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At present, our understanding of how normal aging affects in vivo brain function is rudimentary. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate age effects on auditory P300 topography. A recently developed dipole source model for P300 distinguishes overlapping P300 subcomponents and enhances reliability as well as validity of the measurement. 67 healthy subjects were examined using the P300 dipole model in addition to the scalp data measurement. The results show that P300 subcomponents reflect functionally different processes concerning age changes of P300 activities. Temporo-parietal P300 is smaller in older subjects, whereas frontal P300 is not attenuated. Age affected both P300 subcomponents' latencies. Therefore, the functionally different alteration of P300 subcomponents might be the reason for P300 topography changes with the P300 maximum more frontally in older age.  相似文献   

P300 and LORETA: Comparison of Normal Subjects and Schizophrenic Patients   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
It was the aim of the present study 1) to investigate how many cortical activity maxima of scalp-recorded P300 are detected by Low Resolution Electromagentic Tomography (LORETA) when analyses are performed with high time-resolution, 2) to see if the resulting LORETA-solution is in accordance with intracortical recordings as reported by others and 3) to compare the given pattern of cortical activation maxima in the P300-timeframe between schizophrenic patients and normal controls. Current density analysis was performed in 3-D Talairach space with high time resolution i.e. in 6 ms steps. This was done during an auditory choice reaction paradigm separately for normal subjects and schizophrenic patients with subsequent group comparisons. In normal subjects, a sequence of at least seven cortical activation maxima was found between 240-420ms poststimulus: the prefrontal cortex, anterior or medial cingulum, posterior cingulum, parietal cortex, temporal lobe, prefrontal cortex, medial or anterior cingulum. Within the given limits of spatial resolution, this sequential maxima distribution largely met the expectations from reports on intracranial recordings and functional neuroimaging studies. However, localization accuracy was higher near the central midline than at lateral aspects of the brain. Schizophrenic patients less activated their cortex in a widespread area mainly in the left hemisphere including the prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulum and the temporal lobe. From these analyses and comparsions with intracranial recordings as reported by others, it is concluded that LORETA correctly localizes P300-related cortical activity maxima on the basis of 19 electrodes except for lateral cortical aspects which is most likely an edge-phenomenon. The data further suggest that the P300-deficit in schizophrenics involves an extended cortical network of the left hemisphere at several steps in time during the information processing stream.  相似文献   

P300 event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were elicited using a simple discrimination task in which participants discriminated two different equiprobable visual stimuli with button-press responses (n = 20). A total of ten trial blocks were presented at 10-min intervals. P300 amplitude declined significantly, but peak latency did not change reliably across trial blocks. P300 amplitude demonstrated a reliable cyclical fluctuation across trial blocks, although P300 latency did not. Intra-trial block ERP variability was assessed by computing the correlation coefficients between the target and standard stimuli for amplitude and latency measures across participants within each trial block. P300 amplitude correlations were weakest at the Fz electrode, more strongly associated at Cz, and were most strongly correlated at Pz across trial blocks. P300 latency correlations were somewhat weaker and similar in strength across electrodes sites. The correlational patterns for both P300 amplitude and latency demonstrated reliable cyclical variation. The N100 component produced strong and consistent correlations for both amplitude and latency, whereas the P200 and N200 component measures evinced cyclical correlational patterns similar to the P300 across trial blocks. These results suggest that the stability of P300 and other component measures can vary appreciably within and across trial blocks in a manner that reflects ultradian variation in arousal level.  相似文献   

Evaluation of hip joint space width during child growth is important to aid in the early diagnosis of hip pathology in children. We established reference values for hip joint space and femoral head size for each age. Hip joint space development during growth was retrospectively investigated medial and cranial in 1350 hip joints of children using standard anteroposterior supine plain pelvic radiographs. Maximum capital femoral epiphysis diameter and femoral radii were further more investigated. Hip joint space values show a slow decline during growth. Joint space was statistically significantly (p < 0.006) larger in boys than girls. Our hip joint space measurements on supine subjects seem slightly larger than those reported by Hughes on standing subjects. Evaluation of the femoral head diameter and the radii showed a size curve quite parallel to the known body growth charts. Radii medial and perpendicular to the physis are not statistically significantly different. We recommend to compare measurements of hip joint space at two locations to age dependent charts using the same imaging technique. During growth, a divergence in femoral head size from the expected values or loss of the spherical shape should raise the question of hip disorder. Clin. Anat. 30:267–275, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Single trial amplitude, latency jitter, and electroencephalographic (EEG) power were examined as sources of the group difference in averaged P300 amplitude among 15 traumatically brain injured and 20 control individuals in an auditory oddball paradigm. Mean amplitude of the individual trials was highly correlated with the amplitude of the averaged P300, with little additional unique variance attributable to latency jitter or EEG power. The group difference in P300 amplitude was also explained by the mean amplitude of the single trials. These results support the robustness of the event-related potential averaging technique within the paradigm used.  相似文献   

Cognitive event-related potentials were recorded from 17 EEG leads in an auditory two-tone paradigm in 43 patients aged 51-79 years with the diagnosis of age-associated memory impairment (AAMI), in age-and sex-matched normal controls and in a control group 10 years older than the AAMI patients. In addition to P300 latencies, amplitudes and topographies, three-dimensional current density distribution utilizing low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) was computed. P300 latency was delayed and P300 amplitude was reduced in both AAMI and older subjects. Topographically this amplitude reduction was most pronounced frontally. LORETA revealed medial (frontal and parietal) and lateral (dorso- and ventrolateral prefrontal, middle/superior temporal, posterior superior temporal/inferior parietal) sources. Significant reductions in LORETA source strength in normal aging and in AAMI were found mainly medially frontally, right dorsolaterally prefrontally and right inferiorly parietally. Since these anatomically highly interconnected brain regions in the right hemisphere are part of a network associated with sustained attention, the results speak for a decline in attentional resource capacity in AAMI patients and elderly subjects.  相似文献   

The P300 event-related potential (ERP) was elicited in left- and right-handed young adult male and female participants ( n = 20Ygroup) with both auditory and visual stimulus discrimination tasks that varied systematically in difficulty. P300 amplitude was larger across all task conditions for left- than for right-handed participants at anterior and central electrode sites. P300 latency was shorter across all task conditions for left- than for right-handers. Task difficulty did not affect the ERP handedness differences. Male and female subjects demonstrated comparable ERP handedness effects, although smaller P300 components were obtained for males than for females. When considered in the context of corpus callosal size differences for left- versus right-handed and male versus female participants, the findings suggest that the P300 reflects callosal size and interhemispheric transmission efficacy.  相似文献   

A precise definition of executive control remains elusive, related in part to the variations among executive tasks in the nature of the task demands, which complicate the identification of test-specific versus construct-specific performance. In this study, tasks were chosen that varied in the nature of the stimulus (verbal, nonverbal), response (naming, somatic motor), conflict type (proactive interference, distraction), and inhibitory process (attention control, response suppression) required. Then performance differences were examined in 184 young children (age range = 3 years 6 months to 6 years 1 month), comparing those with high (5 or more digits) and low (3 or fewer digits) spans to determine the dependence on short-term memory. Results indicated that there was communality in inhibitory task demands across instruments, although the specific pattern of task intercorrelations varied in children with high and low spans. Furthermore, only performance on attention control tasks-that is, that require cognitive engagement/disengagement among an internally represented rule or response set that was previously active versus those currently active-differed between children of high and low spans. In contrast, there were differences neither between children with high and low spans on response suppression tasks nor on tasks when considered by type of stimulus, response, or conflict. Individual differences in well-regulated thought may rest in variations in the ability to maintain information in an active, quickly retrievable state that subserve controlling attention in a goal-relevant fashion.  相似文献   

Singhal and Fowler (2004) showed that the late negative difference (Nd) waveform elicited during dichotic listening was attenuated by concurrent visual short term memory (STM) scanning, but not long term memory (LTM) scanning. P300 was reduced by both tasks. The present study compared the effects of STM load on the late Nd and P300 by combining dichotic listening and visual memory scanning with varying set sizes. The results showed that the late Nd was sensitive to the introduction of the scanning task, but not to an increase in load. Furthermore, both the auditory and visual P300s were reduced when a second task was introduced, but only the visual P300 decreased as a function of memory-set size. These data suggest that (a) the auditory late Nd reflects working memory, but not memory scanning, (b) late Nd and P300 reflect parallel but distinct working memory processes, and (c) stimulus modality is an important determinant of P300 amplitude.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the use of auditory oddball cognitive P300 changes in an attempt to find out the correlation between the grade and consequences of closed head injury. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty patients with cerebral concussion (mean age 38.5 +/- 10.5 years) and twenty patients with cerebral contusion (mean age 35.5 +/- 9.8 years) underwent auditory oddball P300 investigation within 0.5 - 28 months after the incident. CT was performed in all of patients before P300 testing. The control group consisted of 30 healthy persons, age and sex matched to the study cohort. RESULTS: All of the patients with concussion showed normal results in P300. Sixteen cases with contusion (80%, CI 62.5-97.3%, p < 0.05) revealed abnormal P300 (latency more than 360 msec and absent P300 response in 4 cases). CONCLUSION: Years after the head injury, cognitive P300 changes make cerebral contusion objective.  相似文献   

The photoperiod model of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) suggests that SAD is caused by abnormal responses to seasonal changes in day length. Clarifying the utility of event-related brain potentials (ERPs) as diagnostic aids or measures of therapeutic efficacy in SAD requires understanding the range of naturally occurring seasonal patterns of variation in human responses. This investigation studied ERPs from non-patients (402 from men, 415 from women) during the pronounced photoperiod variation of the Alaskan subarctic where light availability ranges from 3.20 h in winter to 21.98 h in summer. ANOVA showed significant (P=0.03) main effect of photoperiod in the amplitude and latency of P300 responses, as well as a main effect of sensory modality (P=0.002). There was neither a main effect of gender, nor any significant gender-interactive effect in ERP responses. In clients with SAD, the ERP variability attributed to seasonal photoperiod remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

P300, Probability, and Interstimulus Interval   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
John  Polich 《Psychophysiology》1990,27(4):396-403
The relationship between target stimulus probability and interstimulus interval on the P300 (P3) component of the event-related potential was assessed in three experiments. In each study an auditory discrimination paradigm was employed wherein subjects indicated with a finger tap response the occurrence of a randomly presented 2000 Hz target tone embedded in a series of 1,000 Hz tones. Target stimuli were presented with a probability of either .20 or .80 in different conditions which were combined factorially with different interstimulus intervals. Experiment 1 presented stimuli at 2.0, 2.5, or 3.0 second intervals; Experiment 2 presented stimuli at 2.0, 3.0, or 4.0 second intervals; Experiment 3 presented stimuli at 4.0, 6.0, or 10.0 second intervals. P3 amplitude was larger for the .20 relative to the .80 target probability conditions for the shorter interstimulus intervals but not for the longer intervals. P3 latency was consistently longer for the .20 relative to the .80 target probability conditions, with generally little effect observed for interstimulus interval changes. The results suggest that interstimulus interval affects component amplitude by determining the amount of processing resources available when the P3 is produced.  相似文献   

Background: Maternal smoking during pregnancy has been recognised as a detrimental factor associated with adverse perinatal outcomes; however, to date there is a dearth of information on how it affects post-natal head growth and shape.

Aim: To assess the relationship between parental smoking exposure during pregnancy and head dimensions and shape at age 7–10?years in boys and girls.

Methods: Body height and head length, breadth and circumference were measured. Birth weight and gestational age were obtained from the children’s medical record books. Parental smoking habits during pregnancy and maternal educational attainment were obtained by a questionnaire. The relationship between exposure to parental smoking during pregnancy and head dimensions was evaluated using analysis of covariance implemented in the Generalized Linear Model, separately for each sex.

Results: Maternal and parental smoking during pregnancy significantly altered head shape in boys by affecting head length, while neither head breadth nor circumference were affected. This phenomenon was not observed in girls.

Conclusion: Smoking-induced chronic hypoxic effects on the growing foetus, indicated that both active and passive smoking during pregnancy seems to have persistent negative effects on children, going beyond foetal development and pre-natal growth restrictions.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between somatosensory event-related potentials (ERP) and the variation of reaction time (RT). For this purpose, we recorded the ERPs (N250 and P300) in fast- and slow-reaction trials during a somatosensory discrimination task. Strong, standard, and weak target electrical stimuli were randomly delivered to the left median nerve at the wrist with a random interstimulus interval (900–1,100 ms). All the subjects were instructed to respond by pressing a button with their right thumb as fast as possible whenever a target stimulus was presented. We divided all the trials into fast- and slow-RT trials and averaged the data. N250 latency tended to be delayed when the RT was slow, but not significantly. P300 latency was delayed significantly when the RT was slow, but to a much lesser extent than the RT delay, so we concluded that the change of RT was not fully determined by the processes reflected by the somatosensory N250 or P300. Furthermore, the larger and earlier P300 in the fast-RT trials implied that when larger amounts of attentional resources were allocated to a given task, the speed of stimulus evaluation somewhat increased and RT was shortened to a great extent. N250 amplitude did not significantly vary in the two RT clusters. In conclusion, the somatosensory N250 reflects active target detection, which is relatively independent of the modulation of the response speed, whereas the somatosensory P300 could change without manipulation of either the stimulus or the response processing demand. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

P300是事件相关电位(Event related potential,ERP)技术中衡量认知加工的重要指标之一,它与人类高级心理活动密切相关。文章在对P300研究历史和现状的追溯和总结基础上,从实验方法、心理机制和临床应用3个方面阐述了P300的心理特性。诱发P300的经典实验方法是Oddball和Go/No Go范式,Oddball范式中P300代表了大脑的注意和记忆加工机制;而Go/No Go范式则用来探讨大脑的抑制加工。P300的研究成果已经广泛应用于注意缺陷多动障碍、痴呆、抑郁以及一些精神疾病的诊断,为探讨人类认知功能缺陷的本质提供了客观的电生理指标。  相似文献   

目的:探讨事件相关电位(ERP)的P300成分检测对癫癎儿童认知功能的评价。方法:利用ERP、韦氏儿童智力量表中国修订版(WIS-CR)对32例癫癎儿童进行P300测定和心理评估,以28例性别、年龄相匹配的正常儿童作对照。结果:与正常对照组比较,癫癎组儿童总智商(FIQ)、语言智商(VIQ)和操作智商(PIQ)得分均明显降低(P<0.01),32例癫癎患儿中有28%有智能障碍;ERP的P300波潜伏期也明显延长,P<0.01。结论:癫癎儿童易发生智力障碍,P300波潜伏期检测能早期、客观、准确地评价癫癎儿童的认知功能状况。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To investigate whether there are some differences in Event-Related Potentials (ERP) between melancholic patients and healthy controls. To establish whether there is a relationship between abnormalities of ERP and severity of depression and psychomotor retardation. METHOD: Melancholic depressed patients (N=50) and normal comparison subjects (N=31) were assessed for latencies and interlatencies of N100, N200, N400, latency and amplitude of P300. The ERPs were studied with an 'oddball paradigm' in the auditory modality. Severity of depression was measured by the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) and psychomotor retardation with the Depressive Retardation Rating Scale (DRRS). RESULTS: The melancholic group showed a significantly higher latency in N100 (P<0.001), N200 (P<0.001) and P300 (P<0.001) and a significantly lower P300 amplitude (P<0.001) than healthy controls. No other differences were found either in the latencies of the N400 or in their interlatencies. HDRS and DRRS do not have any significant correlations with amplitude or latency measures. LIMITATIONS: The subjects of this study are inpatients, with a severe subcategory of depression and high average age. It is difficult to generalize these findings. CONCLUSIONS: The principal finding of this study is the increase in three of the four latencies measured (N100, N200 and P300) and in the decreased P300 amplitude in melancholic patients compared to normal controls. There is no association between these abnormalities and clinical variables.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: There are few studies examining P300 in the biological children of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). In addition to examining P300 in patients with AD, the current study examined the utility of P300 as a preclinical marker in the offspring of AD patients. METHODS: P300 was elicited from an AD group, their biological children, and two age- and gender-matched control groups using the auditory oddball paradigm. Each group consisted of 20 subjects each. ERPs recorded from sites Fz, Cz, and Pz were analysed using analysis of variance. RESULTS: Amplitudes were significantly smaller in the AD group when compared to controls. Both amplitude and latency values in the FH+ group were significantly impaired when compared to its control group. CONCLUSION: These findings replicate previous P300 amplitude abnormalities found in patients with AD. Further, participants with a family history of AD demonstrate possible preclinical evidence at the electrophysiological level. Comparisons with other findings and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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