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Alarm about the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity has focussed attention on individual lifestyle behaviours that may contribute to unhealthy weight. More distal predictors such as maternal employment may also be implicated since working mothers have less time to supervise children's daily activities. The research reported here used two waves of data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children to investigate whether mothers' hours in paid work shape young children's television viewing, snacking and physical activity, and through those lifestyle behaviours, children's weight at ages 4–5 years and 6–7 years. At both ages, children's lifestyle behaviours were interrelated and associated with weight status. Cross-sectional analysis confirmed small, direct associations between longer hours of maternal employment and child weight at age 4–5 years, but not with child's weight measured two years later. In both the cross-sectional and prospective analyses, the children of mothers who worked part-time watched less television and were less likely to be overweight than children of mothers who were not employed or who worked full-time. While associations were small, they remained significant after adjustment for maternal weight, household income and other factors. The combination of direct and indirect relationships between mothers' work hours and the weight status of their young children provides additional support to calls for family-friendly work policies as an important means for promoting healthy family lifestyles and early childhood wellbeing.  相似文献   

The authors analyze the evolution of macro-indicators of social and economic well-being during the 1990s in the majority of developed capitalist countries, grouped according to their dominant political traditions since the end of World War II. Their analysis shows that, despite the economic globalization of commerce and finance, "politics still matters" in explaining the evolution of the welfare states and labor markets in these countries; the impact of the globalization of financial capital in forcing reductions in the financial resources available for welfare state purposes has been exaggerated.  相似文献   

The empirical relationship between income inequality and health has been much debated and discussed. Recent reviews suggest that the current evidence is mixed, with the relationship between state income inequality and health in the United States (US) being perhaps the most robust. In this paper, we examine the multilevel interactions between state income inequality, individual poor self-rated health, and a range of individual demographic and socioeconomic markers in the US. We use the pooled data from the 1995 and 1997 Current Population Surveys, and the data on state income inequality (represented using Gini coefficient) from the 1990, 1980, and 1970 US Censuses. Utilizing a cross-sectional multilevel design of 201,221 adults nested within 50 US states we calibrated two-level binomial hierarchical mixed models (with states specified as a random effect). Our analyses suggest that for a 0.05 change in the state income inequality, the odds ratio (OR) of reporting poor health was 1.30 (95% CI: 1.17-1.45) in a conditional model that included individual age, sex, race, marital status, education, income, and health insurance coverage as well as state median income. With few exceptions, we did not find strong statistical support for differential effects of state income inequality across different population groups. For instance, the relationship between state income inequality and poor health was steeper for whites compared to blacks (OR=1.34; 95% CI: 1.20-1.48) and for individuals with incomes greater than $75,000 compared to less affluent individuals (OR=1.65; 95% CI: 1.26-2.15). Our findings, however, primarily suggests an overall (as opposed to differential) contextual effect of state income inequality on individual self-rated poor health. To the extent that contemporaneous state income inequality differentially affects population sub-groups, our analyses suggest that the adverse impact of inequality is somewhat stronger for the relatively advantaged socioeconomic groups. This pattern was found to be consistent regardless of whether we consider contemporaneous or lagged effects of state income inequality on health. At the same time, the contemporaneous main effect of state income inequality remained statistically significant even when conditioned for past levels of income inequality and median income of states.  相似文献   

The persistence of socioeconomic inequalities in health is a major policy concern in England, which was addressed by the new labour government in 1997 which prioritised curtailing health inequalities as a policy goal. This paper addresses two related questions: first, it empirically examines the dynamic patterns of socioeconomic inequalities in health in England from 1997 to 2007 by estimating concentration indices over three measures of health, namely self-reported health, long standing illness and health limitations, calculated across different years of the Health Survey for England. Second, using regression based decomposition analysis, we explore whether specifically prioritised areas (spearhead local authority areas in the bottom fifth nationally on health indicators) exhibit a different pattern of inequality in the years following a (2005) targeted intervention. Results suggest that patterns of health inequalities in England exhibit no significant variation from 1997 to 2007, although importantly, some reduction on inequalities in health, measured through self-assessed health, is found. Patterns of socioeconomic inequalities in health in spearhead areas are not found to be significantly different than health inequalities in non-spearhead areas.  相似文献   

There is a widely held belief in U.S. and European economic, political, and academic circles that economic globalization has considerably diminished states' power to follow public policies identified with the social democratic tradition, such as full-employment policies, comprehensive and universal provision of welfare state services, and state regulatory interventions in labor markets and economic policies. And large sectors of the European center-left and left parties believe that European monetary integration made expansionist and full-employment policies practically impossible, except when realized at the European continental level. This article presents empirical information that questions these positions. It documents how specific governments in Europe have been able to carry out such public policies during these years of economic globalization and monetary integration. Some countries (such as Sweden and Finland) that had carried out these policies then later weakened their implementation did so in response to political changes mostly unrelated to globalization of the economy or monetary integration. The article also analyzes and documents how countries that had followed expansionist and full-employment policies have responded to the globalization of financial markets.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The central aim of the present study was to examine differences in the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis between 29 burned-out, 33 work-engaged, and 26 healthy reference managers, as identified with the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. METHODS: All of the managers were employed in a large Dutch telecommunications company. Salivary cortisol was sampled on three consecutive workdays and one nonworkday to determine the cortisol awakening response. Salivary dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEAS), a cortisol counterbalancing product of the HPA axis, was measured on these days 1 hour after managers awakened. The dexamethasone suppression test was used to investigate the feedback sensitivity of the HPA axis. RESULTS: The morning cortisol levels were higher on the workdays than on the nonworkday, but this effect did not differ between the three groups. The burned-out, work-engaged, and reference groups did not differ in the cortisol and DHEAS levels, the slope of the cortisol awakening response, and the cortisol : DHEAS ratio. The work-engaged group showed a stronger cortisol suppression in response to the dexamethasone suppression test than the other two groups, the finding suggesting higher feedback sensitivity among work-engaged managers. CONCLUSIONS: Burned-out and work-engaged managers only differ marginally in HPA-axis functioning.  相似文献   

A working group was established to evaluate the need for an increased vitamin D intake in the Danish population. Vitamin D is primarily important for calcium homeostasis, calcium absorption in the intestine and calcium content in bones, and thereby for the strength of the bones. Only a few foods provide vitamin D and the intake in the Danish population is low compared to the recommendation. However, vitamin D is also produced by the skin from solar exposure. How much vitamin D is provided this way is not known but it is said to be the most important source. Measures of vitamin D status and clinical signs of vitamin D status are therefore important when assessing the possible need for increased vitamin D intake. Measures of vitamin D status have shown a low status in the elderly but not in the young. More than 50% of nursing-home residents have low blood vitamin D levels and many have biochemical signs of osteomalacia. Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of osteoporosis. In Denmark, for instance, 13,000 admissions each year are caused by hip fractures alone, almost all among elderly people. Dark-skinned women often constitute a problem with respect to vitamin D sufficiency because of reduced production from the skin secondary to extensive covering, skin pigmentation and many hours spent indoors. It is concluded that the elderly and dark-skinned (veiled) women will benefit from an increased vitamin D supply. Four strategies to increase vitamin D supply were considered: dietary changes, increased solar exposure, dietary supplements with vitamin D and food fortification with vitamin D. It is concluded that the best solution is to recommend dietary supplements with vitamin D to elderly over 65 years, dark-skinned and veiled women and people who, because of disease, are unable to spend time outdoors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that the 1990-91 social and economic policy changes in New Zealand were associated with a subsequent increase in socioeconomic and ethnic inequalities in the dental caries experience of five-year-old children. METHOD: Dental caries data from the School Dental Service treating the greater Wellington area were analysed for the period 1995-2000. Multivariate models were developed for deciduous caries prevalence (logistic regression) and severity (negative binomial regression). RESULTS: In the years 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000, complete data were available for 2,627, 3,335, 4,404, 4,155, 3,154 and 2,804 children, respectively. Ethnic and socio-economic differences in caries prevalence and severity were substantial and persistent during the observation period. Where caries severity was concerned, there was a significant interaction between time and Maori ethnicity, indicating that (on average) the oral health of Maori children deteriorated in comparison to their European counterparts. CONCLUSIONS: The early-1990s social and economic policy changes were associated with an apparent widening of ethnic inequalities in caries severity among five-year-old children. IMPLICATIONS: Economic rationalism appears to have oral health disadvantages for non-European children. Before implementation of proposed major social and economic policy changes, policymakers should consider their health implications.  相似文献   



There has been an increasing interest in developing country-specific preference weights for widely used measures of health-related quality of life. The valuation of health states has usually been done using cardinal preference elicitation techniques of standard gamble (SG) or time trade-off (TTO). Yet there is increasing interest in the use of ordinal methods to elicit health state utility values as an alternative to the more conventional cardinal techniques. This raises the issue of firstly whether ordinal and cardinal methods of preference elicitation provide similar results and secondly whether this relationship is robust across different valuation studies and different populations.  相似文献   

Health care financing arrangements not only have strong implications for income distribution, but also affect health care utilization. Therefore, a comparison of the equity in health care utilization for those health systems with different financing arrangements has important policy implications for health care policymakers. The concentration index (CI) and the horizontal inequity index (HI) are commonly used to measure inequality and inequity in health care utilization. In this paper, we propose simple methods to decompose the difference between two CIs and two HIs into two factors: one factor reflects the difference between the means, and the other factor reflects the difference between the distributions. The proposed decomposition method might be useful since the means are likely to be caused by factors that do not constitute unfair inequalities (inequities). We also present two empirical applications of the decomposition methods for the purpose of illustration.  相似文献   

Richard Wilkinson's 'inequality hypothesis' describes the relationship between societal income inequality and population health in terms of the corrosive psychosocial effects of social hierarchy. An explicit component of this hypothesis is that inequality should lead individuals to become more competitive and self-focused, less friendly and altruistic. Together these traits are a close conceptual match to the opposing poles of the Big Five personality factor of Agreeableness; a widely used concept in the field of personality psychology. Based on this fact, we predicted that individuals living in more economically unequal U.S. states should be lower in Agreeableness than those living in more equal states. This hypothesis was tested in both ecological and multilevel analyses in the 50 states plus Washington DC, using a large Internet sample (N = 674,885). Consistent with predictions, ecological and multilevel models both showed a negative relationship between state level inequality and Agreeableness. These relationships were not explained by differences in average income, overall state socio-demographic composition or individual socio-demographic characteristics.  相似文献   

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