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400ml献血者的献血反应调查分析   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
2000年3月~2002年12月,在本站96646名志愿献血400ml者中出现献血不良反应的共1437人次,占献血总人数的1.487%。献血不良反应者中头晕、心慌385人次,头晕、恶心、呕吐、面色苍白264人次,出汗、心慌、胸闷、自述呼吸困难296人次,出汗、神志模糊46人次,心慌、面色苍白375人次,出汗、肢体麻木29人次.头晕、视力模糊、耳鸣34人次,幻觉、神志模糊、抽搐5人次,神志模糊、小便失禁2人次,心房纤颤1人次。  相似文献   

背景缩短献血者等待献血的时间对献血者留下好的体验并因此促发再次献血是很重要的。奥斯陆血液中心采用预约的献血方式,未预约的献血者很少前来献血。一般来说,59%的献血者会按照预约安排如期抵达,然而日间差异较大。预测某一时刻到达的献血者数量很有价值,这将有助于减少不必要的献血等待时间。  相似文献   

献血者检测指标比较分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

无偿献血者一次献血400 ml的可行性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
菏泽市自愿无偿献血从2001年起就已充分满足临床供血需要。到2003年,公民一次自愿无偿献血400ml已达98.0%,无任何献血安全事故发生。为总结经验,进一步提高采供血技术水平,笔者对2003年1月~12月间献血400ml的自愿无偿献血者进行调查分析,现报告如下。  相似文献   

400ml献血固定队伍的建立和管理   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
我国实施《献血法》以来,全国范围内开展了无偿献血制度。WHO也大力提倡,建立一支固定自愿无偿献血队伍是安全输血的根本保障。2004年卫生部提出了输血事业的新理念,倡导献血量从200ml到400ml的转移;从流动到固定献血者转移。本中心2004-2006年不仅成功完成了400ml的转移工作,4  相似文献   

献血座谈会对无偿献血者献血行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1998年10月1日《中华人民共和国献血法》颁布以来,社会各界纷纷加入无偿献血行列,截止2004年6月30日,本市共有73214人次参加无偿献血累计量1000ml以上有1181人,现统计分析如下。  相似文献   

目的分析长期单采血小板固定献血者在缩短献血间隔期前后外周血象血小板参数的变化。方法选择2011-2017年20名捐献单采血小板50次及献血单位100治疗量以上的献血者为研究对象,其中在2012下半年缩短献血间隔期至2周,2017年又将间隔期恢复至4周,对所有研究对象机采前血常规的检测结果进行统计分析。结果单采血小板献血者2011年血小板计数(PLT)明显低于2013、2014、2015、2016、2017年,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05),平均血小板体积(MPV)、血小板分布宽度(PDW)、大血小板比例(PLCR)明显高于2013、2014、2015、2016年,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05);2012年PLT、MPV、PDW、P-LCR与2011年比较,差异均无统计学意义(P0.05);2013、2014、2015、2016年PLT、MPV、PDW、P-LCR比较,差异均无统计学意义(P0.05);2017年MPV、PDW、P-LCR与2013、2014、2015、2016年比较,差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。献血次数与PLT呈显著正相关;MPV与PLT呈显著负相关;PDW、P-LCR与MPV变化一致,呈显著正相关。结论在实际工作中应重视对长期反复单采血小板献血者PLT、MPV、PDW、P-LCR的观察和分析,延长单采血小板献血间隔期,既有利于献血者的健康,又保障了单采血小板的质量。  相似文献   

献血量、献血次数与献血反应的分析比较   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
目的了解和认识献血量、献血次数与献血反应之间的关系。方法将2003年1月~12月在本中心无偿献血的33651人,对献血量及献血次数的不同分类并作对比分析。结果献200ml血发生献血反应数:初次献血者483人(2·21%),再次献血者19人(0·08%);献400ml血发生献血反应数:初次献血者245人(2·26%),再次献血者15人(0·14%);献200ml与400ml血比较差异无显著性意义(χ2=1·524,P>0·05),两组内献血数比较差异具显著性意义(χ2=0·762,P<0·05)。结论200ml与400ml献血量与献血反应无明显关系,但献血次数对献血反应有一定的影响。  相似文献   

目的探讨血小板献血者不同献血次数间单采血小板输注疗效的差异,为科学、合理、有效的献血以及血小板输注提供参考依据。方法选取2018年9—10月本院血液科血小板输注的血液病患者,追溯血小板来源,将其血小板献血者按献血次数,分为3组:第一组,为首次在本站献血小板的献血者,80例;第二组,连续献血小板献血2—9次者,32例;第三组,连续献血小板次数≥10次者,105例。统计分析数据,观察患者输注血小板前后,血小板、白细胞计数的改变,进而对血小板输注效果做比较。结果 1)患者血小板输注前后白细胞平均值分别为(2.57±5.41)×109/L,(2.67±7.25)×109/L(P>0.05);男性与女性患者血小板输注有效率分别为64.03%,65.38%;年龄<18岁与>18岁患者血小板输注有效率分别为63.64%,64.67%;不同年龄段、不同性别的患者血小板输注有效率无差异(P>0.05);血小板抗体检测阴性患者有效率(84.15%)明显高于阳性(50.00%)及弱阳性(59.00%)者(P<0.05);A(58.10...  相似文献   

正2008年5月12日,一次严重的地震袭击了中国四川。许多人为灾区第1次献血,这样的行为使我们不禁发问,这些初次献血者能否在将来成为重复献血者?有文献报道,一般来说灾难(如9.11事件对于美国)和事故对于献血行为有短期的促进作用,而这种刺激确实对于血液供给也是短期的。献血者,尤其是初次献血者,不能意识到我们需要重复的献血去持续不断的补充血液供应。另外,一些研究表明,在短  相似文献   

The demand for blood products steadily increases. Concurrently, blood donor recruitment becomes more and more difficult. This study aimed to investigate effects of blood donation on blood donors, which could be helpful for blood donor recruitment and retention. In addition to cortisol measurements in saliva, three questionnaires quantifying mood (good/bad), vigilance (awake/tired), agitation (calm/nervous), actual strain and asking for donation-related effects perceived were distributed to 110 whole blood donors (DON). Results obtained were compared with 109 control subjects (CON) lacking the blood donation experience. Overall, 216 subjects completed the questionnaires. Sixty-eight percent of DON reported at least one effect perceived with blood donation. Exclusively, positive, negative or mixed effects were described by 26.5%, 23.5% and 17.6%, respectively. Among positive effects (i.e. physical/psychological well-being, feeling satisfied, happy, proud), no significant differences were observed between males and females (P = 0.07), whereas mixed or negative effects (i.e. vertigo, dizziness, tiredness, pain) were significantly (P = 0.03; P = 0.049) more associated with females. DON showed higher levels of well-being than CON as indicated by better mood (P = 0.004), higher vigilance (P = 0.015) and relaxation (P = 0.003). The latter even increased after donation with maximum values after 15 and 30 min. Despite significantly higher initial strain scores (P = 0.008), first-time donors maintained a better mood (P = 0.025) than repeat donors. DON showed a statistically better psychological well-being than CON, although the donation experience was perceived as stressful, especially for first-time donors. The results may facilitate donor recruitment and retention as blood donation may become less frightening and perhaps even attractive.  相似文献   

Whole blood donation has immunomodulatory effects, and most of these have been observed at short intervals following blood donation. This study aimed to investigate the impact of whole blood donation on lymphocyte subsets over a typical inter-donation interval. Healthy male subjects were recruited to study changes in complete blood count (CBC) (n?=?42) and lymphocyte subsets (n?=?16) before and at four intervals up to 106 days following blood donation. Repeated measures ANOVA were used to compare quantitative variables between different visits. Following blood donation, changes in CBC and erythropoietin were as expected. The neutrophil count increased by 11.3% at 8 days (p?p?p?p?相似文献   

献血45d后献血者部分生化和免疫指标变化的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的分析无偿献血者献血后部分生化免疫参数的变化及其对机体功能恢复能力的影响。方法选择生活、工作环境相同,饮食种类和运动量基本一致的献血者250名,年龄18—26岁,按血液采集标准步骤采集外周静脉血,分别测定其总蛋白、白蛋白、总淋巴细胞(CD3)、T辅助细胞(CD4)和T抑制细胞(CD8)浓度(数),45d后再次采集血液测定相同参数并进行比较。结果与献血前比较,所测定的献血后外周血中的生化指标变化无统计学意义(P>0.05);血液中总蛋白和白蛋白浓度均在正常范围内,与献血前比较其浓度明显增加(P<0.05);四色流式细胞仪检测显示,献血后CD3、CD4和CD8均显著增高(P<0.01),CD4/CD8比值变化无统计学意义(P>0.05);此外,还显示献400ml者的总蛋白、白蛋白和总淋巴细胞数有高于献200ml者的趋势。结论献血能启动献血者机体应激反应系统,蛋白合成增加,T细胞亚群比例升高,使机体进入新的平衡状态。  相似文献   

Blood donors are underrepresented in the general population. Thus, comparing barriers to blood donation between non‐donors and lapsed donors is crucial to improving their participation in blood donation and to targeting theses groups in recruitment programmes. The aims of this study were to identify barriers to blood donation and to compare their occurrence between lapsed and non‐donors in France. Data from a 2008 survey of 1400 individuals were used to evaluate differences in barriers between two subpopulations: 619 non‐donors and 567 lapsed donors. Individuals answered questions concerning sociodemographic variables and donation‐related variables. Results show that, in decreasing order, individuals cited medical reasons (32%), lack of time (15·12%), fear (12·20%), negligence (10·03%), lack of information (7·69%), no particular reason (7·18%), lack of solicitation (6·18%), lack of opportunity (5·18%) and prior deferral (4·43%) as barriers to blood donation. After adjusted analysis, non‐donors mentioned fear, lack of information and no particular reason more often than lapsed donors, who cited lack of time more often than non‐donors. This study has pinpointed nine main barriers to blood donation among the French population, the most significant being medical reasons (for both lapsed and non‐donors), lack of time, cited more frequently by lapsed donors, and fear of donating blood, most often cited by non‐donors. Future studies are needed to gain greater insight into what these barriers represent for individuals to improve awareness and for recruitment of French blood donors.  相似文献   



For Australian apheresis platelet donations, in-centre haematology analysers provided the platelet count used to program the platelet collection machines. When the haematology analysers were not functional, historical platelet counts from previous donations were used. This study aimed to confirm that the routine use of historical platelet counts for programming apheresis collection machines would maintain platelet yields within the donated units and that haematology analysers could be removed.

Study design

A staggered implementation for the routine use of mean historical platelet counts to program apheresis platelet collection machines was conducted. The donors’ full blood counts following donation were tested centrally for comparison to the historical mean. The component yields when using on-the-day platelet counts to program platelet collection were compared with those collected using historical platelet counts. For historical platelet counts to be deemed successful, the target was for 90% of the mean historical donor platelet counts to have less than 20% variance from the on-the-day platelet count.


Over 96% of the mean historical platelet counts were within 20% variance of the platelet count on the day of donation. The component yield (platelet count x109 cell/unit) before analyser removal was 273.3?±?32.0 (n?=?2639) and post-removal was 282.8?±?38.8 (n?=?2689).


The removal of haematology analysers from donor centres and replacement with mean historical platelet counts was successful in maintaining platelet yields. Replacement of the haematology analysers with historical platelet counts simplified regulatory compliance, reduced staff workload and costs associated with analyser registration.  相似文献   

目的分析代谢综合征(MS)的高危献血者献血前后的血压及相关生化指标来探讨献血对预防MS的意义。方法研究对象为男性或绝经后女性共102例,年龄45~55岁,收缩压110~140 mm Hg,舒张压75~90 mm Hg,体质量指数大于24kg/m2,献血前测定血压、心率、铁储量、血糖、血脂等指标与献血42d后再测定相同指标进行比较。结果血压、铁储量、血糖、低密度脂蛋白/高密度脂蛋白(LDL/HDL)与献血前比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论献血前后MS相关血液指标存在变化,献血对于MS高危者预防MS具有一定意义。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to estimate the type, incidence and causes of donor adverse reactions during and after blood donation in a Greek Blood Bank, where medical staff is responsible for donor selection. 12 173 blood donors were studied for adverse reactions. One-hundred and seven (0.87%) donors had a vasovagal reaction during or after blood donation. Donors who gave blood occasionally had a significant greater incidence of reactions compared with volunteer donors (1.15 versus 0.53%) (P < 0.001). There was no significant difference between men and women (0.85 versus 0.95%). First-time donors (1.7 versus 0.68%) and those under 30 years (1.15 versus 0.71%] had a significant greater possibility to have a reaction (P < 0.001). Twenty-two of 107 (20.5%) donors had a syncopal reaction. There was not a causative correlation of haematocrit, haemoglobin, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, pulse rate and weight in women (except weight in men) in developing a reaction. The stressing experience of phlebotomy was the reason for the higher frequency of a reaction. The incidence of reactions in our donors is lower than in other studies, and the possible reason for this is that only physicians are responsible for the selection of donors and trained personnel are careful of them during the donation process.  相似文献   

目的了解承德市无偿献血现状,挖掘更多的潜在献血者,为献血者招募策略制定提供依据。方法收集2008—2013年承德市无偿献血者献血信息,统计各采血点献血人次、献血总量及400ml献血比率等数据。结果承德市2008—2013年共采血164451人次,县城采血点献血人数达到73375人次,占献血总人数的44.6%,献血量占到总献血量的49.5%,均排在第一位。结论在用血量快速增长、血源招募相对乏力的情况下,保持并提高400ml献血比率是保障供血的关键。同时,根据各采血点的特点,采取多种宣传形式,提倡献血过程中的人性化服务,打动潜在献血者,提高招募实效,才能确保充足的血液供应。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There are no reports in the transfusion medicine literature that describe adverse reactions and donor arm injuries after whole-blood donation based on solicited information. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: The present study solicited adverse reaction and donor arm injury information from 1000 randomly selected whole-blood donors approximately 3 weeks after the whole-blood donation. Two 16-gauge phlebotomy needles in use were also compared. RESULTS: Thirty-six percent of the donors had one or more adverse effects (AEs). The most common systemic AEs were fatigue (7.8%), vasovagal symptoms (5.3%), and nausea and vomiting (1.1%). The most common arm findings were bruise (22.7%), arm soreness (10.0%), and hematoma (1.7%). Men were half as likely as women to have an AE (23% AE vs. 48% AE, p < 0.0001). Repeat blood donors had fewer AEs than first-time blood donors (36% AE vs. 47% AE, p < 0.007), and African-American donors had numbers of AEs similar to those of Caucasian donors (31% AE vs. 38% AE, p = 0.30). The two phlebotomy needles did not differ in causing blood donor AEs. CONCLUSION: AEs after donation and complaints may be more common than previously thought. The postdonation interview is a good tool for defining the blood donor's experience. It can also be used to evaluate and potentially improve blood donor safety and comfort.  相似文献   

目的无偿献血者献血前后存在不同的心理,对其进行分析,采取切实可行的护理对策,减少无偿献血者献血时的不良反应,保证无偿献血者成功献血。方法通过电话回访和当面交谈对6 105名无偿献血者献血前后的心理进行分析总结,从而采取行之有效的护理对策。结果无偿献血者献血不良反应大大减少,保证无偿献血者成功献血,促进固定的无偿献血者队伍不断壮大,2次以上献血者人数占献血总人数由2009年47.5%,2010年上升到58.5%,2011年上升到71.5%。结论献血前后的护理可减少献血反应的发生,保持献血时愉快的心情,保证无偿献血者成功献血,促进无偿献血事业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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