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A high prevalence of a chronic form of esophagitis was found during two endoscopic surveys carried out in high-incidence areas of esophageal cancer in 430 subjects from Iran, and in 527 individuals from Linxian, Peoples Republic of China, selected from the general population. This high prevalence was present even in the younger age groups. The lesion does not seem to be related to gastro-histological correlation, available for all cases examined, confirmed the chronic nature of the lesion. dysplasia was found in 3 to 8 per cent of the cases. Overall, 21 esophageal cancers were diagnosed, most in a very early phase, and some only at histology. A follow-up of 20 cases after one year, showed the progression of this chronic lesion to cancer in 4 cases. The data available suggest the precancerous nature of the lesion in these high-risk populations.  相似文献   

Early-stage esophageal cancers, particularly intraepithelial cancers, are extremely difficult to detect because patients have no particular complaints and x-ray is so often useless. Only panendoscopic examination has proved highly effective in discerning lesions. Lugol-combined panendoscopic examination is not only feasible, but also effective in spotting the presence and spread of lesions.  相似文献   

Background: Allergic diseases are a significant global health care problem. Current pharmacological approaches address symptoms but do not alter the underlying immune dysregulation. Current allergen-specific immunotherapy has several drawbacks. Therefore, approaches that attenuate allergic responses safely and effectively at the level of upstream causative events are desirable. Oligonuleotide-based therapies [CpG DNA, antisense oligonucleotides, and small interfering RNA (siRNA)] are promising approaches. Objective/methods: We review developments in oligonucleotide-based therapies and the potential of siRNA for treating allergy. Results/conclusions: Strategies with oligonucleotides basically aim to reduce T helper type 2 (Th2) responses. It is controversial whether the reduction of Th2 responses does, in fact, attenuate allergic diseases. Increased understanding of allergic mechanisms will enhance the efficacy of oligonucleotide-based therapy  相似文献   

Sonography was compared with operative and histological results in 42 patients with advanced laryngeal cancer. Sonography was accurate in the imaging of supraglottic tumours. Infiltration of the base of the tongue (n = 4) and of the pre-epiglottic space (n = 12), as well as of the thyroid cartilage (n = 8) and subglottic extensions (n = 3) were visualized too. Infiltration of the piriform sinus was correctly assessed sonographically in 8 patients. Endoscopy was superior to sonography in endolaryngeal delineation of the tumour, with in exception of paraglottic tumours. In cervical lymph node staging sonography was more accurate than palpation (86% versus 69%). The diagnostic capabilities of sonography were compared with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Due to its widespread availability and high accuracy in the delineation of supraglottic and extralaryngeal extensions and in cervical lymph node staging, sonography can be performed as primary imaging modality in advanced laryngeal cancer. If it is not possible to obtain complete delineation of the tumour by sonography, MRI must be undertaken.  相似文献   

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