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目的 探讨原发性进行性失语(PPA)的临床、影像及语言特征.方法 PPA患者7例,其中语义性痴呆(SD)6例,进行性非流利性失语(PNFA)1例,收集患者的人口学资料、病史,进行头MRI检查,采用汉语失语成套测验进行语言评估.结果 患者平均发病年龄56岁,均缓慢起病,以语言表达、命名障碍为首发症状.MRI示左侧颞极萎缩为主,病程长的患者左侧额叶和顶叶、右侧颞叶也明显萎缩.语言评估发现所有患者的自发语言、复述、命名、听理解、阅读和书写均不同程度损害.SD患者言语流利,复述、朗读能力下降相对较轻,命名、复杂语句的理解能力损害突出.PNFA言语顿挫吃力,患者列名能力明显下降,但命名相对保存完好.结论 PPA多为老年前期发病,语言障碍为最早、最突出的症状.MRI特征性的改变为额叶和颞极萎缩,左侧为著.其中SD表现为命名性失语和经皮质感觉性失语,PNFA表现为经皮质运动性失语的特征.  相似文献   

Background: In primary progressive aphasia (PPA), assessment of language predominates over assessment of functional impairment in activities of daily living (ADLs) in clinical and research environments. Most of the knowledge on functional disability in PPA relies largely on anecdotal experience and limited numbers of studies published to date.

Aims: (1) To describe the different patterns of ADL functional disability in the main PPA variants: semantic variant, nonfluent aphasia, and the more recently defined logopenic variant; (2) to draw relations between functional disability, cognitive, and behavioural symptoms in the PPAs; (3) to examine the impact of functional disability on carer burden, and (4) to provide specific strategies to address the described problems.

Main Contribution: Profiles of disease progression are described from a functional perspective, as well as the relationship (or lack thereof) between functional disability and cognitive and behavioural symptoms. Dementia-management strategies for carers and professionals in overcoming day-to-day difficulties are provided, and the impact of functional deficits on those around the patient, including their spouses and children, are discussed.

Conclusions: Patterns of ADL functional disability and their progression vary between PPA subtypes. Understanding these different profiles of impairment is critical to the development of tailored interventions. There is a range of therapeutic strategies which can be trialled to promote improved ADL functioning, which in turn may also help in reducing levels of carer burden in PPA.  相似文献   

Background: Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) affects a range of language domains that impact on communication. Little is known about the nature of conversation breakdown in PPA. The identification of trouble in conversation, its repair and the success of repairs has been used effectively to examine conversation breakdown in neurogenic language disorders such as dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT) and acute onset aphasia. This study investigated trouble and repair in the conversations of people with PPA.

Aims: The first aim of this study is to describe the contributions of individuals with PPA and their conversation partner to conversation. The second aim is to describe the trouble that occurs in dyadic conversations between three individuals with PPA and their communication partner. The third aim is to describe the repair behaviours used by the individuals with PPA and their communication partners.

Methods & Procedures: Dyadic conversations about everyday activities between three individuals with PPA and their partners and three control dyads were video recorded and transcribed. Number of words, number of turns and length of turns were measured and trouble-indicating behaviours (TIBs) and repair behaviours were categorised.

Outcomes & Results: Individuals with PPA had reduced mean length of turn but maintained their share of turn-taking. They demonstrated a variety of TIBs that differed from the noninteractive repairs, which do not require a response from the partner in the conversation and which have been observed in studies of conversation in DAT. Their partners bore the greater burden of highlighting trouble and need for repair using collaborative, interactive, TIBs. Three different conversational profiles were observed in the three PPA dyads, reflecting different patterns of language and cognitive impairment.

Conclusions: Individuals with PPA were active participants in conversation effectively indicating and responding to trouble. Understanding trouble and repair in the conversations of individuals with PPA has the potential to enhance assessment and inform clinical practice.  相似文献   

Background: Individuals with primary progressive aphasia (PPA) and their caregivers want to know what to expect so that they can plan support appropriately. The ability to predict decline in naming and semantic knowledge, and advise individuals with PPA and their caregivers regarding future planning, would be invaluable clinically.

Aims: The aims of this study were to investigate patterns of decline in naming and semantic knowledge in each of the clinical variants of PPA (logopenic variant PPA, lvPPA; nonfluent agrammatic PPA, nfaPPA; and semantic variant PPA, svPPA) and to examine the effects of other variables on rate of decline. We hypothesized that speech-language rehabilitation, higher education, and higher baseline test scores would be associated with slower decline, and older age with faster decline.

Methods and Procedures: A total of 94 participants with PPA underwent language testing, including 36 participants with lvPPA, 31 participants with nfaPPA, and 27 participants with svPPA. All participant groups were similar in age and education. We focused on decline on three tests: the short form of the Boston Naming Test (BNT), the Hopkins Assessment of Naming Actions (HANA), and the short form of the Pyramids and Palm Trees Test (PPTT).

Outcome and Results: Across language tests, the most precipitous rates of decline (loss of points per month) occurred in nfaPPA, followed by svPPA, then lvPPA. Female sex, longer symptom duration, higher baseline test score, and speech-language rehabilitation were associated with slower decline.

Conclusions: PPA variants were distinguishable by rapidity of decline, with nfaPPA having the most precipitous decline. As hypothesized, higher baseline test scores and speech-language rehabilitation were associated with slower decline. Surprisingly, age and education were not important prognostically for individuals in this study. Further study of prognostically-relevant variables in PPA is indicated in this population.  相似文献   

Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is characterized by progressive deterioration of language function with relative preservation of other cognitive functions. Previous studies based on neuroimaging and histology point to predominantly left temporal pathology in PPA patients. Here we report two left-handed subjects with typical symptoms of the nonfluent form of PPA in whom 18F-FDG PET revealed an asymmetric right-hemispheric pattern of reduced glucose metabolism in the frontal and temporoparietal cortex. These findings support the hypothesis that PPA can be considered as a symptom complex rather than a disease entity. Received: 20 December 2001, Received in revised form: 21 March 2002, Accepted: 26 March 2002  相似文献   

Semantic (svPPA) and nonfluent (nfPPA) variants of primary progressive aphasia are associated with distinct patterns of cortical atrophy and underlying pathology. Little is known, however, about their contrasting spread of white matter disruption and how this relates to grey matter (GM) loss. We undertook a structural MRI study to investigate this relationship. We used diffusion tensor imaging, tract‐based spatial statistics, and voxel‐based morphometry to examine fractional anisotropy (FA) and directional diffusivities in nine patients with svPPA and nine patients with nfPPA, and compared them to 16 matched controls after accounting for global GM atrophy. Significant differences in topography of white matter changes were found, with more ventral involvement in svPPA patients and more widespread frontal involvement in nfPPA individuals. However, each group had both ventral and dorsal tract changes, and both showed spread of diffusion abnormalities beyond sites of local atrophy. There was a clear dissociation in sensitivity of diffusion tensor imaging measures between groups. SvPPA patients showed widespread changes in FA and radial diffusivity, whereas changes in axial diffusivity were more restricted and proximal to sites of GM atrophy. NfPPA patients showed isolated changes in FA, but widespread axial and radial diffusivity changes. These findings reveal the extent of white matter disruption in these variants of PPA after accounting for GM loss. Further, they suggest that differences in the relative sensitivity of diffusion metrics may reflect differences in the nature of underlying white matter pathology in these two subtypes. Hum Brain Mapp, 2013. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe two cases, both presenting with a 2-year history of isolated language disorders, one compatible with logopenic variant and the other with non-fluent variant of primary progressive aphasia (PPA). Afterwards, each developed a corticobasal syndrome (CBS) with alien limb phenomenon and a multi-domain cognitive impairment. Regional cerebral perfusion (rCBF) study using 99mTc-ECD single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) revealed hypoperfusion patterns consistent with these aphasia types and with the presence of limb apraxia. We report two cases of PPA variants associated with CBS and we suggest that SPECT rCBF correlates can be useful in making a differential diagnosis within the PPA spectrum.  相似文献   

While language characteristics of logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia (lvPPA) are well-defined, behavioral characteristics are less understood. We investigated correlations between language and behavioral scores across three variants of primary progressive aphasia (PPA) and found language performance and behavioral disturbances are correlated in lvPPA, but not other PPA subtypes. Results suggest that unlike other PPA variants, patients diagnosed with lvPPA do not develop negative behaviors until language deficits are severe. This is consistent with the underlying neuropathology of lvPPA, Alzheimer's Disease. Such findings are crucial to clinical prognosis, especially when considering the progressive nature of this disease.  相似文献   

Background: Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) refers to a progressive and selective decline in language due to neurodegenerative disease. There are three variants of PPA, progressive nonfluent aphasia (PNFA), semantic dementia (SD), and logopaenic progressive aphasia (LPA). All variants include impaired object naming, but distinct underlying deficits might interfere with naming. Therefore, individuals with different types of PPA may respond differently to naming therapy.

Aims: To identify differences in patterns of success and generalisation in response to the same treatment in patient with LPA and a patient with SD. Furthermore, we wished to identify whether the treatment effect was item specific (trained words) or generalised to untrained words in trained or untrained categories.

Methods & Procedures: Participants included an individual with LPA and one with SD. An assessment of lexical processing was administered before and after a naming treatment to assess underlying deficits and generalisation effects. Therapy consisted of a cueing hierarchy treatment. Treatment items consisted of pictured objects in the categories of fruits/vegetables and clothing.

Outcomes & Results: Two different patterns of performance were observed. The LPA participant improved in naming of treated items and untreated items in both treated and untreated categories. The participant with SD improved in naming treated items only, but showed less deterioration in untreated items in treated than untreated categories.

Conclusions: Individuals with PPA can show improved naming (at least temporarily) with therapy, but generalisation to untrained items may depend on the underlying cause of the naming deficit, which may differ across subtypes.  相似文献   

Recently, diagnostic clinical and imaging criteria for primary progressive aphasia (PPA) have been revised by an international consortium (Gorno‐Tempini et al. Neurology 2011;76:1006‐14). The aim of this study was to validate the specificity of the new imaging criteria and investigate whether different imaging modalities [magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG‐PET)] require different diagnostic subtype‐specific imaging criteria. Anatomical likelihood estimation meta‐analyses were conducted for PPA subtypes across a large cohort of 396 patients: firstly, across MRI studies for each of the three PPA subtypes followed by conjunction and subtraction analyses to investigate the specificity, and, secondly, by comparing results across MRI vs. FDG‐PET studies in semantic dementia and progressive nonfluent aphasia. Semantic dementia showed atrophy in temporal, fusiform, parahippocampal gyri, hippocampus, and amygdala, progressive nonfluent aphasia in left putamen, insula, middle/superior temporal, precentral, and frontal gyri, logopenic progressive aphasia in middle/superior temporal, supramarginal, and dorsal posterior cingulate gyri. Results of the disease‐specific meta‐analyses across MRI studies were disjunct. Similarly, atrophic and hypometabolic brain networks were regionally dissociated in both semantic dementia and progressive nonfluent aphasia. In conclusion, meta‐analyses support the specificity of new diagnostic imaging criteria for PPA and suggest that they should be specified for each imaging modality separately.  相似文献   

Background: Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) and conditions that overlap with it can be accompanied by motor speech disorders. Recognition and understanding of motor speech disorders can contribute to a fuller clinical understanding of PPA and its management as well as its localisation and underlying pathology.

Aims: To review the types of motor speech disorders that may occur with PPA, its primary variants, and its overlap syndromes (progressive supranuclear palsy syndrome, corticobasal syndrome, motor neuron disease), as well as with primary progressive apraxia of speech.

Main Contribution: The review should assist clinicians’ and researchers’ understanding of the relationship between motor speech disorders and PPA and its major variants. It also highlights the importance of recognising neurodegenerative apraxia of speech as a condition that can occur with little or no evidence of aphasia.

Conclusion: Motor speech disorders can occur with PPA. Their recognition can contribute to clinical diagnosis and management of PPA and to understanding and predicting the localisation and pathology associated with PPA variants and conditions that can overlap with them.  相似文献   

A 62-year-old male presented with progressive isolated writing and spelling difficulties. Neurological, neuropsychological, speech, and language evaluations identified only minimal additional abnormalities. The presenting characteristics did not meet criteria for any particular variant of primary progressive aphasia; his clinical presentation is best described as primary progressive aphasia, with a predominant, almost pure agraphia. Brain MRI showed asymmetric, bilateral parenchymal volume loss, with left hippocampal atrophy. Fluorodeoxyglucose-F18 positron emission tomography showed hypometabolism in the lateral left frontal lobe, including Exner’s area. Beta-amyloid and tau-positron emission tomography scans were negative, indicating the etiology was not Alzheimer’s disease. The underlying neurodegenerative process is most likely related to TDP-43, although a 4-repeat tauopathy cannot be excluded. Following his clinical evolution, and ultimately identifying the underlying pathology from autopsy, will elucidate the etiology of this interesting clinical presentation.  相似文献   

目的通过简易精神状态量表(MMSE)和蒙特利尔认识评估量表(Mo CA)中语言方面的损害进而应用不同语言学量表对原发性进行性失语(PPA)的亚型进行分析。方法对认知障碍门诊收集的2例以语言障碍和记忆力差伴命名困难为主要表现的患者,结合MMSE和Mo CA中语言某方面的异常,应用语言学量表进行流利性、言语产生(语法和运动言语)、命名、单词理解、复述及阅读的分析,最后结合患者病史及头颅MRI或SPECT检查作出初步诊断。结果例1和例2患者通过MMSE、MOCA和相关语言学量表检测,结合影像学头颅MRI或SPECT检查,得出例1拟诊为Logopenic型失语,例2拟诊为语义型痴呆。结论结合MMSE和Mo CA中语言某方面的异常和相关的语言学量表检测,最后根据病史及影像学检查有助于PPA亚型的诊断。  相似文献   

Background: Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) with its three variants is a progressive neurodegenerative dementia in which language impairment is the first and most dominant symptom. Traditionally, speech-language pathologists who deliver therapy to adults with acquired neurogenic language disorders shy away from treatment of progressive aphasia as there is no promise of lasting effects and only limited data regarding treatment efficacy.

Aims: This paper comprises the most current review of the literature focused on treatment of naming impairments in PPA, and aims to encourage and assist clinicians in selecting intervention approaches for individuals with PPA. It highlights current trends and challenges in delivering successful therapy for naming deficits in PPA.

Main Contribution: We reviewed papers that reported different forms of naming therapy for patients with PPA, which included interventions that, although not always aimed directly at anomic deficits, brought about improvement in naming. Immediate gains, maintenance, and generalisation effects are summarised, along with a variety of approaches and methodologies that can be applied to the PPA population. We also provide a list of factors that were found to contribute to the success of therapy and to the maintenance and/or generalisation of treatment gains.

Conclusions: Current literature delivers encouraging evidence for clinicians wanting to provide naming therapy to patients with PPA. Although PPA is a progressive disorder, both the immediate treatment effects and, in many cases, maintenance results show that improvements are possible. The issues of generalisation of naming gains beyond the clinician’s office still require more studies to determine the best conditions, designs, and patient suitability.  相似文献   


This study examined the maintenance of anomia treatment effects in primary progressive aphasia (PPA). Following baseline testing, a phonological treatment and an orthographic treatment were administered over the course of six months. The treatment stimuli consisted of nouns that were consistently named correctly at baseline (Prophylaxis items) and/or nouns that were consistently named incorrectly at baseline (Remediation items). Naming accuracy was measured at baseline, and it was measured at 1 month, 8 months, and 15 months post-treatment. The change in naming accuracy from baseline to each post-treatment evaluation was calculated within each treatment condition, and within a matched untrained condition. The change in naming accuracy was then compared between the three conditions. The results of these analyses indicate that phonological and orthographic treatments are both effective in the Prophylaxis and Remediation of anomia in all three variants of PPA. For Prophylaxis items, some of the effects of each treatment can persist for as long as 15 months post-treatment. These long-term treatment effects were more robust in the orthographic treatment condition and for participants with the semantic variant of PPA.  相似文献   

Some patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration have developed artistic skills after the onset mainly in painting and music. Most of these cases have semantic dementia (SD), one of the frontotemporal lobar degeneration subtypes. In previously reported cases, the paintings made by patients with SD were usually hyper realistic, without a significant symbolic or abstract component. Here, we report on a patient with progressive nonfluent aphasia (PNFA), another frontotemporal lobar degeneration subtype, who started making creative bamboo crafts after PNFA onset. His techniques were completely his original; he devised the shapes of the crafts and made them without samples. His work did not become an obsessive preoccupation. The artistic style expressed by patients with PNFA differs from that expressed by patients with SD. Therefore, the underlying mechanisms for the emergence of artistic talent might differ between SD and PNFA.  相似文献   



The objective of this study is to determine which cognitive processes underlying spelling are most affected in the three variants of primary progressive aphasia (PPA): Logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia (lvPPA), Semantic variant primary progressive aphasia (svPPA), and Nonfluent variant primary progressive aphasia (nfvPPA).


23 PPA patients were administered The Johns Hopkins Dysgraphia Battery to assess spelling. Subtests evaluate for effects of word frequency, concreteness, word length, grammatical word class, lexicality (words vs pseudowords), and “regularity” by controlling for the other variables. Significant effects of each variable were identified with chi square tests. Responses on all spelling to dictation tests were scored by error type. 16 of the 23 subjects also had a high resolution MRI brain scan to identify areas of atrophy.


We identified 4 patterns of spelling that could be explained by damage to one or more cognitive processes underlying spelling. Nine patients (3 unclassifiable, 4 with lvPPA, 2 with svPPA) had dysgraphia explicable by impaired access to lexical representations, with reliance on sublexical phonology-to-orthography conversion (POC). Two patients (with nfvPPA) showed dysgraphia explicable by impaired access to lexical representations and complete disruption of sublexical POC. Seven patients (4 with lvPPA, 1 with svPPA, 2 unclassifiable) showed dysgraphia explicable by impaired access to lexical-semantic representations and/or lexical representations with partially spared sublexical POC mechanisms. Five patients (1 with nfvPPA, 2 with svPPA, 1 with lvPPA, and 1 unclassifiable) showed dysgraphia explicable by impairment of the graphemic buffer.


Any cognitive process underlying spelling can be affected in PPA. Predominance of phonologically plausible errors, more accurate spelling of regular words than irregular words, and more accurate spelling of pseudowords than words (indicating spared POC mechanisms) may indicate a low probability of progression to nfvPPA.  相似文献   

We report the histopathological and immunohistochemical findings in a patient with primary progressive aphasia and abnormally ubiquitinated neurites in the cerebral cortex. Neuropathological examination showed severe neuronal loss and astrocytosis with a spongy change in the frontal cortex and neostriatum. Immunohistochemistry for ubiquitin antibody showed many immunoreactive dystrophic neurites in the superficial layer of the affected cortices and putamen. Those neurites were neither argentophilic nor stained with other antibodies against neurofilament, tau, or microtubule-associated protein-2. There were no neuropathological changes characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease, Pick’s disease, or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Immunoelectron microscopy using anti-ubiquitin antibody showed inclusions in the dendrites, consisting mainly of granular and filamentous material. These pathological features, unusual in primary progressive aphasia, indicate the neuropathological heterogeneity of this disease condition. Received: 12 February 1996 / Revised, accepted: 10 May 1996  相似文献   

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