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报告1例长丝状疣样表现的假性湿疣,患者女,43岁,小阴唇内侧丘疹1年,大部分丘疹呈鱼子样,呈片状密集排列,其中左侧小阴唇内侧两枚丘疹呈长丝状疣样表现。其中一丘疹长度约1cm,组织病理表现符合女性假性湿疣的改变,假性湿疣 可以表现为丝状疣样,但是两枚单发的呈丝状疣样表现并且长度约1cm的皮损,易与尖锐湿疣混淆。  相似文献   

阴茎珍珠样丘疹病表现为阴茎冠状沟绒毛样乳头病变,其发病有一些特点,现将临床所见报告如下:1 病人来源及方法 病人主要来源于男性体检人群、本院皮肤科门诊男性就诊者。观察内容包括阴茎珍珠状小丘  相似文献   

珍珠状阴茎丘疹病误疹2例王善才武警新疆总队医院皮肤科(邮政编码830000)例1男,26岁。阴茎冠状沟处出现白色小米大小密集丘疹2年余,无自觉症状。4个月前婚前检查时被误诊为“尖锐疣湿”,既往无性生活史。阴茎冠状沟背例可见珍珠状白色半透明圆锥形丘疹,...  相似文献   

为了调查男性阴茎珍珠状丘疹病的发病率,我们在2005~2007年征兵工作期间,参加体检的男性青年按包皮的长短分组调查阴茎珍珠状丘疹的情况,现报告如下:  相似文献   

继发于尖锐湿疣的皮角二例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
例1男,20岁,因阴茎冠状沟处新生物1月余于2001年7月24日来我科就诊,患者发病前有非婚性接触史。4个月前阴茎冠状沟、包皮处出现数个大小不一的红色疣状丘疹,逐渐增大,形成菜花状增生物,无自觉症状。曾在当地卫生院诊断为尖锐湿疣,经多种治疗,皮损多次复发,遂在个体医生指导下,在家自用疣立净搽剂外搽,部分皮损消退。就诊前约1个月在包皮系带左侧冠状沟处出现两个相连的羊角样增生物,表面粗糙呈淡褐色,逐渐增大,无痛痒,即来我院就诊。各系统检查无异常。皮肤科情况:阴茎包皮系带左侧冠状沟处见2个相连的约1.5cm×0.5cm羊角样的锥形增生物,质…  相似文献   

珍珠状阴茎丘疹病与女阴假性湿疣(摘要)杨宁江,刘俊礼,任惠西,尹丽波空军吉林医院病理科(邮政编码132011)近年来国内外对珍珠状阴茎丘疹病和女阴假性湿疣及二者同一性虽有论述,但尚未见对比报道,故现将我院所遇病例结合有关文献讨论如下。临床和病理资料珍...  相似文献   

尖锐湿疣患者疣体表面HPVDNA检测   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
尖锐湿疣 (以下简称 CA)是由人类乳头瘤病毒 (简称 HPV)感染引起的性传播疾病,我们对 25例 CA患者疣体表面 HPV进行定量测定,并与疣体组织做对照。 一、病例和方法 (一 )在本院性病咨询专科门诊诊断为 CA的患者 25例,其中男 17例,女 8例,年龄 20~ 50岁,干部 15例,工人 5例,个体劳动者 5例。 (二 )取材方法:暴露瘤体,用试管内棉签擦疣体表面 10次放试管内送检;常规消毒,剪切瘤体组织送检。另选取阴茎珍珠状丘疹病或系带旁丘疹患者 9例分别作皮损及皮损表面 HPV6、 11、 16、 18定量检测作对照。 (三 )检测方法:使用…  相似文献   

目的:了解外阴、肛周其他疾病误诊为尖锐湿疣(CA)的主要原因。方法:分析我院接诊的42例被误诊为外阴、肛周CA患者的诊断过程及相关资料。结果:42例患者最后诊断分别为阴茎珍珠状丘疹(11例,26.19%)、外阴假性湿疣(10例,23.81%)、传染性软疣(5例,11.90%)、皮赘(5例,11.90%)、扁平湿疣(3例,7.14%)、鲍温样丘疹病(3例,7.14%)、阴道正常皱壁(3例,7.14%)和皮内痣(2例,4.76%),所有病例醋酸白试验均呈阴性。误诊为CA的主要原因是未严格按诊断标准进行规范诊断。结论:应进一步强化临床医生规范诊断性传播疾病流程的意识。  相似文献   

5-氨基酮戊酸光动力疗法治疗尿道口尖锐湿疣疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自2007年7月至2008年12月治疗108例尿道口尖锐湿疣(CA),获得良好疗效,现报道如下. 1 资料和方法 1.1 临床资料 108例尿道口CA患者全部为我科门诊病人,其中男78例,女30例;年龄2-70岁,平均29.9岁;病程5天~3年,平均6.2个月.就诊时皮损单纯发生于尿道口78例,合并发生于阴道口14例,大小阴唇8例,龟头16例,阴茎28例,系带4例,冠状沟4例.皮损数目为1~6个,108例患者共有294个皮损,疣体大小为0.2 cm×0.2 cm~1.0 cm×1.0cm,皮损表现为丘疹样、菜花样或地毯样.  相似文献   

报告1例靶样含铁血黄素沉积性血管瘤。患者男,15岁,左大腿暗紫红色靶形丘疹6年,无明显自觉症状。专科检查:左大腿见一1.5 cm×1 cm大小暗紫红色斑丘疹,呈靶形,中央见1.0 cm×0.3 cm大小暗褐色丘疹,质硬,周围绕一暗紫红色淤血环,丘疹与淤血环间皮肤呈淡黄色。皮损组织病理:表皮角化过度,轻度棘层增厚,真皮浅层血管增生、扩张充血,扩张血管与表皮平行,部分管壁内皮细胞肿胀,似鞋钉样突向管腔;真皮中层血管呈裂隙状,呈垂直走向;见较多管外红细胞,真皮中层见含铁血黄素。根据临床及组织病理,诊断为靶样含铁血黄素沉积性血管瘤。  相似文献   

中国大陆当今男同/双性爱者心理卫生与相关状况调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:了解中国当今男同/双性爱者的心理与行为,评估干预效果。方法:采用邮寄匿名调查问卷的方式,调查与本项目组建立通信联系并接受健康干预者。结果:共回收有效问卷950份,同性爱80.40%,双性爱19.60%。67.32%经常感到孤独,63.32%感到压抑,34.52%因性取向有过自杀念头,10.63%有过自杀行为。92.84%有口交史,83.47%有肛交史,80.6%最近一年内有吻肛行为,10.42%有拳交行为,37.53%参与过群交,48.42%曾与女性性交。干预后97.1%认为有助于促进心理卫生,94.55%认为有助于提高个人生活质量。结论:在当代中国,尽管学界对gay/Bi的观念有了很大改变,但其负性心理仍普遍存在,尤其是高比例的人存在自杀念头和行为。通过健康干预,能够改善该人群的生命质量。  相似文献   

目的:分析云南省1990-2018年新发麻风患者2级畸残情况。方法:对1990-2018年11010例新发麻风患者资料进行分析。结果:新发病例中2级畸残2647例,2级畸残率24.04%。4006例少菌型患者中2级畸残者1294例(32.3%), 7004例多菌型患者中畸残者1353例(19.3%)。对其中的2202例畸残者进一步分析,单侧和双侧眼部畸残分别为138例和184例,手部单双侧畸残分别为742例和430例,足部单双侧畸残分别为384例和144例。结论:少菌型(PB)比多菌型(MB)麻风患者畸残比例更高,手部畸残明显高于眼部和足部,手部和足部畸残常呈不对称性。  相似文献   

Ingela  Rystedt 《Contact dermatitis》1985,12(5):247-254
Of 368 patients with hand eczema examined during the years 1978-79, at a Department of Occupational Dermatology, 39% had a history of atopic disease (dermatitis, asthma, or rhinitis). 28% of the patients had or had had atopic dermatitis. The % of atopics in the patient material was highest in the age range 20-24 years, in which 57% of the patients had a history of atopic dermatitis, compared with only 11% in the age range above 35 years. Of all patients with a history of atopy, 22% had developed allergic contact dermatitis, while the corresponding figure for non-atopics was 45% (p less than = 0.001). Positive patch test reactions occurred in a significantly smaller number of individuals with past or present atopic disease than in non-atopics. Atopics had not changed jobs because of hand eczema to a greater extent, but had healed to a lesser extent after change of occupation than non-atopics (p less than 0.01).  相似文献   

The incidence of hand dermatitis and contact allergies was analyzed among dental technicians. A survey was carried out by postal questionnaire. It was returned by 106 technicians (88%); 30 had had skin problems, and 20 (19%) had present eruptions. All 20 were invited to a detailed dermatological investigation, but only seven participated. Epicutaneous tests to prosthetic materials were negative in these patients. The hand eruptions in 4 patients appeared to be irritant. 4 other patients (4%), who had had previous hand dermatitis, had a history of positive patch test reactions to methyl methacrylate, but they had become symptomless and refused to participate in further studies.  相似文献   

Hand eczema: causes, course, and prognosis I   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Background:  Hand eczema is a common dermatosis. The course is often protracted. The prognosis is not well described.
Objective:  To describe in detail a consecutive cohort of hand eczema patients with regard to aetiology and morphology as well as the dynamics of the hand eczema.
Patients and Methods:  This prospective study included 522 consecutive patients (175 men and 347 women with hand eczema) seen in 1 year in a private practice of dermatology. 425 (81%) of the patients were patch tested in relation to the current study. Most of the remainder had been previously patch tested.
Results:  38% had mild dermatitis, 49% had dermatitis of moderate severity, and 11% had severe dermatitis. 23% had had dermatitis for more than 10 years. 33% had irritant contact dermatitis, 13% of the men and 20% of the women had allergic contact dermatitis, and 15% of the men and 16% of the women had atopic dermatitis. For 34% of the men and 29% of the women, the dermatitis was certainly or possibly occupational. There was no relationship to smoking.
Conclusions:  The majority of this cohort of hand eczema patients had long-standing disease. Irritant contact dermatitis was the most common aetiological diagnosis.  相似文献   

Course of hand dermatitis in hospital Workers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The occurrence and course of hand dermatitis in hospital workers was studied on the basis of the patient register of an occupational specialist and by a clinical follow-up study. About 1% of all the hospital workers had had dermatitis, cleaners, kitchen workers and nurses most frequently. 54% of the patients who were clinically studied had suffered from periodic symptoms and 35% had current hand dermatitis. Those who had previous or present atopic dermatitis had most frequently developed dermatitis during the first year of their service. An atopic constitution seemed to predispose to the development of permanent or periodic hand dermatitis. The patients with sensitivity to nickel or fragrances had relapses in the majority of cases.
During the study period, the incidence of new dermatitis cases was constant, but the number of days sick leave showed a decreasing tendency.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty-three children who had napkin dermatitis, with or without a secondary sensitization eruption, in infancy were reviewed 5-13 years later. Of the seventy-one who had a predominantly psoriasiform secondary eruption, twelve (17%) had psoriasis at review-three (4%) had atopic eczema. None of the forty treated for a predominantly seborrhoeic secondary eruption had psoriasis at review-15 (37%) had atopic eczema. The psoriasiform group had the highest incidence of psoriasis and the lowest incidence of atopy among first degree relatives. The converse incidence was found in the seborrhoeic group. It is suggested that infants who develop psoriasiform napkin dermatitis have a psoriatic diathesis.  相似文献   

目的:探讨异维甲酸联合5-氟尿嘧啶治疗女性生殖道尖锐湿疣的临床意义。方法:选取2011年1月至2013年1月来我院妇科诊治的女性生殖道尖锐湿疣患者120例,根据就诊编号,按照随机数字表法分为异维甲酸组、5-氟尿嘧啶组及联用组,各组分别为40例;三组的一般资料比较有可比性(P>0.05)。结果:异维甲酸、5-氟尿嘧啶及两者联用均有较高的疗效率,总有效率分别为87.5%、90.0%、97.5%;3个月和6个月内异维甲酸联合5-氟尿嘧啶的复发率分别为15.0%和2.5%均明显低于异维甲酸组(分别为45.0%和17.5%)与5-氟尿嘧啶组(35.0%和15.0%),差异比较有统计学意义(P<0.05);异维甲酸组疣附近皮肤有刺激反应2例,口唇干裂1例,头晕1例;5-氟尿嘧啶组出现不同程度的刺激反应2例、口唇干裂2例、头晕1例;联合组刺激反应1例,口唇干裂1例,头晕2例。结论:异维甲酸或5-氟尿嘧啶6个月内对于复发抑制效果并不理想,而两者合用能有效抑制复发,值得研究。  相似文献   

Lundh tests of pancreatic exocrine function were performed on twenty unselected patients with systemic sclerosis. Three patiems had very low levels of tryptic activity in their ititestinal juice and only nine had results which were unequivocally normal. Eight patients had biochemical steatorrhoea, but in six this was associated with intestinal bacterial overgrowth and a seventh had primary biliary cirrhosis. The remaining patient had no cause for steatorrhoea other than the marked pancreatic insufficiency which had been demonstrated. Although pancreatic damage may contribute to malabsorption in systemic sclerosis, it appears to be less important than other factors such as intestinal bacterial overgrowth.  相似文献   

Is it possible to improve the prognosis in nickel contact dermatitis?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A questionnaire was sent to 143 patients who had shown a positive patch test reaction to nickel sulfate more than 10 years earlier. 91 patients returned the questionnaire, revealing that after the testing, 73 had suffered from dermatitis, 61 especially from hand dermatitis, 37 of these patients were clinically examined and patch tested with standard series and in addition, 12 patients were tested with nickel sulfate and nickel chloride with different occlusion times. At the clinic visit, 23 patients had dermatitis, 16 hand dermatitis, and 11 were symptom-free, 26 of the patients had metal items close to their skin and 21 of them had current dermatitis, 14 hand dermatitis. Of the 11 patients who had no metal exposure, 9 were symptom-free. The association of dermatitis with exposure to metal objects was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Those patients who had current dermatitis had also developed multiple allergies and reacted to nickel with shorter application times in patch tests, as compared to those who were symptom-free. It seemed possible that the prognosis for nickel dermatitis could be improved if nickel-allergic patients would strictly avoid metal contact, especially in clothing and jewelry.  相似文献   

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