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目的:探讨卵巢切除后大鼠垂体前叶生长相关蛋白-43(growth-associated protein 43,GAP-43)免疫反应神经纤维的数量变化及其与腺细胞的关系.方法:大鼠经双侧卵巢切除,分别于术后4d和15d取垂体,应用免疫荧光双重标记技术,进行GAP-43和卵泡刺激素(follicle stimulating hormone,FSH),GAP-43和P物质(substance P,SP)免疫荧光双标,激光共聚焦显微镜观察垂体前叶GAP-43免疫反应神经纤维的数量变化、与促性腺激素细胞及SP免疫反应神经纤维的关系.结果:正常大鼠垂体前叶很少有GAP-43免疫反应神经纤维.卵巢切除后4d垂体前叶出现了数量较多的GAP-43免疫反应神经纤维,术后15d神经纤维明显增多,多走行于腺细胞间,少量神经纤维与FSH细胞密切接触.GAP-43免疫反应神经纤维与SP共存.结论:外周内分泌干预后,垂体前叶的神经纤维可通过芽生增加纤维数量,以对机体内分泌状态改变作出积极的应答.神经纤维可能直接作用于腺细胞,但更大的可能性是通过旁分泌方式实现对腺细胞的调节.  相似文献   

目的研究嗅鞘细胞移植对大鼠脑出血后脑内生长相关蛋白-43及层粘连蛋白表达的影响。方法取新生3d的Wistar乳鼠嗅球,差速贴壁法培养获得嗅鞘细胞。40只Wistar大鼠造模后(胶原酶Ⅶ注入尾状核)随机分为嗅鞘细胞移植组和脑出血模型组。嗅鞘细胞移植组(20只)术后3d,移植嗅鞘细胞;脑出血模型组(20只)注射等量的生理盐水。两组大鼠分别在术后1d、7d、14d及28d用Bederson方法进行评分。各时间点于每组随机取3只大鼠处死,取脑组织做成石蜡切片,免疫组化法观察生长相关蛋白-43及层粘连蛋白表达的变化。结果运动功能评分显示,移植组与对照组均出现运动功能恢复,移植组明显优于对照组(P<0.05);生长相关蛋白-43及层粘连蛋白免疫组化结果表明,除术前1d外,其它各时间点生长相关蛋白-43及层粘连蛋白阳性表达值,移植组较对照组均强,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论嗅鞘细胞移植可提高生长相关蛋白-43及层粘连蛋白的表达,改善脑出血后神经再生微环境,促进神经再生。  相似文献   

研究大鼠出生后不同发育阶段,其脑下垂体前叶P物质(substance P,SP)免疫反应阳性神经纤维的变化,SD大鼠按其出生后年龄分为5个实验组:P1-2,P8,P15,P30,P45。采用免疫组织化学法观察大鼠垂体前叶SP阳性神经纤维的发育变化。P1-2期,大鼠垂丛前叶中央分布有少量SP阳性性神经纤维,膨体呈长投形。P8期,阳性神经纤维可分为短粗类纤维和屈曲样膨体型纤维,前者主要分布于垂体前叶的  相似文献   

目的:动态观察EAE大鼠脑白质及脊髓中APP及GAP-43在不同病理过程中的表达,以探讨轴突损伤和再生修复的机制。 设计、时间及地点:随机对照动物实验,于2009-6至2010-06在首都医科大学中医药学院完成。 材料:SPF级6-8周龄雌性Lewis大鼠44只,体质量(150±20)g。由北京维通利华实验动物技术有限公司提供。 方法 将大鼠随机分为正常组和不同剂量髓鞘碱性蛋白(Mylin Basic Protein,MBP)68-86诱导的EAE模型组,共3组。造模方法为以含50、25μg的MBP68-86100µl与结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium Tubercusis,H37Ra,MTB)2mg及不完全福氏佐剂(Incomplete Freund’s Adjuvant,IFA)100µl混合乳化制成抗原,给大鼠双后足皮下多点注射MBP68-86抗原免疫,建立大鼠EAE模型。正常组只注射生理盐水。 主要观察指标:造模后每天观察动物的发病情况,记录体重变化,进行神经功能评分。选择免疫诱导第14天(急性期)、第28天(缓解期)取大鼠脑和脊髓,利用光镜和电镜观察其病理变化,同时利用Western blot方法检测脑白质和脊髓中APP及GAP-43的蛋白表达。 结果:两组不同剂量MBP68-86均能诱导EAE模型,发病率为100%,呈慢性单相病程。造模后第10天,大鼠开始发病,体重下降,第14天,模型组体重明显低于正常组(p<0.01),此时神经功能评分达高峰值。苏木精-伊红染色液(hematoxylin-eosin, HE)染色发现:急性期EAE大鼠脑白质出现弥漫性炎细胞浸润,在小血管周围形成 “袖套样”改变;脊髓中,前角运动神经元胞体缩小,核固缩或裂解,小血管周围有大量淋巴细胞浸润,形成典型的“袖套样”改变。缓解期脑与脊髓的病理变化均有所减轻。透射电镜观察发现:模型组急性期脑白质中轴突脱髓鞘明显,线粒体肿胀变形等。高、低剂量组病理变化类似。 Western blot检测发现:模型组脑白质或脊髓中APP高表达于急性期,于缓解期下降。其中,高剂量组EAE模型大鼠脑白质中APP表达水平在第14天显著高于正常组和低剂量组(p<0.05);第28天APP表达明显下降,与正常组和低剂量组比较,有显著性差异(p<0.01或p<0.05),且与第14天比较,也有明显下降(p<0.05)。而在脊髓中的APP表达第14天时也有所升高,但无统计学意义,在第28天时无明显变化。低剂量组EAE模型大鼠脑白质和脊髓中APP的表达水平在两个时间点均无显著性变化。 模型组中GAP-43的表达有这种趋势:急性期升高,缓解期降低。高剂量组EAE模型大鼠脑白质中GAP-43在第14天表达水平与正常组比较略有升高,但无显著性差异;在第28天GAP-43表达下降,显著低于正常组和低剂量组(p<0.01或p<0.05),且显著低于第14天(p<0.05)。脊髓中GAP-43表达在第14天时略有升高,但无明显差异;第28天表达水平与正常组比较无明显变化,但明显高于低剂量组(p<0.05)。低剂量组GAP-43在脑白质中无显著性变化;在脊髓中第14天时GAP-43表达明显高于正常组(p<0.01),第28天时明显降低,与正常组和第14天比较,有统计学意义(p<0.05)。相关性分析发现:EAE大鼠脑白质和脊髓中APP与GAP-43的表达有明显的正相关关系(p<0.05或p<0.01)。 结论:EAE大鼠轴突损伤后可通过一定的途径部分修复,急性期APP及GAP-43蛋白表达升高,缓解期APP及GAP-43蛋白表达下降,并且二者还存在一定的正相关关系,推测APP及GAP-43可能参与了损伤神经元的自身修复及再生,可能与促进损伤神经元重新构建网络连接有关。  相似文献   

研究大鼠出生后不同发育阶段,其脑下垂体前叶P物质(substance P,SP)免疫反应阳性神经纤维的变化.SD大鼠按其出生后年龄分为5个实验组:P1~2,P8,P15,P30,P45.采用免疫组织化学法观察大鼠垂体前叶SP阳性神经纤维的发育变化.P1~2期,大鼠垂体前叶中央分布有少量SP阳性神经纤维,膨体呈长梭形.P8期,阳性神经纤维可分为短粗类纤维和屈曲样膨体型纤维,前者主要分布于垂体前叶的浅表,后者主要分布于前叶的吻侧部及中央部,数量比P1~2期多,且膨体较P1~2期大,呈串珠状.P15期,阳性神经纤维分布较P8期广泛,呈片状,短粗类纤维较P8期长,屈曲样膨体型纤维分布于前叶中央.P30期,阳性神经纤维以屈曲样膨体型纤维为主,数量较P15期增多.P45期,垂体前叶SP纤维类型、分布同成年大鼠,其屈曲样膨体型纤维广泛分布于整个前叶.结果表明随出生后年龄的增长,大鼠垂体前叶SP阳性纤维的类型、数量、分布逐渐由少到多,由分布于周边部到广泛分布于整个垂体前叶,呈现一种动态变化,说明出生后大鼠垂体前叶中SP阳性纤维发育迅速.  相似文献   

目的 研究神经生长相关蛋白-43(growth-associated protein-43,GAP-43)在耐药性颞叶癫痫患者脑组织中的表达,探索其在耐药性癫痫中的作用.方法 按随机化原则从我科建立的耐药性癫痫患者术后脑组织库中随机抽取42例耐药性颞叶癫痫患者术后脑组织标本,用免疫组化法检测生长相关蛋白-43在耐药性颞叶癫痫患者脑组织中的表达,并与对照组进行比较.结果 发现GAP-43在耐药性颞叶癫痫患者脑组织中的表达比对照组明显增加(P<0.05),这种蛋白表达产物主要分布在神经元的胞体和轴突.结论 GAP-43在耐药性颞叶癫痫患者脑组织表达增强,提示它们可能参与了耐药性癫痫的形成.  相似文献   

癫的发病机制迄今尚未完全明了,近年来癫脑内神经可塑性变化成为研究的热点。有学者发现,生长相关蛋白-43(growth-assoc iated prote in-43,GAP-43)是神经系统特异性胞膜磷酸蛋白,现已将其作为一种神经可塑性的标志,对GAP-43的检测可以反映轴突的生长及突触的形成。托吡酯(TPM)  相似文献   

发现粒细胞集落刺激因子干预的体外纯化培养大鼠视网膜神经节细胞突起增多,生长相关蛋白43和微管相关蛋白2 mRNA表达明显增加,RhoA/Rock蛋白含量显著下降。显示粒细胞集落刺激因子可以促进视网膜神经节细胞突起的生成,通过抑制Rho/Rock途径,促进轴突生成相关蛋白生长相关蛋白43及微管相关蛋白2表达增加,从而促进缺氧损伤视网膜神经节细胞的轴突修复。  相似文献   

Nogo-A和生长相关蛋白-43(GAP-43)是近年来人们在中枢神经系统中研究发现的与神经系统再生和修复相关的蛋白,而缺血后适应(PC)是近年来发现的一种新的干预措施,对损伤的脑神经具有保护作用.本文就Nogo-A、GAP-43、白质的保护及缺血后适应对神经保护的作用进行综述.  相似文献   

背景:关于骨髓干细胞移植修复神经损伤的研究已有一些报道,但对细胞移植的时间、方式以及检测指标各有不同观点。 目的:通过建立大鼠局灶性脑缺血模型,观察骨髓基质干细胞移植内源性轴突再生标志物生长相关蛋白43的表达变化。 设计、时间及地点:随机对照动物实验,于2006-03/2007-10在武汉大学人民医院神经科实验室和丝宝药业有限公司博士后科研工作站完成。 材料:选取清洁级成年SD大鼠60只,按随机数字表法分为3组,模型对照组、假手术组、干细胞移植组各20只。 方法:另取2月龄SD大鼠4只用于制备骨髓基质细胞,骨髓基质干细胞悬液用5-溴脱氧尿嘧啶核苷法标记。假手术组大鼠麻醉后分离结扎右侧颈总动脉;其余大鼠制备右侧大脑中动脉缺血模型,造模后24 h向干细胞移植组大鼠左侧侧脑室推注20 μL 5×105的骨髓基质干细胞,模型对照组推注等量磷酸盐缓冲液。 主要观察指标:每组大鼠于移植前、移植后7,14,21和28 d应用免疫组化法检测脑梗死灶周边区生长相关蛋白43的表达和移植细胞的存活及迁移情况,并记录神经功能缺损评分。 结果:培养的骨髓基质干细胞经5-溴脱氧尿嘧啶核苷标记后移植到大鼠左侧侧脑室,可迁移到梗死灶周围,移植后7 d在梗死灶能检测到5-溴脱氧尿嘧啶核苷标记的阳性细胞, 移植后14 d增多达高峰,移植后28 d逐渐减少并消失。免疫组化图像分析结果显示干细胞移植组大鼠在移植后7,14 d脑梗死灶周边区生长相关蛋白43免疫活性显著高于模型对照组(P < 0.05)。假手术组大鼠无神经损伤症状,神经功能评分均为0分;随时间的推移,模型对照组和干细胞移植组的神经功能评分逐渐降低,从移植后14 d开始,干细胞移植组的神经功能评分都明显低于模型对照组(P < 0.05)。 结论:骨髓基质干细胞移植能上调局灶性脑缺血大鼠脑梗死灶周边区生长相关蛋白43的表达,与大鼠神经功能的恢复趋势相符。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Leptin may regulate reproductive function via release of hypothalamic neuropeptide Y. However, it is unknown whether this regulatory effect is limited to the hypothalamus. OBJECTIVE: To detect the effect of different dosages of leptin on luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion from in vitro cultured rat anterior pituitary cells. DESIGN: Contrast study based on cells. SETTING: This study was performed in the Basic Institute of Chengde Medical College, Chengde City, Hebei Province, China from March to June 2007. MATERIALS: Eighteen female Wistar rats of three months of age, weighing 200-220 g, and of clean grade were used. Leptin was provided by Peprotech Company, DMEM culture medium by Invitrogen Company, and the radioimmunological kit by Beijing Zhongshan Jinqiao Biotechnology Co., Ltd. METHODS: Three glandular organs were regarded as one group for culture of anterior pituitary cells. In the control group, saline was added to the culture medium instead of leptin. In the leptin group, leptin was prepared into different concentrations of 1×10^-12, 1×10^-11, 1×10^-9, 1×10^-7, and 1×10^-6 mol/L for stimulation of cultured cells. The culture supernatant was obtained at three hours after additional of saline/leptin. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Contents of LH and FSH were detected by radioimmunology. RESULTS: Following leptin stimulation, LH release increased with increasing concentrations of leptin up to 1×10^-9 mol/L, where LH release peaked. LH release then progressively decreased with increasing leptin concentrations (P 〈 0.01). LH release in the leptin (1×10^-12, 1×10^-11, 1×10^-7, and 1×10^-6 mol/L) groups was significantly higher than that in the control group (P 〈 0.01). FSH content in the leptin (1×10^-11, 1×10^-9, and 1×10^-7 mol/L) groups was significantly higher than that in the control group (P 〈 0.01). CONCLUSION: Leptin can directly affect pituitary tissue to promote the secretion of LH and FSH in a d  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Leptin may regulate reproductive function via release of hypothalamic neuropeptide Y. However, it is unknown whether this regulatory effect is limited to the hypothalamus. OBJECTIVE: To detect the effect of different dosages of leptin on luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) secretion from in vitro cultured rat anterior pituitary cells. DESIGN: Contrast study based on cells. SETTING: This study was performed in the Basic Institute of Chengde Medical College, Chengde City, Hebei Province, China from March to June 2007. MATERIALS: Eighteen female Wistar rats of three months of age, weighing 200-220 g, and of clean grade were used. Leptin was provided by Peprotech Company, DMEM culture medium by Invitrogen Company, and the radioimmunological kit by Beijing Zhongshan Jinqiao Biotechnology Co., Ltd. METHODS: Three glandular organs were regarded as one group for culture of anterior pituitary cells. In the control group, saline was added to the culture medium instead of leptin. In the leptin group, leptin was prepared into different concentrations of 1×10-12, 1×10-11, 1×10-9, 1×10-7, and 1×10-6 mol/L for stimulation of cultured cells. The culture supernatant was obtained at three hours after additional of saline/leptin. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Contents of LH and FSH were detected by radioimmunology. RESULTS: Following leptin stimulation, LH release increased with increasing concentrations of leptin up to 1×10-9 mol/L, where LH release peaked. LH release then progressively decreased with increasing leptin concentrations (P<0.01). LH release in the leptin (1×10-12, 1×10-11, 1×10-7, and 1×10-6 mol/L) groups was significantly higher than that in the control group (P<0.01). FSH content in the leptin (1×10-11, 1×10-9, and 1×10-7 mol/L) groups was significantly higher than that in the control group (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: Leptin can directly affect pituitary tissue to promote the secretion of LH and FSH in a dose-dependent manner.  相似文献   

K Yoshikawa  J S Hong 《Brain research》1983,273(2):362-365
There was a distinct sex-related difference in the anterior pituitary level of substance P-like immunoreactivity (SP-LI) in adult rats; the anterior pituitaries of male rats contained a higher concentration of SP-LI than those of females. Neonatal castration (day 1) resulted in a marked decrease of the SP-LI level in adult males, and this decrease in the SP-LI level was restored by neonatal testosterone replacement (days 2, 4, 6) but not by androgen replacement in adulthood. On the other hand, testosterone injection of neonatal females (days 2, 4, 6) caused a significant elevation of the SP-LI level after maturation. Ovariectomy of adult females failed to alter the SP-LI level. These results indicate that neonatal exposure to testosterone plays a critical role in the sexual differentiation of the substance P level in rat anterior pituitary.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND:Transplantation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells(BMSCs)improves motor functional recovery,but the mechanisms remain unclear.OBJECTIVE: To investigate expression of growth-associated protein 43(GAP-43)and neural cell adhesion molecule following BMSC transplantation to the lateral ventricle in rats with acute focal cerebral ischemic brain damage.DESIGN,TIME AND SETTING: A randomized,controlled,animal experiment using immunohistochemistry was performed at the laboratories of Department of Neurology,Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University and Doctoral Scientific Research Work Station of C-BONS PHARMA,Hubei Province,China,from January 2007 to December 2008.MATERIALS: Monoclonal mouse anti-rat 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine and neural cell adhesion molecule antibodies were purchased from Sigma,USA;monoclonal mouse anti-rat GAP-43 antibody was purchased from Wuhan Boster,China.METHODS: Rat models of right middle cerebral artery occlusion were established using the thread method.At 1 day after middle cerebral artery occlusion,20 μL culture solution,containing 5 × 105 BMSCs,was transplanted to the left lateral ventricle using micro-injection.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Scores of neurological impairment were measured to assess neural function.Expression of GAP-43 and neural cell adhesion molecule at the lesion areas was examined by immunohistechemistry.RESULTS: GAP-43 and neural cell adhesion molecule expression was low in brain tissues of the sham-operated group,but expression increased at the ischemic boundary(P < 0.05).Transplantation of BMSCs further enhanced expression of GAP-43 and neural cell adhesion molecule(P < 0.05)and remarkably improved neurological impairment of ischemic rats(P< 0.05).CONCLUSION: BMSC transplantation promoted neurological recovery in rats by upregulating expression of GAP-43 and neural cell adhesion molecule.  相似文献   

The time course of histochemical changes in the dorsal horn of rats subjected to an experimental peripheral neuropathy has been examined. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the changes in dorsal horn staining were made for soybean agglutinin (SBA)-binding glycoconjugates, the soluble lectins RL-14.5 and RL-29, the growth-associated protein (GAP)-43, and the neuropeptides substance P (SP) and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). These analyses were made at various time points after chronic constriction of the sciatic nerve. Quantitative analysis indicated that staining density increased in the normal territories stained for SBA-binding glycoconjugates, RL-14.5, RL-29, and GAP-43 on the neuropathic side compared with the control side. In addition, there was an extension of the territories stained for SBA-binding glycoconjugates and RL-29 ipsilateral to the injury. The peak increases occurred at 14 or 28 days, followed by a decrease toward control levels by 70 days. In contrast, the staining density for SP in the ipsilateral dorsal horn decreased at 3 and 5 days and reached a peak decrease at 14 days. Then, the staining for SP returned toward control values. The staining for CGRP was unchanged at all time points examined. Dorsal rhizotomies ipsilateral to the nerve injury in neuropathic rats indicated that the increases in staining were attributable to changes in primary afferent neurons. These data suggest that peripheral neuropathy causes complex degenerative and regenerative changes in the central branches of primary afferent neurons. The associated synaptic reorganization may contribute to the sensory abnormalities that accompany peripheral neuropathy. J. Comp. Neurol. 379:428–442, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

With the recent revelation of considerable peptidergic innervation of the anterior pituitary in several mammalian species, including man, it becomes imperative to elucidate the physiological significance of such a morphological entity. We addressed this issue by employing an anterior pituitary slice in vitro superfusion system coupled with electrical field stimulation. Anterior pituitary slices of 0.8 mm were perfused with Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate-bovine serum albumin buffer in a superfusion chamber for 30 min before electrical field stimulation. A square current of 30 mA, 10 Hz and 0.5 ms was then applied for 10 min. The perfusate was collected every 10 min and measured for adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) by radio-immunoassay. It was found that under the experimental condition the basal release of ACTH was suppressed by electrical field stimulation of the nerve fibres in the anterior pituitary. Furthermore, vasopressin was added as a secretagogue. The suppression of ACTH by electrical field stimulation became even more marked. This is the first physiological evidence of the effect of stimulation of the nerve fibres innervating the anterior pituitary on its secretory activity.  相似文献   

The distribution of immunoreactive substance P (IR-SP) neurons was examined in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland of the rhesus monkey by using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical technique. Immunoreactive SP cell bodies were observed in the arcuate nucleus, in the region lateral to the arcuate nucleus, and in the median eminence (ME). Immunoreactive SP cells were also seen in the periventricular area of the dorsal tuberal region. A rich network of SP fibers was concentrated in the arcuate region, and the fiber stain was particularly dense in the external zone of the median eminence and in the external layer of the infundibular stalk. Also, substance P fibers were seen in the internal layer of the pituitary stalk and in the neural lobe of the pituitary gland. Outside the hypothalamus a dense network of IR-SP fibers was observed in the globus pallidus.  相似文献   

Alterations in the levels of growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43)-like immunoreactivity (-LI) were examined in the lingual periodontal ligament of the rat incisor following two types of injury (resection and crush) to the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN). In normal animals, GAP-43-like immunoreactive (IR) structures were observed as tree-like ramifications in the alveolar half of the lingual periodontal ligament of incisors. Under immunoelectron microscopy, GAP-43-LI appeared in the Schwann sheaths associated with periodontal Ruffini endings; neither cell bodies of the terminal Schwann cells nor axonal profiles showed GAP-43-LI. During regeneration of the periodontal Ruffini endings following resection of the IAN, GAP-43-LI appeared in the cytoplasm of the terminal Schwann cell bodies and axoplasm of the terminals. The distribution of GAP-43-LI in the Ruffini endings returned to almost normal levels on days 28 and 56 following the injury. The changes in the distribution of GAP-43-LI following the crush injury were similar to those following resection; however, expression of GAP-43-LI was slightly higher for the entire experimental period compared with the resection. The transient expression of GAP-43 in the terminal Schwann cells and axonal profiles of the periodontal Ruffini endings following nerve injury suggests that GAP-43 is closely associated with axon–Schwann cells interactions during regeneration.  相似文献   

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