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Odd-even echo inconsistencies result in Nyquist ghost artifacts in the reconstructed EPI images. The ghost artifacts reduce the image signal-to-noise ratio and make it difficult to correctly interpret the EPI data. In this article a new 2D phase mapping protocol and a postprocessing algorithm are presented for an effective Nyquist ghost artifacts removal. After an appropriate k-space data regrouping, a 2D map accurately encoding low- and high-order phase errors is derived from two phase-encoded reference scans, which were originally proposed by Hu and Le (Magn Reson Med 36:166-171;1996) for their 1D nonlinear correction method. The measured phase map can be used in the postprocessing algorithm developed to remove ghost artifacts in subsequent EPI experiments. Experimental results from phantom, animal, and human studies suggest that the new technique is more effective than previously reported methods and has a better tolerance to signal intensity differences between reference and actual EPI scans. The proposed method may potentially be applied to repeated EPI measurements without subject movements, such as functional MRI and diffusion coefficient mapping.  相似文献   

Echo-planar spectroscopic imaging (EPSI) can be used for fast spectroscopic imaging of water and fat resonances at high resolution to improve structural and functional imaging. Because of the use of oscillating gradients during the free induction decay (FID), spectra obtained with EPSI are often degraded by Nyquist ghost artifacts arising from the inconsistency between the odd and even echoes. The presence of the spectral ghost lines causes errors in the evaluation of the true spectral lines, and this degrades images derived from high-resolution EPSI data. A technique is described for reducing the spectral ghost artifacts in EPSI of water and fat resonances, using echo shift and zero-order phase corrections. These corrections are applied during the data postprocessing. This technique is demonstrated with EPSI data acquired from human brains and breasts at 1.5 Tesla and from a water phantom at 4.7 Tesla. Experimental results indicate that the present approach significantly reduces the intensities of spectral ghosts. This technique is most useful in conjunction with high-resolution EPSI of water and fat resonances, but is less applicable to EPSI of metabolites due to the complexity of the spectra.  相似文献   

The inconsistency of k‐space trajectories results in Nyquist artifacts in echo‐planar imaging (EPI). Traditional techniques often only correct for phase errors along the frequency‐encoding direction (one‐dimensional correction), which may leave significant residual artifacts, particularly for oblique‐plane EPI or in the presence of cross‐term eddy currents. As compared with one‐dimensional correction, two‐dimensional (2D) phase correction can be much more effective in suppressing Nyquist artifacts. However, most existing 2D correction methods require reference scans and may not be generally applicable to different imaging protocols. Furthermore, EPI reconstruction with these 2D phase correction methods is susceptible to error amplification due to subject motion. To address these limitations, we report an inherent and general 2D phase correction technique for EPI Nyquist removal. First, a series of images are generated from the original dataset, by cycling through different possible values of phase errors using a 2D reconstruction framework. Second, the image with the lowest artifact level is identified from images generated in the first step using criteria based on background energy in sorted and sigmoid‐weighted signals. In this report, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our new method in removing Nyquist ghosts in single‐shot, segmented and parallel EPI without acquiring additional reference scans and the subsequent error amplifications. Magn Reson Med, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This work describes the use of a method, based on the projection onto convex sets (POCS) algorithm, for reduction of the N/2 ghost in echo-planar imaging (EPI). In this method, ghosts outside the parent image are set to zero and a model k-space is obtained from the Fourier transform (FT) of the resulting image. The zeroth- and first-order phase corrections for each line of the original k-space are estimated by comparison with the corresponding line in the model k-space. To overcome problems of phase wrapping, the first-order phase corrections for the lines of the original k-space are estimated by registration with the corresponding lines in the model k-space. It is shown that applying these corrections will result in a reduction of the ghost, and that iterating the process will result in a convergence towards an image in which the ghost is minimized. The method is tested on spin-echo EPI data. The results show that the method is robust and remarkably effective, reducing the N/2 ghost to a level nearly comparable to that achieved with reference scans.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To study the frequency response characteristic of the MRI signal receiver system as a contributing factor to the formation of Nyquist ghosting in echo-planar imaging (EPI). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Experimental work was undertaken on a 1.5 T system. A cylindrical test object filled with water was imaged axially with EPI in the center of the quadrature, transmit-receive head coil. In the first set of experiments, the water conductivity was increased progressively with the addition of salt between EPI acquisitions. In the second set of experiments, the conductivity of the water in the test object was kept constant and EPI images were acquired at several different bandwidths. A computer simulation was also implemented to demonstrate the impact of changes in the frequency response characteristic of the signal receiver system on EPI Nyquist ghosting. RESULTS: Experimental and simulation results showed that Nyquist ghosting increased with the variation of the frequency response characteristic within the effective frequency range determined by the image bandwidth. One can increase the variation in the frequency response characteristic by increasing its steepness over the image's bandwidth window when coil loading is decreased, or by increasing the effective frequency range when image bandwidth is increased. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this research may help reduce Nyquist ghosting in EPI studies when the imaging coil is not sufficiently loaded, such as in pediatric and phantom studies.  相似文献   

Echo planar imaging (EPI) is most commonly used for blood oxygen level‐dependent fMRI, owing to its sensitivity and acquisition speed. A major problem with EPI is Nyquist (N/2) ghosting, most notably at high field. EPI data are acquired under an oscillating readout gradient and hence vulnerable to gradient imperfections such as eddy current delays and off‐resonance effects, as these cause inconsistencies between odd and even k‐space lines after time reversal. We propose a straightforward and pragmatic method herein termed “interleaved dual echo with acceleration (IDEA) EPI”: two k‐spaces (echoes) are acquired under the positive and negative readout lobes, respectively, by performing phase encoding blips only before alternate readout gradients. From these two k‐spaces, two almost entirely ghost free images per shot can be constructed, without need for phase correction. The doubled echo train length can be compensated by parallel imaging and/or partial Fourier acquisition. The two k‐spaces can either be complex averaged during reconstruction, which results in near‐perfect cancellation of residual phase errors, or reconstructed into separate images. We demonstrate the efficacy of IDEA EPI and show phantom and in vivo images at both 3 T and 7 T. Magn Reson Med, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In echo-planar-based diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), the evaluation of diffusion parameters such as apparent diffusion coefficients and anisotropy indices is affected by image distortions that arise from residual eddy currents produced by the diffusion-sensitizing gradients. Correction methods that coregister diffusion-weighted and non-diffusion-weighted images suffer from the different contrast properties inherent in these image types. Here, a postprocessing correction scheme is introduced that makes use of the inverse characteristics of distortions generated by gradients with reversed polarity. In this approach, only diffusion-weighted images with identical contrast are included for correction. That is, non-diffusion-weighted images are not needed as a reference for registration. Furthermore, the acquisition of an additional dataset with moderate diffusion-weighting as suggested by Haselgrove and Moore (Magn Reson Med 1996;36:960-964) is not required. With phantom data it is shown that the theoretically expected symmetry of distortions is preserved in the images to a very high degree, demonstrating the practicality of the new method. Results from human brain images are also presented.  相似文献   

Head motion artifacts are a major problem in functional MRI that limit its use in neuroscience research and clinical settings. Real‐time scan‐plane correction by optical tracking has been shown to correct slice misalignment and nonlinear spin‐history artifacts; however, residual artifacts due to dynamic magnetic field nonuniformity may remain in the data. A recently developed correction technique, Phase Labeling for Additional Coordinate Encoding, can correct for absolute geometric distortion using only the complex image data from two echo planar images with slightly shifted k‐space trajectories. An approach is presented that integrates Phase Labeling for Additional Coordinate Encoding into a real‐time scan‐plane update system by optical tracking, applied to a tissue‐equivalent phantom undergoing complex motion and an functional MRI finger tapping experiment with overt head motion to induce dynamic field nonuniformity. Experiments suggest that such integrated volume‐by‐volume corrections are very effective at artifact suppression, with potential to expand functional MRI applications. Magn Reson Med, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Small gradient fields resulting from incompletely canceled eddy currents can cause geometric distortion in echo-planar images. Although this distortion is negligible in most echo-planar applications, the large gradient pulses used in diffusion-weighted echo-planar imaging can result in significant image distortion. In this report, it is shown that this distortion can be significantly reduced by the application of bipolar gradient waveforms. Both bipolar diffusion-sensitizing gradients and an inverted gradient preparatory pulse were examined for minimizing the eddy currents responsible for these distortions.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To develop a method that automatically corrects ghosting artifacts due to echo-misalignment in interleaved gradient-echo echo-planar imaging (EPI) in arbitrary oblique or double-oblique scan planes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An automatic ghosting correction technique was developed based on an alternating EPI acquisition and the phased-array ghost elimination (PAGE) reconstruction method. The direction of k-space traversal is alternated at every temporal frame, enabling lower temporal-resolution ghost-free coil sensitivity maps to be dynamically estimated. The proposed method was compared with conventional one-dimensional (1D) phase correction in axial, oblique, and double-oblique scan planes in phantom and cardiac in vivo studies. The proposed method was also used in conjunction with two-fold acceleration. RESULTS: The proposed method with nonaccelerated acquisition provided excellent suppression of ghosting artifacts in all scan planes, and was substantially more effective than conventional 1D phase correction in oblique and double-oblique scan planes. The feasibility of real-time reconstruction using the proposed technique was demonstrated in a scan protocol with 3.1-mm spatial and 60-msec temporal resolution. CONCLUSION: The proposed technique with nonaccelerated acquisition provides excellent ghost suppression in arbitrary scan orientations without a calibration scan, and can be useful for real-time interactive imaging, in which scan planes are frequently changed with arbitrary oblique orientations.  相似文献   

Susceptibility-induced magnetic field gradients (SFGs) can result in severe signal loss in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) in gradient-echo-based functional MRI (fMRI) studies. Although conventional z-shim techniques can effectively recover the MRI signal in this region, the substantial penalty in imaging time hampers their use in routine fMRI studies. A modified z-shim technique with high imaging efficiency is presented in this study. In this technique, z-shim compensations are applied only to a selective volume where the susceptibility artifact is severe. The results of an fMRI study (N=6) demonstrate the feasibility of detecting the OFC activation with z-shim in whole-brain fMRI studies at a temporal resolution of 2 s.  相似文献   

Slab scan diffusion imaging.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For maximum robustness of a diffusion-weighted MR imaging sequence, it is desirable to use a single-shot imaging method. This article introduces a new single-shot imaging approach that combines the advantages of multiple spin-echoes with the technique of line scan diffusion imaging. A slab volume, which can be spatially encoded with fewer phase encodes than a regular field of view, is selected with 2D selective pulses. With the shorter echo train, the sensitivity to field inhomogeneities and chemical shift is thus greatly diminished. Further reduction is achieved by interleaving short gradient echo trains with refocusing spin-echo pulses. Optimized slice-selective RF pulses that produce flip angles close to 180 degrees are used to minimize the stimulated echo component. Motion-related phase shifts, which change polarity with each spin-echo excitation, will give rise to artifacts that are avoidable by processing even and odd spin-echoes separately. As with line scan diffusion imaging, the complete field of view is acquired by sequential scanning. Since with each shot several lines of data are collected, a considerable improvement over line scan diffusion imaging in terms of scanning speed is achieved. Diffusion data obtained in phantoms and normal subjects demonstrate the feasibility of this novel approach.  相似文献   

Echo-planar images acquired in nonaxial planes are often distorted. Such image distortion has limited the applications of the echo-planar imaging (EPI) technique. In this article, it is demonstrated that a considerable amount of the distortion is caused by the higher-order magnetic field concomitant with the linear magnetic field gradient, or the concomitant magnetic field. The image distortion caused by the concomitant magnetic field is more prominent when a higher gradient amplitude is used for readout. It is also shown that the concomitant magnetic field can cause ghosting and blurring. A theoretical analysis is performed for the concomitant field effect in nonaxial EPI images. A point-by-point (or line-by-line) phase correction algorithm is developed to correct the image distortion, ghosting, and blurring. A postreconstruction processing algorithm is also developed to correct image distortion with much higher computational efficiency. Experimental results show that both correction methods effectively reduce the image distortion in coronal or sagittal images.  相似文献   

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