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PURPOSE: To determine dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) and maximum-tolerated dose (MTD) of a protracted, intermittent schedule of daily 30-minute infusions of topotecan (TPT) for up to 12 consecutive days, every 3 weeks, in children with refractory leukemia. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Forty-nine children were enrolled onto this phase I trial (24 with acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia [ANLL] and 25 with acute lymphoblastic leukemia [ALL]). TPT dosage was escalated from 2.0 to 5.2 mg/m(2)/d for 5 days and 2.4 mg/m(2)/d from 7 days to the same dose for 9 and 12 days in cohorts of three to six patients when no DLT was identified. TPT pharmacokinetics were studied in 33 children once or twice (first and last doses in patients who received TPT for > 7 days). RESULTS: Seventy assessable courses of TPT were administered to 49 children who had refractory leukemia. DLTs were typhlitis, diarrhea, and mucositis, and the MTD was 2.4 mg/m(2)/d for 9 days in this group of heavily pretreated children. In 33 patients, the median TPT lactone clearance after the first dose was 19.2 L/h/m(2) (range, 9.4 to 45.9 L/h/m(2)) and did not change during the course. There were significant responses (one complete response [CR] and four partial responses [PR] in patients with ANLL and one CR and two PRs in patients with ALL), and all but one were at dosages of TPT given for at least 9 days. CONCLUSION: The MTD was 2.4 mg/m(2)/d for 9 days. Further testing is warranted of TPT's schedule dependence in children with leukemia.  相似文献   

Using a multimodality approach to adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia, 93% of patients achieved a complete remission; among patients achieving a complete remission, 43% are predicted to remain disease-free for 5 years. Despite use of cranial irradiation (2400 rad) and intrathecal methotrexate (12 mg X 5), CNS relapse occurred in 5/14 patients (36%). With improved systemic therapy of adult ALL, survival is increased and "standard" CNS prophylaxis is not as effective as it appeared to be when systemic remissions were of shorter duration. More effective approaches to CNS prophylaxis need to be devised.  相似文献   

We assessed the influence of an initial isolated meningeal relapse on treatment outcome in 839 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) who were admitted to St Jude Children's Research Hospital (Memphis) from mid-1967 through mid-1979. The patients were entered in a series of five clinical trials (Total Therapy Studies V through IX), each designed to test one or more modifications of treatment for ALL. Two groups were compared: 699 children who received CNS prophylaxis (2,400-rad craniospinal irradiation or 2,400-rad cranial irradiation plus intrathecal methotrexate) v 56 who did not. Our results, obtained with a time-dependent covariate model and a matching technique, indicate a 2 to 3.5-fold increase in the risk of hematologic relapse or death among patients who experienced an isolated CNS relapse compared with similar patients (matched for leukocyte count and length of complete remission) who remained free of CNS involvement. Of the 107 children with an initial isolated CNS relapse, 89 (83%) have died or have had a subsequent relapse. There was no detectable difference in the rate of hematologic relapse or death after a CNS relapse between patients who had received preventive therapy and those who had not. We conclude that CNS prophylaxis is important both for the prevention of initial CNS leukemia and for reducing the risk of hematologic relapse or death subsequent to a CNS relapse.  相似文献   

We determined the intellectual and academic status of 40 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia who had experienced a primary isolated relapse in the CNS by analyzing the results of psychoeducational tests administered a median of 6.1 years after the relapse. Mean scores for full-scale IQ (87.5), verbal IQ (86.7), performance IQ (90.3), as well as academic achievement in reading (89.8), spelling (83.9), and mathematics (83.5) were significantly below normal expectations for age. Twenty percent of the group were mentally retarded and were receiving special educational assistance. The best clinical predictors of full-scale IQ were the number of radiation therapy courses, age, and the presence or absence of cerebral pathology as measured by computed tomography (CT). Children who were younger at the time of treatment, who received two courses of radiation therapy, and who had clinical seizures and structural abnormalities of the brain as detected by CT had the poorest psychological outcome. Although the psychoeducational consequences of CNS relapse and its attendant treatment are significant, these must be balanced by consideration of the relatively low probability of long-term survival without aggressive therapy. Recognition of this type of delayed morbidity with systematic surveillance and prompt attempts at rehabilitation may decrease or at least minimize these sequelae.  相似文献   

In a retrospective study, which comprised the whole Dutch childhood population of approximately 3 million children, the authors assessed the influence of an isolated meningeal relapse, occurring as first relapse, together with some patient and treatment characteristics on prognosis in 142 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Until their first relapse, patients were initially treated according to standard protocols, whereas the treatment for relapse was heterogeneous. Concerning the probability of achieving a second complete remission (CR) it appears that the duration of the first CR is the single most important prognostic factor. The duration of the first CR is also the most important factor with regard to the duration of the second CR, upon which also age and sex have a significant influence. Concerning the survival from the time of central nervous system (CNS) relapse, again the duration of the first CR appears to be the most important prognostic factor, followed by age and the institution of systemic reinduction treatment. Other factors, such as initial leukocyte count, attainment of first CR within 48 days, type of reinduction treatment, and the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) blast count at the time of relapse, have a less important, but nevertheless significant influence on survival. The median survival from the time of CNS relapse is 25 months, the 5-year survival is 25%, whereas the ultimate survival will be less than 20%. From 90 patients who developed second or subsequent relapses, 75% experienced a bone marrow relapse during the follow-up period. From this study the authors conclude that CNS relapse in children with ALL carries a grave prognosis, which requires the institution of intensive retreatment programs.  相似文献   

Isolated extramedullary relapse in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is associated frequently with the T-lineage immunophenotype and may be accompanied by occult bone marrow disease. We employed highly sensitive multiparameter flow cytometry and blast colony assays to quantify the leukemic progenitor cell (LPC) burden in the pretreatment bone marrows of 15 pediatric T-lineage ALL patients with an isolated extramedullary first relapse. Sites of extramedullary relapse were CNS (11 patients), testes (3 patients), and both CNS and testes (1 patient). Bone marrow LPC were detectable in 8 patients (53%) and undetectable in 7 patients (47%) at day 0 of post-relapse induction therapy, with LPC counts ranging from 0/10(6) mononuclear cells (MNC) to 518/10(6) MNC (mean +/- SEM, 50+/-34/10(6) MNC). Five of 9 patients with an early relapse (< 18 months after achieving a first complete remission [CR1]) and 3 of 6 patients with a late relapse (> or = 18 months from CR1) had detectable bone marrow LPC at day 0. Five of 8 patients with NCI-defined poor risk ALL and 3 of 7 patients with NCI-defined standard risk ALL had detectable LPC at day 0. Following post-relapse induction chemotherapy. LPC counts were detectable in bone marrows of 4 of 6 evaluated patients. Thus, approximately half of the extramedullary relapse T-lineage ALL patients studied had substantial occult involvement of the bone marrow. These findings may partly explain the previously observed poor prognosis of T-lineage patients following a CNS relapse.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The Pediatric Oncology Group (POG) designed a randomized two-arm protocol (8304) to improve the survival of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) who experience an isolated testicular relapse and to evaluate the efficacy of teniposide (VM-26) and doxorubicin as intensification agents during second remission. The outcome and toxicity observed in 80 patients with isolated testicular leukemia treated on POG 8304 are presented. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The following are common features of POG 8304: (1) remission reinduction therapy with vincristine, prednisone, and doxorubicin; (2) bilateral testicular irradiation (2,600 cGy) during reinduction therapy; (3) CNS prophylaxis with intrathecal hydrocortisone, methotrexate (MTX), and cytarabine (Ara-C); and (4) continuation therapy (for 80 weeks) with alternating 6-week cycles of oral mercaptopurine (6-MP)/MTX and intravenous vincristine and cyclophosphamide. Treatment differences consisted of pulses (administered every 7 weeks) of either prednisone and doxorubicin (arm 1) or VM-26 and Ara-C (arm 2) during continuation therapy and a 4-week late intensification phase with either vincristine, prednisone, and doxorubicin (arm 1) or VM-26 and Ara-C (arm 2). RESULTS: Fifty-five boys with ALL had isolated microscopic testicular leukemia detected by an elective biopsy at completion of initial treatment, and 25 had a late (greater than or equal to 6 months off-therapy) isolated overt testicular relapse. All patients with overt testicular leukemia attained a second clinical remission, and no patient with microscopic testicular leukemia progressed during reinduction. Of 42 patients on arm 1, 11 have relapsed compared with 18 of 38 patients on arm 2 (log-rank analysis, P = .22), indicating no significant difference between an anthracycline and an epipodophyllotoxin-Ara-C combination in the treatment of testicular leukemia. The overall 4-year event-free survival (EFS) among boys with occult testicular relapse was 53% +/- 8%. Age greater than 10 years at initial diagnosis, a WBC count greater than 50,000/microL at diagnosis, and black race were associated with a worse outcome. The 4-year EFS for boys with a late overt testicular relapse was 84% +/- 10%, and these patients fared significantly better than patients with occult disease (P = .007). CONCLUSION: The treatment approach reported here can secure a prolonged second remission in many patients with occult or late overt testicular leukemia.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the toxicity, antileukemic activity, and pharmacology of raltitrexed administered weekly for 3 weeks to patients with refractory or recurrent leukemia. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Raltitrexed was administered as a 15-minute infusion for 3 consecutive weeks every 5 weeks, at doses ranging from 1.3 to 2.8 mg/m(2). The first course was used to determine the dose-limiting toxicities and maximum tolerated dose. Correlative studies included an assessment of raltitrexed pharmacokinetics and measurement of plasma 2'-deoxyuridine concentrations, a surrogate measure of thymidylate synthase inhibition. RESULTS: Twenty-one children (18 evaluable) with refractory leukemia received 25 courses of raltitrexed. The dose-limiting toxicity was reversible elevation in liver transaminases at the 2.8-mg/m(2) dose level and the maximum tolerated dose was 2.1 mg/m(2) per dose. Pharmacokinetics were best characterized by a two-compartment model with a clearance of 139 mL/min/m(2) (8.3 L/h/m(2)), a 2.4-L volume of distribution, an initial half-life (t(1/2alpha)) of 6 minutes, and a terminal half-life (t(1/2beta)) of 45 minutes. There were three objective responses. CONCLUSIONS: Raltitrexed was well tolerated when administered as a single agent to children with recurrent or refractory leukemia. We observed preliminary evidence of antileukemia activity using this weekly dosing schedule and these observations support further evaluation of raltitrexed in this population.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We investigated whether there was a dose-response relationship for the use of corticosteroids in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Three hundred sixty-nine patients, ages 1 to 18 years with ALL, were randomly assigned to receive one of four different doses of corticosteroid (prednisolone 40 mg/m(2)/d or dexamethasone 6, 18, or 150 mg/m(2)/d) administered as a 3-day, single-drug window before initiation of standard, multidrug induction chemotherapy. Corticosteroid drug response was measured by reduction in bone marrow blast counts and absolute peripheral blast counts after 3 days. Glucocorticoid receptor (GCR) number and the effective concentration of dexamethasone resulting in a 50% reduction of leukemic cell viability in vitro (EC-50) were evaluated at days 0 and 3. RESULTS: Increasing dexamethasone doses resulted in greater marrow blast response (P =.007), with a similar trend in peripheral-blood blast response. High-dose corticosteroid regimens (dexamethasone 18 or 150 mg/m(2)/d) elicited better responses than standard doses of dexamethasone or prednisone (bone marrow, P =.002; peripheral blasts, P =.05). Among patients treated with standard-dose corticosteroids, 38% with resistant (EC-50 > 10(-7)) peripheral blasts had a good response compared with 92% with sensitive (EC-50 < 10(-7)) peripheral blasts (P =.01). In contrast, there was no differential response according to EC-50 group after high-dose corticosteroids. Similarly, an association between response and GCR on peripheral-blood blasts was noted after standard-dose corticosteroid regimens but not after high-dose corticosteroid regimens. CONCLUSION: Response of ALL to glucocorticoid therapy increased with dose. Higher-dose corticosteroid treatment abrogated the effect of relative drug insensitivity and of low GCR on peripheral blasts.  相似文献   

Urolithiasis in pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We evaluated the incidence, timing, and consequences of urolithiasis in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). A total of 20 patients with urolithiasis were identified from 2095 patients with ALL treated at St Jude Children's Research Hospital on consecutive protocols between 1968 and 1998. For remission induction therapy, all patients received daily prednisone; continuation chemotherapy regimens differed by protocol with some including pulses of prednisone or dexamethasone and others no glucocorticoid. Patients with urolithiasis were older at diagnosis of ALL than those without urolithiasis (median age, 7.5 vs 5.0 years; P=0.03) and less likely to be black (P=0.03) than white or Hispanic, but sex and treatment era did not differ. Presenting symptoms included abdominal or flank pain, hematuria, and dysuria. All stones analyzed biochemically were calcium stones. The incidence of urolithiasis after completion of therapy was 1.8 per 10 000 person-years. Compared to this baseline rate, the relative risk of urolithiasis was 45 (P<0.01) during induction therapy, 22 (P<0.01) during continuation therapy with glucocorticoids, and 5.1 (P>0.05) during continuation therapy without glucocorticoids. Urolithiasis occurred 4.5 times more often during continuation treatment with glucocorticoids than without (P<0.05). Seven patients (35%) had recurrent urolithiasis. Patients with ALL are at risk of developing calcium renal stones during chemotherapy, especially when a glucocorticoid is included.  相似文献   

Boys with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) who have overt testicular relapse (OTR) during initial continuation chemotherapy or within 6 months thereafter have poor outcomes, with long-term survival similar to patients with marrow relapse during treatment. In April 1983, the Pediatric Oncology Group (POG) adopted for these patients an intensive treatment protocol (POG 8303) consisting of a four-drug systemic reinduction (prednisone, vincristine, daunorubicin, and asparaginase), a brief intensive consolidation phase with teniposide and cytarabine, and a 2-year program of continuation chemotherapy with weekly rotating drug pairs (vincristine/cyclophosphamide and teniposide/cytarabine) with or without (by randomization) four-drug reinforcement pulses every 16 weeks. Bilateral testicular radiation (2600 cGy) was administered during reinduction, and intrathecal chemoprophylaxis was given every 4 to 6 weeks. Among 38 eligible study patients with OTR, 5 had prior or concominant extramedullary relapse in other sites. The median duration of complete remission before OTR was 27 months (range, 10 to 42 months). All 38 patients achieved clinical remission after reinduction. Three patients withdrew while in remission, 22 had another relapse (12 marrow, 5 central nervous system (CNS), 2 testicular, 1 retroperitoneal, 1 prostate, and 1 eye), and 13 (34%) remain in complete remission from 32+ to 74+ months after OTR (median, 53+ months). Eighteen patients had their therapy electively discontinued, and five relapses occurred thereafter. These results are superior to those observed in patients with first marrow relapse treated with the same protocol. Approximately one third of patients with OTR treated with POG protocol 8303 exhibit prolonged second remissions with the potential for cure.  相似文献   

Isolated extramedullary relapse in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) may be accompanied by occult bone marrow disease. We used a highly sensitive assay to quantify leukemic progenitor cells (LPCs) in the bone marrow of such patients. Multiparameter flow cytometry and blast colony assays were used to detect LPCs in the bone marrow of 31 pediatric B-lineage ALL patients with an isolated extramedullary first relapse. Sites of relapse were central nervous system (22 patients), testes (7 patients), and eye (2 patients). Bone marrow (BM) LPC counts ranged from 0/10(6) mononuclear cells (MNCs) to 356/10(6) MNCs (mean +/- SE, 27.8+/-13.1/10(6) MNCs). LPCs were undetectable in 19 patients (61%). The BM LPC burden at the time of extramedullary relapse was similar, regardless of site (Wilcoxon P = 0.77) or time of relapse (Wilcoxon P = 0.80). Compared with higher risk, standard risk at initial diagnosis showed a trend for increased BM LPC burden (mean +/- SE, 44.6+/-17.1 versus 7.5+/-3.3; Wilcoxon P = 0.22). After successful postrelapse induction chemotherapy, LPC counts in 21 evaluated patients ranged from 0/10(6) to 175/10(6) MNCs (mean +/- SE, 15.9+/-9.6/10(6) MNCs). By comparison, LPC burden was higher after successful induction chemotherapy among children with an early BM relapse (range, 0 to 3262/ 106 MNC; mean +/- SE, 166+/-107; Wilcoxon P = 0.11). Thus, not all patients with an extramedullary relapse have occult systemic failure with substantial involvement of the bone marrow, and after reinduction therapy, LPC counts were lower in these patients than in patients treated for an overt BM first relapse.  相似文献   

The morphologic, immunologic and cytogenetic features of leukemic cells obtained at the time of first bone marrow relapse were compared with those obtained at initial diagnosis in 287 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) who were entered consecutively in a laboratory classification study of the Pediatric Oncology Group (POG). L1 to L2 shifts in French-American-British morphologic subtype were more common than the reverse (81/178 versus 15/61, p less than 0.001). A small but marginally significant number of cases acquired cytoplasmic granules at relapse, and 50 cases underwent a shift in periodic acid-Schiff reactivity that slightly favoured positive to negative. Shifts in immunophenotype were relatively rare, although shifts in cases with a pre-B phenotype to early pre-B ALL or vice versa occurred in about a third of pre-B cases. Loss of HLA-DR or the common ALL antigen occurred in 20 and 11% of cases, respectively. Of the 116 cases with analyzable karyotypes at diagnosis and relapse, 36 (31%) showed a change in karyotypes at relapse, usually from normal to pseudodiploid or hyperdiploid. Cytogenetic evidence for the emergence of a new clone after initial diagnosis was found in only one case. Analysis of the correlation of clinical and lymphoblast biologic features with event-free survival after an initial marrow relapse failed to demonstrate any prognostic significance for the changes identified in this study. T-cell immunophenotype proved to be the only factor significantly related to the outcome of retrieval therapy.  相似文献   

《Leukemia research》2014,38(12):1407-1412
The impact of socioeconomic status (SES) upon childhood cancer outcomes has not been extensively examined. Our objective was to determine the association between SES and event-free survival (EFS) among children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) diagnosed in Ontario, Canada from 1995–2011 (N = 1541) using Cox proportional hazards. Neither neighborhood-level median income quintile, distance from tertiary center, or rural residence significantly predicted EFS in the context of a universal healthcare system. Immigrant children experienced significantly superior EFS; confounding by ethnicity could not be ruled out. Confirmatory studies using additional individual-level SES variables are warranted.  相似文献   

We report on the efficiency of treatment of first isolated extramedullary relapse of B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Sixty-eight children and adolescents were included in the trial COPRALL-97. Stratification criteria were time to relapse: first complete remission duration of less than 24 months for group G3A (n=35), relapse beyond 24 months for group G3B (n=33). Treatment consisted of risk-adapted alternating short course multiagent systemic and intrathecal chemotherapy and irradiation (18Gy). Event free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS) for all registered patients at 6 years were 43% and 55%, respectively. EFS at 4 years for patients of group G3A and G3B were, respectively, 31% and 61% (p=0.0071) while OS at 4 years were, respectively, 40% and 76% (p=0.065). Our analyses highlighted two independent risks factors predictive of decreased EFS: early relapse and age at the initial diagnosis above 6 years. Early central nervous system relapses have a bad prognosis, and new therapeutic strategies are needed.  相似文献   

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