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目的 探讨给予外源性谷胱甘肽(GSH)和亚硒酸钠(sodium selenite)对饮水砷暴露小鼠肝、肾和血中砷代谢的影响.方法 将小鼠按数字表法随机分为对照组、单纯染砷组(砷组)、GSH干预组(GSH组)与亚硒酸钠干预组(硒组),每组各8只小鼠.小鼠以自由饮水方式共染砷4周,饮水砷浓度为50 mg/L.从第4周起,染砷同时腹腔注射GSH(600 mg/kg体重)或亚硒酸钠(1 mg/kg体重)进行干预,共干预7 d.末次注射后处死小鼠,取其肝、肾和血组织样品.采用氢化物发生-超低温捕集-原子吸收分光光度法,分别检测小鼠肝、肾和血中无机砷(iAs)、一甲基胂(MMA)和二甲基胂(DMA)的含量.结果 GSH组小鼠肝中DMA含量[(233.76±60.63)ng/g湿重]及血中DMA含量[(88.52±30.86)ng/g湿重]和总砷(TAs)含量[(162.32±49.45)ng/g湿重]高于相对应的砷组小鼠[(218.36±42.71)、(45.32±12.19)、(108.51±18.00)ng/g湿重](q值分别为3.06、6.40、10.72,P<0.05).GSH组小鼠肝中砷一甲基化率(PMI,0.65±0.05)和二甲基化率(SMI,0.55±0.05)及血中PMI(0.85±0.07)与砷组小鼠相对应的甲基化率(0.58±0.06、0.44±0.09、0.54±0.11)比较升高(q值分别为3.75、5.26、4.21.P<0.05).硒组与砷组各项指标间差异无统计学意义.结论 给予外源性GSH可以促进iAs在小鼠体内甲基化代谢,从而降低其对机体的毒性损伤.而亚硒酸钠则无明显作用.  相似文献   

A large number of drinking water supplies worldwide have greater than 50 microg l(- 1) inorganic arsenic in drinking water, and there is increasing pressure to reduce concentrations. Few studies have specifically considered low concentrations of arsenic in water supplies and the significance of other factors which may contribute to increased exposure. This study aimed to investigate risk factors for increased urinary inorganic arsenic concentrations, in a population exposed to 10 - 100 microg l(- 1) of arsenic in drinking water, as well as a control population with lower arsenic concentrations in their drinking water. Inorganic arsenic in urine was used as the measure of exposure. The median drinking water arsenic concentration in the exposed population was 43.8 microg l(- 1) (16.0 - 73 microg l(- 1)) and less than the analytical limit of detection of 1 microg l(- 1) (相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the excretion of arsenic in breast milk of lactating native Andean women living in a village in northwestern Argentina with high concentrations of arsenic in the drinking water (about 200 μg/l) and to assess the exposure of children to arsenic during the very first period of life. Methods: The study included ten lactating women and two nursing babies. Hydride-generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-AAS) was used to determine the concentration of arsenic in samples of human milk, drinking water, blood, and urine. Results: The concentrations of arsenic detected in maternal blood (total arsenic) and urine (metabolites of inorganic arsenic) were high, averaging 10 and 320 μg/l, respectively. In subjects without known exposure to arsenic the average concentrations found in blood and urine are 1–2 and about 10 μg/l, respectively. The metabolites of inorganic arsenic constituted more than 80% of the total arsenic in the urine, which shows that inorganic arsenic was the main form of arsenic ingested. The average concentration of arsenic detected in human milk was 2.3 μg/kg fresh weight (range 0.83–7.6 μg/kg). Although data on background levels of arsenic in human breast milk are scarce, the present concentrations seem to be slightly elevated. However, considering the high levels of arsenic exposure in the mothers, the total arsenic concentrations measured in human milk were low. In concordance with the low concentrations of arsenic found in the milk, the concentrations of arsenic metabolites measured in the urine of two of the nursing babies were low: 17 and 47 μg/l, respectively. Conclusions: The low concentrations of arsenic detected in the breast milk and urine of the two nursing babies in relation to the high level of maternal exposure to arsenic indicate that inorganic arsenic is not excreted in breast milk to any significant extent. This is a very important reason for long breast-feeding periods. Received: 27 February 1997 / Accepted: 6 June 1997  相似文献   

The relationship of inorganic arsenic exposure through drinking water and total urinary arsenic excretion in a nonoccupationally exposed population was evaluated in a cross-sectional study in three mayor cities of Chile (Antofagasta, Santiago, and Temuco). A total of 756 individuals in three population strata (elderly, students, and workers) provided first morning void urine specimens the day after exposure and food surveys were administered. Arsenic intake from drinking water was estimated from analysis of tap water samples, plus 24-h dietary recall and food frequency questionnaires. Multilevel analysis was used to evaluate the effects of the age group and city factors adjusted by predictor variables. Arsenic levels in drinking water and urine were significantly higher in Antofagasta compared with the other cities. City-and individual-level factors, 12% and 88%, respectively, accounted for the variability in urinary arsenic concentration. The main predictors of urinary arsenic concentration were total arsenic consumption through water and age. These findings indicate that arsenic concentration in drinking water continues to be the principal contributing factor to exposure to inorganic arsenic in the Chilean population.  相似文献   

目的:建立同时测定生活饮用水中砷和汞的氢化物发生-原子荧光光度法。方法:取一定量水样,在盐酸-硫脲-抗坏血酸混合介质中,放置一定时间后用原子荧光法同时测定。光电倍增管负高压均为290 V;汞灯电流为20 mA,砷灯电流为60 mA。结果:砷的方法检出限为0.0045μg/L,RSD为0.90%,加标回收率为100.6%~102.1%;汞的方法检出限为0.0048μg/L,RSD为2.1%,加标回收率为100.2%~103.0%。结论:氢化物发生-原子荧光光度法同时测定水中的砷和汞的精密度和准确度满足分析要求,具有快速、准确、灵敏等优点。  相似文献   

Variability in human metabolism of arsenic   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Estimating the nature and extent of human cancer risks due to arsenic (As) in drinking water is currently of great concern, since millions of persons worldwide are exposed to arsenic, primarily through natural enrichment of drinking water drawn from deep wells. Humans metabolize and eliminate As through oxidative methylation and subsequent urinary excretion. While there is debate as to the role of methylation in activation/detoxification, variations in arsenic metabolism may affect individual risks of toxicity and carcinogenesis. Using data from three populations, from Mexico, China, and Chile, we have analyzed the distribution in urine of total arsenic and arsenic species (inorganic arsenic (InAs), monomethyl arsenic (MMA), and dimethyl arsenic (DMA). Data were analyzed in terms of the concentration of each species and by evaluating MMA:DMA and (MMA+DMA):InAs ratios. In all persons most urinary As was present as DMA. Male:female differences were discernible in both high- and low-exposure groups from all three populations, but the gender differences varied by populations. The data also indicated bimodal distributions in the ratios of DMA to InAs and to MMA. While the gene or genes responsible for arsenic methylation are still unknown, the results of our studies among the ethnic groups in this study are consistent with the presence of functional genetic polymorphisms in arsenic methylation leading to measurable differences in toxicity. This analysis highlights the need for continuing research on the health effects of As in humans using molecular epidemiologic methods.  相似文献   

目的了解饮水氟、砷暴露对儿童智力的影响,为保护饮水型地方性氟砷中毒病区儿童健康提供科学依据。方法选择内蒙古杭锦后旗农村地区268名小学生作为研究对象,采集家庭饮用水样,测定氟、砷含量;采用联合型瑞文测试对研究对象进行智力测验,并针对家庭一般情况、饮水水源情况、儿童健康状况及其他智力影响因素等情况进行问卷调查。结果杭锦后旗儿童家庭饮用水氟含量为(1.24±0.74)mg/L,砷含量为(0.13±0.16)mg/L,均超过国家饮用水卫生标准限值。饮水砷含量≥0.05 mg/L的女生智商(95.9±14.2)显著低于饮水砷含量<0.05 mg/L的女生(101.3±13.2),而不同水砷浓度男生智商差异无统计学意义。饮水砷浓度≥0.05 mg/L对女生智商影响的调整OR值为2.81,而不同水氟浓度儿童智商差异无统计学意义。结论饮水氟、砷暴露不利于儿童的智力发育,对女生智力的影响较明显。  相似文献   

Maternal exposure to high concentrations of inorganic arsenic (iAs) in naturally contaminated drinking groundwater sources has been associated with an increased risk for the spontaneous loss of clinically recognized pregnancies in several epidemiologic studies. Whereas a large worldwide population depends on drinking groundwater sources with high levels of iAs contamination, in quantities exceeding 10 parts per billion (ppb), an even larger population is likely to be exposed to mild-moderate drinking groundwater iAs contamination, in quantities <10ppb. Only a single epidemiologic study to date has considered spontaneous pregnancy loss in association with consumption of drinking water with mild-moderate iAs contamination; the vast majority of published studies of spontaneous loss addressed populations with substantial exposure. The aim of this review is to evaluate the published literature to assess the plausibility for a causal association between exposure to iAs-contaminated drinking water and the spontaneous loss of clinically recognized pregnancy. In spite of numerous methodologic limitations resulting from circumstance or design, a consistent pattern of increased risk for loss is suggested by the epidemiologic literature. Moreover, these study results are corroborated by a large number of experimental studies, albeit usually conducted at concentrations exceeding that to which humans are exposed via contaminated drinking water. In this review, we discuss sources of human iAs exposure, highlight several experimental studies pertinent to a possible causal link between iAs and spontaneous pregnancy loss in humans, and provide a critical review of published epidemiologic studies of pregnancy loss and drinking water iAs exposures, and their limitations. Based on a review of the published literature, we recommend the future conduct of a two-stage comprehensive prospective study of low-moderate iAs drinking water exposure and spontaneous pregnancy loss.  相似文献   

Atrazine is the most commonly used herbicide in the U.S. and a wide-spread groundwater contaminant. Epidemiologic and laboratory evidence exists that atrazine disrupts reproductive health and hormone secretion. We examined the relationship between exposure to atrazine in drinking water and menstrual cycle function including reproductive hormone levels.Women 18–40 years old residing in agricultural communities where atrazine is used extensively (Illinois) and sparingly (Vermont) answered a questionnaire (n=102), maintained menstrual cycle diaries (n=67), and provided daily urine samples for analyses of luteinizing hormone (LH), and estradiol and progesterone metabolites (n=35). Markers of exposures included state of residence, atrazine and chlorotriazine concentrations in tap water, municipal water and urine, and estimated dose from water consumption.Women who lived in Illinois were more likely to report menstrual cycle length irregularity (odds ratio (OR)=4.69; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.58–13.95) and more than 6 weeks between periods (OR=6.16; 95% CI: 1.29–29.38) than those who lived in Vermont. Consumption of >2 cups of unfiltered Illinois water daily was associated with increased risk of irregular periods (OR=5.73; 95% CI: 1.58–20.77). Estimated “dose” of atrazine and chlorotriazine from tap water was inversely related to mean mid-luteal estradiol metabolite. Atrazine “dose” from municipal concentrations was directly related to follicular phase length and inversely related to mean mid-luteal progesterone metabolite levels.We present preliminary evidence that atrazine exposure, at levels below the US EPA MCL, is associated with increased menstrual cycle irregularity, longer follicular phases, and decreased levels of menstrual cycle endocrine biomarkers of infertile ovulatory cycles.  相似文献   

农村饮水砷监测结果分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 查明10省区和新疆生产建设兵团的饮水砷污染状况,为农村预防水性砷中毒和饮水改善规划的实施提供基础数据。方法 10省区和新疆生产建设兵团开展的“社区饮水砷监测系统”是在现有“全国农村饮水水质卫生监测网”基础上增加监测指标砷,通过合理布置监测点对饮水水源类型和供水方式等进行现场调查和监测饮水水质。结果 72个监测县共设726个监测点,除安徽、河南和山东没有检测出高砷水样(≥0.05mg/L)外,其他省区都检出了高砷水样;除安徽省没有氟化物含量超标水样外,其他省区均有氟化物含量超过一级标准(1.0mg/L)的水样。高砷高氟水样分布呈比较明显的地区性。调查覆盖人口2967.2万,其中饮用地面水的人口数为362.9万。占12.23%;饮用地下水人口为2604.3万,占87.77%。其中深井水饮用人口为1841.7万,占62.07%。调查覆盖人口中,饮用集中式供水人口为1114.1万,占调查覆盖人数的40.82%;分散式供水人口为1615.1万,占调查覆盖人口数的59.18%。结论 通过现场调查和抽样监测基本掌握了10省区和新疆生产建设兵团的饮水砷污染现状,对促进农村饮水改善有积极意义,同时也表明在这些地区进一步开展适时监测是非常必要的。  相似文献   

李昕  李冰  刘世宜  孙贵范 《中国公共卫生》2012,28(12):1610-1612
目的 探讨饮水型砷中毒患者皮肤损伤与甲基化代谢能力的关系。方法 依据诊断标准对某饮水型砷中毒病区患者症状进行分级,测定血中无机砷(iAs)、甲基砷(MMA)、二甲基砷(DMA)含量并计算百分比(iAs%、MMA%、DMA%),以iAs、MMA及DMA的总和表示总砷(tAs)水平,以(MMA+DMA)/tAs及DMA/(MMA+DMA)分别计算一甲基化率(FMR)和二甲基化率(SMR)水平。结果 患者血中形态砷和甲基化指标水平在性别间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);轻、中、重度患者FMR水平差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);中度及重度患者SMR水平[(0.36±0.11)、(0.37±0.08)]均低于轻度患者(0.48±0.11),MMA%[(0.50±0.06)、(0.52±0.03)]均高于轻度患者(0.41±0.09);SMR水平与患者皮肤损伤症状等级之间呈负相关(r=-0.429,P<0.05)。结论 SMR水平下降及MMA%水平增高与砷性皮肤损伤关系密切。  相似文献   

目的 通过比较职业性砷暴露人群与对照人群外周血淋巴细胞Dicer基因表达的差异,探讨职业性砷暴露人群外周血淋巴细胞中Dicer基因的表达与尿砷代谢产物之间的关系.方法 于2011年选取43名砒霜厂职业性砷暴露工人为暴露组,23名无砷暴露史人群为对照组,采用TRIzol法提取淋巴细胞中的总RNA,利用实时荧光定量PCR方法检测Dicer基因的表达,采用氢化物发生原子吸收分光光度法检测尿中各类砷化合物的含量.结果 砒霜厂工人无机砷、甲基胂酸、二甲基胂酸、总砷含量均高于对照组,二级甲基化指数低于对照组,外周血淋巴细胞中Dicer基因mRNA的表达(6.90±0.24)高于对照组(5.08±0.24),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01).尿中无机砷、甲基胂酸、二甲基胂酸、总砷与外周血淋巴细胞中Dicer基因mRNA表达呈正相关(P<0.01);二级甲基化指数与Dicer基因mRNA表达呈负相关(r=-0.384,P<0.05).结论 职业性砷暴露工人外周血淋巴细胞Dicer基因表达升高,可能与砷代谢甲基化过程有关.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine arsenic exposure via drinking water and to characterize urinary arsenic excretion among adults in the Yaqui Valley, Sonora, Mexico. A cross-sectional study was conducted from July 2001 to May 2002. Study subjects were from the Yaqui Valley, Sonora, Mexico, residents of four towns with different arsenic concentrations in their drinking water. Arsenic exposure was estimated through water intake over 24 h. Arsenic excretion was assessed in the first morning void urine. Total arsenic concentrations and their species arsenate (As V), arsenite (As III), monomethyl arsenic (MMA), and dimethyl arsenic (DMA) were determined by HPLC/ICP-MS. The town of Esperanza with the highest arsenic concentration in water had the highest daily mean intake of arsenic through drinking water, the mean value was 65.5 microg/day. Positive correlation between total arsenic intake by drinking water/day and the total arsenic concentration in urine (r = 0.50, P < 0.001) was found. Arsenic excreted in urine ranged from 18.9 to 93.8 microg/L. The people from Esperanza had the highest geometric mean value of arsenic in urine, 65.1 microg/L, and it was statistically significantly different from those of the other towns (P < 0.005). DMA was the major arsenic species in urine (47.7-67.1%), followed by inorganic arsenic (16.4-25.4%), and MMA (7.5-15%). In comparison with other reports the DMA and MMA distribution was low, 47.7-55.6% and 7.5-9.7%, respectively, in the urine from the Yaqui Valley population (except the town of Cocorit). The difference in the proportion of urinary arsenic metabolites in those towns may be due to genetic polymorphisms in the As methylating enzymes of these populations.  相似文献   

宋岳  周虹 《职业与健康》2012,28(19):2354-2355
目的建立双道原子荧光光度计同时测定饮用水中砷和锑的方法,以提高工作效率。方法选择最佳的仪器条件,进行样品处理方法及酸度、硼氢化钾浓度、检出限、线性范围、精密度、加标回收率等研究。结果该方法线性关系:砷为0~80μg/L,锑为0~40μg/L。检出限:砷为0.087μg/L,锑为0.19μg/L。相对标准偏差:砷为1.93%~2.55%;锑为1.97%~3.02%。平均加标回收率:砷为95.7%;锑为96.5%。结论该方法操作简便,灵敏度高,快速,便于推广,适用于水中砷和锑的同时测定。  相似文献   

Millions of people worldwide are exposed to drinking water containing arsenic, and epidemiologic studies have identified associations between the ingestion of arsenic-contaminated water and increased risks of cancer. In many of these studies, the assessment of arsenic exposure is based on a limited number of drinking water measurements, and the assessment of long-term or past exposure relies on the assumption that arsenic concentrations in sources of drinking water remain stable over time. In this investigation, the temporal stability of arsenic concentration was assessed in 759 wells in western Nevada state in the USA. Arsenic concentrations in these wells ranged from nondetectable to 6200 microg/L (median, 10 microg/L; standard deviation, 335 microg/L). Spearman correlation coefficients between arsenic concentrations measured in the same wells over a period of 1--5, 6--10, and 11--20 years apart were, respectively, 0.84 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.81--0.86), 0.85 (95% CI, 0.81--0.88), and 0.94 (95% CI, 0.88--0.96). These findings suggest that, in this study area, arsenic concentrations in most wells remain stable over time and a limited number of measurements per well can be used to predict arsenic exposures over a period of many years.  相似文献   

Inorganic arsenic (iAs) is a human toxicant to which populations may be exposed through consumption of geogenically contaminated groundwater. A growing body of experimental literature corroborates the reproductive toxicity of iAs; however, the results of human studies are inconsistent. Therefore, we conducted a comprehensive review of epidemiologic studies focused on drinking water iAs exposure and birth outcomes to assess the evidence for causality and to make recommendations for future study. We reviewed 18 English language papers assessing birth weight, gestational age, and birth size. Thirteen of the studies were conducted among populations with frequent exposure to high-level groundwater iAs contamination (>10 μg/L) and five studies were conducted in areas without recognized contamination. Most studies comprised small samples and used cross-sectional designs, often with ecologic exposure assessment strategies, although several large prospective investigations and studies with individual-level measurements were also reported. We conclude that: (1) the epidemiologic evidence for an increased risk of low birth weight (<2500 g) is insufficient, although there exists limited evidence for birth weight decreases; (2) the evidence for increased preterm delivery is insufficient; and, (3) there exists minimal evidence for decreased birth size. In further investigation of birth weight and size, we recommend incorporation of individual susceptibility measures using appropriate biomarkers, with collection timed to windows of vulnerability and speciated arsenic analysis, as well as consideration of populations exposed primarily to drinking water iAs contamination <10 μg/L. Given the large potential public health impact, additional, high quality epidemiologic studies are necessary to more definitively assess the risk.  相似文献   

渔村与砷暴露地区居民尿砷代谢产物检测比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 测定渔村居民和饮水型砷暴露地区人群尿中各种形态砷和尿总砷(TAs)。方法 选取饮水型砷暴露地区〔口肯板村水砷浓度为0.16 mg/L;乃莫板村水砷浓度为0.09 mg/L;塔布塞村(对照组)饮用水砷浓度<0.01 mg/L〕和渔村居民。采用氢化物发生原子吸收分光光度法检测尿中各形态砷代谢物和TAs含量。结果 TAs含量渔村居民明显低于0.16 mg/L暴露组,高于对照组(P<0.05),与0.09 mg/L暴露组差异无统计学意义;渔村居民尿无机砷(iAs)含量明显低于0.09和0.16 mg/L暴露组(P<0.05);尿甲基砷(MMA)含量同尿二甲基砷(DMA)含量,各组之间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);渔村居民尿iAs百分比明显低于对照组、0.09和0.16 mg/L暴露组(P<0.05);尿MMA百分比同尿iAs百分比;各组尿DMA百分比差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);渔村居民特异性的检测出尿三甲胺(TMA)。结论 人群尿总砷水平受食用海产品等因素影响,不能单独作为砷暴露指标,应使用分析性方法来区分砷复合物中无机砷和有机砷的代谢产物。  相似文献   

目的评价云南省某砒霜厂工人体内砷的代谢转化与DNA氧化损伤关系。方法选择云南省某砒霜厂一线工人37例(高暴露组)、管理和后勤人员16例(低暴露组)和当地近期无毒物接触史人员28例(对照组)为研究对象,检测尿中有机砷和8-羟基脱氧鸟苷水平,评价砷的代谢转化和DNA氧化损伤相关性。结果高、低暴露组男性尿有机砷分别为(0、48±0.37)mg/L、(0.08±0.05)mg/L,高、低暴露组女性尿有机砷分别为0.11mg/L、(0.30±0.24)mg/L,对照组均低于检出值下限(0.02mg/L);高、低暴露组和对照组男性尿8-羟基脱氧鸟苷分别为(18.07±11.68)μmol/mol肌酐、(11.79±8.25)μmol/mol肌酐和(10.07±3.04)μmol/mol肌酐,高暴露组高于对照组(P〈0.05);高、低暴露组和对照组女性尿8-羟基脱氧鸟苷浓度分别为84.35μmol/mol肌酐、(21.27±5.89)μmol/mol肌酐和(14.43±2.58)μmol/mol肌酐,暴露组女性尿8-羟基脱氧鸟苷浓度高于暴露组男性(P〈0.05)。尿中8-羟基脱氧鸟苷浓度随尿中有机砷浓度升高有上升趋势(rs=0.279,P=0.019)。结论砷职业暴露人群存在明显的DNA氧化损伤,对女性损伤更为明显,砷的代谢转化差异可能起关键作用。  相似文献   

Inorganic arsenic can get easily through the placenta however there are very few human data on congenital anomalies related to arsenic exposure. Objective of our study was to explore the associations between arsenic content of drinking water and prevalence of some congenital anomalies. Four anomalies reported to the Hungarian Congenital Anomalies Registry between 1987 and 2003 were chosen to be analysed in relation to arsenic exposure: congenital anomalies of the circulatory system (n = 9734) were considered as cases, while Down syndrome, club foot and multiple congenital malformations were used as controls (n = 5880). Arsenic exposure of the mothers during pregnancy was estimated by using archive measurement data for each year and for each settlement where the mothers lived. Analysis of the associations between the prevalence of congenital heart anomalies and arsenic exposure during pregnancy was performed by logistic regression. The child's gender and age of the mother were adjusted for. The associations were evaluated by using the present EU health limit value of 10.0 μg/L arsenic concentration as a cut-off point. Regular consumption of drinking water with arsenic concentration above 10 μg/L during pregnancy was associated with an increased risk of congenital heart anomalies in general (adjusted OR = 1.41; 95% C.I.: 1.28–1.56), and especially that of ductus Botalli persistens (adjusted OR = 1.81, 95%C.I.: 1.54–2.11) and atrial septal defect (adjusted OR = 1.79; 95%C.I.: 1.59–2.01). The presented results showed an increased risk of congenital heart anomalies among infants whose mothers were exposed to drinking water with arsenic content above 10 μg/L during pregnancy. Further studies of possible similar effects of concentrations below 10 μg/L are warranted.  相似文献   

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