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多种肝血流阻断下的解剖性肝切除术治疗原发性肝癌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨多种肝血流阻断下的解剖性肝切除术治疗原发性肝癌的临床疗效。方法总结我院2006年~2009年间36例行肝切除的原发性肝癌患者,其中解剖性肝切除术组16例,非解剖性肝切除术组20例,解剖性肝切除术组采用半肝入肝血流阻断9例,半肝出入肝血流阻断4例,绕肝提拉带半肝血流阻断3例;非解剖性肝切除均采用传统Pringle入肝血流阻断法。对两组病例的手术和随访情况进行分析评价。结果解剖性肝切除组术中出血、围术期输血、并发症发生例数、肝损害及切缘微转移灶明显低于非解剖性肝切除组(P0.05),术后1年肿瘤早期复发率低于非解剖性肝切除组(P0.05)。结论解剖性肝切除术治疗原发性肝癌可减少并发症发生、降低肿瘤早期复发率;采取多种半肝血流阻断的方式可明显降低手术出血及肝损伤。  相似文献   

全肝血流阻断在临床中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 评价改良全肝血流阻断法在肝切除术中的安全性及应用价值。方法 回归分析近年 11例常规方法不能切除的中央型肝肿瘤病例 ,采用全肝血流阻断法 ,2例同时利用静脉 -静脉转流方法 ,1例利用体外循环静脉转流技术。结果  1例术中不能耐受全肝血流阻断术中死亡 ,其余 10例顺利切除肿瘤 ,手术时间 32 7.3± 117.8min,3例术后出现右胸积液 ,1例心房纤颤。结论 全肝血流阻断方法对减少术中出血无优势 ,且术后并发症发生率高 ,宜仅选择性应用于肿瘤侵犯肝静脉主干、腔静脉或伴有腔静脉癌栓者  相似文献   

目的 探讨肝癌患者行肝切除术时肝血流阻断方法的选择。方法 观察分析65例肝癌患者行肝切除术时选用不同的肝血流阻断对手术及患者术后恢复的影响。结果 65例肝癌患者中行常规肝门阻断16例,选择性半肝血流阻断26例,肝内双向血流阻断22例,全肝血流阻断1例。全部患者肿瘤均获完整切除,除1例死亡外,其余术后恢复良好。结论 肝切除时肝血流阻断方法的选用应根据病变的位置、范围大小及手术类型和肝硬化程序等因素综合考虑而定。选择性半肝血流阻断法更适用于肝硬化病人的肝切除。  相似文献   

肝癌肝切除对阻断与不阻断人肝血流的比较   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
目的 比较肝癌肝切除时阻断与不阻断入肝血流的优缺点。方法  2 49例病人包含两组 :甲组 112例 ,肝切除时阻断入肝血流 ,乙组 137例 ,肝切除时不阻断入肝血流。比较两组病人术中失血量 ,术后谷丙转氨酶恢复时间 ,并发症发生率 ,1、2、3、年复发率和存活率。结果 甲乙两组估计术中失血量分别为 846 .4± 984.7ml和 5 93 .9± 6 45 .6ml(P <0 .0 1)。术后并发症发生率分别为 47.3 %和 19% (P <0 .0 1) ,1、2、3年复发率为甲组 2 1.4%、38.4%、42 .9% ,乙组 11.7%、2 6 .3 %、32 .8% ,1、2、3年存活率为甲组 92 .8%、79.4%、6 9.6 % ,乙组 97.1%、90 .0 %、79.5 % ,(P <0 .0 1)。结论 肝癌肝切除时不阻断入肝血流优于阻断入肝血流。  相似文献   

不同肝血流阻断方法在肝癌肝切除术中应用的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨肝癌肝切除时肝血流阻断法的合理选用。方法采用半肝血流阻断、缺血预处理、间歇性全肝血流阻断3种方法行肝切除术。对3组术前、术后肝功能变化及术中出血进行比较。结果83例患者无手术死亡。术后两周肝功能恢复正常或接近术前水平,3组分别为95.8%(23/24)、74.1%(20/27)和56.3%(18/32),组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01);术中出血量分别为(188±31.70)ml、(196±45.54)ml和(389±74.10)ml,前两组与后一组差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论肝癌肝切除时选择性半肝血流阻断是减少术中出血和术后肝功能恢复较快的有效肝血流阻断方法之一。  相似文献   

全肝血流阻断技术在肝外科的地位   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
自从Langenbuch1887年成功地完成第一位肝肿瘤切除术以来,随着对肝脏解剖,生理及生化功能研究的不断深入以及麻醉和手术技术的不断发展,现今肝脏外科已发展至几乎近于完善的水平,肝脏外科也不再有技术上的禁区。纵观肝脏外科的发展,其手术技术始终围绕着减少及控制出血而发展,有效的控制术中出血是手术成功的前提。Pringle于1908年创用的阻断入肝血的方法经90年的临床应用,证实是一种简便而有效的肝切除术中止血措施,并得到广泛应用。近年随着人ffl对肝脏热缺血损伤和缺血再灌注损伤的认识不断深入,不少学者对Pringle技术进行了…  相似文献   

张岩平 《护理学杂志》2012,27(10):33-34
目的探讨经腹经心包全肝血流阻断肝切除术患者的围术期护理方法。方法对18例肝肿瘤患者采取经腹经心包全肝血流阻断肝切除术,同时做好术前准备,术后密切监护病情变化、管道护理及并发症的护理。结果所有患者成功切除肿瘤,仅1例因术后肝功能损害持续加重,严重低蛋白血症,出现胸腹水转院治疗,其余患者经精心治疗护理,住院11~27d康复出院。结论经腹经心包全肝血流阻断肝切除术可提高肿瘤切除率;细致的护理可提高手术成功率,降低术后并发症的发生率,改善患者预后。  相似文献   

肝癌切除术中肝血流阻断方法的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨肝癌切除术中不同肝血流阻断方法的合理选择. 方法 回顾性分析2003年4月至2007年8月收治的资料完整的124例肝癌切除患者的临床资料,根据术中血流阻断方法分为:A组(51例),全肝入肝血流阻断法;B组(38例),选择性入肝血流阻断法;C组(24例),选择性出、人肝血流阻断法;D组(11例),半肝血流完全阻断法.比较四组患者手术时间、肝脏缺血时间、术中出血及输血量、术后肝功能恢复情况、术后并发症发生率及病死率等指标. 结果 术前基本情况比较四组间无明显差异(P>0.05).C组和D组手术时间明显长于A组(P<0.05),但术中出血量、输血量均少于A组和B组(P<0.05).四组在肝缺血时间、术后并发症发生率及病死率等方面无明显差异(P>0.05).但A组术后谷氨酸转氨酶水平明显高于其他三组(P<0.05),A组术后总胆红素恢复情况与B组有明显差异(P<0.05). 结论 肝切除术中每一种肝血流阻断方法都有其应用价值.阻断方法的合理选择由肿瘤大小、位置、术前肝功能状况、潜在肝病、心脑血管状态等因素综合决定,其中最重要的是术者手术经验及权衡利弊的能力.  相似文献   

肝血流阻断在原发性肝癌切除术中的应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
为评价在原发性肝癌(HCC)切除术中应用肝血流阻断方法对术中,术后诸因素的影响以及阻断方法的选择,就近5年来我院收治的163例HCC患者采用不同的肝血流阻断法行肝切除的多项观察指标指标进行比较,并与同期未加肝门阻断的65例比较,结果:肝血流阻断法虽能控制术中出血,但对肝实质产生损害,第一肝门阻怕法简单方便,但阻断时间受限,肝功能损害严重,单侧入肝血流阻断法阻断时间长而术后肝功能损害较轻,恢复快,全  相似文献   

目的:探讨肝癌切除术中不同肝血流阻断方法的合理选择.方法:回顾性分析124例肝癌肝切除患者资料,根据术中血流阻断方法分为A组(51例行全肝入肝血流阻断),B组(38例行选择性入肝血流阻断),C组(24例行选择性出入肝血流阻断),D组(1 1例行半肝血流完全阻断).比较4组患者手术时间、肝脏缺血时间、术中出血、输血量,术后肝功恢复情况、术后并发症发生率及病死率等.结果:各组间术前基本情况无统计学差异(均P>0.05).各组在肝缺血时间、术后并发症发生率及病死率等方面无统计学差异(均P>0.05);C组和D组手术时间明显长于A组(均P<0.05),但术中出血量、输血量均少于A组和B组(均P<0.05);A组术后丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)总胆红素(TBIL)与水平升高较为明显,前者与其余3组间差异均有统计学意义,后者与B组间差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05).结论:肝血流阻断方法的合理选择须由肿瘤大小、位置,术前肝功能状况、潜在肝病、心脑血管状态等因素综合决定,而最重要的是依靠术者的经验与判断力.  相似文献   

Major hepatic resection under total vascular exclusion.   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
Over a 9-year period, major resection was successfully performed on 51 occasions with total vascular exclusion using supra- and infrahepatic caval and portal vein clamping. The main indications for hepatic resection were centrally located tumor in liver metastases (62%) and hepatocellular carcinoma with no evidence of co-existing cirrhosis (25%). Major resections included extended and regular right hepatectomy, extended left hepatectomy, and segmentectomy. The mean duration of vascular exclusion was 46.5 +/- 5.0 minutes (range 20 to 70 minutes) and mean blood transfusion requirement was 1.4 +/- 0.4 units during vascular exclusion. There were significant correlations between postoperative fall in factor II levels and the number of segments removed (r = 0.37, p = 0.015) and between serum alanine aminotransferase levels at day 2 and the duration of vascular exclusion (r = 0.35, p = 0.02). One patient died 45 days after the procedure of multi-organ failure and sepsis. Nonfatal complications occurred in 7 patients (14%) and included respiratory infection (7 patients), biliary fistula (3 patients), and collection at the site of hepatic resection (3 patients). Total vascular exclusion is a safe and useful technique in resection of major hepatic lesions that involve hepatic veins.  相似文献   

目的 探讨经腹经心包全肝血流阻断肝切除术患者的围术期护理方法.方法 对18例肝肿瘤患者采取经腹经心包全肝血流阻断肝切除术,同时做好术前准备,术后密切监护病情变化、管道护理及并发症的护理.结果 所有患者成功切除肿瘤,仅1例因术后肝功能损害持续加重,严重低蛋白血症,出现胸腹水转院治疗,其余患者经精心治疗护理,住院11~27 d康复出院.结论 经腹经心包全肝血流阻断肝切除术可提高肿瘤切除率;细致的护理可提高手术成功率,降低术后并发症的发生率,改善患者预后.  相似文献   

Total hepatic vascular exclusion (THVE) is an useful method enabling safe and sure hepatic resection in patients with liver tumors adjacent to the large hepatic veins or inferior vena cava (IVC), tumor thrombi, invasion of the IVC, etc. To avoid serious hypotension during THVE, test clamping of the IVC prior to the procedure is indispensable. Hemodynamics should be carefully maintained by blood transfusion and sufficient infusion of colloidal and electrolyte solutions during THVE. The veno-venous bypass method which shunts blood from the IVC and portal vein to the superior vena cava enables prolongation of the period of THVE and is useful to avoid postoperative renal dysfunction. In situ liver perfusion with cold solution during THVE is an additional modality by which the liver is protected from warm ischemic injury and the duration of THVE can be further prolonged. However, the maximum duration of THVE is still controversial, especially in patients with chronic liver damage. The most appropriate method for THVE should be carefully chosen in each case by considering the type of lesion, liver function, and the goal of the surgery.  相似文献   

We evaluated haemodynamic changes during major liver resection that involved total hepatic vascular exclusion (HVE) carried out through clamping hepatic pedicle and inferior caval vein upper and above the liver. Fourteen patients, undergoing different procedures of major liver resection, were enrolled in this study which used complete cardiovascular monitoring. Haemodynamic parameters were measured and calculated at five different times during the operation. Changes such as reduction in cardiac output and increase in systemic vascular resistance, though significant, were well tolerated in all patients, allowing the execution of major liver surgery. HVE offers a significant reduction in haemorrhagic and air embolus risk, but it requires the use of complete haemodynamic monitoring to evaluate tolerance to clamping and correction of unavoidable cardiovascular changes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In the liver, efficacy of cryosurgical ablation of tumors located near the retrohepatic vena cava is impaired by the heat-sink effect. This could be overcome by total vascular exclusion (TVE) of the liver. In this study, the effect of TVE on cryosurgical ablation of liver tissue close to the retrohepatic vena cava was investigated with regard to the extent of the cryolesion and complications arising from necrosis of the caval wall. METHODS: Of a total of 28 pigs, 14 underwent cryotherapy with TVE compared to 14 without TVE, both involving the vena cava. 7 animals in each group were subjected to one freeze cycle and 7 in each group to two freeze cycles. Temperatures in the cryolesion were monitored and cryolesions were documented sonographically. Laboratory parameters were determined pre- and postoperatively. Follow-up was 14 days. Morphology, extent of the cryolesion, damage to the vena cava and complications were assessed after autopsy. RESULTS: With TVE, freezing rates were increased and cryolesions were significantly larger than without TVE. Transmural necroses of the vena cava with complete necrosis of the intima occurred significantly more frequently after TVE. Macro- and microscopically, the damage to the caval wall was considerably more marked after cryotherapy under TVE but in all cases the continuity of the vessel wall remained intact. There were no ruptures, thrombosis, or strictures of the vena cava. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of cryotherapy and TVE increases the effectiveness of cryoablation in the liver involving the retrohepatic vena cava without any severe vascular complications occurring in the pig.  相似文献   

目的 研究入肝血流阻断和全肝血流阻断对胆道梗阻兔肝脏的缺血-再灌注损伤。方法 36只兔随机均分为3组:胆道梗阻组(A组,BCDL)、入肝血流阻断组(B组,PTC)和全肝血流阻断组(C组,THVE)。组织气体分析仪持续测定肝组织氧分压(P_(ti)O_2);全自动生化仪测定血流总胆红素(TBIL)、丙氨酸氢基转氨酶(ALT);光镜观察肝脏病理改变。结果 B、C组在肝血流阻断后,肝 P_(ti)O_2值均明显下降,再灌注 60 min仅恢复到缺血前的 87.5%和 73.4%(P<0.05),C组较 B组肝P_(ti)O_2 值恢复更慢(P<0.05)。B、C两组 ALT值在肝缺血-再灌注期间均有不同程度升高,C组ALT值升高更明显,且与肝细胞损伤的病理学改变相一致。结论 急性胆道梗阻兔行PTC和THVE均可导致肝脏缺血-再灌注损伤,PTC较THVE对肝脏的损伤明显减轻。  相似文献   

全肝血流阻断对胆道梗阻兔肝脏损伤的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究全肝血流阻断对胆道梗阻兔肝脏缺血 /再灌注损伤。方法 将 30只兔随机均分为 3组 :A组 (对照组 )、B组 (胆道梗阻组 )和C组 (全肝血流阻断组 )。组织气体分析仪持续测定兔肝组织氧压 (PtiO2 ) ;光镜观察肝脏病理改变 ;全自动生化仪测定血清总胆红素 (TBIL)丙氨酸氨基转氨酶 (ALT)。结果 B、C组在全肝血流阻断后 ,肝PtiO2 值均明显下降 ,再灌注 60min后 ,肝PtiO2 值仍未恢复 ,与缺血前PtiO2 值差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 5) ,且在再灌注 60min时 ,B组较C组肝PtiO2 值恢复更慢 (P <0 .0 5) ;B、C组肝缺血再灌注 2 4h的不同时相 ,ALT值均进一步升高 ,B组较C组升高更为明显。至第 7d ,B、C两组ALT值均恢复到近于正常值 ,肝细胞损伤的病理改变也恢复近似正常。结论 胆道梗阻时肝脏能耐受全肝血流阻断 (2 0min)所致的肝缺血再灌注损伤。  相似文献   

Authors report the postoperative complication rate in 52 patients who had undergone total thyroidectomy for cancer between 1984 to 1989. Total thyroidectomy has been performed in 9.8% of patients surgically treated for nodular thyroid pathology. Patients age average 49 years in a range 16-75; they were 49 women and 3 men. In 50% of cases we found papillary cancer, follicular in 40%, medullary 4% and anaplastic 6%. We shared postoperative complications in two mean groups: 1) aspecific complications as cardiocirculatory failure, respiratory failure, wound infections or collections, granulomas, keloids; 2) surgery related complications such as hypocalcemia, dysphagia, recurrent++ paralyses. The first group, we noticed just one case of respiratory mechanical failure due to severe tracheomalacia that required a temporary tracheostomy performed at the end of surgical procedure; we did not notice any death due to cardio-circulatory or respiratory failure, nor did we notice any postoperative hemorrhage; one patient presented a wound seroma, two patients presented granulomas due to subcutaneous stitches, and three developed papulous drug-induced erythema. The second group, eight patients developed a transient hypocalcemia beginning on the second postoperative day, without relevant tetanic crisis, well treated by calcium administration; only two of these patients developed permanent hypoparathyroidism. In 3 cases we had to perform exeresis of a laryngeal inferior nerve involved by the cancer, while in 5 more cases we noticed a transient monolateral paralysis that disappeared in 2 or 3 months. Three patients presented dysphagia before intervention and healed post-surgery.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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