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试论知识经济时代医院人才管理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
作者从知识经济时代医院面临的形势入,阐述了对医疗市场的影响,内容包括:人才流失对医院的冲击;加入WTO后卫生人力总成本的增加对医院的影响,启动的社会保障制度改革对医疗市场的影响;消费者需求的提高对医院的影响,提出了知识经济时代医院人才培养管理思路;适才适用创新用人成本;适应医疗市场的需要抓好人才队伍的建设,最大限度地抢占市场;从依靠学科带头人转向注重学科带头人与人才梯队结构合理并举;以人才为基础增强医院发展后劲,推进新老交替,加快人才梯队建设步伐,并进一步提出知识经济时代人才培养管理的建设;要强化对人才资源重要性的认识;现行的工程师管理制度和晋升制度要改革;医师的综合基础训练要加强;研究生和住院医院的培养要实行分轨;加强出国学习的目的性;在市场经济条件下要强化职业道德教育,以促进知识经济时代医院人才培养管理的良好发展。  相似文献   

学科梯队建设是医院改革与发展的中心议题,也是医院改革与发展的出发点和落脚点。随着人才竞争的激烈,如何加快学科梯队建设,以适应时代的要求。是各医院在新世纪所面临的重要课题之一。本文剖析了上海第二医科大学各附属医院师资结构,总结分析其做法:①充分用足用好“211工程”经费,构筑人才高地。②引进海外顶尖人才担当学科带头人,迅速形成领先学科。③加强中青年学术骨干培养,注重学科梯队后备力量建设,以期对其他医院有所启发。  相似文献   

对培养跨世纪医学人才的思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
分析北京协和医院医师队伍现状,存在学科带头人年龄老化,学科梯队中间断层以及学科梯队后继乏人等问题。为克服这些问题,造就跨世纪医学人才,提出改革临床研究生培养制度,保证住院医师的培训;不拘五格引进人才,欢迎有志者不成回国工作;注重学科带头人的培养,形成合理梯队;学习国外的有闪经验,改进我们的医师培养模式等建议。  相似文献   

近年来,我院按照“科教兴院、人才强院”的发展战略,以加快重点专科建设、加快人才培养为抓手,采取一系列措施,加大对科研教学的投入,加强对学科带头人的培养和人才梯队建设。激励中青年学科带头人、业务骨干开展科研教学和新业务、新技术。不断提高核心竞争力,取得了较好的成绩。  相似文献   

重点学科建设是高校科研工作的重要组成部分 ,创造良好的学术环境 ,发挥学科的优势是学校科技进步的关键。实践证明重点学科建设对科学研究和人才培养有重要作用 ;优秀的学科带头人对学科的迅速发展 ,学术水平的提高有重大影响 ;科技竞争是知识和人才的竞争 ,也是创新能力的竞争 ;科技创新关键在人才 ,人才是推动学科发展的根本动力 ;科学管理是学科建设取得成效的有力保障  相似文献   

目的 探讨加强重点专科建设,促进医院全面医疗发展的思考.方法 加强重点专科建设,关键是要加强组织管理及制度建设,考虑人才培养及梯队建设,为临床医生提供学术资源,医院出资购买万方医学数据库使用权,有效解决临床医生信息需求较大的实际需要.结果 以重点专科发展带动全院协调发展,获得良好的经济效益和社会效益.结论制定制度和落实是重点专科发展前提,学科带头人创新意识和敬业精神是关键,结构合理的人才梯队是培养机制的重要保证.  相似文献   

浅议项目管理方法在医院学科建设中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
医院学科建设中应该广泛学习、借鉴项目管理理论和方法。医院要结合科室自身情况, 规划好学科建设目标;运用现代人力资源管理理论推进学科带头人和人才梯队建设;吸收项目资源 管理方法,优化科研资源,加强科研基地建设,开展有创新性的科研活动。  相似文献   

研究生教育对医院人才建设的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究生的招收和培养是医院培养高层次医学人才、确保学科梯队建设、培养学术带头人、填补学科空白的有效途径。我院招收研究生已有十几年,针对研究生教育的管理作用,我们作了以下探讨。安贞医院是一所以心肺血管疾病为主的首都医科大学附属综合医院,1984年建院。成...  相似文献   

拓宽培养渠道 加速梯队建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医院现代化建设的重点是各科室的发展和完善,科室发展和建设主要取决于学科带头人及学科梯队建设、人才培养和工作条件的改善。而加速人才培养及提高学术梯队的总体素质是科室建设的核心,是医院发展的根本所在,也是推动医院全面业务建设和发展的动力。  相似文献   

医院在学科建设中,有无好的学科带头人及结构合理的人才梯队极其重要。我院在选拔学科带头人时:(1)公平竞争,不拘一格选拔人才,在选拔时要有超前意识,克服论资排辈,讲究公平竞争,上下结合识别与选拔人才。(2)循序渐进,因势利导培育学科带头人,其中发挥老专家的作用,加速知识更新和科研能力培养,开展科技协作。  相似文献   

The phenomenon of abused women with mental illness is often unrecognised by staff working within welfare services. This may be explained by staff members' attitudes, insecurity or lack of awareness. Today, there are shortcomings in the knowledge of staff members' experiences and interpretations of abuse against women suffering from mental illness. The aim of this qualitative study was to describe how staff members experience and understand their work with abused women suffering from mental illness. Thematic interviews were conducted with 13 staff members from various welfare services. Data were subject to content analysis. The findings showed that working with abused women was experienced as ambiguous and painful and made the staff act pragmatically. Feelings of ambiguity were mainly related to the lack of theoretical frameworks for interpreting why women with mental illness are exposed to abuse. Painful experiences involved intertwined feelings of distress, frustration, worthlessness, ambivalence and powerlessness. These were all feelings that emerged in the direct encounters with the abused women. In response to the abused women's comprehensive needs, staff members acted pragmatically, implying networking without any sanction from the leaders of the organisation, compliance with routines and taking action in here-and-now situations. By acting pragmatically, staff members could achieve concrete results through their interventions. It is concluded that staff members, working with abused women with mental illness, are in a vulnerable situation and in need of formally accepted and implemented support and legitimacy as well as theoretical knowledge regarding causes and consequences of abuse in this particular group of women.  相似文献   

The interdisciplinary team approach to patient care provides an answer to the fragmentation and confusion patients feel when dealing with our complex healthcare system. Even though the team approach has been in use for the past two decades, implementation of a successful team is very difficult and rarely sustained over a significant period of time. This is especially true in general hospitals and in physical rehabilitation programs that spring from general hospitals where the physician and the nurse are the traditional care group. Occupational therapists, as they establish roles on interdisciplinary teams as staff members and team leaders, will require a knowledge of what makes a team function effectively. They can use this knowledge to evaluate the status of their own team and contribute to changes that will insure its long-term success. Six key issues should be addressed during the planning stage of any new healthcare team to insure its continued viability. These issues are: program philosophy, client focus, role clarification, collaboration and information sharing, policies and procedures, and staff supportiveness.  相似文献   

In a new educational scheme introduced in Malta in 1978, university students spend half of the academic year studying and the other half as workers in various departments. During their work phase, students designed and made working models as teaching aids for the study of physiology. The value of these models was assessed on another group of students before they started their physiology course. These students completed a multiple choice questionnaire on three occasions: before and after having seen the models and after they had had them explained. In addition, they completed a questionnaire designed to elicit their views concerning these models. It was found that the models effectively improved knowledge with little staff involvement. The effectiveness of a model as an aid to learning was directly proportional to the degree of its appeal, but inversely proportional to its complexity in terms of stimulating factors. It is suggested that such models could help in teaching, compensating for shortage of staff, and that students' ability to produce teaching models should be wisely exploited.  相似文献   

目的通过对院前急救工作人员的心理学分析,探讨其存在的心理问题及对工作产生的影响,将心理支持引入院前急救工作。方法通过对院前急救工作人员的寻访,并结合工作实践体会,将心理支持策略与院前急救工作有机结合。结果用心理支持能更好地推进院前急救工作。结论心理支持策略在急救工作中有推广价值。  相似文献   

A redefinition of leadership roles was necessitated by the adoption of program management, which accompanied the merger of two large academic hospitals, each of which consisted of two sites. Directors of professional departments were removed when staff were deployed to programs. Program directors were selected to manage the new programs, and profession leaders were identified to monitor standards of practice. The roles and accountabilities of the new program and profession leaders needed to be clarified for incumbents and other hospital staff. This article describes the process undertaken to clarify those responsibilities. The resulting Guide outlines 14 specific and collaborative responsibilities of program and profession leaders. Plans for review and future development of the Guide are discussed.  相似文献   

CONTEXT/PURPOSE: With the growing momentum toward hospital quality measurement and reporting by public and private health care payers, hospitals face increasing pressures to improve their medical record documentation and administrative data coding accuracy. This study explores the relationship between the organizational knowledge-sharing structure related to quality and hospital coding accuracy for quality measurement. Simultaneously, this study seeks to identify other leadership/management characteristics associated with coding for quality measurement. THEORY AND METHODS: Drawing upon complexity theory, the literature on "professional complex systems" has put forth various strategies for managing change and turnaround in professional organizations. In so doing, it has emphasized the importance of knowledge creation and organizational learning through interdisciplinary networks. This study integrates complexity, network structure, and "subgoals" theories to develop a framework for knowledge-sharing network effectiveness in professional complex systems. This framework is used to design an exploratory and comparative research study. The sample consists of 4 hospitals, 2 showing "good coding" accuracy for quality measurement and 2 showing "poor coding" accuracy. Interviews and surveys are conducted with administrators and staff in the quality, medical staff, and coding subgroups in each facility. FINDINGS AND IMPLICATIONS: Findings of this study indicate that good coding performance is systematically associated with a knowledge-sharing network structure rich in brokerage and hierarchy (with leaders connecting different professional subgroups to each other and to the external environment), rather than in density (where everyone is directly connected to everyone else). It also implies that for the hospital organization to adapt to the changing environment of quality transparency, senior leaders must undertake proactive and unceasing efforts to coordinate knowledge exchange across physician and coding subgroups and connect these subgroups with the changing external environment.  相似文献   

乡镇卫生院管理权下放的条件初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对乡镇卫生院管理权由县卫生局下放到乡政府的有关条件进行研究,采取召开专题小组讨论,知情者访谈等定性研究的方法,调查3个不同经济状况县的乡镇卫生院管理权下放前后的变化。结果提示,不同经济状况的地区卫生主管部门,乡镇政府,乡镇卫生院对乡镇卫生院管理权下放态度明显不同。因此,提出乡镇卫生院管理权下放的必备条件是:乡镇经济发展到一定程度;乡镇政府分管领导必须学习必要的卫生管理知识,必须具备相应的配套政策。建议乡镇卫生院管理权“上收”应因时因地,区别对待不搞“一刀切”。  相似文献   

Family and community medicine is an academic subject, a medical specialty and a health profession with distinct dimensions: healthcare, teaching, research and management. In this discipline, the object of knowledge is the person, understood as a whole. Family medicine, as an academic subject, and primary care, as a health education setting, should be incorporated into the core graduate and postgraduate curricula. The absence of these elements leads to training bias and has major repercussions on quality, coordination and patient safety. The development of the Health Professions Act and the construction of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) have created a favorable climate for the presence of this discipline in the university.Since the 1960s, family medicine has been consolidated as an academic subject with its own departments in almost all European universities, and a significant number of family physicians are teachers. A balance has been achieved between the hospital-based system (based on theory, disease, and the biological model) and the patient-centred model (based on problem solving, community-oriented and the bio-psycho-social model). The introduction of family and community medicine as a specific subject, and as a transverse subject and as an option in practicals, represents the adaptation of the educational system to social needs. This adaptation also represents a convergence with other European countries and the various legal requirements protecting this convergence. However, this new situation requires a new structure (departments) and faculty (professors and associate and assistant professors).  相似文献   

Family and community medicine is an academic subject, a medical specialty and a health profession with distinct dimensions: healthcare, teaching, research and management. In this discipline, the object of knowledge is the person, understood as a whole. Family medicine, as an academic subject, and primary care, as a health education setting, should be incorporated into the core graduate and postgraduate curricula. The absence of these elements leads to training bias and has major repercussions on quality, coordination and patient safety. The development of the Health Professions Act and the construction of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) have created a favorable climate for the presence of this discipline in the university. Since the 1960s, family medicine has been consolidated as an academic subject with its own departments in almost all European universities, and a significant number of family physicians are teachers. A balance has been achieved between the hospital-based system (based on theory, disease, and the biological model) and the patient-centred model (based on problem solving, community-oriented and the bio-psycho-social model). The introduction of family and community medicine as a specific subject, and as a transverse subject and as an option in practicals, represents the adaptation of the educational system to social needs. This adaptation also represents a convergence with other European countries and the various legal requirements protecting this convergence. However, this new situation requires a new structure (departments) and faculty (professors and associate and assistant professors).  相似文献   

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