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Soliman PT Frumovitz M Sun CC Dos Reis R Schmeler KM Nick AM Westin SN Brown J Levenback CF Ramirez PT 《Gynecologic oncology》2011,123(2):333-336
To compare intra-operative, postoperative and pathologic outcomes of three surgical approaches to radical hysterectomy and bilateral pelvic lymph node dissection over a three year time period during which all three approaches were used.Methods
We reviewed all patients who underwent radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymph node dissection between 1/2007 and 11/2010. Comparison was made between robotic, laparoscopic and open procedures in regard to surgical times, complication rates, and pathologic findings.Results
A total of 95 radical hysterectomy procedures were performed during the study period: 30 open (RAH), 31 laparoscopic (LRH) and 34 robotic (RRH). There were no differences in age, body mass index or other demographic factors between the groups. Operative time was significantly shorter in the RAH compared to LRH and RRH (265 vs 338 vs 328 min, p = 0.002). Estimated blood loss was significantly lower in LRH and RRH compared with RAH (100 vs 100 vs 350 mL, p < 0.001). Thirteen (24%) of RAH required blood transfusion. Conversion rates were higher in the LRH (16%) compared to RRH (3%) although not significant (p = 0.10). Median length of stay was significantly shorter in RRH (1 day) vs LRH or RAH (2 vs 4 days, p < 0.01). Pathologic findings were similar among all groups.Conclusion
Minimally invasive surgery has made a significant impact on patients undergoing radical hysterectomy including decrease in blood loss and transfusion rates however; operative times were significantly longer compared to open radical hysterectomy. Our findings suggest that the robotic approach may have the added benefit of even shorter length of stay compared to traditional laparoscopy. 相似文献2.
机器人妇科手术临床应用现状和发展前景 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
近年来,随着机器人手术在外科领域的迅猛发展,机器人手术系统在妇科手术中也逐步得到推广,开始应用于妇科良性疾病的全子宫切除术、子宫肌瘤剔除术、输卵管再通术、盆底手术等,并进一步拓展到妇科恶性肿瘤的手术中,宫颈癌的广泛性全子宫切除+盆腔淋巴清扫术、子宫内膜癌和卵巢癌的分期手术等均采用机器人手术系统完成。机器人妇科手术的临床应用显示出了良好的应用前景,使妇科微创手术进入了一个新的发展阶段。 相似文献
The concept of delivering health services at a distance, or telemedicine is becoming an emerging tool for the field of surgery. For the surgical services, telepresence surgery through robotics is gradually being incorporated into health care practices. This article will provide a brief overview of the principles surrounding telemedicine and telepresence surgery as they specifically relate to robotics. Where limitations have been reached in laparoscopy, robotics has allowed further steps forward. The development of robotics in medicine has been a progression from passive to immersive technology. In gynecology, the utilization of robotics has evolved from the use of Aesop, a robotic arm for camera manipulation, to full robotic systems such as Zeus, and the daVinci surgical system. These systems have not only been used directly for a variety of procedures but have also become a useful tool for conferencing and the mentoring of surgeons from afar. As this mode of technology becomes assimilated into the culture of surgery and medicine globally, caution must be taken to carefully navigate the economic, legal and ethical implications of telemedicine. Despite the challenges faced, telepresence surgery holds promise for more widespread applications. 相似文献
Leslie H. Clark Pamela T. Soliman Diego Odetto Mark F. Munsell Kathleen M. Schmeler Nicole Fleming Shannon N. Westin Alpa M. Nick Pedro T. Ramirez 《Gynecologic oncology》2013
Trocar site herniation is a recognized complication of minimally invasive surgery, but published data on trocar site herniation after robotic surgery are scarce. We sought to determine the incidence of trocar site herniation in women undergoing robotic surgery for gynecologic disease.Methods
A retrospective review of robotic surgeries performed from January 1, 2006, through December 31, 2012, was conducted. Postoperative trocar site herniations were identified, along with time to presentation, location of herniation, and management. Patients were excluded if surgery was converted to laparotomy or traditional laparoscopy. The Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used to compare patients with and without herniation with respect to continuous variables, and Fisher's exact test was used to compare these 2 groups with respect to categorical variables.Results
The study included 500 patients, 3 of whom experienced herniation at a single trocar site. The patients with and without herniation did not differ with respect to age, body mass index, smoking status, medical comorbidities, operating time, or estimated blood loss. All 3 herniations occurred at 12-mm trocar sites. Two herniations occurred at assistant port sites, and 1 occurred at the umbilical camera port site. The median time to herniation was 21 days (range, 8–38 days). One patient required immediate surgical intervention; the other 2 patients had conservative management.Conclusions
Trocar site herniation is a rare complication following robotic surgery. The most important risk factor for trocar site herniation appears to be larger trocar size, as all herniations occurred at 12-mm port sites. 相似文献5.
Pamela T. Soliman David Iglesias Mark F. Munsell Michael Frumovitz Shannon N. Westin Alpa M. Nick Kathleen M. Schmeler Pedro T. Ramirez 《Gynecologic oncology》2013
The increasing role of robotic surgery in gynecologic oncology may impact fellowship training. The purpose of this study was to review the proportion of robotic procedures performed by fellows at the console, and compare operative times and lymph node yields to faculty surgeons.Methods
A prospective database of women undergoing robotic gynecologic surgery has been maintained since 2008. Intra-operative datasheets completed include surgical times and primary surgeon at the console. Operative times were compared between faculty and fellows for simple hysterectomy (SH), bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (BSO), pelvic (PLND) and paraaortic lymph node dissection (PALND) and vaginal cuff closure (VCC). Lymph nodes counts were also compared.Results
Times were recorded for 239 SH, 43 BSOs, 105 right PLNDs, 104 left PLNDs, 34 PALND and 269 VCC. Comparing 2008 to 2011, procedures performed by the fellow significantly increased; SH 16% to 83% (p < 0.001), BSO 7% to 75% (p = 0.005), right PLND 4% to 44% (p < 0.001), left PLND 0% to 56% (p < 0.001), and VCC 59% to 82% (p = 0.024). Console times (min) were similar for SH (60 vs. 63, p = 0.73), BSO (48 vs. 43, p = 0.55), and VCC (20 vs. 22, p = 0.26). Faculty times (min) were shorter for PLND (right 26 vs. 30, p = 0.04, left 23 vs. 27, p = 0.02). Nodal counts were not significantly different (right 7 vs. 8, p = 0.17 or left 7 vs. 7, p = 0.87).Conclusions
Robotic surgery can be successfully incorporated into gynecologic oncology fellowship training. With increased exposure to robotic surgery, fellows had similar operative times and lymph node yields as faculty surgeons. 相似文献6.
Minimally invasive surgery in gynecologic practice. 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
L V Adamyan 《International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics》2003,82(3):347-355
The medical world is facing increasing demands for improvement of the quality of life of women of all ages. This is not possible without overall improvement of the healthcare of females, and, in particular, of the quality of surgical treatment for gynecologic pathology. Positive changes are ensured by the active introduction of minimally invasive technologies into all spheres of gynecologic practices. There are almost no medical, demographic or technical limits for the application of endoscopy in gynecology, while the benefits it provides are extraordinary. The process of positive change towards minimally invasive surgery in operative gynecology should be supported and promoted by the medical community in every possible way. 相似文献
妇科腹腔镜手术1560例临床分析 总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41
目的:探讨腹腔镜手术在妇科的临床应用价值。方法:1997~2002年对1560例腹腔镜手术者均采用全麻;异位妊娠术式为输卵管切除术、输卵管伞端取胚术及输卵管造口术;卵巢囊肿手术采用剔除术、剥除术及患侧附件切除术;子宫手术采用改良式CISH术、子宫次全切除术、子宫全切术及LAVH术;主要器械为单双极电凝及超声刀。结果:腹腔镜手术占同期妇科手术的45.28%,手术成功率99.55%,发生并发症7例(0.45%)。结论:适应证掌握得当。妇科大部分手术可在腹腔镜下完成。 相似文献
上海市10年妇科腹腔镜手术发展状况 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
刘彦 《中国妇产科临床杂志》2000,(4)
目的 回顾性分析上海市7所医院1990年-1999年间腹腔镜手术资料,总结上海市妇产科腹腔镜手术10年的发展状况和发展趋势,探讨腹腔镜手术在妇科临床中应用前景。方法 以发卷询问形式对上海市开展腹腔镜手术医院的手术例数、手术适应证、手术范围及腹腔镜手术并发症进行调查。结果5所三级医院、2所区级医院给予了回答,回信率 70%。腹腔镜手术总例数9210例,其中5240例诊断性腹腔镜手术,3970例手术性腹腔镜手术。1990年~1997年间,诊断性腹腔镜手术呈平台走势,每年600例左右,1998年、1999年手术性腹腔镜明显增多,而诊断性腹腔镜明显减少。10年间腹腔镜手术的发展分为1990年-1994年和1995年~1999年两个阶段,两个阶段诊断性腹腔镜与手术性腹腔镜比例分别是3.8:1及1:4。所占妇科手术比例从1992年腹腔镜手术开始时的2.31%增加到1999年的30%。手术范围从输卵管切除、附件切除、全子宫切除到盆腔淋巴结切除。并发症89例,发生率0.97%。自1997年后,诊断性腹腔镜并发症几乎降为0,手术性并发症呈下降趋势,1999年手术性腹腔镜1290例中并发症仅6例,发生率0.47%(P<0.01)。结论 手术性腹腔镜手术有替代妇科大部分手术的趋势,并发症发生率随手术性腹腔镜技术的成熟呈下降趋势。 相似文献
John A. Goodno Jr. MD Thomas W. Powers MD Verne D. Harris MD 《American journal of obstetrics and gynecology》1995,172(6):1817-1822
Objective: Our purpose was to review and analyze ureteral injuries incidental to gynecologic surgery in a community hospital.Study design: During the study period from Jan. 1, 1983, through Dec. 31, 1992, all patient records in which ureteral injury resulted from gynecologic surgery were reviewed. The operative procedure, pathologic result, location of injury, and type of repair were studied. Additionally, the time of recognition and diagnostic methods in these ureteral injuries were analyzed.Results: Nineteen ureteral injuries were incurred during the performance of 4665 gynecologic surgical procedures, an incidence of 0.4%. Patients ranged in age from 23 to 70 years. Recognition of the ureteral injury occurred intraoperatively in 10 patients and was delayed from 1 to 16 days in 9 patients. Six of the ureteral injuries were repaied by end-to-end anastomosis, 3 by deligation, and 10 by ureteroneocystostomy. Immediate postoperative urinary integrity was found in all patients.Conclusion: Gynecologic surgical procedures in this study resulted in a 0.4% incidence of ureteral injury, and repair of these injuries was successful in all cases for the short term. 1995; 172:1817–1822.) 相似文献
Minimally invasive surgery demands specific endoscopic psychomotor skills that are usually acquired outside the operating theatre. We present the results of a systematic analysis to identify how simulation is used during training and qualification in minimal access surgery to improve gynecologist's surgical skills. We found that despite the availability of simulation tools along with methods for training and testing specific endoscopic psychomotor and technical skills, there is no clear evidence of the superiority of one tool or method over the others in skill acquisition. However, prospective studies show that well-guided training courses combined with different trainers and methods improve significantly surgeon's laparoscopic skills and suturing ability, which are unforgettable over time. However, this proficiency could deteriorate over time when it is solely learned and executed on simulation trainers. Structured curricula including theory, simulation, and live-surgery seem to be the best option for trainees. More research in this field is needed. 相似文献
Smith AL Krivak TC Scott EM Rauh-Hain JA Sukumvanich P Olawaiye AB Richard SD 《Gynecologic oncology》2012,126(3):432-436
Minimally invasive surgical techniques decrease surgical morbidity and recovery time. Studies demonstrate similar surgical outcomes comparing robotic to laparoscopic surgery. These studies have not accounted for the incorporation of fellow education. With the dual-console da Vinci Si Surgical System®, a two surgeon approach could be performed. We sought to compare surgical outcomes at a gynecologic oncology fellowship program of traditional laparoscopic to robotic surgeries using the dual-console system.Methods
We identified patients who underwent laparoscopic or robotic surgery performed by a gynecologic oncologist from November 2009-November 2010. Robotic surgeries were conducted using the dual-console, utilizing a two surgeon approach. Surgeries involved a staff physician with a gynecologic oncology fellow. Statistical analysis was performed using student t-test and chi-squared analysis.Results
A total of 222 cases were identified. Cases were analyzed in groups: all cases identified, all cancer cases, and endometrial cancer cases only. When analyzing all cases, no statistical difference was noted in total operating room time (172 vs. 175 min; p = 0.6), pelvic lymph nodes removed (10.1 vs. 9.6; p = 0.69), para-aortic lymph nodes dissected (3.7 vs. 3.8; p = 0.91), or length of stay (1.5 vs. 1.3 days; p = 0.3). There was a significant difference in total surgical time (131 vs.110 min; p < 0.0001) and EBL (157 vs.94 ml; p < 0.0001), favoring robotic surgery. When analyzing all cancer cases, the advantage in total surgical time for robotic surgery was lost. Complications were similar between cohorts.Conclusion
Incorporating fellow education into robotic surgery does not adversely affect outcomes when compared to traditional laparoscopic surgery. 相似文献14.
Megan E. McDonald Pedro T. Ramirez Mark F. Munsell Marilyn Greer William M. Burke Wendel T. Naumann Michael Frumovitz 《Gynecologic oncology》2014
Despite increasing awareness of physical strain to surgeons associated with minimally invasive surgery (MIS), its use continues to expand. We sought to gather information from gynecologic oncologists regarding physical discomfort due to MIS.Methods
Anonymous surveys were e-mailed to 1279 Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO) members. Physical symptoms (numbness, pain, stiffness, and fatigue) and surgical and demographic factors were assessed. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to determine risk factors for physical symptoms.Results
We analyzed responses of 350 SGO members who completed the survey and currently performed > 50% of procedures robotically (n = 122), laparoscopically (n = 67), or abdominally (n = 61). Sixty-one percent of members reported physical symptoms related to MIS. The rate of symptoms was higher in the robotic group (72%) than the laparoscopic (57%) or abdominal groups (49%) (p = 0.0052). Stiffness (p = 0.0373) and fatigue (p = 0.0125) were more common in the robotic group. Female sex (p < 0.0001), higher caseload (p = 0.0007), and academic practice (p = 0.0186) were associated with increased symptoms. On multivariate analysis, robotic surgery (odds ratio [OR] 2.38, 95% CI 1.20–4.69) and female sex (OR 4.20, 95% CI 2.13–8.29) were significant predictors of symptoms. There was no correlation between seeking treatment and surgical modality (laparotomy 11%, robotic 20%, laparoscopy 25%, p = 0.12).Conclusions
Gynecologic oncologists report physical symptoms due to MIS at an alarming rate. Robotic surgery and female sex appear to be risk factors for physical discomfort. As we strive to improve patient outcomes and decrease patient morbidity with MIS, we must also work to improve the ergonomics of MIS for surgeons. 相似文献15.
妇科手术中输尿管损伤的诊治与预防 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
目的 探讨妇科手术中输尿管损伤的易发因素与预防 ;以期及早发现与诊治。方法 对北京大学第一医院 1 997年 1月~ 2 0 0 2年 3月间妇科手术中的 1 2例输尿管损伤病例进行回顾性分析总结。结果 妇科开腹手术共 75 84例 ,其中并发输尿管损伤 1 0例 ,占 0 1 1 % ;腹腔镜手术共 6 5 1例 ,发生输尿管损伤 2例 ,占0 31 %。 1 2例输尿管损伤均为单侧损伤 ,其中左侧损伤 7例 ;5例损伤在近膀胱处、 5例在子宫动静脉附近、 2例在漏斗韧带附近。结论 妇科手术致输尿管损伤多见于左侧输尿管损伤 ,且以宫颈癌病例居多 ;腹腔镜手术开展的同时应警惕输尿管损伤的发生。对于困难手术 ,术前可行静脉尿路造影和预置输尿管支架。术后重视腹胀、排气延迟、腹水等异常表现 ,及时发现输尿管损伤并积极处理 相似文献
Brubaker L 《American journal of obstetrics and gynecology》2005,192(3):690-693
Reconstructive pelvic surgery is a common phenomenon in American women. The efficacy and durability of current procedures are often extrapolated from clinical case series and may be fraught with bias. Although the route of reconstructive pelvic surgery is debated with little evidence to support expert opinion, several recent clinical trials have provided a modest amount of data that can assist surgeons in counseling women who are facing prolapse repairs. An individual woman's tolerance for certain symptoms and risks can be matched with the scientifically based evidence for certain procedures. It is clear that the route of surgery must vary with individual surgeons and individual patients. The challenge is to test current surgical habits using modern clinical trials to obtain the necessary information to optimize each and every woman's restorative surgery. 相似文献
Fader AN Seamon LG Escobar PF Frasure HE Havrilesky LA Zanotti KM Secord AA Boggess JF Cohn DE Fowler JM Skafianos G Rossi E Gehrig PA 《Gynecologic oncology》2012,126(2):180-185
The study aim was to compare outcomes in women with high-grade endometrial cancer (EC) who underwent surgical staging via minimally invasive surgery (MIS) versus laparotomy.Methods
This is a retrospective, multi-institutional cohort study of patients with high-grade EC who were comprehensively surgically staged by either MIS or laparotomy. Demographic, surgical variables, complications, and survival were analyzed.Results
Three hundred and eighty‐three patients met criteria: 191 underwent laparotomy and 192 MIS (65% robotic, 35% laparoscopy). Subgroups were well matched by age (mean 66 years), stage, body mass index, histology and adjuvant therapies. Median operative time was longer in the MIS group (191 vs. 135 min; p < .001). However, the MIS cohort had a higher mean lymph node count (39.0 vs. 34.0; p = .03), shorter hospital stay (1 vs. 4 days) and significantly fewer complications (8.4% vs. 31.3%; p < .001). There was no significant difference in lymph node count with laparoscopic versus robotic staging. With a median follow-up time of 44 months, progression-free (PFS) and overall survival were not significantly different between the surgical cohorts. On multivariable analysis, stage, treatment were associated with PFS.Conclusions
Women with high grade endometrial cancers staged by minimally invasive techniques experienced fewer complications and similar survival outcomes compared to those staged by laparotomy. As this population is elderly and most will receive adjuvant therapies, minimization of surgical morbidity is of interest. When managed by expert laparoscopists or robotic surgeons, a high-risk histologic subtype is not a contraindication to minimally invasive surgery in women with apparent early-stage disease. 相似文献19.
Venkat P Chen LM Young-Lin N Kiet TK Young G Amatori D Dasverma B Yu X Kapp DS Chan JK 《Gynecologic oncology》2012,125(1):237-240
To determine the actual costs, charges, and reimbursements associated with robotic vs. laparoscopic surgery for endometrial cancer.Methods
Data were collected from hospital billing records, MD professional group billing records, tumor registry, and medical records on operations performed by a single surgeon from one institution between 2008 and 2010. For comparison, surgical groups were matched based on age, histology, and stage of disease over the same time period.Results
Of 54 patients, 27 underwent robotic surgery (RS) and 27 had laparoscopic surgery (LS). The median age was 57 years. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups based on age, stage, and histology. The hospital charges for RS were higher at $64,266 vs. $55,130 for LS (p = 0.036). However, the reimbursement to the hospital was not statistically different at $13,003 for RS and $10,245 for LS (p = 0.29). Operating suite, room and board, anesthesia, post anesthesia care unit, and pathology accounted for over 90% of hospital charges. The surgeon charges for RS and LS were $6824 and $6327, respectively (p = 0.033) and the anesthesiologist charges were $4049 and $2985, respectively (p = 0.001). However, there were no differences in reimbursement to the surgeon (p = 0.74) and anesthesiologist (p = 0.84) between the two operative approaches.Conclusions
Our data showed that the direct costs and charges associated with robotic surgery were higher compared to laparoscopic surgery. However, actual reimbursements to the hospital, surgeon, and anesthesiologist were not significantly different between the two surgical approaches. 相似文献20.
Garri Tchartchian Bernd Bojahr Rudy De Wilde 《International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics》2011,112(1):72-75