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Public health nurses (PHN) are critical to ensuring the health of communities. Absent the most basic information on the PHN workforce in our state, we conducted interviews with 21 PHN and school health nurse (SHN) leaders and an online survey of PHNs and SHNs practicing in Maryland (N = 491). Our study identified an older, very experienced, and well-educated workforce. Both the interviews and survey identified similar barriers: low salaries, recruitment and hiring challenges, limited funding for public health programs, and no opportunities for education or career advancement. Survey participants also identified barriers of inadequate leadership, recognition, and communication including PHNs not being represented at decision-making tables or at the state leadership level. Strategies to promote public health nursing from leaders and survey participants were similar: increasing awareness about what public health and PHNs do and their value; improving advocacy and stakeholder engagement; improving access and availability of services; improving PHN leadership representation at the state level; a improving PHN salaries and benefits including tuition reimbursement. Although results were similar to national studies, comprehensive, granular workforce data is critical to ensure the public health workforce can meet current and emerging public health needs and that public health infrastructure and services are appropriately funded.  相似文献   

The complexity of public health problems and advancement of science framing public health demand an expansion of traditional educational approaches and curriculum to prepare a futuristic advanced practice public health nursing (APPHN) workforce. This position paper sponsored by the Association of Community Health Nursing Educators challenges nurse educators to apply innovative strategies in preparing public health nursing (PHN) professionals and to expand curriculum paradigms to promote PHN's ecological approach to solving problems. To meet the challenges of ensuring public health in the 21st century, advanced practice public health nurses must have greater foundational knowledge in critical content areas discussed in this document. Competence in these areas will enable advanced practice public health nurses to address future health care challenges such as rapidly changing social structures, escalating knowledge explosion, globalization, and growth of new technologies. This education will prepare nurses to forge new knowledge and establish health care teams to create effective solutions.  相似文献   

The Association of Community Health Nursing Educators (ACHNE) Research Committee Subcommittee on Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) presents a paper on the state of translation of science into public health nursing education practice. The paper builds from the integrative research review completed by the ACHNE Research Priorities Subcommittee (McElroy et al., Public Health Nursing, 2020) offering updated research priorities and a Research in Action model. Four EBP Project Priorities were established using the Johns Hopkins EBP Model guided by Dang and Dearholt's (Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice: Model and guidelines, 2018) 19-step process. The EBP Project Priorities emphasize the need for EBP projects to align ACHNE strategic plans and research priorities. The authors recommend that the Research in Action model guide deliberate unification of both the Research and EBP Project Priorities. Standards and criteria for essential effort unifying collaborative effort between PhD and Doctorate in Nursing Practice scholars, coordination of research efforts, and innovative practice partnerships is provided.  相似文献   

This article describes a novel approach to nursing education, designed to improve the experience of both students in public health nursing, and the local public health unit where they affiliate. Students, faculty, and public health department staff developed a method for matching programs and needs of the local public health unit to the skills and learning needs of nursing students. We describe our experience articulating student competencies, program-specific functions, and an approach to matching student interests and learning opportunities to agency needs. Students, faculty, and staff rated the program moderately to very high in feasibility, satisfaction, and acceptability. Data suggest the novel program served to improve the quality of the practicum affiliation, to the satisfaction of both the school and agency, while contributing to a robust public health learning experience for emerging professional nurses.  相似文献   

Preparation of the public health nursing (PHN) workforce requires public health nurses from academia and practice to collaborate. However, a shortage of PHN clinical sites may lead to competition between schools of nursing for student placements. The Henry Street Consortium, a group of 5 baccalaureate schools of nursing and 13 local health departments in the state of Minnesota, developed a model for collaboration between PHN education and practice. This paper describes the development process--the forming, storming, norming, and performing stages--experienced by the Henry Street Consortium members. The consortium developed a set of entry-level core PHN competencies that are utilized by both education and practice. It developed menus of learning opportunities that were used to design population-based PHN clinical experiences. In addition, the consortium created a model for training and sustaining a preceptor network. The members of the Henry Street Consortium collaborated rather than competed, used consensus for decision making, and respected and accepted different points of view. This collaboration significantly impacted how schools of nursing and local health departments work together. The consortium's ability to retain its relevance, energy, and momentum for both academic and agency partners sustains the collaboration.  相似文献   

Nurses are often the first members of the healthcare system to whom the public turns when environmental health hazards cause concern. Yet most nursing programs include scant formal environmental health content. This article describes a project that integrated significant environmental health content into an undergraduate community health nursing course. The revised course included additional environmental health classroom content and field experiences. Details are provided regarding changes to classroom content, revision of written assignments to include environmental health issues, planning and implementation of nursing student field experiences with environmental health professionals, and evaluations of the revised course. The article concludes with three recommendations to guide other schools of nursing, wishing to integrate environmental health into their curricula.  相似文献   

This paper examines the future of community nursing, within the wider framework of a rapidly changing National Health Service. The research was commissioned by the Community Performance Review Network, as part of a series of comparative studies between community healthcare NHS trusts. Three questionnaires were sent to 24 trusts, covering three of the community nursing services: district nursing, health visiting and school nursing. Of the 24 trusts involved in the network, 22 responded to some or all of the questionnaires. A wide range of management structures and working practices were found between trusts, but several common themes and issues of concern emerged. For district nurses, these included the shift from secondary to primary care and the changing demands of the client population served, with increasing numbers of elderly and chronically disabled patients. This led to anxiety over the communication between different providers of care, such as community, acute and social services, and the skills mix and training requirements for nurses. Health visitors and school nurses were concerned about being marginalized in the move towards integrated primary health care teams. As the emphasis changes from treating illness to health promotion, concern was expressed about how performance could be measured on the less quantifiable outcomes of preventative care, and hence how jobs could be justified to purchasers of health care. A central theme was the potential role of the nurse practitioner in provision of primary care, and this formed a focus for other anxieties concerning both the current situation and future of community nursing services.  相似文献   

To guide the development of entry-level nursing education, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) published the Essentials document in 2021 with a broadened scope of competencies. Community, population, and public health (CPPH) nurse educators use a number of foundational documents to crosswalk for gaps in the AACN principles, highlighting the need of including these contemporary documents within the baccalaureate CPPH nursing curriculum. In this crosswalk, the authors highlight important capabilities and knowledge exclusive to these fundamental documents and tools, as well as the relevance of these competencies and knowledge to CPPH baccalaureate nursing education.  相似文献   

目的了解维吾尔族护士学生(以下简称护生)口腔保健状况,为制订促进维吾尔族护生的口腔健康及口腔保健措施提供理论依据。方法采用自行设计调查问卷,对128名维吾尔族护生的口腔健康及口腔保健状况进行调查。结果每天刷牙2次及以上的护生占80.5%,28.2%护生每次刷牙3min以上,2.6%护生刷牙时口腔内各部位均清洁到位,21.8%护生能定期进行口腔检查,78.1%护生曾经有过或经常出现牙齿疼痛,而仅有3.0%护生及时就医。结论维吾尔族护生口腔保健行为并不十分理想。需加强维吾尔族护生口腔保健知识的健康教育,使其掌握自我口腔保健的方法和技能,建立良好的口腔健康行为方式,从而提高护生口腔卫生保健水平。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Community/public health nursing (C/PHN) educators and practitioners need a framework from which to plan, implement, and evaluate curriculum and community‐based practice. The Association of Community Health Nursing Educators (ACHNE) periodically updates the Essentials of Baccalaureate Nursing Education for Entry Level Community/Public Health Nursing to reflect changes in core knowledge, basic competencies, and practice. This update reflects relevance to 21st‐century health care and to national trends influencing nursing education. The 2009 revision is based on critical analysis of key C/PHN literature and input from public health nursing educators and practitioners. A key assumption is that a baccalaureate nursing degree is the minimum requirement for professional C/PHN. Fifteen essential concepts for baccalaureate nursing education are delineated along with related competencies. Newly defined essentials include communication, social justice, and emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. Issues related to didactic and clinical experiences are addressed. The ACHNE Essentials is an important guide for baccalaureate education curriculum planning and evaluation. The Essentials may be useful as a baseline from which to develop competencies of graduate nursing programs. The document is also useful for guiding practice setting orientation and professional development.  相似文献   

Aim  To explore the extent to which Community Health Nurses (CHN) engage in community-focused public health practice and the facilitators and barriers to such practice.
Background  The government promotes the role of nurses in public health. However, there is confusion as to what constitutes public health; a lack of support to move from individual and family-focused practice to community-focused practice; and, inconsistency of the use of titles.
Method  A 15% quota sample ( n  = 409), drawn from a population of 2668 CHNs, participated in a quantitative survey.
Results  Response rate was 67% ( n  = 275). Over half of CHN time was spent with individuals and families, community level activity accounting for only 18%. Only 9% of respondents had completed a community needs assessment. Education was key to the promotion of community-focused practice with collection of individual activity data a major barrier.
Conclusions  There is a gap between the rhetoric and reality of community public health nursing.
Implications for Nursing Management  Development of a shared vision of public health nursing and commissioning of education to meet public health priorities is essential. Furthermore, strengthening public health nurse leadership to foster innovative practice and methods of measuring public health nursing outcomes is required.  相似文献   

The need and expectation for advocacy is central to public health nursing practice. Advocacy efforts that effectively call attention to population health threats and promote the well‐being of communities rely on strategies that deliver influential messaging. The digital story is a lay method to capture meaningful, impactful stories that can be used to advocate for public health concerns. Readily available, user‐friendly digital technologies allow engagement in digital media production to create digital stories. This paper describes how digital story making can be utilized as an academic assignment to teach public health advocacy within an undergraduate nursing curriculum. Providing nursing students this artistic outlet can facilitate meeting academic learning goals, while also equipping them with creative skills that can be applied in future professional practice. Nursing educators can take advantage of institutional resources and campus culture to support the use of novel digital media assignments that facilitate application of advocacy concepts.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The original article from which these excerpts were taken, “Some Hints to the Nurse Who Seeks to Become a Successful Partner in the Community Health Program,” by Mary Margaret Muckley, was published the 1923 volume of the original Public Health Nursing journal. The paper listed practical pointers to nurses wanting to work in the area of public or community health nursing. The author's advice involved personal attributes, professional engagement, skills, effective organization, and community relations. Much of the original article contained sound advice for aspirants to nursing work in community settings, but some advice may be considered too idealistic even for this optimistic time period. While the particular references to organizations and agencies existing in Helena, Montana have been omitted, the nurse reading the paper in 1923 had a general guide to her key stakeholders. The excerpts from this paper may give contemporary readers an appreciation of the endurance of what Muckley terms the public health nurse's “Valuable Assets.”  相似文献   

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