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目的 了解中国学生危险行为,包括艾滋病及性行为的知识态度行为现状,方法 1999年5月到6月,选取中国北京,天津、深圳、沈阳和云南40所中学的初一和高一学生16580名,采取KAP(知、信、行)问卷调查,结果 中学生看过描写性行为作品的比例为34.8%,反对婚前性行为的比例为61.2%。发生性病的比例达3.0%,对艾滋病知识的掌握,知道3条传播途径的比例为73.0%,知道日常生活接触不传播艾滋病的比例占44.6%,与家人或朋友谈论艾滋病知识的比例分别为44.9%和65.25%。但是愿意和AIDS/HIV感染(性传播疾病/艾滋病病毒感染)同班学习的比例仅为29.0%。结论 在中学生中尽快开展正确系统的性知识和预防HIV/AIDS知识的健康教育,并加强对中学生性态度、性行为的引导是必要的。  相似文献   

蚌埠市2004年高中生危险行为调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解蚌埠市高中生危险行为的变化情况,为采取干预措施保护青少年健康提供依据。方法按照分层随机整群抽样的方法,抽取蚌埠市10所中学60个班级的3 251名高中生为研究对象,获有效问卷3 044份。对其意外伤害行为、吸烟、饮酒和药物使用、性行为、饮食行为、锻炼行为和上网情况进行调查,并与2002年的调查结果进行比较。结果5.3%的学生从不或很少遵守交通规则,13.2%的学生有打架行为,4.1%的学生曾离家出走,1.5%的学生曾有过自杀行为,被老师体罚过的学生占43.0%;23.4%学生曾经吸烟;72.0%的学生曾经饮酒;11.2%的学生曾去过迪厅或舞厅跳舞;有1.2%的学生曾使用过摇头丸;2.4%的学生曾发生过性行为;34.6%的学生认为自己稍胖或很胖;41.9%和69.3%的学生每天吃水果和蔬菜次数≥1次,47.6%的学生每天喝牛奶≥1杯;40.7%的学生经常进行体育锻炼;12.1%的学生调查前1周上网≥3 d。多数意外伤害行为、吸烟、饮酒和药物使用、性行为、锻炼行为和上网行为发生率男生高于女生。结论多数吸烟、药物使用、性行为、上网行为发生率2004年高于2002年,而意外伤害行为和锻炼行为发生率2004年低于2002年。  相似文献   

目的了解浙江省中学生艾滋病知识知晓情况,为开展艾滋病健康教育提供科学依据。方法采用多阶段随机整群抽样方法,对浙江省30个县区221个学校249个班级的11638名初一至高三的中学生进行集中调查,采用自我管理式问卷调查方法。结果63.65%的调查对象曾经上过艾滋病预防的课程。15.46%的学生认为艾滋病可以通过握手传播,84.74%认为艾滋病可以通过性行为传播,81.60%认为艾滋病可以通过母婴传播,52.86%认为艾滋病可以通过蚊子叮咬传播。31.02%的调查对象和父母谈论过艾滋病相关话题。58.53%的曾和同学或朋友谈论过艾滋病相关话题。结论浙江省中学生艾滋病相关知识知晓情况有待提高,应加强健康教育和同伴教育。  相似文献   

艾滋病高发区中学生艾滋病相关知识知晓状况   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的了解艾滋病高发区中学生艾滋病相关知识知晓情况,为健康教育和行为干预提供依据。方法在安徽省5个艾滋病防治示范区,运用结构式问卷对3 302名初二和高二年级学生进行调查。结果中学生艾滋病相关知识的总体知晓率为78.8%,男生(79.3%)高于女生(77.4%)(P<0.01),高二年级学生(85.4%)高于初二年级学生(71.5%)(P<0.01),城区(79.9%)高于乡镇(74.0%)(P<0.01),其中对传播途径、非传播途径和防治知识的知晓率分别为89.5%,78.3%和72.3%。获取知识途径的前3位依次为电视(83.0%)、教师(62.4%)、招贴画和挂图(58.8%)。结论安徽省示范区中学生艾滋病相关知识知晓率较高。但应继续加强对艾滋病非传播途径及预防知识的教育,并以初中生、女生和农村中学生为重点,进一步发挥学校教师在健康教育中的作用。  相似文献   

男男性接触者高危行为与HIV感染   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
艾滋病(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,AIDS)是全球最严重的公共卫生和社会问题之一.自1981年第1例艾滋病患者在美国男性同性恋者中被发现以来,全球艾滋病病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)在世界200多个国家和地区相继流行[1].联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)和世界卫生组织(WHO)联合发布报告指出,2006年全球艾滋病病毒携带者人数为3 950万;新增艾滋病感染者430万,其中有290万人死于艾滋病[2].我国现有艾滋病病毒感染者约65万,其中艾滋病患者约7.5万人,疫情已经波及31个省(自治区、直辖市).据卫生部通报,截至2007-07底,全国历年累计报告艾滋病214 300例,其中艾滋病患者56 758例;死亡18 246例.艾滋病的流行情况不容乐观.  相似文献   

目的了解蚌埠市初三年级学生危险行为现状,为采取干预措施保护青少年健康提供依据。方法按照分层随机整群抽样的方法,共抽取蚌埠市14所中学19个班的初三年级学生为研究对象,获有效问卷935份。对其伤害行为、吸烟行为、饮酒和药物使用行为、性行为、饮食行为、锻炼行为和上网行为进行调查。结果4.3%的学生从不遵守或很少遵守交通规则,23.0%的学生有打架行为,2.7%的学生曾离家出走,20.6%的学生曾考虑过自杀,18.1%的学生曾经吸烟,64.1%的学生曾经饮酒,有1.4%的学生曾使用过摇头丸;1.2%的学生曾发生过性行为,但只有0.4%的性行为者每次性行为都使用安全套;30.9%的学生认为自己稍胖或很胖,54.0%和75.7%的学生每天吃水果和蔬菜次数≥1次,58.6%的学生每天喝牛奶≥1杯,72.2%的学生经常进行体育锻炼,参加校内外运动队的学生分别占17.2%和5.0%,9.1%的学生调查前1周上网≥3 d。结论多数伤害行为、吸烟行为、饮酒和药物使用行为、性行为、锻炼行为和上网行为男生高于女生。  相似文献   

某医学院学生HIV/AIDS知识·态度·行为   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的了解医学生对艾滋病知识的掌握情况以及相关行为和态度,为今后开展健康教育提供依据:方法自行设计艾滋病知识、态度、行为调查问卷,采用匿名方式对某医学院一~四年级468名在校学生进行调查。结果97.6%的学生知道艾滋病是一种传染病;85.2%的学生认为目前艾滋病不能治愈;68.8%的学生毕业后不愿意到收治艾滋病病人的科室工作;23.1%的学生认为自己处于感染艾滋病的危险之中;有6.6%的学生承认有过性行为:不同年级学生所掌握的艾滋病知识差异有显著性。结论在医学生中开展预防艾滋病健康教育是必要的,应将预防艾滋病健康教育作为医学生必修课程。  相似文献   

同伴影响在校外青少年感染艾滋病危险行为中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的分析青少年与其同伴危险行为发生的相关性,探讨同伴影响在校外青少年感染艾滋病危险行为中的作用强度。方法采用参与式调查方法,培训职业技能培训中心学员作为同伴调查员,对吉林省某县15~24岁校外青少年进行自填式匿名问卷调查。回收问卷544份,有效问卷511份,合格率为93.95%。结果同伴中有危险行为的人较同伴中没有危险行为的人更容易发生危险行为(P<0.05),同伴影响(Beta=0.44),母亲受教育水平(Beta=0.21),是否曾接受过避孕知识的教育(Beta=0.26),家庭经济条件(Beta=0.18)等4个因素是影响青少年危险行为发生的重要因素,且都是危险因素。模型预测能力R2=0.572,可见在所有因素中同伴影响作用强度最大。结论同伴影响在校外青少年感染艾滋病危险行为中起着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

A cross-sectional survey research design measured factors related to cigarette use among 2,212 senior high school students. Results showed 14.3% of the sample smoked cigarettes at least occasionally, with 5.3% reporting they were daily smokers. About 12.8% indicated they were ex-smokers. Males and females smoked at almost equal rates, and the percentage of 10th grade student smokers was slightly higher (16.4%) than the percentage of juniors and seniors who smoked. Approximately 22% of Hispanic students, 15% of Caucasian students, and 4.5% of African-American students reported smoking cigarettes at least occasionally. An initial regression analysis used 21 variables to predict cigarette smoking. A more parsimonious regression model (R2 = .28), using variables from the initial regression analysis with significance levels of .01 or less, indicated the most important predictors of cigarette use were ethnic group, attitude toward females who smoke, close friends' use of cigarettes, personal use of marijuana, best friend's use of cigarettes, personal use of alcohol, and school self-esteem. Implications for school health programs are addressed.  相似文献   



Homeless young adults are exposed to multiple risk factors for HIV infection. We identified HIV risk behaviors and their correlates among homeless young adults in Portland, Oregon.


We conducted a community-based, cross-sectional survey of HIV risk behaviors among homeless young adults aged 18–25 years in 2010. Participants completed three study components: (1) an interviewer-administered survey of HIV risk behaviors; (2) a brief, client-centered HIV risk-based counseling session; and (3) rapid HIV testing.


Among 208 participants, 45.8% identified as racial/ethnic minority groups, 63.8% were male, and 35.7% self-identified as nonheterosexual. Six participants, all from sexual minority groups, had positive HIV screening results (two newly identified, four previously known) for a seropositivity rate of 2.9%. Female sex, belonging to a sexual minority group, frequent traveling between cities, depression, and alcohol use to intoxication were significantly associated with unprotected sex in univariate analysis. Female sex and high perceived risk of HIV were significantly associated with unprotected sex in multivariate analysis.


Our findings support the need for enhanced HIV prevention interventions for homeless young adults.In the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan area, an estimated 1,500–2,000 homeless young people are living on the street (Personal communication, Caitlin Campbell, Homeless Youth Continuum Coordinator, Multnomah County, Oregon, July 2009). Young adults and adolescents are at particularly high risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. In 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 13% of all new HIV infections in the U.S. occur among people aged 13–24 years.1 Statistical modeling estimates that approximately half of HIV infections in the U.S. occur before 25 years of age.2 The young adult years are accompanied by escalating risk due to sexual contact and initiation of drug use in certain populations.Homeless young people live at the intersection of multiple risk factors and are especially at risk for HIV infection. Up to 35% of homeless young people identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.36 Homeless populations frequently exchange sex for money, drugs, or a place to stay;7 have high rates of substance use;8 and experience substantial unmet needs for multiple types of health care,9 further increasing their risk for HIV infection. Mental illness, such as depression, has been shown to be associated with infrequent condom usage among homeless adolescents in the U.S. Pacific Northwest.10 In 1994, Allen et al. reported findings from a 16-city CDC-sponsored seroprevalence study that showed an HIV prevalence of 2.3% among runaway young people aged 15–24 years and 3.4% among homeless adults.11 More recent studies demonstrate HIV prevalence proportions of 5%–16% among homeless adolescents and young adults.12,13An updated account of HIV prevalence among homeless young adults is essential to inform HIV prevention programs, reduce HIV transmission by educating about behaviors that put people at risk for infection, and connect affected people with resources. Additionally, little is known about current risk-taking behaviors among homeless young adults. The purpose of this study was to identify HIV risk behaviors and their correlates among homeless young adults in the Portland, Oregon, metropolitan area.  相似文献   

蚌埠市高中生危险行为现况研究   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
目的 了解蚌埠市中生危险行为现状,为采取干预措施。保护青少年健康提供依据。方法 按照分层随机整群抽样的方法,共抽取11所中学66个班的3276名高中生为研究对象,获有效问卷3131份,对其危险行为进行调查。结果 6.3的学生不遵守或很少遵守交通规律;1.6%的学生经常去非游泳场所游泳;12.1%的学生有打架行为;22.8%的学生曾考虑过离家出走;31.2%的学生曾考虑过自杀;被老师体罚过的学生占15.3%,9.7%的学生现在吸烟;71.2%的学生曾经饮过酒,34.1%的学生最近饮过酒;有3.5%和0.7%的学生曾分别使用过安定和摇头丸;2.6%的学生曾发生过性行为,而只有29.6%的性行为每次性行为都使用安全套;10.6%的学生在调查前1周上网≥3d。结论 与美国高中生相比,蚌埠市高中生的危险行为的比例多数较低,与国内资料相比基本持平。  相似文献   

PurposePrior studies reported homeless adolescents engage in more sexual risk than their housed peers. However, these comparisons are typically made post hoc by comparing homeless adolescent community-based samples with high school probability samples. This study uses a random sample of high school students to examine homelessness experiences and sexual risk behaviors.MethodsA supplemental survey to the Youth Risk Behavior Survey containing questions regarding homelessness and sexual health was administered to Los Angeles high school students (N = 1,839). Multivariate logistic regressions assessed the associations between demographics, past year homelessness experiences (i.e., place of nighttime residence), and being sexually active and condom use at last intercourse.ResultsHomelessness experiences consisted of staying in a shelter (10.4%), a public place (10.1%), and with a stranger (5.6%). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning (LGBTQ), younger, and male adolescents were more likely to experience homelessness. LGBTQ adolescents were also more likely to report staying with a stranger and less likely to report staying in a shelter. Compared to adolescents who stayed in shelters, adolescents who stayed with strangers and in public places were more likely to engage in unprotected sex at last intercourse.ConclusionsAdolescents who report sexual activity and sexual risk taking are more likely to report homelessness experiences. With regard to sexual health, staying with strangers could be a particularly risky form of homelessness; LGBTQ and black adolescents are more likely to experience this form of homelessness. Efforts to reduce homelessness and sexual risk-taking need to recognize the specific vulnerabilities faced by these populations.  相似文献   

上海市高中学生艾滋病同伴教育过程评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨同伴教育方式在上海市高中学生中开展预防艾滋病的适宜性和可行性,以探寻适合高中学生预防艾滋病的健康教育方法。方法 2002年4—9月选择上海市10所高中以及职业学校学生976名进行预防艾滋病的同伴教育,在6个模块的预防艾滋病相关的健康教育中实施过程评价。结果 有95.7%的学生明确表示喜欢同伴教育的方式。在各个模块中,教学质量的评分都在4分以上(5分制),第1模块艾滋病和第3模块自我保护的教学质量评分最高都达到4.40分,第1模块艾滋病和第5模块自尊自爱责任感的内容适宜程度评分最高,达到4.33分。结论 在高中开展预防艾滋病的同伴教育方式普遍受到学生欢迎;用同伴教育的方法进行艾滋病预防值得在中学中进一步推广。  相似文献   

安徽省某农村地区初中生预防艾滋病干预效果评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的比较艾滋病健康教育前后初中生艾滋病相关知识、态度情况,评价艾滋病健康教育的效果,为在中学生中开展艾滋病健康教育提供理论依据。方法采用整群抽样方法,以安徽省某农村地区2所初中的所有学生作为研究对象,分别进行为期3个月的相关艾滋病健康教育活动。自行设计调查问卷,采用定性与定量(问卷调查)相结合的方法对学生及教师进行调查,分别于干预前、后收集调查问卷。结果基线资料显示,学生对艾滋病的基本知识了解不全面和不够深入,尤其对非传播途径认识比较模糊;学生希望通过多种形式(教师讲解、播放录像、知识竞赛等)获取艾滋病的基本知识,教师建议以多种形式在学生中开展艾滋病健康教育活动;干预后,学生对艾滋病相关知识的知晓率有了明显的提高(P值均0.01);且愿意与艾滋病感染者及患者一起学习的学生较干预前有了明显的提高(P值均0.01)。结论对初中生开展预防艾滋病健康教育效果良好。提高知晓率、消除初中生对艾滋病感染者及患者的歧视,是今后开展艾滋病健康教育不容忽视的问题。  相似文献   


Over 2,000 North Carolina high school students completed surveys measuring community risk and protective factors and individual health risk behaviors including dating violence perpetration and victimization. Females reported more date fighting perpetration than males (8.8% to 4.0%), as well as greater levels of date fighting victimization (7.2% and 5.0%). In multivariate models, factors associated with date fighting perpetration among females and males included riding with a drinking driver. Neighborhood organization was protective for both groups. Cigarette use, drinking and driving, and being a minority were also associated with perpetration among females, while tobacco use was associated with date fighting perpetration by males. Factors associated with victimization among both genders included riding with a drinking driver. Females were more likely to be victimized if they used marijuana, whereas males were less likely to be a victim of date fighting if they perceived their community to be “organized.” Findings reflect comparable individual risk factors for date fighting across genders, with few exceptions, and warrant further investigation of the role of community assets in protecting young people from dating violence.  相似文献   

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