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The pattern of growth hormone (GH) secretion and rate of somatic growth are markedly sexually dimorphic, but the underlying neuroendocrine mechanisms are far from clear. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that the sexual dimorphism of GH secretion may be due to gender-related differences in the transduction of somatostatin's actions in brain and/or pituitary. To accomplish this, we compared the distributional pattern and level of expression of two somatostatin receptor subtypes, sst1 and sst2, in the brain and pituitary of adult male and female rats by in-situ hybridization using 35S-labelled antisense riboprobes. In the brain, the hybridization pattern and labelling density of sst1 and sst2 mRNA-expressing cells, as revealed by computer-assisted image analysis, in areas including the cerebral cortex, medial habenula (MHb) and ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMN), were similar in male and female rats. In contrast, there was a marked sex-related difference in sst1 expression in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus; both the number and labelling density of sst1 mRNA-expressing cells were two- to threefold greater in males than in females and this significant increase was homogenous throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the nucleus. No gender-related differences in arcuate sst2 mRNA levels were found. At the level of the anterior pituitary, the labelling density of sst2 mRNA in males was significantly higher than that of females. No sex-related difference in pituitary sst1 mRNA was observed. These results demonstrate a sexual dimorphism in the expression of two somatostatin receptor subtypes, sst1 and sst2, at the level of the arcuate nucleus and anterior pituitary, respectively. Such dimorphism suggests a differential involvement of sst1 and sst2 in GH regulation with respect to gender, and may imply roles for sst2 and sst1 in transducing somatostatin's actions on pituitary somatotrophs and GH-releasing hormone-containing arcuate neurones, respectively, to generate the lower basal and higher GH pulse levels characteristic of the male rat.  相似文献   

Background: In Alzheimer's disease (AD), the accumulation of amyloid β (Aβ) in the brain is thought to be the primary pathogenic agent in the AD cascade. The following have been proposed as potential therapeutic strategies in AD: (i) protease inhibitors, including β secretase and γ secretase; (ii) Aβ vaccination; and (iii) inhibitors of Aβ agglutination. However, as yet there are no studies demonstrating successful suppression of Aβ accumulation in AD brains. Neprilysin (NEP), a neutral endopeptidase, is a major Aβ‐degrading enzyme that is activated by somatostatin (SST). It is thought that NEP may be a therapeutic agent against AD, but the role of SST in AD brains has not been sufficiently elucidated to date. Thus, in the present study, we compared the expression of SST, the sst5 receptor, and NEP in the hippocampal formation in brains from both AD patients and normal controls using immunohistochemical techniques. Methods: Twelve human brains (six control brains and six AD brains) were used in the present study. The diagnosis of AD was made according to the Braak stage. Control brains were selected from cases with no cognitive impairment clinically that were classified as being at Braak neurofibrillary tangle (NFT) Stage II. The AD brains were selected from cases classified as greater than Braak NFT Stage IV. Results: In the present study, SST and sst5 receptor‐like immunoreactivity was significantly reduced in AD brains compared with normal brains. Although NEP‐like immunoreactivity was also significantly reduced in AD brains compared with normal brains, in the CA4 region NEP was preserved in the hippocampal formation of AD brains. Conclusion: These results suggest that the origin of the Aβ accumulated may be correlated with the reduction of the SST neuronal network in AD brains. Activating intrinsic NEP through the SST neuronal system may contribute to a reduction in the risk of AD. Further investigations into the role SST receptors may provide new pharmacotherapeutic strategies for the treatment of AD.  相似文献   

Previous studies from our laboratory have indicated possible interactions between opioidergic and dopaminergic neurons in the central nervous system. In this study, apomorphine-induced locomotor activity and the D1 and D2 subtype dopamine receptor binding were examined in mice lacking the mu-opioid receptor genes. The ambulatory time, vertical time and total motor distance of locomotor activity were measured after administration of apomorphine (2mg/kg, i.p.) for a period of 90min. The autoradiographic studies of D1 and D2 dopamine receptors were conducted using [3H] SCH23390 and [3H] raclopride as ligand, respectively. In wild type mice that received apomorphine, 2mg/kg, i.p., the locomotor activity such as ambulatory time, vertical time and total motor distance were not significantly altered as compared with that of the saline control group. However, the locomotor activity measured was significantly increased in the same dose of apomorphine treated mu-opioid receptor knockout mice between 5 and 40min after administration. The results obtained also show that the binding of D2 dopamine receptor in mu-opioid receptor knockout mice was significantly higher than that of the wild type in the caudate putamen. However, the binding of the D1 dopamine receptor in mu-opioid receptor knockout mice was not significantly different from that of the wild type. It appears that the apomorphine treated mu-opioid receptor knockout mice showed enhancement in locomotor activity. The enhanced locomotor activity may be related to the compensatory up-regulation of D2 dopamine receptors in mice lacking mu-opioid receptor genes.  相似文献   

Abstract  We recently described the widespread expression of somatostatin (SOM) receptors (SSTRs) in the non-inflamed and inflamed murine ileum. Surprisingly, no significant changes were observed in the SSTR2 expression during intestinal inflammation. These data, combined with several recent independent lines of investigation, raised some question about the long presumed central role of SSTR2 in the SOM-mediated effects in the physiological and pathological activity of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. To further unravel the role of SSTR2 in GI physiology, we studied the expression of SOM and SSTRs in the normal and inflamed SSTR2 knockout/ lacZ knockin ( SSTR2 −/− ) ileum. The SSTR2 −/− ileum was characterized by a widespread distribution of multiple SSTR subtypes in non-inflamed and inflamed conditions. Moreover, the absence of SSTR2 did not induce any compensatory effect in the distribution pattern or expression level of any of the other SSTR subtypes. In contrast, the amount of SOM mRNA was significantly lower in SSTR2 −/− ileum than that in wild type animals. Quantitative analysis revealed a decreased number of SOM-expressing neurons in both enteric plexuses of the knockout animals, implying a possible link between the number of SOM-expressing enteric neurons and the expression of SSTR2 in the enteric nervous system. In conclusion, these data show that a reconsideration of the role of SSTR2 in the GI somatostatinergic effects is in order and further corroborate recent data on the role of other SSTR subtypes in the inflammatory effects of SOM during intestinal inflammation.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that sst2A somatostatin receptors are frequently overexpressed in human meningiomas. Initial clinical observations suggest that somatostatin analogues may also be of value for imaging and treatment of other human intracranial tumors, including astrocytomas. However, contradictory results have been reported regarding the expression of somatostatin receptors in low-grade and high-grade astrocytomas. Therefore, we determined the precise pattern of somatostatin receptor protein expression in 8 diffuse astrocytoma (DA), 10 anaplastic astrocytomas (AA), and 32 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) using immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis. sst1 and sst2A somatostatin receptors were not present in DA and only occasionally detected in AA. In GBM, sst1 was present in 66%, and sst2A was found in 44% of the tumors. sst3 receptors were present in 38% of DA, 40% of AA, and 84% of GBM. Thus, loss of differentiation was significantly associated with increased expression of sst1, sst2A, and sst3 somatostatin receptors. In contrast, sst4 and sst5 receptors were found in 80% and 25% of all cases, respectively, in a manner independent of histological grade. No significant correlation was found between somatostatin receptor expression and the proliferation rate of the tumors as determined by MIB-I immunostaining. Furthermore, the presence or absence of the 5 somatostatin receptor subtypes did not significantly influence survival time in 14 GBM patients.  相似文献   

Somatostatin-14 (SRIF) co-localizes with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the hippocampus and regulates neuronal excitability. A role of SRIF in the control of seizures has been proposed, although its exact contribution requires some clarification. In particular, SRIF knockout (KO) mice do not exhibit spontaneous seizures, indicating that compensatory changes may occur in KO. In the KO hippocampus, we examined whether specific SRIF receptors and/or the cognate peptide cortistatin-14 (CST) compensate for the absence of SRIF. We found increased levels of both sst2 receptors (sst2) and CST, and we explored the functional consequences of sst2 compensation on bursting activity and synaptic responses in hippocampal slices. Bursting was decreased by SRIF in wild-type (WT) mice, but it was not affected by either CST or sst2 agonist and antagonist. sst4 agonist increased bursting frequency in either WT or KO. In WT, but not in KO, its effects were blocked by agonizing or antagonizing sst2, suggesting that sst2 and sst4 are functionally coupled in the WT hippocampus. Bursting was reduced in KO as compared with WT and was increased upon application of sst2 antagonist, while SRIF, CST and sst2 agonist had no effect. At the synaptic level, we observed that in WT, SRIF decreased excitatory postsynaptic potentials which were, in contrast, increased by sst2 antagonist in KO. We conclude that sst2 compensates for SRIF absence and that its upregulation is responsible for reduced bursting and decreased excitatory transmission in KO mice. We suggest that a critical density of sst2 is needed to control hippocampal activity.  相似文献   

In different behavioral paradigms including the elevated plus maze (EPM), it was observed previously that deletion of the neuropeptide Y Y2 receptor subtype results in potent suppression of anxiety‐related and stress‐related behaviors. To identify neurobiological correlates underlying this behavioral reactivtiy, expression of c‐Fos, an established early marker of neuronal activation, was examined in Y2 receptor knockout (Y2−/−) vs. wildtype (WT) mice. Mice were placed on the open arm (OA) or closed arm (CA) of the EPM for 10 min and the effect on regional c‐Fos expression in the brain was investigated. The number of c‐Fos positive neurons was significantly increased in both WT and Y2−/− lines after OA and CA exposure in 51 of 54 regions quantified. These regions included various cortical, limbic, thalamic, hypothalamic, and hindbrain regions. Genotype influenced c‐Fos responses to arm exposures in 6 of the 51 activated regions: the cingulate cortex, barrel field of the primary somatosensory cortex, nucleus accumbens, dorsal lateral septum, amygdala and lateral periaqueductal gray. These differences in neuronal activity responses to the novel environments were more pronounced after OA than after CA exposure. Mice lacking Y2 receptors exhibited reduced neuronal activation when compared to WT animals in response to the emotional stressors. Reduced neuronal excitability in the identified brain areas relevant to the processing of motivated, explorative as well as anxiety‐related behaviors is suggested to contribute to the reduced anxiety‐related behavior observed in Y2−/− mice. Synapse 63:236–246, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Characterization of both neurochemical phenotype of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)-expressing cells and receptor compartmentalization is a prerequisite for the elucidation of receptor functions in the central nervous system. However, it is often prevented by the diffuse and homogeneous distribution of receptor immunoreactivity. This is particularly true for the somatostatin (SRIF) sst2A receptor, which is largely distributed in the mammalian brain. By using this receptor as a model, we investigated whether receptor internalization, a biochemical property shared by numerous GPCRs, would reveal sst2A-expressing cell populations in the rat dorsolateral septum (LSD), a region in which SRIF might play an important modulatory role. Thirty minutes to 1 hour after intracerebroventricular injection of the sst2A receptor agonist octreotide, numerous sst2A-immunoreactive neurons and processes became apparent due to intracytoplasmic accumulation of intensely stained granules. Double-immunolabeling experiments with synaptophysin and MAP2 provided evidence that internalized sst2A receptors are predominantly localized in the somatodendritic compartment. Revealing sst2A receptor-expressing cell bodies permitted to analyze their neurotransmitter content. Quantitative analysis demonstrated an extensive overlap (approximately 85%) between SRIF- and sst2A-expressing neuronal populations. Additionally, numerous SRIF-immunoreactive axon-like terminals were found in close apposition with sst2A-positive cell bodies and dendrites. Taken together, these data suggest that the sst2A receptor is predominantly expressed in LSD neurons as a postsynaptic autoreceptor, thus providing novel neuroanatomic clues to elucidate SRIF neurotransmission in this region. More generally, in vivo agonist-induced internalization appears as a rapid and powerful tool for the neurochemical characterization of GPCR-expressing cell populations in the mammalian brain.  相似文献   

Summary. Endogenous tetrahydroisoquinolines, such as 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (TIQ) and 1-methyl-6,7-dihydroxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (salsolinol), were tested for their interaction with motor effects of amphetamine and morphine in C57BL/6 mice. TIQ binding to cortical adrenergic α1, α2 and β receptors, striatal dopamine D1 and D2 receptors and cortical L-type calcium channels in the Wistar rat was also studied. Both compounds in high doses reduced the mouse locomotor activity, and in doses not affecting activity inhibited the motor stimulation induced by amphetamine, 2 or 3 mg/kg ip, but facilitated the hyperactivity induced by 10 mg/kg of morphine. TIQ did not displace ligands that are antagonists for several receptor sites (including D1 and D2 receptors), but displaced an agonist of α2-adrenoceptor, clonidine. It is proposed that TIQ and salsolinol specifically antagonize the agonistic conformation of dopamine receptor and that endogenous 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolines may play a role of natural feedback regulators of the activity of dopaminergic system. Received September 20, 2000; accepted December 6, 2000  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that dopamine D3 receptor (D3R) stimulation is inhibitory to spontaneous and psychostimulant-induced locomotion through opposition of concurrent D1R and D2R-mediated signaling. To evaluate this model, we used homozygous D3R mutant mice and wild-type controls to investigate the role of the D3R in locomotor activity and stereotypy stimulated by acute amphetamine (AMPH) (0.2, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 mg/kg). At the lowest dose tested (0.2 mg/kg), neither D3R mutant mice nor wild-type mice exhibited measurable change in locomotor activity or stereotypy relative to their respective saline-treated controls. D3R mutant mice exhibited a significantly greater increase in locomotor activity, but not stereotypy, relative to wild-type mice in response to treatment with AMPH 2.5 mg/kg. AMPH-induced locomotor activity and stereotypy were similar in both wild-type and D3R mutant mice at both the 5.0 and 10 mg/kg AMPH doses. These findings provide further support for an inhibitory role for the D3R in AMPH-induced locomotor activity, and demonstrate a more limited role for the D3R in modulating AMPH-induced stereotypy.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that somatostatin may control neuronal excitability during epileptogenesis. In the hippocampus, sst2A receptors are likely to mediate somatostatin inhibitory actions but little is known about their status in kindled tissues. In the present study, sst2A receptor and somatostatin immunoreactivity were examined by confocal microscopy in the hippocampus during and after kindling acquisition. In control rats, somatostatin-positive axon terminals were mainly found in the stratum lacunosum moleculare of CA1 area and in the outer molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. sst2A receptor immunoreactivity was diffusely distributed in the strata radiatum and oriens of CA1 and in the stratum moleculare of the dentate gyrus. Immunogold electron microscopy revealed that sst2A receptors were predominantly localized postsynaptically, at the plasma membrane of dendritic shafts and spines of principal neurons. During kindling epileptogenesis, qualitative and semiquantitative analysis revealed a progressive decrease of sst2A immunoreactivity in the outer molecular layer, which was spatially associated with an increase in somatostatin immunoreactivity. No obvious changes in sst2A receptor immunoreactivity were observed in other hippocampal subfields. These results suggest that the decrease of sst2A receptor immunoreactivity in the outer molecular layer reflects receptor down-regulation in distal dendrites of granule cells in response to chronic somatostatin release. Because the sst2A receptor appears to mediate anticonvulsant and antiepileptogenic effects of somatostatin, this may represent a pivotal mechanism contributing to epileptogenesis.  相似文献   

Chou YC  Liao JF  Chang WY  Lin MF  Chen CF 《Brain research》1999,821(2):137-519
Dextromethorphan ((+)-3-methoxy-N-methylmorphinan, DM) has been shown to have both anticonvulsant and neuroprotective effects. The mechanisms of these CNS effects of DM have been suggested to be associated with the low-affinity, noncompetitive, N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) antagonism of DM and/or the high-affinity DM/sigma receptors. DM is largely O-demethylated into the phencyclidine (PCP)-like compound dextrorphan (DR), which may limit its therapeutic use by producing PCP-like adverse effects, such as hyperlocomotion. Dimemorfan ((+)-3-methyl-N-methylmorphinan, DF), an analog of DM, which has been safely used as an antitussive for more than 20 years, is also known not to form DR. This study therefore characterized the binding of DF to the sigma receptors and NMDA-linked PCP sites and examined the anticonvulsant as well as locomotor effects of DF in mice in comparison with those of DM and DR. We found that DF, DM, and DR were relative high-affinity ligands at sigma-1 receptors (Ki=151, 205, 144 nM, respectively) while all of them were with low affinity at sigma-2 receptors (Ki=4-11 microM). Only DR exhibited moderate affinity for PCP sites (Ki=0.9 microM), whereas DF (Ki=17 microM) and DM (Ki=7 microM) were much less active. DF, DM and DR produced prominent anticonvulsant effects in mice as measured by the supramaximal electroshock test with comparable potency (ED50 approximately 70 micromol/kg, i.p.). At the tested doses (20-260 micromol/kg, i.p.), DM and DR exhibited biphasic effects on the locomotor activity whereas DF produced a consistent dose-dependent decrease. These results revealed that, unlike DM and DR, DF did not cause a PCP-like hyperlocomotion adverse effect that is parallel with the PCP sites binding data. Furthermore, since they have equipotent anticonvulsant effects and similar binding affinities to sigma-1 receptors, the very low affinity of DF at PCP sites may suggest that acting on the PCP sites may not be the requisite for mediating the anticonvulsant activity of these DM analogs. With the history of safety and relative less adverse effects, DF appears to be worth further studying on its CNS effects other than the antitussive effect.  相似文献   

Intestinal schistosomiasis is accompanied by motility-related dysfunctions but the underlying mechanisms are not well-known. Therefore, the presence and effects on intestinal contractility of somatostatin (SOM) and its receptor, SSTR2A, were investigated in the ileum of normal and infected mice. The distribution of SOM and SSTR2A was visualized using immunocytochemistry. Radioimmunoassay combined with oogram studies was performed to determine SOM levels and contractility measurements were determined in organ bath experiments. Schistosomiasis resulted in a significant decrease in somatostatin-positive endocrine cells, whereas the number of somatostatin-immunoreactive (IR) neuronal cell bodies did not change. From 8 weeks postinfection onwards, an increase was noted in somatostatin-IR nerve fibres in both villi and granulomas. The staining intensity for SSTR2A, expressed in somatostatin-negative myenteric cholinergic neurones, increased during infection suggesting an upregulation of this receptor. SOM levels were negatively correlated with the number of eggs during the acute phase, and were elevated during the chronic phase. Pharmacological experiments revealed that schistosomiasis diminished the inhibitory effect of SOM on neurogenic contractions. We can conclude that schistosomiasis influences the distribution and expression levels of SOM and SSTR2A in the murine ileum, which might explain the changed motility pattern.  相似文献   

Agonist-induced endocytosis of somatostatin receptors determines subsequent cellular responsiveness to peptide agonist and influences somatostatin receptor scintigraphy, a technique to image various tumours. We examined the internalization of sst3HSV, an epitope-tagged type 3 somatostatin receptor, in transfected rat neuroendocrine insulinoma cells. Stimulation of these cells with somatostatin induced trafficking of coexpressed enhanced green fluorescence protein/beta-arrestin1 fusion protein and sst3HSV to colocalize in the same endocytic vesicles. Coexpression of a dominant negative mutant of the arrestin fusion protein with the receptor blocked the internalization of sst3HSV. Stimulation with somatostatin also induced the transient translocation of alpha-adaptin, a component of the adaptor protein complex 2, to the plasma membrane. alpha-adaptin and clathrin colocalized with the receptor. By electron microscopy, we observed internalized sst3 in clathrin coated pits, endosomes and at the limiting membrane of multivesicular bodies, a location typical for receptors being recycled. Concordantly, we observed sst3HSV colocalized with Rab11 in a perinuclear compartment which is likely to correspond to the pericentriolar recycling endosome. Thus, agonist-induced endocytosis of sst3 depends on its interaction with beta-arrestin, involves the adaptor protein complex 2 and proceeds via clathrin coated vesicles to the recycling compartment.  相似文献   

The ultradian pulsatile pattern of growth hormone (GH) secretion is markedly sexually dimorphic in rodents as in primates, but the neuroanatomical mechanisms of this phenomenon are not clear. In the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) neurones receive somatostatinergic inputs through the sst2A receptor (sst2A-R) and the percentage of GHRH neurones bearing sst2A-R is higher in female than in male GHRH-enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) mice. In the present study, we hypothesised that sst2A-R expression on GHRH neurones is modulated by gonadal steroids and constitutes a mechanism for sexually differentiated GH secretion. The distribution of sst2A-R on GHRH neurones was evaluated by immunohistochemistry in adult GHRH-eGFP mice gonadectomised and treated for 3 weeks with oestradiol or testosterone implants. In gonadectomised females supplemented with testosterone, sst2A-R distribution on GHRH neurones was reduced to the level seen in intact males, whereas oestradiol implants were ineffective. Conversely, orchidectomy induced a female 'sst2A phenotype', which was reversed by testosterone supplementation. Changes in the hepatic expression of GH-dependent genes for major urinary protein-3 and the prolactin receptor reflected the altered steroid influence on GH pulsatile secretion. In the ventromedial-arcuate region, GHRH and sst2-R, as well as GHRH and somatostatin expression as measured by the real-time polymerase chain reaction, were positively correlated in both sexes. By contrast, the positive correlation between ventromedial-arcuate GHRH and periventricular somatostatin expression in males was reversed to a negative one in females. Moreover, the positive correlation between periventricular somatostatin and ventromedial-arcuate sst2-R expressions in males was lost in females. These results suggest that, in the adult mouse, testosterone is a major modulator of sst2A distribution on GHRH neurones. This marked sex difference in sst2A-R distribution may constitute a key element in the genesis of the sexually differentiated pattern of GH secretion, possibly through testosterone-modulated changes in somatostatin inputs from hypophysiotrophic periventricular neurones.  相似文献   

Intrathecal administration of octreotide, a stable somatostatin analogue, provides pain relief in patients, and locally applied somatostatin inhibits firing of nociceptive dorsal horn neurons. In the present study, we have raised polyclonal antibodies that specifically detect the somatostatin receptor sst2A and used these antisera for immunocytochemical localization of the receptor protein in the rat spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia. In the superficial layers of the dorsal horn, sst2A-like immunoreactivity (Li) formed a dense network consisting of neuronal perikarya and dendrites which were often closely apposed by, but not co-contained within, somatostatin-14-immunoreactive nerve fibres and terminals. sst2A-Li was resistant to dorsal rhizotomy and did not colocalize with either substance P or calcitonin gene-related peptide suggesting that sst2A-Li was not located to primary afferents, but rather confined to second-order spinal neurons. The position of sst2A-Li perikarya and dendrites in the dorsal horn appeared to be similar to those containing μ-opioid receptor-Li; however, double labelling experiments revealed no instances of coexistence of these two receptors. sst2A-Li was also observed in the dorsal root ganglia predominantly targeted to the somatic plasmalemma of medium size neurons distinct from those expressing somatostatin-14 or δ-opioid receptors. Thus, the present results not only provide a morphological substrate for spinal octreotide analgesia but also show that somatostatin and opioids are poised to modulate nociceptive transmission by distinct anatomical systems.  相似文献   

The localization and characterization of receptors for somatostatin-14 (S-14) and somatostatin-28 (S-28) were studied in the rat brain using the iodinated agonists [Tyr0,D-Trp8]S-14 and [Leu8,D-Trp22,Tyr25]S-28 as tracers. Slide-mounted frozen sections were used for the radioautographic localization and biochemical characterization of somatostatin receptors. In the latter case counting was performed on scraped off serial sections from rostral regions of the brain. Specificity studies demonstrated that either tracer could be displaced with S-28, S-14 or their agonists. The N-terminus fragment (1-12) of S-28 as well as a number of unrelated peptides were unable to compete with either tracer, indicating that the binding capacity for ligand-receptor recognition is located in the C-terminal portion of S-28. Scatchard analysis of saturation curves gave a one-site interaction with Kd values of 0.42 +/- 0.09 nM and 0.32 +/- 0.04 nM for the S-14 and S-28 iodinated agonists, respectively. By radioautography, the distribution of receptors for both S-14 and S-28 appeared very similar with high levels of binding in the deep layers of the cortex, the cingulate cortex, the claustrum, the locus coeruleus and most structures of the limbic system. Treatment with cysteamine, which caused a somatostatin depletion in the brain, was required to observe labeling in the hypothalamus. In some caudal areas of the brain, especially in the cerebellar nuclei, the solitary tract nucleus and the nucleus of the vagus nerve, only labeling with the S-28 agonist could be detected. This S-28 binding could be displaced by native S-14 (10(-6) M). Generally, there was a correlation between the localization of somatostatin receptors and that of immunoreactive somatostatin, as evaluated by immunocytochemistry. However, in some areas, an inverse correlation between receptor and peptide concentrations was observed. These results are in agreement with previous data suggesting that somatostatin could act as a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator in several brain areas.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) secretion is altered in poorly controlled diabetic animals. However, modifications in the hypothalamic neuropeptides that control GH secretion, somatostatin and GH-releasing hormone (GHRH), as well as changes in the sensitivity of the hypothalamus and pituitary to the feedback effects of GH, are less clear. We have used RNase protection assays and in-situ hybridization to address whether the mRNA expression of GH, somatostatin and GHRH, as well as of the GH receptor (GHR) in the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary, are altered in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. After induction of diabetes, rats were treated with insulin twice daily for 3 weeks to obtain either poorly controlled (mean plasma glucose >300 mg/dl) or well-controlled diabetic rats. Although no significant change in pituitary GH mRNA expression was found, the hypothalamic expression of GHRH and somatostatin mRNA was reduced in poorly-controlled diabetic rats and returned to control values with normalisation of plasma glucose concentrations (P<0.0001 and P<0.002, respectively). Somatostatin mRNA expression was reduced only in the central portion of the periventricular nucleus, with no change being seen in the other areas of the periventricular nucleus or in the arcuate, suprachiasmatic or paraventricular nuclei. A significant decline in GHRH mRNA expression was observed in both the arcuate nucleus and ventromedial hypothalamus. Anterior pituitary GHR mRNA expression was significantly reduced in both well and poorly-controlled diabetic rats, while there was no change in the hypothalamus. To examine whether the evolution time of the diabetes influences these parameters, in a subsequent experiment, diabetic rats received no insulin for 2 months. A significant decline in GHRH and somatostatin mRNA expression was also observed in these rats. In addition, pituitary GH mRNA expression declined significantly in long-term diabetic rats. These results demonstrate that: (1) the expression of both GHRH and somatostatin declines specifically in anatomical areas involved in anterior pituitary hormone control; (2) GHR mRNA expression is decreased in the pituitary of diabetic rats, but not in the hypothalamus, and does not return to control values with normalisation of mean blood glucose concentrations; and (3) the evolution time of the diabetes is important for detecting some changes, including the decrease in pituitary GH mRNA expression.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Somatostatin is abundant in the hypothalamus, cerebral cortex, limbic system, and mesencephalon. Somatostatin mRNA expression in the brain of rats with spleen deficiency is noticeably reduced, as well as attenuation of cognitive function. OBJECTIVE: To observe the interventional effect of Guipi decoction on somatostatin level and somatostatin receptor 1 (SSTRl) mRNA expression in different encephalic regions of rats with spleen deficiency, and to compare the interventional effects of Guipi decoction, Chaihu Shugan powder, and Tianwang Buxin pellet. DESIGN: A randomized controlled observation.
SETTING: Basic Medical College, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
MATERIALS: Fifty adult Wistar male rats, of clean grade, weighing (160 ± 10) g, were provided by Beijing Weitong Lihua Laboratory Animal Technology Co., Ltd. The protocol was performed in accordance with ethical guidelines for the use and care of animals. Somatostatin 1 polyclonal anti-rabbit antibody and SSTRl in situ hybridization kit were provided by Department of Neuroanatomy, Shanghai Second Military Medical University of Chinese PLA. The drug for developing rat models of spleen deficiency was composed of Dahuang, Houpu and Zhishi, and prepared at 2:1:1. Guipi decoction, Chaihu Shugan powder, and Tianwang Buxin pellet recipes were made according to previous studies. METHODS: This study was performed at the Basic Medical College, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from March 2002 to March 2005. The rats were randomly divided into 5 groups, with 10 rats in each group: normal, model, Guipi decoction, Chaihu Shugan powd.er, and Tianwang Buxin pellet groups. Rat models of the latter 4 groups were developed by methods of purgation with bitter and cold nature drugs, improper diet, and overstrain. The rats received 7.5 g/kg of the drugs each morning and were fasted every other day, but were allowed free access to water at all times. The rats were forced to swim in 25 ℃ water until fati  相似文献   

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