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Summary Potentially convergent inputs to cerebellar-receiving and basal ganglia-receiving areas of the thalamus were identified using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) retrograde tracing techniques. HRP was deposited iontophoretically into the ventroanterior (VA), ventromedial (VM), and ventrolateral (VL) thalamic nuclei in the cat. The relative numbers of labeled neurons in the basal ganglia and the cerebellar nuclei were used to assess the extent to which the injection was in cerebellar-receiving or basal ganglia-receiving portions of thalamus. The rostral pole of VA showed reciprocal connections with prefrontal portions of the cerebral cortex. Only the basal ganglia and the hypothalamus provided non-thalamic input to modulate these cortico-thalamo-cortical loops. In VM, there were reciprocal connections with prefrontal, premotor, and insular areas of the cerebral cortex. The basal ganglia (especially the substantia nigra), and to a lesser extent, the posterior and ventral portions of the deep cerebellar nuclei, provided input to VM and may modulate these corticothalamo-cortical loops. The premotor cortical areas connected to VM include those associated with eye movements, and afferents from the superior colliculus, a region of documented importance in oculomotor control, also were labeled by injections into VM. The dorsolateral portion of the VA-VL complex primarily showed reciprocal connections with the medial premotor (area 6) cortex. Basal ganglia and cerebellar afferents both may modulate this cortico-thalamo-cortical loop, although they do not necessarily converge on the same thalamic neurons. The cerebellar input to dorsolateral VA-VL was from posterior and ventral portions of the cerebellar nuclei, and the major potential brainstem afferents to this region of thalamus were from the pretectum. Mid- and caudo-lateral portions of VL had reciprocal connections with primary motor cortex (area 4). The dorsal and anterior portions of the cerebellar nuclei had a dominant input to this corticothalamo-cortical loop. Potentially converging brainstem afferents to this portion of VL were from the pretectum, especially pretectal areas to which somatosensory afferents project.List of Abbreviations AC central amygdaloid nucleus - AL lateral amygdaloid nucleus - AM anteromedial thalamic nucleus - AV anteroventral thalamic nucleus - BC brachium conjunctivum - BIC brachium of the inferior colliculus - Cd caudate nucleus - CL centrolateral thalamic nucleus - CM centre median nucleus - CP cerebral peduncle - CUN cuneate nucleus - DBC decussation of the brachium conjunctivum - DR dorsal raphe nuclei - EC external cuneate nucleus - ENTO entopeduncular nucleus - FN fastigial nucleus - FX fornix - GP globus pallidus - GR gracile nucleus - IC internal capsule - ICP inferior cerebellar peduncle - IP interpeduncular nucleus - IVN inferior vestibular nucleus - LD lateral dorsal thalamic nucleus - LGN lateral geniculate nucleus - LH lateral hypothalamus - LP lateral posterior thalamic complex - LRN lateral reticular nucleus - LVN lateral vestibular nucleus - MB mammillary body - MD mediodorsal thalamic nucleus - MG medial geniculate nucleus - ML medial lemniscus - MLF medial lengitudinal fasciculus - MT mammillothalamic tract - MVN medial vestibular nucleus - NDBB nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca - NIA anterior nucleus interpositus - NIP posterior nucleus interpositus - OD optic decussation - OT optic tract - PAC paracentral thalamic nucleus - PPN pedunculopontine region - PRO gyrus proreus - PRT pretectal region - PT pyramidal tract - PTA anterior pretectal region - PTM medial pretectal region - PTO olivary pretectal nucleus - PTP poterior pretectal region - Pul pulvinar nucleus - Put putamen - RF reticular formation - RN red nucleus - Rt reticular complex of the thalamus - S solitary tract - SCi superior colliculus, intermediate gray - SN substantia nigra - ST subthalamic nucleus - VA ventroanterior thalamic nucleus - VB ventrobasal complex - VL ventrolateral thalamic nucleus - VM ventromedial thalamic nucleus - III oculomotor nucleus - IIIn oculomotor nerve - 5S spinal trigeminal nucleus - 5T spinal trigeminal tract - VII facial nucleus  相似文献   

Summary Ascending projections from the nucleus of the brachium of the inferior colliculus (NBIC) in the cat were studied by the autoradiographic tracing method. Many fibers from the NBIC ascend ipsilaterally in the lateral tegmentum along the medial border of the brachium of the inferior colliculus. At midbrain levels, fibers from the NBIC end in the superior colliculus, the pretectum, the central gray and the peripeduncular tegmental region bilaterally with ipsilateral predominance. NBIC fibers to the superior colliculus are distributed densely to laminae VI an III throughout the whole rostrocaudal extent of the colliculus. In the pretectum, NBIC fibers terminate in the anterior and medial nuclei and the nucleus of the posterior commissure. NBIC fibers to the dorsal thalamus are distributed largely ipsilaterally. Many NBIC fibers end in the dorsal and medial divisions of the medial geniculate body, but few in the ventral division. The NBIC also sends fibers to the suprageniculate, limitans and lateralis posterior nuclei and the lateral portion of the posterior nuclear complex; these regions of termination of NBIC fibers constitute, as a whole, a single NBIC recipient sector. Additionally, the NBIC sends fibers to the centralis lateralis, medialis dorsalis, paraventricular and subparafascicular nuclei of the thalamus.Abbreviations APtC Pars compacta of anterior pretectal nucleus - APtR Pars reticulata of anterior pretectal nucleus - BIC Brachium of infertior colliculus - CG Central gray - CL Nucleus centralis lateralis - CP Cerebral peduncle - D Dorsal division of medial geniculate body - IC Inferior colliculus - LG Lateral geniculate body - LP Nucleus lateralis posterior - Lim Nucleus limitans - M Medial division of medial geniculate body - MD Nucleus medialis dorsalis - ML Medial lemniscus - NBIC Nucleus of brachium of inferior colliculus - NPC Nucleus of posterior commissure - PN Pontine nuclei - Ppr Peripeduncular region - Pt Pretectum - Pbg Parabigeminal nucleus - Pol Lateral portion of posterior nuclear complex - Pom Medial portion of posterior nuclear complex - Pul Pulvinar - Pv Nucleus paraventricularis - R Red nucleus - SC Superior colliculus - Sg Nucleus suprageniculatus - Spf Nucleus subparafascicularis - V Ventral division of medial geniculate body - VPL Nucleus ventralis posterolateralis - VPM Nucleus ventralis posteromedialis - II,III,IV,VI Tectal laminae  相似文献   

本实验将~3H-Leucine 或 WGA-HRP 定位注(导)入大鼠一侧上丘内,观察了上丘传出纤维的终止部位。上丘浅层的传出纤维下行终止于二叠体旁核(以同侧核的背、腹群为主)、同侧桥核的背外侧部;其上行投射终止于内侧膝状体、膝上核、顶盖前区后核、丘脑外侧后核(以上均为两侧性,以同侧为主)、同侧的内及外侧视束核和外侧膝状体的背侧及腹侧核。另外,在两侧视束和视束交叉处均有标记颗粒。上丘中、深层的传出纤维终止于同侧中央灰质、Darkschewitsch 核、Cajal 中介核、楔形核以及对侧上丘;上行终止于内测膝状体,膝上核、顶盖前区前核、丘脑外侧后核(以上均为两侧性,以同侧为主)、束旁核、未定带、丘脑腹侧核(以上均为同侧);下行终止于同侧的有二叠体旁区和二叠体旁核,桥核的背外侧部、下丘外侧部、桥脑和延髓网状结构、下橄榄核的外侧部;终止于对侧的有二叠体旁核、桥脑和延髓网状结构内侧部、下橄榄核的内侧副核、脊髓颈段前角。  相似文献   

Summary The interconnections of the auditory cortex with the parahippocampal and cingulate cortices were studied in the cat. Injections of the anterograde and retrograde tracer WGA-HRP were performed, in different cats (n = 9), in electrophysiologically identified auditory cortical fields. Injections in the posterior zone of the auditory cortex (PAF or at the PAF/AI border) labeled neurons and axonal terminal fields in the cingulate gyrus, mainly in the ventral bank of the splenial sulcus (a region that can be considered as an extension of the cytoarchitectonic area Cg), and posteriorly in the retrosplenial area. Labeling was also present in area 35 of the perirhinal cortex, but it was sparser than in the cingulate gyrus. Following WGA-HRP injection in All, no labeling was found in the cingulate gyrus, but a few neurons and terminals were labeled in area 35. In contrast, no or very sparse labeling was observed in the cingulate and perirhinal cortices after WGA-HRP injections in the anterior zone of the auditory cortex (AI or AAF). A WGA-HRP injection in the cingulate gyrus labeled neurons in the posterior zone of the auditory cortex, between the posterior ectosylvian and the posterior suprasylvian sulci, but none was found more anteriorly in regions corresponding to AI, AAF and AII. The present data indicate the existence of preferential interconnections between the posterior auditory cortex and the limbic system (cingulate and parahippocampal cortices). This specialization of posterior auditory cortical areas can be related to previous observations indicating that the anterior and posterior regions of the auditory cortex differ from each other by their response properties to sounds and their pattern of connectivity with the auditory thalamus and the claustrum.Abbreviations AAF anterior auditory cortical field - aes anterior ectosylvian sulcus - AI primary auditory cortical field - AII secondary auditory cortical field - ALLS anterior-lateral lateral suprasylvian visual area - BF best frequency - C cerebral cortex - CC corpus callosum - CIN cingulate cortex - CL claustrum - DLS dorsal lateral suprasylvian visual area - DP dorsoposterior auditory area - E entorhinal cortex - IC inferior colliculus - LGN lateral geniculate nucleus - LV pars lateralis of the ventral division of the MGB - LVe lateral ventricule - MGB medial geniculate body - OT optic tract - OV pars ovoidea of the ventral division of the MGB - PAF posterior auditory cortical field - pes posterior ectosylvian sulcus - PLLS posterior-lateral lateral suprasylvian visual area - PS posterior suprasylvian visual area - PU putamen - RE reticular complex of thalamus - rs rhinal sulcus - SC superior colliculus - SS suprasylvian sulcus - T temporal auditory cortical field - TMB tetramethylbenzidine - VBX ventrobasal complex of thalamus, external nucleus - VL pars ventrolateralis of the ventral division of the MGB - VLS ventrolateral suprasylvian visual area - VPAF ventroposterior auditory cortical field - WGA-HRP wheat germ agglutinin labeled with horseradish peroxidase - wm white matter  相似文献   

Anatomical and imaging studies show ample evidence for auditory activation of the visual cortex following early onset of blindness in both humans and animal models. Anatomical studies in animal models of early blindness clearly show intermodal pathways through which auditory information can reach the primary visual cortex. There is clear evidence for intermodal corticocortical pathways linking auditory and visual cortex and also novel connections between the inferior colliculus and the visual thalamus. A recent publication [L.K. Laemle, N.L. Strominger, D.O. Carpenter, Cross-modal innervation of primary visual cortex by auditory fibers in congenitally anophthalmic mice, Neurosci. Lett. 396 (2006) 108–112] suggested the presence of a direct reciprocal connection between the inferior colliculus and the primary visual cortex (V1) in congenitally anophthalmic ZRDCT/An mice. This implies that this mutant mouse would be the only known vertebrate having a direct tectal connection with a primary sensory cortex. The presence of this peculiar pathway was reinvestigated in the ZRDCT/An mouse with highly sensitive neuronal tracers. We found the connections normally described in the ZRDCT/An mouse between: (i) the inferior colliculus and the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, (ii) V1 and the superior colliculus, (iii) the lateral posterior nucleus and V1 and between (iv) the inferior colliculus and the medial geniculate nucleus. We also show unambiguously that the auditory subcortical structures do not connect the primary visual cortex in the anophthalmic mouse. In particular, we find no evidence of a direct projection from the auditory mesencephalon to the cortex in this animal model of blindness.  相似文献   

Summary Subcortical connections of the striate cortex with the superior colliculus (SC), the lateral pulvinar (Pl), the inferior pulvinar (Pi) and the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LG) were studied in the macaque monkey, Macaca fascicularis, following cortical injections of tritiated proline and/or horseradish peroxidase. All four structures were shown to receive topographically organized projections from the striate cortex. The exposed surface of the striate cortex was found to be connected to the rostral part of the SC and the caudal part of the LG. Injections of the exposed striate cortex close to its rostral border resulted in label in adjoining parts of the Pl and Pi. The ventral half and dorsal half of the calcarine fissure were connected with the medial and lateral parts of the SC, the ventrolateral and dorsomedial portions of the Pl and Pi and the lateral and medial parts of the LG, respectively. Injections located at the lateral posterior extreme of the calcarine fissure resulted in label at the optic disc representation in the LG. The horseradish peroxidase material demonstrated that LG neurons in all laminae and interlaminar zones project to the striate cortex.Abbreviations BIC brachium of the inferior colliculus - BSC brachium of the superior colliculus - C cerebellum - CG central grey - i interlaminar zone(s) of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus - IC inferior colliculus - ICc central nucleus of the inferior colliculus - LG dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus - m magnocellular layer(s) of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus - MG medial geniculate body - p parvocellular layer(s) of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus - P pulvinar complex - Pi inferior pulvinar - PG pregeniculate nucleus - Pl lateral pulvinar - Pm medial pulvinar - s superficial layer(s) of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus - SC superior colliculus - sgs stratum griseum superficiale of the superior colliculus - R reticular nucleus of the thalamus - VP ventroposterior group - 17 Area 17 Supported by NEI Grants EY-07007 (J. Graham) and EY-02686 (J.H. Kaas)  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of anterogradely-transported horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was examined in the rostral mesencephalon and thalamus of cats and raccoons that had received injections of HRP in the cervical and/or lumbosacral enlargements of the spinal cord. Labeling was consistently observed in a large number of loci. All regions previously identified as targets of spinomesencephalic or spinothalamic fibers were included. Evidence of topographical organization was obtained in several regions. Adjacent fields of labeling were often separable on the basis of the distribution, appearance and topographical organization of the labeling. Subject to the methodological constraints imposed by the possibilities of transneuronal and/or collateral labeling, we conclude that a wide variety of loci in the thalamus receive direct spinal input. The organization of these projections suggests that each terminal region may be associated with different aspects of spinal cord function.Abbreviations A anterior pretectal nucleus - AD anterodorsal n. - AM anteromedial n. - AV anteroventral n. - CeM centromedial n. - CD centrodorsal n. (raccoon) - CL centrolateral n. - CM centre median - H habenula - L n.a limitans - LD laterodorsal n. - LG lateral geniculate - LGv lateral geniculate, ventral subnucleus - LP lateral posterior n. - LPvi lateral posterior n., ventral intermediate part - M medial pretectal n. - mc medial geniculate, magnocellular subnucleus - MD mediodorsal n. - MG medial geniculate - ML medial lemniscus - N pretectal nucleus of the optic tract - nBIC n. of the brachium of the inferior colliculus - O olivary pretectal n. - OT optic tract - P posterior nucleus of Rioch - Pc paracentral n. - Pf parafascicular n. - PO posterior group of thalamus - PP posterior pretectal n. - Pt parataenial n. - Pul pulvinar - Pv paraventricular n. of thalamus - R reticular n. - Re n. reuniens - Rh rhomboid n. - RN red nucleus - SG suprageniculate n. - Sm n. submedius - SN substantia nigra - Spf subparafascicular n. - Tg mesencephalic tegmentum - VA ventroanterior n. - VP ventroposterior thalamus (i.e. VPM, VPI, and VPL) - VL ventrolateral n. - VM ventromedial n. - VMb ventromedial n., basal part - VPI ventroposteroinferior n. - VPL1a ventroposterolateral n., lateral part - VPLm ventroposterolateral n., medial part - VPM ventroposteromedial n. - ZI zona incerta  相似文献   

为了全面了解大白鼠下丘的非听性传出投射及其起源细胞在下丘的分布情况,作者分别向下丘、丘脑和延髓注入WGA-HRP,作顺行或逆行追踪研究,结果如下: 下丘的非听性传出投射分布较广,在间脑和脑干终止于12个核团和地区,包括同侧的桥核背外侧部、臂旁外侧核、中脑中央灰质、中脑外侧被盖核、上丘联合核、顶盖前区、丘脑网状核、膝上核、丘脑后核、丘脑腹核、未定带和对侧楔束核的背外侧部。上述非听性传出投射的起源细胞分布于下丘除中央核以外的其他亚核。  相似文献   

Summary The present experiments were undertaken to define the areas of projection of pretectum and superior colliculus to the pulvinar and n. lateralis posterior, respectively, and to define other brain stem structures projecting to these thalamic nuclei in cats. For this purpose the technique of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) has been used.After injection of the enzyme in the pulvinar, neurons were labeled in all subdivisions of the pretectal area. The majority of the labeled cells were located in the n. pretectalis posterior and n. tractus opticus although cells filled with HRP were present also in the n. pretectalis anterior pars compacta and area pretectalis medialis. Neurons projecting to the pulvinar were also found in the periaqueductal gray, reticular formation and locus coeruleus.When HRP was injected in the n. lateralis posterior, labeled neurons were present in the II and III subdivisions of the second layer of the superior colliculus. The location of these cells shifted from medial to lateral as the injections were shifted from posterior to anterior within the lateralis posterior. Neurons projecting to this nucleus were also present in the intermediate layers of the superior colliculus, lateral hypothalamus and parabigeminal nucleus.The possible role of the pretectal area and superior colliculus in mediating somesthetic input to the pulvinar and lateralis posterior, respectively, and the role of these structures in the control of ocular movements, are discussed.Abbreviations APM area pretectalis medialis - Cu nucleus cuneiformis - CS nucleus centralis superior - fr fasciculus retroflexus - Gp pontine gray - Hb nucleus habenulae - IC inferior colliculus - LC locus coeruleus - LGB lateral geniculate body - LP lateralis posterior - MGB medial geniculate body - nPAc nucleus pretectalis anterior pars compacta - nPAr nucleus pretectalis anterior pars reticularis - nPC nucleus posterior commissurae - nPP nucleus pretectalis posterior - nTO nucleus tractus opticus - PAG periaqueductal gray - PB nucleus parabigeminalis - Pi pulvinar inferior - PO nucleus posterior of the thalamus - Pul pulvinar - Pt pretectum - RF reticular formation - Rtp tegmental reticular nucleus - SC superior colliculus Supported by H. de Jur Foundation and USPHS Grant TWO 2718Present address: Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie, Postfach 968, D-3400 Göttingen, Federal Republic of Germany  相似文献   

Summary Eye and head movements are strongly interconnected, because they both play an important role in accurately determining the direction of the visual field. The rostral brainstem includes two areas which contain neurons that participate in the control of both movement and position of the head and eyes. These regions are the caudal third of Field H of Forel, including the rostral interstitial nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (riMLF) and the interstitial nucleus of Cajal with adjacent reticular formation (INC-RF). Lesions in the caudal Field H of Forel in monkey and man result in vertical gaze paralysis. Head tilt to the opposite side and inability to maintain vertical eye position follow lesions in the INC-RF in cat and monkey. Projections from these areas to extraocular motoneurons has previously been observed. We reported a study of the location of neurons in Field H of Forel and INC-RF that project to spinal cord in cat. The distribution of these fiber projections to the spinal cord are described. The results indicate that: 1. Unlike the neurons projecting to the extra-ocular muscle motoneurons, the major portion of the spinally projecting neurons are not located in the riMLF or INC proper but in adjacent areas, i.e. the ventral and lateral parts of the caudal third of the Field H of Forel and in the INCRF. A few neurons were also found in the nucleus of the posterior commissure and ventrally adjoining reticular formation. 2. Neurons in caudal Field H of Forel project, via the ventral part of the ventral funiculus, to the lateral part of the upper cervical ventral horn. This area includes the laterally located motoneuronal cell groups, innervating cleidomastoid, clavotrapezius and splenius motoneurons. At lower cervical levels labeled fibers are distributed to the medial part of the ventral horn. Projections from the caudal Field H of Forel to thoracic or more caudal spinal levels are sparse. 3. Neurons in the INC-RF, together with a few neurons in the area of the nucleus of the posterior commissure, project bilaterally to the medial part of the upper cervical ventral horn, via the dorsal part of the ventral funiculus. This area includes motoneurons innervating prevertebral flexor muscles and some of the motoneurons of the biventer cervicis and complexus muscles. Further caudally, labeled fibers are distributed to the medial part of the ventral horn (laminae VIII and adjoining VII) similar to the projections of Field H of Forel. A few INC-RF projections were observed to low thoracic and lumbosacral levels. It is argued that the neurons in the caudal Field H of Forel, which project to the spinal cord are especially involved in the control of those fast vertical head movements which occur in conjunction with saccadic eye movements. In contrast the INC-RF projections to the spinal cord are responsible for slower, smaller movements controlling the position of the head in the vertical plane.Abbreviations Aq aquaduct of Sylvius - BIC brachium of the inferior colliculus - CGL lateral geniculate body - CGLd lateral geniculate body (dorsal part) - CGLv lateral geniculate body (ventral part) - CGM medial geniculate body - CGMd medial geniculate body, dorsal part - CGMint medial geniculate body, interior division - CGMp medial geniculate body, principal part - CM centromedian thalamic nucleus - CP posterior commissure - CS superior colliculus - D nucleus of Darkschewitsch - EW nucleus Edinger-Westphal - F fornix - FR/fRF fasciculus retroflexus - Hab habenular nucleus - HPA posterior hypothalamus area - HT hypothalamus - IN interpeduncular nucleus - INC interstitial nucleus of Cajal - LD nucleus lateralis dorsalis of the thalamus - LHA lateral hypothalamic area - LP lateral posterior nucleus - LV lateral ventricle - MB mammillary body - MC nucleus medialis centralis of the thalamus - MD nucleus medialis dorsalis of the thalamus - ML medial lemniscus - MTN medial terminal nucleus - ND nucleus of Darkschewitsch - NOT nucleus of the optic tract - NOTL lateral nucleus of the optic tract - NOTM medial nucleus of the optic tract - OL olivary pretectal nucleus - OT optic tract - PAG periaqueductal gray - PC pedunculus cerebri - PCN/NPC nucleus of the posterior commissure - PP posterior pretectal nucleus - PTA anterior pretectal nucleus - PTM medial pretectal nucleus - Pul pulvinar nucleus of the thalamus - PV posterior paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus - PVG periventricular gray - R reticular nucleus of the thalamus - riMLF rostral interstitial nucleus of the MLF - RN red nucleus - SM stria medullaris - SN substantia nigra - ST subthalamic nucleus - STT stria terminalis - SUB subiculum - VB ventrobasal complex of the thalamus - VTA ventral tegmental area of Tsai - ZI zona incerta - III oculomotor nucleus On leave of absence from Dept. Anatomy Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands  相似文献   

Summary Contralateral corticofugal projections from visual cortical areas to thalamic nuclei were demonstrated in the cat using anterograde transport of tritiated proline. Thalamic nuclei receiving projections from contralateral visual cortex include both subdivisions of the lateral-posterior nucleus, the posterior nucleus of Rioch, and the posterior nuclear complex.Abbreviations BIC brachium of the inferior colliculus - BN nucleus of the brachium of the inferior colliculus - BSC brachium of the superior colliculus - C dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, C laminae - CG central gray matter - D nucleus of Darkschewitz - FR fasciculus retroflexus - FTC central tegmental field - H habenula - IPN interpeduncular nucleus - LGNd dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, A laminae - LGNv ventral lateral geniculate nucleus - LP lateral posterior complex - LPi interjacent division of lateral posterior complex - LPl lateral division of lateral posterior complex - LPm medial division of lateral posterior complex - M mammillary body - MGM magnocellular division of medial geniculate nucleus - MGN medial geniculate nucleus - MGP parvocellular division of medial geniculate nucleus - MIN medial interlaminar division of lateral geniculate nucleus - MML medial medullary lamina - NOT nucleus of the optic tract - OT optic tract - P cerebral peduncle - PA anterior pretectal nucleus - PC nucleus of the posterior commissure - PM medial pretectal nucleus - PO posterior nuclear group - PoC posterior commissure - POi intermediate division of posterior nuclear complex - POL pretectal olivary nucleus - POm medial division of posterior nuclear complex - PPT posterior pretectal nucleus - PUL pulvinar - RN red nucleus - RNR posterior nucleus of Rioch - SG suprageniculate nucleus - SGI stratum griseum intermedium of superior colliculus - SGP stratum griseum profundum of superior colliculus - SCSl lower division of stratum griseum superficiale of superior colliculus - SGSu upper division of stratum griseum superficiale of superior colliculus - SN substantia nigra - SO stratum opticum of superior colliculus - TC tectal commissure - III III nerve - IIIN nucleus of III nerve  相似文献   

Summary Projections from the acoustic thalamus to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (AL) have been implicated in the formation of emotional memories. In order to begin elucidating the cellular basis of emotional learning in this pathway, the ultrastructure and synaptic associations of acoustic thalamus efferents terminating in AL were studied using wheat-germ agglutinated horse-radish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) and Phaseolus vulgaris Leucoagglutinin (Pha-L) as ultrastructural anterograde axonal markers. The tracers were injected into those areas of the thalamus (medial division of the medial geniculate body and posterior intralaminar nucleus, MGM/PIN) known both to project to AL and to receive afferents from the inferior colliculus. Terminals labeled with WGA-HRP or Pha-L in AL contained mitochrondria and many small, round clear vesicles and 0–3 large, dense-core vesicles. Most labeled terminals formed asymmetric synapses on unlabeled dendrites; of these the majority were on dendritic spines. These data demonstrate that projections from the acoustic thalamus form synapses in AL and provide the first characterization of the ultrastructure and synaptic associations of sensory afferent projections to the amygdala.Abbreviations ABL basolateral nucleus of the amygdala - ABM basomedial nucleus of the amygdala - ABV ventral basolateral nucleus of the amygdala - ACE central nucleus of the amygdala - ACO cortical nucleus of the amygdala - AM medial nucleus of the amygdala - APT anterior pretectal area - AST amygdalo-striatal transition area - AL lateral nucleus of the amygdala - CI internal capsule - CG central gray - CP cerebral peduncle - CPU caudateputamen - EN endopiriform area - GP globus pallidus - I intercalated nucleus of the amygdala - OT optic tract - PIN posterior intralaminar nucleus - PIR piriform cortex - POM medial posterior thalamic complex - PP peripeduncular area - PR perirhinal cortex - SC superior colliculus - SG suprageniculate nucleus - RN red nucleus  相似文献   

Projections from the auditory thalamus to the amygdala have been implicated in the processing of the emotional signficance of auditory stimuli. In order to further our understanding of the contribution of thalamoamygdala projections to auditory emotional processing, acoustic response properties of single neurons were examined in the auditory thalamus of chloral hydrate-anesthetized rats. The emphasis was on the medial division of the medial geniculate body (MGm), the suprageniculate nucleus (SG), and the posterior intralaminar nucleus (PIN), thalamic areas that receive inputs from the inferior colliculus and project to the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (AL). For comparison, recordings were also made from the specific thalamocortical relay nucleus, the ventral division of the medial geniculate body (MGv). Responses latencies were not statistically different in MGv, MGm, PIN, and SG, but were longer in the posterior thalamic region (PO). Overall, frequency tuning functions were narrower in MGv than in the other areas but many cells in MGm were as narrowly tuned as cells in MGv. There was some organization of MGv, with low frequencies represented dorsally and high frequencies ventrally. A similar but considerably weaker organization was observed in MGm. While the full range of frequencies tested (1–30 kHz) was represented in MGv, cells in MGm, PIN, and SG tended to respond best to higher frequencies (16–30 kHz). Thresholds were higher in PIN than in MGv (other areas did not differ from MGv). Nevertheless, across the various areas, the breadth of tuning was inversely related to threshold, such that more narrowly tuned cells tended to have lower thresholds. Many of the response properties observed in MGm, PIN, and SG correspond with properties found in AL neurons and thus add support to the notion that auditory responses in AL reflect thalamoamygdala transmission.  相似文献   

Summary Groups of pregnant rats were injected with two successive daily doses of 3H-thymidine from gestational day 12 and 13 (E12+13) until the day before parturition (E21+22) in order to label in their embryos the proliferating precursors of neurons. At 60 days of age the proportion of neurons generated (or no longer labelled) on specific embryonic days was determined quantitatively in six vertical strips of the inferior colliculus. It was established that the neurons of the inferior colliculus are produced between days E14 and the perinatal period in an orderly sequence: the earliest generated cells are situated rostrally, laterally and ventrally in the principal nucleus, the latest generated cells are situated caudally, medially and dorsally in the pericentral nucleus. This cytogenetic gradient suggested that the cells are produced dorsally in the caudal recess of the embryonic aqueduct and are deployed in an outsidein pattern.This study has brought to a conclusion our datings of neuron production in the central auditory pathway of the rat. The results revealed that in those structures in which a cytogenetic gradient could be recognized, the orientation of this gradient and the regional tonotopic order (demonstrated mostly in species other than the rat) tended to be aligned. Moreover, with the exception of the medial trapezoid nucleus and the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (which receive contralateral input from the cochlear nuclei), sites with early-produced neurons correlated with units responding preferentially to high frequency tones and vice versa. This suggested that the orderly production of neurons within different components of the auditory system is a factor in their subsequent topographic organization. A comparison of the temporal order of neuron production in different components of the auditory pathway suggested that the establishment of orderly topographic relations between some of the structures (e.g., the medial geniculate body and the primary auditory cortex) takes place before this spatial relationship could be specified as a cochleotopic order.Abbreviations ab cochlear nerve, ascending branch - Ai aqueduct, inferior collicular recess - AI primary auditory cortex - bi brachium of inferior colliculus - c caudal - CE cerebellum - CI central nucleus, inferior colliculus - CNa anteroventral cochlear nucleus - CNd dorsal cochlear nucleus - CNp posteroventral cochlear nucleus - d dorsal - db cochlear nerve, descending branch - DI diencephalon - ds dorsal acoustic stria (stria of Monakow) - DM dorsomedial nucleus, inferior colliculus - EX external nucleus, inferior colliculus - IC inferior colliculus - is intermediate acoustic stria (stria of Held) - l lateral - LD dorsal nucleus of lateral lemniscus - ll lateral lemniscus - LV ventral nucleus of lateral lemniscus - m medial - ME medulla - MG medial geniculate body - MS mesencephalon - PC pericentral nucleus, inferior colliculus - PR principal nucleus, inferior colliculus - py pyramidal cells, dorsal cochlear nucleus - r rostral - SOl lateral superior olivary nucleus - SOm medial superior olivary nucleus - TRl lateral trapezoid nucleus - TRm medial trapezoid nucleus - v ventral - VL lateral ventricle - vs ventral acoustic stria (trapezoid body) - V3 third ventricle - VIIIn cochlear nerve  相似文献   

The efferent and afferent connections of the dorsal part of the anterior pretectal nucleus, pars compacta (APc), were studied experimentally in the rat by using neurotracers. A restricted number of structures supply afferents to the anterior pretectal nucleus: the visual cortex (areas 17, 18 and 18a), ventral lateral geniculate nucleus and superficial layers of the superior colliculus. Additional afferents have been demonstrated originating from the Darkschewitsch nucleus, periaqueductal gray, zona incerta and anterior cingulate cortex. Efferent fibers are distributed to a sector of the deep mesencephalic nucleus just dorsolateral to the red nucleus, the basilar pontine gray, posterior and olivary pretectal nuclei, superficial layers of the superior colliculus, lateral posterior thalamic nucleus, ventral lateral geniculate nucleus and zona incerta. These anatomical observations indicate that the pars compacta of the anterior pretectal nucleus is closely related to visual centers, suggesting an involvement of this nucleus in visually mediated behavior.  相似文献   

We have previously found that the coupling of changes in autonomic activity and emotional behavior to acoustic stimuli through classical fear conditioning survives bilateral ablation of auditory cortex but is disrupted by bilateral lesions of the medial geniculate nucleus or inferior colliculus in rats. Auditory fear conditioning thus appears to be mediated by the relay of acoustic input from the medial geniculate nucleus to subcortical rather than cortical targets. Since the medial geniculate nucleus projects, in addition to auditory cortex, to a striatal field, involving portions of the posterior neostriatum and underlying archistriatum (amygdala), we have sought to determine whether interruption of connections linking the medial geniculate nucleus to this subcortical field also disrupts conditioning. The conditioned emotional response model studied included the measurement of increases in mean arterial pressure and heart rate and the suppression of exploratory activity and drinking by the acoustic conditioned stimulus following delayed classical conditioning, where the footshock unconditioned stimulus appeared at the end of the conditioned stimulus. The peak increase in arterial pressure and the duration of activity and drinking suppression were greater in unoperated animals subjected to delayed conditioning than in pseudoconditioned controls, where the footshock was randomly rather than systematically related to the acoustic stimulus. Increases in heart rate, however, did not differ in conditioned and pseudoconditioned groups. While the arterial pressure and behavioral responses therefore reflect associative conditioning, the heart rate response does not. Rats were prepared with bilateral lesions of the medial geniculate nucleus, bilateral lesions of the striatal field or asymmetrical unilateral lesions destroying the medial geniculate nucleus on one side and the striatal field on the contralateral side. The latter preparation leaves one medial geniculate nucleus and one striatal field intact but disconnected and thus produces a selective auditory deafferentation of the intact striatal field. Control groups included animals with unilateral lesion of the medial geniculate nucleus, with unilateral lesion of the medial geniculate nucleus combined with lesion of the ipsilateral striatal field, unilateral lesion of the medial geniculate combined with lesion of the contralateral anterior neostriatum (a striatal area outside of the medial geniculate nucleus projection field).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The major extrinsic projections to and from visual and auditory areas of cerebral cortex were examined in fetal cats between 46 and 60 days of gestation (E46-E60) using axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase either alone or in combination with tritiated proline. Projections to visual cortex from the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and lateral-posterior/pulvinar complex exist by E46, and those from the contralateral hemisphere, claustrum, putamen, and central lateral nucleus of the thalamus are present by E54-E56. In addition, cells in the medial geniculate nucleus project to auditory cortex by E55. At E54-E56 efferent cortical projections reach the contralateral hemisphere, claustrum, putamen, lateral-posterior/pulvinar complex and reticular nucleus of the thalamus. Cells in visual cortex also project to the dorsal and ventral lateral geniculate nuclei, pretectum, superior colliculus and pontine nuclei, and cells in auditory cortex project to the medial geniculate nucleus. Except for interhemispheric projections, all pathways demonstrated are ipsilateral, and projections linking cerebral cortex with claustrum, dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and lateral-posterior/pulvinar complex are reciprocal. The reciprocal projections formed with the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, lateral-posterior/pulvinar complex and the claustrum show a greater degree of topological organization compared to the projections formed with the contralateral hemisphere and superior colliculus, which show little or no topological order. Therefore, the results of the present study show that the major extrinsic projections of the cat's visual and auditory cortical areas with subcortical structures are present by the eighth week of gestation, and that the origins and terminations of many of these projections are arranged topologically.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of the primary auditory cortex (AI) of the cat was found to evoke EPSPs, IPSPs or EPSP-IPSP sequences in colliculogeniculate (CG) neurons in the inferior colliculus (IC) which responded antidromically to stimulation of the medial geniculate nucleus. The CG neurons responding to the AI stimulation with short-latency EPSPs (1.0-1.4 msec) were located in the dorsomedial portion of the central nucleus of the IC. On the other hand, latencies of IPSPs elicited in CG neurons by AI stimulation ranged from 2.0 to 4.5 msec.  相似文献   

Kimura A  Donishi T  Okamoto K  Tamai Y 《Neuroscience》2004,128(2):399-419
We examined efferent connections of the cortical auditory field that receives thalamic afferents specifically from the suprageniculate nucleus (SG) and the dorsal division (MGD) of the medial geniculate body (MG) in the rat [Neuroscience 117 (2003) 1003]. The examined cortical region was adjacent to the caudodorsal border (4.8-7.0 mm posterior to bregma) of the primary auditory area (area Te1) and exhibited relatively late auditory response and high best frequency, compared with the caudal end of area Te1. On the basis of the location and auditory response property, the cortical region is considered identical to "posterodorsal" auditory area (PD). Injections of biocytin in PD revealed characteristic projections, which terminated in cortical areas and subcortical structures that play pivotal roles in directed attention and space processing. The most noticeable cortical terminal field appeared as dense plexuses of axons in area Oc2M, the posterior parietal cortex. Small terminal fields were scattered in area frontal cortex, area 2 that comprises the frontal eye field. The subcortical terminal fields were observed in the pontine nucleus, the nucleus of the brachium inferior colliculus, and the intermediate and deep layers of the superior colliculus. Corticostriatal projections targeted two discrete regions of the caudate putamen: the top of the middle part and the caudal end. It is noteworthy that the inferior colliculus and amygdala virtually received no projection. Corticothalamic projections terminated in the MGD, the SG, the ventral zone of the ventral division of the MG, the ventral margin of the lateral posterior nucleus (LP), and the caudodorsal part of the posterior thalamic nuclear group (Po). Large terminals were found in the MGD, SG, LP and Po besides small terminals, the major component of labeling. The results suggest that PD is an auditory area that plays an important role in spatial processing linked to directed attention and motor function. The results extend to the rat findings from nonhuman primates suggesting the existence of a posterodorsal processing stream for auditory spatial perception.  相似文献   

Summary Subcortical connections of the superior colliculus were investigated in albino and pigmented rats using retrograde and anterograde tracing with horseradish peroxidase (HRP), following unilateral injection of HRP into the superior colliculus. Afferents project bilaterally from the parabigeminal nuclei, the nucleus of the optic tract, the posterior pretectal region, the dorsal part of the lateral posterior-pulvinar complex and the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus; and ipsilaterally from the substantia nigra pars reticulata, the pars lateralis of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, the intergeniculate leaflet, the zona incerta, the olivary pretectal nucleus, the nucleus of the posterior commissure, the lateral thalamus, Forel's field H2, and the ventromedial hypothalamus. Collicular efferents terminate ipsilaterally in the anterior, posterior and olivary pretectal nuclei, the nuclei of the optic tract and posterior commissure, the ventrolateral part of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus, the pars lateralis of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, the intergeniculate leaflet, and the zona incerta; and bilaterally in the parabigeminal nuclei and lateral posterior-pulvinar complex (chiefly its dorsal part). The general topographical patterns of some of the afferent and efferent projections were also determined: the caudal and rostral parts of the parabigeminal nucleus project to the caudal and rostral regions, respectively, of the superior colliculus; caudal superior colliculus projects to the most lateral, and lateral superior colliculus to the most caudal part of the terminal field in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus; caudolateral superior colliculus projects to the caudal ventrolateral part of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, while rostromedial parts of the colliculus project more rostrally and dorsomedially. Following comparable injections in pigmented and albino animals, fewer retrogradely labelled cells were found in subcortical structures in the albino than in the pigmented rats. The difference was most marked in nuclei contralateral to the injected colliculus. Thus, the effects of albinism on the nervous system may be more widespread than previously thought.M. R. C. Scholar  相似文献   

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