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The distribution of calretinin (CR) in the forebrain and the olfactory system of the adult zebrafish was studied by using immunocytochemical techniques. Previous studies in trout forebrain have indicated that CR-immunoreactive neurons acquire this phenotype rather early in development (Castro et al., J. Comp. Neurol. 467:254-269, 2003). Thus, precise knowledge of CR-expressing neuronal populations in adult zebrafish may help to decipher late stages of forebrain morphogenesis. For analysis of some forebrain nuclei and regions, CR distribution was compared with that of various ancillary markers: choline acetyltransferase, glutamic acid decarboxylase, tyrosine hydroxylase, neuropeptide Y, thyrotropin-releasing hormone, and galanin. The results reveal that calretinin is a specific marker of olfactory receptor neurons and of various neuronal populations distributed throughout the telencephalon and diencephalon. In addition, CR immunocytochemistry revealed characteristic patterns of fibers and neuropil in several telencephalic and diencephalic regions, indicating that it is a useful marker for characterizing a number of neural centers, pathways, and neuronal subpopulations in the zebrafish forebrain. Some ancillary markers also showed a distinctive distribution in pallial and subpallial regions, revealing additional aspects of forebrain organization. Comparison of the distribution of CR observed in the forebrain of zebrafish with that reported in other teleosts revealed a number of similarities and also some interesting differences. This indicates that various neuronal populations have maintained the CR phenotype in widely divergent teleost lines and suggests that CR studies may prove very useful for comparative analysis.  相似文献   

The distribution and morphologic features of calcium-binding protein- (calbindin D-28k, calretinin, neurocalcin, and parvalbumin) immunoreactive elements were studied in the macaque monkey olfactory bulb by using specific antibodies and the avidin-biotin-immunoperoxidase method. A characteristic laminar pattern of stained elements was observed for each marker. Scarce superficial short-axon cells and superficial stellate cells demonstrated calbindin D-28k immunoreactivity in the outer layers, whereas a moderate number of calbindin D-28k-immunoreactive granule cells and scarce deep short-axon cells were observed in the inner layers. Calretinin-staining demonstrated abundant periglomerular cells and granule cells and a scarce number of other interneuronal populations. Most neurocalcin-immunopositive elements were external and medial tufted cells and periglomerular cells, although other scarcer interneuronal populations were also immunostained. A few superficial and deep short-axon cells as well as small interneurons in the external plexiform layer were the only elements immunoreactive to parvalbumin. The distribution of the immunoreactive elements in the olfactory bulb of the macaque monkey showed a high similarity to that reported in the human, whereas it demonstrated a different and simpler pattern to what has been reported in the olfactory bulb of macrosmatic animals. It suggests more homogeneous calcium-mediated cell responses after stimulation that could be correlated to the lower capability to modulate olfactory signals in microsmatic animals. In addition, these results indicate that experimental models in rodents do not provide an accurate estimation of calcium-binding protein-immunoreactive neuronal populations in the primate olfactory system.  相似文献   

The central pattern generator for locomotion in vertebrates is composed of different spinal neuronal populations that generate locomotor movement. In the lamprey spinal cord, several classes of interneurons have been identified based on morphologic and physiological criteria and integrated in the spinal cord circuits implicated in the generation of locomotion. However, the lack of histochemical markers for most of the interneurons makes it difficult to study whole populations along the spinal cord. We have investigated the immunoreactivity with antibodies raised against calbindin and calretinin. Several types of neurons could be classified: (1). strongly immunoreactive neurons located dorsomedially, (2). moderately immunoreactive neurons located laterally, (3). small weakly immunoreactive neurons, d). ventromedial neurons, (4). liquor contacting cells, and (5). motoneurons. The ventromedial group of calbindin-immunoreactive neurons also is immunoreactive for serotonin and, therefore, represents the ventromedial group of dopamine/serotonin spinal neurons. Some of the lateral calbindin-immunoreactive neurons may be CC-type cells (cells with caudal-crossed axons), because they are retrogradely labeled by tracer injections into the contralateral spinal cord. Other well-characterized cell types, such as sensory dorsal cells, lateral interneurons, descending propriospinal edge cells, and spinobulbar giant interneurons are negative for both calbindin and calretinin. Therefore, calbindin and calretinin are useful markers for the study of cell populations that may be integrated in locomotor circuits.  相似文献   

Polypteriform fishes are believed to be basal to other living ray‐finned bony fishes, and they may be useful for providing information of the neural organization that existed in the brain of the earliest ray‐finned fishes. The calcium‐binding proteins calretinin (CR) and calbindin‐D28k (CB) have been widely used to characterize neuronal populations in vertebrate brains. Here, the distribution of the immunoreactivity against CR and CB was investigated in the olfactory organ and brain of Polypterus senegalus and compared to the distribution of these molecules in other ray‐finned fishes. In general, CB‐immunoreactive (ir) neurons were less abundant than CR‐ir cells. CR immunohistochemistry revealed segregation of CR‐ir olfactory receptor neurons in the olfactory mucosa and their bulbar projections. Our results confirmed important differences between pallial regions in terms of CR immunoreactivity of cell populations and afferent fibers. In the habenula, these calcium‐binding proteins revealed right‐left asymmetry of habenular subpopulations and segregation of their interpeduncular projections. CR immunohistochemistry distinguished among some thalamic, pretectal, and posterior tubercle‐derived populations. Abundant CR‐ir populations were observed in the midbrain, including the tectum. CR immunoreactivity was also useful for characterizing a putative secondary gustatory/visceral nucleus in the isthmus, and for distinguishing territories in the primary viscerosensory column and octavolateral region. Comparison of the data obtained within a segmental neuromeric context indicates that some CB‐ir and CR‐ir populations in polypteriform fishes are shared with other ray‐finned fishes, but other positive structures appear to have evolved following the separation between polypterids and other ray‐finned fishes. J. Comp. Neurol. 521:2454–2485, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical methods were used to characterize the expression of two calcium-binding proteins, calretinin (CR) and S100, in the olfactory rosette of the adult zebrafish. These proteins are expressed in different sets of sensory neurons, and together represent a large proportion of these cells. Double immunofluorescence for CR and Gα(olf) protein, and CR immunoelectron microscopy, indicated that most CR-immunoreactive (ir) cells were ciliary neurons. Differential S100- and CR-ir projections to glomerular fields of the olfactory bulb were also observed, although these projections overlap in some glomeruli. Application of the carbocyanine dye DiI to either S100-ir or CR-ir glomerular regions led to labeling of cells mostly similar to S100-ir and CR-ir neurons, respectively. Instead, these bulbar regions project to similar telencephalic targets. On the other hand, antibodies against keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)-stained numerous sensory cells in the olfactory rosette, including cells that were CR- and S100-negative. This antiserum also stained most primary bulbar projections and revealed extrabulbar olfactory primary projections coursing to the ventral area of the telencephalon through the medial olfactory tract. This extrabulbar projection was confirmed by tract-tracing with DiI. A loose association of this extrabulbar primary olfactory projection and the catecholaminergic populations of the ventral area was also observed with double tyrosine hydroxylase/KLH-like immunohistochemistry. Comparison between KLH-like-ir pathways and the structures revealed by FMRFamide immunohistochemistry (a marker of terminal ganglion cells and fibers) indicated that the KLH-like-ir extrabulbar projection was different from the terminal nerve system. The significance of the extrabulbar olfactory projection of zebrafish is discussed.  相似文献   

Histamine is an essential factor in the ascending arousal system (AAS) during motivated behaviors. Histamine and hypocretin/orexin (hcrt) are proposed to be responsible for different aspects of arousal and wakefulness, histamine mainly for cognitive and motivated behaviors. In this study we visualized the entire histaminergic neuron population in adult male and female zebrafish brain and quantified the histaminergic neuron numbers. There were 40–45 histaminergic neurons in both male and female zebrafish brain. Further, we identified cotransmitters of histaminergic neurons in the ventrocaudal hypothalamus, i.e., around the posterior recess (PR) in adult zebrafish. Galanin, γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA), and thyrotropin‐releasing hormone (TRH) were colocalized with histamine in some but not all neurons, a result that was verified by intracerebroventricular injections of colchicine into adult zebrafish. Fibers immunoreactive (ir) for galanin, GABA, TRH, or methionine‐enkephalin (mENK) were dense in the ventrocaudal hypothalamus around the histaminergic neurons. In histamine‐ir fibers TRH and galanin immunoreactivities were also detected in the ventral telencephalon. All these neurotransmitters are involved in maintaining the equilibrium of the sleep–wake state. Our results are in accordance with results from rats, further supporting the use of zebrafish as a tool to study molecular mechanisms underlying complex behaviors. J. Comp. Neurol. 520:3827–3845, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The placement of the reticular thalamic nucleus (RTN) between the dorsal thalamus and the cortex and the inhibitory nature of reticulothalamic projections has led to suggestions that it "gates" the flow of sensory information to the cortex. The New World diurnal monkey, the marmoset, Callithrix jacchus is emerging as an important "model primate" for the study of sensory processing. We have examined the distribution of Nissl-stained somata and calbindin, parvalbumin, and calretinin immunoreactivity in the ventral thalamus for comparison with other species. Cells were labeled using standard immunohistochemistry, ExtraAvidin-HRP, and diaminobenzidine reaction products. The RTN is constituted by a largely homogeneous population of parvalbumin immunoreactive cells with respect to size and orientation. Calbindin and calretinin immunoreactive cells were only found along the medial edge of the RTN adjacent to the external medullary lamina of the dorsal thalamus and laterally near the ventral RTN. These cells were considered to be part of the zona incerta (ZI). The marmoset ZI could be subdivided into dorsal and ventral regions on the basis of its immunoreactivity to calcium binding proteins. Both the ZI and nucleus subthalamicus Luysi contained scattered calbindin and calretinin immunoreactive cells with well-defined dendritic processes. These cells were clearly different to cells in the dorsal thalamus. Parvalbumin immunoreactive cells in RTN, ZI, and subthalamic nucleus were on average larger than neurons positive for the other calcium binding proteins. Future studies reporting the afferent and efferent projections to the RTN must view their results in terms of the close apposition of RTN and ZI somata.  相似文献   

We have used specific radioimmunoassay to describe the distribution of diazepam binding inhibitor-like immunoreactivity (DBI-IR(51–70)) in human post-mortem tissues. In brain, highest concentrations were found in the cerebellum, amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus and substantia nigra. In the spinal cord, DBI-IR(51–70) was evenly distributed. In peripheral tissues, highest concentrations were found in the liver and kidney. Chromatographic analysis revealed several molecular forms of DBI-IR(51–70) the major form being of greater molecular weight and hydrophobicity than the synthetic fragment peptide. In peripheral tissues, but not in the CNS, a small peak of immunoreactivity was indistinguishable form the synthetic peptide. DBI-IR(51–70) is therefore widespread, but tissue processing may be different.  相似文献   

The neuroscience community has witnessed a tremendous expansion of glia research. Glial cells are now on center stage with leading roles in the development, maturation, and physiology of brain circuits. Over the course of evolution, glia have highly diversified and include the radial glia, astroglia or astrocytes, microglia, oligodendrocytes, and ependymal cells, each having dedicated functions in the brain. The zebrafish, a small teleost fish, is no exception to this and recent evidences point to evolutionarily conserved roles for glia in the development and physiology of its nervous system. Due to its small size, transparency, and genetic amenability, the zebrafish has become an increasingly prominent animal model for brain research. It has enabled the study of neural circuits from individual cells to entire brains, with a precision unmatched in other vertebrate models. Moreover, its high neurogenic and regenerative potential has attracted a lot of attention from the research community focusing on neural stem cells and neurodegenerative diseases. Hence, studies using zebrafish have the potential to provide fundamental insights about brain development and function, and also elucidate neural and molecular mechanisms of neurological diseases. We will discuss here recent discoveries on the diverse roles of radial glia and astroglia in neurogenesis, in modulating neuronal activity and in regulating brain homeostasis at the brain barriers. By comparing insights made in various animal models, particularly mammals and zebrafish, our goal is to highlight the similarities and differences in glia biology among species, which could set new paradigms relevant to humans.  相似文献   

The distribution of the calcium-binding proteins calbindin-D28k (CB) and calretinin (CR) was investigated in the spinal cord of the lizard Gekko gecko, by means of immunohistochemical techniques. Abundant cell bodies and fibers immunoreactive for either CB or CR were widely distributed throughout the spinal cord. Most neurons and fibers were labeled in the superficial dorsal horn, but numerous cells were also located in the intermediate gray and ventral horn. Distinct CB- and CR-containing cell populations were observed, although double immunohistochemistry revealed that 17-20% of the single-labeled cells for CB or CR in the dorsal horn contained both proteins. In addition, nitric oxide synthase was immunodetected in about 6% of the CB-positive neurons in the dorsal horn and in 10% in the ventral horn, whereas nitric oxide synthase was present in 9-13% of CR-positive cells in the dorsal horn and in 14% in the ventral horn. These doubly immunoreactive cells were restricted to areas IV, VII and VIII. Similar colocalization experiments revealed that 18-24% of the cholinergic cells in the ventral horn contained CB and 21-30% CR, with some variations throughout the length of the spinal cord. The pattern of distribution for CB and CR immunoreactivity in the spinal cord of the lizard, reported in the present study, is largely comparable to those reported for mammals, birds and anuran amphibians suggesting a high degree of conservation of the spinal systems modulated by these calcium-binding proteins.  相似文献   

We analyzed the potential input and output components of nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-containing neurons in the rat superior colliculus (SC). To identify whether NOS-positive neurons receive glutamatergic input we investigated the colocalization of NOS with NMDA receptor subunit R1 (NMDAR1). In addition, to examine whether putative nitric oxide synthesizing neurons represent a neurochemically specific or distinct subpopulation of cells in the SC we studied the colocalization of NOS with the neurotransmitter GABA, the calcium-binding proteins parvalbumin, calbindin and calretinin and with neuropeptides such as somatostatin, substance P and neuropeptide Y. We found that 90% of NOS-positive neurons in the superficial layers of the rat SC express NMDAR1. Nearly 20% of the population of nitridergic neurons also expresses GABA and 15% of them express parvalbumin. NOS-positive neurons in the superior colliculus did not contain calretinin, calbindin or either of the neuropeptides tested. The results of this study show that the capacity for synthesizing NO in the SC is largely restricted to neurons that receive glutamatergic inputs and that some of these neurons express GABA or parvalbumin.  相似文献   

The amino acid L‐aspartate (ASP) is one of the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitters in the mammalian brain, but its distribution in other vertebrates has not yet been well characterized. We investigated the distribution of ASP in the brainstem and rostral spinal cord of the adult sea lamprey by using ASP immunohistochemistry. Our results indicate that ASP is accumulated in specific neurons, but not in glia (tanycytes). ASP‐immunoreactive neuronal populations were rather similar as the glutamatergic populations reported in the adult sea lamprey (Villar‐Cerviño et al. [2013] J Comp Neurol 521:522–557), although some important differences were noted. Characteristically, the largest reticular neurons of the lamprey brainstem (Müller cells) showed ASP immunoreactivity in perikarya and processes, in contrast to the absence or faint glutamate immunoreactivity reported in these perikarya. We also compared the distribution of ASP and γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) in brainstem neurons by using double immunofluorescence methods. In regions such as the midbrain tectum, dorsal isthmus, and motor nuclei, ASP and GABA immunoreactivity was mostly located in different neurons, whereas in other nuclei (torus semicircularis, octavolateralis area, parvocellular reticular formation), many of the ASP‐immunonegative neurons displayed colocalization with GABA. These results, together with those of our previous studies of colocalization of glutamate and GABA, suggest that some lamprey neurons may co‐release both excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters. Further investigation is needed to elucidate the pathways of uptake and release of ASP by ASP‐immunoreactive neurons. Our results indicate that ASP is a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system representative of agnathans, the earliest vertebrate group. J. Comp. Neurol. 522:1209–1231, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The pattern of distribution and colocalization of the calcium-binding protein calretinin (Cal) and of enzymes producing nitric oxide (NO) was examined in the rat periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) using two different experimental approaches, by combining Cal immunocytochemistry with NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) histochemistry and with NOS immunocytochemistry, respectively. Cal-immunopositive neurons were found throughout the rostrocaudal extension of both dorsolateral (PAG-dl) and ventrolateral PAG (PAG-vl). Double-labeled neurons were found only in PAG-dl. The first experimental approach indicated that 33-41% of the NADPH-d-positive (Nadph+) cells were immunoreactive for Cal, whereas NADPH-d activity appeared in 19-26% of the Cal-immunopositive (Cal(IP) ) neurons. Two-color immunofluorescence revealed that ~39-43% of NOS-immunoreactive (NOS(IR) ) neurons were double-labeled with Cal and ~23% of Cal(IP) neurons expressed NOS immunoreactivity. Measurement in semithin sections of the size of the three neuronal populations found in PAG-dl, showed that Cal(IP) neurons had a cross-sectional area of 94.7 μm2, whereas Nadph+ neurons and double-labeled neurons were slightly smaller, having a cross-sectional area of 90.5 and 91.4 μm2, respectively. On electron microscopy, Cal(IP) axon terminals formed either symmetric or asymmetric synapses; although the latter synapses were more numerous, both types contacted preferentially Cal(IP) dendrites. These experiments suggest that PAG-dl is characterized by a high degree of heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is widely expressed in the brain and its biological effects are mediated through a variety of receptors. We examined, using immunohistochemistry, expression of the Y2 receptor (R) protein in the adult mouse brain and its association with NPY and the Y1R, as well as a range of additional neurotransmitters and signaling-related molecules, which previously have not been defined. Our main focus was on the hippocampal formation (HiFo), amygdaloid complex, and hypothalamus, considering the known functions of NPY and the wide expression of NPY, Y1R, and Y2R in these regions. Y2R-like immunoreactivity (-LI) was distributed in nerve fibers/terminal endings throughout the brain axis, without apparent colocalization with NPY or the Y1R. Occasional coexistence between NPY- and Y1R-LI was found in the HiFo. Following colchicine treatment, Y2R-LI accumulated in cell bodies that coexpressed γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in a population of cells in the amygdaloid complex and lateral septal nucleus, but not in the HiFo. Instead, Y2R-positive nerve terminals appeared to surround GABA-immunoreactive (ir) cells in the HiFo and other neuronal populations, e.g., NPY-ir cells in HiFo and tyrosine hydroxylase-ir cells in the hypothalamus. In the HiFo, Y2R-ir mossy fibers coexpressed GABA, glutamic acid decarboxylase 67 and calbindin, and Y2R-LI was found in the same fibers that contained the presynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptor 2, but not together with any of the three vesicular glutamate transporters. Our findings provide further support that Y2R is mostly presynaptic, and that Y2Rs thus have a modulatory role in mediating presynaptic neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   

The distribution of galanin-like immunoreactivity (GAL-LI) in the spinal cord of the cat was studied by use of indirect histochemistry and the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique. In the ventral horn GAL-immunoreactive (IR) axonal fibers and terminals were most frequent in the ventral part of the motor nucleus. The GAL-IR axons also contained 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)-LI, and they disappeared after spinal cord transection. It was concluded that these GAL-IR fibers belong to the serotoninergic bublospinal pathway. In the medulla oblongata from normal cats, scattered GAL-IR cell bodies were encountered within the nucleus raphe obscurus and nucleus raphe pallidus. Electron microscopic observations revealed that the fine structure of the GAL-IR axonal boutons in the motor nucleus was similar to that of 5-HT-IR boutons with a varying number of immunoreactive large dense core vesicles. The postsynaptic element in all cases studied was a dendrite. A dense GAL-IR axonal plexus was found in the superficial laminae I-II of the dorsal horn. Coexistence was found between the GAL- and substance P-LI in fibers within the dorsal horn plexus. Spinal cord transection did not alter the pattern of GAL-LI in the dorsal horn, while the vast majority of GAL-IR axonal swellings disappeared following dorsal root sectioning. Electron microscopic observations in lamina II (substantia gelatinosa) revealed that the GAL-IR axonal terminals could be divided into two main groups. One with small to medium-sized axonal boutons formed synaptic contacts with both dendritic and axonal profiles. The other formed the central axon terminals of glomeruli, suggesting that GAL-LI may be present in C-type primary afferents. Numerous small GAL-IR cell bodies were encountered in laminae II and III. GAL-IR cell bodies were also observed in lamina X. The dorsal root ganglia contained a low but consistent number of small to medium-sized GAL-IR cell bodies, which all contained immunoreactive calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). Following peripheral sciatic nerve transection, the number and the labeling intensity of GAL-IR cell bodies in the corresponding dorsal root ganglia showed a moderate increase. Radioimmunoassay revealed that the concentration of GAL-LI increased along the rostrocaudal axis of the normal spinal cord, and was about three times higher in the dorsal than in the ventral regions. The concentration in the dorsal root ganglia was intermediate to those seen in the corresponding dorsal and ventral cord regions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Many neurological diseases including major depression and schizophrenia manifest as dysfunction of the GABAergic system within the cingulate cortex. However, relatively little is known about the properties of GABAergic interneurons in the cingulate cortex. Therefore, we investigated the neurochemical properties of GABAergic interneurons in the cingulate cortex of FVB‐Tg(GadGFP)45704Swn/J mice expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) in a subset of GABAergic interneurons (GFP‐expressing inhibitory interneurons [GINs]) by means of immunocytochemical and design‐based stereologic techniques. We found that GINs represent around 12% of all GABAergic interneurons in the cingulate cortex. In contrast to other neocortical areas, GINs were only found in cortical layers II and III. More than 98% of GINs coexpressed the neuropeptide somatostatin (SOM), but only 50% of all SOM + neurons were GINs. By analyzing the expression of calretinin (CR), calbindin (CB), parvalbumin, and various neuropeptides, we identified several distinct GIN subgroups. In particular, we observed coexpression of SOM with CR and CB. In addition, we found neuropeptide Y expression almost exclusively in those GINs that coexpressed SOM and CR. Thus, with respect to the expression of calcium‐binding proteins and neuropeptides, GINs are surprisingly heterogeneous in the mouse cingulate cortex, and the minority of GINs express only one marker protein or peptide. Furthermore, our observation of overlap between the SOM + and CR + interneuron population was in contrast to earlier findings of non‐overlapping SOM + and CR + interneuron populations in the human cortex. This might indicate that findings in mouse models of neuropsychiatric diseases may not be directly transferred to human patients. J. Comp. Neurol. 524:2281–2299, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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