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BACKGROUND: The relationships between birth weight and serum lipid concentrations in pre-menopausal Japanese women were not well identified and also diet and serum hormone status in these women would be considered. METHODS: A total of 59 premenopausal Japanese women completed a self-administered questionnaire including basic demographic information, disease histories, and menstrual and reproductive histories. They were asked to obtain information on birth weight recorded in mother-and-baby notebook issued by municipality from their mother. Diet was assessed by daily diet records from day 2 through day 10 of the menstrual cycle. Blood sample was collected on day 11 of the cycle to measure serum lipid and hormone concentrations (total and high-density lipoprotein [HDL] cholesterols, triglyceride, estrone, estradiol, and sex hormone-binding globulin). RESULTS: Birth weight was significantly correlated with HDL cholesterol (r = 0.32, p = 0.03), but not with total cholesterol and triglyceride after controlling for age. Neither estrogen nor sex hormone-binding globulin was significantly correlated with serum lipid concentrations after controlling for age and the number of days prior to the next menses. The correlation between birth weight and HDL cholesterol was not affected after additional adjustment for serum estrogen and intakes of protein, calcium, and iron. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that intrauterine growth may be associated with lipid profile.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the individual contributions of age, period and birth cohort to prevalence of overweight and obesity in the Australian population during 1990 to 2000. DESIGN: Age-period-cohort Poisson regression modelling of data from National Health Surveys conducted in Australia in 1990, 1995 and 2000. SUBJECTS: Adults aged 20 years and over. Weightings were applied to account for differences in sampling and participation rates so that the sample is representative of the entire Australian adult population. METHODS: Twelve age groups, based on 5-year intervals from 20 to 24 years to greater than 75 years, three survey periods and 14 cohorts, also based on 5-year intervals from pre-1915 up to 1976-1980, were used in the analysis. The data were age-standardized to the 2000 population and body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Log-linear models, for the prevalence rates of overall overweight (BMI > or =25) and of obesity (BMI > or =30) were fitted to the data. RESULTS: Age (P<0.001), period (P<0.001) and cohort (P=0.002) all showed significant independent effects on prevalence of overall overweight in the Australian population such that prevalence rises with increasing age, recency of period and cohorts born since 1960. Age (P<0.001) and period (P<0.001) demonstrated strong effects on prevalence of obesity but birth cohort (P=0.07) was not significant. The effects were similar for men and women except that the overall effect of birth cohort on overall overweight was significant in women (P<0.05) but not men (P=0.09). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of overweight and obesity in Australian adults continued to rise during the 1990s. The obesogenic environment seems to have worsened and more recently born cohorts may be at increased risk of overweight.  相似文献   

We use nationally representative samples of US women aged 19-50 y to examine comparable food-group consumption data collected in 1977 and 1985. We examine changes in the proportion of women consuming each specifically defined food group as well as the quantities users consume and the determinants of consumption changes over time. The food groupings are traditional ones, such as red meat, poultry, and milk, which are further divided by fat and dietary fiber content. Women have made major changes in their diets. The grams consumed within most food groups have decreased and the diversity of their diet and the number of lower-fat foods consumed have increased. The percentage consuming several higher-fat foods, such as higher-fat cheeses, desserts, and mixed grain dishes, has also increased. This analysis identifies important demographic and socioeconomic factors, particularly the education level of these women, associated with changes in food consumption.  相似文献   

ObjectiveMaternal marriage has historically been protective against preterm birth (PTB); however, social norms and behaviors surrounding marriage have changed over time in the United States. We analyzed secular trends in the relationship between marriage and PTB.MethodsWe collected data about all births in Michigan between 1989 and 2006 to assess (1) the relationship between marital status and PTB and moderately PTB risk by year, and (2) the relationship between married and unmarried status and PTB and moderately PTB by year relative to similar marital status in 1989.ResultsAmong nearly 2.4 million births between 1989 and 2006, PTB risk among married mothers increased while risk among unmarried mothers decreased. In adjusted models, married status became less protective against PTB relative to unmarried status over time by year, and was associated with higher risk of PTB over time. Moderately PTB risk increased among both married and unmarried groups, but more so among married mothers.ConclusionOur findings suggest that marriage is becoming less protective against PTB over time. The influence of social factors on risk for adverse birth outcomes is likely dynamic, suggesting that ongoing revisions to our understanding are in order.Defined by the World Health Organization as birth before 37 completed weeks of gestation, preterm birth (PTB) is a major contributor to perinatal and neonatal mortality, serious neonatal morbidity, and moderate to severe childhood disability.1 In wealthy countries such as the United States, 6%–10% of all births are preterm, and deaths to preterm infants comprise more than two-thirds of all neonatal deaths.2Married status has long been associated with a lower risk of PTB,1,3,4 as well as other adverse perinatal outcomes including low birthweight,3,5,6 small-for-gestational-age infants,3,5,7,8 and fetal and neonatal mortality.9 Several factors may explain the relationship between marital status and risk for adverse birth outcomes, including differences between married and unmarried mothers in financial security,1012 health-care access,4,13 social support, and mental health.1418The presumed health-promoting effect of marriage has led to its promotion as a positive social construct that may improve the health of populations.1922 However, in the past two decades, the role of marriage has changed in North America. Bumpass and Cherlin independently contended that marriage has undergone a “decline in significance” and a deinstitutionalization as a result of a deterioration of the marital norms that shape partners’ social behaviors and a trend toward individuation, personal choice, and self-development.23,24 It is plausible, therefore, that as norms governing partners’ marital behaviors have deteriorated over time, mechanisms mediating the relationship between marriage and PTB risk may have weakened, thereby altering the relationship between marital status and the risk of PTB. For example, as partners involved in marital relationships become more independent and self-oriented, and therefore invest fewer of their resources (e.g., money, time, and attention) in one another, it follows that the financial and social support afforded married mothers via their marriages may diminish, with plausible downstream effects on maternal mental health and access to health-care services.In addition, the increasing incidence of PTB in wealthy countries in the past two decades has been shown to be partially attributable to the increasing rate of obstetric interventions,25 such as cesarean section and induced labor.26 Compared with unmarried mothers, married mothers have been shown to have more ready access to health services.4,13 It is possible that a higher rate of later-term obstetric interventions among married vs. unmarried mothers could change the relationship between marital status and PTB over time by increasing the incidence of obstetrically induced PTB among married vs. unmarried mothers.We hypothesized that the apparent protective effect of marriage on risk of PTB has decreased with time as a result of the aforementioned mechanisms. We analyzed secular trends in PTB, very PTB, and moderately PTB risk among married and unmarried mothers over time using data from one U.S. state between 1989 and 2006.  相似文献   

We develop the application of age, period and cohort models to the representation of tables of age- and period-specific rates. A derivation is given by way of a familiar graphical technique. The identifiability problem is discussed, identification techniques are reviewed and a new approach is recommended that is based upon the success of the three two-variable submodels. Other constraints are introduced that enhance interpretation. Examples are given for two sites of cancer. This approach is contrasted with other methods designed to demonstrate trends. Finally, standard errors of the parameters and tests of goodness of fit are discussed.  相似文献   

The prevalence of obesity continues to rise with many factors contributing to energy imbalance. Leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) has been proposed as one solution to counteract increasing energy intakes. The present study determined whether age, birth cohort and period of survey had independent effects on time, volume and energy expended in LTPA by Australian adults from 1990 to 2005. Adults were categorised into twelve age groups (5-year intervals from 20-24 years to >75 years), four survey periods (1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005) and fifteen birth cohorts (5-year intervals from pre-1916 to 1985). Time spent in three categories of LTPA was determined and metabolic equivalent (MET) values of 3.3, 4.0 and 8.0 were assigned for walking, moderate and vigorous activities, respectively, to calculate daily volume (MET minutes). Energy expended in LTPA was calculated using estimated BMR (from self-reported weight and published formulae), multiplied by the MET value. Regression models were fitted to the data. Age and period had independent effects on duration, volume and energy expenditure of LTPA for both males (P<0.01) and females (P<0.01), while birth cohort had independent effects for males only such that all three LTPA factors declined with recency of birth cohort (P<0.01). This indicates that more recent birth cohorts of males may need to be targeted to increase LTPA, but as duration, volume and energy expended in leisure time have been declining since 1990, both the sexes may benefit from the promotion of increased LTPA.  相似文献   

Unlike past breast cancer survival comparisons between Japan and the United States, a recent study in Hawaii showed that Japanese women did not retain their survival advantage over Caucasian women after adjustment was made for stage at diagnosis. To test whether this finding in Hawaii was due to the limited duration of the follow-up (five years) or to the effects of migration, the survival experience of 1,357 Caucasian and 1,029 Japanese women with invasive breast carcinoma diagnosed in Hawaii between 1960 and 1979 was examined over a 10-year period as well as by place of birth. Multivariate adjustment by the proportional hazards regression model confirmed that the survival advantage of Japanese women in Hawaii is fully explained by their earlier stage of disease at diagnosis and suggested that, after recognition, the disease progresses at a similar pace in the two races. The survival comparison by place of birth revealed that second generation Hawaii Japanese women had better breast cancer survival rates than Japanese migrants from Japan, even after adjusting for stage, and that for Caucasian women, nativity was not associated with survival. These findings suggest that westernization, genetic constitution, or early life exposures cannot explain the overall or stage-adjusted breast cancer survival patterns observed among Caucasian and Japanese women in Hawaii.  相似文献   

Whether or not they marry, black adolescent mothers are more likely than whites to attend school following the birth of their first child. Marrying to legitimate a birth reduces the likelihood that a teenager will return to school after childbearing; this impact of marriage is much stronger among black than among white teenagers. The timing of marriage appears to affect school enrollment among white teenagers through its impact on living arrangements. However, the negative impact of marriage on educational achievement does not seem to be a consequence of earlier differences in educational expectations among the teenagers. Teenage mothers appear less likely to separate from their husbands in later years if they marry before the birth than if they marry afterward. Delaying marriage until after the birth has a long-term effect on the probability of separation among white teenage mothers, but has only a short-term impact among blacks. Among teenagers who marry before giving birth, there is little difference in the likelihood of separation between those who marry before becoming pregnant and those who do so afterward. In addition, the effect of the sequence of marriage and first birth among white teenage mothers may have declined in recent years. Adolescent mothers who do not marry before their first birth experience a longer interval between that birth and their second than do those who marry either before or during the pregnancy. These differences are primarily the result of short-term variations in the amount of time they spend married; that is, women who are unmarried when they give birth are less likely to have a second birth soon afterward.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: For women, marriage before the age of 18 years has adverse consequences for physical, mental and emotional well-being and constitutes a barrier for continued education. According to a national survey, about 50% of all women in Eastern Turkey were aged under 18 years at first marriage. METHODS: This study explored women's opinions and experiences of early marriage and culture-specific marriage customs in the province of Diyarbakir, a region of Turkey populated mostly by people of Kurdish ethnicity. A random sample of 966 women aged 15 years or older living in urban and rural areas of the province completed a questionnaire on age at marriage and social status. Qualitative data on women's opinions and experiences were also collected through focus group interviews with 90 women. RESULTS: The frequency of early marriage ranged from 19% in the youngest age group to 63% in women aged 60 years or older. Analysis of focus group interviews through a qualitative modified content method showed that girls were considered marriageable some years after the menarche and considerations regarding the protection of family honour were key factors leading parents to arrange the early marriage of their daughters, sometimes without their consent. Some culture-specific marriage customs included cradle betrothal, cousin marriage and berdel (exchange of brides between two families). CONCLUSION: There is a need for public health and family planning workers to create greater awareness of the adverse consequences of early marriage through parental arrangements.  相似文献   

目的:探讨影响新生儿脐血IgE值的可疑因素并为降低脐血IgE值提出早期干预措施。方法:对将分娩孕妇进行问卷调查及血25-羟维生素D3检查,并于分娩时采集脐血IgE,跟踪新生儿,记录出生情况,对影响脐血IgE的因素进行统计分析。结果:母亲有过敏性疾病史、新生儿出生时体重过大、性别为男孩及出生时有窒息史与脐血IgE值阳性存在相关性。结论:父母亲尤其是母亲的过敏史是导致脐血IgE升高的危险因素,同时,新生儿的出生情况包括体重、性别、窒息史等与IgE值有相关性,从而影响了婴儿过敏性疾病的发生。  相似文献   

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