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青霉素是一种为临床治疗所广泛应用的广谱抗生素,对敏感细菌具有强大的杀菌力。由于青霉素对机体可发生过敏性反应,甚至发生过敏性休克而危及生命,故使用的范围受到一定的限制。临床上以青霉素皮试的阴性与阳性为判定是否过敏的依据。根据临床实践经验设计了用于判断青霉素皮试  相似文献   

青霉素类抗生素治疗细菌性感染性疾病历史悠历,目前仍广泛应用于临床。氟氯西林(Flu-cloxacillin)是一种半合成异恶唑青霉素,具有耐青霉素酶及耐酸作用,抗菌谱较青霉素广,对产酶的葡萄球菌属、链球菌属及部分杆菌有效。我国青霉素皮试结果是能否使用青霉素类的判断标准。根据卫生部卫药注发[1997]第313号文件,由北京医科大学临床药理研究所牵头,我院系协作组成员之一。对香港澳美制药厂生产的氟氯西林胶囊(每片250mg),不做青霉素皮试的临床安全性考察评价。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨青霉素皮试与青霉素过敏病人血清中特异性IgE抗体相关性 ,评价皮试的准确性与特异性 ,改进和完善该类药物过敏的诊断方法。方法 :收集青霉素皮试阳性史者、青霉素皮试阳性即刻者和青霉素皮试阴性用药后出现过敏症状者三种过敏病人血清 ,共计 2 5 9例 ,采用放射过敏原吸附试验法 (ra dioallergsorbenttest,RAST)检测青霉素过敏病人血清中特异性IgE抗体。结果 :青霉素过敏病人血清特异性IgE抗体总阳性率为 62 .2 % (1 61 / 2 5 9) ;青霉素皮试阳性史者、青霉素皮试阳性即刻者和青霉素皮试阴性用药后出现过敏症状者三组之间特异…  相似文献   

梁茂本  刘欣 《医学信息》2004,17(9):592-593
目的 关注青霉素皮试.为临床合理应用青霉素创造良好的条件。方法 参阅相关文献,并结合实际工作经验对其进行综合分析和总结。结果 青霉素皮试的假阳性的发生率与多种医源性因素及非医源性因素有关。结论 医惠双方均应关注青霉素皮试.确保用药安全,使患者得到及时有效的治疗。  相似文献   

皮肤试验法是一种传统的变态反应特异性体内诊断方法 ,至今仍广泛应用于临床。常用的方法有斑贴试验法 (patchtest)、划痕试验 (scratchtest)、点刺试验 (pricktest)和皮内试验 (intradermaltest)。  目前国内诊断青霉素类药物过敏反应主要采用皮内试验 (皮试 ) ,且皮试剂、操作方法和阳性判断标准均已规范化 ,几十年来变化不大。国外研究证明 ,皮试预测青霉素过敏的可靠性与皮试剂的成分有关 ,仅青霉素G(PG)原液作皮试 ,阳性率占过敏病人的3 0 %~ 5 0 %。从六十年代 ,欧美国家开始使用青霉素主要抗原决定簇 :苄青霉素噻唑酰 多聚赖氨…  相似文献   

周艳霞 《医学信息》2010,23(17):3254-3255
青霉素问世以来,广泛应用于临床各科,尤其对革兰氏阳性菌感染的疾病疗效显著,该药杀菌力强,价格低廉,毒性小,适用广,是各种抗生素的首选药物。但是青霉素容易引起过敏反应,严重者可致过敏性休克,因此使用前要详细询问过敏史,严格按规定作过敏试验,准确判断试验结果,使患者得到恰当的治疗,缩短疗程,提高治愈率,减轻经济负担。但由于青霉素制剂的特性,操作技术的原因和受试者的个体差异等因素影响,使青霉素皮试假阳性率大为增加,为f临床正常应用青霉素提高难度,因此,就青霉素试敏假阳性原因及其预防浅谈如下:  相似文献   

皮内试验是护理操作中最常见的操作之一,在临床实习时护生对此项操作接触最早,操作又多.带教期间发现护生做青霉素皮试时假阳性率较高,本文从做皮试前、皮试中、皮试后三方面加强对护生实习带教,使他们掌握相应的知识和技能,青霉素皮试假阳性率明显下降,效果良好.  相似文献   

一种改良的婴幼儿青霉素皮内试验方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用传统的操作方法为婴幼儿做青霉素皮内试验时,因患儿不配合、个人的手法掌握等原因造成注射过深、过浅以及注射剂量不准确,从而影响皮丘的外观和对皮试结果的判断,甚至要重新注射,不仅增加了工作量,而且也给患儿带来了痛苦。2002年12月以来,我们采用一种改良的方法为婴幼儿做青霉素皮内试验,获得满意效果,现总结介绍如下。  相似文献   

王慧敏 《医学信息》2009,22(7):1362-1362
1 临床资料 3例病人均为男性,年龄20~32岁.1例在青霉素皮试约1分钟出现胸闷、气短、全身不适、言语不清;2例青霉素皮试为阴性,其中1例在青霉素静滴过程中突发胸闷,呼吸困难,随之出现休克,另1例在输完青霉素返回营区途中突然昏倒在医院门诊楼前,呼之不应,推之不醒,四肢冰凉.  相似文献   

目前,对结核病的免疫学诊断方法,临床上除了OT皮试(观察第四型变态反应)外,尚无特异的敏感的体外试验。鉴于此,我室建立了“醛化鞣酸化羊红细胞电泳”,简称FTEEM试验作为儿童肺结核病的辅助诊断方法,并获得成功。现将临床初步观察结果报告如下。  相似文献   

于新发 《医学信息》2005,18(5):500-502
目的动态观察恙虫病病人外周血和骨髓象的变化,临床特点,避免漏诊、误诊。方法总结恙虫病患者178例临床资料,分析发病过程中的外周血三系特点,骨髓象变化等。配对资料的t检验。结果外周血白细胞正常者73例;白细胞减少27例,白细胞升高47例,贫血病人95例,全血细胞减少18例。脾大病人常合并血小板减少(38/43)。27例进行骨髓细胞学检查,表现为多样性。结论恙虫病血液学异常比例较高(99/178),外周血象随病情加重而减少或增加,随病情的好转而趋向正常,外周血象严重异常者预示病情较重。恙虫病临床表现复杂、变化多样与伤寒等多种疾病相鉴别。  相似文献   

The miscibility and hydrogen bonding interaction of polynorbornene (PNB)/poly(styrene‐co‐hydroxystyrene) (PST‐HST) binary blends were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry and Fourier transform infrared (FT‐IR) spectroscopy. PNB was found to be miscible with PST‐HSTs containing HST unit compositions of 5, 10, 20, and 28 mol‐%, showing a single glass transition, whereas it was immiscible with polystyrene, exhibiting two glass transitions. The hydrogen bonding interaction between the hydroxyl group of PST‐HST and the carbonyl group of PNB was revealed by FT‐IR spectroscopy and plays a key role in the miscibility of PNB/PST‐HST blends.


孙琳  孙选 《医学信息》2005,18(5):502-504
目的观察高压氧综合治疗糖尿病足与常规药物治疗糖尿病足的疗效比较。方法38例糖尿病足患者在常规治疗基础上加用高压氧治疗的疗效与30例糖尿病足患者常规药物治疗的结果进行比较。结果高压氧综合治疗组总有效率94.73%,截肢率为5.2%。常规组总有效率56.66%,截肢率为43.3%。ridit分析u=5.14p<0.01有统计学意义。结论高压氧对糖尿病足有明显的疗效。  相似文献   

于圣立 《医学信息》2005,18(5):509-510
目的探讨霉菌性鼻窦炎的诊断与治疗方法。方法对48例经手术病理证实为霉菌性鼻窦炎的临床表现、体征影像学及手术、病例资料、治疗效果进行总结分析。结果32例术前经临床表现、结合CT即明确诊断,16例为术后经病理检查才明确诊断,48例均行鼻窦病灶清理术,术后用抗真菌药物冲洗窦腔,全部病例均治愈。结论该病大多有典型的临床表现,CT有明确的特征性,手术彻底清除病灶,通畅引流,抗真菌药物冲洗窦腔是有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

W e report a case of dysgraphic perform ance in w hich w e have docum ented the selective preservation of suffi x spelling in the context of the phonologically plausible spelling of w ord stem s (e.g. surfed spelled as sourphed, and not as sourpht). T he preservation of suffi x spelling is observed consistently in spite of the fact that the spelling for the suffi x corresponds to m ore than one phonological form. W e argue that the interpretation of such an error pattern requires that w e assum e that the stem m aterial is processed via phonology-to-orthography conversion, w hereas the suffi x m aterial is processed lexically. W e conclude that the results are incom patible w ith an exclusively w hole-w ord view of lexical representation and processing and requires, instead, that w e assum e a lexical orthographic system in w hich m orphologically com plex form s are represented in a com positional m anner.  相似文献   

Problem-Solving Therapy (PST) is a cognitive-behavioral intervention that focuses on training in adaptive problem-solving attitudes and skills. The purpose of this paper was to conduct a meta-analysis of controlled outcome studies on efficacy of PST for reducing depressive symptomatology. Based on results involving 21 independent samples, PST was found to be equally effective as other psychosocial therapies and medication treatments and significantly more effective than no treatment and support/attention control groups. Moreover, component analyses indicated that PST is more effective when the treatment program includes (a) training in a positive problem orientation (vs. problem-solving skills only), (b) training in all four major problem-solving skills (i.e., problem definition and formulation, generation of alternatives, decision making, and solution implementation and verification), and (c) training in the complete PST package (problem orientation plus the four problem-solving skills).  相似文献   



The purpose of the present study was to provide validation and accuracy data for the pupillographic sleepiness test (PST), on the one hand, by applying self and observer ratings and, on the other hand, by fusioned self and observer ratings as a sleepiness reference value.


A total of 30?healthy women and men participated in a partial sleep deprivation study (20.00?C04.00?h) and PST measurements were conducted every 2?h for a total of 113?PST measurements. Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS)-based self-reports and five video-based observer ratings of drowsiness (ORD) were measured immediately before the PST in order to provide reliable reference sleepiness values.


PST parameters (pupil unrest index, power of frequency) correlated significantly with the sleepiness validation criteria the KSS and ORD used in this study. Fusioned reference values obtained from one self-report and observer ratings showed a correlation of r?=?0.54, a mean absolute percentage error of 1.58 KSS points, and an error of 35%.


Our results indicate the moderate validity of the PST. Furthermore, the proposed sleepiness reference value might serve as a feasible intermediate solution to estimate sleepiness in the sense of a reference (??quasi-ground truth??) value. This might be true especially for within-subject designs with a focus on the time course of sleepiness. Moreover, the results might show the necessity to recalculate the thresholds of the current PST categories of sleepiness severity.  相似文献   

Poly(4‐vinylbenzyl thiocyanate) (PVBT) and a copolymer of styrene and 4‐vinylbenzyl thiocyanate (PST‐co‐VBT) were investigated with regard to changes of the refractive index under UV irradiation (λ = 254 nm). After irradiation, the refractive index nD of PVBT films increased from 1.629 to 1.660. In the case of the copolymer PST‐co‐VBT, nD increased from 1.616 to 1.630. The change of the refractive index mainly resulted from the photoinduced isomerization of thiocyanate groups (SCN) to the corresponding isothiocyanates (NCS). The NCS groups formed in the irradiated zones were selectively modified with gaseous amines (ammonia, propylamine, ethylenediamine, and hydrazine) to give thiourea derivatives via an addition reaction. The gas phase modification induced further changes of the refractive index without any loss of the film quality (e. g. propylamine, Δn up to –0.026, and hydrazine, Δn up to +0.035). In addition, the thickness h of the polymer films increased by up to 21% as a result of the gas phase modification. In contrast, wet chemical treatment with bulky amines (1‐methylnaphthylamine, 1‐pyrenemethylamine) caused a considerable deterioration of the film quality. The variation of the refractive index in polymers such as PVBT and PST‐co‐VBT is of potential interest for holographic recordings and the setup of polymer based DFB lasers.  相似文献   

某市招警MMPI测验结果分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的研究警察招募报名者的人格特征,获得录取决策的依据。方法采用MMPI对招警报名者进行心理测试,对测试结果进行聚类分析和方差分析。结果男女受试者人格特征相似,L、K、Hy和Ma为T高分点,女性Mf也是T高分点;聚类分析将报名者分为3类,在录取决策中予以不同的加权。结论心理测试可以作为录取决策的指标并能反映出警察的一些人格特征。  相似文献   

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