was equally divided between the solid and liquid fractions. For all four compounds, increasing the doneness of the meat decreased the amount of the compound accessible from the meat matrix. Our data suggest that bioaccessability of HAs may vary according to the polarity of the individual HAs and also may depend upon the doneness of the meat. These results may have important ramifications for human feeding studies, which assume that the total amount of each HA in the meat matrix is equally bioavailable.  相似文献   

《Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal》2020,28(11):1326-1332
The lack of treatment options for COVID-19 has raised many concerns among populations worldwide, which has led to many attempts to find alternative options to prevent the transmission of the disease or to alleviate the progression of the infection, including focusing more on preventive measures (to prevent transmission to other individuals) and the use of natural products and herbal extracts to increase immunity and decrease the probability of getting infected. This study explored the knowledge of the population of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) about COVID-19 preventive measures and their belief about the consumption of herbal products for the prevention of COVID-19 infection. A total of 5,258 individuals participated in this study. Participants’ knowledge about the appropriate COVID-19 preventive measures in terms of handwashing procedures, self-quarantine and social distancing was moderate, with a mean score of 5.5 (SD: 1.7) out of 10 (representing around 55.0% of the total score). About 22.1% (n = 1,161) of the participants reported that they have used herbal products or nutritional supplements during the pandemic period, to protect themselves from the disease. Social media and the Internet (39.4%, n = 372) were the main motivators for the participants to try herbal products. Vitamin C was the most commonly used food supplement to increase immunity and reduces the chance of contracting COVID-19. Our study demonstrated that the general population in Saudi Arabia has a moderate level of knowledge about COVID-19 transmission and preventive measures. A considerable proportion of the population reported the use of herbal products or food supplements in order to protect themselves from the disease. Policymakers are suggested to provide further educational campaigns that increase population knowledge about the disease transmission routes and preventive measures. In addition, the use of herbal products should be evidence-based to ensure patient safety.  相似文献   

To prevent ephedrine-related products from being misused to produce amphetamine and/or its analogs, there's a need for more effective and achievable regulatory mechanisms for the health, police, investigational, prosecution and judiciary authorities in Taiwan. This review was conducted to evaluate the international and Taiwan's regulatory policies and management of medical ephedrine-related products through the corresponding information collected from international and Taiwan government agency authorities. The combat of illegal drugs should involve both supply and demand sides to be successful. Health authorities in Taiwan do not have the investigational power to manage the forbidden transformation, abusing and manufacture of the illegal drugs from ephedrine-related products. Take the judicial interventions in the United States and in Japan as the examples, the organizational cooperation in Taiwan can be one of the main key strategies to combat against illegal drugs from ephedrine-related products. It is necessary to integrate the judicial, police and health agencies to prevent the production of illegal drugs from the ephedrine-related products in Taiwan. The efforts and regulatory control measures should be integrated to speed up the collaboration between different government authorities. It might be achieved through reorganization involving Taiwan Food and Drug Administration.  相似文献   

盛凤仙  李萍 《药学实践杂志》2019,37(5):464-465,469
目的 建立气相色谱法测定血液制品生产过程中中间品乙醇含量的方法。方法 采用DB-624毛细管色谱柱,FID检测器,气化室温度230℃;检测器温度280℃;柱温:40℃,保持5 min后,以10℃/min升温至80℃,再以50℃/min升温至230℃,保持3 min;以正丙醇为内标。结果 乙醇在0.5%~5%浓度范围内线性关系良好(r=1.000 0),平均回收率为99.28%,RSD为0.01%(n=9)。结论 该方法简单灵敏,结果准确可靠,可用于血液制品生产过程中对中间品乙醇含量的测定。  相似文献   

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