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目的 探讨心原性猝死(SCD)的临床特点、病理基础及致死因素,为防治SCD提供线索.方法 回顾性分析我院53例SCD的临床病理资料.结果 53例SCD患者中,冠心病猝死36例,主动脉夹层动脉瘤破裂者7例,心肌炎7例,心肌病3例.冠心病猝死36例中,陈旧性心肌梗塞(OMI)23例,其中合并急性心肌梗塞(AMI)18例,单纯AMI7例(致心脏破裂4例),心肌缺血6例.尸检发现冠状动脉粥样硬化性狭窄Ⅳ级31例,呈多支Ⅳ级病变者24例.结论 SCD病程短骤、凶险,以老年男性多见,冠心病占首位.其次为主动脉夹层动脉瘤破裂、心肌炎、心肌病.冠状动脉多支重度粥样硬化性狭窄是重要的病理基础.尽早防治冠心病,改善心肌供血是预防SCD的根本措施.长期监测动脉瘤的发展而对有增大或濒临破裂征象者立即手术,也是减少SCD的有效措施.SCD随时随地可以发生,因此普及现场心肺复苏抢救知识及建立完善急救系统十分必要.  相似文献   

目的:分析探讨心脏性猝死(SCD)发生的一般特点及规律。方法:收集近10年来SCD病例58例,并对其进行性别、年龄、诱因及猝死原因等的统计分析。结果:①58例SCD中男性与女性的比例是4.8∶1,30~70岁为高发年龄段;②SCD的诱因以争吵、紧张、情绪激动最为多见;③58例SCD尸检病例中冠心病猝死29例,心肌炎9例,心肌病6例,主动脉夹层动脉瘤破裂、风湿性心脏病各3例,肺动脉栓塞、肺心病、心脏传导系统疾病各2例,细菌性心内膜炎、心脏粘液瘤各1例。结论:SCD病程短骤、凶险,且大部分发生于医院外;应强调以预防为主,加强冠心病的一、二级预防,严密监控其它心血管疾病的发展;祛除诱因是防治SCD最根本的措施之一。  相似文献   

心理行为应激促发的心源性猝死   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心源性猝死(SCD)的定义是指在心脏发病后6h内突然死亡,在SCD中冠心病占首位,多数心脏专家们主张冠心病猝死的定义应以1h为宜。Fabre等[1]报道,在英国453例成年猝死者中发现有59.3%死者的心脏结构是正常的,40.7%的死者被证实有心脏异常,但并非冠心病所致,主要有心肌病(23.6%)、特发性心肌纤维化、心肌炎和心脏结节病等。作者呼吁应对SCD者心脏结构正常这一现象引起足够的重视,并进行组织和基因学方面的筛查以明确存在的潜在异常。Uchiy-ama等[2]报道,对1615例日本40~65岁的雇员跟踪观察了5.6年,共发生了38起SCD,总结引起猝死的原因有:…  相似文献   

充血型缺血性心肌病的诊断与治疗   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文报告12例临床典型充血型缺血性心肌病,病因为冠脉粥样硬化。经抗心绞痛和利尿、扩血管药等纠正心力袁竭治疗,心衰症状、体征基本消失,心脏无缩小。文中一并讨论了本病病因、诊断、治疗及其与心肌硬化的关系。  相似文献   

心理行为应激促发的心源性猝死   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
心源性猝死(SCD)的定义是指在心脏发病后6 h内突然死亡,在SCD中冠心病占首位,多数心脏专家们主张冠心病猝死的定义应以1 h为宜.Fabre等[1]报道,在英国453例成年猝死者中发现有59.3%死者的心脏结构是正常的,40.7%的死者被证实有心脏异常,但并非冠心病所致,主要有心肌病(23.6%)、特发性心肌纤维化、心肌炎和心脏结节病等.作者呼吁应对SCD者心脏结构正常这一现象引起足够的重视,并进行组织和基因学方面的筛查以明确存在的潜在异常.Uchiyama等[2]报道,对1 615例日本40~65岁的雇员跟踪观察了5.6年,共发生了38起SCD,总结引起猝死的原因有:(1)死者生前有高血压史;2)与死者生前的工作过分紧张劳累有关,但与工作时间的延长关系不大.  相似文献   

危及生命室性心律失常与心脏猝死的防治策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国人群心脏猝死(SCD)发生率不清楚,但猝死时有耳闻。美国SCD年发生约50万,在儿童、青年中发生率每年1.3~8.5/10万^[1]。SCD的常见病因为冠心病,在180例SCD的心脏病检中冠心病占65%^[1]。158例运动员猝死的病检,肥厚型心肌病占36%、冠心病占13%、尸检阴性者仅占3%^[2]。可见SCD基本有病因可查,原发性心室颤动(VF)仅占8%。  相似文献   

心脏性猝死115例临床因素分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:分析心脏性猝死(SCD)的病因、诱因及心电图表现。方法:对我院115例心脏性猝死的患者进行回顾性分析,结果:SCD的病因中冠心病最常见,猝死时心电图以恶性心律失常为主。结论:积极的发病,祛除诱因,及时发现并纠正心律失常, 有望降低SCD死亡率。  相似文献   

冠心病基本病因是粥样硬化所致的冠状动脉狭窄,严重时可致心脏射血功能减低。本文采用冠状动脉造影观察冠状动脉狭窄时心脏射血功能的变化。  相似文献   

目的 探讨老年高血压左室肥厚患者冠脉循环微血管病理改变与心脏事件的关系。方法 从我院 195 4~1996年间连续尸检 3195例的心脏标本中选取≥ 6 0岁 ,经临床和病理证实的高血压患者共 15 8例 (高血压 71例 ,高血压合并冠心病 6 2例 ,高血压合并冠心病和糖尿病 2 5例 )进行下列测定 :(1)左室肥厚 (LVH)分级 ;(2 )冠状动脉粥样硬化 (CAS)狭窄分级 ;(3)主动脉粥样硬化 (AAS)分级 ;(4)心肌微动脉密度 :直径 10~ 6 0 μm有内弹力板的心肌微动脉数 ;(5 )心肌微动脉壁腔比值 ;(6 )心肌毛细血管密度及其内皮细胞面积。结果 本组病理资料Logistic分析证实 ,老年高血压左室肥厚患者心脏事件的影响因素 ,按相关程度高低依次为心肌微动脉壁腔比值 (r =0 .1783,P=0 .0 0 5 5 ,OR=12 .72 0 4) ,CAS (r=0 .1738,P =0 .0 0 6 4,OR=2 .340 9) 及心肌微动脉密度 (r=- 0 .12 2 3,P=0 .0 30 4,OR =0 .6 10 1)。结论 冠脉循环微动脉病变程度及CAS程度是影响老年高血压左室肥厚患者心脏事件发生率的主要因素 ,应引起进一步重视  相似文献   

缺血性心肌病(ICM)是冠脉粥样硬化性狭窄造成心肌长期慢性缺血或急性缺血,致心肌细胞变性、坏死及纤维化所致的心肌病,属继发性心肌病范畴。病理检查显示,ICM患者心肌正常细胞明显减少,心肌呈广泛纤维化,并有灶性、片性疤痕组织,即使所谓正常的心肌细胞也多有轻重不等的缺血性损伤表现;冠脉亦有广泛粥样硬化。1 临床特征以往将ICM称为心肌硬化症或心肌纤维化,也有称为心力衰竭心律失常症者。据病程,ICM分为限制型和扩张型,两型均为冠心病的晚期阶段。限制型多属病程晚期的初始阶段,此时心肌虽有广泛纤维化,但收缩尚好,心室腔及心影尚…  相似文献   

91例猝死患者尸体解剖病理和临床的回顾性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的探讨猝死的病因、病理基础及防治措施。方法回顾性分析我院91例猝死患者的临床病理资料。结果91例猝死患者中,老年人62例,占681%,非老年人29例,占319%。心源性猝死68例,占747%,其中冠心病43例,患者主要有冠状动脉多支严重病变;非心源性猝死23例,其中以急性出血坏死型胰腺炎所占比例最高,有10例。结论猝死以老年男性多见,有广泛严重冠状动脉病变的冠心病患者猝死发生率高。防治冠心病、改善心肌缺血等综合治疗对预防猝死十分必要。胰源性猝死主要为急性出血坏死型胰腺炎所致,误诊率较高。  相似文献   

Tp-e间期和Tp-e/QT比值是新近提出的可以反映心室跨壁复极离散度(myocardial transmural dispersion of repolarization,TDR)的心电指标,其与恶性室性心律失常发生密切相关.冠心病是导致恶性室性心律失常甚至心源性猝死(sudden cardiac death,SCD)的最常见心脏结构异常,寻找冠心病患者恶性室性心律失常以及SCD的有效预测指标成为近些年临床上的研究重点.  相似文献   

Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is progressively threatening the lives of young people throughout the world. We conducted a retrospective study of SCD cases identified among sudden death cases based on comprehensive autopsies and pathological examinations in the Center for Medicolegal Expertise of Sun Yat-Sen University to investigate the exact etiological distribution and epidemiological features of SCD. One thousand six hundred fifty-six cases were identified, and SCD accounted for 43.0% of these sudden death cases. The mean age of the SCD cases—where the data of definite ages were accessible—was 38.2 years, and the highest incidence occurred among the 31- to 40-year-old cases (25.6%). The male-to-female ratio among SCD cases was 4.3:1, and this ratio peaked in the 41- to 50-year-old group (7.7:1). The places of death were confirmed in 1411 cases, and predominantly in hospitals (46.3%) and at home (33.8%). SCD occurred throughout the year with a marginally increase in April and May. The major causes of SCD were coronary atherosclerotic disease (CAD, 41.6%), unexplained sudden death (15.1%), and myocarditis (11.8%). Our data indicated that in the age group of younger affected persons (below 35 years old), sudden unexplained death and myocarditis were much more prevalent than CAD. According to anatomical examinations of the CAD-related SCD cases, the proportion of cases with coronary artery stenosis exceeding 75% (grade IV) was 67.2%. Moreover, the percentages of higher grades of coronary atherosclerosis increased with age. Among all branches of the coronary arteries, the left anterior descending branch was the most prone to atherosclerosis; atherosclerosis was present in this branch in 95.4% of the cases with atherosclerosis. Additionally, lesions of multiple branches of the coronary artery were associated with ageing. This is the first study to report the causes of death and basic epidemiological data related to SCD in Southern China.  相似文献   

Despite a recent epidemiological study reporting a lower incidence of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in China as compared with that in Western countries, the exact causes of SCD are still unknown. Using a uniform review protocol and diagnostic criteria, a retrospective autopsy study identified 553 cases of SCD in 14,487 consecutive autopsies from eight regions in China representing different geographic and population features. Their ages ranged from 18 to 80 years (median 43.0 years) with a ratio of 4.3/1.0 for male/female. Out-of-hospital deaths and unwitnessed cases accounted for 74.3 and 22.6 %, respectively. The main causes of death were coronary atherosclerotic disease (CAD 50.3 %), myocarditis (14.8 %), and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (4.5 %), with unexplained sudden death accounting for 12.1 % of the cases. CAD had a proportion of 10.4 % in victims <35 years, lower as compared with 59.0 and 83.0 % in victims aged 35–54 and in victims ≥55 years. On the other hand, myocarditis and unexplained sudden death were major causes and accounted for 34.7 and 22.5 % in victims <35 years. In order to differentiate the degree of the cause–effect relationship between autopsy findings and sudden death, a grading method was used in this series and characterized 24.3 % of findings as certain, 52.9 % as highly probable, and 22.8 % as uncertain. Our data indicated that there most likely are less CAD but more myocarditis and unexplained sudden death in Chinese youth with SCD than in populations from Western countries. Molecular genetic testing should be conducted in those cases with uncertain findings and unexplained sudden death in routine autopsy.  相似文献   

From 1982 to 1986, 1230 sudden death cases were autopsied in Osaka Medical Examiner's Office. Among them, 810 cases were sudden cardiac deaths (SCD) including coronary heart disease (77%), cardiomyopathy (7%), valvular disease (3%). All SCD cases were dead within 24 hours of the appearance of the fatal symptoms, and most of them (72%) were considered instantaneous death. Many of the fatal symptoms began in bed (31%), at bath (17%), at toilet (8%), or at work (8%). Thirty-four percent of them were thought by themselves or by their families to be healthy before the death. Hypertension (38%), coronary heart disease (13%) and diabetes mellitus (11%) were the major past history recorded. Microscopic observation of the hearts of 200 cases autopsied in 1986 showed various cardiac lesions: hypertrophy, atrophy, degenerations of myocytes, cellular and fatty infiltrations of the interstitium. According to their cardiac lesions and degrees of severity of coronary sclerosis, patients who died suddenly were divided into 8 groups as follows: 1. myocardial infarction (41) 2. myocarditis (6) 3. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (19) 4. chronic ischemia with severe coronary sclerosis (65) 5. chronic ischemia with moderate coronary sclerosis (27) 6. small vessel disease (18) 7. amyloidosis (1) 8. unknown (23). These results suggest that coronary heart disease and hypertension play an important role in SCD.  相似文献   

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited disorder in which microvascular occlusion causes complications across multiple organ systems. The precise incidence of myocardial ischemia and infarction (MI), potentially under-recognized microvascular disease-related complications, remains unknown. The absence of typical atherosclerotic lesions seen in other patients with MI suggests a microvascular mechanism of myocardial injury. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) can demonstrate microvascular disease, making it an appealing modality to assess symptomatic SCD patients. We demonstrate in several dramatic instances how CMR is uniquely able to depict cardiac microvascular obstruction in patients with SCD and chest pain, without which the possibility of myocardial injury would almost certainly be otherwise neglected. Much remains unknown regarding ischemic heart disease in patients with SCD including prevalence, detection, and management. Further work to define evaluation and management algorithms for chest pain in SCD and to develop risk assessment tools may reduce sudden cardiac death in this population.  相似文献   

目的探讨冠心病患者心脏性猝死的发生率及其相关因素。方法回顾分析46例冠心病患者住院期间发生心脏性猝死的有关临床资料,男性32例,女性14例,年龄38-83(49.5±10.7)岁。收集患者的诱因、心电图(ECG)、超声心动图、动态心电图、X线胸片、心电监护、电解质等资料,根据患者相关项目逐项进行分析。结果46例猝死患者占同期冠心病总住院数的2.2%。多数发生猝死的冠心病患者存在一定高危因素,电解质紊乱、Lown3-5级室早、高度房室传导阻滞、束支传导阻滞、心脏扩大、左室肥厚、心功能不全、持续心肌缺血等因素均可触发致命性心律失常;猝死起始的ECG类型及其演变过程多有一定规律性。结论冠心病患者的心脏性猝死发生率为2.2%。冠心病患者发生猝死与电解质紊乱、Lown3-5级室早、高度房室传导阻滞、束支传导阻滞、心脏扩大、左室肥厚、心功能不全、持续心肌缺血等高危因素密切相关。有效控制危险因素能大大降低冠心病猝死发生率。  相似文献   

心脏性猝死(SCD)是由各种心脏因素引起的意外死亡,通常发生在症状出现后1 h内。冠心病和急性心肌梗死是SCD的主要病因。植入型心律转复除颤器是预防SCD最有效的措施,有效提高了心肌梗死后SCD高危患者的生存率,成为SCD一级预防的标准治疗方法。近年来,在临床上的应用有了新进展。现综述SCD的流行病学、心肌梗死后SCD的发生机制和心律转复除颤器在心肌梗死后SCD中的应用进展。  相似文献   

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