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In the rat cortex, the two non-primary auditory areas, posterodorsal and ventral auditory areas, may constitute the two streams of auditory processing in their distinct projections to the posterior parietal and insular cortices. The posterior parietal cortex is considered crucial for auditory spatial processing and directed attention, while possible auditory function of the insular cortex is largely unclear. In this study, we electrophysiologically delineated an auditory area in the caudal part of the granular insular cortex (insular auditory area, IA) and examined efferent connections of IA with anterograde tracer biocytin to deduce the functional significance of IA. IA projected to the rostral agranular insular cortex, a component of the lateral prefrontal cortex. IA also projected to the adjacent dysgranular insular cortex and the caudal agranular insular cortex and sent feedback projections to cortical layer I of the primary and secondary somatosensory areas. Corticofugal projections terminated in auditory, somatosensory and visceral thalamic nuclei, and the bottom of the thalamic reticular nucleus that could overlap the visceral sector. The ventral part of the caudate putamen, the external cortex of the inferior colliculus and the central amygdaloid nucleus were also the main targets. IA exhibited neural response to transcutaneous electrical stimulation of the forepaw in addition to acoustic stimulation (noise bursts and pure tones). The results suggest that IA subserves diverse functions associated with somatosensory, nociceptive and visceral processing that may underlie sound-driven emotional and autonomic responses. IA, being potentially involved in such extensive cross-modal sensory interactions, could also be an important anatomical node of auditory processing linked to higher neural processing in the prefrontal cortex.  相似文献   

We developed a new method to visualize the myeloarchitecture in fresh slices, and investigated the properties of the functional neural connections around the boundary between the primary auditory cortex (area 41) and area 18a in rat cerebral slices. A fresh slice illuminated by near-vertical light was observed with a CCD camera. The translucent images of the slice showed contrast patterns very similar to myeloarchitecture. The boundary between these areas was identified by the well-developed layer IV/V in area 41 but not in area 18a. Antidromic/presynaptic components of the field potentials stimulated and recorded across the areal boundary showed symmetric distribution, while the postsynaptic field potentials in the direction from area 41 to 18a were more prominent than those in the opposite direction in layer II/III. In contrast, the dominant direction of propagation of postsynaptic potentials was from area 18a to 41 in layer V. In the presence of 1 microM bicuculline, an inhibitor of GABA(A) receptors, the polysynaptic activities propagating from area 18a into 41 via layer V were elicited by stimulation of area 18a. The propagation measured by Ca(2+) imaging or field potential recordings was potentiated after both areas 18a and 41 were alternately stimulated several times.  相似文献   

Sound localization in both humans and monkeys is tolerant to changes in sound levels. The underlying neural mechanism, however, is not well understood. This study reports the level dependence of individual neurons' spatial receptive fields (SRFs) in the primary auditory cortex (A1) and the adjacent caudal field in awake marmoset monkeys. We found that most neurons' excitatory SRF components were spatially confined in response to broadband noise stimuli delivered from the upper frontal sound field. Approximately half the recorded neurons exhibited little change in spatial tuning width over a ~20-dB change in sound level, whereas the remaining neurons showed either expansion or contraction in their tuning widths. Increased sound levels did not alter the percent distribution of tuning width for neurons collected in either cortical field. The population-averaged responses remained tuned between 30- and 80-dB sound pressure levels for neuronal groups preferring contralateral, midline, and ipsilateral locations. We further investigated the spatial extent and level dependence of the suppressive component of SRFs using a pair of sequentially presented stimuli. Forward suppression was observed when the stimuli were delivered from "far" locations, distant to the excitatory center of an SRF. In contrast to spatially confined excitation, the strength of suppression typically increased with stimulus level at both the excitatory center and far regions of an SRF. These findings indicate that although the spatial tuning of individual neurons varied with stimulus levels, their ensemble responses were level tolerant. Widespread spatial suppression may play an important role in limiting the sizes of SRFs at high sound levels in the auditory cortex.  相似文献   

The different cytoarchitectonic regions of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) have recently been shown to play divergent roles in associative learning in rabbits. To determine if these subareas of the mPFC, including areas 24 (anterior cingulate cortex), 25 (infralimbic cortex), and 32 (prelimbic cortex) have differential efferent connections with other cortical and subcortical areas in the rabbit, anterograde and retrograde tracing experiments were performed using the Phaseolus vulgaris leukoagglutinin (PHA-L), and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) techniques. All three areas showed local dorsal-ventral projections into each of the other areas, and a contralateral projection to the homologous area on the other side of the brain. All three also revealed a trajectory through the striatum, resulting in heavy innervation of the caudate nucleus, the claustrum, and a lighter projection to the agranular insular cortex. The thalamic projections of areas 24 and 32 were similar, but not identical, with projections to the mediodorsal nucleus (MD) and all of the midline nuclei. However, the primary thalamic projections from area 25 were to the intralaminar and midline nuclei. All three areas also projected to the ventromedial and to a lesser extent to the ventral posterior thalamic nuclei. Projections were also observed in the lateral hypothalamus, in an area just lateral to the descending limb of the fornix. Amygdala projections from areas 32 and 24 were primarily to the lateral, basolateral and basomedial nuclei, but area 25 also projected to the central nucleus. All three areas also showed projections to the midbrain periaqueductal central gray, median raphe nucleus, ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra, locus coeruleus and pontine nuclei. However, only areas 24 and the more dorsal portions of area 32 projected to the superior colliculus. Area 25 and the ventral portions of area 32 also showed a bilateral projection to the parabrachial nuclei and dorsal and ventral medulla. The dorsal portions of area 32, and all of area 24 were, however, devoid of these projections. It is suggested that these differential projections are responsible for the diverse roles that the cytoarchitectonic subfields of the mPFC have been demonstrated to play in associative learning.Abbreviations ACC anterior cingullate cortex - ACN amygdaloid central nucleus - AD anterodorsal nucleus of thalamus - AIC, Iag agranular insular cortex - AM anteromedial nucleus of thalamus - AMG amygdala - AV anteroventral nucleus of thalamus - BL basolateral nucleus of amygdala - BM basomedial nucleus of amygdala - CdN, CD caudate nucleus - CL claustrum - CN centromedian nucleus of thalamus - D MV, DVM dorsal motor nucleus of vagus - IC internal capsule - L lateral nucleus of amygdala - LC locus coeruleus - LH lateral hypothalamus - MB mammillary bodies - MDN mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus - mPFC medial prefrontal cortex - MRN, R median raphe nucleus - MV medioventral nucleus of thalamus - NA nucleus ambiguus - NTS nucleus of solitary tract - PAG periaqueductal central gray - PAV, PV para ventricular nucleus of thalamus - PC paracentral nucleus of thalamus - PF parafascicular nucleus of thalamus - PN,LP pontine nuclei - PS posterior subiculum - PS CG posterior cingulate cortex - PT paratenial nucleus of thalamus - Put putamen - ReN nucleus reuniens of thalamus - RF reticular formation - RN reticular nucleus of thalamus - RhN rhomboid nucleus of thalamus - RS CX retrosplenial cortex - S septum - SC superior colliculus - SN substantia nigra - tt tenia tecta - VL ventrolateral nucleus of thalamus - VM ventromedial nucleus of thalamus - VP ventroposterior nucleus of thalamus - VTA ventral tegmental area  相似文献   

The different cytoarchitectonic regions of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) have recently been shown to play divergent roles in associative learning in rabbits. To determine if these subareas of the mPFC, including areas 24 (anterior cingulate cortex), 25 (infralimbic cortex), and 32 (prelimbic cortex) have differential efferent connections with other cortical and subcortical areas in the rabbit, anterograde and retrograde tracing experiments were performed using thePhaseolus vulgaris leukoagglutinin (PHA-L), and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) techniques. All three areas showed local dorsal-ventral projections into each of the other areas, and a contralateral projection to the homologous area on the other side of the brain. All three also revealed a trajectory through the striatum, resulting in heavy innervation of the caudate nucleus, the claustrum, and a lighter projection to the agranular insular cortex. The thalamic projections of areas 24 and 32 were similar, but not identical, with projections to the mediodorsal nucleus (MD) and all of the midline nuclei. However, the primary thalamic projections from area 25 were to the intralaminar and midline nuclei. All three areas also projected to the ventromedial and to a lesser extent to the ventral posterior thalamic nuclei. Projections were also observed in the lateral hypothalamus, in an area just lateral to the descending limb of the fornix. Amygdala projections from areas 32 and 24 were primarily to the lateral, basolateral and basomedial nuclei, but area 25 also projected to the central nucleus. All three areas also showed projections to the midbrain periaqueductal central gray, median raphe nucleus, ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra, locus coeruleus and pontine nuclei. However, only areas 24 and the more dorsal portions of area 32 projected to the superior colliculus. Area 25 and the ventral portions of area 32 also showed a bilateral projection to the parabrachial nuclei and dorsal and ventral medulla. The dorsal portions of area 32, and all of area 24 were, however, devoid of these projections. It is suggested that these differential projections are responsible for the diverse roles that the cytoarchitectonic subfields of the mPFC have been demonstrated to play in associative learning.  相似文献   

The ventral tegmental area (VTA) is crucially involved in brain reward, motivated behaviors, and drug addiction. This district is functionally heterogeneous, and studying the connections of its different parts may contribute to clarify the structural basis of intra-VTA functional specializations. Here, the efferents of the rostral linear nucleus (RLi), a midline VTA component, were traced in rats with the Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) technique. The results show that the RLi heavily innervates the olfactory tubercle (mainly the polymorph layer) and the ventrolateral part of the ventral pallidum, but largely avoids the accumbens. The RLi also sends substantial projections to the magnocellular preoptic nucleus, lateral hypothalamus, central division of the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, lateral part of the lateral habenula and supraoculomotor region, and light projections to the prefrontal cortex, basolateral amygdala, and dorsal raphe nucleus. A similar set of projections was observed after injections in rostromedial VTA districts adjacent to RLi, but these districts also send major outputs to the lateral ventral striatum. Overall, the data suggest that the RLi is a distinct VTA component in that it projects primarily to pallidal regions of the olfactory tubercle and to their diencephalic targets, the central division of the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus and the lateral part of the lateral habenula. Because the rat RLi reportedly contains a lower density of dopaminergic neurons as compared with most of the VTA, its unusual projections may reflect a non-dopaminergic, putative GABAergic, phenotype, and this distinctive cell population seemingly extends beyond RLi boundaries into the laterally adjacent VTA. By being connected to the central division of the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (directly and via ventral striatopallidal system) and to the magnocellular preoptic nucleus, the RLi and its surroundings may play a role in olfactory-guided behaviors, which are part of the approach responses associated with appetitive motivational states.  相似文献   

Donishi T  Kimura A  Okamoto K  Tamai Y 《Neuroscience》2006,141(3):1553-1567
The rat auditory cortex is made up of multiple auditory fields. A precise correlation between anatomical and physiological areal extents of auditory fields, however, is not yet fully established, mainly because non-primary auditory fields remain undetermined. In the present study, based on thalamocortical connection, electrical stimulation and auditory response, we delineated a non-primary auditory field in the cortical region ventral to the primary auditory area and anterior auditory field. We designated it as "ventral" area after its relative location. At first, based on anterograde labeling of thalamocortical projection with biocytin, ventral auditory area was delineated as a main cortical terminal field of thalamic afferents that arise from the dorsal division of the medial geniculate body. Cortical terminal field (ventral auditory area) extended into the ventral margin of temporal cortex area 1 (Te1) and the dorsal part of temporal cortex area 3, ventral (Te3V), from 3.2-4.6 mm posterior to bregma. Electrical stimulation of the dorsal division of the medial geniculate body; evoked epicortical field potentials confined to the comparable cortical region. On the basis of epicortical field potentials evoked by pure tones, best frequencies were further estimated at and around the cortical region where electrical stimulation of the dorsal division of the medial geniculate body evoked field potentials. Ventral auditory area was found to represent frequencies primarily below 15 kHz, which contrasts with our previous finding that the posterodorsal area, the other major recipient of the dorsal division of the medial geniculate body; projection, represents primarily high frequencies (>15 kHz). The posterodorsal area is thought to play a pivotal role in auditory spatial processing [Kimura A, Donishi T, Okamoto K, Tamai Y (2004) Efferent connections of "posterodorsal" auditory area in the rat cortex: implications for auditory spatial processing. Neuroscience 128:399-419]. The ventral auditory area, as the other main cortical region that would relay auditory input from the dorsal division of the medial geniculate body to higher cortical information processing, could serve an important extralemniscal function in tandem with the posterodorsal area. The results provide insight into structural and functional organization of the rat auditory cortex.  相似文献   

Summary Following injections of horseradish peroxidase-wheat germ agglutinin conjugate (HRP-WGA) and tritiated leucine into area 20 of the cat, terminal labeling was observed in visual areas 19, 21, the splenial visual area, the lateral suprasylvian area as well as in premotor, association and limbic related cerebral cortical regions. Labeled terminals in the subcortex were distributed in the caudate nucleus, the claustrum, the putamen, the anterior ventral nucleus, the intralaminar nuclei, the caudal division of the intermediate lateral nucleus, the lateralis posterior-pulvinar complex, the parvocellular C laminae of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus. In HRP-WGA preparations, retrogradely labeled somata were observed in these regions with the exception of certain subcortical structures. The projections are discussed with respect to the possible role area 20 plays in the cortical control of pupillary constriction.  相似文献   

In an attempt to delineate the assumed 'what' and 'where' processing streams, we studied the processing of spatial sound in the human cortex by using magnetoencephalography in the passive and active recording conditions and two kinds of spatial stimuli: individually constructed, highly realistic spatial (3D) stimuli and stimuli containing interaural time difference (ITD) cues only. The auditory P1m, N1m, and P2m responses of the event-related field were found to be sensitive to the direction of sound source in the azimuthal plane. In general, the right-hemispheric responses to spatial sounds were more prominent than the left-hemispheric ones. The right-hemispheric P1m and N1m responses peaked earlier for sound sources in the contralateral than for sources in the ipsilateral hemifield and the peak amplitudes of all responses reached their maxima for contralateral sound sources. The amplitude of the right-hemispheric P2m response reflected the degree of spatiality of sound, being twice as large for the 3D than ITD stimuli. The results indicate that the right hemisphere is specialized in the processing of spatial cues in the passive recording condition. Minimum current estimate (MCE) localization revealed that temporal areas were activated both in the active and passive condition. This initial activation, taking place at around 100 ms, was followed by parietal and frontal activity at 180 and 200 ms, respectively. The latter activations, however, were specific to attentional engagement and motor responding. This suggests that parietal activation reflects active responding to a spatial sound rather than auditory spatial processing as such.  相似文献   

Although a number of morphological studies have investigated the vascular system of the rat kidney, minimal data are available on the detailed anatomy of the efferent arterioles located throughout the cortex of the kidney. In the present study, the renal vascular system was filled with Microfil and the various efferent arteriole patterns were examined extensively. The efferent vessels of the entire cortex appear to form three major patterns which in turn divided the cortex into three separate regions: the outer, middle and inner cortex. The efferent arterioles of the outer cortex leave the glomerulus and run perpendicular to the kidney capsule. However, as the efferent arterioles ascend, they may show three variations in the way they branch: (1a) the efferent arteriole does not branch until directly beneath the capsule, (1b) the efferent vessel begins to divide into its major branches 100–200 μm below the surface of the kidney and (1c) the efferent vessel has only a short course before giving off many side branches. In the middle cortical area, the branches of the efferent arteriole run lateral to the glomerulus. However, the efferent arterioles of the inner cortex have a few branches which run lateral to the glomerulus while most of them descend into the medulla as vasa rectae. The unique morphological features of the efferent arterioles of the outer cortex are of particular interest in light of the functional data which suggests that the reabsorption of fluid by peritubular capillaries may indeed regulate the rate of net tubular sodium reabsorption.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of horizontal inner links in field 18 of cat cerebral cortex was studied after microiontophoretic administration of HRP into a certain cortical column. HRP labelled cell location and their distribution in plane of cortex surface and sagittal and frontal planes were detected. Ellipsoid shape and rostrocaudal direction of the area of labelled cells was demonstrated irrelevant to the column localization in field 18 (stereotaxic coordinates of the columns studied are from P4 to A14). Thus, topography of the field 18 inner links was coordinated with its macrotopography, detect established electrophysiologically.  相似文献   

 The callosal connections of ferret auditory cortex were studied by making multiple injections of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase into the middle ectosylvian gyrus or by packing crystals of horseradish peroxidase into the transected corpus callosum. The primary area (AI) had strong callosal connections that arose from somata mainly located in layer III. Other layers contained sparsely distributed cells that projected across the midline. The projecting cells occurred over the whole extent of AI but were not homogeneously distributed in layer III. The axons from these cells terminated mainly in the upper layers of the contralateral cortex, where they converged onto three discrete bands. The three elongated bands lay in a dorsoventral orientation, parallel to the tonotopic axis. They were slightly curved and had a fairly uniform width. The posterior band had a width of about 200 μm, while the anterior and middle bands were more variable and had widths of 300–800 μm. The centre-to-centre distance between the posterior and middle bands was 520 ± 60 μm and for the anterior to middle bands was 620 ± 210 μm. The retrograde labelling produced by the same injections showed that the cell bodies had a higher density in the terminal bands than in the intervening spaces. The bands of dense callosal connections appear to correspond to the binaural summation columns, which have been clearly demonstrated in the ferret, but direct evidence of this will need to be sought in a future study. The discrete nature of the callosal bands in the ferret appears to make it a suitable species for studying the relationship between callosal terminals and those arising in other areas of the brain and for clarifying the possible existence of separate functional systems within the auditory cortex. Received: 23 September 1996 / Accepted: 17 March 1997  相似文献   

Transcallosal evoked potentials arising in the partietal region in response to stimulation of the auditory cortex of the opposite hemisphere were investigated in acute experiments on cats immobilized by tubocurarine. Interzonal transcallosal responses were recorded over the whole surface of the parietal cortex and were of two types: positive-negative and negative-positive. Positive-negative EP have a longer response latency and a greater total amplitude of both components. Negative-positive EP disappeared after division of the corpus callosum, whereas positive-negative responses were not significantly changed. Interzonal transcallosal potentials were characterized by the presence of functional interhemispheric asymmetry of individual shape. The right hemisphere was dominant with respect to average amplitude of the negative phase in negative-positive responses. The amplitude of the early positive component was greater in the right hemisphere in males and in the left hemisphere in females. The late negative wave in animals of both sexes was greater in the right hemisphere. Late components of the EP had a significantly shorter peak latency in the dominant hemisphere.Translated from Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal SSSR imeni I. M. Sechenova, Vol. 74, No. 4, pp. 457–465, April, 1988.  相似文献   

Historically, the study of multisensory processing has examined the function of the definitive neuron type, the bimodal neuron. These neurons are excited by inputs from more than one sensory modality, and when multisensory stimuli are present, they can integrate their responses in a predictable manner. However, recent studies have revealed that multisensory processing in the cortex is not restricted to bimodal neurons. The present investigation sought to examine the potential for multisensory processing in nonbimodal (unimodal) neurons in the retinotopically organized posterolateral lateral suprasylvian (PLLS) area of the cat. Standard extracellular recordings were used to measure responses of all neurons encountered to both separate- and combined-modality stimulation. Whereas bimodal neurons behaved as predicted, the surprising result was that 16% of unimodal visual neurons encountered were significantly facilitated by auditory stimuli. Because these unimodal visual neurons did not respond to an auditory stimulus presented alone but had their visual responses modulated by concurrent auditory stimulation, they represent a new form of multisensory neuron: the subthreshold multisensory neuron. These data also demonstrate that bimodal neurons can no longer be regarded as the exclusive basis for multisensory processing.  相似文献   

In acute experiments on immobilized cats, using a method of topographical recording of homotopic and heterotopic transcallosal responses, the functional organization of the callosal connections of the auditory cortex was investigated. It was established that the homotopic potentials of the primary projection field (AI) have the greatest amplitude, minimal temporal parameters, and the maximal stability of these characteristics as compared with the associative fields of the auditory cortex (AII, AIV, Ep). The heterotropic transcallosal responses in field AI appeared during stimulation of the analogous field, while in field Ep, they were recorded both during stimulation of the analogous field, and of fields AI and AII of the opposite hemisphere. It is hypothesized that the structure of the transcallosal connections of the primary projection fields of the auditory cortex is characterizised by homotopy, whereas in the associative auditory fields the role of heterotopic transcallosal interactions increases. It is possible that such a structure of the transcallosal connections assures a significant role for interhemispheric interactions in the mechanisms of spatial audition.Translated from Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal SSSR imeni I. M. Sechenova, Vol. 73, No. 7, pp. 860–867, July, 1987.  相似文献   

'What' and 'where' processing in auditory cortex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tracing of auditory cortical connections suggests that the primate auditory system, like the visual and somatosensory systems, may be organized into 'what' and 'where' pathways.  相似文献   

The olfactostriatum is a portion of the basal ganglia of snakes that receives substantial vomeronasal afferents through projections from the nucleus sphericus. In a preceding article, the olfactostriatum of garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) was characterized on the basis of chemoarchitecture (distribution of serotonin, neuropeptide Y and tyrosine hydroxylase) and pattern of afferent connections [Martinez-Marcos, A., Ubeda-Banon, I., Lanuza, E., Halpern, M., 2005. Chemoarchitecture and afferent connections of the "olfactostriatum": a specialized vomeronasal structure within the basal ganglia of snakes. J. Chem. Neuroanat. 29, 49-69]. In the present study, its efferent connections have been investigated. The olfactostriatum projects to the main and accessory olfactory bulbs, lateral cortex, septal complex, ventral pallidum, external, ventral anterior and dorsolateral amygdalae, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, preoptic area, lateral posterior hypothalamic nucleus, ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra and raphe nuclei. Tracer injections in the nucleus accumbens proper, a structure closely associated with the olfactostriatum, result in a similar pattern of efferent connections with the exception of those reaching the main and accessory olfactory bulbs, lateral cortex, external, ventral anterior and dorsolateral amygdalae and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. These data, therefore, help to characterize the olfactostriatum, an apparently specialized area of the nucleus accumbens. Double labeling experiments after tracer injections in the nucleus sphericus and the lateral posterior hypothalamic nucleus demonstrate a pathway between these two structures through the olfactostriatum. Injections in the olfactostriatum and in the medial amygdala show parallel projections to the lateral posterior hypothalamic nucleus. Since this hypothalamic nucleus has been previously described as projecting to the hypoglossal nucleus, both, the medial amygdala and the olfactostriatum may mediate vomeronasal influence on tongue-flick behavior.  相似文献   

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