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林某,女,44岁。因左耳反复流脓30年,耳后溃烂1月余于2001年8月8日入院。患者30年来反复左耳流脓,脓液量不多,呈淡黄色,较粘稠,有臭味,偶带血丝。左耳听力下降,无耳闷胀感、耳鸣、眩晕、头痛及畏寒发热。入院前行病理检查为"炎症伴鳞状上皮增生,未见癌"。  相似文献   

患者,女,53岁。因左侧耳闷、听力逐渐减退1年,伴疼痛、血性耳漏半年,于2002年3月19日人院。入院体检:鼻咽部正常。左乳突区无红肿压痛,左外耳道内充满淡红色肉芽样物,质脆、易出血。取活检病理检查示:左外耳道鳞状上皮重度不典型增生,癌不能排除。同年3月29日在全麻下行左外耳道及中耳乳突探查术,  相似文献   

原发性中耳乳头状瘤临床少见,我科收治2例,现报告如下. 1 病例简介 例1,女,57岁.右耳间断流脓40余年,偶发右耳后肿痛2年,于1991年6月14日收住院.检查示全身浅表淋巴结无肿大,右外耳道有白色豆渣样脓性分泌物,后上壁有淡红色肉芽组织,触及不易出血,鼓膜松弛部后上穿孔,X线片示乳突有骨质破坏区.  相似文献   

1临床资料患者,男,56岁。因左耳听力下降伴流脓1年,加重伴疼痛2个月于2008-07-10入院。患者于1年前无明显诱因出现左耳听力下降、流脓症状,听力下降呈进行性加重,影响工作及生活。4个月前出现左侧鼻塞,在外院行"左侧鼻腔、左侧上颌窦肿瘤切除术",术后未行病理检查。2个月前左耳听力下降、流脓症状进一步加重并出现左耳剧烈疼痛。  相似文献   

乳头状瘤为咽部常见的良性肿瘤 ,常多数聚积 ,单个巨大者少见 ,现报告 1例如下。患者 ,女 ,1 0岁。因其家长无意中发现左侧扁桃体巨大新生物 1个月余 ,于 2 0 0 0年 1月 2日以“左侧扁桃体新生物”收治入院。检查 :一般情况好 ,心、肺、胸腹等未见异常。咽粘膜无充血 ,左侧扁桃体表面见巨大乳头状新生物 ,色淡红 ,质硬 ,基底宽 ,大小约 2 .5cm× 2 .5cm× 1 .5cm,向口腔方向1荆门市第二医院耳鼻咽喉科 (湖北荆门 ,44 80 0 0 )生长 ,与右侧扁桃体及腭舌弓之间只留裂隙状缝隙。右侧扁桃体未见异常。于 1月 4日在局麻下以剥离法将左侧扁桃体新…  相似文献   

成人喉乳头状瘤癌变16例报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
成人喉乳头状瘤 (ALP)是喉部常见良性上皮瘤 ,其组织形态虽属良性 ,但在临床上有较显著的复发、癌变趋势。本文对 1 977~ 1 984年我院诊治的52例 ALP中癌变的 1 6例进行回顾性分析 ,以探讨癌变的临床、病理特点 ,及临床类型、分期、治疗方法与预后的关系。1 临床资料ALP52例 ,其中癌变 1 6例 ,男 1 4例 ,女 2例 ;年龄 46~ 77岁 ,平均 61 .6岁 ,其中 50~ 70岁组 1 3例 ,占 81 .3%。 1 6例中 ,3例有 ALP复发史 ,1 5例有长期吸烟史 ,占 93.3%。临床分型分期 (按 UICC1 987年标准 ) :声门上型 1 0例 (其中位于会厌 2例、会厌室带区 5…  相似文献   

患者,男,50岁.0.5个月前始睡眠打鼾,伴张口呼吸,偶有憋醒.轻微鼻塞,无脓血涕.体检:双侧软腭游离缘、悬雍垂及软腭鼻咽面见弥漫性多发乳头状新生物,色淡红、质脆、无溃烂.双侧鼻腔、扁桃体及喉均未见异常.既往史:5年前患有急性淋巴细胞白血病,4年前行骨髓干细胞移植术.  相似文献   

为探讨人乳头状瘤病毒(HPV)感染与鼻内翻性乳头状瘤(IP)发病及其恶变的关系,研究选取组织病理确认为IP(36例)和IP癌变(16例)的石蜡包埋标本,采用多聚酶链反应(PCR)方法对标本进行HPV相关DNA序列扩增。结果显示:36例IP组织有21例(58.3%)为HPV阳性;16例IP癌变组织中有11例(68.8%)阳性。经统计学处理,二者间无显著性差异(P〉0.05).提示HPV感染在IP的发  相似文献   

鼻腔鼻窦内翻性乳头状瘤(NIP)较少见,不易根治,且易癌变。1980~1991年收治鼻腔鼻窦内翻性乳头状瘤74例,其中16例癌变,16例全部单侧发病,平均年龄53.3岁,恶变率21.6%,作者认为鼻腔鼻窦内翻性乳头状瘤术后放疗及反复多次手术是NIP恶变的诱发因素,手术治疗采用上颌骨部分及全部切除术,累及眶内应一并行眶内容物剜除,术中应将肿瘤尽量彻底切除,并认为术中术腔内应给予液氮短时多次冷冻治疗。术后给予放射治疗,并密切随访。  相似文献   

Inverted (Schneiderian) papilloma (IP) is a benign but locally aggressive tumor that is typically located in the sinonasal tract. Middle ear involvement and intracranial extension are rare. We present a patient with a history of a completely resected right nasal cavity IP that returned 7 months later with hearing loss, bilateral aural fullness, and right-sided facial weakness. Work-up revealed middle ear IP, and the patient underwent bilateral mastoidectomies. On both sides, the disease caused erosion of the tegmen and was adherent to the underlying dura. There was dehiscence of the carotid canal wall on the left. On the right, the tumor was discovered to have recurred 3 months after initial resection, resulting in complete facial nerve paralysis and trigeminal paresthesias. A right temporal bone resection was undertaken along with neurosurgery. The IP was discovered to have invaded through the dura of the temporal lobe, incase the internal carotid artery, and infiltrate the trigeminal nerve. The facial and vestibulocochlear nerves were sacrificed on the right. Pathology of the right temporal bone revealed malignant transformation to squamous carcinoma. The patient was referred to radiation oncology for postoperative therapy. To our knowledge, this is the first case of bilateral IP of the middle ear with intracranial involvement and malignant transformation. Discussion points include: 1) management of middle ear IP, 2) carotid canal wall dehiscence in erosive middle ear disease, 3) aggressive surgical excision in locally destructive middle ear tumors, and 4) the role of radiation therapy in malignant transformation of IP.  相似文献   

正中耳腺瘤是一种临床少见的具有外分泌和神经内分泌分化的中耳原发性肿瘤。1976年由Hyams和Michaels首先报道~([1]),至今国外报道的病例仅54例,国内中耳腺瘤~([2-3])的报道不足10例。因其发病率低(约占耳部肿瘤的4%),病例数少,临床工作者对该病的认识不足。现报告2015年12月我院收治的一例中耳腺瘤,其临床特点与目前已有的文献报道相比有所不同,我们对其进行了系统的回顾性分析并结合文献复习,拟为临床诊治中耳腺瘤提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Inverted papilloma of middle ear is a very rare clinical entity. It has been reported only in the adult population. We report a middle ear inverted papilloma in an 11-year-old male. To the best of our knowledge it is the first pediatric inverted papilloma of middle ear. The patient had a history of chronic suppurative otitis media and the lesion was found during preoperative evaluation for a tympanoplasty procedure. Total excision of the lesion and a tympanoplasty operation was accomplished. We reviewed the middle ear inverted papilloma cases regarding the age distribution, pathophysiology, treatment and prognosis.  相似文献   

中耳癌20例报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:提高临床对中耳癌的认识,做到及时诊断与治疗。方法:20例均先行手术治疗,其中14例采用扩大的乳突根治术,3例行侧颞骨切除术,3例行颞骨次全切除术;有颈淋巴结转移的3例同时行根治性颈淋巴结廓清术。术后均辅以放疗。结果:随访5~13年,3、5年生存率分别为55.0%(11/20),45.0%(9/20)。结论:中耳癌手术治疗应根据其侵及中耳乳突的范围,以及有助于放射治疗发挥作用而选择不同的术式。  相似文献   

目的探讨基质金属蛋白酶(matrix metalloproteinases, MMP)的MMP-2和MMP-9在胆脂瘤和中耳癌中的表达差异及其在骨浸润作用。方法采用免疫组织化学方法检测36例胆脂瘤上皮,10例胆脂瘤外耳道皮肤、16例中耳癌组织及正常组织中MMP-2和MMP-9的表达。结果①MMP-2和MMP-9在胆脂瘤上皮染色最强。而且在上皮组织的各层细胞均有表达,基底膜染色最强。②胆脂瘤上皮中的MMP-2和MMP-9的表达明显高于其对应的外耳道皮肤和正常外耳道上皮。MMP-2阳性表达在胆脂瘤上皮中为83%,胆脂瘤外耳道上皮为50%,正常外耳道皮肤2例有微弱表达。③16例中耳鳞癌组织中,MMP-9的阳性表达率为50%(8/16),MMP-2的阳性表达率为56.25%(9/16),表达水平与肿瘤的病理分级和临床分期有关。④中耳癌组织中MMP-2的表达与MMP-9表达不一致,而胆脂瘤组织中MMP-2和MMP-9的表达密切相关。结论胆脂瘤向周围骨质侵袭的特性与中耳癌相似,MMPs家族及其抑制剂之间的平衡紊乱所致的蛋白水解酶活性增高是引起中耳胆脂瘤骨吸收的原因之一。  相似文献   

目的 探讨鼻内镜下或内镜辅助下鼻内翻性乳头状瘤(sinonasal inverted papilloma,Sip)恶变的手术方法,并对其预后及影响因素进行分析.方法 对2001年2月至2010年12月山东省潍坊市益都中心医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科收治的7例SIP恶变者于鼻内镜下或内镜辅助下手术且术后时间达3年以上者的临床资料进行回顾性分析.7例患者均单侧发病,左侧2例,右侧5例,病程1~10年,中位数3年.术前均行鼻窦CT扫描,按SIP的Krouse分级标准均达Ⅳ级;T2期1例,T3期5例,T4期1例.手术在全麻或局麻+强化麻醉下进行.术中注意结合术前CT扫描于鼻内镜下确定肿瘤安全缘.术后行放射治疗,剂量60~ 70 Gy.结果 所有病例均经病理证实恶变为鳞癌.术后均出现患侧鼻腔干燥,1例泪道受侵者术后长期泪溢.患者术后随访时间均满3年,其中5年以上者3例.术后3年内复发者3例,其中2例为术后1年内局灶性复发,另1例系术后未行放疗者.结论 SIP恶变病例内镜或内镜辅助下手术微创、彻底、并发症少,术后鼻功能恢复良好;术后宜辅以放射治疗,可获得较满意的中、长期疗效.  相似文献   

IntroductionAlthough sinonasal inverted papillomas are benign lesions, they are locally aggressive and have a potential malignant transformation ranging from 5% to 15%, with a high recurrence rate.ObjectiveThe aim of this article is to describe the rate of recurrence and malignant transformation in patients with a diagnosis of inverted papilloma who underwent surgery in a tertiary hospital in São Paulo.MethodsWe performed a retrospective analysis of patients diagnosed with sinonasal papilloma who had undergone surgery in a tertiary hospital in São Paulo, between August 1998 and August 2017. A patient chart review was conducted to assess data of patients’ demographics, tumors characteristics, follow-up appointments, recurrence and malignancy. Inverted papillomas were analyzed and classified under the Krouse staging system.ResultsA total of 69 surgeries were performed in patients with diagnosis of sinonasal papilloma. Inverted papilloma was the most prevalent subtype (49 cases ? 80.33%), followed by exophytic papilloma (6 cases ? 9.84%) and by oncocytic papilloma (6 cases – 9.84%). The recurrence rate was 34.09% for inverted papilloma (15/44) and the mean time of recurrence was 24.6 months. Malignant transformation occurred in 6 patients (13.64%). Three of these patients presented carcinoma in the first surgery and three patients developed carcinoma during the follow-up.ConclusionThe high recurrence rate and malignancy potential allow us to consider inverted papillomas as aggressive tumors. In a tertiary hospital in São Paulo the recurrence rate the mean time to recurrence is 24.6 months. The recurrence after 10 years implies was 34.09% and the need for long-term follow up. It is possible that the high recurrence rate and the high malignant transformation rate we found are due to the large number of tumors discovered at an advanced stage (most of them staged T3 and T4), secondary to poor access to health system, in developing countries.  相似文献   

先天性外中耳畸形的临床分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:分析外耳畸形与中耳畸形的关系和手术治疗的效果。方法:对52例(62耳)先天性外、中耳畸形患者进行手术治疗,48耳采用经鼓窦乳突径路,14耳采用直入式径路。观察术中所见与外耳畸形的关系。结果:在轻度耳廓畸形者中,鼓室及其内部结构畸形较轻;而在中、重度耳廓畸形者中,中耳畸形情况较严重。术后3个月时平均语频听阈提高15~30dB者占53.2%;提高30dB以上者为40.3%。术后3年则分别为59.7%和25.8%。结论:中耳畸形与耳廓畸形程度相关。治疗效果及畸形程度与是否有并发症的发生有关。  相似文献   

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