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Regulation of CD95 (Fas/APO-1)-induced apoptosis in human chondrocytes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

OBJECTIVE: Fas ligand (FasL) is an important mediator of immune function and induces apoptosis by binding to its receptor Fas on sensitized cells. It has recently been shown that malignancies may express FasL and acquire immune privilege by inducing apoptosis of lymphocytes. Acquired resistance to Fas mediated apoptosis is known to be an early event in carcinogenesis. The aim of this study was to determine the extent of FasL expression in patients with colorectal cancer and examine its relationship with several prognostic pathological features and survival. DESIGN AND METHODS: Sixty-eight patients (median age 66 years) with colorectal cancer, whose diagnosis was made between 1988 and 1991 and in whom long-term follow-up was available, were evaluated. The tumours were of varying stages at diagnosis (eight Dukes' A, 28 Dukes' B, 23 Dukes' C and nine Dukes' D). The expression of FasL was detected immunohistochemically with a rabbit polyclonal IgG using the DAKO EnVision+ System. The specificity of FasL binding was confirmed by pre-incubation of the antibody with the immunizing peptide prior to staining. The relationship with several pathological features was determined using Kendall's tau-b correlation. Overall survival was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier product limit curves. Differences in observed survival were tested for statistical significance using the Mantel-Haenszel log rank test. Both the extent and intensity of staining were graded by a blinded observer. RESULTS: FasL was predominantly expressed in tumour epithelial cells in 88% of the cases. The positive staining of tumours varied in extent. FasL staining was higher in earlier Dukes' stage tumours in that the extent of FasL staining negatively correlated with Dukes' stage (Kendall tau-b = -0.22, P = 0.038). Consistent with this, the overall survival was better with a greater extent of FasL expression (log rank chi2 = 5.68, P = 0.017). There was a lower extent of FasL expression in mucinous adenocarcinomas (Kendall tau-b = 0.288, P = 0.01) and in those tumours with neural invasion (Kendall tau-b = -0.26, P = 0.03). No relationship was detected between FasL and tumour site, size, margin, differentiation, vascular invasion, necrosis or Crohn's-like reaction. CONCLUSIONS: FasL is widely expressed in colorectal cancers. This finding suggests that the extent of FasL expression in colorectal tumours is directly related to patients' survival.  相似文献   

The CD95 system plays an important role in lymphocyte homeostasis, has been implicated in the development of lymphoid malignancies, exerts a tumour suppressor function, and contributes to drug-induced cytotoxicity. We hypothesized that mutations of CD95 may occur in childhood B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), a disease known for its constitutive resistance towards CD95-mediated apoptosis. We investigated 32 primary B-lineage ALL of childhood and five B-lineage ALL cell lines. All primary leukaemias expressed CD95 and bcl-2 to a variable degree. Most of the leukaemias were resistant towards CD95-mediated apoptosis. However, using SSCP analysis, no mutations in the coding and proximal promoter region could be detected. We conclude that the resistance towards CD95-mediated apoptosis observed in most de novo B-lineage ALL is not caused by mutations of the CD95 death receptor.  相似文献   

We investigated the levels of various cytokines and soluble factors in ITP patients, in order to determine the influence of these factors on the pathogenesis of ITP. We found increases in IL-2, IL-6, IFN-gamma, and M-CSF levels in ITP patients compared with those in healthy individuals. On lymphocyte phenotype analysis, we found no clear difference in total T cell population (CD2+ CD19- cells) or cytotoxic T cell frequency (CD8+ CD11b- cells) between these two groups. The frequency of helper/inducer T cells (CD4+ CD8- cells) was decreased in ITP patients. There was a significant increase in activated T cells (CD3+ HLA-DR+ cells) in ITP patients. Furthermore, frequencies of NK cells of potent activity (CD16+ CD56+ cells) were significantly elevated in ITP patients. Seventeen of the 54 ITP patients (31.5%) had elevated levels of sFas, and 11 of the 54 patients (20.4%) of sFasL. In addition, a significant increase of sFasL was observed in sFas-positive ITP patients, and in these patients the sFasL level was correlated with that of sFas (r = 0.687, p < 0.01). We found significant increases in IL-2 and sIL-2R levels in sFas-positive ITP patients. For other factors examined, however, there were no differences in level between sFas-positive and -negative ITP patients. Percentages of activated T cells (CD3+ and HLA-DR+ cells) and NK cells (CD16+ and CD56+ cells) were significantly higher in sFas-positive ITP patients than in sFas-negative ITP patients. These findings suggests that the pathogenesis of ITP includes alteration of the Fas/FasL pathway.  相似文献   

The interaction of Fas (APO-1/CD95) and the Fas ligand system induces apoptosis. However, the role of the Fas/Fas ligand system in normal physiological liver cell death remains to be determined. Using northern blotting analysis, we investigated the role of Fas and Fas ligand mRNA expression in liver regeneration in rats until 14 days after partial hepatectomy. Partial hepatectomy led to a significant decrease in Fas mRNA levels at 2 h, with a further gradual reduction until 18 h. The minimum Fas mRNA levels persisted until 5 days after the surgery. Fas mRNA levels then increased markedly at 6 days, and gradually increased to the initial levels by 14 days after the surgery. However, partial hepatectomy did not affect the expression of Fas ligand mRNA levels. These findings suggest that Fas mRNA is down-regulated in liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy, and that when the original liver mass is gradually regenerating, Fas mRNA is again up-regulated to the initial levels. Received: March 4, 1999 / Accepted: July 23, 1999  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which esophageal tumors escape immunologic recognition and clearance are only partly understood at the molecular level. Esophageal cancers have been shown to evade host recognition by down-regulation of antigen presentation and production of immunosuppressive factors. Recently, two independent reports have shown that esophageal tumor cells abundantly express Fas ligand (FasL) in vivo. As the triggering agonist for Fas receptor (Fas or APO-1/CD95)-mediated apoptosis of lymphocytes, FasL normally plays immune down-regulatory roles, including activation-induced cell death of T and B cells, as well as maintaining immune privilege in certain organs. Fas ligand expressed by esophageal cell lines has been shown to induce apoptosis of cocultured Fas-sensitive lymphoid cells in vitro. FasL expression by esophageal carcinomas in vivo has been associated with significantly reduced tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in FasL-positive tumor nests, concomitant with significantly increased TIL apoptosis in these nests. These studies support a 'Fas counterattack' mechanism of immune escape in esophageal cancer. By expressing functional Fas ligand, esophageal cancer cells can deplete antitumor lymphocytes by inducing apoptosis. To express functional FasL, esophageal carcinomas also acquire molecular mechanisms to resist autocrine Fas-mediated apoptosis of tumor cells.  相似文献   

Ligation of CD40 inhibits apoptosis and stimulates proliferation of normal B cells, whereas ligation of CD95 (APO-1/Fas) induces apoptosis of activated lymphocytes. Aberrant signalling through the CD40 and CD95 antigens could thus participate in the pathogenesis of lymphoid malignancies. The expression and function of CD40 and CD95 on neoplastic B cells from patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) were examined. CD40 was expressed by all 30 B-cell tumours, whereas CD95 was detected on neoplastic B cells in only one of 10 cases of ALL, two of 10 cases of CLL, and three of 10 cases of NHL. Incubation with an agonistic CD95 monoclonal antibody (MoAb) did not augment apoptosis in any of the unstimulated B-cell neoplasms. CD40 triggering did not consistently inhibit spontaneous apoptosis, but ultimately stimulated the growth of neoplastic B cells in most cases. Furthermore, CD40 activation led to up-regulation of the CD95 antigen in all 30 B-cell neoplasms. Ligation of CD95 on CD40-activated tumour cells augmented apoptosis in five of 10 ALL, three of 10 CLL, and nine of 10 NHL cases. The degree of apoptosis induced by CD95 triggering was greater for NHL cells than for ALL cells or CLL cells. Bcl-2 expression by ALL and NHL cells was substantially decreased after in vitro culture, whereas Bcl-2 expression by CLL cells was not significantly changed. However, there was no correlation between the level of Bcl-2 expression and sensitivity to CD95-mediated apoptosis. Thus, factors other than levels of CD95 and Bcl-2 determine susceptibility of malignant B cells to apoptosis after CD95 triggering. CD40-activated lymphoma cells appear to be very sensitive to CD95-mediated apoptosis, suggesting potential strategies for treatment of NHL. Elucidation of the mechanisms underlying resistance of ALL and CLL cells to CD95 triggering may facilitate the development of novel therapeutic approaches to these diseases as well.  相似文献   

Westendorf  JJ; Lammert  JM; Jelinek  DF 《Blood》1995,85(12):3566-3576
Cross-linkage of the Fas antigen induces programmed cell death in many normal and malignant lymphoid cells by a process known as apoptosis. In this study, we examined the sensitivity of myeloma cell lines and patient plasma cells to a cytolytic anti-Fas monoclonal antibody (MoAb). Eight of 10 myeloma cell lines were induced to undergo programmed cell death by anti-Fas MoAb as determined by DNA fragmentation and morphologic changes. Of the two myeloma cell lines that were resistant to anti-Fas treatment, one did not express the Fas antigen. Only the U266 cell line expressed Fas, but was not killed by the anti0Fas MoAb. To extend these studies, we have examined the expression and function of Fas in freshly isolated CD38hiCD45neg-int plasma cells from patients with multiple myeloma (MM), monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), and primary amyloidosis (AL). By three-color flow cytometry, we found Fas expression in CD38hiCD45neg-int plasma cells from all patient groups to be variable, as Fas was expressed in 15 of 28 MM, 3 of 6 MGUS, and 2 of 7 AL patients. In morphologic studies of apoptosis, Fas-positive myeloma cells in patient bone marrow mononuclear cell (MNC) cultures appeared to be resistant to anti-Fas-mediated apoptosis. By contrast, purified myeloma cells from the same patient were sensitive to anti-Fas treatment, suggesting the presence of a protective factor(s) in unseparated MNC cultures that may inhibit Fas-induced apoptosis of plasma cells. Of interest, serum from normal individuals and myeloma patients also protected myeloma cell lines from undergoing Fas-mediated apoptosis. These studies show that Fas expression in myeloma cell lines and CD38hiCD45neg-int patient plasma cells is variable and may reflect a variance in the maturation status of the various plasma cell populations. Moreover, Fas-mediated killing of patient cells and myeloma cell lines was also variable, which may be influenced, in part, by the presence of a soluble protective factor.  相似文献   

We report a rare case of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) with an aberrant phenotype. A 52-year-old man was admitted to our hospital because of lymph node (LN) swelling in the bilateral neck. A computed tomographic scan showed LN swelling in the mediastinum and a right pleural effusion. The tumor cells in the neck LN showed positivity for cytoplasmic CD3, CD7, CD19, and CD79a, whereas the tumor cells in the bone marrow (BM) showed positivity for CD10 and CD13 in addition to the former 4 antigens. The chromosomes in the BM were normal. Neither T-cell receptor gamma nor immunoglobulin heavy chain rearrangement was detected in the neck LN. We diagnosed this case as T-ALL with an aberrant phenotype and started the standard chemotherapy for ALL. The response was so effective that complete remission (CR) was easily attained. The patient is now under maintenance therapy in the first CR without hematopoietic cell transplantation.  相似文献   

Summary Triggering of CD95 (Fas/APO-1) cell surface receptors regulates the elimination of autoreactive T and B lymphocytes through a mechanism of cell suicide called apoptosis. Three different mutations involving CD95 or its ligand are responsible for induction of autoimmunity in susceptible mouse strains. To determine whether a defect involving the CD95 receptor is associated with human insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), we have studied the expression of CD95 on peripheral blood mononuclear cells from IDDM patients at different stages of the disease. Three-colour flow cytometry and mean fluorescence analysis showed that T and B lymphocytes from newly diagnosed IDDM and patients with long-standing disease, and subjects at high risk of developing the disease were highly defective in CD95 expression (p<0.001), whereas monocytes from all the groups studied expressed normal amounts of CD95 molecules on their cell surface. T-cell subset analysis showed that the impairment of CD95 expression in IDDM patients and high-risk subjects involved both CD3+ CD4+ (p<0.001) and CD3+ CD8+ cells (p range: <0.01–0.001), suggesting that this alteration concerns both helper and cytotoxic T cells. Moreover, after activation in vitro with anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody, T cells from newly diagnosed IDDM patients maintained a reduced CD95 expression during the entire cell culture period (24–72 h) in comparison to the control population (p<0.001). In conclusion, we found a reduced expression of the apoptosis-inducing CD95 receptor on T and B lymphocytes of individuals with clinical and preclinical IDDM. We hypothesize that this defective expression may impair the capacity of autoreactive lymphocytes to undergo CD95-mediated apoptosis, contributing to the lack of control on beta-cell specific B- and T-cell clones.Abbreviations MFI Mean fluorescence intensity - mAb monoclonal antibody - ICA islet cell autoantibody - IAA insulin autoantibody - PE phycoerythrin - FITC fluorescein - Per-CP peridinid chlorophyll protein - PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear cells - AICD activation-induced cell death  相似文献   

Fas (CD95/APO-1) is a protein that is mainly related to apoptosis of lymphoid cells. The increment of Fas expression is associated with long-term survival in various malignancies. However, there are limited studies regarding the effect of Fas expression on the course and prognosis of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The aim of this study was to investigate the significance of immunohistochemical Fas expression on the prognosis of nodal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. A total of 63 patients with primary nodal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma diagnosed in the Erciyes University Department of Hematology between 1990 and 2003 were included in the study. The median age of the patients was 55 years old (range 19-102 years old). The median follow-up period was 19 months (2-132 months). Histopathological sections were stained immunohistochemically and evaluated by light microscopy for Fas, bcl-2, and p53. Clinical and laboratory parameters including Fas, bcl-2, and p53 positivity, age, sex, performance status, clinical stage, presence of B symptoms, bone marrow involvement, extranodal involvement, and lactic dehydrogenase levels were evaluated to compare overall survival. Complete remission was obtained in 28 patients (44.4%) after first-line chemotherapy. Fas positivity, male gender, good performance status, clinical stage I-II, absence of B symptoms, normal lactic dehydrogenase value, and absence of bone marrow involvement were favorable prognostic factors for complete remission in statistical analysis. Multivariate analysis revealed that positive Fas expression and ECOG performance status were independent prognostic factors for overall survival. Also, Fas-positive patients had significantly prolonged progression-free survival. Immunohistochemical Fas positivity was a favorable prognostic factor for complete remission and overall and progression-free survival in primary nodal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.  相似文献   

Baumler  CB; Bohler  T; Herr  I; Benner  A; Krammer  PH; Debatin  KM 《Blood》1996,88(5):1741-1746
Increased apoptosis of CD4+ T cells is considered to be involved in CD4+ T-cell depletion in human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1)- infected individuals progressing toward acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). We have recently shown that CD95 (APO-1/Fas) expression is strongly increased in T cells of HIV-1-infected children. In this report we provide further evidence for a deregulated CD95 system in AIDS. CD95 expression in HIV-1+ children is not restricted to previously activated CD45RO+ T cells but is also increased on freshly isolated naive CD45RA+ T cells. In addition, specific CD95-mediated apoptosis is enhanced in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Furthermore, levels of CD95 ligand mRNA are profoundly increased. Specific T-cell receptor/CD3-triggered apoptosis in HIV-1+ children is more enhanced in CD8+ than in CD4+ T cells. Accelerated activation induced cell death of T cells could partially be inhibited by blocking anti-CD95 antibody fragments. These data suggest an involvement of the CD95 receptor/ligand system in T-cell depletion and apoptosis in AIDS and may open new avenues of rational intervention strategies.  相似文献   

O Cuvillier  E Mayhew  A S Janoff  S Spiegel 《Blood》1999,94(10):3583-3592
ELL-12, a liposome formulation of the ether-lipid 1-O-octadecyl-2-O-methyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (ET-18-OCH(3)), is a nonmyelosuppressive antiproliferative agent that is more effective and less toxic than the ether lipid itself in tumor model systems. We found that ELL-12 induced apoptosis in Jurkat, H9, and U-937 cells that was preceded by activation of executioner caspases. In addition, ELL-12 triggered release of cytochrome c from mitochondria to the cytoplasm before caspase-9 activation. Apoptosis, activation of caspases, and cytochrome c release were blocked by Bcl-x(L) overexpression in Jurkat T cells, suggesting a critical role for mitochondria in ELL-12-triggered cell death. Furthermore, ELL-12 had no effect on expression of CD95 ligand, and inhibition of the Fas signaling pathway with antagonistic anti-CD95 antibody did not affect apoptosis induced by ELL-12. Hence, ELL-12 could be a promising adjunct for the treatment of tumors in addition to myelosuppressive chemotherapeutic drugs and/or those that use the CD95-ligand/receptor system to trigger apoptosis.  相似文献   

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