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Since the advent of ultrasound, pelvic and abdominal masses occurring with pregnancy are being recognized more frequently and at earlier stages of gestation. The precise sonographic definition of the size and location of a mass is important for determining route of delivery or surgical approach during laparotomy and cesarean sections. We hope to illustrate that a variety of etiologies need to be considered, and although it is not often possible to make a histologic diagnosis on the basis of ultrasound finding alone, the integration of imaging information with other clinical data can be helpful in narrowing the differential diagnostic possibilities.  相似文献   

The current management of severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) is maximal conservative therapy within an intensive care environment. The only commonly accepted indication for operative intervention is the presence of infected pancreatic necrosis. We present a case wherein a laparotomy performed for treatment of abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) arising in the setting of SAP in the absence of pancreatic necrosis prevented early mortality and discuss the diagnosis and treatment of ACS as a new indication for operative intervention in SAP.  相似文献   

Twenty-six cases of ultrasonically guided percutaneous fine-needle aspiration biopsies of abdominal masses are reported. Included are masses in the pancreas, retroperitoneum, liver, kidney, and pelvis. Aspiration biopsies accurately diagnosed or excluded malignancy in 21 patients (81%). The procedure, performed under local anesthesia, is rapid, simple and almost painless. No complications occurred; specifically, there was no hemorrhage, peritonitis, or spread of tumor along the needle tract.  相似文献   

Abdominal cocoon syndrome is a rare cause of intestinal obstruction with unknown etiology. Diagnosis of this syndrome, which can be summarized as the small intestine being surrounded by a fibrous capsule not containing the mesothelium, is difficult in the preoperative period. A 47-year-old male patient was referred to the emergency department with complaints of abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting for two days. The abdominal computed tomography examination detected dilated small intestinal loops containing air-fluid levels clustered in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen and surrounded by a thick, saclike, contrast-enhanced membrane. During exploratory surgery, a capsular structure was identified in the upper left quadrant with a regular surface that was solid-fibrous in nature. Abdominal cocoon syndrome is a rarely seen condition, for which the preoperative diagnosis is difficult. The combination of physical examination and radiological signs, and the knowledge of “recurrent characteristics of the complaints” that can be learned by a careful history, may be helpful in diagnosis.  相似文献   

目的重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)并发腹腔室隔综合征(ACS)的临床意义仍在探索中,本研究探讨SAP早期并发ACS对预后的影响。方法 对2002年5月至2006年5月首都医科大学附属宣武医院普外ICU收治的74例SAP患者进行回顾性研究。研究对象均符合中华医学会胰腺外科学组SAP的临床诊断标准。通过测量膀胱内压(UBP)间接反映腹腔内压(1AP)。按入ICU时IAP测定值将患者分为两组,IAP≥12mmHg、IAH组(n=44);IAP〈12mmHg、腹压正常组(n=30)。记录SAP患者全身感染率、胰腺感染率、MODS发生率和死亡率,比较SAP早期(入院1周内)ACS患者预后差异。组内比较采用配对t检验;组间比较采用独立样本t检验。各组相关资料构成比之间比较则采用X^2检验。以P〈0.05为差异具有统计学意义。结果入院存在IAH(1AP≥12mmHg)比率为59.46%,入院时IAH患者与IAP正常患者(1AP〈12mmHg)在急性生理和既往健康状况评分(APACHEⅡ评分)、胰腺炎严重程度评分(Ranson评分)以及全身感染率、胰腺感染率、MODS发生率和死亡率等方面差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。SAP早期ACS(IAP〉20mmHg)发生率为27.03%,13例早期ACS(1AP〉25mmHg)患者进行了腹腔减压术,腹腔减压术后24h多项与血流动力学、呼吸功能和组织灌注相关的生理学指标显著改善(P〈0.05),但早期ACS患者在全身感染率、胰腺感染率、MODS发生率和死亡率等方面仍较总体患者预后的相关指标有显著增加(P〈0.05)。结论SAP早期常并发ACS,需密切监测IAP和及时腹腔减压治疗。当IAP接近20mmHg或出现器官功能不全早期表现时应积极进行腹腔减压治疗。  相似文献   

Abdominal migraine: A childhood syndrome defined   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has long been recognized that some cases of recurrent abdominal pain in children are related to migraine, but the diagnostic criteria for abdominal migraine have not been defined. We have identified a group of children with recurrent abdominal pain who had a family history of migraine--in over half the cases in a first-degree relative--and who obtained marked relief from their symptoms from specific anti-migraine therapy. These children had a well-defined syndrome comprising episodes of midline abdominal pain of sufficient severity to interfere with normal activities and lasting for prolonged periods, frequently accompanied by pallor, headache, anorexia, nausea, and vomiting. It is proposed that these children have "abdominal migraine".  相似文献   

Primary retroperitoneal cavernous hemangioma is an extremely rare disease in clinical practice. It is classified as a vascular tumor. Only three cases have been reported in the literature. The diagnosis is uncommon due to the lack of specific radiological features. It becomes symptomatic as a consequence of its enormous size or complications like rupture or compression. We herein report a unique case of primary retroperitoneal cavernous hemangioma treated with conventional surgery in a 35‐year‐old male patient admitted to our department for chronic abdominal pain. Retroperitoneal cavernous hemangioma is an extremely rare vascular tumor in adulthood. Confirmation is made by histopathological examination after total surgical resection.  相似文献   

腹腔室隔综合征是指各种病理状态下的腹腔压力升高所引起的致死性器官功能衰竭。腹腔减压、释放腹腔内的压力和延迟关腹是挽救病人生命的有效方法。有关腹腔减压治疗腹腔室隔综合征报道有明显增多,现就减压的指征、方法和切口延迟关腹的进展作一综述。  相似文献   

彩色多普勒监测胎儿腹主动脉血流预测胎儿宫内状况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用彩色多普勒监测正常妊娠、妊高征、合并IUGR的妊高征胎儿的腹主动脉血流,计测血流S/D值、PI值、RI值。结果表明,妊高征组(合并或不合并IUGR)胎儿腹主动脉血流S/D值大于4、PI值大于1.8、RI值大于0.8时,围产儿结局异常占50%。当血流阻力指标异常升高时,应考虑胎儿窘迫或IUGR的发生。当异常波形出现时,说明血流阻力指标升高,血流量减小。胎儿宫内状况差,预后不良的发生率高。该监测方法可及早发现异常,及时处理、降低围产儿死亡率。  相似文献   

Objective Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) have been increasingly recognized in the critically ill over the past decade. In the absence of consensus definitions and treatment guidelines the diagnosis and management of IAH and ACS remains variable from institution to institution. Design An international consensus group of multidisciplinary critical care specialists convened at the second World Congress on Abdominal Compartment Syndrome to develop practice guidelines for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of IAH and ACS. Methods Prior to the conference the authors developed a blueprint for consensus definitions and treatment guidelines which were refined both during and after the conference. The present article is the second installment of the final report from the 2004 International ACS Consensus Definitions Conference and is endorsed by the World Society of the Abdominal Compartment Syndrome. Results The prevalence and etiological factors for IAH and ACS are reviewed. Evidence-based medicine treatment guidelines are presented to facilitate the diagnosis and management of IAH and ACS. Recommendations to guide future studies are proposed. Conclusions These definitions, guidelines, and recommendations, based upon current best evidence and expert opinion are proposed to assist clinicians in the management of IAH and ACS as well as serve as a reference for future clinical and basic science research.  相似文献   

Abdominal pain is one of the most common reasons pediatric patients seek emergency care. The emergency physician must be able to distinguish diagnoses requiring immediate attention from self-limiting processes. Pediatric patients can be challenging, particularly those who are preverbal, and therefore, the clinician must rely on a detailed history from a parent or caregiver as well as a careful physical examination in order to narrow the differential diagnosis. This article highlights several pediatric diagnoses presenting as abdominal pain, including surgical emergencies, nonsurgical diagnoses, and extraabdominal processes, and reviews the clinical presentation, diagnostic evaluation, and management of each.  相似文献   

乳腺肿块三维超声成像的临床应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨三维超声在乳腺肿块中的应用价值。方法对22例32个乳腺肿块,在二维超声检查的基础上,进行三维重建并与手术、病理结果对照分析。三维各切面方位的确定用水槽内鹌鹑蛋模拟试验和人体颈动脉检查比较。结果三维超声能用多角度、多切面对病灶进行切割,因此能直接提供乳腺肿块的立体形态学特点,使图像更逼真。同时,三维能量图模式上血管的细粗、多少、走行的自然和陡直更提供了一种直观的血流分布模式.对鉴别乳腺疾病提供了帮助。结论三维超声成像可弥补二维超声的不足,提供了直观的、立体的形态学和肿块血供的三维能量图模式特点,对疾病分析又多了一种方法。  相似文献   

目的 从肾脏的组织学变化探讨腹腔间隔室综合征中急性肾脏损害情况.方法 1月龄的SD大鼠,随机分对照组和实验组.各实验组用MS302系统监测细分为保持腹压o.5 kPa、1.25 kPa、1.75 kPa、2.0 kPa以及单纯夹紧(闭)左肾静脉、单纯肾实质加压、夹紧左肾静脉+肾实质加压.右肾均切除做对照.分别观察2 h和4 h,测血BUN、Cr,取左肾形态学检查.结果 E组(1.25 kPa组)、A组(压静脉组)、C组(既压静脉又压肾组)肾脏损伤严重,Ozer氏肾小管损伤计分与其他各组相比有统计学差异(P<0.05),BUN、Cr高于其他各组(P<0.05);在伤后2 h,0.5 kPa组、肾实质加压组与对照组BUN、Cr相比无统计学差异(P>0.05);1.75 kPa组、2.0 kPa组由于观察期间死亡率高(80%~100%),标本收集不全,不做统计分析,只做形态学观察.结论 腹腔间隔室综合征在腹内压大于肾静脉压的2.5倍时会引起明显的肾损害,肾小管损伤明显.  相似文献   

艾滋病儿童腹部的超声表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨实时超声图像对艾滋病儿童腹部的临床价值。方法30例儿童HIV抗体阳性,经确认试验证实。应用二维超声对肝脏、胆囊、脾脏、肾脏进行观察。结果艾滋病儿童肝大9例,胆囊增大3例,脾大5例,双肾集合系统分离1例。结论超声检查十分适用于儿科。  相似文献   

With the technological advances in gray scale sonography that have permitted the use of higher-frequency transducers and expansion of the acoustic dynamic range, increasing problems in differentiating solid masses and fluid-filled masses have become apparent. These difficulties can be overcome by strict adherence to proper scanning techniques, which involve transducer selection, tissue attenuation compensation, and alterations in patient position. The availability of variable-dynamic-range signal processing and the use of real-time scanning can further increase one's confidence in the correct interpretation of these masses. The primary criteria for determining that a mass is fluid-filled have been expanded to include the presence of reverberation echoes, the "lateral shades" sign, and the presence of septations. In the past, hypoechoic masses with low-level internal echoes were termed "complex". Both fluid-filled masses and solid masses may fall into this category. By use of the sonographic criteria, an attempt should be made to determine whether a mass is primarily fluid-filled or solid. Specific anatomic locations and pathologic conditions in which differential diagnosis may be difficult are illustrated; these include abdominal masses, hepatic and renal masses, and pelvic masses.  相似文献   

危重病患者胃肠道症状与腹腔间室综合征的相关性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨危重病患者胃肠道症状与腹腔间室综合征间的相关性,提高对危重病患者早期胃肠功能改变的识别与监护.方法 采用描述性研究的方法,对384例危重患者胃肠道症状作分类描述.采用Logistic回归分析对其中发生腹腔间室综合征的46例进行危险因素分析.结果 ①46例并发腹腔阃室综合征患者的胃肠道症状其中,忍心呕吐1例(2.2%),腹胀腹痛45倒(97.8%).肠鸣音减弱45例(97.8%),腹泻2例(4.3%),便秘45例(97.8%).②单因素Logistic回归分析显示,对发生腹腔闹室综合征有统计学意义(P<0.01)的胃肠道症状为,腹胀腹痛、肠鸣音减弱、便秘3项.多因素非条件逐步Logistic回归分析显示,腹腔间室综合征危险因素为腹胀腹痛(OR=259.106)、肠鸣音减弱(OR=30.16,P<0.01)、便秘(OR=29.28,P<0.01).结论 危重病患者胃肠道症状与腹腔间室综合征有相关性.临床护士应重视早期的胃肠道功能监测,并采取有效措施,降低腹腔间宣综合征的发生率.  相似文献   

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