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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: To examine the relationship between human papillomavirus (HPV) and giant cell arteritis (GCA) of the temporal artery. METHODS: The study group consisted of 22 cases of histologically positive/biopsy confirmed GCA. The control groups consisted of 21 histologically negative temporal artery biopsies and fifteen cases of vascular margins of nephrectomies. For detection of the presence of HPV, two methods were used: 1) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with INNO-Lipa HPV Genotyping Extra 2) CervistaTM HPV HR. All cases were from the files of the Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University in St. Louis. RESULTS: HPV DNA was detected by PCR and genotyping in 16 of 22 (73%) histologically positive cases of GCA and in only five of 21 (24%) histologically negative temporal artery biopsies. Among the vascular margin controls, only three of 15 (20%) were positive for HPV DNA. The second, independent method (CervistaTM) confirmed the aforesaid results with 100% concordance with the exception of three cases which had low genomic DNA for which it was not possible to perform the test. The differences in HPV positivity between the histologically positive and negative temporal artery biopsies and between the histologically positive temporal artery biopsies and controls were both statistically significant (p = 0.001 and 0.002, respectively) CONCLUSIONS: The results of our study revealed a statistically significant association between HPV positivity and biopsy confirmed temporal giant cell arteritis GCA (p = 0.001). Further studies are necessary to elucidate the pathophysiology underlying this association. KEY WORDS: Human Papillomavirus, Giant Cell Arteritis, Polymerase Chain Reaction.  相似文献   

The presence of human papilloma virus (HPV) has recently been demonstrated in colon tumors, but the incidence of HPV infection in normal colon mucosa or in benign or malignant neoplasms of the mucosa is unknown. We studied both neoplastic and normal human colon tissue for the presence of HPV antigen using immunohistochemical techniques. Ninety colon specimens were studied. Three consecutive series of normal colon mucosa (N = 30), single benign tubulovillous adenomas (N = 30), and invasive carcinomas (N = 30) were selected and confirmed histologically. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples of each tissue were prepared using immunohistochemical techniques and resultant slides were read blindly and graded simply as positive or negative for HPV antigen. The presence of HPV antigen varied dramatically between groups, with 97% of the invasive carcinomas, 60% of the benign tubulovillous adenomas, and 23% of the normal mucosa positive for HPV antigen. Groups were statistically significant using chi 2 analysis (P less than 0.001). We conclude that an association exists between the human colon neoplasia and the presence of HPV antigen. This may suggest an etiologic role of the virus in colon cancer.  相似文献   

肾癌与高危型人乳头状瘤病毒基因的相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨肾癌与高危型人乳头状瘤病毒基因 (HPV1 6 ,1 8DNA)的相关性。方法 采用聚合酶链反应 (PCR)和DNA限制性内切酶酶切技术 (DNARET)对 90例成人肾恶性肿瘤组织 (其中肾透明细胞癌、肾乳头状癌、肾颗粒细胞癌各 30例 )的HPV1 6、1 8E7基因进行实验研究 ,2 0例正常肾脏组织为正常对照 ,HPV1 6、1 8阳性克隆作为阳性对照 ,去离子三蒸水做实验体系阴性对照。对每一阳性标本行限制性内切酶技术。结果 肾透明细胞癌、肾乳头状癌、肾颗粒细胞癌中HPV1 6基因表达率分别为 60 .0 %、86 .7%、63 .3 % ,总的基因表达率为 70 .0 %。HPV1 8的基因阳性率分别为 46 .7%、66 .7%、44 .3 % ,总的基因表达率为 52 .2 %。结论 高危型HPV1 6、1 8DNA与肾恶性肿瘤有一定的关系 ,尤其是HPV1 6基因表达率明显高于HPV1 8型 (P <0 .0 5) ,其中肾乳头状癌的HPV1 6、1 8基因阳性率明显高于肾透明细胞癌和肾颗粒癌 (P <0 .0 5) ,证实了高危型人乳头状瘤病毒感染是肾癌的重要致癌因素之一  相似文献   

人乳头瘤病毒16及其血清抗体与胃癌相关性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨人乳头瘤病毒 (humanpapillomavirus,HPV) 16及其血清抗体与胃癌发生的关系。方法 采用多聚酶链反应 (polymerasechainreaction ,PCR)技术检测 42例新鲜胃癌组织标本及其癌旁正常胃粘膜标本中的HPVDNA ;并采用重组杆状病毒 昆虫细胞系统制备的HPV16病毒样颗粒 (viruslikeparticles,VLPs) ,通过酶联免疫吸附试验 (enzymelinkedimmunosorbentassay ,ELISA)方法检测上述胃癌患者及 46例健康对照者的血清抗体。结果 胃癌及癌旁正常胃粘膜组织中HPV16DNA的检出率分别为 2 6 % (11/ 42 )和 0 (0 / 42 ) ,差异有显著性 (P <0 0 1) ;胃癌组及健康对照组HPV16VLPs血清抗体A均值分别为 0 0 6 9± 0 0 2 6和 0 0 36± 0 0 2 7,两组差异有显著性 (P <0 0 5 ) ;HPV阳性和阴性胃癌患者HPV16抗体A均值分别为 0 0 81± 0 0 2 7和 0 0 42± 0 0 16 ,两者差异有显著性(P <0 0 1)。结论 HPV16感染可能与胃癌的发生有关。HPV16血清抗体检测可用作HPV感染的血清学诊断指标和用于HPV相关性肿瘤的免疫学研究。  相似文献   

Besides immunosuppression and UV radiation, human papillomavirus (HPV) infection was also suggested to be involved in the development of non-melanoma skin cancer, the most common malignancy after transplantation. In this study we used a comprehensive PCR assay to analyze the prevalence of individual HPV types in different skin lesions from transplant and non-transplant patients. HPV DNA was detected more frequently in squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) of transplant recipients (75%) than the same lesion was in non-immunosuppressed patients (47%). Similar HPV prevalences were found in cutaneous warts (91% vs 94%), pre-malignant skin tumors (38% vs 36%), and normal skin specimens (17% vs 16%) of both patient populations. Overall, more than 40 different HPV types were identified. HPV types 5 and 8 were found more frequently in SCCs (26%) than in pre-cancerous (5%) or benign lesions (1%). All HPV 5- and HPV 8-positive SCCs were from immunosuppressed patients, indicating that infection with HPV 5 and HPV 8 may present an increased risk of SCC development in these patients.  相似文献   

目的总结升结肠回盲部肿瘤侵犯乙状结肠的治疗经验。方法升结肠回盲部肿瘤侵犯乙状结肠22例,术前诊断明确7例,其余均为术中明确诊断,急诊手术11例(占50.0%),均行多发结肠肿瘤肠段切除术,其中一期吻合5例,预防性小肠造口11例,降结肠造口6例,包括右侧输尿管部分切除5例,肉眼达到R0根治性切除21例,1例因右侧髂内血管侵犯行姑息性肿瘤切除。结果术后患者恢复好,无死亡患者,无肠漏及吻合口漏。预防性小肠造口患者于术后1个月余行造口还纳手术,3例降结肠造口患者于术后半年行造口还纳术,另有3例随访无异常。结论升结肠回盲部肿瘤侵犯乙状结肠患者行根治性肿瘤切除,可提高患者生存率及生活质量,采用多肠段切除一期吻合或预防性小肠造口是一种合理的手术方式,如必须行结肠造口术时,需为二次手术创造条件。  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus (HPV) has a high incidence rate in both males and females. HPV infection in women has been shown to affect fertility and lead to foetal death and pregnancy loss. However, research on HPV infection in men is limited. The aim of this study was to study the effect of HPV infection in semen on sperm quality and present the findings of previous studies through a meta-analysis. Databases including PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, WanFang data and China National Knowledge Infrastructure were searched for relevant studies. A systematic review and meta-analysis were performed, and 17 studies were included for analyses based on a set criterion. Meta-analyses indicated that HPV infection in semen significantly reduced sperm concentration (SMD = −0.12, 95% CI: −0.21 to −0.03, p = .009), sperm motility (SMD = −0.55, 95% CI: −0.780 to −0.33, p = .000), sperm viability (SMD = −0.55, 95% CI: −0.780 to −0.33, p = .000) and sperm morphology (SMD = −0.34, 95% CI: −0.61 to −0.07, p = .015). The high-risk HPV (HrHPV) infection could significantly reduce sperm count (SMD = −0.65, 95% CI: −1.11 to −0.18, p = .007) compared with high-risk HPV (LrHPV) infection. In conclusion, HPV infection in semen significantly reduced sperm quality, and the HrHPV infection could significantly reduce sperm count compared with LrHPV.  相似文献   

Objectives  To determine whether the presence of human papillomavirus (HPV) in men is a risk factor in the development of intraepithelial cervical neoplasia in their sexual partners and to corroborate HPV frequency and type. Materials and methods  A case-control study was carried out in the city of Colima, Mexico, from October 2004 to September 2005. It included the male sexual partners of females presenting with intraepitheleal neoplasia and with negative cervical uterine cytology. The study was approved by the local ethics committee, and participants signed a letter of informed consent. Samples were taken from the penis with a cytobrush and were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with type-specific HPV consensus primers. Statistical analysis was carried out using averages, percentages, and chi-square test for association. Results  Twenty-one patients and 40 controls were analyzed. Eight were excluded due to DNA degradation. Chi-square test was utilized to find association between risk factor (HPV in men) in men whose sexual partners were women with premalignant lesions and normal Papanicolaou test. There was no statistical significance; OR was 2.5, CI was 0.38–16.41, and P = 0.37 (Fisher's exact test). There was no significant difference between the two study groups. Four HPV-positive cases (19%) were obtained from the case group, and two HPV-positive cases (6%) were obtained from the control group. The six positive samples had low-grade virus. There was no association between HPV in men and the cervical intraepitheleal neoplasia of their sexual partners. Conclusions  In the present study, HPV in men was not found to be a risk factor in the development of cervical uterine lesions. The viruses that were found were low risk. The sample size employed was not large enough to be able to determine any differences between both study groups.  相似文献   



To explore the association between urothelial carcinoma following renal transplantation and infection by human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18.

Materials and Methods

Of 3780 patients who underwent renal transplantation, we identified 90 cases of urothelial carcinoma. Tumor tissues collected from the 90 renal transplant recipients were compared with those from 30 nontransplanted patients with bladder cancer (control group) for HPV types 16 and 18 using polymerase chain reactions.


Seven transplanted patients were HPV positive: HPV-16 was detected in 3 patients with bladder cancer (3/90; 3.3%), and HPV-18 in 2 patients with bilateral pelvic ureteral carcinoma (2/90; 2.2%), and 2 patients with bladder cancer (2/90; 2.2%). Only 2 cases from the control group were HPV positive (both HPV-18; 2/30; 5%). The difference between the RTR and control groups was not significant (P > .05).


Malignant tumors in the urinary system following renal transplantation did not seems to be associated with infection by HPV-16 or -18.  相似文献   

HPV感染是阴茎癌重要的致病因素之一。本文对HPVs的生物学特性,HPV在阴茎癌中的感染情况,HPV可能的致癌机制,HPV与阴茎癌预后的关系以及HPV疫苗的应用前景等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

Twenty specimens from patients who had undergone oesophagectomy for invasive squamous carcinoma of the oesophagus were examined for morphological evidence of human papillomavirus infection; it was found in 13 specimens. Nineteen specimens showed focal epithelial hyperplasia of the non-neoplastic mucosa. The material was also submitted to immunoperoxidase and modified Feulgen staining to detect viral antigen. Positive Feulgen staining was detected in the superficial layers of the squamous mucosa in 15 specimens, while immunoperoxidase was entirely negative. This demonstrates a possible association between human papillomavirus and oesophageal carcinoma and that the modified Feulgen method may be more sensitive than immunoperoxidase for the detection of viral antigen. Electron microscopy and molecular hybridisation would have to be used for confirmation.  相似文献   

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