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This study determined the prevalence of smokeless tobacco use among high school students in selected rural communities in Arkansas, and identified factors associated with initiation and maintenance of use. A questionnaire was distributed to 1,237 students in 13 rural high schools in different educational service regions of Arkansas during spring 1985. Results indicated 34.5% of males and 2.5% of females reported regular use of smokeless tobacco. The factor contributing most to initiation of this practice was the influence of a parent who used smokeless tobacco products. Comparisons to other recent studies and implications for health educators are discussed.  相似文献   

Sun exposure during childhood and adolescence increases the risk of skin cancer later in life. To determine the prevalence and correlates of sunscreen use among US high school students, researchers assessed data on sunscreen use, demographic characteristics, and health behaviors obtained from the 1999 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS). This survey used a three-stage cluster sample design to produce a nationally representative sample of students in grades 9-12 (N = 15,349). Overall, 13.3% (95% confidence interval, +/- 1.3) of students used sunscreen always or most of the time (i.e., frequent use). Frequent sunscreen use was lower among males (8.6%, +/- 1.2) than females (18.1%, +/- 1.9) and among Blacks (4.8%, +/- 1.7) and Hispanics (10.8%, +/- 2.8) than Whites (16.5%, +/- 1.9). Frequent sunscreen use decreased with age. Infrequent use of sunscreen was associated with other risky health behaviors, such as driving after drinking or riding in a car with a drinking driver, smoking cigarettes, being sexually active, and being physically inactive. Results indicate a need for health education interventions addressing sunscreen use that target high school students.  相似文献   

目的了解初中学生尝试吸烟情况及其影响因素,为控烟干预提供依据。方法采取分层整群抽样法,抽取延吉市6所中学1 215名学生进行问卷调查,采用Logistic回归法分析尝试吸烟的影响因素。结果中学生尝试吸烟率为8.8%,13岁前尝试吸烟的比例占49.0%,吸烟的动机以好奇为主;影响尝试吸烟的主要因素为是否经常与同伴讨论吸烟问题、对同伴递烟的态度、年级、生活满意度和学习成绩,即经常与同伴讨论吸烟问题和拒绝同伴所递香烟的中学生尝试吸烟率较低,初二学生、学习成绩差、对生活满意度低的学生尝试吸烟率较高。结论控烟教育应从低年级开始,同伴教育是控烟健康教育的有效途径。  相似文献   

广州市初中学生家庭虐待流行现状分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的了解广州市中学生家庭虐待情况及流行特征,为政府及相关机构制定儿童保护政策和预防干预措施提供依据。,方法在广州市8个区随机抽取16所中学96个初中班级,对所抽班级全体学生进行自填问卷调查,收集近6个月内家庭虐待情况。结果4585名初中生近6个月内遭受言语/精神、躯体和性虐待的发生率分别为79.5%,27.4%和0.5%;言语/精神虐待发生率从高到低依次为生气吼叫(59.5%)、剥夺权利(49.3%)、恐吓(39.4%)、辱骂(37.8%)、咒骂(19.9%)、威胁赶出家(12.7%),平均每人遭受2.75种不同形式言语/精神虐待;轻度、中度、重度躯体虐待发生率分别为23.8%,15.5%和2.7%,以打四肢(16.7%)、扇脸(11.5%)方式为主.掐脖、烧烫、动用锐器伤害等严重虐待发生率低于1%,遭受言语/精神和躯体双重虐待的发生率为26.3%。结论广州市中学生遭受家庭虐待现象十分普遍,以言语/精神虐待最常见,躯体虐待以轻度为主,存在言语/精神与躯体双重虐待以及多种虐待方式并存的特点。  相似文献   

高中生生活压力基本特点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解高中生生活压力的基本特点,为高中生心理健康教育提供依据。方法采用自编的高中生生活压力问卷对7所学校高中生进行问卷调查,对807份有效问卷进行分析。结果高中生半年内遭遇过的生活压力事件比例超过50%(总分平均为27.2),但生活压力事件所带来的压力程度并不高(平均每一件事的压力程度为1.75);高中生感到压力程度最大的是他人期望压力和学业成就压力;高中生在客观生活压力和主观生活压力上都存在性别和年级差异。结论应根据高中生生活压力的性别和年级差异特点来缓解高中生生活压力,改善高中生的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

目的了解东莞市高中生近视现况及其主要影响因素,为近视的有效预防提供依据。方法应用整群抽样方法,抽取东莞市5所高级中学10个班级546名高一学生,对所抽取的学生进行视力检查和问卷调查。结果东莞高中生近视患病率为75.8%,视力检查间隔时间、每天看电视的时间、上网或看电视时是否戴眼镜、是否有学习压力、每天看书时间等5个因素为近视的影响因素。结论东莞市高中学生近视患病率较高,与用眼卫生不良有关,应加强健康教育及行为干预,从而预防及降低近视的发生。  相似文献   

蚌埠市初中生行为问题现况及其影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解初中生行为问题现状及分布特点,分析其影响因素,为采取相应的干预措施提供依据.方法整群抽取蚌埠市4所中学的初一和初二年级学生3559人,以Conners儿童行为问卷(父母问卷)凋查并评定学生的行为问题,以自编的问卷调查学生父母的人口统计学变量、儿童出生情况、母亲妊娠史等。计算6种行为问题和总行为问题的检出率,分析行为问题在不同人口统计学变量中的分布特征,并进行影响因素的单因素和多因素分析。结果初中生总行为问题检出率为8.0%。初一学生为74%,初二学生为8.6%,差异无显著性(70=1.51,P=0.22);独生子女为8.0%,非独生子女为8.1%,差异无显著性(X^2=0.026,P=0.87);各年龄组(11~16岁)检出率差异亦无显著性(X^2=6.687,P=0.083);男生总行为问题检出率为5.9%,女生为10.1%,差异有显著性(X^2=20.51,P=0.000):多元Logistic回归分析显示,初中生行为问题危险因素主要有女孩、母亲文化程度低、教育子女为父亲或母亲一方的、父母的教育态度不一致、采取以惩罚为主的教育方式、家庭气氛不和睦、母亲年龄偏大或偏小、母亲人工流产史、母亲孕期贫血、母亲妊娠早期高热、儿童出生时窒息和新生儿期因黄疸住院。结论对青春期学生的行为问题应给予足够的重视,尤其是女生。家长应给子女提供良好的心理健康环境,同时应重视围产期保健,以减少青春期学生的行为问题发生率,保证初中生的心理健康。  相似文献   

目的探索团体心理咨询在初级中学中运用的可能性及效果,开拓学生心理卫生干预新策略。方法通过4次互动游戏形式的团体心理咨询活动,使初中生提高对于自身心理健康状况的关注,增强主动寻求心理健康意愿,掌握相关心理健康知识;而后采用心理健康调查问卷进行调查,用SPSS13.0统计软件分析咨询活动效果。结果团体心理咨询前后,干预组心理健康知晓率调查问卷正确率存在显著性差异(P<0.01);心理咨询后,干预组与对照组心理健康知识知晓率有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论开展团体心理咨询工作有益于提升中学生心理健康水平。  相似文献   


This survey evaluated tobacco use of migrant tobacco workers in eastern North Carolina. Sixty-nine (38%) out of 181 mostly male, Mexican farmworkers were smokers. Compared to non-smokers, three times more smokers reported alcohol use in the past week (p = 0.002). More smokers compared to non-smokers reported poor to fair health, and fewer had worked previously in tobacco agriculture, but these differences were not statistically significant. Also not statistically significant, those smokers who were older and those who understood the most English smoked more cigarettes per day. Because farmworkers are exposed to many non-tobacco respiratory irritants, and because of the health risks of smoking, those who smoke should be urged to quit.  相似文献   

沈阳市城区高中生健康相关危险行为现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解沈阳市高中生健康相关危险行为现状,为开展健康教育和制定干预措施提供科学依据。方法在沈阳市城区9所高中分层抽取1 800名学生,采用匿名问卷方式调查最近1 a内的健康相关危险行为。结果高中生普遍存在健康相关危险行为,有63.28%的高中生不经常进行体育锻炼,38.83%不遵守交通规则,5.50%曾经离家出走,1.94%曾经尝试自杀,1.17%曾经使用毒品,2.67%的高中生发生过性行为。结论高中生存在多种易导致伤害的危险行为,应开展相关健康教育并制定干预措施,以提高学生健康水平。  相似文献   



Seventy per cent of premature deaths among adults are due to behavioral patterns that emerge in adolescence, including smoking.


The objective was to study the prevalence of tobacco use among adolescent students in South Delhi and its epidemiological correlates.

Materials and Methods:

This was a cross-sectional study.


Three schools and two colleges of South Delhi were chosen. There were 550 adolescent students aged 14-19.

Statistical Analysis:

Statistical analysis was done using proportions, the chi-square test, and multivariate logistic regression.


A total of 88 (16.0%) students reported having ever tried cigarette or bidi smoking. The prevalence of current smoking was 7.1%. Exactly 10% (55) of the students reported having ever used smokeless forms of tobacco. The prevalence of tobacco use overall was found to be 20.9%, and was significantly higher (P=0.016) among the males than the females. Tobacco use was found to be significantly associated with having seen a brother/sister smoke (OR 5.15), best friend smoke (OR 2.92), and belonging to a nuclear family (OR 1.96).


Tobacco use is still an important risk behavior among adolescent students. This study found a strong association of tobacco use by the adolescents with their having seen various role models ever smoking.  相似文献   

Objectives. We examined prevalence rates of water pipe tobacco smoking among young people as a first step in assessing the health implications of this form of tobacco use.Methods. We examined water pipe use with data from the 2007 Florida Youth Tobacco Survey, which assessed tobacco-related beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors among the state''s middle and high school students.Results. Four percent of middle school students and 11% of high school students reported ever having used a water pipe. Adolescent boys were significantly more likely than adolescent girls to use water pipes, and African American adolescents were significantly less likely than adolescents from other racial/ethnic backgrounds to do so. Those who indicated ever having tried cigarettes and those who reported positive attitudes toward the social nature of cigarette use were more likely to have tried water pipes.Conclusions. Water pipe use appears to be widespread among middle and high school students. Further research is needed to assess the health risks associated with water pipe tobacco smoking as well as young people''s attitudes toward this form of tobacco use.Although the results of self-report studies indicate the apparent popularity of water pipe tobacco (also known as “hookah”) smoking among adolescents and young adults,13 no population-based studies, to our knowledge, have estimated the prevalence of this form of tobacco use. Very little is known regarding water pipe tobacco smoking among adolescent groups. The few self-report studies that have examined use among adolescents have oversampled Arab American students, given the tradition of this form of tobacco use among individuals from the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and South Africa. For example, Weglicki et al.1 compared water pipe tobacco and cigarette smoking rates among Arab Americans (representing 45% of their sample) and non-Arab Americans. The rate of water pipe use was higher among Arab Americans than among their non–Arab American counterparts (17% vs 11%).1In addition to assessing patterns of water pipe tobacco smoking, it is important to assess the relationships between water pipe use and use of other tobacco products. Studies have shown that adolescents with a history of water pipe tobacco smoking are 4 to 16.5 times more likely than their counterparts without such a history to experiment with cigarettes.2,46 Also, higher rates of water pipe use have been reported among adolescent males than among adolescent females.2,5,6Although water pipe smoking is spreading worldwide,7 the overall prevalence of this practice in the United States remains unknown. However, estimates are available for certain groups, including college students. Smith et al.,8 in describing data collected in 2004, found that 15.3% of freshmen attending an East Coast private university had used a water pipe in the preceding 30 days. In another study, conducted in 2006 at Virginia Commonwealth University, 20.4% of students indicated water pipe use in the preceding 30 days and 48.4% reported a history of water pipe use.9In their study of a random sample of students enrolled at a large, urban, public university in the Northeast, Primack et al.10 found that 9.5% of students had used a water pipe in the preceding 30 days, 31% had done so in the past year, and 41% had a history of water pipe use. Of those who had used a water pipe in the past year, more than one third (35.4%) had never smoked a cigarette.10 Jackson and Aveyard11 found similar results in a cross-sectional survey of college students who were customers of a water pipe cafe; most students (65%) who reported regular smoking of water pipe tobacco did not smoke cigarettes. Jackson and Aveyard also reported that rates of water pipe use increased across the college years,11 a pattern opposite to that observed with cigarette smoking.12In addition to estimating water pipe use rates among different populations in the United States, researchers have assessed perceptions of the risks involved in this practice and the correlates of water pipe tobacco smoking. In a study of students at a private East Coast university, Smith-Simone et al.13 found that friends were the most likely source of influence on water pipe use in the following year; also, students reported that water pipe tobacco smoking was the most socially acceptable form of tobacco use among their peers and that their peers looked “cooler” when using water pipes than when smoking cigarettes or cigars.Eissenberg et al.,9 in a cross-sectional study conducted at a large public university, found that students who were current water pipe users were more likely than students with no history of water pipe use to have smoked cigarettes, cigars, or cigarillos in the preceding 30 days; to believe that water pipe use makes their peers look cool; and to believe that water pipe use is socially acceptable among their peers. They also found, in general, that water pipe users were younger, that they were less likely to be African American, that they report lower perceived harmfulness or addictiveness of water pipe use compared with cigarette use, and that they report lower perceived social acceptability of cigarette use among peers.In the earlier-mentioned study of Primack et al.,10 the authors reported that 33% of the college students in their sample believed that water pipe smoking is less harmful than cigarette smoking, and 52% believed that it is less addictive than cigarette smoking. In addition, 36% believed that water pipe smoking is “very socially acceptable.”Although individuals of college age seem to be the group most vulnerable to water pipe use, high school populations are also prone to the increasing popularity of this form of tobacco use, which is primarily social in nature. Many students reach 18 years of age, the legal age to purchase and use tobacco products, while they are still high school seniors, and with the dramatic increase in water pipe cafes (between 2000 and 2004, more than 200 new hookah cafes opened for business nationwide14), these students now have establishments available to them for water pipe use.To address gaps in the current literature on water pipe tobacco smoking among adolescents, we tested 3 hypotheses. First, older, White, male adolescents will be more likely to use water pipe tobacco than younger, non-White, female adolescents. Second, a history of having tried cigarettes will increase the likelihood of trying water pipe tobacco. Finally, adolescents who believe that cigarettes are acceptable to alleviate stress and for use in social situations will be more likely to use water pipe tobacco.We constructed models designed to assess associations between individual-level variables and water pipe tobacco smoking via hierarchical logistic regression analyses. Demographic data were included in the first model, which tested the hypothesis that water pipe tobacco smoking would be more prevalent among older, White, adolescent boys. We then added history of cigarette use in model 2 to assess our second hypothesis. Finally, in model 3, we assessed whether attitudes toward cigarette smoking with respect to social situations and stress relief would be associated with water pipe tobacco smoking, given that its relaxing and social nature is often cited as a reason for its use.  相似文献   



Tobacco use is a major public health problem globally. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco is the second most important cause of death in the world. It is currently estimated to be responsible for about 5 million deaths each year worldwide. In India, it is responsible for over 8 lakh deaths every year.


To estimate the prevalence of tobacco use among power loom workers in Mau Aima Town, District Allahabad, UP.

Materials and Methods:

Five hundred power loom workers were randomly chosen. Out of them 448 workers were interviewed through a questionnaire survey during May-June 2007. Data on demographics, education, and type of work were collected along with details regarding tobacco use and smoking status, duration of the habit, and daily consumption. Prevalence of tobacco chewing and/or bidi and cigarette smoking, and their sociodemographic correlates, were examined.


The overall prevalence of tobacco use was 85.9%; the prevalence of smoking and tobacco chewing were 62.28% and 66.07%, respectively. Statistical analysis showed that smoking is more common in the elderly, while chewing gutka (a type of chewing tobacco) is popular among the younger age-groups.


The prevalence of tobacco use among power loom workers is very high compared to that in general population. Immediate intervention programs are warranted to reduce the future burden of tobacco-related morbidity among these workers who are already exposed to the highly polluted environment in power loom factories.  相似文献   

目的探讨超重、肥胖对初中生健康相关生活质量的影响,为采取干预措施提供依据。方法使用PedsQLTM4.0问卷,对某中学正常体重、超重、肥胖组初中生进行生活质量调查分析。结果超重、肥胖男生躯体功能维度得分和总分均明显低于正常组,肥胖女生社会功能维度得分显著低于非肥胖组(P值均<0.05)。结论超重、肥胖对男、女初中生生活质量的影响模式不同,干预时应采取不同策略。  相似文献   

目的分析中学生艾滋病知识水平与获得途径的关系,以寻求有效的知识传播方式。方法对深圳市南山区10所学校3528名中学生进行问卷调查,采用相关分析、多重线性回归分析和方差分析方法,比较各种不同知识获得途径及途径多寡对掌握艾滋病知识的影响。结果艾滋病知识得分平均为19.93±6.187,通过电视广播途径获得艾滋病知识的人最多为69.5%,其次是卫生宣传栏为53.5%;学校老师、医学书籍与艾滋病知识得分的相关系数分别为0.258和0.156,标准化回归系数也排在前两位;回归分析显示学校老师、医学书籍、家长教育、报刊杂志、卫生宣传栏是影响艾滋病知识得分的主要因素;艾滋病知识得分与获得途径得分存在正相关,相关系数为0.197。结论学校老师、医学书籍、报刊杂志、家长教育、卫生宣传栏是适合在学校传播艾滋病知识的有效方式,多种方式相结合效果更好。  相似文献   

A rapid rise in the number of tobacco users in Saudi Arabia has occurred in the past decade, particularly among the youth. This study identified socio-cultural determinants of tobacco use and explored possible approaches to prevent adolescents?? tobacco use in Saudi Arabia. A cross-sectional survey was administered using a self-administered questionnaire for collecting information on risk and protective factors for tobacco use among middle school students. School selection was stratified by region, gender, and type (public or private). Of 1,186 7?C9th grade students, 1,019 questionnaires were analyzed. Risk factors affecting tobacco use included all important others?? perceptions; mother, sister, friend, teacher and important person??s tobacco use; pressure to use tobacco from brother, sister, friend and important persons; easy access to tobacco and frequent skipping of classes. Protective factors for tobacco use included family??s perception; friend, teacher and important person??s tobacco use; parents?? help; support from family, friends, and teachers; accessibility to tobacco; school performance and family income, father??s education, and district of residence. The findings of this study show clear gender differences in social influences and attitudes towards tobacco use. Religious beliefs and access to tobacco products were significantly associated with attitudes towards tobacco use and future intention of use. Developing and implementing effective gender specific school-based tobacco prevention programs, strict reinforcement of tobacco control policies, and a focus on the overall social context of tobacco use are crucial for developing successful long-term tobacco prevention programs for adolescents.  相似文献   

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