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目的探讨山西省煤矿接尘工人职业倦怠、工作满意度和社会支持间的关系。方法采用多阶段抽样方法抽取山西省7所煤矿2 058名煤矿工人进行问卷调查(职业倦怠、工作满意度、社会支持),利用SPSS 17.0和结构方程模型(AMOS 17.0)进行结果分析。结果社会支持和工作满意度对煤矿接尘工人职业倦怠有显著影响(P0.01)。社会支持度越高,职业倦怠程度越低。工作满意度越高,职业倦怠感越低。社会支持对煤矿接尘工人工作满意度有显著影响(P0.01)。良好的社会支持能够提高煤矿接尘工人的工作满意度。结论社会支持度和工作满意度直接影响煤矿接尘工人的职业倦怠,社会支持度可间接通过工作满意度对煤矿接尘工人产生影响。为了减少接尘工人的职业倦怠感,需要加强社会支持以及提高工作满意度。  相似文献   

目的总结分析长沙市社会组织参与艾滋病防治工作的经验与体会,为今后促进社会组织参与艾滋病防治工作提供有益借鉴。方法通过收集、分析项目实施以来的工作资料,并对相关社会组织负责人进行访谈,总结提炼工作经验和模式。结果通过近四年的项目实施,共引进项目资金357.1万元,扶持和指导社会组织开展男男性行为等高危人群干预动员检测、HIV感染者和艾滋病病人关怀救助工作,圆满地完成了各项任务,为促进社会组织参与艾滋病防治、探索艾防工作新模式、推进湖南省艾防工作深入开展做出了有益的探索。结论随着艾滋病防治工作的不断深入,社会组织在艾滋病防治工作中的重要性逐步凸显,中盖艾滋病项目取得的成果需要在今后的工作中不断巩固和推广。  相似文献   

当前,从思想上认识卫生工作的社会属性,从工作上增强社会参与程度,对完成工作任务,促进事业发展具有重要意义。1 卫生工作社会属性的突出表现1.1 工作方针上建国初期“面向工农兵,预防为主,团结中西医,卫生工作与群众运动相结合”的四大卫生工作方针,以及新近制定的“以预防为主,依靠科技进步,动员社会参与,中西医并重,为人民健康服务”新的卫生工作方针,都充分体现了卫生工作适应社会形势,促进经济发展,保护人民健康,从属于社会、服务于社会的属性。  相似文献   

加强医院宣传工作构建和谐医院   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1宣传工作在医院发展中的作用(1)医院宣传要在宏观调控、微观深入的基础上开展工作。医疗卫生工作要适应社会经济协调发展,就需要医院通过宣传媒介,向社会各界、各阶层以至全体社会成员宣传卫生工作的地位和作用,以取得社会各方面的理解、支持、合作及参与,  相似文献   

[目的]探讨广东省湛江市护士工作投入的水平,及社会支持和工作家庭冲突对其造成的影响. [方法]便利选取该市的1457名护士,采用一般情况调查表、《社会支持量表》《工作家庭冲突量表》及《工作投入量表》进行问卷调查. [结果]回收有效问卷1250份.护士的社会支持、工作-家庭冲突、家庭-工作冲突、工作投入得分分别为(3.79±0.63)、(4.36±1.41)、(2.81 ±1.10)和(3.45士1.17)分.相关分析显示,社会支持与工作-家庭冲突和家庭-工作冲突呈负相关(r=-0.11、-0.19,P<0.01),与工作投入呈正相关(r=0.33,P<0.01);工作-家庭冲突和家庭-工作冲突与工作投入呈负相关(r=-0.28、-0.30,P<0.01).回归分析显示,社会支持、工作-家庭冲突、家庭-工作冲突都可影响护士的工作投入,累积变异解释率为20%.同时,工作-家庭冲突和家庭-工作冲突在社会支持与工作投入之间发挥部分中介作用. [结论]广东省湛江市护士的社会支持和工作投入不高,仅略高于量表条目得分均值水平,有待进一步提高;工作-家庭冲突较高,家庭-工作冲突得分较低.增加工作中的支持既可直接促进护士的工作投入,也可通过降低护士工作与家庭间的冲突感间接增进工作投入.  相似文献   

工作满意度和社会支持与高校教师职业倦怠的关系   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
唐芳贵  彭艳 《中国学校卫生》2007,28(11):980-982
目的了解高校教师职业倦怠状况,探讨工作满意度、社会支持与高校教师职业倦怠的关系。方法采用职业倦怠问卷、工作满意度问卷和社会支持评定量表对湖南省衡阳市3所高校的220名教师进行问卷调查。结果高校教师在职业倦怠的情绪衰竭程度上较严重,非人性化程度一般,个人成就感较高。高校教师的工作满意度、社会支持与职业倦怠均呈显著负相关。工作满意度和社会支持水平越高,高校教师职业倦怠程度越低。工作性质、人际关系、自我实现、受教育情况、生活环境、职称、主观支持和教龄8个因素能有效预测高校教师职业倦怠程度。结论工作满意度、社会支持是教师职业倦怠的重要预测变量。  相似文献   

陈欣  姚梦萍 《现代预防医学》2015,(18):3298-3301
摘要:目的 探讨石油野外工作人员安全感、社会支持与工作家庭冲突的关系。方法 采用安全感量表,社会支持评定量表和工作家庭冲突量表对某石油局井下工程公司的507名石油工作人员进行调查。结果 安全感各维度与工作家庭冲突存在显著负相关,与社会支持各维度存在显著正相关;人际安全感、确定控制感对工作家庭冲突(12.7%)及社会支持(11.9%)有显著预测作用;社会支持是安全感预测工作家庭冲突的中介变量(β=-0.148,P<0.001)。结论 人际安全感通过社会支持完全中介影响工作家庭冲突(β=-0.023,P>0.05),确定控制感通过社会支持部分中介影响工作家庭冲突(β=-0.313,P<0.001)。  相似文献   

社会组织参与艾滋病防治工作的作用是巨大和不可替代的,政府已经认识到社会组织在艾滋病防治领域的力量和作用,逐步加大对其支持力度。绵阳市在依托社会组织开展艾滋病防治工作中进行了探索,先后建立了4个社会组织,并依托社会组织开展暗娼人群、男男性行为人群、吸毒人群等高危人群干预和艾滋病感染者关怀救助,取得了一定的成效。作者对绵阳市艾滋病疫情现状、社会组织基本情况、支持社会组织开展艾滋病防治工作的主要措施、依托社会组织开展艾滋病防治工作取得的成效及面临的困难进行了总结,并对依托社会组织开展艾滋病防治工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

目的:阐述山东省立医院社会评价工作的具体实践,为其他医院开展社会评价工作提供参考。方法:山东省立医院科学开展满意度测评、多方征集对医院工作的建议,逐步建立相对完善的社会评价工作机制,搭建综合的社会评价工作体系。结果:评价工作的展开改善了患者就医体验、提高了医院管理效能。结论:山东省立医院努力探索群众向医院表达意愿和诉求的渠道,构建了医院社会评价体系,取得了一定成效。  相似文献   

[目的]了解云南省社会组织参与防治艾滋病工作的优势、困难、需求和挑战等情况。[方法]采用问卷法、访谈法进行调查,调查社会组织参与艾滋病防治工作和政府购买防艾服务项目的基本情况、自身面临的困难、发展需求、与其他组织的联系情况等;并对社会组织代表进行深入访谈,了解他们对社会组织参与防艾工作的观点和建议。[结果]共调查云南省15个州(市)的56个防艾社会组织,8个社会组织进行了正式注册;社会组织平均有全职人员3.5人、兼职人员3.8人、志愿者12.73人;有40个社会组织曾经参与过国际防艾合作项目,51个组织从未接受过任何企业捐赠;49个社会组织与本地其他社会组织有工作联系,36个社会组织与其他州(市)的社会组织有工作联系。[结论]云南省防艾社会组织正式注册比例较低,对社会组织更好参与防艾工作造成一定的制约;社会组织人员不足、获得捐助、资助较少;防艾社会组织与本地社会组织之间的联系相对频繁,州(市)之间联系相对较少;社会组织发展存在工作人员福利待遇较低、工作人员能力不足、留不住人才等问题;防艾社会组织对稳定的运行经费、人员医保社保、人员能力培训等方面存在需求;人员能力、政策制定、资金和技术支持是影响社会组织参与防艾工作的主要因素。  相似文献   

Despite the concept of social capital receiving great attention in the area of health research, few studies have analyzed the differential effects of social capital between genders. This article assesses gender differences in the relationships between social capital and smoking and drinking behavior in Taiwan. Data on individual sociodemographic characteristics, smoking, drinking, and social capital were obtained from the Taiwan Social Change Survey conducted in 1995 and in 2000. The overall response rate was 67%. In total, 3713 women and men aged over 20 years living in 204 neighborhoods were interviewed. Social capital indicators were aggregated at the neighborhood level, and included neighborhood closeness, political influence, social contact, social trust, and social participation. The data were analyzed with multilevel binomial regression models. Gender differences were found in some aspects of social capital. Stronger effects of social trust on smoking were found for women than for men, whereas stronger effects of neighborhood closeness on drinking were found for women than for men. Social participation was positively associated with drinking in both genders. The findings of this study provide new evidence for the differential effects of social capital by gender in Taiwan, suggesting that more studies are needed to understand social capital's effects in Asian societies and the mechanisms by which the effects may vary with gender.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of six social structural variables, as well as age and sex, on two indices of social competence in preschool children. Subjects for the study were 137 children enrolled in six day care centers in the southwest. The Nowicki Preschool-Primary Internal-External Locus of Control Scale and the Borke Interpersonal Awareness Test were used as indices of social competence. Data on social structural variables were provided by subjects' parents. Separate one-way analyses of variance were conducted to ascertain the relationship between indices of social competence and the identified social structural variables. Analyses revealed that the main effects for education of mother and age were significantly related to children's social competence as measured by locus of control scores and that the main effect for age was significantly related to children's social competence as measured by the Borke Scores. Discussion focused on implications of these findings as they relate to social competence in preschool children.  相似文献   

目的 了解社区老年人社会隔离的现状,明确家庭关怀及社会支持因素对其产生的影响,为采取应对措施提供理论依据。方法 于2017年12月-2018年8月采用社会网络量表(LSNS-6)、家庭关怀度问卷(APGAR)、社会支持评定量表(SSRS)对唐山市6所社区1526例老年人(≥60 岁)进行问卷评测。结果 社区老年人社会网络总均分为(16.16±5.447)分,其中发生社会隔离者占24.3%;多因素分析结果显示,患有慢病(OR=2.477,95%CI:1.948~3.057)、居住在3层楼房以上(OR=2.475,95%CI:1.747~3.505)是社会隔离的危险因素,家庭关怀度高(OR=0.644,95%CI:0.588~0.706)、社会支持度高(OR=0.806,95%CI:0.779~0.833)是社会隔离的保护因素;分层回归分析显示家庭关怀及社会支持能够独立解释30.1%的社会隔离。结论 唐山市社区老年人社会隔离发生率远高于北京市水平,加强家庭及社会支持可降低社会隔离的发生。  相似文献   

目的对我国现有的社会资本与老年心理健康的定量研究进行系统评价,以明确社会资本与我国老年人心理健康的之间的关系。方法系统检索我国现有的社会资本与老年心理健康的研究文献,并按照一定的条件筛选,对纳入分析的研究提取数据,进行系统评价。用半定量的方法对纳入研究的文献进行系统分析。结果筛选后纳入文献25篇,合计样本量32580例。其中有18篇文献对认知型社会资本与老年心理健康的关系进行了研究,均显示认知型社会资本对老年心理健康具有促进作用;有13篇文献对结构型社会资本与老年人心理健康的关系进行了研究,11篇表明结构型社会资本也是老年心理健康的保护因素,另2篇则有相反的结果。结论认知型社会资本对老年心理健康具有促进作用,结构型社会资本与老年心理健康的关系尚存在争论,有待进一步探索。  相似文献   

目的通过对学生社交焦虑检出率的追踪研究,探讨学生社交焦虑状况的变化特点,为进行学生心理健康干预提供基础数据。方法对694名学生及家长进行了4年的问卷调查。学生填写一般情况及儿童社交焦虑量表;家长填写一般情况、焦虑自评量表及流调中心用抑郁量表。结果 1)2009、2011、2013年社交焦虑检出率分别为23.5%、22.5%、28.1%,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),其中2011和2013年社交焦虑检出率差异有统计学意义(χ2=5.80,P0.05)。2)2009年的社交焦虑学生,2011年、2013年仍被检出的百分比是40.49%、22.70%;2011年的社交焦虑学生,2013年调查时有49.36%仍存在社交焦虑。3)2009年,3年级和5年级学生社交焦虑检出率差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.87,P0.05);2011年,5年级和6年级学生社交焦虑检出率差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.25,P0.05)。4)小学生社交焦虑检出率受是否独生、家长是否争吵影响大;初中生受性别影响更大。5)家长抑郁仅在2011年对学生社交焦虑检出率有影响;家长焦虑仅在2011年和2013年且仅对女生社交焦虑检出有影响。结论初中高年级学生社交焦虑检出率较高;家长焦虑、抑郁情绪对学生社交焦虑检出率也有一定的影响。  相似文献   

The influence of social factors on involuntary hospitalisation has been an important and controversial area of sociological focus for many years. Traditionally, social control theory has been used to understand disproportionate rates of involuntary hospitalisation among marginalised and powerless groups. However, dramatic changes in the social context of mental healthcare have necessitated a re-examination of the role of social factors in involuntary hospitalisation. In this study 287 psychiatric emergency room visits were examined in order to test hypotheses for understanding social influences on disposition. Little support for the traditional social control hypothesis was found. People from marginalised groups were not disproportionately involuntarily hospitalised, but instead were disproportionately treated and released from the hospital as people's social resources were used to access care rather than to prevent hospitalisation. This study highlights the importance of the historical relevance of our theoretical understanding of the relationship between social factors and involuntary commitment.  相似文献   

Social capital and mental illness: a systematic review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
STUDY OBJECTIVE: The concept of social capital has influenced mental health policies of nations and international organisations despite its limited evidence base. This papers aims to systematically review quantitative studies examining the association between social capital and mental illness. DESIGN AND SETTING: Twenty electronic databases and the reference sections of papers were searched to identify published studies. Authors of papers were contacted for unpublished work. Anonymised papers were reviewed by the authors of this paper. Papers with a validated mental illness outcome and an exposure variable agreed as measuring social capital were included. No limitations were put on date or language of publication. MAIN RESULTS: Twenty one studies met the inclusion criteria for the review. Fourteen measured social capital at the individual level and seven at an ecological level. The former offered evidence for an inverse relation between cognitive social capital and common mental disorders. There was moderate evidence for an inverse relation between cognitive social capital and child mental illness, and combined measures of social capital and common mental disorders. The seven ecological studies were diverse in methodology, populations investigated, and mental illness outcomes, making them difficult to summarise. CONCLUSIONS: Individual and ecological social capital may measure different aspects of the social environment. Current evidence is inadequate to inform the development of specific social capital interventions to combat mental illness.  相似文献   

Of interest to the field is the mechanism through which social support acts as a resistance resource for individuals undergoing stressful life circumstances. Women with advanced breast cancer (N = 86) were interviewed to determine how their outlook on life and social functioning were affected by the social support they received. Emotional support provided by the family was predicted to affect the woman's sense of well-being whereas the opportunities for social exchange provided by one's social activities were expected to effect the woman's social functioning. Consistent with the predictions, the data indicate that social support is multidimensional. Emotional support was strongly related to one's outlook. However, one's opportunities for social exchange affect not only one's social functioning, but also one's outlook on life, suggesting an interactive process whereby family support improves outlook, both outlook and opportunities for social exchange are related to one's sense of social functioning. These data explain the erosion of social support during life-threatening illness such as cancer as a result of the limitations imposed by the illness on one's opportunities for social exchange.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the psychometric characteristics of new scales of shopping practices and social support for purchasing fruits and vegetables. DESIGN: Participants were recruited in front of diverse grocery stores. Telephone data collection was done on 2 occasions, separated by 6 weeks. PARTICIPANTS: 166 food shoppers with children at home participated. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: New scales of food shopping practices and social support for purchasing fruits and vegetables were psychometrically analyzed and related to a measure of home fruit or vegetable availability as a test of construct validity. ANALYSIS: Both classical test and item response theory procedures were used. Correlations related the new measures to home fruit and vegetable availability. RESULTS: Single dimension scales were specified for fruit and vegetable shopping practices (35% of the variance), fruit purchase social support (53% of the variance), and vegetable purchase social support (52% of the variance). Item response theory difficulty estimates varied from -0.64 to 0.73 for fruit and vegetable shopping practices, from -0.55 to 0.33 for fruit purchase social support, and from -0.55 to 0.34 for vegetable social support. Each scale significantly correlated with home fruit and vegetable availability (construct validity), even after controlling for social desirability of response (0.19 for shopping practices, 0.37 for fruit purchasing social support, and 0.28 for vegetable purchasing social support). Person separation reliability was 0.80 for food shopping practices, 0.74 for fruit purchasing social support, and 0.73 for vegetable purchasing social support. CONCLUSION: The scales performed well. IMPLICATIONS FOR RESEARCH AND PRACTICE: These scales are now available to help better understand fruit and vegetable shopping practices, fruit purchase social support, and vegetable purchase social support.  相似文献   


The purposes of this study of rheumatoid arthritic Caucasian and black women of American descent were to determine for the two ethnic groups: a) if there were differences in social support characteristics, b) if there was a difference in psychological well‐being, c) what the correlations were between psychological well‐being and the social support characteristics, and d) which social support characteristics were the best predictors of psychological well‐being. The data were obtained by interview using structured questionnaires. No significant differences were found between the social support characteristics or between psychological well‐being for the two groups. Significant correlations were shown between each of the social support characteristics and psychological well‐being for Caucasian women, but not for black women. No combination of social support characteristics was found to be any better than any other for predicting psychological well‐being in either group. The findings suggest that factors other than social support influence psychological well‐being in women with rheumatoid arthritis and that the evaluative instruments used were not sufficiently sensitive.  相似文献   

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