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The current-passing pore of mammalian hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels is formed by subunit isoforms denoted HCN1-4. In various brain areas, antibodies directed against multiple isoforms bind to single neurons, and the current (I(h)) passed during hyperpolarizations differs from that of heterologously expressed homomeric channels. By contrast, retinal rod, cone, and bipolar cells appear to use homomeric HCN channels. Here, we assess the generality of this pattern by examining HCN1 and HCN4 immunoreactivity in rat retinal ganglion cells, measuring I(h) in dissociated cells, and testing whether HCN1 and HCN4 proteins coimmunoprecipitate. Nearly half of the ganglion cells in whole-mounted retinae bound antibodies against both isoforms. Consistent with colocalization and physical association, 8-bromo-cAMP shifted the voltage sensitivity of I(h) less than that of HCN4 channels and more than that of HCN1 channels, and HCN1 coimmunoprecipitated with HCN4 from membrane fraction proteins. Finally, the immunopositive somata ranged in diameter from the smallest to the largest in rat retina, the dendrites of immunopositive cells arborized at various levels of the inner plexiform layer and over fields of different diameters, and I(h) activated with similar kinetics and proportions of fast and slow components in small, medium, and large somata. These results show that different HCN subunits colocalize in single retinal ganglion cells, identify a subunit that can reconcile native I(h) properties with the previously reported presence of HCN4 in these cells, and indicate that I(h) is biophysically similar in morphologically diverse retinal ganglion cells and differs from I(h) in rods, cones, and bipolar cells.  相似文献   

Hyperpolarization-activated cation currents (I(h)) have been identified in neurons in the central nervous system, including the retina. There is growing evidence that these currents, mediated by the hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel (HCN), may play important roles in visual processing in the retina. This study was conducted to identify and characterize HCN1-immunoreactive (IR) bipolar cells by immunocytochemistry, quantitative analysis, and electron microscopy. The HCN1-IR bipolar cells were a subtype of OFF-type cone bipolar cells and comprised 10% of the total number of cone bipolar cells. The axons of the HCN1-IR cone bipolar cells ramified narrowly in the border of strata 1 and 2 of the inner plexiform layer (IPL). These cells formed a regular distribution, with a density of 1,825 cells/mm(2) at a position 1 mm ventral to the visual streak, falling to 650 cells/mm(2) in the ventral periphery. Double-labeling experiments demonstrated that their axons stratified narrowly within and slightly proximal to the OFF-starburst amacrine cell processes. In the IPL, they were presynaptic to amacrine cell processes. The most frequent postsynaptic dyads formed of HCN1-IR bipolar cell axon terminals are pairs composed of both amacrine cell processes. These results suggest that these HCN1-IR cone bipolar cells might be the same as the DAPI-Ba1 bipolar population, and might therefore be involved in a direction-selective mechanism, providing inputs to the OFF-starburst amacrine cells and/or the OFF-plexus of the ON-OFF ganglion cells.  相似文献   

Among various types of low- and high-threshold calcium channels, the high voltage-activated P/Q-type channel is the most abundant in the cerebellum. These P/Q-type channels are involved in the regulation of neurotransmitter release and in the integration of dendritic inputs. We used an antibody specific for the alpha1A subunit of the P/Q-type channel in quantitative pre-embedding immunogold labelling combined with three-dimensional reconstruction to reveal the subcellular distribution of pre- and postsynaptic P/Q-type channels in the rat cerebellum. At the light microscopic level, immunoreactivity for the alpha1A protein was prevalent in the molecular layer, whereas immunostaining was moderate in the somata of Purkinje cells and weak in the granule cell layer. At the electron microscopic level, the most intense immunoreactivity for the alpha1A subunit was found in the presynaptic active zone of parallel fibre varicosities. The dendritic spines of Purkinje cells were also strongly labelled with the highest density of immunoparticles detected within 180 nm from the edge of the asymmetrical parallel fibre-Purkinje cell synapses. By contrast, the immunolabelling was sparse in climbing fibre varicosities and axon terminals of GABAergic cells, and weak and diffuse in dendritic shafts of Purkinje cells. The association of the alpha1A subunit with the glutamatergic parallel fibre-Purkinje cell synapses suggests that presynaptic channels have a major role in the mediation of excitatory neurotransmission, whereas postsynaptic channels are likely to be involved in depolarization-induced generation of local calcium transients in Purkinje cells.  相似文献   

Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel proteins (HCN1-4), which are potentially able to modulate membrane excitability, are abundantly expressed by neurons in spinal dorsal root ganglia (DRG). In the present experiment, we investigated whether HCN2 protein is confined exclusively to the perikarya of DRG neurons or is transported from the somata to the central axons of DRG neurons that terminate in the spinal dorsal horn. Using immunohistochemical methods, we have demonstrated that laminae I-IIo of the superficial spinal dorsal horn of the adult rat spinal cord show a strong punctate immunoreactivity for HCN2. Dorsal rhizotomy resulted in a complete loss of immunostaining in the dorsal horn, suggesting that HCN2 is confined to axon terminals of primary afferents. In double labelling immunohistochemical studies, we have also shown that HCN2 widely co-localizes with calcitonin gene-related peptide, but is almost completely segregated from isolectin-B4 binding, indicating that HCN2 is primarily expressed in peptidergic nociceptive primary afferents. The expression of HCN2 in central terminals of peptidergic primary afferents was also verified with electron microscopy. Utilizing the pre-embedding nanogold method, we found that HCN2 is largely confined to axon terminals with dense-core vesicles. Within these terminals, some of the silver grains marking the accurate location of HCN2 molecules were associated with the cell membrane, and others were scattered in the axoplasm. Within the cell membrane, HCN2 was found almost exclusively in extrasynaptic locations. The results suggest that HCN2 may contribute to the modulation of membrane excitability of nociceptive primary afferent terminals in the spinal dorsal horn.  相似文献   

Hyperpolarization-activated cation currents (I(h)) contribute to various physiological properties and functions in the brain, including neuronal pacemaker activity, setting of resting membrane potential, and dendritic integration of synaptic input. Four subunits of the Hyperpolarization-activated and Cyclic-Nucleotide-gated nonselective cation channels (HCN1-4), which generate I(h), have been cloned recently. To better understand the functional diversity of I(h) in the brain, we examined precise immunohistochemical localization of four HCNs in the rat brain. Immunoreactivity for HCN1 showed predominantly cortical distribution, being intense in the neocortex, hippocampus, superior colliculus, and cerebellum, whereas those for HCN3 and HCN4 exhibited subcortical distribution mainly concentrated in the hypothalamus and thalamus, respectively. Immunoreactivity for HCN2 had a widespread distribution throughout the brain. Double immunofluorescence revealed colocalization of immunoreactivity for HCN1 and HCN2 in distal dendrites of pyramidal cells in the hippocampus and neocortex. At the electron microscopic level, immunogold particles for HCN1 and HCN2 had similar distribution patterns along plasma membrane of dendritic shafts in layer I of the neocortex and stratum lacunosum moleculare of the hippocampal CA1 area, suggesting that these subunits could form heteromeric channels. Our results further indicate that HCNs are localized not only in somato-dendritic compartments but also in axonal compartments of neurons. Immunoreactivity for HCNs often occurred in preterminal rather than terminal portions of axons and in specific populations of myelinated axons. We also found HCN2-immunopositive oligodendrocytes including perineuronal oligodendrocytes throughout the brain. These results support previous electrophysiological findings and further suggest unexpected roles of I(h) channels in the brain.  相似文献   

The principal form of synchronized network activity in neonatal hippocampus consists of low frequency 'giant depolarizing potentials' (GDPs). Whereas contribution of both GABA and glutamate to their generation has been demonstrated, full understanding of the mechanisms underlying these synchronized activity bursts remains incomplete. A contribution of the h-current, conducted by HCN channels, to GDPs has been a topic of substantial interest. Here we focus on HCN1, the prevalent HCN channel isoform in neonatal hippocampus, and demonstrate an HCN1 spatiotemporal expression pattern in both CA3 principal cells and interneurons that correlates with the developmental profile of GDPs. Abrogation of HCN physiological function in CA3, via the selective I(h)-blocker ZD7288, disrupts GDP generation. Furthermore, ZD7288 specifically abolishes spontaneous bursting of the CA3 pyramidal cells at frequencies typical of GDPs without major influence on interneuronal firing. These findings support a pivotal role for HCN channels expressed by CA3 neurons, and particularly CA3 pyramidal cells, in GDP-related network synchronization.  相似文献   

Rhythmic firing in brain and heart is mediated by pacemaker channels that are activated by hyperpolarization and regulated directly by cyclic nucleotides. Recent work has identified a new gene family that encodes such channels, which are termed hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels. In this study, we report the molecular cloning and localization by in situ hybridization of HCN1-4 in adult rat brain. The rat HCN1-4 clones show high homology to the deduced amino acid sequence of the mouse channels (>97% identity). The mRNA expression of the four channels in adult brain was evaluated in a systematic manner from the olfactory bulb to lower brain stem nuclei. Each mRNA demonstrated a unique pattern of distribution. HCN1 expression is highly enriched in cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellum, and facial motor nucleus; HCN2 is highly abundant in mamillary bodies, pontine nucleus, ventral cochlear nucleus, and nucleus of the trapezoid body; HCN3 expression is most pronounced in supraoptic nucleus of hypothalamus; and HCN4 expression is most abundant in medial habenula and anterior and principal relay nuclei of the thalamus. These variations in regional specificity of HCN channels could generate important differences in neuronal pacemaker activity across brain systems.  相似文献   

Metabotropic gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors (GABA(B)) are involved in pre- and postsynaptic inhibitory effects upon auditory neurons and have been implicated in different aspects of acoustic information processing. To understand better the mechanisms by which GABA(B) receptors mediate their inhibitory effects, we used pre-embedding immunocytochemical techniques combined with quantification of immunogold particles to reveal the precise subcellular distribution of the GABA(B1) subunit in the rat dorsal cochlear nucleus. At the light microscopic level, GABA(B1) was detected in all divisions of the cochlear complex. The most intense immunoreactivity for GABA(B1) was found in the dorsal cochlear nucleus, whereas immunoreactivity in the anteroventral and posteroventral cochlear nuclei was very low. In the dorsal cochlear nucleus, a punctate labeling was observed in the superficial (molecular and fusiform cell) layers. At the electron microscopic level, GABA(B1) was found at both post- and presynaptic locations. Postsynaptically, GABA(B1) was localized mainly in the dendritic spines of presumed fusiform cells. Quantitative immunogold immunocytochemistry revealed that the highest concentration of GABA(B1) in the plasma membrane was in dendritic spines, followed by dendritic shafts and somata. Thus, the most intense immunoreactivity for GABA(B1) was observed in dendritic spines with a high density of immunogold particles at extrasynaptic sites, peaking around 300 nm from glutamatergic synapses. This is in contrast to GABAergic synapses, in which GABA(B1) was only occasionally found. Presynaptically, receptor immunoreactivity was detected primarily in axospinous endings, probably from granule cells, in both the active zone and extrasynaptic sites. The localization of GABA(B1) relative to synaptic sites in the DCN suggests a role for the receptor in the regulation of dendritic excitability and excitatory inputs.  相似文献   

Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN1-4) channels play an important role in the regulation of neuronal rhythmicity. In the present study we describe the mutation analysis of HCN1 and HCN2 in 84 unrelated patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE). Several functional variants were identified including the amino acid substitution R527Q in HCN2 exon 5. HCN2 channels containing the R527Q variant demonstrated a trend towards a decreased slope of the conductance-voltage relation. We also identified a variant in the splice donor site of HCN2 exon 5 that results in the formation of a cryptic splice donor. In HCN1, the amino acid substitution A881T was identified in one sporadic IGE patient but was not observed in 510 controls. Seven variants were examined further in a case-control association study consisting of a larger cohort of IGE patients. Further studies are warranted to more clearly establish the contribution of HCN1 and HCN2 dysfunction to the genetic variance of common IGE syndromes.  相似文献   

The alpha5 subunit of the GABA(A) receptors (GABA(A)Rs) has a restricted expression in the brain. Maximum expression of this subunit occurs in the hippocampus, cerebral cortex, and olfactory bulb. Hippocampal pyramidal cells show high expression of alpha5 subunit-containing GABA(A)Rs (alpha5-GABA(A)Rs) both in culture and in the intact brain. A large pool of alpha5-GABA(A)Rs is extrasynaptic and it has been proposed to be involved in the tonic GABAergic inhibition of the hippocampus. Nevertheless, there are no studies on the localization of the alpha5-GABA(A)Rs at the electron microscope (EM) level. By using both immunofluorescence of cultured hippocampal pyramidal cells and EM postembedding immunogold of the intact hippocampus we show that, in addition to the extrasynaptic pool, there is a pool of alpha5-GABA(A)Rs that concentrates at the GABAergic synapses in dendrites of hippocampal pyramidal cells. The results suggest that the synaptic alpha5-GABA(A)Rs might play a role in the phasic GABAergic inhibition of pyramidal neurons in hippocampus and cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

In many brain regions, hyperpolarization-activated cationic currents (Ih) are involved in the generation of rhythmic activities, but the role of Ih in olfactory oscillations remains unclear. Knowledge of the cellular and subcellular distributions of hyperpolarization-activated and cyclic nucleotide-gated channel (HCN) subunits is necessary for understanding the role of Ih in olfactory network activities. Using light microscopic immunocytochemistry, we demonstrate strong HCN1 labelling of the glomerular layer and moderate staining of granule cell, internal and external plexiform layers of the rat main olfactory bulb. In the glomerular layer, among many unlabelled neurons, two distinct subpopulations of juxtaglomerular cells are labelled. Approximately 10% of the juxtaglomerular cells strongly express HCN1. These small diameter cells are immunoreactive for GABA and comprise a subpopulation of periglomerular cells. An additional subset of juxtaglomerular cells ( approximately 1%) expresses low levels of HCN1. They are large in diameter, GABA immunonegative but immunopositive for vesicular glutamate transporter 2, characterizing them as external tufted cells. Quantitative immunogold localization revealed that the somatic plasma membranes of periglomerular cells contain approximately four times more HCN1 labelling than those of external tufted cells. Unlike in cortical pyramidal cells, immunogold density for HCN1 does not significantly differ in somatic and dendritic plasma membranes of external tufted cells, indicating that post-synaptic potentials arriving at proximal and distal dendrites are modulated by the same density of Ih. Our results demonstrate a cell type-dependent expression of HCN1 in the olfactory bulb and predict a differential contribution of distinct juxtaglomerular cell types to network oscillations.  相似文献   

The highest densities of the two metabotropic GABA subunits, GABAB1 and GABAB2, have been reported as occurring around the glutamatergic synapses between Purkinje cell spines and parallel fibre varicosities. In order to determine how this distribution is achieved during development, we investigated the expression pattern and the cellular and subcellular localization of the GABAB1 and GABAB2 subunits in the rat cerebellum during postnatal development. At the light microscopic level, immunoreactivity for the GABAB1 and GABAB2 subunits was very prominent in the developing molecular layer, especially in Purkinje cells. Using double immunofluorescence, we demonstrated that GABAB1 was transiently expressed in glial cells. At the electron microscopic level, immunoreactivity for GABAB receptors was always detected both pre- and postsynaptically. Presynaptically, GABAB1 and GABAB2 were localized in the extrasynaptic membrane of parallel fibres at all ages, and only rarely in GABAergic axons. Postsynaptically, GABAB receptors were localized to the extrasynaptic and perisynaptic plasma membrane of Purkinje cell dendrites and spines throughout development. Quantitative analysis and three-dimensional reconstructions further revealed a progressive developmental movement of the GABAB1 subunit on the surface of Purkinje cells from dendritic shafts to its final destination, the dendritic spines. Together, these results indicate that GABAB receptors undergo dynamic regulation during cerebellar development in association with the establishment and maturation of glutamatergic synapses to Purkinje cells.  相似文献   

Opioid receptors have been localized to a number of brain regions in rats as well as in other species. In situ hybridization has demonstrated the presence of mRNA for the delta receptor subtype in adult rat cerebellar cortex and in several deep nuclei, but there are no reports on localization of the delta receptor protein in cerebellar regions. In the present study, both quantitative immunohistochemistry and Western blots reveal the presence of delta receptors in the adult rat cerebellum, using a specific affinity-purified antibody. Purkinje cells and processes, as well as cells in the granule cell layer, were positively stained with the antibody. Quantitation of confocal microscopy images illustrated a lower relative level of delta receptor immunoreactivity in cerebellar cortical neurons as compared to neurons in hippocampal regions, striatum and cerebral cortex. Stimulation of delta receptors with a selective agonist, DPDPE, in frozen sections of rat brain, induced a significant increase in binding of [35S]-GTPgammaS in the cerebellar cortex as compared to basal binding levels, thereby demonstrating coupling of the receptor subtype to G-protein. Functional implications for the delta receptor in the cerebellum are discussed, particularly in light of evidence for the presence of a cerebellar opioid receptor for the endogenous opioid methionine enkephalin during early postnatal life.  相似文献   

Melone M  Bellesi M  Conti F 《Glia》2009,57(1):108-117
GLT-1a, the major glutamate transporter, plays an important role in both physiological and pathological conditions. Uncertainty regarding its localization in the cerebral cortex prompted us to re-examine its cellular and subcellular localization in the rat somatic sensory cortex. GLT-1a detection was sensitive to fixation; in optimal conditions approximately 25% of GLT-1a+ profiles were axon terminals. GLT-1a/VGLUT1 double-labeling and pre-embedding electron microscopy studies showed that approximately 50% of GLT-1a+ profiles were in the vicinity of asymmetric synapses. Using pre-embedding electron microscopy, we found that approximately 70% of GLT-1a located in the vicinity of asymmetric synapses was astrocytic and approximately 30% was neuronal. Post-embedding immunogold studies showed that the density of gold particles coding for GLT-1a was much higher in astrocytic processes than in axon terminals, and that in the latter they were never at the active zone. In both astrocytic processes and axon terminals most gold particles were localized in a membrane region extending for about 250 nm from active zone margin, with a peak at 140 nm for astrocytic processes and at 80 for axon terminals. We conclude that, although GLT-1a is expressed by both astrocytes and axon terminals, astrocytic GLT-1a predominates at asymmetric synapses, and that the perisynaptic localization of GLT-1a in cortex is well-suited to modulate Glu concentrations at the cleft and also to restrict Glu spillover.  相似文献   

The hyperpolarization-activated and cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channel isoforms HCN1, HCN2, and HCN4 were localized by immunofluorescence in the rat retina. Double labeling with the vesicular glutamate transporter (VGLUT1) was used to identify bipolar cell axon terminals in the inner retina. The HCN1 channel was localized to two cell types with differing intracellular distributions, insofar as staining was seen in the dendrites of a putative OFF-type cone bipolar cell and in the axon terminals of an ON-type bipolar that ramifies in stratum 3 (s3) of the inner plexiform layer (IPL). Staining for HCN4 was seen in two sets of bipolar axon terminals located in s2 and s3 and positioned between the two bands of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) staining. The cells that ramify in s2 were identified as type 3 cone bipolar cells and the cells that ramify in s3 cells as a subclass of type 5 cone bipolars. The latter group, designated here as type 5b, exhibit diffuse axon terminals and can be distinguished from the narrowly stratifying type 5a cells. Double labeling showed that type 5b cone bipolar cells express both HCN1 and HCN4 as well as HCN2. Superposition of HCN channel labeling with VGLUT1 staining confirmed the presence of a cone bipolar cell whose terminals ramify in the same stratum of the IPL as type 5b cells but that do not express these HCN channels.  相似文献   

Analysis of naturally occurring mutations that cause seizures in rodents has advanced understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying epilepsy. Abnormalities of Ih and h channel expression have been found in many animal models of absence epilepsy. We characterized a novel spontaneous mutant mouse, apathetic (ap/ap), and identified the ap mutation as a 4 base pair insertion within the coding region of Hcn2, the gene encoding the h channel subunit 2 (HCN2). We demonstrated that Hcn2ap mRNA is reduced by 90% compared to wild type, and the predicted truncated HCN2ap protein is absent from the brain tissue of mice carrying the ap allele. ap/ap mice exhibited ataxia, generalized spike–wave absence seizures, and rare generalized tonic–clonic seizures. ap/+ mice had a normal gait, occasional absence seizures and an increased severity of chemoconvulsant-induced seizures. These findings help elucidate basic mechanisms of absence epilepsy and suggest HCN2 may be a target for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

In neurons, AMPA glutamate receptors are developmentally regulated and selectively targeted to synaptic sites. Astroglial cells also express AMPA receptors, but their developmental pattern of expression and targeting mechanisms are unknown. In this study we investigated by immunocytochemistry at the light and electron microscopy level the expression of GluR1 and its scaffolding proteins SAP97 (synapse-associated protein) and 4.1N during cerebellar development. In cerebellar cortex the GluR1 AMPA receptor subunit is expressed exclusively in Bergmann glia in the adult rodent. Interestingly, we observed that GluR1 was expressed postsynaptically at the climbing fibers (CF) synapse at early ages during Purkinje cell dendritic growth and before the complete ensheathment of CF/Purkinje cell synapses by Bergmann glia. However, its expression changed from neurons to Bergmann glia once these glial cells had completed their enwrapping process. In contrast, GluR2/3 and GluR4 AMPAR subunits were stably expressed in both Purkinje cells (GluR2/3) and Bergmann glia (GluR4) throughout postnatal development. Our data indicate that GluR1 expression undergoes a developmental switch from neurons to glia and that this appears to correlate with the degree of Purkinje cell dendritic growth and their enwrapping by Bergmann glia. SAP97 and 4.1N were developmentally regulated in the same pattern as GluR1. Therefore, SAP97 and 4.1N may play a role in the transport and insertion of GluR1 at CF/Purkinje cell synapses during early ages and at Bergmann glia plasma membrane in the adult. The parallel fiber (PF)/Purkinje cell synapse contained GluR2/3 but lacked GluR1, SAP97, and 4.1N at the time of PF synaptogenesis.  相似文献   

Calpains, the Ca(2+)-dependent thiol proteases, are abundant in the nervous tissue. The ubiquitous enzyme forms in mammals are heterodimers consisting of a specific, micro or m, large (catalytic) subunit and, apparently, a common small (regulatory) subunit (CSS1). Recently, however, we described a second form of small subunit (CSS2), which is of restricted occurrence [Schád, E., Farkas, A., Jékely, G., Tompa, P. & Friedrich, P. (2002) Biochem. J., 362, 383-388]. Here we analysed the distribution of immunoreactivity in various parts of rat brain against two anti-CSS1 and two anti-CSS2 antibodies by correlated light and electron microscopy. Remarkably, the antibodies showed differential distribution in various parts of rat cortex: anti-CSS1 reacted mainly with perikarya and dendrites, whereas anti-CSS2 was more prominent in axons. In serial sections CSS2 and synaptophysin gave very similar patterns, i.e. these epitopes seem to colocalize. Electron microscopy confirmed that CSS1 was mainly localized postsynaptically in dendrites and somata, whereas CSS2 was found presynaptically. The hypothesis is advanced that these distinct distributions of calpain subunits may be related to the transport of these enzymes in nerve cells.  相似文献   

T‐type calcium channels play a pivotal role in regulating neural membrane excitability in the nervous system. However, the precise subcellular distributions of T‐type channel subunits and their implication for membrane excitability are not well understood. Here we investigated the subcellular distribution of the α1G subunit of the calcium channel which is expressed highly in the mouse dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN). Light microscopic analysis demonstrated that dLGN exhibits intense immunoperoxidase reactivity for the α1G subunit. Electron microscopic observation showed that the labeling was present in both the relay cells and interneurons and was found in the somatodendritic, but not axonal, domains of these cells. Most of the immunogold particles for the α1G subunit were either associated with the plasma membrane or the intracellular membranes. Reconstruction analysis of serial electron microscopic images revealed that the intensity of the intracellular labeling exhibited a gradient such that the labeling density was higher in the proximal dendrite and progressively decreased towards the distal dendrite. In contrast, the plasma membrane‐associated particles were distributed with a uniform density over the somatodendritic surface of dLGN cells. The labeling density in the relay cell plasma membrane was about 3‐fold higher than that of the interneurons. These results provide ultrastructural evidence for cell‐type‐specific expression levels and for uniform expression density of the α1G subunit over the plasma membrane of dLGN cells. J. Comp. Neurol. 518:4362–4374, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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