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C7 is an integral component of the lytic pathway of complement, which interacts in a sequence of polymerization reactions with other terminal components to form the membrane attack complex. C7 plays a central role in the terminal complement cascade, since its incorporation into the nascent complex allows its hydrophilic-amphiphilic transition, which subsequently leads to the direct binding of the complex to the target membrane. To date, only human and porcine C7 have been cloned and characterized. Here we report the isolation of a C7 molecule from the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The full-length trout C7 cDNA was isolated, and the predicted amino acid sequence exhibits 44 and 65% identity with human and Japanese flounder C7, respectively. The cysteine backbone and two putative N-linked glycosylation sites are conserved in trout C7. It also contains the same structural motifs as those found in mammalian C7. Trout C7 mRNA expression was detected in all tissues investigated, except kidney and spleen.  相似文献   

Complement-mediated killing of pathogens through the lytic pathway is an important effector mechanism of the innate immune response. C8 is one of the components of the lytic pathway and is composed of an alpha, beta, and gamma subunit. In the present study we report the cloning and characterization of the primary structure of the C8beta subunit in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The deduced amino acid sequence of trout C8beta shows 72 and 47% identity with that of Japanese flounder and human, respectively. It also contains many of the same structural motifs as those found in mammalian lytic components. The C8beta gene appears to exists as a single copy in the trout genome and is expressed primarily in the liver. The protein encoded by the gene was identified by Western blotting using an anti-peptide antibody and was approximately 65kDa.  相似文献   

The alpha subunit of the eighth complement component (C8) is a single-chain plasma glycoprotein which functions in the cytolytic process mediated by the complement system through a sequence of polymerization reactions with other terminal components. We have previously isolated and characterized the C8beta and C8gamma subunits of the eighth complement component in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Here, we report the primary sequence, the tissue expression profile, the domain architecture and the phylogenetic analysis of the trout C8alpha gene. The deduced amino acid sequence of the trout C8alpha gene exhibits 44 and 43% identity with human and frog orthologs, respectively. The domain architecture of the trout C8alpha resembles that of mammalian orthologs, and the cysteine backbone shows a high degree of conservation. The trout C8alpha shows a similar expression profile with that of trout C8beta and C8gamma, pointing to the liver as the main source of the C8 genes expression. Although the presence of a fully developed lytic pathway of complement system is expected in teleost, this is the first report of the C8alpha gene in an organism other than mammalian.  相似文献   

Of the 35 proteins, enzymes, receptors and regulatory components of the complement system, C8gamma is unique in that it is the only lipocalin. C8gamma is a subunit of the C8 molecule, which is one of the five components (C5b, C6, C7, C8 and C9) that interact as a consequence of complement activation to form the membrane attack complex. Until now, C8gamma has been characterized only in mammalian species. In order to elucidate the phylogeny of this molecule, we have cloned the C8gamma subunit in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), a teleost fish representing a critical point in the evolutionary divergence of the complement system. The deduced amino acid sequence of trout C8gamma shows significant identity (37%) to the human C8gamma homolog and much lower to the other known lipocalins. The lipocalin domain is present and all the cysteine residues are conserved. The trout C8gamma gene is probably present as a single copy in the trout genome showing a differential expression pattern among tissues investigated.  相似文献   

The time of rejection of dog kidney grafts in normal and in C6-deficient rabbits was not significantly different. It is concluded that the last four components of complement are not involved in this form of violent xenograft rejection. The requirement for the first components may be explained by polymorphonuclear leucocyte chemotaxis, since these cells were found in the glomeruli of rejected kidneys.  相似文献   

The total bacteriolytic activity comprising of the classical, alternative and possible lectine pathways as well as the bacteriolytic activity of the alternative pathway (AP) of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) complement was assessed in temperatures ranging from 0 to 35 °C against a recombinant strain Escherichia coli containing two reporter genes gfp and lucFF. At 35 °C there was no difference between the total (TC) activity and the activity of the AP, but at 10 °C the TC was notably higher than the AP. Total activity peaked at 30 °C and gradually grew smaller towards 0 °C. The activity of the AP was similarly temperature-dependent, but CB50 value was found to be beyond measurable range at temperatures below 10 °C. When compared to human serum complement, the peak human TC activity at 37 °C was four times higher than the TC of rainbow trout at 30 °C. Human TC activity was 10.1-fold lower at 25 °C when compared to the activity at 37 °C. At 37 °C the human AP bacteriolytic activity was 4.5-fold less effective than human TC, but at 25 °C there was no difference between human TC and AP. In contrast to previous reports where AP activity of fish was assayed as hemolytic activity our study showed that the bacteriolytic activity of AP was lower than that of TC and very low at temperatures below 10 °C suggesting that the earlier proposed particular importance of AP in fish should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

The serum of a 26-year-old black man with a recent episode of meningococcemia complicated by meningitis and arthritis was found to lack hemolytic complement activity. The sixth component of complement was not detected by functional or immunochemical assays whereas other components were normal by hemolytic assay. His fresh acute-phase serum lacked complement-mediated bactericidal activity against the homologous strain of Neisseria meningitidis, but the addition of fresh normal serum or purified C6 restored bactericidal activity as well as hemolytic activity. The absence of C6 activity could not be accounted for on the basis of an inhibitor. Opsonization and chemotaxis functioned normally. Histocompatibility typing of family members did not demonstrate evidence for genetic linkage of C6 deficiency with the major histocompatibility loci. This report represents the first published case of C6 deficiency associated with bacteremic Neisseria infections in which antimeningococcal bactericidal antibodies have been definitively demonstrated against the homologous strain in the acute phase of the illness.  相似文献   

CD59, the major inhibitor of the complement membrane attack complex, is an 18-20 kDa glycoprotein, linked to the membrane via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchor. It restricts binding of C9 to the C5b-8 complex, preventing the formation of the complement membrane attack complex C5b-9. In this study we report the cloning of a second CD59-like gene in the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (referred to as CD59-2 and the previously deposited trout CD59-like gene as CD59-1). Trout CD59-2 is 56% identical to CD59-1 at the amino acid level. Both of trout CD59s show the highest identity score (54%) with putative CD59-like molecules from other teleost, and the overall identity with their mammalian orthologs is less than 30%. Trout CD59s are expressed in brain, heart, intestine, kidney, liver and spleen. Particularly, CD59-2 is abundant in trout brain, while CD59-1 seems to be absent in the trout spleen. Moreover, both of trout CD59 genes seems to be present as a single copy in trout genome.  相似文献   

The M-CSF and its receptor (M-CSFR, CSF-1R or c-fms proto-oncogene) system were initially implicated as essential in mammals for normal monocyte development as well as for pregnancy. To allow a comparison with the M-CSF and M-CSFR system of an oviparous animal, we cloned a M-CSFR-like gene from rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The gene was cloned from a cDNA library of head kidney. It contained an open reading frame encoding 967 amino acids with a predicted size of 109 kDa. The putative amino acid sequence of rainbow trout M-CSFR showed 54% amino acid identity to fugu (Takifugu rubripes) M-CSFR, 52% to zebrafish (Danio rerio) M-CSFR and 40% to mouse (Mus musculus) and human (Homo sapiens) M-CSFR. The M-CSFR-like gene was constitutively expressed in head kidney, kidney, intestine, spleen and blood. The gene was detected especially in the ovary of immature female rainbow trout. These results suggest that a M-CSFR-like receptor may be involved in female reproductive tracts even in an oviparous animal like fish.  相似文献   

Prompted by previous observations of defective blood clotting in rabbits deficient in the sixth component of complement (C6), and the discovery of a patient with both C6 and factor VIII deficiency, an evaluation was made of the haemostatic functions in this individual and his family members. The family contained three members homozygous for C6 deficiency (C6D); two of them were deficient also in factor VIII. In addition, one other member of the family was only deficient in factor VIII. The only C6D member without haemophilia A had a normal recalcification time without clinical symptoms of a bleeding disorder. Reconstitution of factor VIII and C6 deficient plasma from the various members of the family in this study with purified human C6 did not result in a change in the recalcification time. The results obtained from this study also indicate that there is no linkage between the inheritance of C6 and factor VIII.  相似文献   

cDNA clones coding for almost the entire C3 alpha-chain of the African lungfish (Protopterus aethiopicus), a representative of the Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fishes), were sequenced and characterized. From the sequence it is deduced that the lungfish C3 molecule is probably a disulphide-bonded alpha:beta dimer similar to that of the C3 components of other jawed vertebrates. The deduced sequence contains conserved sites presumably recognized by proteolytic enzymes (e.g. factor I) involved in the activation and inactivation of the component. It also contains the conserved thioester region and the putative site for binding properdin. However, the site for the interaction with complement receptor 2 and factor H are poorly conserved. Either complement receptor 2 and factor H are not present in the lungfish or they bind to different residues at the same or a different site than mammalian complement receptor 2 and factor H. The C3 alpha-chain sequences faithfully reflect the phylogenetic relationships among vertebrate classes and can therefore be used to help to resolve the long-standing controversy concerning the origin of the tetrapods.  相似文献   

Factor B and C2 are serine proteases that provide the catalytic subunits of C3 and C5 convertases of the alternative (AP) and classical (CP) complement pathways. Two Bf/C2 cDNAs, GcBf/C2-1 and -2 (previously referred to as nsBf/C2-A and nsBf/C2-B), were isolated from the nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum. GcBf/C2-1 and -2 are 3364 and 3082bp in length and encode a leader peptide, three CCPs, one VWFA, the serine protease domain and have a putative factor D/C1s/MASP cleavage site. Southern blots show that there might be up to two Bf/C2-like genes for each of the two GcBf/C2 isoforms. GcBf/C2-1 and -2 are constitutively expressed, albeit at different levels, in all nine tissues examined. Expression in erythrocytes is a novel finding. Structural analysis has revealed that the localization of glycosylation sites in the SP domain of both putative proteins indicates that the molecular organization of the shark molecules is more like C2 than factor B. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that GcBf/C2-1 and -2 and TrscBf of Triakis scyllia (another shark species) originated from a common ancestor and share a remote ancestor with Bf and C2 of mammals and bony fish.  相似文献   

Here we have identified a serum fraction containing 8-kDa molecules with an unexpected capacity to greatly enhance particle uptake in trout head kidney leukocytes (HKLs). This 8-kDa particle-uptake enhancing fraction (PUEF-8) was purified from complement-activated serum by gel filtration chromatography. Mass spectrometric analysis and reactivity of anti-trout C3-1 and C4 antibodies, indicated the presence of C3a, C4a and C5a molecules in PUEF-8. Using a newly developed flow cytometric assay that measures the capacity of cells to ingest fluorescent beads, we showed that PUEF-8 induced a striking enhancement (344±50% higher than the PBS control value) in the number of HKLs ingesting three or more beads. In contrast, the effect of PUEF-8 on peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) was almost negligible. Interestingly, PUEF-8 acted as a strong chemoattractant for both HKLs and PBLs. These findings suggest a novel role for the anaphylatoxins generated during complement activation in teleost fish.  相似文献   

A lymphotoxin-beta (LT-beta) gene has been cloned and sequenced in rainbow trout and provides the first conclusive evidence for the existence of LT-beta in teleost. Two isoforms of LT-beta were isolated. LT-beta1 cDNA was composed of 952 bp (with a 139 bp 5'-UTR and a 201 bp 3'-UTR) and LT-beta2 cDNA was 836 bp (with a 237 bp 5'-UTR and a 197 bp 3'-UTR) both of which translated into a protein of 203 amino acid residues. Both isoforms contained a predicted transmembrane domain of 21 amino acid residues (Leu11-Val31) and the TNF family signature (Val104-Phe120). Homology and phylogenetic analysis of trout LT-beta's with other known TNF family member showed good similarity to TNF-N (teleost) and other LT-beta (mammals and frog). LT-beta1 and TNF-alpha (1 and 2) genes were highly expressed in unstimulated trout head kidney, spleen, gill and intestine, whereas LT-beta2 was weakly expressed only in the gill. The expression of LT-beta1 and -beta2 genes was not found in macrophage (RTS-11) and fibroblast (RTG-2) like cell lines, although the TNF-alpha2 gene was expressed in both cell lines with the TNF-alpha1 gene only expressed in RTS-11 cells. In head kidney cells, expression of LT-beta1 and TNF-alpha (1, 2) genes was increased by stimulation with PHA or LPS. The discovery of trout LT-beta will allow a more complete analysis of fish inflammatory responses.  相似文献   

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