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四圈扩弓簧矫治下颌牙弓狭窄的临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨四圈扩弓筑矫治器对下颌牙弓狭窄的扩弓效果,注意事项及适应症。方法:采用插入式下颌四圈扩弓簧矫治器,为下颌牙弓狭窄的患者进行扩弓,矫治器通过焊接在下颌第一磨牙带环舌侧的扁形插槽固.结果:扩弓后第一磨牙间牙弓宽度增加2.0-4.0mm,第二双尖牙间牙弓宽度增加3.0-5.0mm,疗程3-6个月,平均4个月。结论:四圈扩弓筑矫治器对下颌后牙弓的扩弓是肯定有效的,是配合常规固定矫正技术扩弓的有效装置。  相似文献   

目的探讨半固定式四眼圈簧矫治器对伴有上牙弓狭窄的唇腭裂患者的扩弓效果。方法选择15例需行牙槽突裂植骨术的唇腭裂患者,术前正畸治疗先采用半固定式四眼圈簧矫治器扩大上牙弓,测量扩弓前、中、后的上颌左右尖牙、第一前磨牙、第一磨牙间宽度的变化。结果经过半固定式四眼圈簧矫治器扩弓治疗的患者,均在5个月左右的时间内有效地扩大了上牙弓。正畸治疗后上牙弓扩大,牙齿排列基本整齐,为牙槽突裂植骨术提供了良好的条件。结论半固定式四眼圈簧矫治器可有效扩大唇腭裂患者的上牙弓,同时配合固定正畸治疗,疗效确切,使用方便。  相似文献   

在正畸治疗中,上颌活动扩弓矫治器种类较多,应用广泛,而下颌活动扩弓矫治器的应用相对较少,既有下颌解剖条件的限制,亦有传统下颌活动扩弓矫治器本身的不足.下颌骨中缝愈合较早,在扩弓治疗中打开的可能性很少;下颌骨舌侧黏膜较薄,没有黏膜下层,黏膜弹性可让性很差,扩弓器舌侧基托很容易压迫黏膜造成损伤.  相似文献   

石敏 《口腔医学》2012,32(1):59-60
[摘要] 目的 探讨种植支抗结合扩弓螺旋簧在替牙期、恒牙早期牙弓狭窄患者腭中缝扩展中的临床应用疗效。方法 在硬腭上相当于43 34、65 56腭侧龈缘至腭中缝的中、外1/3交界处种植4颗微螺钉,结合扩弓螺旋簧制作矫治器,对7例牙弓狭窄患者进行腭中缝扩展。结果 7例替牙期、恒牙早期上牙弓狭窄患者,临床应用种植支抗结合扩弓螺旋簧矫治器进行矫治,除1例未能坚持戴用保持器外,其余85.7%的患者获得满意的矫治效果。结论 种植支抗结合扩弓螺旋簧行腭中缝扩展是治疗上牙弓狭窄的一种高效易行的方法 。  相似文献   

正畸临床上对于牙弓狭窄的病例,常采用扩弓的方法,将牙弓的长度和宽度扩大,从而获得一定的牙弓间隙。扩弓矫治器可分为固定和活动2大类,而固定扩弓装置常选用四眼簧扩弓器和快速螺旋扩弓器,但因其制作复杂,成品价格昂贵,在基层单位和经济不发达地区难以普及。  相似文献   

Hyrax扩弓矫治器矫治替牙期牙列拥挤伴鼻气道阻塞1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王爽 《口腔医学》2005,25(3):139-139
1病例报告 患儿女,10岁,2003年5月5日因前牙不齐、呈双排牙来我科就诊。检查:替牙(he), 中性,间0.2mm间隙, 完全舌侧位, 反(he), 尚未替换,上颌Ⅲ度拥挤,下颌Ⅰ度拥挤,上牙弓狭窄,患儿诉有口呼吸及慢性鼻炎史。因患儿尚处于生长发育高峰期前,拟通过Hyrax扩弓矫治器打开腭中缝扩宽牙弓,配合固定矫治器排齐牙齿,  相似文献   

上下颌连体式扩弓矫治器是增加骨量的一种活动矫治器,具有同步扩张上下牙弓,保持(牙合)关系不变的优点,简称连体扩弓器。 一、矫治器的制作与戴用 1.用弹性打样膏取上、下颌工作印模,灌注成石膏模型后上简单(牙合)架。 2.弯制固位体和分裂簧,笔者选用的固位体有两对邻间钩,一对单臂卡环以及双  相似文献   

Quad-Helix矫治器的改良制作和临床应用赵桂芝,柯杰,张洪杰,马景虎,刘超英Quad-Helix矫治器是由Ricketts医师设计的上颌扩弓装置,它通过固定在上颌胯部的四环圈扩弓簧加力,使上颌前磨牙和磨牙颊向移动,从而扩大上颌牙弓[1]。该矫治...  相似文献   

目的:研究分析上下颌联合快速扩弓结合 MBT 直丝弓矫治器矫治错(牙合)畸形患者的临床疗效。方法:选择36例进行上下颌联合快速扩弓结合直丝弓矫治器治疗结束的患者,治疗前后分别对每位患者进行模型测量和头影测量分析。结果:矫治后上下颌牙弓宽度和牙弓周长均增加,牙弓宽度增加主要在前磨牙区,牙弓前段深度减小(P <0.05)。联合扩弓在骨性垂直方向上的变化无差异(P >0.05),U1-SN、U1-NA 减小,L1-MP、L1-NB 增大(P <0.05)。结论:上下颌联合扩弓结合直丝弓矫治技术可以有效地解除拥挤并保持良好的咬合状态,颌骨在垂直方向上没有产生不利影响。  相似文献   

改良舌簧和邻间钩活动矫治器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘晓岗  曹惠菊 《口腔医学》1998,18(4):183-185
目的:应用改良的便利型舌簧和邻间钩活动矫治器取代目前临床常用的双曲舌簧和邻间钩活动矫治器,并与常用的双曲舌簧在弯制、临床应用、外观等方面进行了比较分析.方法:使用常用不锈钢丝弯制改良便利型舌簧和邻间钩,制作活动矫治器治疗牙性前牙反、内倾型深覆、前牙扭转及轻度拥挤.结果:改良舌簧和邻间钩活动矫治器制作简单,加力方便,临床效果良好.结论:改良便利型舌簧,具有夹板样作用,可同时作用于多个前牙,产生按牙弓弧形均匀扩弓的效果,使舌簧的使用范围扩展.如附以导杆或平导可使作用力方向更易控制.改良便利型舌簧和邻间钩没有游离的末端配合应用使整个矫治器固位好,戴用舒适  相似文献   

目的 探讨改良舌弓在矫治下颌埋伏牙中的作用.方法 5例下颌埋伏牙患者均采用外科-正畸联合治疗,配合戴入改良舌弓,利用改良舌弓位于舌侧不锈钢丝上的附钩,将埋伏牙牙冠朝向正常的位置方向牵引,直到接近其正常的位置.采用直丝弓技术排齐牙列,调整咬合关系.对治疗后牙齿的松动度、牙髓活力等进行观察.结果 5例下颌埋伏牙均被牵引至牙弓的正常位置,牙髓活力测试正常,牙周附着良好,无邻牙和埋伏牙牙根吸收.结论 改良舌弓在矫治下颌埋伏牙时,在矫治力方向设计和支抗控制方面有独特优点和作用.  相似文献   

Stability of transverse expansion in the mandibular arch.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This was a retrospective, longitudinal cephalometric and cast study of 29 white patients at pretreatment, posttreatment, and an average of 6 years 3 months postretention. The goal was to assess changes with treatment and retention with the expanding mandibular lingual arch appliance in conjunction with fixed edgewise treatment. Seven mandibular cast measurements were assessed, including arch crowding, arch perimeter, arch length, and arch width at the permanent canines, first premolars, second premolars, and first molars. Cephalometric radiographs were digitized, and 16 cephalometric measurements were made. Repeated-measures analysis of variance and 2-sample t tests were used to determine statistically significant changes. It was found that the expanding lingual arch used for less than 6 months with the mandibular fixed edgewise appliance caused an increase in both the transverse and sagittal dimensions of the mandibular dental arch. Transverse expansion was more stable in the posterior region of the mandibular dental arch than in the anterior region. Mandibular intercanine width increase could be maintained only by fixed retention. Although the maxillary and mandibular incisors were advanced and proclined, lip protrusion did not occur.  相似文献   

固定舌弓缩弓法矫治下牙弓过宽6例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨下颌固定舌弓缩弓方法矫治恒牙列下牙弓过宽或合并有下牙弓过宽所致后牙弓宽度不调。方法:用直径1.0mm的不锈钢丝制作下颌舌弓,对下牙弓过宽或合并有下牙弓过宽所致恒牙列后牙牙弓宽度不调病例6例,测量缩弓前后牙弓宽度及观察咬合关系的改变,随访1年。结果:6例患者平均使用下颌固定舌弓4.3个月,均取得明显效果,缩弓前、后双侧下颌第一磨牙及第一、二前磨牙中央窝间距具有显著性差异(p〈0.05),尖牙牙尖间距差异不显著,观察1年未见复发。结论:下颌舌弓缩弓能有效应用于恒牙列下牙弓过宽患者的矫治,缩小下牙弓宽度,协调后牙弓宽度。  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine and quantify vertical changes in the position of the mandibular molars while maintaining arch perimeter with a fixed lingual arch. Twenty-three patients with a mean age of 10.4 +/- 0.6 years were selected to receive fixed lingual arch treatment as the only appliance in the mandibular arch. Average treatment time was 18.3 +/-+/- 0.6 months. Longitudinal records for 12 and 24 months of 24 individuals matched by ethnic origin, age, gender, and mandibular plane inclination were used as controls. Pretreatment and posttreatment cephalograms were used to determine positional changes. Statistically significant differences between the fixed lingual arch and control groups were found. The results of this investigation indicated that the mandibular fixed lingual arch is a useful tool to control the vertical development of the mandibular molars.  相似文献   


The Dynamax appliance is a treatment modality for the correction of the Skeletal II malocclusion characterized by a mandibular retrusion. Progressive mandibular advancement, maxillary expansion, control of maxillary growth, incisor torque and control of vertical facial development are incorporated into a two-part appliance. The design facilitates laboratory construction, clinical handling and patient acceptability.

A prefabricated spring module forms the basis of the appliance, allowing both maxillary expansion and mandibular advancement. An easily adjustable progressive forward position of the lower jaw makes a construction bite unnecessary.

The spring module provides most of the structure of the appliance so that minimal acrylic is required and the appliance is fully contained within the freeway space. Contact between the upper and lower parts of the appliance occurs posteriorly in the lingual sulcus. Here the depth permits an extended vertical contact, to maintain a protrusive mandibular position throughout the range of mandibular opening, including during sleep. The lower portion of the appliance may be fixed or removable and multibracket treatment can be carried out in one or both arches at the same time as the orthopaedics.  相似文献   

The Dynamax appliance is a treatment modality for the correction of the Skeletal II malocclusion characterized by a mandibular retrusion. Progressive mandibular advancement, maxillary expansion, control of maxillary growth, incisor torque and control of vertical facial development are incorporated into a two-part appliance. The design facilitates laboratory construction, clinical handling and patient acceptability. A prefabricated spring module forms the basis of the appliance, allowing both maxillary expansion and mandibular advancement. An easily adjustable progressive forward position of the lower jaw makes a construction bite unnecessary. The spring module provides most of the structure of the appliance so that minimal acrylic is required and the appliance is fully contained within the freeway space. Contact between the upper and lower parts of the appliance occurs posteriorly in the lingual sulcus. Here the depth permits an extended vertical contact, to maintain a protrusive mandibular position throughout the range of mandibular opening, including during sleep. The lower portion of the appliance may be fixed or removable and multibracket treatment can be carried out in one or both arches at the same time as the orthopaedics.  相似文献   

The lingual response to an acrylic appliance inserted in the mandibular arch was investigated in terms of the numbers of linguopalatal contacts recorded with and without the appliance in place. The results support an hypothesis that the tongue accommodates a restriction in width of the mandibular arch by rising above it.  相似文献   

目的探讨下颌固定舌弓缩小下颌第一恒磨牙宽度的方法矫治第一恒磨牙反。方法选择正畸临床恒牙列第一恒磨牙反的患者14例,用固定舌弓缩小下颌第一恒磨牙的宽度矫治第一磨牙反,观察第一磨牙咬合关系变化,测量治疗前后下颌第一磨牙中央窝间距及舌侧龈缘的间距。结果 14例患者平均使用下颌固定舌弓2~5个月,第一恒磨牙反解除,矫治前后下颌第一磨牙中央窝间距差异具有显著性(P<0.05),舌侧龈缘间距差异不显著(P>0.05)。观察1年未见复发。结论下颌固定舌弓能有效缩小下颌第一恒磨牙宽度,矫治第一恒磨牙的反,其机理是缩小的舌弓通过磨牙带环将磨牙舌向倾斜。  相似文献   

目的探讨导弓式可摘矫治器矫治乳前牙反的机制。方法 37例3.5~5.0岁乳前牙反患者,随机分为2组,一组使用导弓式可摘矫治器,18例,另一组使用垫式可摘矫治器,19例。结果导弓式可摘矫治器戴用组反纠正快于垫矫治器组,经t检验P<0.05;导弓式可摘矫治器组除上前牙唇倾,下前牙舌倾、下颌后移较垫式可摘矫治器组明显。结论导弓式可摘矫治器矫治乳前牙反的机制是推上前牙唇倾、引导下前牙舌倾,荡下颌向后,缩短了治疗时间。  相似文献   

目的:介绍一种临床上行之有效的矫治下颌磨牙颊舌向倾斜错位的方法,并探讨其在矫治过程中的特点。方法:对8例下颌磨牙颊向或舌向倾斜错位的患者,采用简易半固定舌弓配合方丝弓矫治技术在矫治初期进行矫治。结果:在矫治初期,应用简易半固定舌弓能快速成功地矫治下颌磨牙颊向或舌向倾斜错位。结论:简易半固定舌弓在矫治过程中固位和稳定性较好,能很好地控制下磨牙颊舌向位置,并缩短固定矫治的疗程,对下颌牙弓前牙区的形态影响较小。  相似文献   

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