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The mechanical properties of outer hair cells are of importance for normal hearing, and it has been shown that damage of the cells can lead to a reduction in the hearing sensitivity. In this study, we measured the stiffness of isolated outer hair cells in hyper- and hypotonic conditions, and examined the change in stiffness in relation to the corresponding changes in internal cell pressure and cell shape. The results showed that the axial stiffness of isolated outer hair cells (30–90 μm in length, 8–12 μm in diameter), ranging from 0.13–5.39 mN m?1, was inversely related to cell length. Exposure to hyper- and hypotonic external media with a small percentage change in osmolality caused a similar magnitude of change in cell length and cell diameter, but an average 60% change in cell stiffness. Therefore, a moderate osmotic change in the external medium can lead to a significant alteration in cell stiffness. The findings thus indicate an important contribution of internal cell pressure to cell stiffness.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of snake inner ear sensory epithelia fixed in a microtubule stabilizing fixation revealed a narrow connection between the sensory hair rootlets and microtubules. Also, in the synaptic region microtubules were very frequently present.  相似文献   

A transgenic mouse line expressing the CreER(TM) fusion protein under the control of the Math1 enhancer was generated. Expression of the transgene in the postnatal mouse was restricted to hair cells of the inner ear and granule neurons in the external granule layer of the cerebellum in a temporally regulated manner. Cre activity was virtually nonexistent in uninduced mice; however, treatment of newborn pups with tamoxifen, leading to nuclear translocation of the fusion protein, resulted in efficient recombination at LoxP sites in the appropriate cell types. Up to two thirds of cerebellar granule neurons and 80-90% of cochlear hair cells underwent Cre-specific recombination. This mouse line provides a powerful tool to dissect gene function at early and late stages in development of the cerebellum and inner ear.  相似文献   

Sensory transduction in hair cells requires assembly of membrane-bound transduction channels, extracellular tip-links and intracellular adaptation motors with sufficient precision to confer nanometer displacement sensitivity. Here we present evidence based on FM1-43 fluorescence, scanning electron microscopy and RT-PCR that these three essential elements are acquired concurrently between embryonic day 16 and 17, several days after the appearance of hair bundles, and that their acquisition coincides with the onset of mechanotransduction.  相似文献   

The outer hair cells have been shown to exhibit motile properties which are likely to participate in the cochlear performance. Quinine is known to induce hearing loss as well as contraction of skeletal muscle. Isolated outer hair cells were exposed to quinine and tetracaine. This resulted in a biphasic elongation-shortening response, quantitatively as well as qualitatively altered by tetracaine. These findings are in good agreement with similar studies on muscle.  相似文献   

Summary In order to determine the ultrastructural organization of normal cells and to understand better the anatomical substrates for outer hair cell motility, cryofixation was performed on the sensory epithelium of the inner ear of guinea pigs prior to substitution of frozen water with organic solvents containing chemical fixatives. In this way cells would not be altered by the direct application of the chemicals commonly used for preservation, which are also known to cause fixation-induced shape changes in outer hair cells. Following rapid freezing and freeze-substitution, preservation of cells within the isolated sensory epithelium containing the organ of Corti was similar to that seen in conventionally fixed cells. However, in rapidly frozen and freeze-substituted outer hair cells the cytoplasm and the cellular membranes differed from those seen in conventionally fixed preparations. The cytoplasmic matrix was densely packed with filaments and stained homogeneously, suggesting better preservation of the cytoskeleton and less extraction of the soluble ground substance. Cell membranes were smooth, indicating that fixation-induced shape changes and shrinkage had been avoided. The subsurface cisternal system of intracellular membranes lining the lateral wall of the outer hair cells was composed of continuous, tightly packed, parallel rows of membranous lamellae. Thus rapid-freezing and freeze-substitution are important techniques by which structural alterations correlated with outer hair cell motility can be separated from fixation-induced cell shape changes.  相似文献   

Motion or force generation of outer hair cells may contribute to active modulation of cochlear mechanics. In order to determine the force involved in length changes of outer hair cells, a new in vitro method was used. In the first series of experiments, apical and basolateral extracellular spaces of outer hair cells of the guinea-pig cochlea were separated. Changes of the voltage between the two extracellular spaces induced reversible, proportional changes of the cell length of 4.4 nm/ mV if the cell had a length of 80 m. In the second series of experiments, cell elongations in response to negative pressure applied to the basal end of the cells were measured and corrected for frictional effects. From these data, the compliance of the longitudinal axis of the hair cells was calculated. It was 220±130 m/N (n =25) and 240±170 m/N /(n = 24) for cells of the third and fourth cochlear turns, respectively, if the water permeability of the cell membrane was neglected. If the water permeability was taken into account, the compliance was probably around 5 km/N. Thus, a mechanism that changes the cell length by 1 m must generate a static force of at least around 200 pN in an outer hair cell of the organ of Corti. Electromotility of outer hair cells, induced by changes of the electrical potential difference across the outer hair cell, is a mechanism that generates this force.  相似文献   

ATP-induced current in isolated outer hair cells of guinea pig cochlea   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1. Electrical and pharmacologic properties of ATP-induced current in outer hair cells isolated from guinea pig cochlea were investigated in the whole-cell recording mode by the use of a conventional patch-clamp technique. 2. Under current-clamp conditions, rapid application of ATP depolarized the outer hair cells resulting in an increase in conductance. The ATP-induced response did not show any desensitization during a continuous application. 3. At a holding potential of -70 mV, the ATP-induced inward current increased in a sigmoidal fashion over the concentration range between 3 microM and 1 mM. The half-maximum concentration (EC50) was 12 microM and the Hill coefficient was 0.93. 4. The ATP-induced current had a reversal potential near 6 mV, which was close to the theoretical value (1 mV) calculated from the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation for permeable intra- and extracellular cations. 5. In the current-voltage (I-V) relationship for the ATP response, a slight inward-going rectification was observed at more positive potentials than the reversal potential. 6. The substitution of extracellular Na+ by equimolar choline+ shifted the reversal potential of the ATP-induced current to more negative values. The substitution of Cs+ in the internal solution by N-methyl-D-glucamine+ (NMG+) shifted it in the positive direction. The reversal potential of ATP-induced current was also shifted to positive values with increasing extracellular Ca2+ concentration. A decrease of intracellular Cl- by gluconate- did not affect the reversal potential, thereby indicating that the ATP-induced current is carried through a large cation channel.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Flatfish are a group of uniquely asymmetrical vertebrates, lying always on one side. This postural control depends on the vestibular receptors of the inner ear. From the most primitive living flatfish, orientations of sensory hair cells in the inner ear were mapped by scanning electron microscopy. The maps of the three otolith organs, the three semicircular cristae, and the macula neglecta (newly discovered here for flatfish) show patterns that are very similar to those in many upright teleosts, particularly perches. Thus, peripheral sensory structure does not require modification for the unusual postural control of flatfish.  相似文献   

Auditory function in the mammalian inner ear is optimized by collaboration of two classes of sensory cells known as inner and outer hair cells. Outer hair cells amplify and tune sound stimuli that are transduced and transmitted by inner hair cells. Although they subserve distinct functions, they share a number of common properties. Here we compare the properties of mechanotransduction and adaptation recorded from inner and outer hair cells of the postnatal mouse cochlea. Rapid outer hair bundle deflections of about 0.5 micron evoked average maximal transduction currents of about 325 pA, whereas inner hair bundle deflections of about 0.9 micron were required to evoke average maximal currents of about 310 pA. The similar amplitude was surprising given the difference in the number of stereocilia, 81 for outer hair cells and 48 for inner hair cells, but may be reconciled by the difference in single-channel conductance. Step deflections of inner and outer hair bundles evoked adaptation that had two components: a fast component that consisted of about 60% of the response occurred over the first few milliseconds and a slow component that consisted of about 40% of the response followed over the subsequent 20-50 ms. The rate of the slow component in both inner and outer hair cells was similar to the rate of slow adaptation in vestibular hair cells. The rate of the fast component was similar to that of auditory hair cells in other organisms and several properties were consistent with a model that proposes calcium-dependent release of tension allows transduction channel closure.  相似文献   

Cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) is a reticulum-like intracellular Ca(2+) store depletory, which raises intracellular Ca(2+) concentration. The effect of CPA on membrane currents in isolated inner hair cells (IHCs) from guinea-pig cochlea was investigated by the patch-clamp technique in the whole-cell configuration. Four out of eight IHCs showed an augmentation of the currents and the other four cells showed an inhibition of the currents by extracellular CPA application. The activation kinetics of outward currents were not changed by CPA. Three out of four IHCs obtained from the basal part of the cochlea demonstrated augmentation, whereas three out of four IHCs from the apical part demonstrated inhibition of the currents. This result suggests that Ca(2+)-activated currents were dominant in the basal IHCs of the cochlea.  相似文献   

The basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) gene Hes6 is known to promote neural differentiation in vitro. Here, we report the expression and functional studies of Hes6 in the inner ear. The expression of Hes6 appears to be parallel to that of Math1 (also known as Atoh1), a bHLH gene necessary and sufficient for hair cell differentiation. Hes6 is expressed initially in the presumptive hair cell precursors in the cochlea. Subsequently, the expression of Hes6 is restricted to morphologically differentiated hair cells. Similarly, the expression of Hes6 in the vestibule is in the hair cell lineage. Hes6 is dispensable for hair cell differentiation, and its expression in inner ear hair cells is abolished in the Math1-null animals. Furthermore, the introduction of Hes6 into the cochlea in vitro is not sufficient to promote sensory or neuronal differentiation. Therefore, Hes6 is downstream of Math1 and its expression in the inner ear delineates the sensory lineage. However, the role of Hes6 in the inner ear remains elusive.  相似文献   

Before the onset of hearing at postnatal day 12, mouse inner hair cells (IHCs) produce spontaneous and evoked action potentials. These spikes are likely to induce neurotransmitter release onto auditory nerve fibres. Since immature IHCs express both α1D (Cav1.3) Ca2+ and Na+ currents that activate near the resting potential, we examined whether these two conductances are involved in shaping the action potentials. Both had extremely rapid activation kinetics, followed by fast and complete voltage-dependent inactivation for the Na+ current, and slower, partially Ca2+-dependent inactivation for the Ca2+ current. Only the Ca2+ current is necessary for spontaneous and induced action potentials, and 29 % of cells lacked a Na+ current. The Na+ current does, however, shorten the time to reach the action-potential threshold, whereas the Ca2+ current is mainly involved, together with the K+ currents, in determining the speed and size of the spikes. Both currents increased in size up to the end of the first postnatal week. After this, the Ca2+ current reduced to about 30 % of its maximum size and persisted in mature IHCs. The Na+ current was downregulated around the onset of hearing, when the spiking is also known to disappear. Although the Na+ current was observed as early as embryonic day 16.5, its role in action-potential generation was only evident from just after birth, when the resting membrane potential became sufficiently negative to remove a sizeable fraction of the inactivation (half inactivation was at −71 mV). The size of both currents was positively correlated with the developmental change in action-potential frequency.  相似文献   

Calcium channel in isolated outer hair cells of guinea pig cochlea.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The physiological and pharmacological properties of the Ca2+ channel in outer hair cells (OHCs) freshly isolated from guinea pig cochlea were investigated using a whole-cell patch-clamp technique. The Ca2+ current (ICa) was activated from a membrane potential of -20 mV and reached peak value around +20 mV in external solution containing 20 mM Ca2+ at a holding potential of -70 mV. The peak amplitude of ICa increased in a hyperbolic manner with increasing extracellular Ca2+ concentration. The ion selectively was Ba2+ much greater than Ca2+ greater than or equal to Sr2+. It was concluded that the Ca2+ channel in OHCs of guinea pig is of the L-type.  相似文献   

目的 探讨建立双侧内耳统计形状模型的方法和影响因素,并探讨使用平均双侧内耳模型作为带空间信息的标准模型。 方法 通过Otsu法以及手动分割37例双侧内耳模型,对模型进行配准并生成统计形状模型,观察测量标准模型空间信息。 结果 Otsu 法可以分割获取高质量内耳模型,模型配准后使用Statismo 0.81软件可以生成稳定的内耳统计形状模型,其导出的平均模型空间方向信息具有代表性。结论 双侧内耳统计形状模型可以导出平均模型作为带空间方向信息的标准模型。  相似文献   

Several cell adhesion molecules are expressed in the developing inner ear. The present study focused on gicerin, a novel member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, in an attempt to improve our understanding of the development and regeneration of chick inner ear. Gicerin is known to homophilically interact with itself and to bind to neurite outgrowth factor (NOF). The data collected herein show that gicerin is highly expressed in auditory epithelium and acoustic ganglion during early embryogenesis. The immunoreactivity of gicerin in the auditory epithelium decreases more rapidly than that in the acoustic ganglion as the mature hair cells become distinguishable. At the post-hatch stage, the expression of gicerin is not observed. In contrast, NOF was expressed on the basement membranes around the auditory epithelium, and in the acoustic ganglion during development and after birth, but not in the auditory epithelium. Following noise damage, gicerin is transiently re-expressed on the damage receptor epithelium when active cell proliferation is observed in the epithelium. This positive reaction immediately disappears as immature short hair cells appear. These results suggest that gicerin may be associated with cell proliferation in the auditory epithelium, and play a role in neurite extension of the acoustic ganglion cells in conjunction with NOF.  相似文献   

Inner ear hair cells respond to mechanical stimuli with graded receptor potentials. These graded responses are modulated by a host of voltage-dependent currents that flow across the basolateral membrane. Here, we examine the molecular identity and the function of a class of voltage-dependent ion channels that carries the potassium-selective inward rectifier current known as I(K1). I(K1) has been identified in vestibular hair cells of various species, but its molecular composition and functional contributions remain obscure. We used quantitative RT-PCR to show that the inward rectifier gene, Kir2.1, is highly expressed in mouse utricle between embryonic day 15 and adulthood. We confirmed Kir2.1 protein expression in hair cells by immunolocalization. To examine the molecular composition of I(K1), we recorded voltage-dependent currents from type II hair cells in response to 50-ms steps from -124 to -54 in 10-mV increments. Wild-type cells had rapidly activating inward currents with reversal potentials close to the K(+) equilibrium potential and a whole-cell conductance of 4.8 ± 1.5 nS (n = 46). In utricle hair cells from Kir2.1-deficient (Kir2.1(-/-)) mice, I(K1) was absent at all stages examined. To identify the functional contribution of Kir2.1, we recorded membrane responses in current-clamp mode. Hair cells from Kir2.1(-/-) mice had significantly (P < 0.001) more depolarized resting potentials and larger, slower membrane responses than those of wild-type cells. These data suggest that Kir2.1 is required for I(K1) in type II utricle hair cells and contributes to hyperpolarized resting potentials and fast, small amplitude receptor potentials in response to current inputs, such as those evoked by hair bundle deflections.  相似文献   

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