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PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to use a low-dose oral contraceptive (OC) pill to generate consistent estrogen and progestogen concentrations and investigate the relationship between steroid hormone concentrations during the OC cycle and anaerobic performance. METHODS: Five female rowers taking a low-dose OC performed tests of anaerobic power (10-s all-out effort) and capacity (1000-m row) on the Concept IIC rowing ergometer at two time points in each of three OC cycles. These time points corresponded to high estrogen and high progestogen (pill day 16-18; TDH) and low estrogen and low progestogen (pill day 26-28; TDL). Blood samples were collected at rest and postexercise for the quantification of 17beta-estradiol (E2), progesterone (P4), glucose, triglyceride, and lactate concentrations. RESULTS: Endogenous E2 and P4 concentrations were not significantly different between testing days or OC cycles (P > 0.05). Peak power output was higher (P < 0.05) and 1000-m rowing ergometer time faster (P < 0.05) at TDL. Pre- and postexercise glucose concentrations were increased (P < 0.05) at TDL, whereas rest and postexercise plasma triglyceride concentrations were significantly (P < 0.05) lower during this time. CONCLUSIONS: This study found that alterations in anaerobic performance throughout the OC cycle occurred with improved performances corresponding to low estrogen and progestogen concentrations. The OC provided a consistent hormonal milieu reducing inter- and intra-individual variations in sex steroids and standardized all performance and metabolic variables across each OC cycle tested. Given that OC use has a high prevalence among female athletes and provides a controlled hormonal environment, it serves as a good model in which the acute effects of female sex steroids on exercise performance can be studied.  相似文献   

The evaluation of local peroxide status was studied in 42 patients with psoriasis depending on the disease stage in different age periods (from 18 to 67 years) with disease duration from 2 months to 20 years. It was established that the development of psoriatic process is accompanied with the marked changes in local peroxide status in the epidermis. It is manifested by the decrease in intensity of lipid free-and-radical oxidation. Decrease in the products of lipoperoxidation occurs in epidermis--both in the affected and intact areas in all investigated patients independently of the stage of psoriatic process. It is more expressed during the aggravation period. The minimal levels of the intermediators being studied are recorded in the psoriatic plaques.  相似文献   

Nine human subjects at the age of 25 to 45 participated in the studies of effects of the +G endurance limits: 8.30 +/- 0.30 +Gx (chest-back) and 6.51 +/- 0.28 +Gz (head-pelvis). Blood samples were collected 7 days prior to, in an hour and in 1 and 7 days after centrifugation. Blood serum was analyzed for lipid peroxidation (LPO) products such as diene conjugates, malone dialdehyde, schiff bases, and also antioxidant defense system (AOS) components including tocopherol, glutathione peroxidase (GP) activity, catalase and total antioxidant activity. Exposure to +Gx and +Gz resulted equally in LPO inhibition. AOS activation was accounted for water-soluble GP and catalase; however, it should not be excluded that LPO intensity declined due to the trend of biomembranes phase state toward a greater viscosity. LPO inhibition was found more pronounced following exposure to +Gz but not +Gx.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to assess the relative risk of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) in Oral contraceptive pills (OCP) users compared with a control group of non-hormone users.

Patients & methods

This retrospective case-control, age – group matched study done in about two years and included 40 female patients and 30 control females, aged 30–50?years-with 50% of them above the age of 35?years. All patients diagnosed as CVST with the consumption of OCP were included in the study. The diagnosis is based on the MRI & MRV study. T1, T2, FLAIR &Diffusion weighted image. The MRV was done using the 2 D-TOF technique.


The MRI result was negative (no parenchymal changes) in 16 patients (40%), and positive in the remaining 60%; 12 patients (30%) showed haemorrhagic infarction only, represented by heterogeneous mixed hypo and hyperintesity in the brain parenchyma with brain edema and 8 patients (20%) showed non-haemorrhagic infarction in the form of low SI in T1WI and a high SI in T2WI and FLAIR and restricted diffusion on DWI, 4 (10%) patients showed a parasagittal high T2 SI indicating superior sagittal sinus thrombosis. The control group showed no parenchymal changes in four (20%) females, but showed hemorrhagic infarction in eight (40%) females, and non-hemorrhagic infarction in six (30%) females and parasagittal high T2 SI in two (10%) females.


The risk of CVST increased more in women taking OCP than in non-hormonal users. To reduce the risk, Knowledge of it is of crucial importance.  相似文献   

It is now estimated that the prevalence of oral contraceptive use in athletic women matches that of women in the general population. The oral contraceptive pill (OCP) reduces cycle-length variability and provides a consistent 28-day cycle by controlling concentrations of endogenous sex hormones. The OCP is administered in three different forms that differ widely in chemical constitution and concomitant effects on the human body. As fluctuation in sex steroids are believed to be a possible causal factor in performance and exercise capacity, it is imperative to understand the effect of administering the various types of OCP on women. However, the research into oral contraceptives and exercise performance is not consistent. The type of OCP administered (monophasic, biphasic or triphasic), as well as the type and dose of estrogen and progestogen within, will have varying effects on exercise. To date, research in the area of oral contraceptives and exercise capacity is sparse and much has been plagued by poor research design, methodology and small sample size. It is clear from the research to date that more randomised clinical trials are urgently required to assess the array of OCP formulations currently available to women and their concomitant effect on health and exercise capacity. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to critically appraise the literature to date and to provide a current review of the physiological scientific knowledge base in relation to the OCP and exercise performance. In addition, methodological control, design and conduct will be considered with future areas of research highlighted.  相似文献   

Effect of low dose oral contraceptives on exercise performance.   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVE--to examine the effect of cycle phase or a low dose oral contraceptive on exercise performance in young women. METHODS--As controls, 15 men were tested twice by a maximal treadmill test (Vo2 max) and by an endurance run 14 d apart to determine performance variability from causes other than hormonal fluctuations. Ten women ages 18-30 were then tested for Vo2 max and endurance in the same way in both the follicular and the luteal phase (random order, ovulation assessed by sonography). They were then randomly assigned to placebo (n = 3) or oral contraceptive (1 mg norethindrone and 35 micrograms ethinyl oestradiol) (n = 7) for 21 days. Tests were repeated during the first and third weeks of treatment. Vo2 max and endurance tests were compared in the men and control cycle of the women by using independent t tests on percent change. The data for both cycles in the women were analysed by repeated measures ANOVA. RESULTS--There was no difference in per cent change in total test time, Vo2 max, or breathing frequency between the men and women in either test. Data obtained during the Vo2 max test revealed no difference between the follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle for total test time [11.8 (SD 2.3) v 12.6 (2.3) min], Vo2 [41.6 (12.1) v 39.7 (11.4) ml.kg-1.min-1], or breathing frequency [26.8 (3.5) v 27.3 (9.9) breaths.min-1] respectively, or during the first and third weeks of treatment [total test time 12.0 (2.5) v 12.8 (2.4) min; Vo2 37.3 (7.4) v 41.0 (12.4) ml.kg-1.min-1; breathing frequency 27.8 (4.2) v 27.7 (3.4) breaths.min-1, respectively]. Data obtained during the endurance test revealed no difference between the follicular and luteal phase of the menstrual cycle for total test time [20.5 (15.7) v 16.2 (8.5) min], Vo2 [37.5 (9.4) v 32.9 (8.1) ml.kg-1.min-1], or breathing frequency [32.0 (6.0) v 33.2 (5.1) breaths.min-1, respectively], or during the first and third weeks of treatment [total test time 32.3 (34.9) v 30.6 (30.1) min; Vo2 33.9 (10.1) v 35.2 (8.6) ml.kg-1.min-1; breathing frequency 34.0 (5.9) v 34.8 (5.3) breaths.min-1, respectively]. CONCLUSIONS--Neither cycle phase nor a low dose oral contraceptive containing 1 mg norethindrone adversely affects performance during a maximal treadmill test or endurance run.  相似文献   

目的探讨人工流产术后即时服用复方避孕药屈螺酮炔雌醇片的临床效果。方法将160例人工流产患者分为两组,治疗组于人流术后当天服用屈螺酮炔雌醇片、抗生素及益母草颗粒,对照组仅服用抗生素及益母草颗粒,观察术后阴道流血时间、流血量及月经转归时间等情况。结果治疗组术后阴道流血量明显少于对照组(P〈0.05);治疗组术后阴道流血时间和月经恢复时间较对照组短,有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论人工流产术后即时口服避孕药屈螺酮炔雌醇片能减少人流术后并发症,有助于改善妇女生殖健康。  相似文献   



This study aims to evaluate the sexual dimorphism in the body composition and somatotype of Polish elite judoists and comparison with untrained subjects.

Subjects and methods

Twenty-two males and 12 female judoists have participated in this study. Their ages and judo experiences are respectively 23 vs. 22 years old and 12 vs. 11 years. Ten required measurements were taken to establish the individual's somatotypes (SiberHegner Machines SA, Zurich, Switzerland instruments). To compare the 165 males and 153 females untrained, abdominal skinfold thickness was measured with Skinfold Caliper. Mean height and weight, somatotype and body mass index, fat free mass index, fat mass index, and fat percentage were calculated. The two-step ratio of sexual dimorphism index (SDI) was used.


Sixteen out of the 21 measurements and anthropometric indices showed a reduction of sexual dimorphism in judoists compared with the untrained subjects. Highest differences were found in the fat mass and fat percentage. Conversely, a very low difference of SDI was observed for height-weight ratio, ectomorphy, fat free mass percentage and calf girth. Average SDI in untrained subjects was higher than in judoists.  相似文献   

青蒿琥酯诱发大鼠骨髓细胞膜系的脂质过氧化作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用TBA法测定了青蒿酯中毒大鼠骨髓脂质过氧化作用产物--丙二醛含量以探求该药的造血毒性机制。结果表明,100-333mg/kgSA引起骨髓MDA含量与剂量呈正相关线性半高;相关系数γ=0.9566;骨髓MDA增殖时间-反应曲表明,达峰时间为16.5h;TMDA峰反庆消除一半需76.5h。  相似文献   

The article deals with the exam results of 42 pre- and postoperative surgical patients. The reactivity of peroxide oxidation of lipids plays an important role in regulation of adaptive process of surgical patients. The authors emphasize the role of anxiety state as one of the most intimate and obligate mechanisms of psychologic stress. The anxiety rising process influences upon the formation of typical psychophysiological correlations that lead to the intensification of lipid oxidation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine the effect of oral contraceptives (OC) on body weight, fat mass, percent body fat, and lean mass in young female distance runners. METHODS: The study population consisted of 150 female competitive distance runners aged 18-26 yr who had participated in a 2-yr randomized trial of the effect of the OC Lo/Ovral (30 microg of ethinyl estradiol and 0.3 mg of norgestrel) on bone health. Weight and body composition were measured approximately yearly by balance beam scales and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, respectively. RESULTS: Women randomized to the OC group tended to gain slightly less weight (adjusted mean difference (AMD) = -0.54 +/- 0.31 kg.yr, P = 0.09) and less fat (AMD = -0.35 +/- 0.25 kg.yr, P = 0.16) than those randomized to the control group. OC assignment was associated with a significant gain in lean mass relative to controls among eumenorrheic women (those who had 10 or more menstrual cycles in the year before baseline; AMD = 0.77 +/- 0.17 kg.yr, P < 0.0001) but not among women with fewer than 10 menstrual cycles in that year (AMD = 0.02 +/- 0.35 kg.yr, P = 0.96). Treatment-received analyses yielded similar results. CONCLUSION: This randomized trial confirms previous findings that OC use does not cause weight or fat mass gain, at least among young female runners. Our finding that this OC is associated with lean mass gain in eumenorrheic runners, but not in those with irregular menses, warrants examination in other studies.  相似文献   

Time-course variations in the accumulation of endogenous products of lipid peroxidation and the state of antioxidative enzymes--superoxide dismutase and catalase--in blood of men exposed to antiorthostatic hypokinesia (-4.5 degrees) for 120 days were investigated. It was found that bed rest led to stimulation of lipid peroxidation which was measured as increased concentrations of lipid hydroperoxides and final products of lipid peroxidation in blood. Vitamin E and drugs with a specific metabolic action produced a normalizing effect on the content of products of lipid oxidative destruction. Special exercise regimens had a similar but less significant effect.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of oral contraceptives (OC) on GH and PRL responses and on energy substrate utilization during prolonged submaximal exercise in moderately active women (21-30 yr). Eight women taking OC (OC) and eight women with normal menstrual cycles (C) performed a standardized treadmill test of 90 min at 50% maximal oxygen uptake. Blood samples were withdrawn from an indwelling venous catheter during a 2-h rest period, at 10-min intervals during exercise and at 3 and 15 min of recovery. Serum concentrations of glucose, GH, PRL, E2, and P4 were assayed. Carbohydrate and fat utilization were estimated from respiratory exchange ratios. Basal serum levels of GH, PRL, and glucose were not significantly different (P greater than 0.05) between OC and C. OC had significantly higher (P less than 0.05) serum GH levels than C at 10 and 20 min of exercise, but the integrated areas for GH responses were not different (P = 0.059). Serum PRL levels significantly decreased (P less than 0.05) during exercise, and PRL responses were similar for the two groups. OC exhibited significantly lower blood glucose levels (P less than 0.05) during exercise and utilized significantly lower total grams of carbohydrate (P less than 0.05) during exercise than C. In conclusion, OC use was associated with enhanced GH responses, lower glucose levels, and diminished carbohydrate utilization during prolonged exercise. These results indicated that OC users demonstrated a greater carbohydrate-sparing ability than eumenorrheic women, which may be related to the contra-insulin effects of GH. The lower blood glucose levels, however, suggest the sparing of carbohydrate may act to compensate for decreased hepatic glucose output, similar to animal data.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the effect of oral contraceptives (OC) on bone mass and stress fracture incidence in young female distance runners. METHODS: One hundred fifty competitive female runners ages 18-26 yr were randomly assigned to OC (30 microg of ethinyl estradiol and 0.3 mg of norgestrel) or control (no intervention) for 2 yr. Bone mineral density (BMD) and content (BMC) were measured yearly by dual x-ray absorptiometry. Stress fractures were confirmed by x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging, or bone scan. RESULTS: Randomization to OC was unrelated to changes in BMD or BMC in oligo/amenorrheic (N=50) or eumenorrheic runners (N=100). However, treatment-received analyses (which considered actual OC use) showed that oligo/amenorrheic runners who used OC gained about 1% per year in spine BMD (P<0.005) and whole-body BMC (P<0.005), amounts similar to those for runners who regained periods spontaneously and significantly greater than those for runners who remained oligo/amenorrheic (P<0.05). Dietary calcium intake and weight gain independently predicted bone mass gains in oligo/amenorrheic runners. Randomization to OC was not significantly related to stress fracture incidence, but the direction of the effect was protective in both menstrual groups (hazard ratio [95% CI]: 0.57 [0.18, 1.83]), and the effect became stronger in treatment-received analyses. The trial's statistical power was reduced by higher-than-anticipated noncompliance. CONCLUSION: OC may reduce the risk for stress fractures in female runners, but our data are inconclusive. Oligo/amenorrheic athletes with low bone mass should be advised to increase dietary calcium and take steps to resume normal menses, including weight gain; they may benefit from OC, but the evidence is inconclusive.  相似文献   

Lipid peroxidation in tissues of rats exposed to antiorthostatic hypokinesia (-15 degrees) for 60 days, heavy-load exercise (swimming) and 2-hour immobilization was investigated polarographically. Antiorthostatic hypokinesia produced activation of free-radical lipid peroxidation in skeletal muscles, myocardium and plasma which reached a peak on hypokinesia day 3 and remained elevated by day 60. Exercise and immobilization applied during hypokinesia led to an accumulation of endogenous lipid peroxidation products in skeletal muscles and in the heart, although in a lesser degree. It is postulated that during hypokinesia lipid peroxidation is most probably activated due to the following factors: increased activity of the hormonal component of the sympathicoadrenal system, accumulation of excessive quantities of free fatty acids, and reduced activity of anti-oxidant enzymes.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of weight reduction as the result of exercise training and energy restriction on neutrophil function. METHODS: Eighteen male competitive college judoists participated in the study. In a whole blood assay, oxidative burst activity, phagocytic activity, expressions of Fc gamma receptor 3 (CD16), and complement receptor 3 (CD11b) of neutrophils were measured on a per cell basis by flow cytometry at day 20, 5, and 1 before and at day 7 after the competition. RESULTS: The rate of neutrophil producing reactive oxygen species decreased before the competition, whereas the oxidative burst activity per cell increased significantly in all subjects, which resulted in a significant increase of the total oxidative burst activity. However, there were no significant effect of energy restriction on oxidative burst activity. The rate of neutrophils incorporating opsonized zymosan decreased significantly with energy restriction. The total phagocytic activity of 10,000 neutrophils and the phagocytic activity per cell also decreased significantly by severe energy restriction. The surface antigen expressions of CD11b and CD16 were unaffected by weight reduction. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that with respect to the management of health conditions, weight reduction for judoists should be composed of exercise training and energy restriction should be moderate.  相似文献   

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