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Social Recognition is a fundamental skill that forms the basis of behaviors essential to the proper functioning of pair or group living in most social species. We review here various neurobiological and genetic studies that point to an interplay of oxytocin (OT), arginine-vasopressin (AVP), and the gonadal hormones, estrogens and testosterone, in the mediation of social recognition. Results of a number of studies have shown that OT and its actions at the medial amygdala seem to be essential for social recognition in both sexes. Estrogens facilitate social recognition, possibly by regulating OT production in the hypothalamus and the OT receptors at the medial amygdala. Estrogens also affect social recognition on a rapid time scale, likely through nongenomic actions. The mechanisms of these rapid effects are currently unknown but available evidence points at the hippocampus as the possible site of action. Male rodents seem to be more dependent on AVP acting at the level of the lateral septum for social recognition than female rodents. Results of various studies suggest that testosterone and its metabolites (including estradiol) influence social recognition in males primarily through the AVP V1a receptor. Overall, it appears that gonadal hormone modulation of OT and AVP regulates and fine tunes social recognition and those behaviors that depend upon it (e.g., social bonds, social hierarchies) in a sex specific manner. This points at an important role for these neuroendocrine systems in the regulation of the sex differences that are evident in social behavior and of sociality as a whole.  相似文献   

This review aims to discuss how endogenous and exogenous testosterone exposures in men and estrogens/progesterone exposures in women interact with sleep regulation. In young men, testosterone secretion peaks during sleep and is linked to sleep architecture. Animal and human studies support the notion that sleep loss suppresses testosterone secretion. Testosterone levels decline slowly throughout the aging process, but relatively few studies investigate its impact on age-related sleep modifications. Results suggest that poorer sleep quality is associated with lower testosterone concentrations and that sleep loss may have a more prominent effect on testosterone levels in older individuals. In women, sex steroid levels are characterized by a marked monthly cycle and reproductive milestones such as pregnancy and menopause. Animal models indicate that estrogens and progesterone influence sleep. Most studies do not show any clear effects of the menstrual cycle on sleep, but sample sizes are too low, and research designs often inhibit definitive conclusions. The effects of hormonal contraceptives on sleep are currently unknown. Pregnancy and the postpartum period are associated with increased sleep disturbances, but their relation to the hormonal milieu still needs to be determined. Finally, studies suggest that menopausal transition and the hormonal changes associated with it are linked to lower subjective sleep quality, but results concerning objective sleep measures are less conclusive. More research is necessary to unravel the effects of vasomotor symptoms on sleep. Hormone therapy seems to induce positive effects on sleep, but key concerns are still unresolved, including the long-term effects and efficacy of different hormonal regimens.  相似文献   

Comparisons of the sex chromosome systems in birds and mammals are widening our view and deepening our understanding of vertebrate sex chromosome organization, function, and evolution. Birds have a very conserved ZW system of sex determination in which males have two copies of a large, gene-rich Z chromosome, and females have a single Z and a female-specific W chromosome. The avian ZW system is quite the reverse of the well-studied mammalian XY chromosome system, and evolved independently from different autosomal blocs. Despite the different gene content of mammal and bird sex chromosomes, there are many parallels. Genes on the bird Z and the mammal X have both undergone selection for male-advantage functions, and there has been amplification of male-advantage genes and accumulation of LINEs. The bird W and mammal Y have both undergone extensive degradation, but some birds retain early stages and some mammals terminal stages of the process, suggesting that the process is more advanced in mammals. Different sex-determining genes, DMRT1 and SRY, define the ZW and XY systems, but DMRT1 is involved in downstream events in mammals. Birds show strong cell autonomous specification of somatic sex differences in ZZ and ZW tissue, but there is growing evidence for direct X chromosome effects on sexual phenotype in mammals. Dosage compensation in birds appears to be phenotypically and molecularly quite different from X inactivation, being partial and gene-specific, but both systems use tools from the same molecular toolbox and there are some signs that galliform birds represent an early stage in the evolution of a coordinated system.  相似文献   

When dental caries rates are reported by sex, females are typically found to exhibit higher prevalence rates than males. This finding is generally true for diverse cultures with different subsistence systems and for a wide range of chronological periods. Exceptions exist, but are not common. In this paper, we present new data for sex differences in dental caries rates among the Guanches (Tenerife, Canary Islands), summarize results of meta-analyses of dental caries prevalence, and emphasize new research that stresses the critical role of female hormones and life-history events in the etiology of dental caries. Among the Guanches, corrected tooth-count caries rates for females (8.8%, 158/1,790) are approximately twice the frequency of caries among males (4.5%, 68/1,498). Higher caries prevalence among females is often explained by one of three factors: 1) earlier eruption of teeth in girls, hence longer exposure of girls' teeth to the cariogenic oral environment, 2) easier access to food supplies by women and frequent snacking during food preparation, and 3) pregnancy. Anthropologists tend to favor explanations involving behavior, including sexual division of labor and women's domestic role in food production. By contrast, the causal pathways through which pregnancy contributes to poorer oral health and higher caries rates are deemphasized or discounted. This paper presents recent research on physiological changes associated with fluctuating hormone levels during individual life histories, and the impact these changes have on the oral health of women. The biochemical composition of saliva and overall saliva flow rate are modified in several important ways by hormonal fluctuations during events such as puberty, menstruation, and pregnancy, making the oral environment significantly more cariogenic for women than for men. These results suggest that hormonal fluctuations can have a dramatic effect on the oral health of women, and constitute an important causal factor in explaining sex differences in caries rates.  相似文献   

Although the morphology of the cerebral cortex is known to be sexually dimorphic in several species, to date this difference has not been investigated in mice. The present study is the first to report that the mouse cerebral cortex is thicker in males than in females. We further asked if this sex difference is the result of gonadal hormones, or alternatively is induced by a direct effect of genes encoded on the sex chromosomes. The traditional view of mammalian neural sexual differentiation is that androgens or their metabolites act during early development to masculinize the brain, whereas a feminine brain develops in the relative absence of sex steroids. We used mice in which the testis determination gene Sry was inherited independently from the rest of the Y chromosome to produce XX animals that possessed either ovaries or testes, and XY animals that possessed either testes or ovaries. Thus, the design allowed assessment of the role of sex chromosome genes, independent of gonadal hormones, in the ontogeny of sex differences in the mouse cerebral cortex. When a sex difference was present, mice possessing testes were invariably masculine in the morphology of the cerebral cortex, independent of the complement of their sex chromosomes (XX vs. XY), and mice with ovaries always displayed the feminine phenotype. These data suggest that sex differences in cortical thickness are under the control of gonadal steroids and not sex chromosomal complement. However, it is unclear whether it is the presence of testicular secretions or the absence of ovarian hormones that is responsible for the thicker male cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Immune complex-induced tissue injury is mediated by inflammatory cell infiltration that is highly regulated by multiple adhesion molecules. To assess the relative contribution of adhesion molecules, including selectins and ICAM-1, in this pathogenetic process, the cutaneous passive Arthus reaction was examined in mice lacking E-selectin, P-selectin, or both L-selectin and ICAM-1 with anti-P- or E-selectin mAbs. Edema and hemorrhage were significantly reduced in P-selectin(-/-) mice compared with wild-type mice while they were not inhibited in E-selectin(-/-) mice. Combined E- and P-selectin blockade resulted in more significant reduction relative to L-selectin/ICAM-1(-/-) as well as P-selectin(-/-) mice. Remarkably, both E- and P-selectin blockade in L-selectin/ICAM-1(-/-) mice completely abrogated edema and hemorrhage. The inhibited edema and hemorrhage paralleled reduced infiltration of neutrophils and mast cells that expressed significant levels of P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1. Similarly reduced infiltration of neutrophils and mast cells was observed in the peritoneal Arthus reaction and was associated partly with the decreased production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6. The results of this study indicate that both endothelial selectins contribute predominantly to the Arthus reaction by regulating mast cell and neutrophil infiltration and that the full development of the Arthus reaction is mediated cooperatively by all selectins and ICAM-1.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses a type III secretion system to promote development of severe disease, particularly in patients with impaired immune defenses. While the biochemical and enzymatic functions of ExoU, ExoS, and ExoT, three effector proteins secreted by this system, are well defined, the relative roles of each protein in the pathogenesis of acute infections is not clearly understood. Since ExoU and ExoS are usually not secreted by the same strain, it has been difficult to directly compare the effects of these proteins during infection. In the work described here, several isogenic mutants of a bacterial strain that naturally secretes ExoU, ExoS, and ExoT were generated to carefully evaluate the relative contribution of each effector protein to pathogenesis in a mouse model of acute pneumonia. Measurements of mortality, bacterial persistence in the lung, and dissemination indicated that secretion of ExoU had the greatest impact on virulence while secretion of ExoS had an intermediate effect and ExoT had a minor effect. It is of note that these results conclusively show for the first time that ExoS is a virulence factor. Infection with isogenic mutants secreting wild-type ExoS, ExoS defective in GTPase-activating protein (GAP) activity, or ExoS defective in ADP-ribosyltransferase activity demonstrated that the virulence of ExoS was largely dependent on its ADP-ribosyltransferase activity. The GAP activity of this protein had only a minor effect in vivo. The relative virulence associated with each of these type III effector proteins may have important prognostic implications for patients infected with P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Stress-related disorders such as anxiety and depression are disproportionately prevalent in women. Women are more likely to experience depression and anxiety disorders during periods of marked hormonal fluctuations, suggesting that gonadal hormones are involved in stress pathology. Depression and anxiety are both associated with aberrant secretion of glucocorticoids, which also show marked fluctuations across the reproductive cycle and in response to gonadal steroids. Thus, interactions between gonadal and stress hormones may play a major role in predisposing females to stress-related disease. The purpose of this brief review is to highlight preclinical data regarding the role of estrogens in depression and anxiety-like behaviors. While it is evident the exogenous estrogens modulate affective behavior in rodents, there is some disagreement in the literature, perhaps related to experimental designs that vary with respect to administration parameters and stress. Beneficial effects of estrogens on mood are most likely due to estrogen receptor (ER)β signaling. The antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of ERβ are consistent with its role in attenuating glucocorticoid responses to stress, suggesting that estrogens, acting at ERβ, may improve mood by suppressing glucocorticoid hyperactivity. However, additional studies demonstrate that ERβ signaling in the hippocampus is sufficient to induce antidepressant and anxiolytic behaviors. Thus, ERβ may improve mood via primary actions on hypothalamic (i.e., paraventricular nucleus) and/or extra-hypothalamic sites. Overall, the preclinical research suggests that selective ER modulators targeting ERβ may be an attractive alternative or adjunct treatment to currently prescribed antidepressants or anxiolytics.  相似文献   

Sex differences in sex chromosome gene expression in mouse brain   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

We have characterized actin gene expression in Schistosoma mansoni at the RNA and protein levels. Northern blot analyses showed two size classes of actin mRNA in eggs, cercariae and adult worms of both sexes, approximately 1 900 and 1 400 bases in length. A higher abundance of actin mRNA of both size classes was demonstrated in male worms than in eggs, cercariae, and females. Using a phalloidin-rhodamine conjugate, male worms were observed to contain more actin protein than females. Southern blot-hybridization indicated that the sexual differences in actin mRNA and protein levels were not related to some S. mansoni actin genes being sex linked. In addition, two other trematodes, Schistosoma japonicum and Fasciola hepatica and a cestode, Taenia pisiformis contained two classes of actin mRNA similar in size as those in S. mansoni. In contrast, a turbellarian, Dugesia tigrina contained only a single short actin message size class approximately 1 400 bases in length.  相似文献   

Sex steroid hormones, androgens, and their synthetic analog nerobolil regulate the relationship between metabolism of free monoenic fatty acids with odd numbers of carbon atoms and essential branched amino acids in male rats both in physiological health and under conditions of disturbed protein metabolism caused either by 22-day starvation or by second- or third-degree thermal injury. Translated fromByulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 117, N o 6, pp. 602–605, June, 1994 Presented by Yu. A. Pankov, Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences  相似文献   

Rat sex and strain differences in responses to stress   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Sensitivity to stress has been linked to the development of a variety of physical and psychological disorders. Studies to-date have focused on extreme stress phenotypes, have studied mostly male responses, have used limited dependent variables, and have included a limited number of measurement time points. The present experiment was designed to address these limitations. Feeding, body weight, open-field activity, acoustic startle reflex (ASR), and prepulse inhibition (PPI) responses of adult male and female Sprague-Dawley and Long-Evans rats to daily immobilization stress (20 min/day) were evaluated for 3 weeks. Stress significantly decreased feeding and body weight of males but generally not of females. Effects were greatest in Long-Evans males. Stress decreased 15-min activity levels for males on Stress Day 1, but not on other days. Stress did not affect 15-min activity levels of Long-Evans females but decreased 15-min activity levels of Sprague-Dawley females on every measurement day. ASR responses to stress differed based on rat strain; percent PPI responses differed based on rat strain and sex. Stress increased startle responses of Sprague-Dawley males and females but not of Long-Evans males and females. Stress reduced PPI of Long-Evans females on every measurement day but not of other groups. These findings indicate that strain and sex of rat is important to consider in evaluating behavioral and physiological responses to stress.  相似文献   

In this study we have evaluated the influence of sex, gonadectomy and sex hormones on the development of L-NAME-induced hypertension in the rat, focusing our investigation on blood pressure (BP), plasma renin activity (PRA), cardiac hypertrophy and proteinuria. Three experiments were performed to investigate: (i) the influence of sex on the development of L-NAME-induced hypertension; (ii) the effects of gonadectomy on the dimorphism of L-NAME-induced hypertension; and (iii) the effects of testosterone in ovariectomized female and of 17beta-oestradiol in orchidectomized male rats. Male L-NAME-treated rats had higher BP values than females. Orchidectomy of L-NAME-treated rats reduced BP to the levels of females and ovariectomy did not affect hypertension in females. Oestrogenized and orchidectomized males had a BP level similar to intact female L-NAME-treated rats. However, androgenization and ovariectomy did not change BP in female L-NAME-treated rats. PRA was greater in intact male L-NAME hypertensive rats than in female rats, and gonadectomy protected against the increase in PRA such that PRA was similar among all the groups. Intact female hypertensive rats showed significantly greater ventricular hypertrophy compared with male hypertensive rats. Male L-NAME hypertensive rats had increased proteinuria that was not present in female rats. Moreover, testosterone increased proteinuria in males and females regardless of the BP level. Male L-NAME-treated rats developed higher BP, PRA and proteinuria than female rats, but were more resistant to the development of cardiac hypertrophy. The higher PRA of male L-NAME-treated rats might be involved in the sex-dependent dimorphism of this model of hypertension.  相似文献   

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