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Purpose The aim of the study was to provide preliminary validation of the utility of co-registered respiratory-gated ventilation/perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography–computed tomography (SPECT-CT) images in the assessment of regional lung functional impairment in patients with lung cancer.Methods Twenty untreated and three radiotherapy-treated patients with lung cancer underwent gated 99mTc-Technegas/macroaggregated albumin (MAA) SPECT, using a triple-headed SPECT unit and a respiratory synchroniser. Gated SPECT images were obtained from 1/8 data centered at peak inspiration for each regular respiratory cycle and co-registered with tidal inspiration CT images using an automated three-dimensional registration tool.Results Gated SPECT images detected 10.2% more ventilation defects (205 vs 186) and 9% more perfusion defects (218 vs 200) compared with ungated images, with a significantly higher lesion-to-normal lung contrast (P<0.0001). Co-registered gated SPECT-CT images accurately visualised the anatomy of ventilation and/or perfusion defects associated with bronchial and/or vascular involvement by tumours, resulting in changes in surgical planning in two patients with lung cancer. In the three patients who had received radiotherapy, perfusion defects along the radiation field were identified even in the lung areas without abnormal opacities on CT images. In the operated patients, the co-registered gated SPECT-CT images allowed accurate placement of regions of interest over the lung lobes to be resected, yielding a significantly better prediction of postoperative forced expired volume in 1 s (FEV1) compared with that predicted without use of these images (R=0.993 vs R=0.890; P<0.05), with an excellent inter-observer reproducibility.Conclusion Detailed functional–morphological correlation on co-registered gated SPECT-CT images contributes to accurate assessment of regional functional impairment, and may be useful for surgical planning, prediction of postoperative function and assessment of external beam radiotherapy effects in patients with lung cancer.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Anatomic relation between pulmonary perfusion and morphology in pulmonary emphysema was assessed on deep-inspiratory breath-hold (DIBrH) perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)-CT fusion images. METHODS: Subjects were 38 patients with pulmonary emphysema and 11 non-smoker controls, who successfully underwent DIBrH and non-BrH perfusion SPECT using a dual-headed SPECT system during the period between January 2004 and June 2006. DIBrH SPECT was three-dimensionally co-registered with DIBrH CT to comprehend the relationship between lung perfusion defects and CT low attenuation areas (LAA). By comparing the appearance of lung perfusion on DIBrH with non-BrH SPECT, the correlation with the rate constant for the alveolar-capillary transfer of carbon monoxide (DLCO/VA) was compared between perfusion abnormalities on these SPECTs and LAA on CT. RESULTS: DIBrH SPECT provided fairly uniform perfusion in controls, but significantly enhanced perfusion heterogeneity when compared with non-BrH SPECT in pulmonary emphysema patients (P < 0.001). The reliable DIBrH SPECT-CT fusion images confirmed more extended perfusion defects than LAA on CT in majority (73%) of patients. Perfusion abnormalities on DIBrH SPECT were more closely correlated with DLCO/VA than LAA on CT (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: DIBrH SPECT identifies affected lungs with perfusion abnormality better than does non-BrH SPECT in pulmonary emphysema. DIBrH SPECT-CT fusion images are useful for more accurately localizing affected lungs than morphologic CT alone in this disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Pulmonary perfusion heterogeneity (PPH) in pulmonary emphysema (PE) was semi-quantified by functional lung volume rate (FLVR) curves obtained from respiratory-gated inspiratory and expiratory single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). METHODS: Gated and ungated SPECT were obtained in 36 PE patients [25 with stage IIA and 11 with stage IIB for global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease (GOLD) stage classification] and 12 controls, using a triple-head SPECT system and a respiratory tracking device. On gated SPECT, the voxel numbers calculated at the 10% cutoff threshold for the maximum lung radioactivity were assumed to be the functional lung volume of the lung (V). FLVR (%) was calculated as FLV divided by V at every additional 10% thresholds, yielding inspiratory and expiratory FLVR curves. The dissociations between these curves (DeltaFLVRinsp-exsp) and the total difference (D index) of these curves from the normal standard curve (averaged inspiratory and expiratory curve in controls) were calculated. D index and the extent of low attenuation area (%LAA) on CT were correlated with the transfer coefficient for carbon monoxide (KCO) in PE patients. RESULTS: Although gated and ungated SPECT showed fairly uniform perfusion in controls, gated SPECT-enhanced PPH compared with ungated SPECT in PE patients, with significantly higher dissociation (DeltaFLVRinsp-exsp) than that in controls (24.9%+/-9.5% vs. 4.5%+/-1.3%; P<0.0001). DeltaFLVRinsp-exsp was significantly higher even in stage IIA patients (P<0.0001). Expiratory D index was significantly higher than the inspiratory one in PE patients (P<0.01). This index was significantly higher in stage IIB patients than in stage IIA patients (44.1%+/-19.0% vs. 29.4%+/-13.7%; P<0.05), and was significantly correlated with KCO (R=0.642, P<0.0001) in all PE patients, although %LAA was not correlated with KCO. CONCLUSIONS: FLVR curve analysis on gated SPECT appears useful for semi-quantitation of respiratory change of PPH in PE. Expiratory D index may better reflect the lung pathophysiology of PE than morphologic CT.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop a method of producing lung ventilation and perfusion (V/Q) planar images using forward projection of reconstructed single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images through approximate attenuation (micro) maps generated from the lung emission scans alone, as transmission-based micro maps may not be routinely available. METHODS: Synthetic micro maps are derived from (99m)Tc photopeak and "scatter" windows for the attenuation correction of the SPECT images. The attenuation-corrected SPECT images are forward projected at appropriate angles to give the equivalent of planar images. This method allows high-count planar images, as well as the SPECT images, to be produced from a single SPECT acquisition. In addition, isolated "single lung" views of lateral and medial projections without "shine-through" from the contra-lateral lung, which have not been available previously, can be formed. RESULTS: Comparison of reprojected images produced from CT-derived or synthetic micro maps displayed similar detail and radiopharmaceutical distribution. In a blinded comparison of "true" planar images with those from reprojecting the SPECT data using the synthetic micro maps, no difference in mismatched defect detection was found, and hence it was confirmed that the reprojected planar images could replace true planar images with no loss in planar diagnostic sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS: The reprojected planar images provide high-count, high-quality images, which are comparable with conventional 2D images.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the quality of routine brain perfusion single-photon emission tomography (SPET) images in Finnish nuclear medicine laboratories. Twelve laboratories participated in the study. A three-dimensional high resolution brain phantom (Data Spectrum’s 3D Hoffman Brain Phantom) was filled with a well-mixed solution of technetium-99m (110 MBq), water and detergent. Acquisition, reconstruction and printing were performed according to the clinical routine in each centre. Three nuclear medicine specialists blindly evaluated all image sets. The results were ranked from 1 to 5 (poor quality–high quality). Also a SPET performance phantom (Nuclear Associates’ PET/SPECT Performance Phantom PS 101) was filled with the same radioactivity concentration as the brain phantom. The parameters for the acquisition, the reconstruction and the printing were exactly the same as with the brain phantom. The number of detected ”hot” (from 0 to 8) and ”cold” lesions (from 0 to 7) was visually evaluated from hard copies. Resolution and contrast were quantified from digital images. Average score for brain phantom images was 2.7±0.8 (range 1.5–4.5). The average diameter of the ”hot” cylinders detected was 16 mm (range 9.2–20.0 mm) and that of the ”cold” cylinders detected, 11 mm (5.9–14.3 mm) according to visual evaluation. Quantification of digital images showed that the hard copy was one reason for low-quality images. The quality of the hard copies was good only in four laboratories and was amazingly low in the others when comparing it with the actual structure of the brain phantom. The described quantification method is suitable for optimizing resolution and contrast detectability of hard copies. This study revealed the urgent need for external quality assurance of clinical brain perfusion SPET images. Received 2 February and in revised form 31 May 1998  相似文献   

We compare thallium-201 rest redistribution and fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose ([18F]FDG) for the assessment of myocardial viability within technetium-99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile (MIBI) perfusion defects in 27 patients with chronic stable coronary artery disease. The following studies were performed: (1) stress99mTc-MIBI, (2) rest99mTc-MIBI, (3)201T1 rest-redistribution single-photon emission tomography, (4) [18F]FDG positron emission tomography. The left ventricle was devided into 11 segments on matched tomographic images. The segment with the highest activity at stress was taken as the reference (activity=100%). Perfusion defects at99mTc-MIBI rest were classified as severe (activity<50%), moderate (activity 50%–60%) or mild (activity 60%–85%). Uptakes of [18F]FDG and rest-redistributed201Tl were recognized as significant if they exceeded 50% of that in the reference segment. Among the 33 segments with severe99mTc-MIBI rest perfusion defects, 21 had significant [18F]FDG and 10 significant rest-redistributed201Tl uptake. As regards the 37 segments with moderate defects, [18F]FDG was present in 29 and201Tl in 31, while of the 134 segments with mild defects, 128 showed [18F]FDG uptake, and 131,201Tl uptake. In conclusion, there is an inverse relationship between the severity of99mTc-MIBI perfusion defects and the uptake of rest-redistributed201Tl and [18F]FDG. Both tracers are adequate markers of viability in mild and moderate defects; in severe defects201Tl might underestimate the presence of viability as assessed by [18F]FDG.  相似文献   

Identification of hypoperfused areas in myocardial perfusion single-photon emission tomography studies can be aided by bull's-eye representation of raw counts, lesion extent and lesion severity, the latter two being produced by comparison of the raw bull's-eye data with a normal data base. An artificial intelligence technique which is presently becoming widely popular and which is particularly suitable for pattern recognition is that of artificial neural network. We have studied the ability of feed forward neural networks to extract patterns from bull's-eye data by assessing their capability to predict lesion presence without direct comparison with a normal data base. Studies were undertaken on both simulation data and on real stress-rest data obtained from 410 male patients undergoing routine thallium-201 myocardial perfusion scintigraphy. The ability of trained neural networks to predict lesion presence was quantified by calculating the areas under receiver operating characteristic curves. Figures as high as 0.96 for non-preclassified patient data were obtained, corresponding to an accuracy of 92%. The results demonstrate that neural networks can accurately classify patterns from bull's-eye myocardial perfusion images and detect the presence of hypoperfused areas without the need for comparison with a normal data base. Preliminary work suggests that this technique could be used to study perfusion patterns in the myocardium and their correlation with clinical parameters.  相似文献   

Purpose An image-based scatter correction (IBSC) method was developed to convert scatter-uncorrected into scatter-corrected SPECT images. The purpose of this study was to validate this method by means of phantom simulations and human studies with 99mTc-labeled tracers, based on comparison with the conventional triple energy window (TEW) method.Methods The IBSC method corrects scatter on the reconstructed image with Changs attenuation correction factor. The scatter component image is estimated by convolving with a scatter function followed by multiplication with an image-based scatter fraction function. The IBSC method was evaluated with Monte Carlo simulations and 99mTc-ethyl cysteinate dimer SPECT human brain perfusion studies obtained from five volunteers. The image counts and contrast of the scatter-corrected images obtained by the IBSC and TEW methods were compared.Results Using data obtained from the simulations, the image counts and contrast of the scatter-corrected images obtained by the IBSC and TEW methods were found to be nearly identical for both gray and white matter. In human brain images, no significant differences in image contrast were observed between the IBSC and TEW methods.Conclusion The IBSC method is a simple scatter correction technique feasible for use in clinical routine.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate quality of myocardial perfusion single-photon emission tomography (SPET) imaging in Finnish hospitals. Nineteen nuclear medicine departments participated in the study. A myocardial phantom simulating clinical stress and rest conditions was filled with routinely used isotope solution (technetium-99m or thallium-201). The cardiac insert included three reversible defects (simulating ischaemia): 30×30×14 mm3 septal (90% recovery at rest), 30×20×14 mm3 posterobasal (full recovery) and 20×20×14 mm3 lateral (full recovery). There were two fixed defects (simulating infarct): 30×20×14 mm3 postero-apical and 10×10×6 mm3 apical. The phantom was imaged and interpreted as a myocardial perfusion patient. Reconstruction, printout and reporting were performed according to the clinical routine of each centre. Three nuclear medicine specialists anonymously evaluated the quality of the image sets. The visual scores of the experts were ranked from 1 to 5. Additionally, points from 0 to 8 were given to research reports according to how well perfusion defects were detected. Quantitative points were calculated by comparing background-subtracted and -normalized counts from 12 regions of interest between stress and rest images. Results for technetium studies (12 departments) were better than those for thallium (7 departments). The average visual scores of the experts were 3.7±0.9 for all image sets, 3.2±0.5 for thallium users and 3.9±0.6 for technetium users (P=0.003). Five laboratories received a low score which, according to the specialists, is barely sufficient for limited clinical use. Average points for the reports were 5.6±2.1, 4.9±1.5 and 6.5±1.7 (P=0.051), and for the quantitation 8.2±1.0, 7.9±0.4 and 8.4±1.1 (P=0.185), respectively. Seven out of 22 interpreters did not detect the lateral 20×20×14 mm3 defect; five of them used thallium. This study demonstrated the heterogeneity of myocardial perfusion SPET in Finland. The participating laboratories used a wide scale of methods and, sometimes, inappropriate imaging protocols. The need for quality assurance in nuclear cardiology, correct use of SPET instrumentation and objective comparison of clinical studies is evident. The method described is suitable for external quality assurance and quality improvement of myocardial SPET imaging, and is recommended for regular use in nuclear medicine. Reiceived 15 March and in revised form 9 May 1999  相似文献   

We have compared stress-redistribution and delayed rest thallium-201 with rest technetium-99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile (MIBI) tomograms in order to compare the tracers for the assessment of myocardial viability and to validate a rapid protocol combining the two tracers. We studied 30 consecutive patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease [group 1: 16 with normal left ventricular function, mean left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 55%, SD 6%; group 2: 14 with abnormal function, mean LVEF 28%, SD 8%].201Tl was injected during infusion of adenosine followed by acquisition of conventional stress and redistribution tomograms. On a separate day,201Tl was injected at rest with imaging 4 h later.99mTc-MIBI was then given at rest and imaging was performed. Three images were compared: redistribution201Tl, rest201Tl, and rest99mTc-MIBI. Tracer activity was classified visually and quantitatively in nine segments and segments with>50% activity were defined as containing clinically significant viable myocardium. Mean (±SD) global tracer uptake as a percentage of maximum was similar in group 1 (rest201Tl 69%±12%, redistribution201Tl 69%±15%, rest99mTc-MIBI 70%±13%, ANOVAP>0.05), but in group 2 mean tracer uptake was significantly greater in the rest201Tl images (59%±16%) than in redistribution201Tl images (53%±17%) or rest99mTc-MIBI images (53%±19%) (ANOVAP=0.02). Overall agreement for regional uptake score was excellent ( from 0.79 to 0.84), although there were a significant number of segments with less uptake shown by redistribution201Tl and by rest99mTc-MIBI than by rest201Tl in group 2 (P<0.001). The number of segments with significant viable myocardium in group 1 was very similar between the three images (P>0.05) but in group 2 rest201Tl identified significantly more segments as viable than the other images (McNemarP<0.001). Thus201Tl and99mTc-MIBI provide similar information in patients without prior infarction and with normal left ventricular function (group 1), and a rapid protocol with stress201Tl injection and imaging followed immediately by rest99mTc-MIBI injection and imaging is feasible. In patients with abnormal left ventricular function and prior infarction (group 2),99mTc-MIBI may underestimate the extent of clinically significant viable myocardium.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To define regional function impairment in airway obstruction (AO) and pulmonary embolic (PE) dogs with a combination study of noncontrast electrocardiogram (ECG)-gated perfusion and gadolinium diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (Gd-DTPA) aerosol magnetic resonance (MR) images. METHODS: After acquisition of multiphase fast-spin-echo (FSE) MR images during cardiac cycles in 14 AO dogs and 19 PE dogs, ECG-gated perfusion-weighted (PW) images were obtained by subtraction between two-phase images of the minimum lung signal intensity (SI) during systole and maximum SI during diastole. Each dog subsequently inhaled Gd-DTPA aerosol for 20 minutes, and subtracted Gd-DTPA aerosol images were obtained from precontrast and maximally enhanced images. ECG-gated PW images were compared with intravenous Gd-DTPA-enhanced pulmonary arterial perfusion phase (PAPP) images. RESULTS: ECG-gated PW images were consistent with Gd-DTPA-enhanced PAPP images in all dogs, with significant correlations in the affected-to-unaffected lung perfusion ratios (P < 0.005). Gd-DTPA aerosol images showed sufficient and uniform enhancement in the unaffected lungs. In all the AO areas, these combined images showed the matched perfusion and aerosol deposition defects. These images showed perfusion defects without aerosol deposition defects in the relatively small embolized areas, but showed the matched defects in the widely embolized areas probably due to hypoxic bronchial constriction. CONCLUSION: The combination MR studies may be acceptable for noninvasively defining regionally impaired lung function in AO and PE.  相似文献   

Pulmonary perfusion SPECT-CT fusion images were used to characterize CT manifestations of intrapulmonary arteriovenous communications (AVC) causing right-to-left shunt and hepatopulmonary syndrome (HPS). After scanning the whole body and obtaining multiple view images of the lung, deep-inspiratory breath-hold (DIBrH) SPECT was obtained in 2 patients with HPS, which was automatically and three-dimensionally co-registered with DIBrH CT. In both patients, the whole body scan depicted systemic organs and confirmed the existence of right-to-left shunt. DIBrH SPECT-CT fusion images showed that perfusion defects were predominantly located at subpleural reticulo-nodular opacities and/or dilated vessels in the lung base. Subpleural reticulo-nodular opacities and/or dilated vessels in the lung base appear to be characteristic CT manifestation of intrapulmonary AVC in HPS.  相似文献   

Ventilation/perfusion scans with single-photon emission tomography (SPET) were reviewed to determine their usefulness in the evaluation of lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) candidates, and as a predictor of outcome after surgery. Fifty consecutive planar ventilation (99mTc-DTPA aerosol) and perfusion (99mTc-MAA) scans with perfusion SPET of patients evaluated for LVRS were retrospectively reviewed. Technical quality and the severity and extent of radiotracer defects in the upper and lower halves of the lungs were scored from visual inspection of planar scans and SPET data separately. An emphysema index (EI) (extent × severity) for the upper and lower halves of the lung, and an EI ratio for upper to lower lung were calculated for both planar and SPET scans. The ratios were compared with post-LVRS outcomes, 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery. All perfusion and SPET images were technically adequate. Forty-six percent of ventilation scans were not technically adequate due to central airway tracer deposition. Severity, extent, EI scores and EI ratios between perfusion and SPET were in good agreement (r = 0.52–0.68). The mean perfusion EI ratio was significantly different between the 30 patients undergoing biapical LVRS and the 17 patients excluded from LVRS (3.3±1.8 versus 1.2±0.7; P<0.0001), in keeping with the anatomic distribution of emphysema by which patients were selected for surgery by computed tomography (CT). The perfusion EI ratio correlated moderately with the change in FEV1 at 3 months (r = 0.37, P = 0.04), 6 months (r = 0.36, P = 0.05), and 12 months (r = 0.42, P = 0.03), and the transition dyspnea index at 6 months (r = 0.48, P = 0.014) after LVRS. It is concluded that patients selected to undergo LVRS have more severe and extensive apical perfusion deficits than patients not selected for LVRS, based on CT determination. SPET after aerosol V/Q imaging does not add significantly to planar perfusion scans. Aerosol DTPA ventilation scans are not consistently useful. Perfusion lung scanning may be useful in selecting patients with successful outcomes after LVRS. Received 9 October 1998 and in revised form 31 January 1999  相似文献   

核素肺通气/灌注显像是基于肺的血流供应和气道两个不同通路建立起来的核医学检查方法,此方法灵敏、可靠,临床应用较为广泛.该文就最近15年肺通气/灌注显像在肺栓塞诊断、疗效观察以及实验研究等方面的应用及发展进行了综述.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the ability of noncontrast electrocardiogram (ECG)-gated fast-spin-echo (FSE) perfusion MR images for defining regional lung perfusion impairment, as compared with technetium (Tc)-99m macroaggregated albumin (MAA) single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images. MATERIALS AND METHODS: After acquisition of ECG-gated multiphase FSE MR images during cardiac cycles at selected lung levels in nine healthy volunteers, 11 patients with pulmonary artery-occlusive diseases, and 15 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), the subtracted perfusion-weighted (PW) MR images were obtained from the two-phase images of the minimum lung signal intensity (SI) during systole and the maximum SI during diastole, and were compared with SPECT images. RESULTS: ECG-gated PW images showed uniform but posture-dependent perfusion gradient in normal lungs and visualized the various sizes of perfusion defects in affected lungs. These defect sites were nearly consistent with those on SPECT images, with a significant correlation for the affected-to-unaffected perfusion contrast (r = 0.753; P < 0.0001). These MR images revealed that the pulmonary arterial blood flow in the affected areas of COPD was relatively preserved as compared with pulmonary artery-occlusive diseases, and also showed significant decrease in blood flow, even in the areas with homogeneous perfusion on SPECT images in patients with focal pulmonary emphysema. CONCLUSION: This noninvasive MR technique allows qualitative and quantitative assessment of lung perfusion, and may better characterize regional perfusion impairment in pulmonary artery-occlusive diseases and COPD.  相似文献   

PET/CT——功能与解剖结构的同机图像融合   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
PET/CT为近几年出现的一种新技术,将PET与CT安装在同一机架上,一次扫描可获得PET与CT的融合图像,对定位诊断肿瘤、指导肿瘤放疗计划、选择活检部位及监测疗效等具有重要价值,同时,CT提供了一种PET衰减校正的方法。本文简要介绍PET/CT的结构设计与性能、优势及目前尚存在的技术问题。  相似文献   

The potential of iodine-123 metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) to detect functional abnormalities of the pulmonary neuroadrenergic system (PNS) in irradiated lung areas (ILAS) was preliminarily explored using single-photon emission tomography (SPET). The subjects included five healthy subjects and a total of 31 patients with peripheral-type lung cancer treated by radiation; 15 patients (group A) had received a dose of less than 36 Gy (mean ± SD: 28.2 ±6.2 Gy), and 16 patients (group B) had received a higher dose (mean ± SD: 51.2 ± 3.5 Gy) at the time of examination. MIBG SPET scans aquired 15 min and 3 h after injection were used to measure the MIBG uptake ratio (count ratio of the ILA to the contralateral non-ILA) and the clearance rate [percentage of (early counts – delayed counts)/early counts] from the ILAs without noticeable abnormal opacities on chest computed tomography scan. Lung perfusion changes were also assessed by technetium-99m macroaggregated albumin SPET. By contrast to the homogeneous MIBG uptake in the lungs of the healthy subjects, MIBG uptake was folcally decreased in correspondence with the ILAs in all patients, including 11 patients (73.3%) of group A with relatively preserved lung perfusion. The reduction MIBG uptake was significant (P<0.0001), and the MIBG clearance rate from the ILAs was also significantly faster than the clearance rates from the normal lungs and contralateral non-ILAs (both P<0.01). Group B patients showed significantly lower MIBG uptake and faster clearance from the ILAs than group A patients (P<0.001 and P<0.05, respectively), although there was no significant difference in the clearance from the non-ILAs. Overall, MIBG uptake/clearance from the ILAs correlated significantly with the radiation dose in the 31 patients (r = –0.656; P<0.0001 and r = 0.387; P<0.05, respectively). Perfusion changes were inversely correlated with the clearance from the ILAs (r = –0.432, P<0.05), but did not correlate with MIBG uptake. These preliminary results suggest that MIBG may have the potential to be a marker of abnormal functional status of the PNS produced by irradiation and may facilitate investigation of irradiation lung injury independently of morphological or lung perfusion changes. Received 11 December 1998 and in revised form 10 February 1999  相似文献   

In this study the cross-sectional functional differences between the central and peripheral lung in smokers with pulmonary emphysema were evaluated by lung perfusion and dynamic xenon-133 single-photon emission tomography (SPET). The subjects were 81 patients with a long-term smoking history and relatively advanced emphysema, 17 non-smoker patients with non-obstructive lung diseases and six healthy non-smokers. Regional lung functional difference between the peripheral and central lung was assessed in the upper, middle and lower lung zones by technetium-99m macroaggregated albumin SPET and dynamic 133Xe SPET. The distribution of emphysematous changes was assessed by density-mask computed tomography (CT) images which depicted abnormally low attenuation areas (LAAs) of less than –960 Hounsfield units. Two hundred and eighty-eight (59.2%) lung zones of 63 (77.7%) patients with pulmonary emphysema showed relative preservation of lung function in the peripheral lung, with a curvilinear band of normal perfusion (a stripe sign) and a significantly faster 133Xe half-clearance time (T 1/2) than in central lung (P<0.0001). Of these lung zones, 256 (88.8%) showed central-dominant LAA distributions on density-mask CT images, but the remaining 32 zones did not show any regional preference in LAA distribution. Conversely, 117 (24.0%) lung zones of 19 (23.4%) patients showed periphery-dominant perfusion defects and LAA distributions, with significantly prolonged T 1/2 in the peripheral lung area (P<0.0001). The remaining 81 lung zones of the patients with pulmonary emphysema and all the lung zones of the healthy subjects and patients with non-obstructive lung diseases did not show a stripe sign, and no differences were observed in T 1/2 values and LAA distributions between the central and peripheral lung. Relative preservation of peripheral lung function seems to be a characteristic feature in smoking-related pulmonary emphysema, and may indicate a lower susceptibility of peripheral parenchyma to the development of this disease. Received 8 January and in revised form 13 March 2000  相似文献   

To date, there has been neither a good method to clarify the three-dimensional distribution of pulmonary ventilation/perfusion (V.A/Q.) ratios, nor a convenient way to assess V.A/Q. inequality. The purpose of this study was to develop a functional image of pulmonary V.A/Q. ratios based on data acquired with simultaneous dual-radionuclide single-photon emission tomography (SPET) and to assess V.A/Q. unevenness through the V.A/Q. histogram in patients with various pulmonary diseases. Dual-radionuclide SPET was performed with technetium-99m macroaggregated albumin (MAA) and krypton-81m, with the patient in the supine position. After correction for linear cross-talk, the total acquisition counts of both radionuclides were equalized. The V.A/Q. ratio, which was calculated in each pixel by dividing the 81mKr count by the 99mTc-MAA count, was expressed as a V.A/Q. image. A histogram of the pixel number plotted against the V.A/Q. ratios was then produced and its centre of weight (CW) and standard deviation (SD) determined. Ten healthy volunteers and 46 patients [seven with pulmonary vascular disease (PVD), nine with pulmonary emphysema (PE), 18 with bronchogenic carcinoma and 12 with miscellaneous diseases] participated in this study. In normal volunteers, V.A/Q. ratios were generally even, but were slightly lower in dorsal regions. Patients with PVD had lobar and/or segmental areas with a high V.A/Q. ratio. Low V.A/Q. areas extended widely in patients with PE. Bronchogenic carcinoma exceeding 3 cm in diameter was detected as a very low V.A/Q. area. The SD of V.A/Q. ratios had a significant positive correlation both with A-aDO2 (r=0.64, P<0.001) and with cigarette smoking history (r=0.72, P<0.001). It is concluded that the V.A/Q. ratio image produced with simultaneous dual-radionuclide SPET using 99mTc-MAA and 81mKr is a unique and simple method for demonstrating the three-dimensional distribution of V.A/Q. ratios. The unevenness of V.A/Q. distribution can be assessed through the SD of the V.A/Q. histogram. Received 22 February and in revised form 8 June 1997  相似文献   

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