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The most recent epidemiologic features of Kawasaki disease are unknown.


The 19th nationwide survey of the disease was conducted in 2007, targeting patients who were affected by this disease in 2005 and 2006. All pediatric departments in hospitals with 100 or more beds and pediatric hospitals were asked to report all Kawasaki disease patients during the 2 survey years.


From 1543 departments and hospitals, a total of 20475 patients (10041 in 2005 and 10434 in 2006) were reported. There were 11892 male patients and 8583 female patients. The average annual incidence rate was 184.6 per 100000 children aged 0-4 years. The number of patients and the incidence rate have increased significantly during the past 12 years. The age-specific incidence rate was distributed monomodally with a peak at 6-8 months of age. The prevalence of cardiac lesions in the acute phase of the disease and of cardiac sequelae were higher among infants and old patients.


The number of patients with Kawasaki disease and its incidence rate in Japan are continuously increasing.Key words: Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome, Incidence, Cardiovascular Diseases, Immunoglobulin, Intravenous, Epidemiology  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Influenza surveillance is valuable for monitoring trends in influenza-related morbidity and mortality. Using the 2005-2006 influenza season as an example, this paper describes a comprehensive influenza surveillance program used by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). METHODS: Data collected from patients evaluated for acute respiratory illness in a given week were reported and summarized the following week, including (1) electronic hospital pneumonia and influenza admission and antiviral usage records from Kaiser Permanente, (2) sentinel provider influenza-like illness (ILI) reports, (3) severe pediatric influenza case reports (e.g., children either hospitalized in intensive care or expired), (4) school clinic ILI evaluations, and (5) positive influenza test results from a network of academic, hospital, commercial, and public health laboratories and the state CDPH Viral and Rickettsial Disease Laboratory. RESULTS: Influenza activity in California in the 2005-2006 season was moderate in severity; all clinical and laboratory markers rose and fell consistently. Extensive laboratory characterization identified the predominant circulating virus strain as A/California/7/2004(H3N2), which was a component of the 2005-2006 influenza vaccine; 96% of samples tested showed adamantane resistance. CONCLUSIONS: By using multiple, complementary surveillance methods coupled with a strong laboratory component, the CDPH has developed a simple, flexible, stable, and widely accepted influenza surveillance system that can monitor trends in statewide influenza activity, ascertain the correlation between circulating strains with vaccine strains, and assist with detection of new strain variants. The methods described can serve as a model for influenza surveillance in other states.  相似文献   

目的 分析2005-2015年《中国肿瘤登记年报》中甲状腺癌死亡率的变化趋势及流行特征,为开展针对性的甲状腺癌预防控制工作提供依据.方法 利用Excel 2016提取2005-2015年甲状腺癌死亡数据信息,运用Joinpoint回归模型分析中国甲状腺癌的死亡率时间变化趋势.结果 2005-2015年中国甲状腺癌标化死...  相似文献   

The lack of consensus over the most appropriate source to use in assessing reproductive morbidity could, in part, explain the inadequacy of available information on the subject. To outline this situation, gynecological morbidity data collected from two different sources in Beirut, Lebanon, namely, population-based health interviews (779 ever-married women aged between 15 and 49) and private gynecologists' clinics (867 women with similar characteristics), are described. Although neither source is likely to represent the true prevalence of gynecological conditions, both agree sufficiently to shed light on the importance of some conditions such as menstrual disturbances (15% in both samples), infections/inflammations (17% in the households sample), and infertility-related concerns (12% in the clinics sample). Interestingly, despite the demographic differences, the most common conditions that the women complained about and the most common diagnoses that the gynecologists offered were similar for both samples. Therefore, given that the logistics in the gynecologists' clinic survey were easier, we recommend the use of health service data in settings where a representative sample of providers can be identified and service use is high.  相似文献   

To find maternal and pregnancy-related deaths, it is important that all pregnancy-associated deaths are identified. This article examines the effect of data linkages between national health care registers and complete death certificate data on pregnancy-associated deaths. All deaths among women of reproductive age (15-49 years) in Finland during the period 1987-2000 (n = 15 823) were identified from the Cause-of-Death Register and linked to the Medical Birth Register (n = 865 988 births), the Register on Induced Abortions (n = 156 789 induced abortions), and the Hospital Discharge Register (n = 118 490 spontaneous abortions) to determine whether women had been pregnant within 1 year before death. The death certificates of the 419 women thus identified were reviewed to find whether the pregnancy or its termination was coded or mentioned. In total, 405 deaths (96.7%) were identified in registers other than the Cause-of-Death Register. Without data linkages, 73% of all pregnancy-associated deaths would have been missed; the percentage after induced and spontaneous abortions was even higher. Data linkages to national health care registers provide better information on maternal deaths and pregnancy-associated deaths than death certificates alone. If possible, pregnancies not ending in a live birth should be included in the data linkages.  相似文献   

We retrospectively estimated the incidence of culture-proven melioidosis in animals in Thailand during 2006-2010. The highest incidence was in goats (1.63/100,000/year), followed by incidence in pigs and cattle. The estimated incidence of melioidosis in humans in a given region paralleled that of melioidosis in goats.  相似文献   

We serotyped 44,087 Salmonella isolates from humans and 26,148 from other sources from 1993 through 2002. The most common serovar causing human salmonellosis in Thailand was Salmonella enterica Weltevreden. Serovars causing human infections in Thailand differ from those in other countries and seem to be related to Salmonella serovars in different food products and reservoirs.  相似文献   

In April 2006, CDC reported on an ongoing multistate investigation of Fusarium keratitis occurring predominantly among contact lens wearers. This update summarizes epidemiologic developments in this investigation, which indicate an association with Bausch & Lomb's ReNu with MoistureLoc contact lens solution.  相似文献   

Matching individuals reported to a sentinel surveillance scheme for hepatitis C between 2000 and 2005 to individuals with a hospital episode for hepatitis C-related liver disease in the same hospitals, we estimated that the number of cases of hepatitis C-related end-stage liver disease in these English hospitals was 42% (597/419) higher than Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) would indicate. Further, matching records of hepatitis C-related deaths in HES to death certificates, we estimated that, between 2000 and 2005, the true number of deaths from hepatitis C-related end-stage liver disease was between 185% (353/124) and 257% (378/106) higher than the number recorded in routine mortality statistics. We provide estimates of under-recording that can be used to modify existing models of disease burden due to hepatitis C and provide a simple approach to improve the monitoring of trends in severe hepatitis C-related morbidity over time.  相似文献   

The Longitudinal Study of Social, Economic, and Demographic Change was undertaken during the late 1960s to provide detailed national information on behavior and attitudes related to fertility and family planning in Thailand. Results from the second round of the study indicate that the practice of family planning increased substantially in both rural and urban areas during the three-year interval between the two rounds. During this period, marital fertility registered a decline in the urban areas. This was a result of a small rise in fertility among Bangkok-Thonburi women combined with a sharp decline in fertility among provincial urban women. Because the National Family Planning Program was officially begun at the time of the first round, its role in the increase in contraceptive use is examined. Although the study shows that the desired number of children is substantially below the actual number of children Thai womenhave by the end of their reproductive years, the desired number of children is still well above the number usually considered ideal in developed countries. Nonetheless, changes in reproductive behavior appear to reflect the impact of modernization on Thai society. In urban areas, marital fertility is only moderately high and a substantial proportion of couples practice family planning. Of particular importance over the remainder of the decade will be the reproductive behavior of rural women, who constitute an extremely high proportion of the Thai female population.  相似文献   

目的了解肇庆市食品污染现状。方法于肇庆市端州区、四会市、高要市、封开县四地共选择17种食品进行有机磷农药、氨基甲酸酯和除虫菊酯农药、金属和非金属元素、霉菌毒素、食品添加剂和食源性致病菌等6类34个污染物指标监测。结果共监测17类376份样品,合格308份,合格率为81.91%。156份食品中检出食源性致病菌15份,检出率为9.62%。甲胺磷、铅、镉、砷、铝、二氧化硫残留量、苯甲酸钠监测样品合格率分别为88.89%(72/81)、94.22%(163/173)、95.38%(165/173)、95.38%(124/130)、59.26%(16/27)、78.26%(18/23)、77.27%(17/22)。结论肇庆市食品中存在一定的污染情况,食源性致病菌污染较为突出,今后应重点加强食品卫生监督管理。  相似文献   

陕西省三地区2005-2006年度病毒性脑炎病例监测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 监测陕西省安康、宝鸡、渭南3个地区病毒性脑炎,了解流行病学特征和发病情况.方法 2005年6月至2007年5月对监测医院报告的所有病毒性脑炎病例开展个案调查,同时采集血和/或脑脊液标本,用ELISA检测流行性乙型脑炎(乙脑)IgM抗体;用Epi Data和Excel软件进行分析.结果监测病毒性脑炎1097例,对其中1053例(96.0%)检测乙脑IgM,阳性311例(29.5%).监测的两年度内病毒性脑炎、乙脑病例均在7、8月份出现高峰,病毒性脑炎发病趋势与乙脑lgM阳性病例趋势基本一致;宝鸡、渭南和安康地区14岁以下年龄组人群乙脑IgM阳性病例分别为33.7%、43.9%~1188.3%,其他病毒性脑炎在3个地区均是5~14岁组所占比例较高(53.3%);乙脑IgM阳性病例中散居儿童、农民和学生占85.2%,其他病毒性脑炎病例学生所占比例较高(51.0%);病例出院时398例中,乙脑IgM阳性病例和其他病毒性脑炎治愈比例分别为67.1%、83.7%,病死率分别为9.2%、3.1%.578例出院90 d后随访,乙脑IgM阳性病例和其他病毒性脑炎治愈比例分别为69.6%、90.2%,病死率分别为13.6%、3.6%,留后遗症比例分别为10.0%、4.5%.结论病毒性脑炎的高发季节和乙脑一致,临床报告的乙脑病例中乙脑IgM阴性病例占45.6%,提示对临床报告的乙脑/病毒性脑炎病例进行乙脑实验室检测是非常必要的;不同地区乙脑高发人群存在差异,在预防控制中应引起重视.  相似文献   

目的:分析宁波市2006-2010年交通运输伤害死亡特征,为伤害干预工作提供依据。方法:死亡数据来源于2006-2010年宁波市死因监测系统,研究对象为户籍居民。通过计算死亡率、死亡构成比等指标进行数据分析。结果:2006-2010年宁波市居民交通运输伤害死亡率平均为18.59/10万,男性高于女性,男性死亡率随年度变化呈现下降趋势。不同交通运输方式发生的伤害死亡,以道路上为主(占伤害死亡的97.83%),其次为水上(占2.11%)。以行人、骑摩托车者和骑脚踏车者死亡居多。死亡发生月份集中在10-12月。结论:道路伤害是交通运输伤害的主要类型,需针对发生特点采取措施。  相似文献   



In randomized, controlled trials, antidepressant medications have been shown to reduce the duration of major depressive episodes and to reduce the frequency of relapse during long-term treatment. The epidemiological impact of antidepressant use on episode duration and relapse frequency, however, has not been described.  相似文献   

目的掌握宝鸡地区鼠类种群结构的动态变化和季节消长规律,为科学灭鼠提供依据。方法采用夹夜法,晚放晨收,每季监测一次。对2005-2008年宝鸡地区鼠情监测的资料进行分析。结果 4年中共捕获鼠类5种117只,黑线姬鼠占59.83%,为优势鼠种;小家鼠和褐家鼠分别占23.93%和17.95%,为常见鼠种。密度在3~4月份和9~10月份呈现2次小高峰。结论宝鸡市鼠种以黑线姬鼠为主,在每年的春秋2季分别开展一次灭鼠活动,有针对性地选择杀灭效果较好的毒饵和投饵方式。  相似文献   

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