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Fifty-five patients with confirmed chronic polyarthritis were admitted to this prospective study. The occipito-cervical region was visualized by plain radiography, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. These modalities and the results are compared. In the presence of chronic polyarthritis, radiography of the occipito-cervical region visualized only bone lesions, while CT provided a good picture of both bone lesions and soft-tissue alterations. CT is an effective modality for the diagnosis of chronic polyarthritis in the occipito-cervical region. MR imaging was less sensitive in depicting bone lesions. In comparison with CT, however, MR images produced more frequent and more impressive visualization of soft-tissue alterations. MR imaging is most suitable for visualizing complications of the spinal cord.  相似文献   

Purpose: To evaluate whether non-contrast multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) for suspected acute knee fractures can also be used to evaluate cruciate ligament pathology.

Material and Methods: A total of 42 patients (17-65 years) underwent four-section MDCT. The images were independently evaluated at clinical workstations by four radiologists. They assessed the integrity (normal or torn) and the best slice direction (axial, sagittal, or coronal) for visualization of the cruciate ligaments. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), performed within 4 weeks (mean 6 days) in relation to MDCT, was considered the gold standard.

Results: Ligament integrity at MDCT: the mean interobserver proportion of agreement for a normal anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) was 0.73, for a torn ACL 0.41, for a normal posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) 0.96, and for a torn PCL 0.54. Interobserver variation for ACL was significant (P = 0.0136-0.0260), but insignificant for PCL (P = 0.3389-0.7212). Intra-observer variation was insignificant. Visualization was best in the axial and sagittal direction for ACL and PCL, respectively. At MRI, 29 normal, one partially, and 12 completely torn ACLs, and 37 normal, four partially and one completely torn PCL were found.

Conclusion: MDCT can detect an intact ACL and PCL with good specificity, accuracy, and negative predictive value. The assessment of torn ligaments is unreliable.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the findings of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with those of computed tomography (CT) of focal liver lesions related to peripheral eosinophilia. METHODS: For 12 patients with peripheral eosinophilia (>7%) examined with hepatic MR imaging and CT, 52 focal hepatic lesions larger than 0.5 cm, including 31 lesions simultaneously found on the 2 imaging modalities, were subjected to a comparative analysis of their imaging features. RESULTS: The total number of lesions distinguished from background liver was 39 (75%) on MR imaging and 44 (85%) on CT scans. On arterial phase images of 10 patients with comparable data, homogeneously hyperintense lesions were demonstrated more frequently (P = 0.006) on MR imaging (16 [50%] of 32 lesions) than on CT scans (4 [13%] of 32 lesions). Only 7 (22%) of the 32 hypoattenuating lesions on portal phase CT were depicted as hypointense lesions on portal phase MR images in 12 patients. On delayed phase images in 8 patients, the number of hyperintense lesions on MR images (9 [56%] of 16) was greater (P = 0.077) than that seen on the CT scans (4 [25%] of 16). CONCLUSIONS: For many focal hepatic lesions related to peripheral eosinophilia, dynamic MR imaging more easily demonstrates lesional enhancement on arterial and delayed phases than CT scans. Because of the higher degree of lesional enhancement of MR imaging compared with CT, the lesion-to-liver contrast may not be sufficient to distinguish the lesion from the background liver, resulting in decreased sensitivity of portal phase dynamic MR imaging.  相似文献   

Fourteen patients with cerebral gliomas were investigated by MR imaging using Gd-DTPA (Magnevist), CT with the contrast agent iohexol (Omnipaque) and, as a reference, positron emission tomography (PET) using 11C-L-methionine. Tumour areas with disruption of the blood-brain-barrier (BBB) as seen on MR and CT were compared with areas increased accumulation of methionine in PET. There were 6 patients with high-grade astrocytoma (grade III-IV), 5 with low-grade astrocytoma (grade I-II) and 3 with oligodendroglioma. In 4 high-grade tumours, PET showed a larger tumour or tumour tissue in additional areas, compared with enhancement on MR and CT, while in 2 cases the tumour extension was similar in the three modalities. In the low grade tumour group, the findings on PET differed from those on post-contrast MR or CT in 7 cases. In 3 of these cases, no disruption of the BBB was seen either on MR or on CT. In 2 of our 14 patients CT showed larger enhancement extension than MR and in 2 cases MR was superior to CT in this respect. The enhancement intensity was higher on MR in 4 patients and on CT in 2 patients. No definite difference in the delineation of tumour tissue between the T1 weighted SE sequences was found. The gradient echo sequences FLASH and FISP gave limited information that was less than that provided by the T1 weighted SE sequences. A greater increase in signal intensity in T1 weighted images was usually seen 5 min post-contrast in the high-grade tumours than in the low-grade ones.  相似文献   

This investigation compared magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with computed tomography (CT) in the evaluation of normal and abnormal adrenal glands. Thirty normal volunteers were studied with MRI, and the results were compared with a retrospective review of 30 normal CT examinations. CT identified both adrenal glands in all 30 patients. MRI identified both glands in 29 of 30 volunteers. There were no statistically significant differences between the two imaging techniques using chi-square analysis. Twenty-one patients with abnormal adrenal gland(s) detected with CT were also studied with MRI. The abnormalities studied included bilateral hyperplasia (three patients), adenoma (two), myelolipoma (one), adrenal metastases (six), adrenal hemorrhage (two), and neuroblastoma (seven). MRI detected the abnormal adrenal gland(s) in 20 of 21 patients. MRI was unable to detect calcifications in the lesions studied but more clearly showed the relations of adrenal masses to the major vascular structures. MRI demonstrated corticomedullary differentiation in patients with adrenal hyperplasia and in some normal volunteers. The CT and MRI features of the adrenal lesions are discussed.  相似文献   

Diagnostic techniques as a whole and periodic ultrasonography (US) in particular frequently allows tumors < 3 cm (small hepatocellular carcinomas) to be detected in patients suffering from liver cirrhosis. Multifocal diseases are a major limitation to surgery. Recently, MR imaging has shown its capabilities in the diagnosis of small hepatocellular carcinomas. In our study the diagnostic value of MR imaging was compared with that of US, of pre- and post-contrast CT, of digital angiography and of CT after lipiodol injection (Lipiodol CT). The morphologic and signal intensity MR features of small hepatocellular carcinomas were investigated. Fifteen cirrhotic patients with 31 nodules of hepatocellular carcinoma < 3 cm were examined. All patients were studied with US, MR imaging, angiography and Lipiodol CT; 12/15 patients underwent CT. Histologic confirmation was obtained in 12 nodules (2 at surgery and 10 by means of percutaneous biopsy); in the extant 19 cases the diagnosis was made by combining US, CT, MR, angiographic and lipiodol-CT findings; in 9 tumors < 1 cm Lipiodol retention one month after angiography was considered as diagnostic. MR imaging detected 21/31 nodules (63%), US 22/31 (66.6%), CT 12/24 (50%), angiography 24/31 (74%), lipiodol CT 29/31 (92.5%). Mc Nemar test showed no difference in sensitivity between MR imaging and CT, MR and angiography, MR and US, lipiodol CT and angiography; however, the differences between the detection rates of MR imaging and Lipiodol CT and CT and lipiodol CT and US were statistically significant (p < 0.05). The difference in sensitivity between the detection rates of lipiodol CT and US was just above the threshold value which is usually considered significant (p = 0.065). One false positive was observed on US and none with MR, CT, angiography and lipiodol CT. On Se T1-weighted images 18 nodules were hyperintense, 2 isointense and 2 hypointense; on proton-density images 14 nodules were hyperintense, 7 isointense and none hypointense. On SE T2-weighted images 18 nodules were hyperintense, 3 isointense and none hypointense. A pseudocapsule was seen in 10/17 nodules (58%), especially on T1-weighted images. Accuracy and limitations of each technique and morphologic and signal intensity MR findings of small hepatocellular carcinoma are discussed. We believe that US is still the best diagnostic technique for the screening of hepatocellular carcinomas in cirrhotic livers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   



We compared the diagnostic accuracy of fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG PET/CT) and PET/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) fusion images for gynecological malignancies.

Materials and methods

A total of 31 patients with gynecological malignancies were enrolled. FDG-PET images were fused to CT, T1- and T2-weighted images (T1WI, T2WI). PET-MRI fusion was performed semiautomatically. We performed three types of evaluation to demonstrate the usefulness of PET/MRI fusion images in comparison with that of inline PET/CT as follows: depiction of the uterus and the ovarian lesions on CT or MRI mapping images (first evaluation); additional information for lesion localization with PET and mapping images (second evaluation); and the image quality of fusion on interpretation (third evaluation).


For the first evaluation, the score for T2WI (4.68 ± 0.65) was significantly higher than that for CT (3.54 ± 1.02) or T1WI (3.71 ± 0.97) (P < 0.01). For the second evaluation, the scores for the localization of FDG accumulation showing that T2WI (2.74 ± 0.57) provided significantly more additional information for the identification of anatomical sites of FDG accumulation than did CT (2.06 ± 0.68) or T1WI (2.23 ± 0.61) (P < 0.01). For the third evaluation, the three-point rating scale for the patient group as a whole demonstrated that PET/T2WI (2.72 ± 0.54) localized the lesion significantly more convincingly than PET/CT (2.23 ± 0.50) or PET/T1WI (2.29 ± 0.53) (P < 0.01).


PET/T2WI fusion images are superior for the detection and localization of gynecological malignancies.  相似文献   

Forty patients with tumors involving the skull base were selected on the basis of findings at high resolution computed tomography (CT). The reliability of demonstrating bony lesions with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and CT were compared. CT showed osseous lesions of the skull base better than MRI but was less sensitive in evaluating an associated inflammatory reaction or in defining intracerebral infiltration. Small cortical lesions were only demonstrable with CT. MRI was superior in defining the full extent of soft tissue infiltration. Arterial encasement was observed at MRI. The special advantage of Gd-DTPA lies in the additional possibility to differentiate vessels from tumor-like lesions and in en plaque tumors.  相似文献   

The purpose of this prospective study was to evaluate the sensitivity of mediastinal sonography compared to CT and chest radiography in the detection of mediastinal tumors. The sonograms, computed tomograms and chest radiographs of 182 patients were interpreted blindly by three observers and the results of all three procedures were compared. The proportion of diagnostic sonographic examinations varied in the different mediastinal compartments from 85% (subcarinal region) to 96% (supra-aortic region). The sensitivities of sonography and chest radiography (using CT as the gold standard) in the imaging of mediastinal tumors for each compartment were as follows: supra-aortic region: 98% and 67%; paratracheal region: 89% and 69%; aorticopulmonary window: 81% and 62%; prevascular region: 92% and 46%; subcarinal region: 69% and 31%; pericardial region: 100% and 67%; posterior mediastinum: 6% and 6%; paravertebral region: 11% and 44%. These results show that sonography is superior to chest radiography for the diagnosis of mediastinal tumors. In certain mediastinal regions (supra-aortic, pericardial, prevascular and paratracheal region), sonography is so sensitive that CT and MR examinations may be avoided in cases with equivocal radiographic findings.  相似文献   

Preoperative neuroradiological evaluation of diastematomyelia cases is of vital importance in order to increase surgical success rate. This paper reports the neuroradiological data of diastematomyelia cases in the light of surgical findings, and discusses the efficacy of CT and MRI in the evaluation of patients with diastematomyelia.  相似文献   

In our experience, a combination of Ultrasonographic and computed tomographic examinations is attended by a probability of less than 10% in failing to detect an intraabdominal abscess. Viewed as individual procedures, CT had an overall diagnostic accuracy between 80% and 85%, whereas the accuracy of US was 61%. A positive CT diagnosis denotes a 94% probability that a mass lesion is pressnt in the abdomen while a positive US diagnosis denotes a probability between 81% and 84%. The present patient sample suggests that between 62% and 72% of patients with negative CT diagnoses do not have an abscess, with a corresponding level of confidence of negative US diagnoses being restricted to 46 to 53%. It is to be emphasized that the cata was derived from a rather high risk patient population in which about two-thirds of the cases were found to be localized abscesses or other mass lesions. Patient-related factors are much more likely to render an ultrasonographic examination totally useless than is the case with CT.  相似文献   

This prospective study describes the ultrasound, computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging findings in 16 cases of patellar tendinitis. In all cases tendon enlargement and reduced echogenicity were visible on ultrasound. Computerized tomography demonstrated enlargement of the tendon with reduced attenuation of the central portion. Magnetic resonance imaging showed focal tendon enlargement in all patients with high signal lesions in 88% of cases. This study has shown that patellar tendinitis may be identified with all three modalities. Ultrasound is recommended as the initial investigation in the assessment of patients with this condition.  相似文献   

Seventeen patients with cervical spinal cord cavities were studied with myelography, postmyelographic computed tomography scanning, and magnetic resonance imaging. The three diagnostic techniques were compared for accuracy, patient comfort, and ease of procedure. Magnetic resonance imaging was the best diagnostic and most comfortable procedure. There is no need for myelography or postmyelographic computed tomography scanning for the evaluation of cervical syringomyelia.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered inferior to computed tomography (CT) in the assessment of lung parenchyma, being hampered by low proton density, magnetic susceptibility effects, flow, and cardiac and respiratory motion. In this study the authors assessed the potential usefulness of MRI by comparing it with corresponding CT images of the lung in the absence of motion. They studied eight excised normal canine lung lobes inflated with oxygen before and after induction of pulmonary edema produced by intravascular infusion of saline at 30 cm H2O. T1, T2 and proton density weighted, 5-mm thick, gapped, multislice sequences were performed at 1.5 T. Magnetic resonance images were compared with corresponding 5-mm collimation CT scans at identical levels both before and after the induction of pulmonary edema. The MR and CT scans were assessed independently by two chest radiologists. In normal lung, there was equivalent visualization of vessels down to 1 mm and bronchi to 2 mm in diameter. T1 and proton density scans demonstrated lower spatial resolution but greater contrast than the corresponding CT images. In pulmonary edema both T1 and proton density sequences demonstrated peribronchial edema with greater contrast than CT. Air-space filling was equally well demonstrated by either technique. The authors conclude that, in motionless lung, MRI has lower spatial but greater contrast resolution than CT. It is potentially superior to CT in assessing focal and diffuse lung disease if cardiac and respiratory motion artifacts can be minimized or suppressed.  相似文献   

This article reviews current knowledge on the various lesion patterns that can be observed at magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and on computed tomography images in patients with plasma cell neoplasms. It reviews limitations in specificity of imaging features and emphasizes difficulties in the recognition of the benign or malignant origin of vertebral fractures in these patients. The prognostic significance of MR imaging findings with respect to the natural history of the disease or to survival after treatment is discussed.  相似文献   

Pancreatitis: computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
The value of CT in management of severe acute pancreatitis is well established. Some, but not all, experimental studies suggest a detrimental effect of intravenous iodinated contrast agents in acute pancreatitis, but although initial clinical data tends to support this, the positive advantages of enhanced CT outweigh the possible risks. Magnetic resonance imaging has been shown to be as effective as CT in demonstrating the presence and extent of pancreatic necrosis and fluid collections, and probably superior in indicating the suitability of such collections for percutaneous drainage. Image-guided intervention remains a key approach in the management of severely ill patients, and the indications, techniques and results of radiological intervention are reviewed herein. Both CT and MRI can be used to diagnose advanced chronic pancreatitis, with the recent addition of MRCP as a viable alternative to diagnostic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Both MRCP and CT/MR imaging of the pancreatic parenchyma still have limitations in the recognition of the earliest changes of chronic pancreatitis – for which ERCP and tests of pancreatic function remain more sensitive – but the clinical significance of these minor changes remains contentious. Received: 12 February 1998; Revision received: 17 June 1998; Accepted: 22 June 1998  相似文献   



To evaluate the feasibility of myocardial blood flow (MBF) by computed tomography from dynamic CT perfusion (CTP) for detecting myocardial ischemia and infarction assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) or single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT).


Fifty-three patients who underwent stress dynamic CTP and either SPECT (n?=?25) or CMR (n?=?28) were retrospectively selected. Normal and abnormal perfused myocardium (ischemia/infarction) were assessed by SPECT/CMR using 16-segment model. Sensitivity and specificity of CT-MBF (mL/g/min) for detecting the ischemic/infarction and severe infarction were assessed.


The abnormal perfused myocardium and severe infarction were seen in SPECT (n?=?90 and n?=?19 of 400 segments) and CMR (n?=?223 and n?=?36 of 448 segments). For detecting the abnormal perfused myocardium, sensitivity and specificity were 80 % (95 %CI, 71-90) and 86 % (95 %CI, 76-91) in SPECT (cut-off MBF, 1.23), and 82 % (95 %CI, 76-88) and 87 % (95 %CI, 80-92) in CMR (cut-off MBF, 1.25). For detecting severe infarction, sensitivity and specificity were 95 % (95 %CI, 52-100) and 72 % (95 %CI, 53-91) in SPECT (cut-off MBF, 0.92), and 78 % (95 %CI, 67-97) and 80 % (95 %CI, 58-86) in CMR (cut-off MBF, 0.98), respectively.


Dynamic CTP has a potential to detect abnormal perfused myocardium and severe infarction assessed by SPECT/CMR using comparable cut-off MBF.

Key Points

? CT-MBF accurately reflects the severity of myocardial perfusion abnormality. ? CT-MBF provides good diagnostic accuracy for detecting myocardial perfusion abnormalities. ? CT-MBF may assist in stratifying severe myocardial infarction in abnormal perfusion myocardium.

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