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The development of generic statutory roles in mental health care has been the subject of discussion by New Zealand nurses for the past decade. One such role is that of second health professional in judicial reviews of civil commitment. Issues identified by New Zealand nurses have also been raised in England, where it seems that nurses are likely to assume the role of Approved Mental Health Worker under English mental health law. A survey of mental health nurses found that few had received any preparation for the role of second health professional and 45% did not feel adequately prepared for the role. Some of these issues are reflected in a New Zealand inquiry which resulted in the Ministry of Health developing a written report form for second health professionals. However, the form has the potential to reduce the mental health nursing role to a narrow legal role. Statutory roles such as that of second health professional challenge mental health nurses to critically reflect on the conceptual and ethical basis of their practice. While traditional concepts such as therapeutic relationships and advocacy need to be reviewed in light of these changes, nurses need to be vigilant in articulating the moral and clinical basis of their roles. The development of guidelines for he second health professional role is suggested as a way of supporting clinical practice in this area.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the utility of Consumer Notes Clinical Indicators (CNCI) as a means to monitor mental health nursing clinical practice against the Australian and New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses' (ANZCMHN) Standards of Practice for mental health nursing in New Zealand. CNCI are statements describing pivotal mental health nursing behaviours for which evidence can be found in the nurses' case notes. This paper presents 25 valid and reliable CNCI that can be used to monitor mental health nursing practice against the ANZCMHN's Standards of Practice for mental health nursing in New Zealand. The bicultural clinical indicators were generated in focus groups of Maori and non-Maori mental health nurses, prioritized in a three-round reactive Delphi survey of expert mental health nurses and consumers, pilot tested, and applied in a national field study. This paper reports the development and validation of the CNCI, for which achievement is assessed by an audit of the nursing documentation in consumer case notes. The CNCI were tested in a national field study of 327 sets of consumer case notes at 11 District Health Board sites. The results of the national field study show wide variation in occurrence of individual indicators, particularly in the areas of informed consent, information about legal rights, and provision of culturally safe and recovery-focused care. We discuss the implications of using the CNCI to assess the professional accountability of mental health nurses to provide quality care. Recommendations are made regarding the application of the clinical indicators and future research required, determining appropriate benchmarks for quality practice. The CNCI could be adapted for application in other mental health nursing and other mental health professional clinical settings.  相似文献   

Despite significant changes to mental health services, nurses remain the professional group most likely to be in close contact with people who experience mental health problems. A core part of the contemporary identity of the mental health nurse is one who is able to provide acceptance and support for an individual's recovery through the therapeutic relationship. Yet there have always been some tensions with the mental health nursing role that can appear to challenge this relational focus. An increasing prominence of risk management in mental health care can position mental health nurses as responsible for enacting restrictions and has reignited interest in the role of mental health professionals in social control. This paper reports on one part of a multiple case study, which aimed to explore mental health professionals’ experiences of such tensions in the context of decision‐making. Interviews and observations were undertaken in acute ward and assertive outreach settings. Findings suggested that risk dominated decision‐making to such an extent it defined the way service users were understood and treated. A distant relationship between professionals and service users helped to create and maintain this situation. There needs to be a greater focus on service users’ subjective experiences in the decision‐making process to challenge the definition of people with mental health problems as risky.  相似文献   

Quality nursing plays a central role in the delivery of contemporary health and social care, with a positive correlation being demonstrated between patient satisfaction and the quality of nursing care received. One way to ensure such quality is to develop metrics that measure the effectiveness of various aspects of care across a variety of settings. Effective mental health nursing is predicated on understanding the lived experiences of service users in order to provide sensitively‐attuned nursing care. To achieve this, mental health nurses need to establish the all‐important therapeutic relationship, showing compassion and creating a dialogue whereby service users feel comfortable to share their experiences that help contextualize their distress. Indeed, service users value positive attitudes, being listened to, and being able to trust those who provide care, while mental health nurses value their ability to relate through talking, listening, and expressing empathy. However, the literature suggests that within mental health practice, a disproportionate amount of time is taken up by other activities, with little time being spent listening and talking to service users. The present study discusses the evidence relating to the therapeutic relationship in acute mental health wards and explores why, after five decades, it is not recognized as a fundamental metric of mental health nursing.  相似文献   

AIM: This paper illustrates key developments in the changing relationship between the two professions over the last 200 years. BACKGROUND: To understand the current relationship between mental health nurses and psychiatrists within the UK, it is necessary to understand the historical development of that relationship. METHODS: Information was sought from a range of primary documentary sources, including contemporary journals, asylum documents and official governmental and health service reports. Secondary sources, such as histories of medicine, nursing and individual asylums provided further supportive information. FINDINGS: Psychiatry emerged as a profession at the end of the 18th century and found a power base within county asylums from the middle of the 19th century. Medical superintendents, the doctors in charge of asylums, had strict control over the activities of attendants, the justification for which was the need to protect patients from cruelty and neglect. Superintendents' desire for their own enhanced professional status led to formalized training for attendants at the end of the 19th Century, in which training materials again reinforced the importance of obedience by nurses (as attendants had become known). During the 1920s, trade unions struggled for improved pay and conditions, whilst professionalizing mental health nursing was a secondary priority. Reorganization following creation of the National Health Service in 1948 lessened superintendents' authority, and ultimately the management of mental health nursing shifted from them. The move towards community care allowed mental health nurses to develop greater independence, which was supported by changes in nurse education. CONCLUSIONS: Psychiatrists in the UK remain highly influential, despite the move from their traditional power base in hospitals. Changes in mental health care, such as new nurse prescribing powers and the loss of psychiatrists' control over admission of patients to hospital, will continue to change the relationship between mental health nursing and psychiatry.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This paper reports the three-stage development of a professional practice audit questionnaire for mental health nursing in Aotearoa/New Zealand. In Study 1, clinical indicator statements ( n  = 99) generated from focus group data, which were considered to be unobservable in the nursing documentation in consumer case notes, were included in a three-round Delphi process. Consensus of ratings occurred for the mental health nurse and academic participants ( n  = 7) on 83 clinical indicator statements. In Study 2, the clinical indicator statements ( n  = 67) that met importance and consensus criteria were incorporated into a questionnaire, which was piloted at a New Zealand mental health service. The questionnaire was then modified for use in a national field study. In Study 3, the national field study, registered mental health nurses ( n  = 422) from 11 New Zealand District Health Board mental health services completed the questionnaire. Five categories of nursing practice were identified: professional and evidence-based practice; consumer focus and reflective practice; professional development and integration; ethically and legally safe practice; and culturally safe practice. Analyses revealed little difference in the perceptions of nurses from different backgrounds regarding the regularity of the nursing practices. Further research is needed to calibrate the scores on each clinical indicator statement with behaviour in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Mental health nursing as a distinct speciality has been in decline in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, for two decades. Arguably, this decline has worsened both consumer outcomes and the workplace experiences of mental health nurses. This article reports on a study designed to ascertain the nature of contemporary mental health nursing practice in New South Wales. The study utilised focus group research methodology, with participants recounting the realities of their day-to-day professional practice and perceptions of their professional identity. The findings indicate a contracting, if not moribund, profession; a decrease in the value attached to mental health nursing; and a pattern of persistent underfunding by successive governments of mental health services. An analysis of present and historical trends reveals there is a pressing need for a restructure and re-formation of mental health nursing in rural areas. This article links the shortage of mental health nurses in NSW to the closure of the mental health nursing register, a shift to comprehensive/generalist nurse education models, a perceived lack of nurses’ professional standing, and natural attrition without suitably qualified replacements. Mental health nurses in this study perceived that they were not valued by other health professionals or by their own managers. Participants in this study reported mental health nursing in rural areas was an unattractive career choice. These findings are important to the understanding of recruitment and retention issues in rural mental health nursing in Australia.  相似文献   

The development of positivism, which had a considerable influence on the evolution of psychiatric thought and practice during the second half of the nineteenth century, is outlined. It was within this intellectual framework that figures such as Kraepelin, Bleuler and Schneider developed psychiatric nosologies and diagnostic criteria for certain mental illnesses. While there was little scientific evidence to support the claim that medical treatments had any beneficial effects on psychiatric disorders, nevertheless psychiatric institutions were established in the mid-nineteenth century based on the medical model. Nurses were expected to observe, collect and report data on mental patients which were then presented to doctors for analysis. The intellectual climate of the asylums was such that nurses were not encouraged to question the scientific principles upon which the therapeutic regime was based, nor were they encouraged to seek a rationale for their daily observations and data collection. The specialized training for asylum nurses which was introduced towards the end of the nineteenth century did not give nurses their own professional identity, but rather reinforced the supremacy of medical knowledge in the care of the mentally ill. Trained nurses enhanced medical credibility, but did not progress care of the mentally ill because their training did not imply or encourage questioning of the positivistic basis of psychiatric treatment.  相似文献   

Proposed changes to the Mental Health Act (MHA) legislation in England and Wales have been identified as having significant impact upon both mental health service delivery and professional roles. Key issues being identified for both service delivery and professionals are the creation of approved mental health professionals (AMHP), increased demand upon community services and a potential negative impact upon the therapeutic relationship. Mental health nurses in particular have expressed their concerns, through their professional bodies, regarding the impact of the proposed MHA changes upon the therapeutic relationship. The aim of this article is to present findings from recently conducted research that explores experiences and perceptions of approved social workers (ASWs) regarding the impact of invoking the MHA upon the therapeutic relationship. These findings inform wider mental health nursing practice of essential skills and knowledge to protect and potentially enhance the therapeutic relationship while invoking MHA legislation. A questionnaire was distributed to ASWs working within the Trent region. The questionnaire included both closed and open questions inviting respondents to expand upon their experiences with the brief initial findings being earlier published. Semi-structured interviews with eight invited respondents to develop their responses were undertaken enabling an approach that was both conversational and emergent.  相似文献   

The early history of mental health nurse training is one that has only been partially researched. While some writers have discussed the content and impact of training on the development of mental health nursing, little has been written on the professional and institutional factors that influenced this development. The medical profession, psychiatry, was to play an important role in the development of training and regulation of nursing staff in the large Victorian asylums and was an important influence on the knowledge base of mental health nursing. Their professional organization, the Medico-Psychological Association (the Royal Medico-Psychological Association after 1926 when they acquired a royal prefix) produced the first textbook for asylum nurses in 1885 and established a national training scheme for them 4 years later. However, in 1919 the Nurses Registration Act established the General Nursing Council for England and Wales and this body was given statutory responsibility for the training and registration of nurses, including 'mental' nurses. They were soon to be in conflict with the Medico-Psychological Association. The two organizations continued to run their own rival training schemes for mental health nurses for over 30 years, the Royal Medico-Psychological Association finally relinquishing their role in 1951. The Royal Medico-Psychological Association scheme proved far more popular than the General Nursing Councils, with significantly more nurses participating in it. This paper discusses these organizational influences on the development of 'mental nurse' training and discusses the possible impact that they have had on the knowledge base of mental health nursing.  相似文献   

In psychiatry mental health nurses form the largest professional discipline providing care on an everyday basis for sustained periods. Mental health nurses therefore are in a pivotal position to establish valued therapeutic alliances. In practice, however, a disproportionate amount of nursing time is taken up by administration, time spent talking to patients is minimal and when interactions do occur they remain notionally therapeutic and often are not theoretically informed. This noted paucity of therapeutic contact is antithetical to the aspirations of service users who increasingly are asking for a more skilled approach to the talking-listening that occurs in the therapeutic encounter. It is hypothesized by the present authors that an object-relations perspective of the nurse-patient relationship could release the largely untapped therapeutic potential of the psychiatric nurse by (1) bridging the gap between theory and practice and (2) providing a professional identity from within which nurses can begin to 'get to know' and understand the predicament of the patient with severe mental illness.  相似文献   

A university and three area mental health services collaborated in developing a mentorship programme for new graduate nurses in mental health. The programme evolved from initiatives identified by the New South Wales Government to address recruitment and retention problems impacting on the mental health nursing workforce. This mentorship programme was identified as a strategy to potentially contribute to retention of novice nurses within the local mental health nursing workforce. New graduate nurses entering the mental health field were provided the opportunity to engage in a temporary supportive professional mentoring relationship. The present paper describes the background of the programme and provides an overview of how it was developed. It serves as a starting point for others contemplating developing similar programmes. Evaluation of the programme is incomplete, therefore, formal results will be presented in a subsequent paper.  相似文献   

In late 2001 Canterbury, New Zealand mental health nurses undertook a variety of strike actions after stalled industrial negotiations with the local district health board. One response to these actions was the temporary reduction of many of the regions metal health services. Unsurprisingly, the print media responded by publicizing the crisis in mental health services on an almost daily basis. This paper reports on subsequent research into these print media representations of the industrial disputes, identifying themes of juxtaposed but largely deprecatory images of both mental health nursing and of consumers of services. Some professional nursing voices were given print space during the strike; however, these were largely incorporated into existing discourses rather than offering a nursing viewpoint on the strike. We, therefore, conclude by suggesting organizational efforts to focus on ways of ensuring that mental health nurses are seen as a legitimate authority by the media.  相似文献   

This paper describes a service user role in the mental health component of an undergraduate nursing programme in New Zealand. The paper provides a background to mental health nursing education in New Zealand and discusses the implications of recent reforms in the mental health sector. The undergraduate nursing programme at the University of Auckland has a strong commitment to service user involvement. The programme aims to educate nurses to be responsive and skilful in meeting the mental health needs of service users in all areas of the health sector and to present mental health nursing as an attractive option for nurses upon graduation. We outline the mental health component of the programme, with an emphasis on the development of the service user role. In the second half of the paper, we present a summary of responses to a student satisfaction questionnaire. The responses indicate that the service user role is an important element of the programme and is well received by a substantial proportion of students. We consider the implications for nursing education and for recruitment into mental health nursing. Finally, we discuss some issues related to service user involvement in the development of new models of mental health service delivery.  相似文献   

As the twenty-first century approaches, psychiatric nursing is reviewing its past and speculating about its future. This article reports on the current status of 525 psychiatric-mental health nurses. The nurses responded to a questionnaire designed to elicit information on career characteristics, professional activities, and client attributes. The nurses work primarily in acute care institutions or hospitals. The typical client is white, middle class, and adult. The focus of care in mental health is moving to the community. If psychiatric nurses want a viable role in the mental health system of the future, they must begin to develop a system of care for at-risk populations in the community now.  相似文献   

A New Zealand Nursing Council review of undergraduate education provides an ideal opportunity to make much needed changes to the system of preparation for mental health nurses. This article critiques comprehensive nursing education through an examination of its history in New Zealand, recent mental health reports and a projected estimate of workforce needs. Historical analysis reveals a process of marginalization and invisibilization of psychiatric/mental health nursing within comprehensive programmes with a consequent reduction of skills and a weakening of the profession. The author concludes that psychiatric/mental health nursing is a distinct scope of practice which requires specialty undergraduate preparation.  相似文献   

This article describes the structure and function of emergency mental health nursing practice for self-harming refugees and asylum seekers on Temporary Protection Visas. Emergency nurses working in accident and emergency departments or as part of crisis intervention teams will see self-harming refugees and asylum seekers at the very point of their distress. This clinical paper is intended to support nurses in their practice should they encounter an adult asylum seeker needing emergency mental health care. Practical strategies are highlighted to help mental health nurses assess, care, and comfort refugees and asylum seekers in this predicament. Mental health nurses should, where possible, work closely with asylum seekers, their support workers, and accredited interpreters and translators to ensure the appropriate use of language when dealing with mental and emotional health issues without further isolating the asylum seeker from appropriate services. To help strengthen continuity and integration of mental health supports for refugees and asylum seekers, well-resourced care must be experienced as coherent and connected. A coherent, interdisciplinary and team-orientated approach will synthesize different viewpoints to shape clinical practice and create workable solutions in local situations.  相似文献   

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